The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, November 16, 1886, Image 1

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Two residents of Berryessa valley,
1 Napa count'', Cal., have within the
---- Issued-----
Devoted Principally to Washington Territory past six months killed twenty-one Army Officer« Heartily Tired of Chasing
the Plucky and Persisting Settlers.
coyotes and fifty-six wildcats. The
and California.
farmers and stockgrowers pay $30
"It is not half so much fun chasing
( apt. J.M. Foley,a initier living near each for coyote scalps, so the business these boomers out of Indian Territory
GirriMD's Bondins. McMinnville. Oregon, Eureka,
Nev., was blown to death by may be considered as fairly profitable. as some folks imagine,” an army offi­
— BY-
giant powder.
The Pacific Coast Steamship com­ cer observed when questioned on the
William Trask fell through a rail- pany and the Oregon Navigation have subject. “You see, most of them are
Publisher« and Proprietor«.
| road bridge at Ravenna, Cal., and dis- agreed to pay stevedores in their em­ full of Yankee pluck and independence,
located his spine.
ploy at San Francisco $3 per day of and they don’t care any more for the
nine hours’ work, and 40 cents for United States army than they would
On»T“r........................................................ »? S?
ing — a stock-grrwers
and " farmers’ pro- overtime. The present rate of wages for a swarm of mosquitoes. You can’t
SU month«................................
* 1
u -
--- ’ —
Three month» •
is 30 cents per hour, day or night, and scare an American with the army, be­
••• Ta tective association.
ten hours’ work.
Bute red in the PostoIHce at McMinnville, Or.,
cause he knows that the soldiers won’t
as second-class matter.
Articles of incorporation of the •hoot, and so we go marching around
street railroad is expected to arrive at
Shoalwater Bay Mill company have in military fashion, chasing this man
| San Diego shortly.
H. V. V. JOHNSON, M. D. While playing a game of baseball be< n filed at San Francisco, the object and that man, until the thing gets to be
at \ entura, Cal., one of the players being to carry on a lumber and milling a good deal of a farce.
Norlhwoat corner of Secund and B streets.
i business in Oregon and Washington
had an eye put out.
“What is needed out here is a police
I Territory. The capital stock is $150,-
M c M innville
A broad-gauge railroad is to be built 000, all of which has been subscribed. force of about two hundred men, armed
May 1» found «t his offloe when not absent on pro- | from Guerneville, Cal., into the red
with clubs. If I had such a command
hsJousl buahiaat-
| I wood forests ill
Robert Henry, a longshoreman, was I would keep Oklahoma clear until the
in that vicinitv.
At a recent theatrical performance shot in the back and badly wounded Government got ready to open it. The
day 1 found two or three men
in Chico, Cal., the entire audience on board the British bark Persia. other
The ship was at the wharf of the Ta­ and worn -n. with about a dozen chil­
consisted of just three persons.
Physicians and Surgeons, Some very rich quartz ledges bear­ coma mill, loading with lumber for dren, over the line getting readv to
Valpariso. John Solder did the shoot­ settle, and 1 told them they would have
M c M innville AND LAFAYETTE. OB.
ing free gold in large quantities have ing. He also beat another man badly to move on.
been found near Alpine, Cal.
w J. F. Galbreath,
M. D.. office over Yamhill County
“Where to?” asked one of the men.
with a belayingpin.
Bank MoMinuville, Oiegon.
“ ‘Anywhere,” says 1, ‘so long as
fl R Littlefield, M. D., office on Main street,
A hotel proprietor at Pasadena, Cal.,
The naked body of an unknown you get out of here. You can’t stay
Lafayette, Oregon.
has purchased thirty-nine burros for man was found in the ocean surf,
the amusement of his younger guests. about eight miles from Coloma, Cal. here."
“ ‘Why not?’ says he.
S. A. YOUNG-, M. D.
Gen. F.A. Walker has declined Sen­ The only clothing on the remains was
“‘Because.’ I explained, ‘this is Gov­
ator Leland Stanford’s offer of the a pair of gaiter shoes, and stockings ernment land and you know it. You’ll
Physician and Surgeon,
presidency of the latter’s university. marked with red. An inquest was Ijave to skip.’
The Young Men’s Christian Asso­ held and the remains taken to Co­
M c M innville
O regon .
