SEHI-WEEKLY WEST SIDE VOL. I M’MINNVILLE, OREGON, NOVEMBER 5, 1886. fest side telephone . ---- Issued----- VERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY —IN— Garrisott’s Building. McMinnville. Oregon, BY - L'almage Jt Turner, Publithera and Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ne year....................................................... 9? lx months.................................................... 1 25 hrst» months................................................ 75 ¡ntered in the Poetofflce at McMinnville, Or., as second-class matter. I. V. V. JOHNSON, M. D. Kurth west corner of Second and B streets, oMINNVILLH - OREGON - - May be found at his office when not absent on pro- iiional busfness LITTLEFIELD & CALBREATH, and Surgeons, ’hysicians M c M innville and lafayette . or . J. F. Galbreath, M. D„ office over Yamhill County ink MoMinnville, Oregon. H. R. Uttlefleld, M. D., office on Main streak, layette, Oregon. S. A. YOUNG-, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, d MINNVILLE - - • Office and residence on D street. awsred day or night. OREGON All calls promptly DR. G-. F. TUCKER. D1L5TIHT, t-MIKNVILLK - - OREGON. - Jffioe—Two doors east of Bingham’s furniture »re. Laughing gas administered for painless extraction. ST. CHARLES HOTEL he Leading Hotel of McMinnville. |1 and House. Single meals 25 cents, in* Sample looms for Cemmercial Men F.MULTNER. Prop. W. V. PRICE, ’HOTOGRAPHER UpStairs in Adams’ Building, MINNVILLE - - OREGON • USTER POST BAND, The Beat in the State. M*sparad to furnish music for all occasions at reason able rates. Address i. .i. rowland , Business Manager, McMinnville. M’MINNVILLE very, Feed and Sall Stables, Corner Third and D streets, McMinnville JGAN BROS. & HENDERSON, Proprietors. Th« Best Rigs in the City. Orders imptly Attended to Day or Night, ORPHANS’ HOME” BILLIARD HALL. A Strictly Temperanee Reaart. »• food(’) Church members to the oontrary not withstanding. Orphans’ Home’* TONSORIAL PARLORS, i only first class, and the only parlor-like shop in the city. None but ret - elaaa Worknen Employed. Irst door south of Yamhill County Bank Building. M c M innville , O regon . H. H. WELCH. WIT AND TELEPHONE. WISDOM. -Time makes age, and time will ne to man, even if he fails to come time.— S. O. Picayune. -Nothing so much destroys our peace mind as to hear another express an ention to give us a piece of his.—N. Herald- — It costs but little to live according the demands of nature, the main ex- ise is living according to the require- nt-s of fashion. —Hebrew Standard. -‘•Some men can take new furniture I make it look as if it was made a tury ago." says an exchange. So tome children.— Sew Haven Sew». -So live that thou shalt make the und thou walkest over the house ire thou dwellest. a sacred shrine the children who shall outlive thee. -The venerable Hopkins has been nected with Williams College for y-six years, and yet he can not sign name without mi king bis Mark.— veil Courier. NO. 42. analytic insight into tne deep accepting a necessary favor from a MARRIAGE fN PERSIA. DON’T BE A SCREW. problems of human existence which stranger. I wish,” he went on eio Bbe left the crowded plat form and alwayscharacterized his mental nature, quently, throwing his whole soul irn- Push the Greist Secret of Success la Amerl- reat Importance of the Mother-In-Law In The air waa filled with cheers, he saw that some remedy must be ap­ preaeivcly through his eyes, “to he ot the Land of the Shah. can Busluess Life. Her essay w«i ca sweetly blent plied. He was even then—at the anv service that I can." In mingled euilles ami tears. In Persia a girl marries to fill the "The law governing success in any moment the fair reader discovers him The young lady was speechless and business," says our Boston teacher in place of her husband’s confident and Her subleot "Woman's Mission" was, —on the way to apply it He had only shook her head. She treated It with care, metaphysics, “is as accurate in its friend, to rule his household, and,above mingled his last last cup of coffee with And showed the line of noble names “She is evidently affected,” thought Of women wlae and rare. al! things, to be a mother of children. cognation on the subject, and had de­ Archibald. “Now to press on to vic­ working as is that of the attraction ot termined to try a nail. The fork in his ■• marriage of the rich are generally “O, do not think to wed!" she said, gravitation. It seems an application ol tory.” He moved up an inch nearer “A slave unto the ring! hand, hitherto unexplainable, was in­ the same law. It is the mental condi­ . tilted by policy; while those of the and had a choice word just ready to TIs better tar In fanev's flight tended to wrench from its resting place To soar oil freedom's wingl fall from his lips, when the lady rose tion acting as a real magnet, which at­ middle and lower classes are often ar­ the desired article. Its head shone “Too