The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, September 24, 1886, Image 3

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W<* have engaged the Norvicea of Mr. A.
V. It. Snyder to take charge of our local
and editorial departments. Hr nerds no
introduction to the people of Yamhill.
Those wishing to subscribe for the
T elephone may do ho through the fol-
owing persons:
J. KI. Keltv . .............................Lafayette.
W. A. Graves............................ Sheridan.
H. I.. Simpson................................ Amity.
O. G. Davis ............................... Bellevue.
<;. 8. Williamson....................Wheatland.
Agents at other points in the county
will be announced soon.
T.'l IKK
R. P. BoDo.
Prosecuting Attorn,?y......
Geo. W. Belt,
co XTY.
. . R. P. Bird.
Senators ■
J. W. Watts.
R. IL Laughlin,
Representatives -
F. N. Little.
0. Lafollett.
L. Loii' barv.
J. 8. Hibbs.'
Commissioners •
Geo. Dmsev.
G. W. Bi’Letlweil.
Clerk ..............
T. J. Harris.
W. W. Nulson.
Assessor .
Wyatt Harris.
J. A. Freund.
School Supt.............
J. I). Fenton.
!».(’. Nurver
Choral union.
But up your stoves.
Circuit court Monday.
River lower than for ye irs
Correspondents: Please wake tip.
Wheat dropped two cents yeste day.
A little more rain needed for plowing
Wes Wallace is at Monmouth at work.
Billy Spears, the painter, is at Grant’s
T elephone three months fo" 50 cents.
Try it
Fresh roasted peanuts at II. II.
For a square meal go to the St. Charles
—only 25 cents.
Public examination of teachers at La­
fayette to-morrow.
Hon. Wm. Savage of Polk county, was
an the city yesterday.
Best meal in the city for 25 cents, at
the McMinnville Hotel.
Fire and more “kiver” feels very
comfoitable these nights.
Many a straw pile has gone up in
smoke the past two days.
Our sick people, so far as we are able
to learn, aie on the mend.
Mr. F.. X. Harding’s family returned
from the east Tuesday evening.
Billiards, 15 cents per game, until fur­
ther notice, at II. 11 Welch’s.
It. Jacobson & Co. of Sheridan, are
selling off their large stock of goods at
Rev J. Hoberg will hold services at
Obye’s school house at 11 a. m. Sunday
Our young friend Link Goitner has
gone to Portland to wo k for liaseltine
& Co.
Messrs. Ed Riddleman and Orin Skin­
ner return home, both looking and feel­
ing well.
A little damn for the Newberg fair.
Several talk of goi g down from this
place, to-day.
The new pumps that are being put in
will cost the city less than did the old
wooden ones.
We see by the Rogue River Courier
that Alex Watt is ojrening a mine on Jo­
sephine creek.
George Cornet is the efficient and gen­
tlemanly artist in Welch's Tonsoral Par­
lors, after August 6.
Wheat appears to be a little on the
decline. Still (>7H cents was paid at
this place yesterday.
We are under obligations to County
Clerk Briedwell and his deputy, John
Thompson, for favors.
James Flett is flown from the Nestuc-
ca mills anil reports everything boom­
ing in the mountains.
Old school books re-bund and made as
good as new lor one-half price of new
ones by J. C. Cooper.
It hasn’t been decided vet who will
get the gun at Collard’s. Some close
shooting has been done.
The wind blew a gale and it rained
like fury. Wednesday night. But still
it is too dry to start the plow
Blackburn & Peckham have just re­
ceived and are unp uking a fine line of
summer dress goods, hosiery &e. *
Rev. J. E. Connor will hold divine
service at Carlton next Snnday at 11 a.
m., and at Hutchcroft’s school house at
3 p.m.
It is true, as we guessed, Corker, of
Lafayette, is going to quit business, and
that is the reason he is offering his goods
at cost.
• C. W Talmage, the real estate and
insurance man. has been re-arranging
his office, and has it fixed up as cozy as
you please.
Vinegar, 25 cents per gallon, in large
or small quantities; sweet cider. 15
cents per gallon, at the cider mill of
Jno. J. Sax.
