The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, October 01, 1886, Image 1

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1*, OREGON, OCTOBER 1, 1886.
Devoted Principally to Washington Territory
and California.
Tisois Building. McMinnville Oregon,
—BY —
lniaye & Turner,
Publisher« and Proprietor«.
................................................................ •» 00
Terrible Ba iroad Disaater in New York-
Seven Men Entombed Alive in a
Pennsylvania Coal Mine!
Another Dynamite Outrage.
C hicago .—James Calvin, night
>nths ......................................... >....... 1 t? operator, sitting in the signal tower of
months................................................ 7° the Lake Shore company, at the inter­
»d in the Postoffice at McMinnville, Or., section of the main and stock yard
ns second-class matter.
tracks, was blinded by an explosion.
The tower is thirty feet high. Calvin
V. V. JOHNSON, M. D. noticed nothing unusual, when he was
suddenly startled by seeing a column
Northwest corner of Second and B streets,
of smoke arise at one side of the
OREGON. structure, followed by a deafening ex­
plosion. A twenty-inch piece of gas­
lie found at his ottico when not absent on pro-
pipe was found, showing it was dyna­
1 busineM.
mite which caused the explosion. Of
100 batteries in the building thirty-
four were broken, along with pneu­
matic tubes, which will cost thousands
sicians and Surgeons, of
dollars to repair. What makes the
attempt more dastardly is the fact
'alhreatli, M. D.. ottico over Yamhill County (hat the outbound passenger train was
Ic.Mhiiiville, <»logon.
Littlefield, M. D., ottico on Main strewt, due a few moments after the explo­
sion occurred.
te, Oregon.
The theory of the police is that
wreckers hoped to blow up the tower,
S. A. YOUNG. M. D.
and when the passenger train came
along to throw the switch, and thus
bysician and Surgeon,
they would have plunged the train
OREGON. into a mass of freight cars lining the
»nd residence on D street. All calls promptly tracks.
1 day or night.
Another attempt to wreck a train
took place the following night about 8
o’clock. When the Lake Shore road
was receiving from the Illinois Cen­
tral a train of twenty-eight cars the
OREGON. switch was turned and fifteen cars de­
-Two doors east of Bingham's furniture railed. Several arrests have been made,
but nothing definite has been learned
Ing gas administered for painless extraction.
from the men arrested.
Estate and Insurance Agent,
Conveyancing and Abstracts a S)>ecialty.
Jftice Manning Building, Third street.
Æading Hôtel of McMiiinville.
nd ?2 H üu « c . Single meals 25 cents,
ample Boom» for Commercial Men
F. MULTNER, l’rop.
V. V. L*ItI<JK,
'p Stairs in Adams' Building,
ought out A O. Windham, I am prepared to
do all work in first-class style.
am Childrens’ Worn a Specially!
and Cold Baths always ready for 25 cents.
C. H. Fleming,
Third street, near O, McMinnville, Oregon.
Is. It O O T,
eries, Provisions.
Crockery and Glassware.
•ods delivered in the city.
The Best in the State.
How to Buy Small CoiiiB.
W ashington .—The Director of the
Mint has issued the following circular
in regard to the issue of minor coins:
“Fivp-cent nickel pieces and 1-cent
bronze pieces will be forwarded, in or­
der of application, from the mint of
the United States at Philadelphia to
points reached by the Adams Express
company, free of transportation
charges, in sums of $20 or multiples
thereof, upon the receipt and collec­
tion by the superintendent of that
mint of a draft upon New York or
Philadelphia payable to his order. To
pointsnot reached by Adams's express,
and where delivery under its contracts
with the government is thus imprac­
ticable, the above coin can, on these
same terms, be sent by registered mail,
at applicant’s risk, the registry free on
the same to be paid by the govern­
Removal of the Apachen.
L as V egas , N. M.—A train of ten
coaches conveyed the Chiruachua and
Warm Spring Apaches from the San
Carlos reservation in Arizona to Florida.