prone we are to think," cried she. bright as a tallow candle on a dark suddenly, smiled at some one running tracts whatever briugs to success or fail­ ranged by the parents. Love matches “That marr age Is the goal after the car. “My husband,” said she, To which each maiden s pathway tends— night when he opened a cupboard door sweetly. “You can offer your sugges­ ure. Make up your mind that you will are the exception. Persians as a rule have a front seat in life and you attract try to arrange what they consider sutia- And all Life's currents roll. j and dragged out a box tilled with black bottles and marked in big letters tions to him.” Archibald fell back to you the powers that carry you to the ble matches for their cnildren. Polyg­ •My vo ce Is st'U for liberty, abashed as a stalwart young man, with front seat. If (in mind) you take tin "soap.” He smiled and wrenched off clear dark eyes and a big mustache, No bends of love for me! amy ie the exception and not the rule, I'll show the world a happy sight— part of the lid to get at it; then he put climbed into the ear. The lady greeted back seat, von get only the back seat. and where there aro two or more wive» A spinster wisely freer' the prongs carefully about its neck and him enthusiastically, like one very gla I The confident, determined mood oi there are also two or more establish­ She tripped away amid the flowers j bent downward on the handle. There of his presence, and whispered some­ mind, steadily kept up, brings to you That tiew from tar and wide; other confident people. Confidence in ments. Neither lodgings, money, serv­ 1 was a report, a howl and an expletive In Just four months she was of course, thing in his ear. Ho turned, glared at A proud and happy bride! which, in justice to Mr. McFadden, Archibald, and stepped toward hitn the business world means both cash and ants, clothes nor jewels are held in —Cleveland Sun and Voice. must be omitted. The tempered steel with clenched fists. “So, sir-r-r-! credit. There is not half money enough common, and the only source of con­ had snapped short off and a pronged said he—but a swash which made the in this country for doing its daily busi­ tention is the society of the husband. ness. What is lacking in coin and bank But the wives, instead of being jealous i hand struck him in the eye. oar reel, a crash, the breaking of glass, “Now, bv my halidom," said he, •nd the hoarse adjectives of the driver notes is made up by men’s names writ­ rivals, are usually the best of friends. While it is quite true that theoreti­ when the bright light of day struggled stopped him where he stood. One side ten on bits of paper promising to pat cally a man can be rid of his wife by A Hot Day, an Accident, and the into his retina again, “I can endure this of thecar grow dirk. He reeled, fell certain sums in a certain time. What keeps thousands ot noses on tl.i saving before witnesses, “Thon art bachelor’s life no longer. 1 must on the floor, and Archibald, bleeding Result. grindstone of hard times is that the divorced,” yet practically to obtain a change it for a better." from a cut on his forehead, fell beside nave no confidence or courage in them divorce in Pers a is almost ns difficult And Archibald McFadden was putting him. The Indy shrieke I. and an awful this rash rosolve into execution when howl r >se from the oth r passeng rs. selves to take risks or responsibilities as it is in Europe. In Persia the '• Al'-conquerlng heat O Intermit thv wrath, the reader formed his acquaintance. The oar had run into a hay wagon.— They keep a poor-hduse in their mind poorest of women doei not marry with­ and live in it. They aspire to be only n out a settlement, which has to be made And on my throbbing temples potent thus For Mr. McFadden was a man quick to 7 id- Ui'i. Hearn not so fierce."—Thomson's “.Sruxons." screw in the business machine insteai good in case of divorce; and at her set. It was a warm summer afternoon. of stalking out and making a machini marringe her relatives exact from the in. of their own. The screws are book husband tin acknowledgment of a far The sun was sinking behind the tall Kite steals along with silent tread. FORCE OF THE WIND. oftonest in what least we dread, keepers, telegraph operators, clerk larger portion than is actually paid to roofs and the shadows were falling full Found Frowns in the storm with angry brow. and all who uever plan any thing be- him. It is the liability to pay this, the half-way across the deserted street. But In the sunshine str-kei the blow. A b Important Question Which Is Still l yond a situation and steaily wages. “mehr,” that restrains the husband —Cowper. Shrouded In Mystery. Not one of them appeared to be able to Confidence and brains combined find from divorce save on the strongest As Archibald dusted off the seat with The recent clyclones which have such screws ready made by the thou­ grounds. In cases where mutual dis­ stand