Rev. John C. Fair will be absent from
the city Sunday evening; hence there
will be no evening services at the Epis­
copal church.
We hear that Corker, of Lafayette, is
offering bis goods at cost lor cash, which
means that he is going out of business
in that burg.
Farmers having wool to sell will do
well to consult Blacxburn & Peckam lie-
fore selling as they pay the highest
prices in the county.
The Bellevue church will bo dedicated
>unday next. This ia one ot tho neatest
little structures in the county, and speaks
well for the good people of Bellevue.
We think we saw some fine plows,
Iniriows and other farmers’ trinkets too
numerous to mention, at Coikei’s, La-
lyette. that might be bought veiy cheap
I u- cash.
Tuesday we warned people against
eating melons. We now take it back.
5 ou can eat them with safety until Bax­
ter & Martin have disposed of those they
have on hand.
Blackburn A Peckham, the agents of
Chas. H. Dodd A Co., are doing the
boss machine business of the county,
old some 25 twine bindets ami two
steam thieshers.
Band of Hope day has been changed
from Friday to Saturday, to allow the
little folks w ho are going to school to
attend. lienee the meeting will be to­
morrow at 2 p. tn.
Mr. Fred K. Ileider, of Sheridan, is
putting in a fine stock of boots and
shoes. He dropped in to see us yester­
day while on his way home from Port­
land. Look out for his posters. •
Since the rains began Tuesday even­
ing, our people all feel better ami have
got on a brighter look. If you want to
see an Oregonian smile just dampen bis
“webs” and you strike him in a tender
Hon. V/. J. McConnell, was in the
city Tuesday. A hoise tell with him in
the upper country several days since
and bruised him up severely.
Me. in­
tends to move his family to Moscow at
an early date.
Those two “brass-horn” Nimrods
who, with their families went out l'oru
couple of days’ rusticating, Tuesday, re­
turned home Wednesday. They didn’t
get much game, but one of the most
complete duckings imaginable.
Hon. Wm. Galloway Wednesday sold
his jack "Noisy Billy” to Mr. N. K.
Sitton, of Carlton. Several offers were
made for h.m by Polk county men, but
Mr. G. was determined that the noble
animal should remain in Yamhill.
A full lino of furniture of all kinds,
bird cages, wall papers, baby carriages,
carpets, mattings pictures, etc., etc.
Also, New Home Sewing Machines and
machine repairs at W. 11. Bingham’s,
and at prices that defy competition.
Billiards at the “Orphan’s Home” 15
cents per game of 34 points ; 20 cents for
50 points, and 25 cents for 50 points
when one player discounts the other.
II. II. W elch .
Again the Portland Telegram makes a
thrust at Yamhill by getting off a wishy-
washy yarn about a young couple who
walked into town from the rural districts
of Multnomah and then applying it to
Yamhill. Jealousy goes a good ways in
this age.
Only a few harvesters standing out in
the fields around through the country
Just let them winter there; it’ll give
machine men a chance to sell you an­
other harvester next season. They
don’t cost much you know—4350 or
thereabouts is easily made. With
wheat at (lit cents a bushel how many
bushels will it take to pay for a $350
T homas P ettiokew D ead .—The death
of Mr. Thomas Pettigrew occurred at
the residence of Mr. C. D. Johnson, this
city, about 9 o’clock Tuesday morning.
Deceased had been ailing for some time
past, and seeing that he was fast failing
he abandoned his lonely home and went
to Mr. Johnson’s where his every want
was sup died by willing hands until he
closed his eyes in death. He was a
prominent member of Union Lodge, F.
and A. M., and was buried by that Ira-
ternity at 10 o’clock Wednesday. Mr,
Pettigrew has made McMinnville his
home for manv years; at one time ear­
ned on a general merchandising busi­
ness, but left that and has since lived a
quiet and leliied life.
He was rather
eccentric in some ways, but for all that
was a truly good man.
W is an old
school Presbyterian and we believe lived
the life of a Christian. 11» li id no rela­
tives on this coast. ILivmg several
thousand dollars he made a will be­
queathing it to relatives and those who
had befriended h.m in his latter days.