There were 460 of the savages, guarded
by three companies of United States
infantry. Although none of them
have been on the warpath since Ger­
onimo broke loose, it was well under­
stood they were furnishing his band
with ammunition and there was no
telling at what moment they might
break out. For these reasons the
Government decided to ship them to
Florida, where they could do no harm.
More than half of the Indians are
squaws and their children, and a more
repulsive and hideous mass of human­
ity were never crowded into emigrant
sleepers before. The car doors are
closely guarded by soldiers.
Blood Atonement.
C hicago .—“Why don’t you learn
id to fumish music for all occasions at reason your trade,” Frank Foster, a waiter in
able rates. Address
j a restaurant at 464 West Madison
.J. HOW Is Y>I>, I street, said to John Morris, the cook,
Business Manager, McMinnville. | as he returned a piece of meat that
did not satisfy a customer. Morris
made an angry reply and a wrangle
followed that ended in Morris snatch-
j ing a large knife with an eighteen-inch
I blade and plunging it clear through
■ Foster's stomach. Foster fell against
a table and Morris fled. Recovering
himself Foster started in hot pursuit
rn*r Third and D streets, McMinnville
with the knife sticking through his
He drew it out as he ran,
N BROS. & HENDERSON, | | bowels.
and reaching Morris, slashed him in
I the foot as he was jumping up stairs,
j cutting the heel entirely off.
, Feed and Sale Stables,
Best Rigs in the City. Order,
tly Attended to Day or Night.
Terrible Kallway Disaster.
A dispatch from Silver Creek, New
¡York says: “A Niagara Falls excur-
j sion train on the Nickel Plate rail­
road, under the management of J. W.
excursion agent, collided with
{PHANS’ HOME” a Butler,
lix-al freight train in a cut on a curve
I just east of here. Both engineersand
firemen were saved by jumping. Only
those in the smoking car were hurt, it
trictly Temperance Keaort,
being completely telescoped by the
baggage car. Nineteen persons were
d<?) Church i nembors to th« contrary not
killed outright, and many were injured.
Seven men were entombed in a coal­
mine disaster near Scranton, Pa.
Their Ixxlies have lieen recovered.
’phansT Home
Henry George has been nominated
for mayor of New York by the social­
istic labor party. They pledged him
15,000 votes.
Miss Edith Kingdon, an actress of
Daly’s company, was married to Geo.
J. Gold, eldest son of the one hundred
millionaire, at Jay Gould's summer
r Boutb of Yamhill County Bank Building.
residence, Lyndhurst, at Irvington-on-
California lias ten United States
Land Offices.
Michael Davitt, the Irish agitator, is
in California.
David Deffenbach committed suicide
near Toledo, W. T.
The potato crop in Montana is said
to be a total failure.
There are 65 school districts in
Clarke county, W. T.
J. W. Adams lias been renominated
for Governor of Nevada.
San Jacinto, Cal., has completed its
seventy-fifth artesian well.
There are 5000 men at work on the
California & Oregon road.
Ground has been broken at Sprague
for the new sisters’ school.
The indebtedness of King county,
W. T., amounts to $82,333.75.
A Typographical Union has been
organized at Spokane Falls, W. T.
By a fire in a store at Bristol, Nev.,
a man named Godfrey was burned to
Great trouble is experienced in
New Mexico by the washouts on the
E. 8. Bailey killed himself at Los
Angeles because his wife and daughter
had left. him.
A young man named Elting, a resi­
dent of Sprague,was drowned at Cœur
d’Alene lake.
The nickel mines near Winnemucca,
Nevada, are to be worked by a Lon­
don company.
It is estimated that 250,000 head of
cattle will be shipped East this fall
from Montana.
Antonio Rodriguez has been sent to
San Quentin from Santa Barbara for
life for murder.
It is probable that Geronimo will be
tried by a military commission, as
were the Modocs.
Burglars broke open two safes at
Milton, Calaveras county, Cal., and
stole about $1700.
George Erickson was shot dead by
an unknown person at Mad river,
Trinity county, Cal.
William Krone, employed on the
Spokane & Palouse railroad, had his
left foot badly crushed.
