The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, October 15, 1886, Image 3

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We have engaged the «erviors of Mr. A.
V. K.Snyder to take charge of our local
and editorial department*.
He need* in.
Introduction to the people of Yamhill.
Those wishing to Hubscribe for the
T elicuhone may do no through the fol-
owing persons:
.1. M. Kelly ................................Lafayette.
Wir""““" l
-».rtb ................
W. A. Grave«.............................. Sheridan
]{. L. Simpson.................................. Amity
<). G. Davis ................................ Bellevue
S. Williamson..................... Wheatland
Agents at other points in the count
will be announced soon.
Prosecuting Attorney
lì. P. Dois«
Geo. W. Be’
‘ »
Commissioners ■
¡School Sept
R. I’, r.i-
J. W. Witt
I!. It. I.aii'.-lili
F. X l.i-'i.
C. Wollet
I. . Louahiir
J. 8. llilib
Geo. Dorset'
Cr. W. Bri.-dwel’
T. .1. Harri-
AV. W. N<-I«m
Wyatt Harri
.1. A. C. 1 reun
.1. I>. Font.»
1*. C. Narv--
Expect to get the whole world
nor all the trade in Yamhill Co.
hut me do e.vpeet to get our »hart
by fair dealing and reasonable
Welch keeps the best cigars.
Mrs. Dr. Ttick-r is at Brownsville.
Mrs. Rowell returned home AVednes-
’ day
Cooper and Booth tire working on their
Fresh roasted peanuts at II. II.
Hon. L. Loughary was in the city
For a square meal go to the St. Charles
—only 25 cents.
Hon. J. R. Sanders, of Amity, was in
town Wednesday.
D..C. Ireland is in Portland and will
return this evening.
The engine and hose boys met
Wednesday < venittg.
Our "amateur” has just been making
the job wo k “git.”
Best meal in the city for 25 cents, at
the McMinnville Hotel.
Good, large pumpkins are said to be
worth 12’j cents apiece.
Mr. Wm. Thurman, of Amity was
down with us Wednesday.
W . T. Booth is making the iron railing
to go on top of the new hotel.
J. W Hobbs, of Dayton, was in town
yesterday purchasing “duck poison.”
County Clerk G. W B io well ol La
layette, was in the city Wednesday af­
Mr. S. Potte . of Sheridan, was in
town Wednesday on his wav home fiom
l’o Hand.
The Tr:i i piionr is thinking strongly of
getting “patent plates” and printing all
at home.
II. Clav Binch’s sale one week from
to-morrow. Look out for “ad” in Tues­
day’s T elephone .
George Cornet is the ir-ient end gen­
tlemanly artist in Wi ich's Tonsoral Par­
lors, after August (>.
Ilev. .1. Q A. IIen>y, pastor of the
First Baptist church, Portland, was in
the city’ yesterdav.
We learn from an exchange that Hank
Vanfhn was shot some time sinpe, but
will probably recover.
Keep off typhoid fever by putting a
small quantity of alum in the water you
drink. So say the doctors.
A few more sheets of cardhoard and
packages of envelopes received yester­
day at the T elephone office.
Blackburn & Peckham have just re­
ceived and are unpacking a fine line of
summer dress goods, hosiery &c. *
W. F. Bangarsor has disposed of City-
Market, to Geo F. Bangs er and F. 8.
Keller, who will hereal’er conduct the
Vinegar, 25 cents per gallon, in large
or small quantities; sweet cider. 15
cents per gallon, at the cider mill of
Jno. J. Sax.
Farmers having wool to sell will do
well to consult Blacxbtirn & Peekam be­
fore selling as they pay the highest
prices in the county.
Ben F. French, the rustling bool:
agent, has been in the city a portion of
tlie week—this time in the interest oi
John A. Logan’s late work.
The marriage ceremony of which our
Bellevue correspondent spoke Tuesday
— Wm. Gunning and Alice Green—was
performed by Rev. T. H Henderson, of
this city.
Billiards at the “Orphan’s Home” 15
cents per game of 34 points; 20 cents fo,
50 points, and 25 cents for 50 points
when one player discounts the othe'.
II. H.
The accounts of W. F. Banga««‘ r are
in niv hands for colie- tioti and mu-t le
paid immediately as M-. Bangasser is
going awav and mu-t have the cash.