Mr. Pettigrew was about 70 years ol
How to B uild a H ouse .—We have
just recieved from the publisher a neat,
new book, with tlnxabove title, contain
ing plans and specifications for twenty-
five houses of all sizes, from two rooms
up; also, engravings showing the ap­
pearance of houses built from the
plans given. In addition, it has valu­
able information of permanent mil prac­
tical value on subjects relative to build
ing anil building contracts, that cannot
fail to be of value to those who intend to
budd, and it will be sent to any address
on recipt of 25 cents, bv J. S. Ogilvie A
Co., publishers, 31 Rose street. New
T he B::::-Kr.: i' i : s ’ A ssociation —
Held at Grange hall their annual meet­
ing Tuesday and Wednesday, but the at­
tendance was -m ill and the interest ap­
peared rather dull' The following per­
sons were elected officers for the ensuing
year: C F. Ho-kins, ti-esidont: D Kauff­
man. vice-p'o-id •n’,; Mr- M C 8 Young,
secretary; 8 F Harding treasurer. The
right of naming the place for holding
the next meeting was left with the of­
R i n O ver .—On Monday l ist a son of
Lafe Kinney, of west Chehalem, was
thrown from a wagon to which a runa­
way team was attached, nn l two of the
wheels pissed over his body. For a
t:m» it wis thought certain that his
spine was injured, but from l iter inves­
tigation it is thought not.
Dr Littln-
fleld of Lafayette attended the unfortun­
ate lad.
E lection of O fficers .—Indian War
veterans will please bear in mind that
the election of officers ot Camp Hembree
will be hold at the opera Iioii“e in this
city, one week from to-day, Friday, Oc­
tober 1st
M arried —At the residence of the
b'ide’s fa’her, near Sheridan, September
22. by the Rev. Mr. Stinson, Mr. Joseph
Kinney and Miss Tillie Yocum.
Religions Serv ices-Siinilny Next.
Onv INeijglibors
Services at the Baptist church.—
1‘ieaching morning and evening at usu­
Dolph, Tillamook County.
al hours. Subject for 11 a. nt.,—
“ Preaching from the Mountain Tops;”
Sept. 20, 1886.
for 7:3t> p m : “ In search of a Scep­
tre.” Seats free. All are cordially in­
Roads in good condition over the
vited ; strangers especially made wel­
G. J. B cuciiett , pastor.
One would think, seeing so many peo­
M. E church—services will be held ple on their way to the beach, there was
fair in session at tho capital.
at 11a. nt. and at 7:39 p. in.
R ev . 11. B. S atciiwell , I’astor.
Wo learn there is a Dutch colony set­
St. James’ (Catholic) church. Mass tling on the head waters of Slab creek,
st 10:30 a m on the second and fourth from there over to Salmon river.
Sundays of each month. Sunday school i Judge Boise passed through here on
at 2:30 p. m. every Sunday.
his way home last week. Also several
J. 8. W hite , Rector.
of the well-known Yamhillers. Ed.
C. P. church. Services at the usual Wallace and family, Cook, Ford, Booth,
hours. Subject for forenoon discourse, and many others, that are accustomed
“ Some lessons from tho recent earth- to making frequent visits to the beach.
quake disaster at Charleston, 8. C.” That’s right, come one, come all, we are
Subject for evening discourse “ The pleased to seo those pleasant faces.
Saving Power of Knowledge.” Sunday
We learn that young Turnor, from
School at 9:3J a. m. All are invited and near
Bellevue, and Miss Ettie Jones,
made welcome to these services.
went out boat riding on the bay one day
T. IL H enderson , Pastor.
last week, and came near meeting with
St. James’ church. Rev. John c. a watery grave. They went w here old
fishermen said they would not dare to
Fair, rector. Services 11 a. in.
Sunday school at 9:30 a. in.
go. Be cautions you young, inexperi­
Friday evening services at 7 :30 p m. enced boatmen.