up. They crawled, stretched out. his palm leaf fan and puffed himself and in every way wrestled with the into it* he noticed a young lady stand­ swept over some of our Western States sand. It makes the screw do as much taste is very strong, and divorce desired stern d -croc of nature which mikes ing near the front door, talking very forcibly call to mind how meager our work for as little money as possible. by both parties, the matter is simply shadows always fall; but their only earnestly with the driver. The mule knowledge of them is, and also hint the When one screw is worn out it throwsit arranged by the wife agreeing not to exact the whole or even a part of her resumed operations suddenly, but that importance of systematically studying aside and gets another. progress was toward the limpid gutter The screws find fault with the monop­ settlement. There is another safe­ only disconnected the conversation, and the granite curbstone opposite. without breaking it off. “What is the their origin, direction and effect. The olist. Their real slavery is in their own guard against frivolous divorce: a One grizzlrd old man with a palm leaf matter?” said Archibald to a vinegary force exerted by them, as a factor minds. They never think, aspire, plan divorced man or woman does not find fan. a white sun-umbrella, a seersucker looking lady of uncertain age who sat entering into the calculations of the or demand in thought to be any thing it easy to make a respectable marriage. Th * marriage of first cousins is the coat, and a contingent reminder ot near him. The lady drew the folds of architect and engineer, should make an but screws. They think there is no wardrobe making th, usual complc- her dress a little closer to her, twitched intimate acquaintance with the laws place for them at the head of a business. favor te union. The reason is that cous­ Their first and great step toward stav­ ins have been acquaintances and friends her nose slightlj' but firmly, and re­ ment, was the only person v sible. He marked. with rather unnecessary vi*.ir governing them imperative. We are ing permanently at the tail of a business from childhood, while to all the rest of dodged forward from house to house, that she was not in the habit of being fairly familiar with their form and lies in thinking'that thev must rema n the world, save her brothers and sis­ pausing where the shade was thickest spoken to by strange men in the cars reasonably certain of the cause which at the tail. Because what is assumed ters. the young girl is a veiled mystery; and driving ahead with reckless energy Then she relented a little, if her feat- create them, but of the other and to ns or kept steadily in thought ahvay.- so that, unless there is a mutual dis­ where intervening spaces let the sun at ares were any indication, and finally infinitely more important part of the frames an outward exact like of itself inclination, or too great a disparity of him. He had nobody to express his told him that he might find out if lu question—the pressure—we are lament­ in what can be seen. If you think clean age, the Persian youth looks naturally opinion to. bit he was apparently listened. He thanked her—for he was ably ignorant. Whether wo will ever clothes you will always have clean to the "daughter of my uncle” as his slightly displeased with the weather. future wife. Often the cousins are be­ never deficient in politeness—struck be able to retard their progress, dimin­ clothes. At the third corner from the place her off his list of possibilit és and ad­ ish their power or successfully divert A working man ought never to look trothed from childhood. As a rule, where he was discovered by the gentle dressed his ear to tbe youag la ly's them from objects which we do not at a millionaire's palace without saying: classes do not mingle in marriage. reader, he sat down. A broad, cold story. wish endangered, aro elements of the "1 am going to have a palace like that.” The sons of merchants wed merchant's expanse of marble steps received him “I thought that ticket was all right,” problem that can only be discovered bv His saying this in dead earnest is one daughters, the young tradesman mutes and he uttered a sigh of pl -asure. Sud­ she said, taking one moment betwee methodical observation covering a wide thought among many others which with his like, and so with the members denly he got up again. The servant each word for an attractive blush, “i n territory, and taking into consideration pushes him toward and into his own of the servant and soldier elaaae». had been washing the steps and had if you s ty not I suppose I am nr- the topographical and atmospherical palace. Because it is your thought But in Persia, ub every win re else, forgotten to dry them. With a wild taken.” influences tending to their creation and that pushes you to do things. If yoi extraordinary personal attractions soon despairing cry he was about to make are in