/VEST side telephone , NOTICE. 4 Colfax W. T Onr Neighbors. Don't Experiment. j A oil cannot afford to waste time in expe- Oct., 22, 1886. There will be a meeting of the citizens (HE AGENT» ( riinenting when your lungs are in danger. Amity. E d . T elephone : — Perhaps a few notes ------- AT THE” of McMinnville, Oregon, held at Fire­ , Consumption always seems at first, only a October 28, 18S45. 'cold. Do not permit any dealer to impose Those wishing to subscribe for the men’s flail, Saturday evening Oc­ from the bunchgrass kingdom will be ac­ j upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. Mure rain, more rest. klephonk may do so through the fol­ tober 30th, at 7 o’clock, held for the ceptable. After spemling so many years ; King’s New Discovery for Consumption, in old Yamhill, with its broad farms, md Colds, but be sure you get the Times dull, and items scarce. pm pose of nominating city officers. ding persons: Because he van make more piofit forests ami rivers, this country is hard M any C itizen ' s . Mrj. Mills is steadily improving. . M. Kelly............. ............... Lafayette. ell you he has something just as BRICK YARD to get used to. Here i. W. Sappington ) . . North Yumliill. hills, rocks and . just the same. Don’t be deceived, PIONEER ’s little 7 gill i» recov- i ; *'•«« but iumm insist u upon getting Dr. rungs Kings New . Wm. . Vanbuskirk . | imu jc ’ uiik i»r. .New Dis- ms- Saunders Sentenced. , L. Castle f gorges alxmnd; water und timber are ering from quite a severe attack ot nore - ; cuvery. which is BMHuan*vru gumranieed iu i<> give rvnuf relief ----- or . « If. A. Graves . .. . ................. .Sheridan. scarce. Yet tins country, though of a throat. I ! in all Throat. (’Imst. affections. Throat, Lnnir Lung unit anu Chest ..........Amity. Special to tiie T elephone .] ;. L. Simpson *“ R°8Cr * T. G. Davis........ A lbany , Oct., 28.—W. W. Saunders district. The soil is black and produces ' farm west of tow n, lost a tine horse i 8. Williamson. ........... Wheatland. All available j Tuesday night, from the collie. Agents at other points in the county was sentenced to-day at 1 o'clock by excellent grain crops. Saved His Life. McMinnville, - - Oreg«» Judge R. P. Boise, ♦<< be hung between land in this immediate vicinity is oecu- j The new blacksmith shop on Trade i i fill be announced Boon. D. I. \\ ilcoxon. of Horse Cave, Ky.. says the hours of 12 and 2 o’clock, December pied, and wheat raising is the principal street is in full blast. But w hat has Who bas un hand i he was. for many vears, badly afflicted with OFFICIAL »IKKCTOK V. 23, 1886. Phthisic, also Diabetes; the pains were al­ industry. There are some fine farms, that got to do with Sam's frou, hey. A LARGE NUMBER OF BRICK Dr. V. L. Davis is in town visiting his i most unendurable and would sometimes al­ M ysterious N oises .—For several days but one everywhere sees evidences of TllIKD DISTRICT. most throw him intoconvulsions. He tried brother, Z. A. Davis, our popular rail- | Electric Bitters and got relief from the first And is ready to fill all orders for the. R. P. Boise. past mysterious noises have been heard the newness of the country. With age udge largest and boat brick in the eoanty, a* Geo. W. Belt. issuing from the direction of the Mason­ and development, this will become a road agent and show manager. Dr. j bottle and after taking six bottles, was en­ ’roswuting Attorney Davis is one of Roseburg’s leading jihys- 1 tirely cured, and had gained in flesh eigh­ COUNTY icians and we are pleased to acknowl­ teen pounds. Says he positively believes ic cemetery near this place; groaning fine section of the northwest. From $5 to $8 per Thousand. R. I’. Bird, he would have died, had it not been for the Colfax is a thriving town, number­ edge a call. enators ¡ .1. W. Watts. and muttering noises as if some person relief afforded by Electric Bitters. Sold at ing, perhaps, two