Seats free. All are cordially invited to ¡ The parties from Salem that were ar­
rested a while back on the Big Nestuc-
ca, for killing deer, came out and camp­
W. V. B. K. A.
ed just over the line in Yarnhill county,
then went in Tillamook county hunted
M c M innville , Sept. 21, 18SC.
deer and killed several, then sent back
The Willamette Valley Bee Keepers word they had been killing deer for
Association met at Grange hall accord­ them to come and arrest them.
New fashion now for tin ladies to car­
ing to the notice. Tho first day there
were but a few in attendance and some ry mail on horse back from Dolph to
were quite disheartened, but the earnest
Ask Joe. Hill what makes
workers for the improvement and exten­
his neck so stiff? He will
sion of the principles of raising bee i and horse can bite as hard as it can kick.
making honey a better and more protita
M ountain Tor.
hie business, was bound that the meet­
ing should not be a failure. On the fol­
Dayton Prairie.
lowing day, the 22d, the meeting was
September 21, 1886.
called to order by the pi evident, Frank
Items are pretty scarce.
8. Harding. The annual address by the
And still it is warm. The farmers are
president was an interesting document,
“bowing to the association the necessity now pretty near at a stand still, as far as
of more diligent work with bees and the work is concerned, on account of dry
pasturage for them . After the election weather, 't hey will not sow summer fal­
of offieeis, questions and answers were low ground for fear it will not come up.
introduced and a a pleasant and profitable
Mr. William Cooper left for Yaquina
time was enjoyed by the members and bay l ist Tuesday tor the benefit of bis
those that did not belong to the associa­ health. A. J. Cooper and Ben Deford
accompanied him.
Mrs. Geo. Morgaridgo, who has been
To the Farmer.
quite ill this summer, has so far regain­
ed her health, as to be able to attend
Messrs. F. Barnekoff & Co., have to her household duties.
thoroughly renovated and overhauled
John Versteog has rented a farm in
the Fellows’ warehouse at McMinnville, Moore’s Valley and will remove from
recently purchased by them and are now here there in a short time.
read}’ to receive grain. They will clean
Most ail the apple orchards have been
and store at 3 cents, and will be ready purchased in this section by apple buy­
to buy and pay the highest price going, ers. 't he price paid was 25 cents per
IN cash . Sacks kept on band and sold box picked.
to farmers at the lowest rates. This is a
State fair is over and a great many are
perfectly responsible firm, and those sadder but wiser, but we will rema n on
having grain to sell or store, or in need the
O utside .
of sacks, should call and see them, tf
Circuit Court Docket.
Sale of Personal Property.
Listen While we Play,
We are still in the drug business in Me-'
Minnville, and we are selling Drugs, Medi­
cines, and everything in our line at as Low
P rices as any house in this county.
And everything in the line of Stationery at
the L owest P rices .
McMinnville Pioneer Boot and Shoe Store.
—Have just received—
A Larga Assortment
Boots and Shoes
Suitable for Fall ami Winter wear.
All Goods Warranted
Boots made to order and neatly repaired at short notice.
site the Grange Store.
Sign of the Big Boot, opno-'
Wonderful Cures,
W. D. Hoyt it Co., wholesale and retail
druggists of Rome. Ga., say: We have
been selling Dr. King’s New Discovery,
Electric Bitters and Bucklen’s Arnica Salve
for two years. Have never handled reme­
dies that sell as well, or give such universal
satisfaction. There have been some won­
derful cures effected by these medicines in
this ctiy. Several cases of pronounced
consumption have been entirely cured by
use of a few bottles of Dr. King's New Dis­
covery, taken in connection with Electric
Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold
by Rogers & Todd.
------- AT TIIE-
Old Reliable
------ OF
Active Pushing and Reliable. McMinnville,
Rogers ct Tad.l can always be relied upon
Who has on band
to carry in stock the purest and best goods,
and sustain the reputation of being active,
pushing and reliable, by recommending ar­
is ready to fill ail orders tor the-'
ticles with well established merit and such
largest and best bri. k in the county, <v
as are popular. Having the agency for the
celebrated I)r. King’s New Discovery for
From $5 to $3 per Thousand.
consumption, colds and coughs, will sell it
on a positive guarantee. It wilt surely cure
any and every affeciiou of vhrvat, luih’s, or
chest, and in o •tie" io »» ovty or.r t lrim we
ask you to call and
a Tiir.l Bol'de 1‘rte.