The owners of a single ranch in
Nevada cut 20,000 tons of hay annually,
most of it being alfalfa
A melon weighing 61 pounds lias been
raised on the Weiser, in Idaho. It
It was sold for 25 cents.
Mrs. Annie Hanley, who was shot
by her husband, at San Jose, will prob­
ably die from the wound.
The residence of Jacob Bettinger, at
Cheney, W. T.. was destroyed by fire;
loss, $5000; insurance, $2500.
Albert Williams, Jr., of San Fran­
cisco, has been appointed Principal of
the Michigan School of Mines.
The West Coast Land Company has
paid $210,000 for the Ysabel rancho,
in San Luis Obispo county, Cal.
T. J. Anders’ son Willie, 10 years
old, was thrown from a horse, with re­
sult to break his left thigh bone.
Occupants of the Walla Walla
county jail are decorated with shackles
and made to work the county roads.
A sturgeon eleven feet in length,
weighing 500 pounds was caught near
Snohomish City, W. T., by an Indian.
Work on the artesian well at Ritz­
ville has been suspended, as the com­
pany could not give the necessary
W. Bennett, of Nisqually bottom,
W. T.. raised a cabbage this year
measuring 60x63 inches, weighing 22|
The California State Board of
Equalization has decided not to raise
any of the county assessments this
this year.
Among patents recently issued to
Pacific coast inventors, was one to F.
T. Gilbert of Walla Walla, for a rotary
water motor.
A single firm in San Buenaventura,
Cal., has this season turned out 10,247
sixty-pound honey cans for the apairies
of that section.
Bishop John Sharp has been de­
posed as a Mormon Bishop. He re­
nounced polygamy before the courts
some time since.
Work on the penitentiary building
at Walla Walla is progressing rapidly.
The stockade, in some places, has
reached fifteen feet.
S. P. Harlan, a telegraph operator
for the Union Pacific at R<s-k Springs,
Wy. T., has fled with almut $1<XX) of
the company’s funds.
Stephen Ring and James Foster
have l>een indicted at Seattle for
unlawfully bringing Chinese laborers
into the United States.
It is estimated that 250 cords of
wood are consumed every day by the
Central Pacific Railroad between
Truckee and Sacramento.
The people of Redding, Cal., offer
to give Shasta county $15,(XX) in coin
provided the county seat lie moved
from Shasta to that place.
John Owen was run over and in­
stantly killed on the Southern Califor­
nia Railroad. He was asleep on the
track and was horribly mangled by
the wheels.
Clara Murdock has been arrested at
Pert Townsend, charged with smug­
gling opium. She had five pounds in
a valise and thirty pounds concealed
on her person.
A man named Ballard, who arrived
at Umatilla on the Baker City branch
train, was very seriously injured by
falling through the bridge across the
Umatilla bridge.
Sarah Winnemucca, the Piute prin­
cess, has built a schoolhouse at Love­
lock, Nev., where twenty-five little
Piutes are learning to read and write
free of all expense.
Santa Rosa, Cal..Chinamen make a
lodging house of the courthouse in
that city. One afternoon recently the
janitor found no less than sixteen
asleep in the various rooms.
While crossing a bridge over the
Carson river near Reno recently a
heavy threshing machine broke the
structure down, ruining the machine
and nearly killing the driver.
The parties who have bonded the
Green Bros.’’quartz mine at Galice
creek, Oregon, are going to go down
on the ledge a depth of 500 feet,
whence they will run two inclines.
One of Mr. Legrow’s sheepherders
on Blalock mountain, south of Walla
Walla, killed within two weeks two
cougars, three lynx, one coyote, and
found three rattle-snakes in his bed.
Two boys attempted to ride to Red­
ding, Cal., in the lumber flume of
Phelps recently, One
was killed and the other had a leg
broken. The boys were the sons of
Armen Trout.
A San Francisco capitalist will build
100 dpttages for the purpose of rental
at Lake Tahoe next summer. It is
also said that the Central Pacific Rail­
road will build a railroad from Truckee
to that point.
