WEST SID? 1 EPHONE. MITES AM. XK1VS. Yaqtiina wants a daily mail. Why M c M innville , F riday , O ct . 15, 1886. .not? The civil war cost tho United States GEOROE’S OBJECT, *3,0),000,000. Curry county is larger than the state In his speech at the Coopor Institute of Rhode Island. in New York the other evening, Mr. Tammany has nominated A. 8. Hew- Henry George, Knight of Labor candi­ date for mayor, thus describes the object It for mayor of New York. Albany has paid *129,000 for railroads at tho movement he represents: “The aim of this movement, and this is its firing the past fourteen years. significance, is the assertion of the equal Thousands of grape vines are said to rights of man—the assertion of his equal tie dying in California from unknown and inalienable right to life and to all c.nises. the elements that the creator lias fur­ Fourteen vessels sailed foreign from nished for tho maintenance of that life. Puget sound in Sept. with cargoes worth Here is the heart ol tho labor question, and until we address ourselves to that, *90,000. Ladd’s artesian well at Portland is the labor question never can be solved. These little children who die in our ten­ down 1,700 feet and still there is no signs ement districts, have they no business of water. hers? Do they not come into life with Prince Napoleon has actually ventur­ equal rights fioin their creator? In the ed out of 8. F. Has gone down to Vir­ early days of New Zealand, when the ginia City. English colonies bought land from the The Knights of Pythias have been hold­ natives thov encountered a great difli- ing a most successful meeting at Port­ culty. After they had bought and paid land this week. for a piece of land the women would Tho Ames rolling mill and spike fac­ come with babies in their arms aiyl tory in Jersey City was burned Tuesday would say: “Wo want something for night. The loss is *2.10,000. these babies.’ The reply was: ‘We Helena, M olitami, has a population of paid you for our land I’ Then they who had parted with the land answered: 19,000 souls and claims to be the richest ‘Yes, yes, yes, but you did not pay foi city according to its size in the union. those babies. They were not born then.’ Twenty-five thousand operatives have That is the doctrine of inalienable rights been thrown out of employment by the which attaches to the land.’’ shutting down ot a knit goods factory at THE BLAINE DEMOCRATS. Thousands of democrats voted foi Tdaino in 1884, and were he to be a candi­ date for the presidency again two years hence there is no doubt that lie would sweep California once mote. Of course, Blaine’s stand on the Chinese and silver questions—matters in which tho people of this state take a special interest—ac­ counts in part for his strength tn this part of the co intry. But the chief rea­ son for Blaine's popularity here, as eve­ ry wliero else is tho conviction among tho workers that he is a friend of labor. The tariff, which protects the American industry’ against ruinous European com­ petition, has in him its most brilliant defender. Yet Mr. Blaine in his cham­ pionship of protection simply speaks for his partv. In Ids moments of great ar­ dor he lias not outstripped tho republi­ can organization in devotion to the anti­ free trade theory. The prevailing senti­ ment in California among all classes ia favorable to protection. The logic of the situation therefore, should make Califo nu a republican state. And the same logic should Keep on the republican side this year those democrats wl o in 1884 worked and vo­ ted for the success of Mr. Blaine.—8.