1. Penton Embree vs James Morrison —
action for money.
2. H (J Wandt vs H C Burch et al—fore­
3. James Shirley vs II C Burch et al—
4. .John Williamson vs Eliza William­
son—suit for divorce
5. Smith Stephens vs Marion Townsend
and D J < doper—action for money.
Notice to Delinquents.
6. R W Kingsbury vs A J Baker—action
for money.
7. ItUariisvs E P Bowers et al—fore­
Notice is hereby given that the delin­
8. Blackburn ct Peckham vs Samuel quent taxes for the vent 1883, 1864 and
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve,
Haves et al—action for money.
1885 must be paid within t’ne next 15
9. ‘ George E Lewis vs Fannie E Lewis­ days, or property will be lovi nl upon
The best salve in tho world for cuts, suit for divorce.
10. S J Ely vs John II Carse et-al—action and sold tor the payment of said delin­
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
quent tax, by virtue of Warrant i&sued
for money.
soies, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
11. M.iriette Gilbert vs D J Cooper—fore­ out of county court.
corns, and all skin eruptions, anil posi­ closure.
T. J. H arris ,
12. JI Wolf vs John Vendré—foreclos­
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
Sheriff of Yanihi'l Co.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac­ ure.
13. R W Kingsbury vs A J Baker—suit
tion, or money refuuded.
Price 25
Teacher's Examination.
cents per box. For sale bv Rogers & for 14. damages.
F W Redmond vs W J Laughary and
W D Robert'«m—equity.
15. State of Oregon vs W E Pool—selling
The teacher’s public examination will
A. A. M c C ully ’ s E state .—In the liquor without license.
10. State of Oregon vs J F Bewley—ob­ be held at the court house in Lafayette,
matter of the estate of the late Asa A. structing a highway.
Oregon, on Saturday the 25th day of
17 The Yamhill Lumbering Co vs Jonas September. 1886, beginning at 8 o’clock,
McCully, Willis Starr, Geo. B. Benton
and Samuel Pate, appraisers for Yamhill
J. A C. F reund ,
18. Ruth C Unger vs M J Unger—suit a. ni. sharp.
county, and David McCully, Chas. for divorce.
19. 1 N Hembree vs A A Logan—suit for
Clagget and J. I. Thompson, appraisers ejectment
and damages.
An elk that weighed 1,400 to 1,500
for Marion county, have filed their report
20. A R. Burbank vs I N Hembree—ac­
pounds was killed on the Nehalem the
containing an inventory of the property tion for money.
of which A. A. McCully died siezed,. as 21. James K Sears vs T 8 Tatty—action other day.
follows: Persnal property in Marion for money.
22. John G Baker vs Newgard and An­
county valued at $111,488; real property derson
in Marion county $13,700; personal prop­ 23. W
J Simonds vs Don Hays—action
erty in Yamhill county, $3371.03; real for money.
property in Yamhill county, $15,887.
24. Henry C Shadden vs I N Hembree—
partion suit.
25. Joan Pugh vs Chas Pugh—suit for
A D isgrace .— We dislike to grumble divorce.
20. Chas II Dodd & Co vs T J Shadden—
and find fault; but we must say that the action for money.
27. The Yamhill Lumbering Co vs Aus­
man or woman that wouldn’t feel like
tin C Denney—action for money.
using a cuss word if compelled to come
28. J tí Martin vs John J Sax—action for
into this city by B street is almost a saint. money.
I) C Richardson vs M B Martin—writ
To avoid “chuck-holes” deep enough to of 29.
bury a horse, you have got to run over 30. Henry Parrott vs John D Shearer et
rocks as big as your head, for a distance al—foreclosure.
31. J C Braley vs John Shearer—action TRY ITTIIP.EE MONTHS FOR
of three or four blocks. It is a shame
and disgrace to the place and we shall for money.
32. E T Branson vs Yamhill County—ac­
hold it up as such until it is improved. tion
for money.
