The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, September 24, 1886, Image 4

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The Circumstances Which Made an
gelic Mau Heroine a Hog.
1 never knew just how mean a man
could be until the “Fat Contributor,”
who used to be a very, very funny man
on tho Cincinnati pre«», came along and
asked me to go up North on a fishing
excursion. I loved and reverenced that
man for years before I saw him. On
the way up to Petoskey I was willing to
die for him. He was so modest so
bland—so open-hearted and gentle! I
sat and looked at him and wondered if
Heaven had an angel to compare with
him, and when 1 thought that, some
other man had been elected President
in place of the Fat Contributor, I won­
dered what the public could have been
thinking of to permit such a wrong.
The next morning after reaching
Petoskey 1 was up betimes to inquire
about tho best fishing snot. I soon dis-
covered that the Fat Contributor hail
been an hour ahead of me. He had
rented tho only dock from which fish
could be caught and fenced it in. He
had engaged all the fish-worms old
Petoskey liad on his land, and had
bribed the only boy owning a minnow
net not to catch any bait for any one
else. I met him coming upto the hotel
through the sand, anil I called him a
bully boy and explained under what
obligations he had placed me.
"How?” he askea.
“Why, wo’ll have the fishing all to
“Of course.”
"There’s no ‘we’ about it. I have
made my arrangements, and you can
¡make yours.”
"And I’m not to fish with you?”
"Not that I know of!”
I had to submit. I sat on the bank
and saw him pull in bass and pickerel
by the dozen, and if I moved down on
him he uttered tho most awful threats
you e er heard. On one occasion he
drew his* revolver and menaced me
by firing over my head. The bland,
gentle, angelic Fat Contributor had be­
come a h-o-g. When I remembered
how I had reverenced his name and
praised his talents I kicked myself.
"You needn’t look so ugly about it,"
he said to me as he came up to the hotel
with fourteen tine bass. "When 1 go
fishing I permit no one to interfere with
me. You can go over to Elk Rapid« or
Traverse City and hire a dock for
yourself, and you’d do it if you weren't
so selfish. You seem to want all the
fish in Lake Michigan. It's a wonditr
you didn’t get up at midnight and hire
the whole lake front!”
I looked around fora tvay to get even.
There was an Indian up there named
"Man-who-fell-in,” and he had a dog
about, a foot high and seven feet long.
Tho owner would tie this canine to a
stake and let any’ person throw stones
at him for a cent a throw, and every
time you hit the dog you got a toy­
basket full of maple sugar. I went
over to see tho red man, and without
stopping to inquire how he fell in or
how hi- got out I hired him and the dog
for three weeks, with the privilege of
contracting for three year«. We start­
ed in that evening, and it was the proud­
est moment of my life when tho Fat
Contributor wanted to pay for a hun­
dred throws, and was blandly informed
that it would cost him one thousand
dollars a throw. I let everybody in Pe­
toskey have a shy at the animal, and
the press of St. Louis, Louisville and
Chicago were presented season tickets.
We took the dog down on the shore,
and the Fat Contributor had to give up
his fishing. He’d have given more for
ten throws at that dodging dog than to
catch a whale, but it was not for him.
“See hero," he said as he came to me
one afternoon, “what have I ever done
to you that you should use me thus?"
"Nothing,” I answered, “only’, when
I charter a dog I permit no one to inter­
fere with me. You can go over to
Chicago or Milwaukee and hire a dog
for yourself, and you’d do it if y ou had
anv manhood about you.”
We never spoke after that. We took
the same train homo lint did not sit in
the same car.—.1/. Quad, in Detroit Free
A Stranger in California.
The Eastern tourist sought some new
experience in a San Francisco restaur­
ant. lie found it.
"What will you take sir?" asked the
'Oysters,” .«»id the tourist.
Eastern or Californian?”
Well I've eaten lots of Eastern ovs-
. I guess 1’11 try some Californian.
I'd just ¿ike to taste them and see how
they compare."
The waiter departed, and returning
daced before the tourist the usual pre-
iminary srimp, and departed. Long
and earnestly the tourist studied the
shrimps. He took one up gingerly and
examined it. H. could i ot even make
the insect out. Then ho called tho
"Here, take them away. I guess I’ll
fall back on Eastern." 8 n Francisco
Chron c'e.
In the Natural Order.
School-teacher What! a boy of your
age doesn't know the parts of speech?