‘F. 1’ost, independent. Jefferson Davis attacks General Sher­ man in a public letter. It is a great .leal too late. He had all the opportunity he wanted to attack Sherman twenty-one years ago, when William Tecumseh was moving about in tho Carolinas. lie failed to attack at that, time to any pur­ pose and had to run away, and was caught ineffectively disguised in a wo­ man’s petticoat, ami was finally spared contemptuously bv the nation he had tried to destroy. Nothing that this un­ hung traitor can say at this late day is of any particular consequence to aqy member of the Sherman family, or to the country. A man at Denver, Colorado, woke up in tlm night, saw a da k form between him and the window, and forthwith fired ut it. It was his wife, whom he mis­ took for u burglar, an 1 so mortally wounded. But supposing his account of the case is accepted, what is to be thought of the intelligence of a man who blazes away tl us recklessly with his eyes only half open? The plain truth is that such idiots ought to be subjected to all the pains and pen .Hies which are due of the wretch who “didn’t know it was loaded.” About a year ago the receiver of taxes levied a tax upon the shares of the na­ tional banks in New York. The banks, as representing shareholders' interest, demanded of tho receiver and obtained injunction restraining him lor collecting the taxes. A decision of Judge Wallace is made upon the motion of thirty-live banka to have the injunction made per­ manent. The motion for injunction was denied. The log house in which Gen. Lee sur­ rendered to Gon. Grant, near Richmond, Va., has been purchased by Capt. Hal­ leck and removed Io New York where it will lx> transfère.! to the Grant Monu­ ment aseoeition and placed near Grant's tomb. The superintendent of the Philadel­ phia mint reports that the demand for small coins is very great. That’s noth­ ing; coins of all kinds are in groat de­ mand out here. Even S. J. Tilden was in debt. A judgement for *125,000 has just been filed against the estate. Blessed be nothing. Marion county’s property is assessed at *5,986,986; indebtedness, *2,565,291: exemption, *593,657. The West Shore for October is a beau­ ty and is worth the subscription price for a year Albany, N. Y. The meanest man we have heard of was the one that th-ew fresh eggs at a speaker in Missouri. Eggs are worth too much to be used that wav. Monday night severe storms visited the coast of Florida and I.onsiana. At New Orleans a portion of the city was submerged and much damage was done to vessels and railroads. For some days past a strike by the employees of the stock yards at Chicago Ims threatened to result seriously. Bat it is probable from the present outlook that the trouble will be peaceably settled by arbitration. The output of the Drum Dumnion for the month of September was *134,070.88. The amount of Are crushed was 3,050 tons, and tho sixty stamps in the two mills ran twenty-seven days. The divi­ dends this quarter will be *250,000. In the Episcopal convention at Chi­ cago Wednesday, there was an anima­ ted discussion over a motion to send congratulations to the “Congregational Church.” After the substitution of “Brethren” for "Church,” the resolu­ tion was adopted. a :- Capt. Carrol is decidedly unfortunate. It lias been but a lew years since the Great Republic, which was under bis command, was lost at the mouth of the Columbia. Of late lie has been in charge of the steamer Ancon, plying between San Francisco and Victoria. On the evening of September 13th the Ancon was under full speed and when neat Gustoven point, near the entrance to Glacier Bay, stiueka rock and stove a hole ill the foie part of the vessel, fifteen feet in breadth. There was a heavy sea on at the time and the situation was per­ ilous, but under the assuianeeof Cap­ tain Carroll, the passengers b shaved well. The waler put out the fires at 11 ;>. til., but by 12 midnight the flood tide floated the vessel off the rock. All sail was hoisted «nd the vessel beached. Here the passengers remained for four­ teen days, living on the upper deck, as the lower deck was submerged. In the meantime Captain Carroll sent a steam launch to Kill:-,.moo, eighty miles distant and from thence tile tidings were sent to Sitka. The II. 8. steamer l’inta came to the assistance of the shipwrecked pas­ sengers. The 1’inta could not accoinmo- I ite the passengers when she arrived on the scene, and returned to Juneau, where word was left for the Idaho. Tl.e Idaho took the passengers to Sitka and from there to Victor! i. The Ancon was patched up and floated on the 2d of Oc­ tober, and taken to Douglas Island where she will be repaired un I taken to San Francisco. The passengers