kfEST SIDE TELEPHONE. OLII AGENTS, Those wishing to subscribe for the L lki ’ iione may innnssioners Geo. Dorsev. G. W. Briedwell. erk T. .1. Harris. criff W. W. Nelson. ensure? . Wyatt Harris. «essor . Iiool Snpt.... J. A. C. Freund C alled M eeting .—At a called meet­ J. !>. Fenton. ing of the engine and hose companies rveyor D. C. Narver ron’er last night, the following officers were elected to till vacancies caused by death, Ifc'E HAVE" resignation, etc.: pres., W. V. Price; Everything that is usually vice pres., T. II. Rogers; sec., G. F. rpt in a first class Drug Store Tucker; treas., C. W. Talmage. A war \hich we will sell you as cheap rant on the treasurer was also ordered d awn to help defray expenses attend­ r ami one. Come ami see us. ant upon ttie sickness and death of B. ROGERS TODD, E. Sanders, late president of Eclipse The Druggists. Engine company. [ e LEJ’IIONE whisperings . I a . R. Logan is in Portland on bti-i- rl’he Star mills are to be rebuilt. Lod. It aunty court meets next Monday No- jinber 1. bliss Flora Russ is suffering from a were cold Will Logan is now assistant in our kitoffiee. J)-. Baker of Astoria, is up on a visit the old home. The “I am somewhat of a liar myself” rd is the latest out. I Best full cream cheese 15 cents per lb. at Baxter & Martin’s. 39t4 Mrs. Dr. Tucker returned Saturday an her visit at Brownsville. I W. H. Warren, purser on the steamer I iletn, spent Sunday in this city. W ill be R ebuilt .—We aro glad to be able to say, on the authority ot Mr. Jno. J. Sax, that the Star mills are to be re- built at once. Work will begin as soon as the bids for the work are all in and one accepted, which, lie says, will be by the last of this week or the middle of next. And won’t everybisly be glad, though? The excellent flair furnished right at our doors by this mill has been sad y missed. College Notes, O in* 2sei u-1 il joins To the Farmer. BRICK! BRiGKI Now. Mr. Editor, please don’t make Messrs. F. Barnekoff & Co., have Camp Polk, Or. mo say “ultiuiarian” again. Surely ------- AT TUU— thoroughly renovated and overhauled I October 20, 1886. there is not such a word in the una­ the Fellows’ warehouse at McMinnville, E d . T elephone :—1 am hero. Had a recently purchased by them and are now I bridged dictionary. It is no pur pose of Jackson to introduce words in these col­ good time coming over the mountains, ready to receive grain. They will clean [ umns that have no meaning. New considering nil things, The roads were and store at 3 cents, ami wfll be ready PTAhTVIPB DDTPV* VA1M1 lArlaJ. words are hard to make, and more, the badly cut up by the travel. I found to buy ami pay the highest price going, FlUIN.uljl* liitlvix world is slow in adopting words w ithout , about four inches ol snow on the sum- ! in cash . Sacks kept on hand and sold OF—— proper author ity. Here let the sentence , m it of the mountains for four or five j to farmers at the lowest rates. This is a i he repeated to which reference has been j miles, and more snow coming down at a perfectly responsible firm, ami those] iiaving grain to sell or store, or in need] made. “Parents are to blame, in part, lively rate. of sacks, should call and see them, tf I broke a tire on the lava beds, wrap­ for this utilitarian view of life.” That McMinnville, - • Oregon, ped the felloe ami tire with a rope and Farm for Sale. is to say, utility in a business sense is came on as though nothing had happen­ Who Las on hand made the sole end in view in education. ed. Soon alter leaving the snow 1 found I miles east Au education must of necessity be use­ the roads quite dry and in some places I The Win White place A LARGE NUMBER OF BRICK of this city is in my hands for sale. This ful in many- respects, and to limit the even dusty. Found tiie folks here enjoying the best ■ farm consists of _______ ...___ 230 acres of land well And is ready to fill all orders for the training of the mind to one class ot sub­ largest and best brick in the cointy, a. of u,’d stock in tine condition, i improved and can be had for $25 per jects is simply to give it a wrong bias. A ihe mornings aie quite frosty witii acre, if sold before December 1st. skillful nurseryman wilt not shear all j considerable ice. . From $5 to $8 per Thousand. the limbs off one side ot a tree and leave I The R. R. company have been grad- ■ Terms very easy. Also some valuable ,ing and hauling in iron to secure the . personal property can be had with the the limbs on the ptlier side ; neither will right of way to the Minto pass. They j farm cheap, good 4-year old horse, 6 a judicious parent cut short the avenues have withdrawn their forces however, head of cattle, 50 full blood merinr od merina of learning in one direction, while in an­ for fear of being caught by the winter l sheep, 1 new wagon, some hay, sheaf oats and