Treatment of a Shying Horse. f —•• Why does a horse shy? Because he sees something which he does not under­ stand, and is filled with a greater or less degree of fear, something as the boy feels when he shys at the burying-ground and goes around to keep clear of it. It may be some new or unusual object that the horse sees, or it may be an imperfect view of it. Even a familiar object, if it comes to view suddenly and unexpectedly will cause a horse to shy or jump, just as an unexpected object or sound causes a nervous person to start. When a per son is so startled, how much would it improve the matter to be scolded at or given a cut with a whip? Just as much as the same treatment would in the case of the horse. Harshness only aggravates the matter. The more the horse is scolded and whipped the more nervous he gets, and every time he passes the place where the fright and whipping oc­ curred he will begin to prick up his ears, and fidget, ready for another jump. Give him the lines and he will go by in a hurry. The proper way is never to strike or scold a horse that is startled or fright­ ened. Speak to him coolly, calmly*', and kindly; give him time to see and collect his scattered senses, and make him feel that you are his.. friend and protector. When he sees that all is right, there is an end to all further trouble. We have seen a horse refuse to cross an unsafe­ looking bridge, but when the driver took him by the bits and walked ahead, the horse cautiously followed. Next time he required no coaxing or urging to cross the bridge. He might have been whipped into it at first, but was not the milder course, although a little trouble, the bet­ ter one? The horse showed his confi­ dence in thedriverever afterward.—Live Stock Journal. _______ RAILROADS IN MEXICO. Wlist They Hi*»« Don« to Arou«« »• Ex. treuiely Con»«r»»tlve People. PITH AND PUIN I. You can whip anything mil of n child but hudne-s, or whip an; th tig nto it b it goodness. -Lijnn i nion. —•‘ The ram b' ng old farm-house" 1- not confined to the East sin 'c. the Wet b gan to enjoy a monopoly of cycloti s —A K. Independent. —^'Pa, who was Horace Greeley?" ••He was an ed tor, Bertie.’’ “Pa, did he used to wri’e the base-ball reports?' ••No, B' rtie, 1 beiieve not.” ••Humph' He couldn't have Is on much of an ed­ itor, then." T —A 'adv was once lamenting the ill- luck which attended her affairs, when a friend, wishing to con ole her, bale h r “look upon tho bl ight s de.' • ( h.” shi‘ sigln <1, “there se unto be no bright s de.” “Then polsh up the dark one,” was the qu ck repjy.— Brooklyn I'nion. —Nervous old lady (on seventh floor of hotel) —“Do you know what pre cautions the proprietor of the hotel has taken against tire?” Porter—“Yis, muni; he has the place iushoored for twice wot it's worth. ”— N. F. Times. — Grandpa—Tell me, Ethel, why d > you have six buttons on yourglmes? Ethel Yes, grandpa, dear. 1 will tell you. The reason is, if I had seven but­ tons or five they would not match the six buttonholes.—.5^ 1’ Sun. AGRICULTURAL NOTES. A Column Devoted to the Intere»« of Farmer» and ttockmen. A GREAT RAH»., A NOVEL TREATMENT FOR RHEUMATISM The Chicago, Milwaukee way Company now uttl)s " nearly tifty-alx hundred nji oughly .equipped road in J consili, Minnesota, low. S‘ Dakota. Each recurring j-J' extended In all direction,;, necessities of the rapidly tiotis of couutry west, ¿T southwest of Chicago, »nd™ market for the product* 0( u agricultural and stock-raini»? the world. In Illinois miles of track; in Wboomin' in Iowa 1,575 miles; iu m J miles: In Dakota 1,190 lulles (now building) 159 ""!e», not yet. Il has terminals ii cities as Chicago, Milwzuta St. Paul. Minneapolis, Farm'; Council Bluffs, Omaha and ¡¡J and along its lines are liundsd and small thriving cities, lages. Manufacturing inter«; vated, and all branches of encouragement. The Kail»., has a .just appreciation uf th»; patrons, and its magnificent a the result of the good busine» characterizes the inanagen, Max and Paul are the favorite boys’ affairs. The popularity of the linefc. names in Germany, and Anna and Murtha the favorite girls' names One boy out of the fact that notwithstanding every eight or nine is ca'led Max. Of 4f 00 school girls, 438 are called Anna and 455 Martha._______ ________ Milwaukee, St. Paul and Minn EVERYTHING GOE8 WRONG is the liest patronized routed In ______________ the bodily mechanism when the liver ... out of order. Constipation, dyspepsia, contam­ all points in Wisconsin, Mi» It vou ever had a touch of this disease you will appreciate what is said by the following corre-pendents in reference to the results of treatment by Componmi Oxygen: Mrs. Margaretta B ir a Philadelphia lauy living at Nineteenth aud Filbert streets, says: “Nearly twenty years ago 1 was attacked by rheumatism. 