C. W. T almaop ..
Blackburn A Peckham, the agent« of
('has. H. Diehl A Co., are doing the
boss machine business of the county,
sold some 25 twine binders and two
steam threshers
H ad B est H unt IB s H ol ::.— To-mor­
row (Saturday) night a party ol our
brave young men will arm themselves
with guns, pistes, hatchets, mowing
scythes ami jewsliarps and proceed sev
oral miles up the South Yamhill, and
there pi- eo-i to hunt down a i>oor lone
cisrn tha' is said to be holding a small
oit on the banks of the river. They
will form ranks in the neighborhood ol
“I m le Han” Holman’s and alter throw
ing out a sufficient number of pickets
quietly advance upon the enemy and
capture him by sto.m. With Will Mar
tin as caplam and Bax Hibbs 1st lieuten-
mt ami Bill Hendetson chief forager we
shall expect a good report from our no
>le lads.
B rotherly L ove .—A great deal i
-aid about the Tavlor brothers of Tenii;
-lit they don’t begin to compare with,
•he Nelson brothers of this city: Holt is
tudying denti trv and Ira the tonsorial
irt. One day lra goes up and becomes
i subject for Holt, and out comes a
t oth. 'li e next day Holt reeipiocates
>y going down to the b ii her shop and
etting ha pull out a portion of his beard
iv the rtjbl. i I’pplhg small pieces from
ds ears, !-fc. We admire such brother
y affection ; and then it saves the com-
mmity so much grief. The boys are
''th advancing lapidly in their new sta
I nteresting E xercises .—The Nation­
al Woman's Temperance union have
designated Sunday. October 17, us a na­
tional temperance Sabbath. Respond
ing to this call the local W. C. T. U. of
McMinnville have arranged for a union
temperance meeting to be held at the
opera lioti.-y next Sunday evening, Octo
her 14, at 7 o’clock. Addresses wdl he
given by the pastors of the several
«•Ini’cites; also, one by the Rev. E. G.
Wheeler, of Fortland. Music wiil be
tile spetsed—furnished by a select
choir. Everyone invited.
N ew I. ami ’.—-Our Baptist friends spoke
md said “let there be light" and there
is light. In other word.« a large lamp
h is been received and placed in position
>n the corner near their c' : ch. Asa
new walk is being laid on
street jil t
■orth of the t itti t h ,t-d this lamp will
jive forth plenty of light, people cun at­
tend services witn : lietv, no matter how
black may be the darkness. The lamp
is the largest in the city.
Our Nei^libors.
To the Farmer.
Messrs. F. Barnekoif «t Co., have
■ thoroughly renovated and overhauled
October 12,13S<5.
the Fellows’ warehouse at McMinnville,
M. M. Banister It is a new sign at his recently purchased by them and are now
printing office. It looks very neat.
ready to receive grain. They will clean
store at 3 cents, and will be ready
Mr. Cartels new house will be finished
I to buy and pay the highest price going,
next week. Mr. Snow is painting it.
I in cash . Sacks kept on hand and sold
Farmers are trying to plow, but it iu | to farmers at the lowest rates. This is a
almost impossible to do so.
Some are perfectly responsible firm, and those
also sowing.
having grain to sell or store, or iu need
Nearly nil the apples in our section of sacks, should call and see them, tf
are picked and marketed. There was
an immense crop.
Captain’s Fortunate Discovery
It lias been very foggy for seveial
Capt. Coleman, schr. Weymouth plying
mornings, but to-day there is no fog and i between Atlantic City and N. Y., had been
the sun shines beautifully.
troubled with a cough so that he was un­
We hear that one of Rev Branson’s able to sleep, and was induced to try Pr.
daughters, aged 13 vents, fell from an Kings New Discovery for Consumption. It
apple tree several days since and broke not only gave him instant relcif, but allay­
ed the extreme soreness in his breast. Ills
her arm.
children were siutilary cit'ected and a single
Roads are in fine condition ; so much dose had the same happy effect. Dr. Kings
so that several of our people have con­ New Discovery is now the standard rem­
in the (’oleman household and on board
cluded to go to Portland to see the Me­ edy
the sehoom r. Free Triul Bottle of this
chanics’ fair, by wagon.