"Well, they piled all their things
Office and re6denco on D street. All calls promptly ciation of Los Angeles is trying to loma for burial. There were no means and their children into a couple of big
wagonsand started north. We watched
aBiwerwl day or night.
raise $50,000, with which to > raise a of identification.
i building in that city.
James Ferry, about 65 years old, them awhile, and concluded that they
going for sure, but the next day,
The huge carcass of a dead whale committed suicide at a lodging house were
when we passed that way, there they
; stranded in San Leandro bay.
„. It was in Los Angeles by taking strychnine. were again in the old place. The
a blackfig whale, some sixty-five feet He left a note saying: “This world spokesman colored up a little when he
has been a hard world for me. I think saw me. and said:
OREGON. in length and thirty feet high.
W. E. Bunce was killed by a perma­ best to leave it. I have led a temper­
Offlo« - Two doors east of Bingham's furniture
“ ‘To tell the truth. Colonel, I just
ture explosion in the Pinto mine at ate and moral life. If there is a here­ thought this thing was all red tape and
Laughing gas administered for painloss oxtraction.
Stockton, Utah. He was an old Ari­ after I hope to enjoy it.” Deceased that so long as you hail done your duty
was a laboring, man.
Td take the responsibility of coming
zona and New Mexico prospector.
Two stages from Cherokee to Oro­ back. I didn't think you’d be here so
It's a run, is it?’
the sawmill at Bogus, Cal., had his ville, Cal., ran into each other. One soon.
“I told him it was a run and that if
neck broken by the chain giving way stage was badly wrecked and three he came in again I would have to place
and allowing the log to roll over him. lady passengers were injured. One of him under arrest. Then we escorted
|l and ft Ilouie. Singlo meals 25 cents,
had her head hurt on a rock, him and his party over the line, and
The seines of a single fisherman, them had
her chin cut to the bone and watched them for two or three days
flat Sampl« Boom« for C«mm«roial Men
near Seattle, recently landed no less one
the third received a cut six inches until they strolled away.
than 18,000 salmon. Several hauls long
the head, the skin and flesh
“Some of the boomers are worse than
were made, the highest single one be­ being on
cut through to the bone.
fleas. Plenty of them have no women
ing 5390.
B. McClellan came across a large and children with them, anil they move
A Chinese “boss” named Tom Kee deer
in the road near Santa Rosa, Cal., About with great celerity, 1 remember
has disappeared from San Jose, taking which was almost exhausted from » few weeks ago we came across an old
with him, it is said. $1600 which was running. He set his dog upon the fellow away down about twenty miles
due to a gang of Chinamen for pick- deer and followed closely himself, fcoiu the line. He had actually hauled
Up Stairs in Adams’ Building,
I >ng grapes.
The deer was finally brought to bay, in lumber and built himself a little
A company has been organized and Mr. McClellan, picking up a large shantv, in which he had been living a
M c M innville
which will make a thorough test of stone, struck the deer in the head, month or two. Over the door he had
I the possibility of obtaining artesian felling it to the ground. Its throat scratched with a lead pencil, ‘John
Kiley's Claim.’ When s.e rode up lie
water on the dry plains about Winne­ was then cut, and it soon expired.
was sitting out in front smoking his
John Wilson, a well-to-do black­ pip ■ anil reading his Bible.
Thomas Howell, the Southern smith, hired two tramps to work in
“ ‘What are you doing here?’ I
The Beat in the State.
Pacific Railroad fireman whose legs his vineyard at Los Angeles. While asked.
Ia prepared to furnish music for all occasions at reason
“ ‘Locatin’,’ said he.
able rates. Address
were so fearfully crushed recently by one of them talked very entertainly
“ ‘Well, you’ll have to get out,’ I
JN. J. ROWLAND, j Los Angeles.
and stole $750 in gold coin
Business Manager, McMinnville.