thousands inhabitants. It. It. Lniiidilin, was in terrible distress, or some dead William Buffum, one of Amity’s young J fifty cents a bottle by Rogers & Todd. lepresentatives F. N Li’tle, It seems to be in process of booming, men followed off a wagon a few nights I Lafollett man’s spirit could not rest quietlj'. since, and has not been iieard from < ONE OF THE MOST NOTED European I. . Lougharv. People in some parts of the city became but old residents say it has always been since. mlgc said : _____ Neuralgia was the prayer notice of his whereabouts : physicians . . __________ ___ . J. S. Hibbs. frightened and spoke in hushed wispers so. Real estate is very high and would be Any u. Ur- gladlv received by his triends, j a deeaased nero Air licaltliv bl.ssf. Csc btnmissioncrs Geo. Dorsey. * AromatiJ' Wine for the blood. G. W. Briedwell. to each other. At last, how -ver, some all branches of business active. The as • i they think’lie has e gone to see his . I For lerk !■ or su p by hv Rogers «v Todd. i . k d sale T. J. Harris. courageous individual, who did not be­ city is on the Columbia and Palouse riv­ girl. lieriff rva-are.- W. W. Nelson. S kljjom . i REV. W. FISK REQ I’A. of Aurora, 111., —Dealer in— says; “1 have used Gilmore's Aromatic Wyatt Harris. lieve in ghosts or spirits, started to in­ er branch of the N. P. R. R., and is the .ssessor........... shipping point for a large section of Wine and find it an excellent household .1. A. <’. Freund. vestigate the mystery. He proceeded in rhool Supt Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, Farm for Sale. remedy that none ought tu do without. For . J. I). Fenton. the direction of the noise, and as he country. lirveyor sale by Rogers Toad. 1>. C. Narver. neared the fair grounds the mutterings nroner ........ Colfax, li.ke McMinnville, is a city of Cutlery, Fine Fishing l’aekle The Win White place 2'•., miles east THE PRETTIEST LADY in Olean was and groans became louder, till every schools. The public schools occupy asked what made her complexion so clear Cigars, Etc. of this city is in my hands for sale. This hair on his head stood on end. He pro­ new and elegant buildings, and enroll WE HAVE” beautiful. She said it was by using ceeded on, however, till at last all was 200 or more pupils. Tire college now in farm consists of 280 acres of land well and Gilmore’s Aromatic wine. For sale bv Everything that is utually explained. Some boys had been play­ its first year of eoljege work, is under Special attention given to repairing Gu •ept in a first class Drug Store ing about the old water wheel on the direction of a competent faculty, and en­ improved and can be had for $25 pet­ Rogers Todd. Pistols, Sewing Machines, Suw Filing, Eir. acre, if sold before December 1st. MRS. L. LOOMIS, of Elba. N ’ . Y.. writes fair ground and had removed the rail rolls a large number of academic stu ­ I have in my shop as tine a power cross­ giich ice will sell you, as cheap that she was sick for six months, was in­ feed lathe as cun be found in the stats ami that held the wheel and let it run by the dents witli freshman and sophomore i Terms very easy. Also some valuable us « any one. Come and see us. duced to try Gilmore’s Aromatic Wine, action of the water in the ditch, and the classes. The contract for building the personal property can be had with the and four bottles cured her. For sale by am fully prepared to ROGERS S- TODD. noise it made as it moved slowly round new college building will soon be let tarin cheap, good 4-vear old horse, 6 Rogers oor westeof Baxter * Martln'e THE WIFE, MOTHER AND MAID who of his folks awoke him with the cry that we’d like a good Oregon mist, anil tlig Eggs, 25 cents. suffer from Female weakness and Debility, To the Farmer -----MISS----- the town was on fire. He got np in a hur­ content ot a Yamhill apple orchard. will find Gilmore’s Aromatic a positive Butter, 50 cents. H al . B. cure. For sale