Standard Remedy at Rogers A Todd’s Drug
Traveling is getting pretty cheap.
person can go from Dayton to Portland
Renews Iler Youth-
ind return for 55 cents, on the steamer
Salem. This rate only lasts during Me­
Chesley, Peterson, Clay Co.
chanics’ fair.
Iowa, tells the following remarkable story,
Quite a rumpus was cans'-d in Dayton the truth of which is vouched for l>y tin
school, on account of whipping and min­ residents of the town : “1 am 73 years old
or troubles, but we are on the
have been troubled with kidnev complaint
O utside .
and lameness for mnay years; couid not
Iress myseif without help. Now 1 am
free from all pain and soreness, and nm
able to do all my own housework., I owe
my thanks to Electric Bitters for having re­
October 13. 138«.
newed my youth, and removed completely
Mrs. Creson of Newberg spent last •ill deseases and naiu.” Try a bottle, only
'«biiath with her mother, Mrs. Hutch­ 50c. at Rogers A Todds Drug Store.
ens of this neighborhood.
Dayton Prairie.
N eed R enovating .—A gentleman w ho
was a passenger on the west side train
this week says that the coaches a e in
rather a filthy condition. The cushions
are covered with dust, cinders and otlte
Ii: t, and it is impossible for a decently
I essr-d po son to enter the cars with any
legree of s itisfaetion. If this is the
F rom the B ay .—Bro. Ed. C. Phelps, •ase. we shall issue orders to have them
mmediately cleaned ami kept in prope-
■ditor and pioprietor of tfie Yaquina ■>hape hereafter.
Jail, and wife, of Newport'are oftt in
B rick W ork C omi " eted .—Brick work
he valley on an observation tour, and
topped at this city a day or two. and m the new’ hotel has been completed
mn .Mr. I’, we acknowledge a pleasan' ind the roofing is now being put on.
.¡sit. The Mail is one of Oregon’s Die wood work w ill be pushed with all
I'fightliest papers, showing the district ■qteed pos«ihb- ur.til completed. As it
■i w hich it is situated up to good ndvan-
Mrs. S. A. ?>IcCunc and her daughter
tge. Mr. Phelps reports everything flow stands the building presents a very
noving smoothly over at Yaqtlimi, bill ■•editable ai- • -aram-e. It stands "way Lucy, ot Amity, wore visiting friends
ays it is not quite a- lively now as d pr­ tp yonder” ami n poison can go to the here one d ty last week ; also Miss Edna
op of it and sec ail of Yamhill and part Cary of Dayton.
og the summer months.
of Tillamook.
I have beard of none from this place
N avigators .—Messrs. Al. Southmayd
F rom K ansas .—Mr. 8. IV. Norton, ,1'tendii'g the mechanics fair; but then
nd Ma ve Potter, of ::hetid.t:>, arrived
almost, everybody went to all the other
rife and son, arrived from Smith eoun- fairs and it is not tolar supposed they
t!his place last lite-dav verting. They
'y, Kansas, last Monday evening. Mrs. can go to eveivthinij.
• me down t ■ Yr: .mH by boaland
N. is mother of Soper Bios., of Willa­
«>•■<• six day - m
the trip. Al say:
School commenced at the school house
a man doesn’t think the Yamhill is s mina. Thev come to Oregon to see tlie last Monday, with a good attendance
■ng stream- let Inm try the trip bv ho it
com-idcriiig the fact that a great number
f they like it (which they are sure to of the larger pupils have not started as
and lie’ll make tip his mint] that 1U
nilcs is a small figure to place the dis
yet, on account of the fall work. Prof.
nee at. The boys captured several foxes md make a permanent home in Oregon. L. II. Baker still wields the rod and
and other game on their, trip.
A S hort ,V isit .—Morgan A. Baker,
The sermon of Rev. Mr. Post on last
H e ' s G one .—Will Cherry, the genu­ Esq., of Dayton, W. T. paid the old
Sabbath, directed to the young people,
ine l<>“masher” anil “heart-splitter” home a short visit this week, arriving should have been heard by all in the
.topped with us Until Wednesday and Monday evening ami leaving on Tues­ vicinity. The words of counsel given to
then continued on his way eastward.— day’s down train. He is looking well those just starting in life were well spo­
fill has been in Oregon about font and has a good practice in law at Day­ ken and if heeded would be a guarantee
months and goes home with a very good ton. Morg. took with him some maple of success.