“ ‘What for?’ he asked.
i Daniel Wilson, while hauling a load stairs
which Wilson had laid aside to pay his
“ ‘Because ths land isn't open vet,
I of tanbark near Ukiah, Cal., struck a taxes, and a $60 gold chain belonging and our orders are to remove every­
rut in the road,throwing his four-year- to Mrs. Wilson. The pair then strolled body found here.’
| old eon under the wheels and causing out for a walk and have not yet re­
“ ‘Well, by thunder,' said the old
I death in a few moments.
man, ‘you can't remove one side of
The men who robbed the section
Robert Evan Sproule was executed me. Not much, you can’t.’ Stepping
the county jail at Victoria for the inside of his cabin, lie brought out a
Cerner Third and D streets, McMinnville
| robbed one at Dillon, have both been murder of Thomas Hammill, on the rifle, and continued: ‘I wore that
nniform of yours five years in
| captured and are awaiting examina­ 3d of June, 1885, on the border of there
when there was some mighty
LOGAN BROS. & HENDERSON, tion at Winnemucca, Nev.
Kootenai lake. There has been a di­ tall hustlin’ going on between the
Janies and the Potomac, and I'm cussed
sentenced Frink Gleicliauf to impris­ the murderer, he having been con­ if I’m going to be lassooed in this
onment for life. Gleichauf was con­ victed upon circumstantial evidence. way: I'm a peaceful settler, a-hurtin’
Ths Best Rigs in the City. Order» victed of the murder of Richard He asserted his innocence to the last. of nobody, and if the United States
Promptly Attended to Day or Night,
His request that his body be buried army comes a-pickin’ on me, then all
Schultz in a brewery last July.
there is to that me and Uncle Sam will
Henry B. Standerwick, well known on American soil was denied.
a row, and it's the first time, too.
Jacob Morris has commenced in the have
in journalistic circles all over the
You just go along, now, and let me
coast, died at Santa Clara, Cal., from Superior Court of San Francisco alone.’
“ORPHANS’ HOME” lung trouble. He was 30 years old, against M. J. McDonald and others to “I didn't want to make war on ont.
recover $20,000 damages for the death old soldier who appeared to be enjoy­
and leaves a wife and one child.
his son, David William Morris. ing himself, and so I gave him a week
A company with a capital of $100,
boy was employed by defendants to vacate his claim and p issed on. As
000 has been organized to build an The
their coal mine in Henryville, Coos luck would have it, it was a fortnight
A Strictly Temperance Beeert.
opera house at San Diego. The per­ in
bay, Or. He was killed by an explo­ before we got around that way again,
Son»« good(î) Ohuroh members ta the contrary not manent title to seats therein is being
sion of gas, caused by failure, it íb al­ and then the cab:n was gone. He had
sold at $500 each, to be chosen by lot. leged, of defendants to properly venti­ moved it away somewhere else, but
we’ll run across him after awhile.
Oliver Davis, a brakeman on the late the mine.
"I don’t wonder that the people want
railroad, was shot in the neck by a
“Orphans’ llom e
tr.iMp, at Willows, Cal. He will live, along near Belgrade, Montana, a young to get into that country. It’s the pret­
the bullet passing through themuscles man named Jones, mounted on a tiest in the world. We destroyed some
houses near a river bank that had been
of his neck anil coming out of his lively h< rse, began running a race occupied
by several families. We had
with the locomotive. He had not put them out two or three times, and
th« uni, first cluM, and the only parlor-ilk« shop In the
Martin Hayden wants $25,000 dam­ gone far when the horse began buck­ finally, to make a sure job of it, we
city. None but
ages from the Sacramento and Placer ing most obstinately, and becoming burned their houses. They had a
First-class Workmen Employed. ville Railroad, because, as is alleged, he uncontrollable, either jumped or fell magnificent site for a town, and h id
was struck by a tiain and “ deprived backward between the moving cars. selected it f >r that purpose. Their
Flret deor south of Yamhill County Bank Building.
of his mind.” The case is now on Young Jones was cut almost in two leader, a shrewd young fellow, came to
M c M innville , O regon .
across the hips; his legs were cut and me afterward, and wanted to make an
trial at Sacramento.
arrangement by which he could get Ills
The mackerel caught in Santa Bar­ broken and his skull crushed.
clamps on that particular section the
bara, Cal , channel are said to be
day the Territory was opened. He
An Odd German lax.
superior, when salted, to the Eastern settlers of Stevens county, W. T., was thought I could help him to it if J
wanted to. and he said if I would, he
It is well known that at every Ger­ article, and it is probable that a busi­
man watering-place the visitor, in ad­ ness will be made of catching and Haltway house, between Chewelah and would give me my pick of the corner
Colville. Parties coming to the house lots. I had to tail him that that was a
dition to being required to pay liberally preserving those fish.