1 suffered from it for years aud was reduced almost to a skeleton. My condition led iny physi­ cian to conclude that I could not live more than a few weeks. About this time, in 1 bl, a friend had been wonderfully helped by Compound Oxygen. With hardly a liopg of success 1 began the treatment. 1 am no longer ail invalid in any respect. Bin uniat ism is ¡/one tony nyo. This is only a specimen. Hundreds of letters of similar character are on tile in I he offices of Hrs. S tarkey & P aiev , 1529 arch street. Philadelphia; some of them are printed in full in a monograph on "Rheu­ matism.” and others in a volume of nearly two hundred pages, both of which you may receive fr. e by mail for the asking Orders for the Compound Oxygen Home Treatment will betilled by 11. A. Mathews, 615 Powell Street, San Francisco. The American railroads in Mexico have Hot-house strawberries are selling already done much to arouse the most i in New York at $4 per box. stubbornly conservative people on the face of the globe from their lethargy, Canada charges forty cents for every and in a manner that no other instru­ bushel of peaches that enters that mentality probably could have effected. country from the U. 8. When the locomotive first appeared, it is The beet sugar crop of Germany said that the people of whole villages this year is estimated at tied affrighted from their habitations, or ami that of all Europe at 2,09a,921 organized processions with religious em­ j tons. blems and holy water, to exorcise and Dakota farmers are growing flax for repel the monster. During the first year fuel It is said a tfin of flax straw is of the experience of the Mexican Central, ' worth more to burn than a ton oi sott armed guards also were considered an essential accompaniment of every train, coal. as had been the case on the Vera Cruz Chesire, Mass., farmers are disposing railroad since its opening in 1873. But of their surplus apples at $10 a ton, to all this is now a matter of the past, and I be shipped to a mince-meat factory in so impressed is the government with the Mexico. importance of keeping its railroad sys­ Some families of Jerseys are no bet­ tem safe and intact that the Mexican ter than “ scrubs,” and a poor del^®y congress recently decreed instant execu­ bull in a neighborhood will spoil the tion, without any formal trial, to any reputation of the breed. one caught in the act of wrecking or Counterfeit butter is ruled out of all robbing a train. the public institutions of Paris by the That any improved methods of inter­ communication between different peo­ authorities, it having been found not ple or countries—common roads, vessels, to satisfactorily fill the place of but­ railroads, or vehicles, or the like —in­ ter with the sick. crease the production and exchange of WHAT BAKING POWDER SHALL Small chickens should never be ination of the blood, imperfect agsimiUUon, are certain to ensue. But it is easy to prevent these commodities, is accepted as an economic WE USE. kept or fed with old ones; they are consequences, and remove their cause, by a axiom. But there could be no more apt to be injured. Have two or three This plain question comes home to course of Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, which striking and practical illustration of this yards and separate them according to stimulates the biliary organ and regulates its On all it* through lines of. law than a little recent experience on every housekeeper. VVe all desire action. The direct result is a disappearance of Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Pg the line of the Mexican National rail­ pure and wholesome food, and this size and strength. runs ike most perfectly equip« Y’oung chickens need animal food. the pains beneath the ribs and through