C ornet .
opinion of " Webfoot.” lie took with seed and will endeavor to get a start of
dm specimens of grains, fruits, etc., that tree in the upper country.
that will make tiro eyes of the eastern
Religions Services-Sunday Next.
neople fairly snap to gaze upon.
D own from G oldendals .—Dr. Curtis
Shelton, who lias been located at Golden-
St. James’ church. Rev. John C.
A cquitted .—In the case of State vs
dale for some months past, arrived down Fair, rector. Services 11 a. m., and
Mattie Allison, which was tried at Sa­
last Monday and is paying Yamhill 7:00 p. m.
lem, Wednesday, defendant was acquit­
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
friends a visit. He wiil return about
ted. Miss Allison was indicted as an the first of next month. Dr. Shelton
Friday evening services at 7:00 p m.
accessor to the c itne of killing Camp­ reports all the old Yamhill boys in that Seats free. All a.e cordially invited to
bell in Albany last November. Thu section right side up antl prospering.
jury was out foity minutes, and gave a
M. E. church—services will bo held
unanimous verdict of not guilty, which
S truck W ith an A x .—On Wednesday- at 11 a. m. and at 7:30 p. m.
was received with a storm of applause
All are cordially invited.
by the audience.
R ev . II. P. S atchwell , Pastor.
ing to Mr. A. P. Woolsev with an ax( j
O vr S ick F olks —Are most of them maiming her so badly that it was neces­
Social meeting at 11 o’clock every
doing nicely and with the exception of sary to kill the poor brute. The man Lord’s day at the Christian church.
Mr. B. Sanders will probably be able to who would do such a deed must indeed Sunday sclioi every Sabbath at 3 o’clock.
have a very vicious disposition.
sit up next week. Mr. Sanders, howev­
St. James’ (Catholic) church. Mass
er, is. very low, but his physician in
G one to C amp P olk .—Our good-na­ at 10:30 a m on the second and fourth
fo-med us last evening that symptoms
Sundays of each month. Sunday school
were more favorable than for several tured friend, Geo. C. Robison, last at 2 :30 p. m. every Sunday.
days past. Il is hard to tell how his
J. 8. W hite , Rector.
ease will terminate.
Polk, Crook county, to remain during
Baptist church—Rev. E. G. Wheeler
the winter, looking after his stock inter­
O ne H undred D ollars R eward .— ests. He took a fine stallion with him. will preach at 11 a. m. In the evening
the congregation will take part in the
The superintendent of the penitentiarv Success attend him.
union meeting at the opera bouse. All
offers $10 I reward for the capture of two
cordially invited.
ill O pen .—On Monday next, Octo­
brothers named Haight, who escaped
G. J. B urchett , Pastor.
Wednesday arte noon. Both men are
C. P. church—Services at 11 a. m.
of light complexion. and are very heavy, city will open for the winter. If any Subject: “How to feed the hungry,
weighing from 150 to 175 pounds each, young gentleman or lady wish to fit clothe the naked, heal the sick and set
ami are smooth-shaven.
They wore themselves for a tliO'Ough business life, the prisoners free”—a temperance ser­
the prison gai b.
now is their opportunity.
mon. Sunday school at ti:30 a. m.
There will be no evening service at the
II ymenial .—At Monmouth, Oregon,
N ew S tore at S heridan .—Messrs. church but tl.e congregation will unite
last evening. October 14, Miss Josie Bur­ Walter Potter & Co., of Sheridan, will with other congregations in the union
nett, daughter of Elder Peter Burnett, in s few daysopen out at Sheridan a full temperance meeting in the opora house.
wa« tin iter! in mar iage to Mr. 8. 8. .Mc­ stock of groceries, glassware, wooden- All are inyitod to attend our service.
T. II. H enderson , Pastor.
Fadden. Seveial went up from this wate, etc. See their posters in a day or
place to lie present at the nuptials. The two.
bride has numerous friends at this place
In Msnioriani.
who will join in their congratulations.
M arried .—At the residence of P. AV.
To the memory of our father, Georg»
Mo-nan, North Yamhill, Harvey Bonus
N eat FrXCE.—The premises of sec­
and Miss Lillie D. Morgan, Rev. F. Dil­ Bangasser:
tion boss Washburn anti superintendent lard Holman ofileiatinn.