by Rogers & Todd. ry and listened a moment, Sure Messrs. F. Barnekoff & Co., have Fresh mince pies at Grissen’s bakery. GILMORE’S AROMATIC i« a great suc­ enough, our old cracked fire bell was Fresh roasted peanuts at H. If. playing a lively tune, he thought, He Religious Services-Sunday Next. thoroughly renovated and overhauled cess. therefore we challenge the World to the Fellows’ warehouse at McMinnville, produce its eipial as a restorative fur wom­ i'elch’s. tf aroused some of his neighbors and hur- St. James’ rlinrch. Rev. John C. ¡ recently purchased by them and are now an. For sate by Rogers A: Todd. Mr. S. Potter of Sheridan was in town ried down town. When he got close REV I. M. DERBY, of Linden, N. Y.. Fair, rector. Services 11 a. m.( and ' ready to receive grain. They will clean Wednesday. says; “The Gilmore Aromatic Wine prov­ enough to know the difference he found 7 8)0 p. in. and store at 3 cents, and will be ready ed a great blessing to my wife.’, For sale The sidewalk is being laid in front of out that a charivari party with tin cans, Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. le new hotel. Friday evening services at 7:00 p m. to buy and pay the highest price going, by Rogers & Todd. and a cracked fire bell made good deal Seats free. All a.e cordially invited to in cash . Sacks kept on hand and sold the same noise. Wat is too good na- For a square meal goto the St. Charles to farmers at the lowest rates. This is a tured to get mad, hut he went back to attend. -only 25 cents. ! perfectly responsible firm, and those bed sadder and wiser. Ladies, jilease call and see my M. E. church — services will be held i having grain to sell or store, or in need Don't forget the mass meeting to- at 11 a. m. and at 7:30 p. ni. ; of sacks, should call and see them. tf Iglit at Grange hall. H ome and L aid up .—Eddie Fuller ar­ Subject in the morning: “Sons of Best full cream cheese 15 cents per lb. rived home from Corvallis on yesterday God.” In the evening: “The great Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. I Baxter & Martin’s. ;.9t4 afternoon’s train. He is suffering from enthusiast of the Apostolic times.” i All are cordially invited. Will have an early Fall Stock. Best meal in the city for 25 cents, at a badly jammed up foot, and will be dis­ The best salve in the world for cuts, R ev . II. 1’. S atchwell , Pastor. he McMinnville Hotel 8tf abled for a while, lie has been work­ bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever Social meeting at 11 o’clock every Remember the social hop at hand ing at his trade, carpentering, at Cor­ Lord ’s day at the Christian church. sores, tetter, ehapped hands, chilblains, all to-morrow evening. vallis. Wednesday, while working in a Sunday sebol every Sabbath at 3 o’clock. corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi­ tively cures piles, or no pay required. Two hundred and twenty pupils are warehouse, a heavy stick of timber, 22 St. James’ (Catholic) church. Mass »rolled at the public school. feet long and 12 inches square, fell as at 10:30 a m on the second and fourth It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac­ tion, or money refuuded. Price 25 McMinnville, Oregon. Jones 4 Co., are getting lots of baled they were raising it to its position, ami Sundays of each month. Sunday school cents per box. For sale by Rogers & —Executed at the— rebounding, one end struck his foot. at 2 :30 p. in. every Sunday. ly in their barn, these days, Todd. 29yl lias been thoroughly renovated and la naw j. S. W hite , Rector. Ed says it hurts and he is going to stay rea.ly to receive grain. Baxter A Martin have the best Gun- till it gets well; but he don’t know how To Rent. ' Services at the Baptist church. — »wder tea in the market. Try it. 39t4 long th it will take. He has our sympa­ Preaching morning and evening at usu ­ Baxter 4 Martin have first-class can­ thies for his accident, but we are glad’ al hours Storaee and Cleaning, 3 cent.. Calentta Subject for 11 a. m. A house of four good-sized rooms, sacks constantly on hand and sold at the id sugar corn for $2 40 per case. 39t4 to welcome him home. “The 1 he great preacher and the great ser s ­ lowest rates. neat and clean ; plenty of room for gard ­ |>. m., “My &<«« Gospel.” H appy F armers .