the Sleeping. road. The corn crop, which is the main cannot be had with the use of impure Parlor, and Dinini shoulder blade, the nausea, headaches, yellow­ When it fails to do them good it is in ness of the skin, furred look of the tongue, and Coaches. No effort is spaivd i reliance of the people living along the or poisonous baking- powder. There sour odor of the breath, which chaiacterizu the liest a coinniodations ] consequence of the common fault of present southern extension of t his road for liver complaint. Sound digestion and a regular and, in addition, pan, food, had for several years prior to 1885, can be no longer a question that all | over-feeding. They cannot bear large habit of body are blessings also secured by the inoitey, are sure of courteous lre»a use uf this celebrated restorative of health, road failed by reason of drought; and, under the cheaper, lower grad" of baking rations of rich food. which imparts a degree of vigor to the body its employes. ordinary circumstances, great suffering powders contain either alum, lime or Take it all in "11, the Chic« The cultivation of any crop that which is its best guarantee of safety from malarial epidemics. Nerve weakness and kee & St. Paul is the peer ol through starvation would inevitably will completely shade the land, such over tension are relieved by it, aud it improves in this or any other couniry. phosphatic acid. As loth as we may Reaeons In Southarn California. have ensued. The natives, however, soon There are but two seasons, strictly learned that with the railroad had come be to admit so much against what as cabbage, squash, corn-fodder sown both appetite and sleep. The Treasury Department,, speaking, in southern California—spring a ready market, at from 2 1-2 to 3 cents may have been some of our household thick, will kill every root of witch There is no monument over the grave of j grass in one season. I*resident Tyler, and it is grass grown and population of the count j at'»j and summer. By residents spring is per pound for the fiberknown as “ixtle;” Ben Snipes of Yakima county, W. neglected. ------------- ----------------- called winter; but there is nothing in the product of a species of agave, which gods, there can be no gainsaying the S ick and bilious he dacbe, that period, even faintly, suggestive of grows in great abundance in the moun­ unanimous testimony of the official j T., expected to raise 1500 bushels of INVALIDS’ HOTEL AND 8UR0ICAL INSTI­ rangements of stomach and b winter in any other western or any east­ tainous region of that section of coun­ I chemists. Indeed, analysts seem to wheat on his ranch, but when it was by Dr. Pierce’s “t'ellets'' or TUTE. ern state. To distinguish it from the try, and which has recently come into I find no baking powder entirely free threshed it measured 2579 bushels, This widely celebrated institution, lo granules. 25centsavil. N»_ long dry summer, many call the period ’extensive use in Europe and the United j from some one of these objectionable j which made the yield fifty-one bushels cated at Buffalo, N. Y„ is organized with to allow waste of virtues. Bji between November and April the rainy States for the manufacture of brushes, ingredients except the Royal, and that | per acre. a full stall' of eighteen experienced aud The total valuation of the »j skillful Physicians and Surg- oils, consti­ season. Although this characterization ladies’ corsets, mats cordage, etc. And I they report as chemically pure. We The best varieties of lettuce for suni- tuting the most complete organization of nf Florida is only *60,(Ml,(XU, t is correct in a general way, yet the so well have they improved their knowl­ find some of the baking powders adver- I mer use are the yellow butter and the medical and surgical skill in America, for half that of San Francisco. amount of rain which falls in those fivt edge and opportunities that the quantity , tisedas pure, to contain, under the tests ! white summer cabbage. In a deep, ths treatment of all chronic diseases, NOT FROM HAMBUlt or six months is never as great as that of ixtle transported by tile Mexican Na­ of Profs. Chandler, Habirshaw and oth­ i well-enriched soil they stand the heat whether requiring medical or Burgical Every one has heard ol Hi of an ordinary