School-teacher Have.iu't you FVt»r
heard of a noun?
Boy Oh. yes'in.
School-teacher Well, what CO1ÌCS
Bov Don't know.
School-teacher A pronoun, Now
please renu inlier that. Then there's
the verb. Now what follows that?
Boy—A proverb. T d-Hils.
—A Missis.« ppi naper relates the fol­
lowing: A remarkslile incident of
4 :i
wartime wound occurred the othei r da
on the person of W. C. Carroll, an i ex
Confederate soldier. He has been Mill
fering from a wound received at th-
battle of Chickamauga twenty t in-
years ami seven months ago. Ihi la-
Salnrday the fourth piece of bone cam
out of the wound, which has been op. the entire time. The sutler,
has been deprived of the use if h.
right «ide since its infliction, but h.
now received the full use of his b<sl
The piece of lame which last came froi
the orifice was one inch in length and
halt inch in width.
looking At Hydrophobia Inoculation In
th« Light of Recent Catastrophe».
ling Fashion, In ( loth., and Hng.
for Ladle*» and Gentlemen.
Interesting OoMlp About Its Peeollarltle«
and rharacterlfttlc».
Leas than twenty years ago the west
t • customary in the spring of the
It is becoming more apparent every
era half of Kansas was marked on our
r to poke fun at the good clothes of school geographies as a part of tin
lay 'hat the hopes and expectations
ti'iends and well-wisher», the ladies. "Great American Desert." Scientific
biuM d on M. Pasteur’s method of treat­
t it occurs to me that this spring writers claimed that the soil never
ing wounds inflicted by supposed rabid
re is a small field for the witty and could produce any thing unless the
animals were premature and unwar­
ranted. When several of the Russians .oca-tic critic of female attire. There land would be irrigated; but either
who had been bitten by wolves died in as not been a time since I first began they were wrong or great changes
despite of inoculation it was said that 'o make a study of this branch of science have taken place in the climate and
the t rue of rabid wolves was much more A'hen the ladies seem to have manifested
powerful than that of dogs, and there- better taste or sounder judgment in the soil, The "desert" is dotted all over
with towns and the settler has gone
t ne the treatment had not been success­ matter of dress.
Even bonnets seem to be less gro­ over beyond the Colorado line, Intmi-
ful in those cases. Now, h< wever, a
girl who had been bitten b a dog, tesque this season than heretofore, al­ gration is pouring into this part of the
reate I in time, according to M. Pas­ I though the high, startled bonnet, the country at such a rate that soon not a
ear'« theory of incubation, thoroughly bonnet that may be characterized as quarter-section of desirable land will
loculated and discharged, as was sup- the excelsior bonnet, is still retained bv
osed, cured, has died of hydrophobia. some, though how it is retained has al­ remain untaken.
When anew county is to be settled the
H rema ns to be seen what the explana- ways been a mystery to me. Perhaps
ion ottered in tlfs instance will be, but it holds its place in society by means of geographical center is determined, a
lin, which apparently tow n platted, and the boom begins: but
t i» not necessary to await it to per- h long, black pin,
’ rain of the wearer. the prospective county seat is not per­
re v • c early that it can not lie satis- ¡ passes through tne br
Street costumes of handsomely fitting mitted to flourish in peace. Soon rival
ictoiy. The death of this girl, in fact,
m i« be regarded as demonstrating the and unobtrusive shades of soft and com­ towns spring up in close proximity,
alia of tne reasoning founded on M. fortable goods will be generally in favor, claiming superior advantage and hold­
I a tern 's prel miliary experiments, for and the beautiful and symmetrical ing out extra inducements to the new
I rovs that the inoculatory process, American arm with a neat’v fitting ones. In Greelev County there are
wever carefully and fully performed, sleeve on the outside of It will gladden four towns aspiring to be the county
able to produce no protective re- the hearts of the casual spectator once seat and metropolis of the West. The
.. • w natever.
two favorite endings for the names of
I Th s occurrence,
moreover, lends
The lady with the acute elbow’ and towns are City and Center. There are
f'< s i significance
Bird City, Garden City, New City.
- Spitzka.
~ ' '
The i fort this season to abolish the close-fit­ Leoti City, and Scott Center. Greeley
and conclusions of Dr.
hitter, it may lie remembered, employed ting and extremely attractive sleeve, Center, Smith Center, and many more
many substances in inoculation, and but it will be futile.
of the same kind.