33. Breymun Bros vs Lucy Hurlburt—
M arried —At the residence of the foreclosure.
3-1. Mary E Richardson vs O W Richard­
bride’s parents, near North Yamhill,
son— action f<»r divorce.
Monday, Sept. 20, 188(1, by Rev. J. Ho­ 35. John A Simmons vs A N Simmons—
berg, Mr. Beverly N. Daniel and Miss action for money.
30. Board of Commissioners vs Wm
Kitlie E. Maddox. The Maddox and Wess
ct al -foreclosure.
Daniel families appear to “stand in”
37. John G Baker vs Nathan Bird et al—
pretty well, as this is the second mar- foreclosure.
38 George Watkins vs G W Landers—
riage existing between them. They are
for money.
of Yamhill’s best, citizons, and we wish action
3it. (ieo I) Edwards vs Lee Laughlin—
the couple just united their portion of suit
in equity for disolution of partnership.
joy and happiness.
40. F I) llolman vs Mary C Holman—
suit for divorce.
D eath of a P ioneer M other .—Mrs.
41. George Hines vs Bertha L Hines—
for divorce.
Catherine Panbrum, age 1 81 years, died suit
42. Thomas Huston vs Nathan Westfall
at the home of her son-in-law, L. W. —action for money.
4 5. The Oregon Mortgage Co vs C II
Harger, West Chehalem, last Saturday,
Burch et al—confirmation.
18th inst., and was buried Sunday, the
44. Reuben Harris vs John K Millican—
pith. Rev J. Hoberg officiating at the confirmation.
burial services. Mrs. P.mbrum’a hus­ 45. John Enery vs Nicholas Carlin—con­
band during his life was a prominent of­ firmation.
IO io 25 per Ceni. Cheaper Than
4G. LC Forrest vs John L Thornton—
ficial of the Hudson Bay company.
47 Board of Commissioners v< II C
Amhady Else.
C horal U nion .—At the opera house Burch
et al—confirmation.
this evening will tie hold a meeting for
4U Board of Commissioners vs C H
ct all—confirmation.
Como and Seo for Yourself.
the purpose of permanently organizing a Burch
4.» Board of Coin m if sinners vs L J and
Choral Union. There is plenty of good E P Bower- confirmation.
50. J L Rollins vs G W C< oltbarp ct al­
musical talent in this city for a union
that will furnish music that will make confirmation.
51. George Litchfield v> ii B Bryan— ¡
the hills and valleys fairly ring, and it is j foreclosure.
hoped that ail the warblers of the town i 51 Martha M Rogers vs Robert Hain-
will lie on L ind to give the thing a boost. I ming suit of epf. tmenu
KdlinniilleJowdrv Store.
There will be an auction sale of all the
personal property of the late J. D. Fen­
ton, at his farm two and one half miles
north-west of Lafayette, Sept. 25th—
to-morrow. Horses, cattle, sheep, hogs,
farm machinery and many other things
will be sold. Remember the date, Sat­
urday, Sept. 25th—to-morrow. Terms
of *nle, twelve months credit upon all
sums above ten dollars.
— OI—
J. M. CHAPMAN, Pro.,
Carries a full stock of Furniture, of alt
kinds. Fine Bedroom Sets,
Mouldings, Wall Papers, Etc., i£tc.
------- A in1! line of
Undertaker's Goods !
Store, one door sonili of brnlga 81 eri lan,'
—lla-iics'j ut the- -
Lafayette Harness
—at absolutely—
Portland Prices,
Sul isci'i IX?
50 Cents
Watches, Clocks,
Buggy Harness from $I2. ihi ami upw.-.gL
Team Harness from *25.00 anil Upward1.
I have also something entirely new in the
line of saeut pads.
My terms are CASH, or notes that .-arf
be turned into cash.
Boot and Shoe Store !
Next to Yamhill County Bank.
M c M innville
The Largest and Finest St ick ever brought
to Yum Hill County.
Boots and Shoes made to order and acati/
Prices to the Bedrock.
Jewelry and
Dry Goods House
In the City,
McCormick end Deering