Some Chinese at Modesto, Cal., en­
deavored recently to persuade a doctor
to issue a death certificate for a man
who subsequently proved to be alive.
What was the motive for the attempt
is not known.
Since the Sacramento river and its
tributaries have become almost clear,
owing to the cessation of hydraulic
mining, there has been a notable in­
crease of almost every variety of the
smaller species of food fish.
At Sprague, W. T., a man named
Purcell was attacked by two men who
threw a sack over his head and rob­
bed him of considerable money. The
men, who were followers of Cole’s
circus, were captured and locked up.
Charles B. Powers, who broke into
the Seattle electric light works, and
attempted to destroy the dynamo by­
driving a cold chisel through it, was
sentenced to two years and six months
at hard labor in the territorial peni­
At Los Angeles, Cal., Albert Boyn­
ton was abusing his wife, when she
took her four children and tied to a
neighbor’s named Kipp. Her li us­
band followed with a revolver anti
killed his wife, James B. Kipp, aged
65, and Nellie Kipp, aged 16.
A San Leandro, Cal., man hid a
loaded revolver in a stove oven so that
his boy might not find it. The boy
afterwards built a fire in the stove and
in a short time the pistol made its
presence known by exploding and
sending a bullet through the youth’s
At Butte, Montana, John Hobba, 15
years old, a tool packer in the Alice
mine, tried to jump across the shaft at
the 200-foot station, but struck his
head against a crossbar and fell 817
feet down the shaft. His body- was
horribly mutilated and the head
Twelve dynamite cartridges were
recently exploded in the water at Cor­
onado lieach, San Diego, Cal., for the
purpose of killing any stingarees that
might be there. None came to the
surface after the explosion, and it is a
fair supiMisition that there are none in
the vicinity.
Wm. T. Nelson, Henry J. Taylor,
and John Snooks were arrested by
Sheriff Park, of Yaquina county, W.
T., for stealing horses. The leader of
the men, Nelson, was held in $2000
bail after an examination, and Taylor
and Snooks in $1(XX) bonds each. In
default they were committed to jail.
The first six-and-a-half-mile section
of the Puget Sound & Gray's Harbor
railroad will lx- completed next month.
One hundred thousand feet of logs are
now hauled daily over this road and
put into salt water. Thia amount will
be increased from time to time until
the mill at Port Blakeley is wholly-
supplied from that section.
While J. H. Hubbard, of Sjxikane
Falla, and F. Aiken were bringing a
man named Paine from the Grand
Coulee, who was wanted in Miaaouri
for murder, the son of Paine attempted
to rescue the father, and shooting at
the officers, killed him dead. Young
Paine also killed Hubbard, and then
made his escape. At last accounts
he had not been caught. Aiken made
his escape. One of the horses wax
also killed and the others badly
NO. 32.
Excavations at the Acropolis of Athens
and l'heir Interesting Disclosures.
—A new wax of value has been fou nd
In the bark of the ocotillia, a thorny
plant of Mexico.
—A Nevada court held that a man
who had five dollars in his pocket and
his board paid for a week ahead is “a
capitalist" within the meaning of the
—For truly deep feeling let me call
vour atteution to a negro waiter who
has to stand by while the hotel guest
whom he is serving eats watermelon.—
Utica Observer.
—One cause of the throat and lung
trouble in this country is the fact that
all of us sing so much and so sweetly.
Neither the throat nor the lungs were
intended to stand such strains.— Detroit
free Dress.
—Sweet nuisanco — “No; the scene of
•The Mikado’ is not laid in Ireland. It
isn’t pronounced that way-, anyhow.
See here! Ain’t you the girl that
asked us if ragout was the French for
putting on your best clothes?”— Boston
—Enraptured young woman, gaz ng
upward (to young newspaper man) —
What a wonderful thing is spaee?
Do you ever contemplate its im-
mens ty? Young newspaper man —
Indeed, I do. I have a column of it to
F. . Sun.
fill every day. -N.
... ..