The small dog will be worn this season
tv ill nearly all of them he found it
The country is very level, with few
o-'ibh- to produce the symptoms I in shades to match the costume. For draws and no sloughs. Occasionally
u uailv ascribed to hydrophobia. These dark and brown combinations in street there are dry basins sunk several feet
ix)’s indeed inevitably suggest dresses the hlack-and-tan dog will be below the general level, that seem to
doubt wh ch at an early stage of his very much in favor, while the black-and- be the beds of former ponds or small
public treatment was raised concerning drab pug will he affected by those wear­ lakes. Entire sections can be selected
M. Pasteur’s method. “How,” it was ing these shades in dress, liinall pugs where the greatest difference in eleva­
Inquired, "is it to be known, in the that are warranted not to bag at the tion does not exceed eight or ten feet,
event of death occurring after inocu­ knees are commanding a go d and of which every foot can be culti­
lation, whether it followed from price,
Spitz dogs to match lynx vated.
the bite of the dog or from or fox trimmed garments or spring
Good water is obtained at a depth of
Hie treatment?" Now if, as has wraps are now being
„ sprinkled with from fiftv-tive to eighty feet in this
camphor and laid aside for the summer. county. Wells are dug and left un­
1 '«I
forms of sp mil meningitis can be pro­ Coach dogs of the spotted variety will walled, the ground being of such a na­
duced by inoculation, anil if, as in the be worn with polka-dot costumes. Tall, ture that it does not cave in. At all
majority of Pasteur's cases, there is no willowy hounds with wire tails will be the wells I have seen, and that is a
•orl a II tv that the dog which bit the Dole much affected by slender young ladies good many, water is drawn by a rope
girl was reaiiy rab <1. how calf her and hydrophobia. Antique dogs with passing over a pulley, with a bucket at
lentil, with hydrophobic symptoms, be weak ey es, asthma and an air of lan­ each end.
/’th any confidence attributed to tho guor will be used a great deal this sea­
One of the novel sights to be seen
log b te? It seems quite possible that son to decorate lawns and railroad here is the mirage. On certain days
the inoculation may have boon the a'tual crossings. Young dogs that are just and at certain periods in the day lakes
cause of her death, in fact; and while budding into doghood will be noticed and islands appear around the horizon
so grave an uncerta nty rema ns it is through the spring months trying their with a distinctness that seems to be
perfectly clear that there in no justifica­ new teeth on the light spring pantaloons real. Cattle at a distance seem like
tion for adopting the Pasteur method as of male pedestrian«.
gigantic monsters, with legs twenty
y trustworthy remedy: or even for re­
Sty les in gentlemen's clothing have feet long, stalking through tall grass
garding it as free from very serious not materially changed.
Lavender and water: houses ap)icar to be lifted
dangers.—-V. K Tribune,.
pantaloons, with an air of settled mel­ away above the horizon and often re­
ancholy and benzine, are now making semble bird houses resting on the top
I their appearance, and y oung men try­ of a pole; sometimes they are appar­
ing to eradicate the droop in the knees ently surrounded by water; loaded
■% n Ancient Spanish City Full of At frac
of last summer’s garment may be seen wagons resemble ships sailing on a
lion* for Historians.
in their luxurious apartments most any distant lake or a threshing machine
Travelers only pa s a day or iwo at calm spring evening.
moving along the road. Never before
Cordova to see Its monuments and re-
An old nail-brush, with a s dution of did 1 realize how deceiving must be the
•all the memories'of Roman, Arab ami ammonia and prussic acid, will remove miragi to the weary , thirsty traveler of
Goth; of Boulai’1, who passed part of traces of custard pie from light shades the desert until I rode over the prairie
ills captivity here; of Ferdinand and in pantaloons. This preparation will one calm, hot afternoon.
remove the pantaloons.