—There is no need of mon.” For 7 p. Hon. Geo. H. Durham, of Portland, All are ening ¡good well of water. Situated as in the city a day or two, this week. telling folks how it rained Wednesday Sunday school at 9 :30 a. ni. Will rent cordially invited to attend. Strangers just, outside of city limits. Baxter 4 Martin keep the best selec- and Thursday, for the fact was patent. welcome. cheap. Enquire at this office. G. J. B urchett . on of crockery and glassware in town. But probably few thought how much it Pastor. Farmers are respectfully invited to rail and see us, F. Honsewirth and Geo. Brisbine, of was needed and appreciated by the Wanted ! C. P. church, Services nt the usual forth Yamhill, were in town Wednes- farmers. All over the county, now, hours. Subject for forenoon discourse, tf WM. GALLOWAY Prop. av. the plow will be started. The long dry “Are Faith and Hope swallowed up and -10 ^or<’s O1 Gak Wood, to be deliv- lost in lieaven? ” Subject for evening, Five pounds Java coffee with a fine fall with just enough rain for aggravation, 7 ered on board the cars at McMinn­ i|> and saucer for $1, at Baxter & Mur­ has kept our best friends in enforced “Can the world afford to exchange ville. For further particulars enquire EÜRISK0 MARKET! n’s. 39t4 Christianity for anything else? ” Sun ­ idleness. But now they can “turn day school 9:30 a. tn. All are invited at this office or of Jno. J. Sax. “Uncle Billy“ Chapman, of Sheridan themselves loose,” and soon they will and made welcome to these services. —The Only— lid us a pleasant call one day this have in the seed for another haruest. A rm H urt .—Mrs. Chandler, of Forer t T. H. H enderson , Pastor. For the sake of our “main stays” we eek. Grove, has been visiting Mrs. Belle W. hope it will prove the most profitable There is some talk of re-orginizing the crop they ever planted. Cooke, at 513 Commercial street, for Résolut ions of Condolence. nateur dramatic troupe again this —SVCCZSSOK TO D. C. XARVEK— several days. She intended returning inter. In the City. CllARiVARiF.D.-“Bud” Paine was treat­ A mity O b ., Oct. 27, ’86. to her home on Friday last, but acci­ Baxter & Martin sell Japan tea for 40 Tin place where you can get juicy steaks At a regular meeting of the Amity dentally fell, hurting her arm so severe­ ed with an old fashioned chari ­ mts per lb., which is sold elsewhere for and line roasts—all ut the lowest market vari last Tuesday night, upon Lodge, No. 67, I. O. O. F., Oct. 23, ’86, ly that she will not be able to go for sev­ ) cents. Try it. 39t4 price. Fresh Fish Tuesduys and Fridays. the following resolutions were unani­ eral weeks yet. She is one of the pion­ his return from Portland. Tin pans, Use Fur West baking powder, best and Always a Fat Cow on Hand. eer women of Oregon. — Statesman. Mrs. leapest. Sold only by Baxter 4 Mar­ cow bells and horse-fiddles predomina­ mously adopted: AVhereas, It has pleased the Almighty Chandler was for years a resident of ted, and made night hideous for a few ti. Samples free. 39t4 Itf W. J. GARRISON & CO. McMinnville, and lias many relatives George Cornet is the efficient and gen- minutes. “Bud.” however, took the to remove from our midst our late | and friends here who will be sorry to SHERIDAN----- etnanly artist in Welch’s Tonsoral Par­ mutter good-naturedly ami g ive the boys brother Boughton Everette Sanders. 1 learn of lier accident. a couple of dollars, and they went off rs, after August 6. tf Whereas, The intimate relations long after eider, well satisfied. G un L ost or S tolen .