passed the fourteen days detention in hunting, fishing, and whist playing. Tho fact that the hold of the Ancon was tilled with empty barrels prevented lrcr from sinking. No lives were lost, but Mrs. Alex Whidden, of Philadelphia, aged 75 years, was made seriously ill, and sub­ sequently was stricken with paralysis. She is now so ill that her life is dispair- ed of. 0 I HARD TIMES NO MORE ! There is no necessity of complaining of hard times, or that tri is dull, if vou keep the right kind of goods and nt BOTTOM pRiCj thev will sell themselves, and we keep that class ot goods, or try but the FACT is we SELL them almost as ^eive th, ---- Will lie in----- However our store contains a stock ot D..I (>S, ali.Olt INEb.SCHOf M c M innville O ctober 12, 1806. BOOKS TOBACCO, CIGABS, BLUE VITRIOL and COAL OIL endless variety. We respectfully request the public to call amlWl! We will treat'you well and give you every possible attention at Tlia Kost Successful Physician and Surgeon in the West, FOUNDER OF THE AMERICAN SUR­ GKO. W. BOUT’S GICAL INSTITUTE OF INDIA­ Prescription Drug Stor, NAPOLIS, INDIANA. PATIENTS WILL RECEIVE EVERY Necessary and Prompt Attention until a Cure is 1 onipleted, No incurable case will he received fur treatment. Twenty years’ experience in tl." treatment of I lironie Diseases and Deformities. New, Improved and Scientific Methods. Cures made in u remarkably short time, and n positive guar­ ■ antee given. says: “In my previous report I referred to the imperative need of reform ol the administration of the public land laws to the end of protecting public interests rather than ministering to the advantage of speculation and monopoly, private or corporate. A steady purpose, in which 1 have endeavored to reflect, has been protection of the public domain and its preservation for inhabitancy by’ actual cultivators, to whom it rightfully be­ longs. The evidencies of 'widespread, persistent land-robbery’ laid before you in my last report were furnished by of­ ficers and agents appointed by tiie last administration. Developments of the past year, under the agences of the new administration, have justified every word said in my last report.” GENERAL MEPJJI1ANDI8I This Space is For We keep one of the largest a best selected stocks of Merchant! in Yamhill County, and are sell* our goods ¡it bedrock prices." Oi spring stock in Ladies’ Dress Gw; has arrived and consists in parti F2MALE COMPLAINTS. T 1 Cambrics, Manchester Sateen and a large assortment of -WHO SELL- LAWNS, in Elegant Colors and StylJ The Cheapest Goods in the World In (linerent quality, colors and patted all of which you will lind on calling at J store ami examining the same will prod satisfactory both as to ¡»rice and (¡uaM Call and see us. We will take pleasfirel showing our goods, and then if you do J want to buy no harm will be done. I Brocaded Lace Buntings EYE AND EAR. We are endorsed by many eminet Ocu lisis and Physicians in the treatment, of the EYE. No severe medicines used. Surgical operations performed on the eye without pain or the use of chloroform, by the appli­ cation of the new ami wonderful anetvsthet- ic, bydrochlorate of cocoaine, which has revolutionized opthahnic surgery. Dr. Tur­ ner will straighten cross eyes in one miirute without pain or alter inconvenience. Jones A1 Co., —Proprietors of— PRIVATE DISEASES. —Dealers in Nervous Debility, Impotcncy, Urinary and all Private Diseases speedily corrected, (.•a 11 and see us No difference what your ailments are. Thorough satisfaction guar­ anteed. Terms reasonable. All letters of inquiry should be addressed to White and Red Lead, Linseed and Imbricating Oils. Varnishes of all Description] M c M innville , O regon . Kalsomine, Spanish Whiting Always on hand tl c best quality of Beef, Paris Whiting Mutton, l’ork, and I’. & B. and Princess Metalit Roof Paint, Venitian Red, Spanish Brown, Yellow Oela Highest prices paid for all kinds of fat and Hardware stock. • CITY MARKET Dr. A. P. TURNER. All Kinds of Meat. International Hotel, Portland, Or. Prices as Low as the Lowest. GIVE ME A CALL. BANGASSER. Livery and Feed Stable !! R. McKUNE, P ropr . -SUCCESSOR TV P. C. NARVER— JONE8&CO. Uf Respectfully, CONSULTATICI! FREE. He Gi’i'üí 'óiiiiri’iiiuiüfniall!i The Direct Route I No Delays! Fast Trains! TT3ZJE LOWEST BATS TO CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS East. Tickets sold to all prominent ss throughout the East and Soutltcart reams and outfits furnished parties wisli- TO EAST-BOUND PASSENGE^ to go to the coast, at reasonable rates. Be careful and do not make a mistaU But be sure to lake the I The Furniture Man Give me a Call «« N orthern P acific R ailed Ca rries the Largest and Best Stock , And see that vour ticket reads via I J. J. Proprietor COLLARD, of 11 Ely M in Yamhill County. All Kinds of ST. PAUL OR MINHEAPOlj To avoid chanzes and serious delaysW binned by other routes. Fed Sta. Through Emigrant Sleeping 1 are Run on Regular Exprt»l Trucking and Delivering 5 Done to order. Constantly on hand. Mill Feed, Flour, Wheat and Oats. Also all : kinds of M ood Shingles, Posts. Shakes I Etc. All orders left with us for Stowe A I Brower s lumber yard promptly attended Delivery Wagon Always Ready. Orders left with Rogers A Todd, at Citv Drug fetore, promptly tilled. uf. * Come See and be Convinced. IM Saiim Gfe! Q Third Street Bet. I) and E. . Xi Nliicni Saw Kills, ' McMinnville Sash and door Fatta] 5tf Portland Prices. Cheaply. and Shoe« Bird à Gat •O’ —at absolutely— Quickly, Boots SPEEDILY CORRECTED. Lafayette Harness Shop, Neatly, — of- Dyspepsia, Liver anil Kidney diseases, Rheumatism, Tumor, Scrofula, and uli skin affections positively cured. REWARD for an incurable case of Hemorrhoids or Piles! No pain or detention from business 1 Fistula, t l- .■ers and all rectal trouble:) a tpeeiulty. —Harness at the— TELEPHONE OFFICE A Large Assortment TROUBLES HERE WE ARE AT LAST ! —Executed at the— —Have just received— •-.‘Th 4« fc, fab, tai d M The gale is steadily increasing and tele­ graph communication with the main land will doubtless be cut off by morn- ing. ■_______________ Four thousand four hundred claim­ ants in Southern Oregon want *15,000,- 000 for losses sustained by Indian depre­ dations in the early days. McMinnville Pioneer Boot and Shoe Siers. Suitable for Cull and Winter »... Mu...... . the BE' I MATURI i| nml by WHITE LABOR All Oo.nl» U »i rnnteil as ,:*yr..nu short notice. Sign of the Big lil)0( „ 23tf P. F. BROWSJ We have devoted our attention extensive­ ly to the treatment of all the dillerent ail­ ments peculiar to the weaker sex. Affiieted ladies are invited to call at our office and investigate our facilities for the speedy and Commissioner Sparks, of the general permanent correction of their troubles. land office, has submitted to the secre­ Sutter no longer. Come at once and receive immediate relief, and a short time a rad­ tary of the interior his report of the op­ ical cure. erations of his office (or the last fiscal ■o--- year. At the outset the commissioner Elijah Smith, president of the Oregon Navigation company, says respecting the proposition of the O. It. & N. lines to lease its lines to the Union Pacific: “There is some talk that way, but it is not yet no far advanced. It is simply a resumption of negotiations which were Since tho pauper law has been con­ pending when I went west. strued in New York to prevent tho land­ The 8. F. Bulletin again asserts that ing of Mormon proselytes from Europe the Southern Pacific will turn off to at that port, special agents for the Latter Eastern Oregon, and not soon form a Day Saints have selected Philadelphia Portland connection. It asserts that the as the best place to escape from the re­ road will head off the Oiegon Pacific and strictions of Gotham. It. has been learn­ tha* will be a terrible blow to that road. ed that numbers of women, with a sprin­ If the Oregon and California chooses to kle of men, have quietly landçd here build ai ross the Siskiyou, connection under the care of custodians, and taken their way west to Salt Lake City without may be made. the interferance of the collector. The Monday last three ships laden with converts are carefully instructed, especi­ Oregon grain left the port of Portland, ally’ the