"Prairie schooners” can be seen
Isabella, and of Columbus, who came also
The umbrella will be worn over the
lore io lay his plans before the King shoulder and in the eye of the passing going in every direction, their owners
country, as did the Bible
nil tjucen during the campaign of pedestrian, very much as usual on pleas­ searching tlie
for a suitable place where
iiHlimla. They pass on instead to Se­ ant days, and left behind the door in a patriarchs,
their flocks and herds could feed, until
ville. has memories of like an- dark closet on rainy days.
they find a spot that suits their fancy.
t que interest, ami of every Spanish
Gentleman will wear one pocket- The old frontiersman will say: “I
monarch, including the present La­ handkerchief in the side pocket, with have been in this Western country now
bella; has many nioiiiiments, and a cli- the corner greatly emerging, and for eleven years, and this is the best
tuale regarded as one of the most per- another in the hip pocket, as they did place I’ve struck yet.” These old set­
:cct n the world. And while Cordoba last season, the former for decorative tlers say that the eastern part of the
ha- but forty-two thousand inhabitants purposes and the latter for business. State
was once just as this part now is.
ilw. Ilmg over the ashes of its past mil- This is a wise provision and never fails
As soon as a man has settled on a
i on«.
Seville has
times to elicit favorable comment.
claim, it is the iiest quarter in the com­
that number, and
is therefore
The custom of wearing a few kernels
ilile to add all the modern con- of roasted coffee or a dozen cloves in munity, and in his neighborhood are
veivences to its facts of history and its I the little cigarette pocket of the cuta­ the best people, the deepest and richest
fascinations of romance. Good hotels way coat will still continue, and the soil, the heaviest grass and the sweetest
re only to be found in the largest cities supply will be replenished between the water in the county, which is the ban­
ner county in the State.
n Spain. Seville has one or two of the acts as heretofore.
Along the streams in the neigh­
oest Its drives are pleasant. The coun­
Straw hats will be chased down the borhood of ranches, are hundreds of
try about it is lovely. From theGiralda, streets this spring by the same gentle­
the tall Arab tower which the cathedral men who chased them last spring, and dead cattle decaying in the summer
has pr< served for its bells, can be seen in some instances the same hats will be sunlight, and filling the air with a
the Gundalipiiver, filled with shipping, used. Shade trees will be worn a little stench that is any thing but pleasant.
the broad plain, the evergreen foothills lower this summer, and will therefore Ranch cattle have no protection from
and the snowy mountains. Its streets succeed in wiping ot!' a larger crop of the storms of winter except the creek
are blond, and its public places are set plug hats, it is hoped. Linen dusters, banks, and no feed during the whole
exclusively with orange trees, whose with the pockets carefully soldered to­ year but prairie grass. When this 1s
fru t, though it is not in his abundance gether, have not yet made their appear­ covered with snow, as was the case last
winter, the poor cattle must starve and
exceedingly tempting to the Rative, has ance. Bill Arye, in Chicago Times.
freeze to death. <If course the same
i singular attraction to the stranger as
thing would happen in the East, under
lie passes under the low-hang ng
Humane Treatment of Prisoner».
tne same circumstances.
branches. Queen Isabella has a palace
The people coming into these new
here, to which she likes to come
Here is a description of what they do
now and then. If Alfonso had spent with their prisoners in the Canton of counties are industrious, energetic, in­
telligent and many are well educated.
more of his time here his life might have
been prolonged. Byron wrote his Neuchâtel. A good handicraft is taught Not a few schoolma'ams are living on
••Childe Harold" of the delicious cli- to every prisoner, and all who are well- their claims, showing pluck and cour­
ma‘ • nnil bright-eyed senoritas of Se- behaved are, after a period, placed with age able to overcome as great ditliulties
v 1 whom lie described as nt once the a master of the trade which they have as anv found in the school room.—
ii.< s charming and the wickedest in the severally learned, under the oversight I.eoti City (Kan.) Cor. Chicago Jour­
world. The old Moorish palace called of the police and of a member of a nal.
the Alcazar is of magnificent propor­ voluntary committee. This committee
An Irish Lad’s Career.
tions, and would be considered wonder­ is composed of 1,400 active members,
ful. were not the Alhambra, which it out of a total population of 102,000. Tho
The history of John Lannon, of Alex­
■mlenvors to inrtate, still in existence, prisoner, when i "provisionally liber«
it ha- been successively occupied by all ated." has
himself andria, Va., who recently died, is
the Spanish monarchs s nec Charles V., every
patron. worth repeating. He came from Ire­
mil its gardens, wh ch are of great ev­ who receives the reports of his 'master land with his mother when a child,
ent -till, have their summer-hou'cs, and of the police. The patron sends an and early had to work for a living. He
.Iley«, shaded nooks and even their abstract of these reports to the governor
tree« haunted by great memories. — Al­ of the prison, and in this wav. if his got a place in the store of Joseph
bert Huliijff, in
Prune.'Co Chron­ conduct remains good, the man's liberty Broders, who, when the Federal troops
is gradually restored, and he regains hi’s occupied Alexandria in 1861. ran away,
position in society—with the additional leaving young Lannon, then sixteen
How He Wanted Them Made.