—October 25th, ■ Carries the Largest and Best Stock held by otir deceased brother with the The maple trees are almost denuded I their leaves. Another reminder that M c G ibnkts C oming .—We were shown members of this lodge render it proper i from my wagon between McMinnville inter is almost here. in Yamhill County. a letter by a member of Custer Poet that we should place on record our ap­ ami my shingle camp 17 miles north- ' Blackburn 4 Peckham have just re­ band to the effect that the celebrated preciation of his services as an Odd Fel-1 west of town, a 45-70 Marlin rifle, new j lived and are unpacking a fine lino of musical MeGibney family would appear low and his merits as a man. Therefore , boxed, with gun cover and two boxes of imtner dress goods, hosiery 4c. * shells. It is supposed the gun was tak­ in this city December 14, and asking t»e it Resolved, By this lodge that while we en by a couple of tramps who begged a Post office Inspector G. W. Mason was th it the opera house be secured for l the city yesterday. He has been up them for that date. They will be placed how with humble submission to the will ride. A suitable reward will be paid of the Most High, «e do not mourn less for the recovery of the same, left at the | ie valley in discharge of Ins duties. under the management of onr band and for departed brother. A full line of gun store of W.F. Collard, McMinnville. ■ Fellows’ door-mat telephone electric on this account ns well as on their own Resolved. That tiiis lodge tender its H enry D vnzeb . •ngloineration is "outof whack." Some merits they should be well patronized. heartfelt sympathy to the family and rues it works and some times it don't. relatives of our deceased brother in their W ill I mprove His S tock .—Mr. Jno. M ikado by A mateurs .—Books con­ sad affliction. Attention is called to the advert iso­ Store, one door south of bridge, Sheridan, Evenden, last Wednesday received from taining the words and music of Gilbert Resolved, That these resblutions be Oregon. ent of Lee Laughlin, of North Yamhill, Broadmeads a fine thoroughbred Cots ­ hich will be found under “New To- & Sullivan’s comic opera, “The Mika­ entered u .on the minutes of the journal ’ ty.” do,” have been ordered from Portland. ot this lodge and that a copy of them be j wold ram, one of the five yearlings ex­ OPPOSITION I sent to the family of our deceased broth­ A portable forge, anvil ami vise, just If they can be obtained there, it is prob­ er, and the} be published in the county hibited at the last state fair at Salem. e thing for some farmer to have, for able that a company of amateurs will be papers. He is a fine animal and Mr. Evenden • le cheap at Frank Collard's shooting deserves credit for his efforts to improve (G uyon S pringer . fo-med here for the purpose of giving illery. 38tf the stock of Yamhill county. Next to Yamhill County Bank. Committee - W. H. H arrison . the opera at this place some time this Third Street Bet. I) and E. 5tf (J. W. B kikdwell . Vinegar, 25 cents per gallon, in large fall. We shall know in a few days. M c M innville - , O regos . T humb S hot Orr. — Last Tuesday, our small quantities; sweet cider, 15 Having Bought the- old friend Eli Branson, of Sheridan met nts per gallon, at the cider mill of T he L ecture .—Prof. Colby, of Flori­ S wapping S pit .—A few nights since The Largest and Fine«t SU»ck ever brought Io. J. Sax. 29tf da, lectured in the opera house Wednes­ when all was quiet, and the citizens ol with a serious accident. While climb­ to Yuiuliill County. Mrs. Jack Esson, nee Miss Clara Gil- day and Thur» lav night on spiritualism. McMinnville were taking their wonted ing over a fence w th a jtnn in his hand im, returned to her home in Portland Good aiidieifi’es were present both even­ rest, four of this city’s youthful swains it was accidentally discharged tearing Boot, and Shoes inaile to order and neatly ednesday. She has been up for some ings. The