household furniture. other direction full scope is given to the snows where they could not get out. More anon perhaps. C. IV. T ai . maor , faculties of the m'lid. If man were a G. C. R. McMinnville, Or. mental machine, and possessed no other —Dealer in— powers of mind than those necessary to Happy Valley. Don’t Experiment. conduct business successfully, there I Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, October 25, 1880. You cannot afford to waste time in expe­ might be some ground for limiting his rimenting when your lungs are in danger. Health was never better in this vicin ­ Cutlery, Fine Fishing Tackle, Consumption always seems at first, only a education to a few fundamental urinci cold. Do not permit any dealer t > impose pies. Sneli is not the case. Man is a ity. Cigars, Etc. upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr. Plowing is progressing finely and i King’s New Discovery for Consumption. two fold being, He is susceptible of a summer fallow looks fine. Coughs and Colds, but be sure you get the Special attention given to repairing (hmsK high degree of culture, It is the sturdy genuine. Because he cun make more nrolit Pistols, Sewing Machines, Saw Filing, Etc. oak, with branches developed in every i School is progressing finely under the lie may toll von lie has something ji st as 1 have in my shop as fine a power cross­ good, or just the same. Don't be *>s of broad culture can withstand tire blast*- this l e of interest to the readers of the T ele ­ Trial bottles free at Roge.’ A Todd's Dr.i Repair Broken Machinery of adversity ; and after the storm is pass­ ! phone . Store. ed, can right itself with dignity and self- Most ot the boy« have returned from of all kinds—Farm Machinery, Traction possession. Engines, Etc. the fair. Messis Al Ewing uhd John Mis. Hunt of Corvallis, accompanied < nsey have got back and report a good D. I. Wilcoxon, of Horse Cvve Ky.. «ays Ono Door west of Baxter A ATarHii's her two sons to th« college last week, time. he was, for mtiny vears, badly afflicted with Phthisic, also Diabetes ; the pains were ill- l’licy me promising young men and will Chas. Wymer fonn irly of this place, most. unemlurab'e and would sometimes al­ ---- MISS---- advance in their studies. but now ol Woods, Tiil.imook Co. is most throw him intoeonvulsions. He tried Hon. Wm. Gallowav brought two of over on a visit. We acknowledge a E'ectri • Bitters and got relief from the first hischildien to the school during the pleasant call. Come again Charley. buttle and after taking six bottles. Was en­ week. They enter the preparatory de . tirely cured, and had gained in flesh eigh­ O. B. M erry . teen pounds. Says he positively believes paitment. he would have died, had it not been for the Miss Doxie Kiley is seen again on Col-T Lafayet te. relief aribrded bv Electric Bitters. Sold at legeside. We understand she is intend- I fifty cents a bottle by Rogers A Todd. October 25, 1886. ing to enter school. Mrs. Ruegg was called to visit her The farmers still complain of the dry Bueklen’s Arnica Salve. grandfather, Rev. R. C. Hill of Albany, weather. They cannot plow yet. The best salve in the world for cuts, w ho is sick. Miss Bertha Maddock is President Ellis, of Pacific university, teaching in her absence. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever passed through town last Saturday. Ladies, please call and see my Mr. John F. Clark taught in the Aaa- sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, in for Subscriptions are-still coming demic room two days of the week, while corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi­ new church. There are now $1400 tively cures piles, or no pay required. Prof. Crawford was attending the Bap- the 1 tist convention at Salem. 1 subscribed. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac­ Price 25 Dr. Anderson and some of the students Mr. Rudder is repairing the high I tion, or money refunded Will have an early Fall Stock attehded the funeral of 15. Sanders, at bridge I that spans the Yamhill river at cents per box. For sale by Rogers & Todd. Amity. , this place. Mrs. Stites of Albany, is visiting at We are going to have several tele­ the resid-mee of Rev. A. J. Hunsaker on phones , put up in town soon. Some to Collegeside. run over to the depot and to different A house of four good-sized rooms, Mrs. Taylor of Eugene, is visiting her places. | • neat and clean ; plenty of room for gard­ cousin, Mrs. A. C. Chandler. McMinnville, Oregon Some of the narrow guage officials Mr. F. S. Henton who was in school staid . over night here last Friday. They ening; good well of water. Situated 1<»M VVrlf, | preached at Yarnhill church . are going over tiro road examining the just outside of city limits. NVill rent last year, Has been thoroughly renovated and la now cheap. Enquire at this office. .... on Sunday, ....... His health has improved , bridges, etc. ready to receive gram. very numb, He is not coming back to Mr. Arnos Cook, while plowing one I ONE OF THE MOST NOTED European school this year. last week, was thrown from the i physicians said : Neuralgia was the prayer Storage and Cleaning, 3 cents. Calcutta Miss Susie Millsap is visiting her sis­ day plow an.