the apple trade and a thought become known an I have their advan­ “Oh oh-h-h!” she shrieked, after : oontinued existence. public the s-ntiment: “S’Death, Lam long look through the glas| hot. “.t There are but two plans for measur­ suddenly comes to you that you can sell tage. The beauty of the lower or mid­ undone,” when the cheerful tinkle of a a Turkish bath ticket! I bought a p.v'. ing the pressure of high winds: one by a hundred barrels oi apples at a certaii dle classes need not aspire ia vain. bell was heard. He turned and it | age only yesterday" the aid of instruments, and the other place, you can’t stay away from that The mother of the King’s eldest and turned. It came round the corner and i by calculating the force required to place. The idea will push you on. “Indeed,” said the prim la ly. w favorite son, the most powerful man in moved full force toward hitu. Attached her nose and inflect on rising at e- u overturn, or demolish obstacles which Real business dofis not lie alone in Persia, was the daughter of a miller, to it was a mule, and to the mule a angles, while the driver impart« d . have stood in their path. The first being industrious. The goody-goodi who caught the Shah's eye while wash­ streetcar. Two minutes later, any old information that neither he nor t plan is only of little practical value, books and maxims have only told hal. ing cloths at the brook-side. Many ii resident of Philadelphia standing near officers of the company w ;re 1 k - since the best anemometers are either the story about industry. A great deal poor and handsome girl is weddaJ this point of vantage would have ad­ to need such a thing. “I have afi'ien destroyed, or rendered inoperative, be­ depends on what you are industrious without portion for her beauty’s sajtu. mitted that it was one of the palatial however,” he was just going to sai fore registering the pressures we are about. If you spend all your time and The young wife does not ininiedir.te- i vehicles of the Nineteenth street line, i when the mule interrupted and the most interested in obtaining. The per­ strength in polishing tin pans or black­ ly assume the respons bilitie» of' h r He raised the signal of distress and : balance of the proposition died within fect anemometer has yet to be con­ ing your boots your industry won’t position. Carefully tended as a brido whistled to be taken on board, but for ' him. structed, and it matters not whether it carry you very high. The industrious for the first year of her wedded lift, a moment his damp bandanna baffled ' “I guess you will have to put in an­ is designed to give the velocity or pres­ mind in a rested body plans in an hour si “ willingly remains under the tute­ the breezes in vain. The driver evi­ other ticket,” he said, when he had sure of the wind, so long as it is accu­ what brings in more money than a tin lage of her mother-in-law. if she^iave dently ditl not notice him; he had the recovered himself. rate and so sensitive and quick respond­ pan polisher may earn "in a year. one, or if she be the daughter of a front door open and was talking po “But I haven’t one," said the maid­ ing that it will reg ster what we call People who work only or mostly with widow her mother usually accompanies lit ly—as is the habit of Philadelphia en, beginning to show the sparkle of gusts of wind. It should also unerringly their bodies have as good a right as the herto hernew establishment. Mothers- «tret car drivers—but firmly to some two tear-drops. “Didn’t J tell you I Follow all changes of direction in the capitalist to work with their minds. in law have a better time in Persiat'ian one inside the car. One or two pas­ picked up the wrong package?” wind, and, if possible, measure the up­ The world always wants newer things, in some other countries. There they sengers were on their feet, and there “Well, then, some money. Fiv« cents, ward or lifting power when this case more curious things, more improved are regarded us the natural guardians seemed to be a mutiny in progress. please!” arises. things, more amusing things. No of the inexperienced brid J. and the The mule, which at. first seemed to be It is a simple matter to estimate the workman in any trade, any art, anv proper care-takers of the young mother “I have none of that, either,” she listening to the driver’s remarks with said, tremulously. force expended after a body has been profession should be content with doing und her infant offspring. From tho approbation, turned away for ■ mo­ “Well,” said the driver, finally—but overturn' d, but when costly bridges are what some one has done before him. mother-in-law are learned the arts of ment to aim his tail at a fly, and caught Archibald McFadden, as we have seen, the objects operated upon, the experi­ even though he does it well. He housekeeping. Under her eyes ull sight of the neglected fare. He hesi­ was a man quick to act. ment is anything but economical. This should aim at doing something better purchaees are m ule from the huckster tated, waited for encouragement and "Never, sir," .