professor is a smooth, pleas­ off the thumb from his left hand. Dis. repaired. were out promenading and enjoying the Smith and Michaux were called and ne visiting her parents. Business of Lognn Bros. A Hender ­ ant talker, and also a good singer. He night air. Upon reaching the corner of dressed his wounds. son, I am ready to «to »11 kinds of All members ot the Band of Hope are goes from here to Salem and will be in Prices to the Bedrock. quested to be on hand at the M. E. attendance at the state convention of Second and E streets, after talking, gig­ 1 DIELS« HXEIDEi: C andy P ulling . — - The candy pulling Trucking and Delivering spiritualists. gling and more giggling, the party separ­ tirch, Satnrday at 2 o’clock, to make at the Grange hall Wednesday evening rangements for a conce-t. At Any Time. ated, the young ladies starting west on W anted .—Will some of onr subscrib­ was enjoyed by everybody present. [Billiards at the “Orphan's Home” 15 ers favor us with their copy ot the T ele ­ Second street. Alter proceeding, we Owing to the rain not so many were Delivery Wagon Always Ready. ™ts per game of 34 poir.ts ; 20 cents fo might say about sixty feet from the cor ­ phone of the issue of October 22? We there as would have been otherwise. fih-t Mr n Trial. I points, ami 25 cents for 50 points would like about a half a dozen copies, ner, one of the young ladies said, “let’s The ladies deserve groat praise for their hen one player discounts the othe>. H. H. W elch . as they are asked for by friends of go back and kiss the boys.” Her com­ efforts to make everybody have a good .XI. S. panion replied.“1 dare yon,’’and as quick time. Those wishing photographs t>om the Booty Sanders, and our supply is ex­ is a flash both young ladies, to use an il negatives at Sanders & Martin's, hausted. annv phrase, about faced and started S tate N ormal S< itma. —We bare re­ in obtain them bv leaving orders this Ltrz D iplon ».—The state board of double quick, overtaking th«* Imys, who ceived a circular of the »talc normal lek with F. J. Martin, at Baxter A education has granted J. A. C. Freund, had, from some cause, not advanced far Reboot of Monmouth. Thia school has artin’s. 39t4 M< MINNA ILLE, OREGON. from the place of separation. Without a of this city, county school superintend­ word of warning being spoken each girl an excellent faculty and well deserve» Mr. C. J. S. Greer, brother-in-law of Alwayx on hand tl c l>est quality of Beef, I J. Spencer. Esq., of this city, arrived ent of Yamhill conntv, a life teacher's in a threatening manner threw her arms the support it receives. Mutton, Pork, and Ire last night, lie is on his w.iv >■ diploma, on certificates from other around the boys' necks, and right there, Blackburn A- Peckham, the agents of In the City. in tl.e pale light of the stars, they — ilifomia via Yaqnina. and stopped •.fates anil lower grivle certificates from kissed and kissed. No cakes, no names! (’has. H. Dodd A Co., are doing the er here to visit relatives and friends Oregon. — boss machine boniness of the county, F. W. F ewtom . W. D. F enton . ts mentioned elsewhere in onr , ' I T ax L ew .—It is thought that the V ery 111.—Mr. George Wilcox, onr sold some 25 twine binders and two ins. Mr. Bradley had charge ot the FENTON * FENTON, efficient telegraph operator and station steam threshers. ce here during the sickness of state will set a tax of two mills for agent, is lying very ill at his residence general expenses, one-tenth of a mill Farmers having wool to sell will do A.T X.-A.'W . Wilcox. Mr. Btadley returned tn home in Cornelius yeterday, and for «tate university and half a mill for in this city, with typhoid fever, Mr. well to consult Blacxburn & Peeksm be­ LlE.t YETTE, OREGON. fore selling as they pay the higlieii • F.. L. Rector, of»l: alsev takes his debt, making a total of two and three- Bradley of Cornelius has charge of af­ prices in the county. otites S» C-