matter with which I could not inter
for his necessities and luxuries, is sub­
A customs inspector at Tacoma found the door unlocked, anil going in fere.
jected to a "euro tax,” which varies seized two trunks which he was cer­ saw the dead body of Martin lying on
“We meet with a good many s i
the floor in a pool of blood. On ex­
according to locality, but is in no case tain were filled with opium, but after amination it was found that Martin cases, too, and I shall be glad when
inconsiderable. The Berlin Borsen- considerable trouble they were opened had been killed by a pistol ball which the country is opened up. —Hunne­
Courier for the first time raises the ques­ and found to contain coal specimens,
had passed through his heart. He well (Kan) Cor. N. Y. Sun.
tion whether there exists any legal neatly packed in cases.
was dressed only in his night clothes,
warrant for exaction of this “cure
—.sot many years ago John Hunt­
A man was run over and killed near which were not powder-burned, which ington
tax.” and suggests that it might be
was an oil ladler, working at
well for some courageous forei.nerto
day wages. He is now one of the
refuse to pay it, and submit the mat­
largest stockholders in the Standard
ter to a legal test. Or. since this is identified as John King, a German I If every farmer who cuts down a Oil Company, and Cleveland people
He had been drinking and tree will plant a young one in its es'imate his wealth at more thas five
the time of strikes, says the Borsen- Swiss.
Courier. why .«hould not ail the guests did not notice the train as it came I place, the result will be a constant mill on dollars.— Cleveland Leader.
at some popular watering place organ along.
supply of timber and fuel as well as I --Some Earthmen from the interior
ize and stride against the “cure tax?”
of Africa, now in London, are only
The 40 mile section of railroad west a , pro' u
—London Te'ograph.
The natural life of sheep is shorter four feet in height. They live almost
of Ellensburgh will be finished and
domestic ani-1 entirely under ground, and subsist on
-wop, tney say, can take measles ready for inspection by the Usited than that of any other is
the limit of
of I : insects. They u<te
use a sign language,
from children. They are quite wel­ States Commissioners by Nov. 15th. mal. Five or six years ough
come to them all. Measles can “go to The remainder of the line from the 40- practical usefulness, though valuable These people are the lowest in the
of humanity of any yet diacov-
tbs dogs," and no one will complain.— mile sectibn to the main tunnel will be breeding ewes may be kept one or two serie
years longer by careful treatment.
' I «red.
Boston Poti.
..nished about December 1st.
The Leading Hotel of McMinnville.
Limy, Feed and Salo Stables,
NO. 45
Public Men Who Began Ufe
as Humble Members of the Bar.
Alexander Stephens was admitted to
lie bar when ho was twenty-two, and
iis first year netted him $40). He got
■ingle fees of $20,000 before he died
mil was considered one of the greatest
lawyers of tho South.
Thomas Jefferson was making $5,000
a year at the bar when he first began
to dip into politics, and had he stuck
to it he would probably have died a
very rich man. Polities ruined him
and he died a bankrupt.
Alexander Hamilton was a lawyer,
and he went back to New York to
practice law after he ¡eft the Treasury.
Aaron Burr was one of the most
money-making of the lawyers of his
lay, and he made as high as $40,000 in
a single case.
Hamilton made $10,000 a rear on an
average, it is said, and William Wirt
thought he was doing well when his
yearly fees ran up as high as $6,000.
There is hardly a big lawyer of to­
day who is satisfied with loss than
$15.000 or $20,000 a year, and the fees
of many lawyers amount to more than
the President's salary.
I saw Ben Butler in the streets of
Wash ngton the other day in new
clothes, and I am told that his pro­
fessional income is not less than $100,-
000 a year.
Bob Toombs made $50,000 in the first
five years of his practice.
John Sherman thought he was doing
well when he started out as a young
lawyer and saved $500 a year.
Daniel Webster got big fees, but he
always spent more than ho made, and
he was constantly in debt.
Abo Lincoln did well at tho law, and
James Buchanan made $938 the first
year of his practice and increased this
amount in the fifth year to over $5,000.