advantage of experience of discipline old, in charge. Broders hoped that
the boy would sell the go is in stock
Howard Ross is a gay young r lad and knowledge of a trade. M. de La- and make an honest return of the pro­
velcv c, in describing this system, «As
who«' clothes fit him just right. He
1 is I that
a Swiss canton is in some things*a ceeds, he was therefore much surprised
considerable of a wag n his way anil a century in advance of the rest of the when he returned at the end of three
years to find that John had increased
few days ago he ordered a new pair of world.—N. Y. Post.
the business, and had on hand a larger
trousers. Ho is fond of a neat fit, and
stock of goods than when Broders ran
The Latest Advertising Dodge.
had his measure taken accordingly.
away, and had made six thousand dol­
! .liter on he got to looking at the styles,
Another effective advertising scheme lars, which he had in bank. The mer­
and the result was that he sent word
gave young Lannon half of the
dow n to his tailor that he "wanted those has been invented in England. A lead­ chant
money and took him into partnership,
pant, made sober.” After consulting ing confectioner was ordered to put tip and
before ’’s died John had accumu­
everybody on the block, the tailor final­ Itt.OtM) tin boxes of candy, hermetically
one hundred thousand dollars,
ly caught on to the fact that the trousers sealed with an advertisement of a cheap lated
watch in each box. and in some of the built the opera house at Alexandria
wen- not to be made tight.
It is thought that another break of boxes, in addition thereto, a coupon en­ and the largest wharf there, and was
of the moit respected citizens of
that k ml vill be a« much as his consti­ titling the holder to one of the watches. one
tution will stand. A change of climate < >n the occasion of the Oxford and Cam­ the town.— V. Y Sun.
will th.n la* absolutely necessary.— Mer­ bridge boat race, the 10,000 water-tight
lioxcs were thrown into the river, to he
- An ml well in the Puente ranch
chant Traveler.
dived and grappled and raked for by­ near Los Angeles, Cal., hai been pro­
anybody who thought it worth while to ducing fifty barrels a dav. A few davs
Popular Summer Resorta.
take so much trouble to get the sweets, ago the borers sunk the well to a
A fan,
and possibly a watch. No little excite­ lower depth, striking a new stream of
ment and talk was caused, and the ob­ immense »trength. which threw the ap­
lee water,
ject of the enterprising watch-vender
paratus out of the hole with great vio­
A seersucker coaL
the getting of much advertising was lence, hurling a man »ixtv feet in the
A hammock.
fnlly attained.— X. Y. Sun.
sir. He escaped with his life bv catch­
The front steps.
ing on the top of a derrick. The well
Tho back part of the house after elo»-
—Jacob C. Barrett, of Newport. Pe.. threw out five hnudred or six hundred
ng the front blind,.
while working in the wood,, hung hi« barrels of oil in a few minutes —San
The ico cream saloon.
vest on a bush. The woods caught fire, Francieco CaU.
Your uncle,
and when Barrett went for hi, vest onlv
An umbrella.
the buttons
remained. Hi, gold watch
—The oopncr penny is an unknown
The rea side,
I lay on the ground ticking steadily i u> article in J eadwood. -Deadwood Tri­
buie.du. Merchant TVare'r,
, »piu ot Ih» hi».— DiUehurfh Post.
I £■
marvel of purity
Royal a Perfect Baking Powder—Absolute^
Free from Lime.
The Royal Raking Powder is considered by all chemists
and food analysts to be a marvel of purity, strength, and
wholesomeness. Furthermore, it is now the only baking
powder before the public free from lime aud absolutely pure.
This is due largely to the improved method by the use
of which it ha.3 been made possible to produce a perfectly
pure cream of tartar, from which all the lime has been
This chemically pur? cream of tartar is exclusively
employed in the manufacture of the Royal Baking Powder,
so that its absolute freedom from lime aud all other
extraneous substances is guaranteed.
Professor McMurtrie, lato chemist in chief to the U. S.