«aid he, glancing de­ plan will only give us the force neces­ than any one has done before him. or female peddler, for a vis t to the stopp*d. An old colored woman with fiance around the car; “no woman sary to do the work, but the amount in When he <«in do this he must next push bazar by a young wife before she has a market basket, who had been stand­ shall be put out into the cold world excess of this we can only guess at To it on the world’s notice. blessed her husband with children ing near the back door trying to clutch while Archibald McFadden has the illustrate this: A locomotive was over­ Push is a talent as much as skill in would be considered u scandal among the bell-strap, shot out into the sun and money to pay her car fare.” turned in 1871, the calculated maxi­ any art. You can commence pushing the upper, middle or tradesman class. kissed the cobblestones very suddenly; j He had forgotten in his earnestness mum force required to do this being bv imagining yourself as a pusher Only among the very poor or the vil­ but there was no other visible damage, about the tern] erature, but the senti­ ninety-three pounds to the square foot; Keep yourself before yourself in your lagers does the young wife, save on and the old gentleman and his umbrella ment was all right. Then he put his the wind exerted a force greater than mind as a pusher, and such frame oi ceremonial occasions, leave the shadow -limbed into the car. honest hand into his pocket. He this, but how much can not be found. The mind w 11 at length make you push. of her husband's roof tree during the II. flushed a little and then made the same fact that a storm passes between two There is no power in a continual ini first year of her marriage. "To marrv s wife. If we rcg-iird V'e tru'h. agination of yourself in any certain t'onsulted in all m ilters, the Persia i Is an ev I; but It Is a necessary evil."—Men­ effort on the other side; then he tried points at a rate that will produce a cer­ his vest; then his coat tails, and then tain pressure to the square foot is of no character. Imagine that the best 11* wife is her husband's trusted confident ander. By a sudden movement the mnle the pockets where more sanguinary assistance, since it is not the average longs to you and you will find the best and counsellor. "But she is veiled, continued to stand still, and as it is men carry their revolvers. His hair but the maximum pressure we seek af­ coming to you. Imagine the worst, theqioor thins, closely veiled!" exclaims too hot to stand around with him. stood straight up as the search was ter. That the whole question of wind see yourself in the poor-house, and the the pitying Englishwoman Yes, she readers who are interested ntav as well finished and the palm of his hand still pressure is shrouded in darkness is poor-house comes to you. Success, like is veiled. And loath would she be to come in off the hot bricks to the home showed empty air. He would have shown by the difference in practice charity, must commence at home in the part with what she looks on ns a dis­ of Archibald McFadden. They will said n (thing about the cold world if he among the leading engineers of this mind. If now you are compelled to live tinction and a privilege. To her the find it more comfortable still. If had spoken again, it was remarkably country; and the allowances made for in a poor room and on poor fare, do so veil is the badge of modesty and the wind pressure, whether twenty, thirty, only under protest. Keep vour mini; token of respectability. they make the time about eight a. m., warm on his side of the car. And has she any accomplishment, when Archibald rose from his tardy i "Well, then,” began the driver once or fifty pounds to the foot, are the re­ on the bitter room anil the better fare breakfast. He had no coat on. and in- | more. “I was just going to say. when sults of individual study, not of com­ Don't say, “I 'spose I must always tali' any education; or is she merely the up with this.” Say instead. "1 am mother of the children? These ques­ stead of a palm-leaf fan, he had a fork j that old codger interrupted me, that I bined research.— Bapti»'. Weekly. going to have better things than these.” tions are easily answered. Many of in his hand; but they would need no | would let you ride free. You can pay introduction to him, for he had al­ the fare some other time.” —They were paring the elephants You are then creating for yourseli the Persian middle-class women are ready been introduced, later in the Archibald breathed harder than ever toe nails when I dropped into the circus strength, not weakness. You are thvi highly educated according to the day. puffing along the hot street, sit­ and the voting lady sat down. There yesterday morning. At a motion of ever strengthening this inexplicable Oriental ideas. They rc»l and often ting on the wet steps and climbing into was something about her he liked. The Prof. Newman one of the huge brutes mental attraction which will bringtliesi write poetry; they sing and play, as a the bob-tail car. He was through ; fair hair rippled back from her fore­ would tie loosened and come '«'Ward. things to vot».