In 1821 he made $11,000, but after ho
got into politics his practioi) dropped
off, and during his later years he prac­
tically ceased legal business.
Samuel Cox got $25 for his first law
case, and Spooner, of Wisconsin, was
receiving a salary of $10,000 a year as
a railroad lawyer before he wont to
Senator Payne, of Ohio, began life as
a lawyer.
Teller and Bowen got their first start
at the bar.
Charley Felton, who is perhaps the
richest man in the lower House, studied
law for six months and only tried one
ease. But he left the law for specula­
tion, and made a half dozen millions
outside of tho court business.
Senator Eustis, of Louisiana, is a
law professor, and Bayard studied law
after he found he was not cut out for a
merchant. Pig-Iron Kelley has been a
lawyer and a judge. Holman earned
some of his first money at the law.
Ingalls studied law in Massachusetts
and went West to practice.
Senator Voorhees is one of tho most
noted of our criminal lawyers, and
Hendricks was a very successful man
at tho bar.
Judge Hoadly was making $30,000 a
year when he was elected Governor of
Ohio, and Thurman worked his way up
through the law and into politics.
Tom Reed is a lawyer; McKinley, of
Ohio, practices law. and all tho digni­
taries on the Supreme Bench have, of
course, made big legal reputations be­
fore they got their appointments.
Nearly all our Presidents have been
lawyers, and all of them except Wash­
ington, Harrison. Taylor and Grant
were members of the bar.
Martin Van Buren was engaged to
be married before he began topractico,
and it was some years before his in­
come was large enough for him to wed.
Andy Johnson studied law after he
was married, and his wife taught him
the handwriting in which he prepared
his legal papers.
Both Millard Fillmore and Grover
Cleveland were Buffalo lawyers, and
they both had goo 1 practices.
Frank Pierce used to make as much
as $8.000 and $10,000 a year at the law,
and he preferred the bar to politics.
At present it is not uncommon for a
half-dozen Representatives to be away
from Washington City at a time trying
law cases Frank George Carpenter,
in Cleveland Leader.
An Article of Food
Which Would Defy
the Dij'e'ttive Power« of an Ostrich«
At la’t '.t has been discovered whore
the worst bread in the world is ma le—
it is in Svanstia, among the Caucasian
mountains. After reading the follow­
ing description by a recent travelor,
we ought to be thankful even if our
bread should be slightly sour or a little
heavy some times:
Conceive a thing like a large Sally
Lunn, only (latter, made of a mixture
of the coarsest oatmeal and sand, very
heavy, more than half sour and very
wet. When you have imagined this,
you have imagined the thing which the
jnsoyhisticated Svan looks upon as the
stall of life. Still, bad as it was. only
one .if our party refused to eat of it,
snd tlint one our interpreter. Platon.
At lirst J wasvery angry with him. con­
sul. nng that as lie had been bred in the
■■vnptry, what was good enough for
u« ought to be gooil I enough for hi
Hut h<- was right for all that, as our dis­
ordered digestions anil a violent attack
of 'iearl-l»iirn told us next morning
I'o cat the bri ad of Svanstia with im­
punity. even an ostrich would require
to b- nourished on it from earliest in­
fancy. ot ierwise it would assuredly In­
to« tuuch even for his digestion.
—Zip, Horsefly, Stiff, Shad and
Fodder are high-sounding name« of
post-oilices recently estabnshed in tha
West and South.— Chicago Herald.
—A deed covering thirty-three pages
of legal-cap paper, averaging eleven
words to the line and thirty-two lines
to the page, thus containing eleven
thousand six hundred and sixteen
words, was recently recorded in Moln-
tosh County, Ga.
—A twelve-year-old boy in Pleasant
Valley, ()., attempting to draw water
from a well fifty feet deep, fell-in. 'lie
went to the bottom without hitting the
stonos on tho sides, grasped the rope,
and was drawn out in safety by his
mother and sister.— Toledo Blade.
—An old soldier attending the
Knights of Pythias convention at To­
ronto attempted to alight from a mov­
ing train at Canandaigua one day re­
cently, when ho slipped and foil iu
such a manner that the wheel of the
car passed over his wooden hand and
severed it from the arm.