spring and summer in tional railroad has risen from 224,788 ers, nearly twelve per cent, of lime, well and remain for a long time in a means for their cure. Marvelous siicce -s FIGS, and some persons hire ■ has been achieved in the cure of all nasal they grow Illinois or any of the eastern states. In pounds in 1882 to 700,341 in 1883, to 3,- while other are made from alum with Th ri throat and luhg diseases, liver and kidney are simply in a Hamburg. the latter part of this period the foliage, 498,407 in 1884, and 3,531,195 in the first no cream of tartar. This, we presume I condition for use. crystalized fnii: diseases, diseases of the digestive organs, Do not plant the stumps of cab­ bladder, diseases diseases peculiar to which is unsurpassed for then wild flowers and vegetables begin to seven months of 1885; while with the accounts for their lack of leavening stipatien, piles, liver comilii» bage to grow seed from. You may grow luxuriantly. money proceeds the producers have been power as sometimes complained of by ■ therby get cabbage Beed that cost women, blood taint and skin diseases tion, dyspepsia and sick bm rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous debility, cents. At all druggists. J. J.M Winters are usually different from each able to buy more corn from Texas than other, but summers are usually alike. they would have obtained had their the cook, and for the bitter taste found nothing, but like most other things paralysis, epilepsy (fits), spermatorrhea, proprieto s, S. F. impotency and kiudr. d affections. Thou There are a few more sunny days in one crops been successful, and have had in in the biscuits so frequently com­ j got without expense it will be worth sands are cured at their homes through , even less than it costs. summer than another, and occasionally addition, and probably for the first time plained of by ourselves. correspondence. The cure of the worst But aside from the inferiority of the a summer may come in which a slight in their lives, some surplus cash to ex­ ruptures, pile tumors, varicocele, hydro­ Montana will send fully 250,000 cele work done by these powders the phys- and strictures are guaranteed, with sprinkle of rain will fall. There is no pend for other purposes. j iologists assure us that limes and alum ■ head of cattle to market this season, only a short residence at the institution. other difference between any one sum What sort of things these poor Mexi­ j taken into the system in such quan­ | and we should not be surprised if the Send 10 cents in stem, s for the Invalids' When the »» a Child, she cried fa mer and any other one. In winter all i1- cans would buy if they could was in­ Book ( 68 pages), which gives all titles as this are injurioi injurious. They are ' aggregate reached 275,000 head. From Guide uncertainty. There may be a large dicated to the writer by seeing in the tities particulars. Address World s Dispensary When she became Miss, she clasp 75 to 100 cars are loaded every day, ( Wot decomposed by heat t nor dissolved Whan she had Children, ebegmth Medical Association, Buffalo, N. x. amount of rain, in which case the farmei hut of a laborer, on the line of the Mexi­ a or baking. ' They go with and it will go on till December. is happy over the prospects of luxuriate can Central railroad—a place destitute of i in mixing The navy of the United Stales is to be Near North Yakima, W. T., E. R. crops, or there may be little rain until almost every comfort, or article of furni­ the bread, therefore,unto the stomach, increased by eighteen war vessels at a cost the end of the season, and just about the ture or convenience—a bright, new, | where their physiological effects are Learning planted five acres of peanuts of $. 