—It is reported that the maple, here­
tofore a healthy tree, is dying of a
mysterious disease. This is nature’s
wav of removin'» what is no longer of
use. since dea rs in "maple sugar"
now sell a compound composed largely
of the settling of molasses casks.— Bos­
ton Traveller.
—Verasopht —You arc lookingcharm­
ing to night, Estelle. Estelle—Charm­
ing is too cohi a word. Verasopht—
Then 1’11 call you "lemons.” Estelle—
Lemons, sir! Do you mean to insult
me? Verasopht—My darling, you do
not read the papers or you would know
that lemons are very, very dear.— I'lni-
adeluhia Call.
—A California chap has caused the
arrest of two young ladies, who, he al­
leges. waylaid and robbed him. As he
is a dude who has ne ther monev nor
brains, it is difficult to decide what they
could steal from him. Perhaps they
wanted to measure his head so they
could get a pattern for a pincushion.—
Newman Independent.
—“What fine evenings those are for
studying natural history." “Yes.”
“Last night about sunset I was strnek
by the similarity between my six-year-
old and the house-flies. I was trying to
drive the tl es out of the house and coax
the boy in. They all moved at pre­
cisely the same rate of speed and with
iust the samo amount of dodging.—
It is not a little curious that while
excavations have been made in nearly
every part of Greece for archaeological
researches no examination of the
ground immediately around and upon
the Acropolis of Athens has been made
until this year. Excavations have been
begun there which have already dis­
closed • building belonging probably
to the epoch of Pericles, though its
identity has not yet been established,
and about which were discovered a
great quantity of objects in bronze,
marble and terra cotta. These are gen­
erally fragments only, some of them
mere scraps, though there are a few
nearly complete figures and one ortwo
vase- quite whole. There are also a
number of inscriptions on fragments
of columns and on ornamental slabs of
marble. The whole lot looks as if re­
fuse from a demolished temple of earlv
date might have been deposited here
by way of tilling up a hollow place.
All the pieces of statues are of a very
early time; some are quite rude inform
and of clumsy workmanship, of no
graat interest, except as supplying ex­
amples of early Greek art. There are,
however, a few pieces of great interest
in themselves. Gne fragment of an
archaic female figure, with drapery,
which is richly painted, is preserved
with remarkable distinctness. The
drapery is painted red, green and white,
with a drak brown border, which is
ent into small squares and circles.
Another well preserved female figure
well illustrates the Greek costume of
the early periods. The hair is arranged
in unbroken waves about the forehead,
combed back behind the ears and fiills
in long curls about the shoulders. She
wears three garments; over a fine
woolen chiton, visible only at the
breast, is thrown the himation, fastened
lightly at the right shoulder and passed
under the left arm; it reaches to her
feet and over it is a short shawl-like
mantle. The chiton is red. the girdle
green and the himation has stripes of
green and dark red.
An interesting historical find has re­
cently been made in Venice, where,
near the Venice theater, was dug up a
metal box containing a great quantity
of coins, many of which are believed
to be quite unique. They belong to the
Latin princedoms which sprang up in
Greece about the time of the earlier
crusades. The coins i-idicatein fact the
titles of the Princes of Achaia and the
Dukes of Athens, and it is hoped that
much light may be shed by them upon
some very obscure passage of history,
but there vet remains much to be done
for their proper decipherment since
many of the coins are crushed and
massed together so closely that it is a
difficult matter to separate them.
Longfellow’s BoyHli Production and First
Encounter with a Critic.
An orator may feel a sense of satis­
faction in the oration which makes him
the voice of a nation, but his success
does not thrill him as did the declama­
tion when he was a boy which first
made him the hero of the little red
school house at the cross-roads. Even
the poet's latest volume, though the
publisher announces its tenth edition,
does not so stir his soul as did the sight
of his first poem in the country news­
Tiie poet Longfellow had this thrill­
ing experience in his thirteenth year.
Near the farm of his maternal grand­
father there was a small lake, known
as Lovell’s Pond. It was the scene of
a famous event in New England history,
“Lovell’s Fight” with the Indians. The
story made such a deep impression on
the boy’s imagination that ho wrote a
iioem of four stanzas entitled, “The
tattle of Lovell’s Pond.”