—Freni«* Mn'ford, i. rule, well, and are mistresses of all the arts of plain and fancy needle work; breakfasting when he rose up. for head like the wavelets on a sunny Ata word of command it wmld roll San Francisco Chronicle. co iking is a second nature to them; Archibald never left a good thing while brook, and her blue eyes beamed to­ over on its side. Then a keej •• would pastry-making and confectionery are it lasted, but he was evidently pained. ward him like the violets on its banks. straddle one of its feet and begin op th —The various committees of the Now He held the waist band of his trousers. “She is a better girl than the one I ti ms with a draw shave. The sharp York Y. M. C. A. employ 5H7 young among their pleasures. The accom­ plishments of the poor ones are natur­ Two buttons had departed and his sus­ am after," said he, “even if she has no edge cut through the tough, callous ally of a more useful kind. They are penders were left in the hirch. Gen­ money, and. by Jove, I’ll sacrifice my­ substance as it would through cheese. men as active workers. tlemen who have been unfortunate self. I’ll find out, however." he added, The chips show a light yellow color. ! —The Corean Government has issued good cooks and bread-bakers; they enough to have led a bachelor’s life, . prudently, “before the thing goes too with pinki-h tints. It is thro* or four ( an educational law which requires all make the clothes of the entire house­ and Iad:es who have heard them grow), far, whether she can sew on buttons or inches thick on some parts of the foot. children between eight and thirteen hold; thev often are able to add largely to the daily income by their knowledge are aware that the loss of two buttons not.” And then he braced himself up The animals seem to enjoy the opera- ' years of age to attend school. on one side approaches the awful pro- in his seat and patted hit hair down tion. It has to be performed two or [ —Baring Bros., the hankers, keep of some bus'ness or trade, anil none of porti« ns of a fatal accident Two but­ with his left hand. three times a year.— Chicago Sew». $30,000,000 in cash “ready for instant them are idle. - St. Jame»' daiette. tons so distributed as to make one de­ “Ahem, madame,” said he. “Ex- use.” In traveling through this vain --De only mistake whut nature parture on each side of the meridian cu-e me. but I was just in the act of | —Tl»e Governor of Algeria ha# dis- * 1 world there is nothing quite so handy line are not of so much consequence, h'dpingyou when that driver coarsely covered a Use fo* standing armies in as a nice snug little sum like that in a makes is in creatin' er mean pusson.— for statistics show that 738 out of ‘ interfered. Can I be of any forth -r time of peace. The 'greater part of t ie person's trousers pocket, ready the ! trkaneaw Traveler. every 1.000 bachelors live, move and service?” - Professor: "Mention an oxide.” gram crop, he reports, h is just b i n moment you want to use it.— S. K. have their being in that perilous condi­ Student: “Leather.” Professor: "Ox­ “No, sir, thank you,” said the fair saved by turning the military loos • m Mail. tion anyhow. But two on one side! one, sinking back into the corner a« if the locusts and crickets. No less than j —Two heartless young men of Plym­ ide of whatf Student: "Oxide of Ruin and desolation! There would be she were glad to be through with the 27fi eubi ■ meters of locusts’ eggs and outh, Mass., recently saturated the beef.” Exit Professor.— Medical and at least three inches difference risible adventure and c mversation. hair of a dog with kerosene and then Suryical Reporter. 9..*J i cubic meters of crickets were d to the public in the amount of striped —The expression "Thank mv stars!” set fire to it, burning the poor animal Archibald was discouraged but not stroved. I lie forced labor employe cassimere on duty at the ankles. cast down. He moved a little nearer for tins purpose, adds the report, reprr to death. The Society for the Preven­ is rarely heard from the mouth of a In »his case, that three inches applied j and cleared his throat. “Don't let any sent* a day's work of 1.700,000 natives tion of Cruelty to Animal« took up the theatrical manager. We do not pre­ directly to the ankles of Mr. Archibald | little feeling« of reserve," said he. in —a sail commentary on the son of th matter, and the two brutes are now in tend to know why; we s mply state tho McFadden, and with that piercing. | mild chosen word«, “prevent you from desert's capacity for work. fact- Bouton Transcript. the penitentiary. THE PRIZE ESS«.. A CAR ROMANCE.