0,091,000. _______ time the farmer’s despair is tho deepest, small kerosene lamp, than which noth­ | indigestion, dyspepsia, or worst evils. last spring and now has crop equal Best, easiest to uho and chei| SHAKING PALSY. The question naturally arises, why to any ever raised in Tennessee. The a long series of showers may come, ing that fell under his observation in Remedy for Catarrh. Bydnii which will quickly make him forget his Mexico was more remarkable and inter­ do these cheap baking powder makers vines are loaded and the nuts large and DR. FLINT’S HEART REMEDY, is forebodings. Sometimes his spirits are esting. Remarkable and interesting be­ I use these things? Alum is three cents well matured. Yakima seems adapted efficacious in case»» o shaking palsy, which have defied all other remedies, exercising successively raised anil cast down and cause neither this man, nor his father, a pound, lime still cheaper while to the raising of almost anything pro­ its influence directly upon the nervous raised again by rains in November and possibly, since the world to them began cream of tartar costs thirty-five or duced in the sunny south. system, which is weak and excitable. At December, drougth in January and Feh had ever before known anything better forty. The reason for the chemical English farmers first learned the druggists, 81.10. Descriptive treatise ruary and rain again in March and than a blazing brand as a method for purity of the Royal Baking Powder beneficial effects of phosphate on with each bottle; or address J. J. Mack & Co., S. F. April.—Theodores. Van Dyke. illumination at night; and hail never had were recently given in the New York turnips. It is equally good for cabbage Times in an interesting description of New Zealand'* Edible Mtul. either the knowledge, the desire, or the either in seed bed or after transplant­ A REMEDY FOR LUNO DISEASES. One of these mud volcanoes—•. Huka— means of obtaining anything superior. a new method for refining argols, or ing. For cabbage it has a specific Dr. Robert Newton, late President of spews forth a very plastic and fine paste, But at last, through contract with and crude cream of tartar. It seems that effect in preventing the disease called the Eclectic College, ot the City of New which the natives eat and enjoy. It employment on the American railroad, it is only under this process that club root, which is apt to prevail York, and formerly of Cincinnati, Ohio, tastes like flour paste very slightly sweet- the desire, the opportunity, the means to cream of tartar can be freed front the where cabbages are grown more than used DR. WM. HALL’S BALSAM very extensively in his practice, as many ol hi» Absolutely ' ened. I did not like it at all. and purchase, and the knowledge of the lime natural to it and rendered chem­ one year on the same land. Eatients, now living, and restored to Free from Opiates, Kmetla doubt if it is fattening. We were simple mechanism of the lamp, had ically pure; that the patentsand plant ealth by the use of this invaluab'e medi ­ Profit in farming consists in devot­ quite hungry, but this edible mml did come to this humble, isolated Mexican for this cost the Royal Baking Powder cine. can amply testify. He always said SAFE. not tempt us, and we moved on to the peasant; and out of the germ of progress Company about half a million dollars, ing most of your land to grass and that so good a remedy ought not to be con­ SURE. stock ; in making large quantities of sidered merely as a patent medicine, but margin of Lake Rotomahana, where thus spontaneously, as it were, developed and that they maintain exclusive manure, and applying it to a small that it ought to be prescribed free'y by PROMPT. lunch was awaiting us. The Maoris had by the wayside, may come influences control of the rights. D huggmtb and D kalkm . every physi ian as a sovereign remedy in A t THE CHARLEN A- VOGELER CO-111 cooked |K>tatoes and fresh water crabtish more potent for civilization and the ele­ Prof. McMurtrie, late chief chemist portion of cultivated land, giving high all cases of Lung dise-ses. It cures Con­ for us in the stream of the boiling spring, vation of humanity in Mexico than all of the Department of Agriculture at cultivation. In this way more grain, sumption, and all pectoral complaints. covering the opening with cross sticks, that church and state have been able to Washington, D. C., in the interests of roots, etc., will be raised on the farm A TWO CENT STAMP placing the potats, etc., on theso and effect within the last three centuries.