Father, our home is lonely.
Onr orphan hearts are sad.
of construction Happerret are being en­
AV<- miss thy kind and lovinn voice
closed with a neat picket fence, which,
That long has made us glad.
when painter!, will give things a no'-by
appearance in those quarters.
Oh ! shall we never see thee more;
That Oregon is herself again?
Or listen to thy voice'.’
Kellet is doing the work.
Yes, on that bright and healthful shore
That B street is just passable, and that
Wc may with tliec rejoice.
D on ' t F org : t —That you can get your is all ?
Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes.
faithful to thy council true.
That “everybody” has a lock box at
And mir lives to Christ be given,
Shipping Tags, Blank School Reports— onr postoffiee?
AVe will meet to part no more.
in fact all kinds of Job Work in hette-
And reign witli tliec in heaven.
That you’ll soon get your pro rata on
shape from the T elephone office than
Bv his C hildren .
from any other point in the county ; and
at living rates.
That it is time you had your potatoes
and apples in the dry?
Farm for Sale.
G one to I ndependence .—The pho­
That Lawrence Woodruff has taken
tographer, W. V. Price, took yesterday up a mountain ram-lie?
The AVm AVhite place 2!g'miles east
morning's t-ain to join his wife w ho ha«
of this city is in my bands for sale. This |
been spending the last fen days at Inde­
farm consists r>[ 280 acres of land well !
pendence. It is said a wedding attracts woo'i, delivered on board the cars?
That if vou want to do business you improved and can be Imd for If25 per '
them thither.
acre, if sold before December let. ,
should advertise in the T elbphone ?
F rom V ictoria .—Mr
lin Redmond,
Also Borne valuable i
That the water from the well at the Tirms very easy.
an old-time Mi V
villite, but whose si-bool grounds is not fit for children to personal property can be had with the I
home i« now nt
ictoria. B. (’.. arrived drink ?
farm cheap, good 4-year old horse, 6
head of cattle, 59 full blo«-d merino
,t Hii« place W dne«d >v anil w ill «pend
elephoni : furnishes more
i -> -ek or so with -datives ami friends
sheep, 1 new wagon, some hay, sheaf
reading matter each week than any oth­ oats and household furniture.
(’. W. T ai mage .
U. 8. G rand J uror .—In the list of
McMinnville, Or. |
That the exercises at the opera how*
grand Jurors to appear at the U. 8. dis­
Sunday evening promise to be not only
trict court Oct. 19, the name of A. New- interesting but highly instructive?
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.
ma-' of I.a’avette i« the only one that ap­
That the business portion of McMinn­
pears from Yamhill c.mnty.
Tlie best salve in the world for ent.s,
ville has improved more in the past 18
Q uarterly M eeting —At Lafayette months than during the 10 years prior bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
next Hntii day and Sundae. Preaching
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi­
both days nt 11 a. tn. and 7 p. m. bv Dr.
We love to sit and listen to the patter tively cures piles, or no pay required.
Harrington and Prof. 8. A. Starr, ol oi the rain; for we know that it will
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac­
Will.imi tte nnivr-ty.
loosen ail our dried-up “webs” again. tion, or money refnude-l
Price 25
And then onr farmer friend« wiil cease cents per box
For sale by Rogers &
S ervice in tiie E vening .—Rev. Mr. to look so bine: l»ecau«e fall work can
Fai* will not go to Sheridan as announc­ go ahead if it’ll rain a day or two—hold
ed Tuesday. But will bold service« as on here; no one-horse fall poet can run
Wanted !
usual morning and evening at this place. any «m-h a jam on us as that when our
win'er's wnd is lying out in the damp
T ump - ranc :
Mt: ting —Remember ind the brick hotel isn't covered; no 1(1 Cords of Oak Wood, to be deliv-
«ir! not as long as our hand is lying on
’ ered on board the cars at McMinn­
that the-e will be a tempe anee meeting
Saturday afternoon from 3 to 4. at the a Smith & Wesson 38-calibre. Can they ville. l or further particulars enquire
M. E. church. All cordially invited.
------- AT THL——
Old Reliable
-Æ. C. Saylor !
Who has on hand
And is ready to fili all orders far tk.
largest and best brick iu tire eu.iity,
From §5 to $8 por Thousand.