Department of Agriculture, after analyzing many samples of
cream of tartar of tho market, testified to the absolute
purity of that used in tho Royal Baking Powder as follows:
“ I have examined the cream of tartar manufactured by
the New York Tartar Company and used by ths Royal
Bt.king Powder Company in the manufacture of their bak­
ing powder, and find it to be perfectly pure, and free from
lime in any form.
“All chemical tests to which I have submitted it have
proved the Royal Baking Powder perfectly healthful, of
uniform, excellent quality, and free from any deleterious
in Chief U. S. Deft ef ^nrirnMurt?
for Infants and Children
“Castoriaisso well adapted to children that Castor!*
cures Colle. _______
t recommend it as superior to any prescription I Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
'gives sleep, and promote,
known to me.’’
¿A. Aacnsa.M.D.,
* Kill, W
------ ----
Hl So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Without injurious medication.
T h » C entaur C ompany , 183 Fulton Street, N. I.
of energy for busineM in her locality.
Salary M
References. E. J. Johnson, Mangr, 17 Barclay
. X T
October 7th to 23d.
A recent Attack <f Indigestion or conrtlpatlon is cured It tho right remedy is applied, but every
medicine except Hamburg Figs is .<> disgusting ta
taste or smell that ngwreon prefers to let the disease
taka its cour-e if tho abovo taxation cannot bo ob.
tallied. 25 ecu ■■
rickrt. wlU br wld by lb. O. R t NO . O * CH
M.l OnwnnUn R y Oo .KINK AND ON»
Tiere« good tor T.n Day.
Over the 0 R & N Co ’■ line at LEM THAN HUJ
r ARK on October 8th and 15th.
Ticket« fowl **
October 14th and 26th.
A. S. WHITING, Supt.
20 Stark Street
diwM1 !’
t>V modern
CivuiZfttion, and is increasing to an alarm­
ing extent Let him who suspect« the
«1st«rice of thia cauao of sudden death
take this remedy at once— it will cure
_ . .
, y°u- »1.50. Descriptive treatise with
each bottle or mailed free.
••II. «.
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quackeij. Indisputable pruU*
Rook eeub sealed* tree
At all Druggists ; or addresa
J. J..MACK 4 CO.,
9 and 11 Front St., San Francisco, Cal.
. for
T., the
;;,j above
abore dtaefta«;
I tk
a positive
irst kind and •(WW
••• thnusftndaofeft«eaof the “ worst
I. •efltrnnrl'BitW'
■Landinghavobeenoor-ei. 1 n<*v*L
.-e. 1
In Its eftlencv.thAt I wi 1 aendTtVO
BGTTir.S frk
___ thlsdiM«*
; • " *t
together with __ a _ VALU ABT.
~----- expresa »n.d ' F “ - *ddr -----
fferer. Give
DR. T. A. SLOCUM, l«rPearl St.. New Tflrt.
n»« lllVi.h» QUID, „
(••«rd Sept, and Mm,J,
«th year, «r »50 paae.
»X*1*1-« >nch«>,with ovri
3,SOO lllnatratton* - a
whole Ptctnre Callerr
GIVES Wholeeale Price,
Greet to eon»u»,«r« on all Kood> ft>-
personal or family nae. Tell, how te
Bnd **’" ,w‘ co,t
thin* yon nae, eat, drink, wear, o,
Th'* ‘"VALrAIlLF
BOOKS contain Information ^leaned
®Y <he world. XV.
will mall a copy FREE to any ad-
dreaa npon receipt of 10 eU. to defra»
«.pen« of mailt««. Let a. hear fron.
w?MS2MERY WARo * co.
««7 * ««» W abaak Arena«, ( blearo. Ill
n"»rr’’ '• 'ba
real Laaitat to U«e. and uheaprev.
Cr. <& G-
Win rare (with
the wowt r»e« In
K*rh br>* «’ntaln» * prwticel trenti«« «•’L
o*l dlMure. with full instruction for «eg cum
Prion, »3.
J. C. STEELE, Agent,
»33 Market Strnnt, S"’i Francleeo,
r >« s-
„ exprexsly for
dcranreinent* of
rr^sns. The con?l£unML-r,*Y
through the parts ro"s
them to healthf
not confound th» w,’h j «
Belts advertised
frhead to to«__ " •
ONE spevific pun"’* _ •.« a
For Ltrcohr? <1*”*^,—•
formation, «ddre«
Belt C«.