— commerce, made an examination of than by the usual skimming and half with your full address to A. V. H. covering the whole with grass, which David A. Wells in Popular Science this process, and reported upon the cultivating process. Here is success Sent Carpenter, General Passenger Agent, Mil­ sufficiently confines the steam. I sat Monthly. results attained in the refined cream in a nutshell. Your farm and pocket waukee, Wis., will bring you one of the down on a flat stone, and, enjoying my followiug named publications, issued for of tartar. The following extract from will grow fat; no mistake about it. Origin of a Sponge Plantation. free distribution by the Chicago, Milwau­ lunch and the surroundings, gave myself his report would seem to answer the It is shown that if each person in kee & St. Paul Railway : I used to know an old oysterman in question repeated at the head of this United States eats one egg per day— up to the quiet pleasure of the occasion, of the Northwest. when I felt an increasing warmth where New London who had quite a museum article, and which is so frequently which, from the number used in cook­ Gems A Tale of Ten Cities. I was sitting, and suddenly had to spring of sponges which he had raked up from propounded by the house keeper: Uncle Sam’s Journey. ing, might be taken as a fair average Guide to Summer Homes. from my seat, an unexpected burst of the bottom of the sound. They were too “I have examined the cream of tar­ —this would amount to an aggregate The Overland Journey. small and ligneous in character to have steam from under the rock giving me tar used by the Royal Baking Powder of over $350,000,000 per annum for The Northwest and Far West. the hint to leave.—New Zealand letter. any commercial value, but he had a Company in the manufacture of their eggs alone. Plain Facts About Dakota. The value of poultry theory that better and more useful baking powder, and find it to be per­ All of these publications are finely illus­ “Coca” Not a New Keniedy. consumed has gone up now to $127,- s|Ntnge" could be planted where he had and .contain valuable information Notwithstanding the prominence at­ found them, and cultivated to protit. fectly pure, and free from lime in any 000,000. The value of stock carried trated which can be obtained in no other way. ns chzkik « « ' "*< »oô« ub l£'‘rilliM ’’ tained by coca, within a comparatively Being a poor man, he never made the form. The chemical tests to which I over each year is placed at $27,000,000, cgj) have submitter! the Royal Baking recent time, it was in fact introduced experiment. Some one else did, though, and the sale of fancy fowls and eggs •»■LOr ,h® £ureof Cwwwh or More .. a iuia . » « lhront. Brown's ^Bronchial Troc,'us" TO LOVERS OF some years ago in France, where it has ami there is a sponge plantation at Powder prove it perfectly healthful, at $¡>,000,000. This gives a total of are a simple remedy. Owing to making a change in our bu* rendered most valuable service in thera- Stratford point, Conn., where a sub­ and free from every deleterious sub­ something like $545,000,000 as the pautics. Professor lioucliardat considers merged reef is planted with the animals, stance.” We call the particular attention of the annual value of the poultry produc- readers of this paper to the advertisement the coca as a stimulant to the nervous '■rougbt fioni Florida. They flourished —A certain editor of a weekly news­ tion of America in a year. of the Pierce Well Excavator Co. of New and muscular systems, and terms it also rapi tly, I am assured, and, though some- paper made it a practice of “stopping Al COST! An orchard of plums and prunes ,____ York, whom we know to be a perfectly u "substance depargne," or that which wluit coaise in fiber, have an extensive the press to anuounce,” if he hau reliable concern and the largest manufac We mean juet what we «ay Call ot *** f»ee for your8dvp* prevents the rapid waste of tissue, and ..mim r. ial value. So we may expect nothing more important to annout.ct is undoubtedly the most profitable turers ot Well Drilling and Well Boring thus enables the consumer to go a long to see the stony shore from than .a do£ fight. One week every thing that can be grown here. The soil and Machinery in the United States. They J. H. ROBBINS & SON. I time without food. The leaf contains an »lamlord to the Rhode Island line em- waaudullas a Patent Office report, climate are well adapted to their cul­ will send a beautifully illustrated cata­ VAN B. DuLAHHMUTT, logue. showing how artesian and oil wells essential oil, which f of an aromatic .