English caking portion, to as follows: The British ship Burmah steer clear of questioners, particularly cleared yesterday for Queenstown with those of the répertoriai order, and to in­ 13,842 bushels of wheat on board. The dicate, if questioned closely that they British ship Elburst cleared for the cannot speak English. Efforts are being “time port with 70,150 bushels of wheat, made to hasten the arrival of as many as the British ship Sdverhow also cleared possible, and to get them started to for Queenstown with 57,134 bushels of Utah before the authorities at Philadel­ wheat. phia take any decisive measures to The treasury department has publish­ cause their detention. 'd a statement showing the population, net revenue and net expenditures of the A dispatch from Galveston, Texas, government for the last fiscal year, with October 13th says: A terrific gale is the per capita of revenues and expendi­ blowing from the north, and the water tures. The population is given at 58,- on the bay side of the city is washing 420,000, and thè net revenue nt *336,- over the docks; on the gulf side the wa­ 439,727, being a per capita of *5.76 or .06 ter is rolling several squares into the ,;ieater than the fiscal year of 1885. The city against tho gale. Steamships, sail­ expenditures were *242,483,138, a per ing vessels and barges are pounding capita of *4.15 or .24 less than that of heavily against the wharves,'and the 'lie previous year. loss to shipping willdoubtless be he ivy. At present there arc 109 vessels in port at San Francisco, .58 chartered and 51 disengaged. The chartered tonnage iggregntes 85,520 tons, against 31,340 at this time last year. The disengaged tonnage is 67,279 tons, against 83.163 at this time a year ago. Nearly all the chartered vessels are engaged for the grain carrying trade. During two days last week over 40,000 tons of coal arrived in this port; said to be the largest amount that ever arrived there in that length of time. I n I. T. the Cherokees have just awoke to the fact that boomers to the number of about 2,00il are right in their midst. The Advocate, the official journal of the Cherokee Nation, prints an article head­ ed “Boomers Among Us,” and urges that immediate action be taken for their expulsion. These boomers have been concentrating in the nation for the last five or ten years, under the pretext of claimants tor citizenship, which they now claim, and boast they are going to have at all harards. A great many of these intruders, by claiming to have In­ dian blood in them, have been able to prima facie cases up, sufficient to pro­ cure protection papers from the United States agent, as ordered by the depart­ ment at Washington. II t ox • i:i!'vt i:i:ciu:3. Buggy Harness from $12.00 ami upward ream Harness from *25.00 and upward. I have also something entirely new in the line of s .veat pads. My terms are CASH, or notes that can be turned into ca«h. A. WELLS [Corner Third and C Streets] OVER YAMHII.L COUNTY BANK, Will open OCTOBER 18, 1886. Attention is respectfully invited to this Trains Full Length of the I Line. Berths Free. LOW RATES! QUICKTIME General Office of the Company, I No. 2 Washington St.. Portlar.il 1 A. D. CHARLTON, General Western Passen^rAflJI CITY STAHL ¡I Third Street, between E andF- McMinnville, Oregon. Henderson Bros. First-class accommodations forCc®1 cial men and general travel. BVSIXESS school . Transient stock well cared for. Its facilities for thorough practical in I Everything new and in First-Class ■Imfl: Ae. ar7„^rrt,,n}’’ b*,,k ' Patron a sro rr«pprtfiil1v ®olicitefl. flails or private instruction day or even- j College Journal sent free on application I < . I. HuDillToX. priii 1 p. o. Box mi' J- I>AYSE- DISSOLUTION NOTICE A lilliiiix Done! I would most respectfully announce that ^nnmud ,,,,, -’J ; I,.1,',“'?' •t”''1 ,h.e. ^<’wl>y Flouring Mill m Happy 5 alley, have thoroughly overhaul«! and repaired it, and am now ready to do grinding for toll orcash. < ’ome and see me. N. 8. BOOTH. J- A. VFRSTFFO. McMinnville Sept. SO. law C’ BooTH- Hinter & Marti —Dealers in— Groceries and Provisi Prices Io Suit the Tii* HUSSEY’S OLD ST