Guns, Pistols, Ammunition,
Cutlery, Fine Fishing Taekls,
Cigars, Etc.
'•peeial attention oiven to repairing Gun#,
Distols, »ewing Machines, Saw Filing, Klc.
I have in my shop as line a power cross-
Cced lathe as can be found iu the state and
uni fully prepared to
Repair Broken Machinery
Mor.ev Wanted-
f all kind«—Farm Machinery, Traction-
All your accounts must be settled by Engines, Etc.
October 15. 1SSG.
We have accommo­
One Uonr west of Itaxivr 4 Marlin'.
dated yon; now please return the favor
by paying up.
---- MISS-----
R ogers 4: T odd .
F. E.
A nother P apeh .—Mr. M. Bannister,
of Dayton Prairie, was in to see us
Wednesday. He «bowed us two pages
of the Dayton lieraid, which he will be­
gin publishing next week. It will be
four pages, throe columns to the page,
and conflneil principally to local work.
It will be a very neat little paper, and
will make the fourth paper in the
Ths Milliner,
McMinnville, Oregon»
Ladies, please call uud s»e uiy
physicians said: Neuralgia was tlie prayer
of a decaased nerve for healthy blood. I se
Gilmore’s Aromatic Wine i r the blood.
For sale by Rogers Todd.
REV. W. FISK REQVA, of Aurora, Ill.,
says; “I have used Gilmore’s Aromatic
Wine and find it an excellent household
remedy that none ought to do without. For
sale by Rogers A Todd.
asked what made her complexion so clear
and beautiful. She said it was by using
Gilmore’s Aromatic wine. For sale by
Rogers & Todd.
MR8. L. LOOMIS, of Elba. N. ¥.. write«
us that she was sick for six months, was in­
duced to try Gilmore’s Aromatic Wine,
and four hot« les cured her. For sa by
Rogers & Todd.
REV. IL B EWELL, of Pavillion. N. Y.
says of Gilmore’s Aromatic Wine; “1 be­
lieve it to be a mo. t <!♦ .--irabh* remedy to be
placed in ( very family.” For sale by Kog­
ers Todd.
suffer from Female weakness and Debility,
will find (iilmor(’’s Aromatic a positive
cure. For sale by Rogers & Todd.
GILMORE'S ROMATIC is great suc­
cess, therefore we challenge the World to
produce its equal as a restorative for wom­
an. For sate by Rogers A Todd.
REV I. M. DERBY, of’ n. N. Y..
says; “The Gilmore Aromatic Wine prov­
ed a great blessing to my wife.’, l or sale
by Rogers A Todd.
Will have an early Fall Stock.
McMinnville, Oregon
lias been thoroughly renovated and Is now
ready to receive grain.
Storage and (.’leaning. <3 cents. Calcutta,
sacks ((instantly on hand and sold at the
lowest rates.
Highest Muiirl 1‘i iee Paid for Wheit.
Farmers are respectfully invit^i to call
and see us,
tf GALLOWAY & COOK, Prop«.
—The Only-
In the ('tty.
The place where you cun gel juicy .teaks
ill'll liiu- riiust« alf st the lowest market
price. Fre.-h Fish Tuesdays and Fridays.
Always a Fat Cow on Hand.
----- SHERIDAN------
1. M. CHAPMAN, Pr«.,
Carries a full stork of Furniture, af all
kinds, Fine Bedroom »cts, Mirrcrs,
Mouldings, Wai! Lnpers, Etc., Etc.
50 Cents.
------- A full line of — -•
Undertaker’s Goods I
Store, one door south of bridge, Fheridan,
fj I
»4 ■
Boot and Shoe Store!
Next to Yamhill (Vmnty Pank.
(Successor to L Root )
Cari ir.« a full and comple'e stock of
Fb -t .-'lock ever brought
Crockery, Glassware. The Largest to and Yumhill
Wooden and Willowware,
Boot« and Shoes made tn order and neatly
Prices to the Bedrock.
Goods delivered promptly to any part
of the city.
Goods Exchanged for Produce.
Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry and
----- AT-----
10 io 25 pr Cent. Cheaper Thun
Anyboij Else.
in (lie City.
W. D. F enton .
Como and See for Yourself.
jkHincvilhUt’wdn SUr«*.
F. W. F entox .
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