—Rev A. J. Huie ■ s. 3914 s ir ■: returned yesterday from a week of > gunsmith, ■Cat! Welter, tin- gunsmith. • *s to ■rsehurg Monday, where h intends to ministerial labor awav from home. lie ■-ate. attended the. Baptist convention which last week at Salem, and on ■Geo. H. Burnett and wife of Salem convened Bent Sunday witn Mr. B's mother in Saturday and Sunday organized a church with twenty-three members at West Bis city. Chehalera. . BCoburn, formerly conductor on the Best side, will soon accept a position on H omz F rom C alifornia .—Miss Grace Be narrow gauge. Bu nett, ol Dallas, who for the past year ■Baxter A Martin sell J inan tea for- 40 has been attending school in California, Bnts per lb., which is sold eHewlie e fo i iveil lioine Friday last. She stopped ■ cents. Try it. 39t4 Thursday night in this city and was ac­ ■Use Ear West bakingpowder, best and companied on up Io Dallas Friday by Beapest. Sold only by Baxter A Mar- her brother Quin, of this place'. Bl. Samples free. 3914 No A dvance .—The works of the Ca­ BA Portland butcher named T.ewis nadian Paper company at Windsor, Ca­ Biased through* town Sunday with n ■nd of sln*ep for the Po-tland market. nada, were burned the other night. Loss ■Charley Wimer, of Woods, was in $l,00i),009, which falls greatly upon Bwn Saturday. He reports everv thin • Americin companies. But prices for Bioming on that side of the montdain«. .job work still remain as low as the low - •st at the T elephone office. ■Our sick folk« iridndii’g Mrs. Fair, ■r«. C. W Talmage, Bernie Tn ne> and F oot R ace .—Ed Rea, of Astoria, has Bile Lois Narver, are nil on the mend. challenged W. E. Martin, of this city ■We wer<* f ivored yesterday with a call to run a foot race 75 or 100 yards, on Bin Mr. Harvey, general agent of th** any track in Oregon, for $500 a side; Bpiitahle insurance company of New race to be run in three weeks. It is B’k. very likely that if Mr. Rea puts up any ■Dr Wm. McC. Chrisman and Po«t- money he can get bis race. Bri -tpr Wisecarver left la“t evening for V,.nv III. —Mrs. Dr. Littlefield, who Bllamnok bay Tliev will be gone a has been failing in health for the last* ■ek. Th” Divton Semi-monthly Herald two years, left the 15th for Chicago, her It is old home, in hopes of 'improving tier • de its appearance on Fridiiv. Iblished by M. M. Banister of Dayton condition. The docto has rweived a telegram stating that ■ arrived safely lairie. but was very ill. Billy Henderson is the second lucky • n to take the half-dollar for three C leaning U p .—The flooring for the laight bolls at Collard’s gallery, Dr. new hotel has been ^oose laid on the racher w is the first. joists, the mo«t of the rubbish has been P W. Todd is expected home from cleared off the adjoining r treets, render­ r. llifornia airout November 1. It is not ing them passable again, and a less dis­ t known whether he will remain here, ordered appearance generally is pre­ return to California. sented. those wishing photograph« from th" T idinos from T illamook .—A letter I negatives at Sanders A Ma’tin'« car tain them by leavingorders with F. J. from IfacharliinOus (Joe Whiting) says Lrtin at Baxter & Martin’s. he is up on his place by the “raging the men who are in the habit of drop- Dongherty.” He reports everything •g into the woodshed back of the Bra- lovely in that section of ths country (block should finish arranging their and expects to remain there fo- some ___ ________ Hhes before coming out on the side- time. W heat .—The outlook of the wheat aammie, of Broadmead«, has return- market is not bright at present. Price­ S ocial D ance .—rhei? will be a «ochd Ponx.—To the wife o, Chu«. Castes', from the fat stock show at Portland, remain almoit at a stan 1 still. Several l had on exhibition there several va- lots were bought here yesterday at fiS'i dance at Band hall Satnrdav evening, October 21, IH m ',, a dangtiter. Weigh’, ties of stock and carried away some cents per bushel. An advance of h. October .*k»th. (io^l prompting; gd 13 I’O'inds. Mother and child doing well. mqatc; and a $ood time generally. the beat prizes. cent ainc« our last quotation. Old Reliable -A_. C. Saylor ! W. F. COLLARD, F. E. RUSS McMinnville, Oregon 10 CENT COUNTER 10 First Class Market JO!! Undertaker’s Goods ! Every Descript inn Boot and Shoe Store ! TELEPHONE OFFICE Neatly, Quickly, G. E. Cheaply. CITY MARKET Dry Goods House ATTORl’EYSAT LAW L.-1F.1 DETTE, OREGON. 37XÎ O