With a trembling heart he ran down
to the printing-office where the Port­
land Gazette was published, and dropped
the manuscript into the letter-box. The
evening on which the paper was
printed he went again, and stood
shivering while watching the working
of the press, and wondering if his poem
would appear the next morning
His sister »tiared his confit lenee, and
they watched their father when he
picked up the paper and dried it before
the wood fire. He read it slowly, laid
it aside, and said nothing. They picked
it up, and lo! the poem was there in
the poet’s corner.
The delighted boy read it over and
over, again and again, and each time
he felt the thrill of pleasure intensified.
In the evening he went to visit his
friend Frederick, the son of Judge
Mellon, his father'« intimate friend.
The conversation turned upon poetry,
and the judge, taking up the morning’«
Gazette, asked:
“Did you see the piece in to day’s
paper? Very stiff; remarkably stiff
Moreover, it is all borrowed; every
word of it.”
It was the boy’s first encounter with
a “critic,” and that night his pillow
was sprinkled with tears. The judge
was correct in his criticism: but poor
as were the verses, they gave the boy
his first sensation of the pleasure of
seeing oneself in print. — Youth's Com­
—“My dear Mr. Fitzsniflle. -Miss
Jones and I have had quite a discussion
and we have agreed to let you decide.
Which is entitled to the palm of excel­
lence. Keats or Shelley?”
"Well, weallv. Miss Brown. I would
rather not undertake to dec de that
question. My acquaintance with both
the gentlemen is very lim ted. The
fact is, they don't belong to my set, yot>
know.— Milwaukee Sentinel.
Words of Wisdom Spokon for the Benefit
of Summer Boarders.
City folks who go into the country
to board on a farm during a part of the
heated term will save themselves con­
siderable trouble and some remorse by
taking these brief and hastily*evolved
hints at their face value:
Don't expect the earth; you can have
only a very small part of it for six dol­
lars per week.
Don’t < xpect a view from your win­
dow that takes in a green hillside with
browsing lambs, a lake with water­
fowl, groves and flowers and a clear
sunset every day during your stay.
These things come high, save in adver­
tisements for summer boarders. Look
out upon the patient farm-boy bugging
the potato-vines and be content.
Don’t ask the farmer why he puts
his little peaches near the bottom of •
the basket and the big ones on top, and
similar foolish questions, and thus dis­
play your total ignorance of agricul­
tural and horticultural pursuits, and
win the farmer’s honest and hearty
Don’t go near the mowing-machine
when it is in motion. You may safely
sit on the fence surrounding the field
in which it is singing its merry song,
but that will be near enough. You
might got behind a mowing-machine
when it is in complete repose, but if it
should start, you should start also, and
you should not stop until you reach the
Don't monkey with the straw-cutter,
or try to climb over the barbed-wire
fence, just to show the congregation
how smart you are. Jt requires long
practice to climb a barbed-wire fence
and not be sorry for it afterwards.
In busy times you may take off your
coat and go out with the hands for
half-a-day, just to give yourself an
appetite. That will please the farmer,
notwithstanding your increased appe­
tite; but don't get into the habit of that
sort of thing.
Evince an interest in live-stock, but
don't say you would like to learn to
milk a cow You might, in this way,
greatly please the farmer and his wife;
but the cow would probably kick you
in the stomach, or the fence-corner, at
the first motion, and you would have
to buy a new milk-pail.
Praise the apple dumplings: say the
farm is the best kept you ever saw; kiss
the baby and pet the dog; and thus
make votirself solid with the whole
family at the very outset.
If you go walking in the woods and
see a large hornets' next hanging from
a low limb, don't become infatuated
with it. If a desire to pull it and take
it home to show it to the other board­
ers springs up in your bosom, try to
repress it. Hornets are a little par­
ticular. and do not like to have their
nest shown around among curiqus city
people while they are using it, and if
you pull their nest while they are at
home they will show their disappro­
bation of vour course