—John Wade, one day recently, at
Cowantown, Md., punished his vicious
bull-dog with a pitchfork. The next
when Wade came home he was met at
the gate by the revengeful canine,
which attacked him and was terribly
mangling him when he was rescued.
The brute was killed. — Baltimore Sun.
— Ona of the greatest advertisers of
ancient times was Trajan, who inserted
a whole column in the Boman Forum.
He put a cut of himself at the top of
the column, and ordered the whole
thing to run daily “tf.” The result
was that Trajan sold out his whole
stock long ago, and retired from busi­
ness.— Springfield (Mass.) Union.
—A Philadelphia physician says that
a great deal of what passes for heart
disease is only mild dyspepsia, that
nervousness is commonly bad temper,
and that two-thirds of the so-called
malaria is nothing but laziness. Prob­
ably he doesn’t tell his patients so, but
there ia no doubt a good deal of truth
in what ho says__ Boston Budget.
—Now Mexico newspapers tell of a
"norther” that passed over the north­
ern edge of Lincoln County accompan­
ied by hail-stones as large as a man’s
fist, doing great damage to sheep. One
man lost 3,000 killed, another 5,000, a
third 4,000 out of a herd of b wv
Merinos and Cotswolds. Several beeves
and some cattle were killed, and it was
rumored that the hail killed two herd­
ers also.
—A table giving the price of gas in
ninety-five of the principal cities of the
United States shows a total range in
price of from ninety cents to four dol­
lars per one thousand foot. Tho low­
est price is in Wilkesbarre, Pa., and
Wheeling, W. Va., near the heart oi
the coal regions, and tho highest rules
in Galveston and San Antonio, new
places and far removed from coal.—
Chicago Times.
—A sanguine young man in Now York
has started what seems to bo a new
line of business, lie has a lot of shot-
guns, s’ngb >d double-barreled, that
ho prepo
lend, for a considera-
ay, week, month or year.
tion, by t> j -ay,
lie reasons that in apopulation so large
as that of New York there must bt> a
great many people who would like to
go hunting if>tliey only had guns, so he
steps in "to supply along-felt want.”
— In Epping, N. H., where a number
of (¿linkers reside, says the Newbury­
port Herald, one of tho Friends was
disciplined for not attending the meet­
ing of tho society, ami among the
ohnrgos was one that he did not attend
the funeral of members of the society.
When the old gentleman heard this he
was willing to acknowledge his short­
comings, and made a confession, say­
ing: “1 shall be right glad to attend
all their funerals.”
When Isaiah Thomas, of Massa­
chusetts. was printing his almanac for
the year 1780. one of the boys asked
him what he should put opposite tho
"13th of July.” "Any thing, any thing.”
The boy, thus ordered, returned to the
office and set "rain, hail and snow.”
The country was all amazement when
the day arrived, for it actually rained,
hailed and snowed violently. From
that time Thomas' Almanac was in
great demand. -Baltimore American.
—A lively time was experienced by
an apiarist recently at Bruce Town-
«hip, Ont., when sixteert swarms of
his bees camo oil' at the same time and
besieged a branch of a tree, where they
formed a huge roll several feet in cir­
cumference and live feet long. He
separated them, finding out each of
the sixteen queen bees, which ho put
into a hive, anil gathered enough boos
to make a swarm, until he had the
whole sixteen quietly settled in new
—The new rose. Her Majesty, is so
popular .hat five hundred bushels were
sold at one auction during the present
season in New York. Howers, like
everything else, have their day of fash­
ion. and when the latter changes nei­
ther beauty nor fragrance avails. The
jacqueminot rose is still a favorite, but
the present craze for daisies and butter­
cups has impaired its sale. Last year
they were retailed for five cents, but
now you can buy a half-dozen for that
sum, an I they are sold singly at one
c. nt. — ,V. Y. Mail
—A man who believes and strictly
adheres to the adage. "Mind your own
buxines«,” is employed in the New York
Custom House. During a long illness
of ha wife, to whom he was greatly at­
tached. he carefullv refrained, from let­
ting anv of bia fellow employes know
that anything was wrong at borne, and
when she died and he had to lay off to
attend the funeral, he announced th«
fact by leaving a note to ’bis «fleet on
hia desk: "Gone to Auburn on busi­
ness.”— N. Y. Herald.