< wvivd in sponges, and the sturdy but the ruling passion cropped out as tivation, the trees yield abundantly, are P"*ldW8AM J. OORMAB. drilled, to those who will send them and tlwre is always a demand for the odor coupled with the flavor of the fresh follows: “ We stop the press to an ­ four cents in stamps to pay postage. •: »tor-catchers, who are complaining of METW0L1TAN SAVINGS BANIJ plant; and the slightly acid and hitter .»• steady disappearance of their shelly nounce that nothing has occurred since fruit, green or dried. Dried fruit, like Tr.lM.ct« • Genera B»nktal w“" M en look slovenly wi-h run-over heels In wrest on deposit«"*’"""" taste of the leaf is attributed to the pres­ nine, rinding another source of revenue we went to press of sufficient interest wheat, has the world for a market, On 3 month)« oertifleat«* ♦ P® ^raight’; ence of tannin, and to the alkaloid— i t..e lolister's haunt».—New York to induce us to stop the press and an­ and there is springing up in Europe a 2Í?cenL .e^lSrUffe“er’ keep On 6 monthi certiÜcaW« J P® On 12 month! oertlflcaUa • F nounce it.”— Texas Siftings. demand for that dried on this coast, somewhat akin to atropine—so well ■ o". "Bubble." dtuctob *! especially for plums and prunes. On known as "cocaine." A pharmacist Jud«e W W Thayer —Bobbie and Rube were playing fn?h«« p T?8 & MJ°re when in Portland Jud itz T a BIRTH MARKS reply, "1 have had nothing but trouble la* satisfied and stick to it.— Tacoma IX^CuticÄ have to eat.”— l/arper's Bazar. because they trusted his judgment so — He was a poet and he was t ik ng Com merer. implicitly. He seemed to think that to n itli the stockings. My father took the be thought infallible was far more olio with the gold pieces and my brotlie« to M sa Ethel in the con-ervatorv, and the one with the sweets."—Chicago Trib­ as she toyed w th the ice which he had where I will have more eoraw*- Germany sent out 103/57 emigrants last F°taUtÄX0BJtHhKHsu^i«d Sçs'P. of and burdensome than to have one's falli­ une. better facilities for dieplajW hist brought her. she inquired: “Mr year. bility emphasized as in his younger »tock of Rimer, you write a good deal of poetrv. days. He now recognizes the limitations Th« Bees' Ideal Civilisation. O ne among the many eminent church don’t you.?” ••O. yes. Miss Ethel’’ he dignitaries and blood di..-a£k ,nd olher ‘“herited guns fishingt of medical science.—Boston Advertiser. who have given their public skin "The l>ees have an ideal civilization, ir an-w red. “and it conics so ea-dv to eudorsement to the wonderful efficacy of oCa7an"eîqX^lfnkl«“d And 8portmen'» Ct which if a fellow turns idler and standi me. Why. do you know. I expect it is S'. Jacobs Oil, in case of rhuematism and and Cl-TICVR* R kw Ì i vïv» S, hfler Moi'demi and F.wther. Send for New Illustrated I s*»" on the comer to ogle the females they more work *or you to read mv poems other painful ailments, la the Right Rev ­ " cÆ'w* ir " new 00,1 Puri - The tomb of Mordecai and Queen Esther is still visited by Hebrew pil­ sting him to death and drop him down than it is lor me to write them?" “Yes. erend Bishop Gi'.nour, Cleveland, Ohio. H. T. HUDSON.” grims, and is well preserved in the cen­ as focal for tlB ants.—Washington Mc­ I expect it is. ' »he answered, covlv: It hss lately been discover»! that the “and it mii-t be so much pleasanter to ter of the town of llamadan, in Persia. Lean in an Interview. rnrr x pi : urn »» write them than to read them.” And reason that boys are so impecunious is be ÖRI O asp ClIKMlCALCo Po’TW rntt wau . or . namsj ' t , \ Industry am a rack in which dar’ am A Canadian railway company h:v then he looked up at the shrubs th it cause they are so frequently strapped. 1 lighted with it. Frt* al wav» n neg to hang upon« mo' workin'- fitted up a number of its ears will grew around them and said noth'ng. RAY TAYLOR A CO.. Bo’ T he only cough mix'ure before the peo ­ l'eaknew^neeani 1 ' Morene«» and while she continued to tov with the bathing facilities. man's coat. êÂK «War* ple, that contains no opiates or narcotics chilly, orange flavored ice. is Red Star Cough Cure. Price, '¿5 cents. orPainis 30 ORGANS and 1» , WANTED A « ®f enero lor burin tWmncra Corn* GAN h» Be mptly )RI Stri» goodff) > I" J1