The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, September 10, 1886, Image 3

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We have enjiged the services of Mr. A.
V. R» Snyder to take charge of our local
and editorial departments. He needs no
Introduction to the people of Yamhill.
Those wishing to subscribe for the
T elkhhonk may do ho through the fol­
owing persons :
J. M. Kelty................................Lafayette.
V W. ä
»'"8“” ! .. ........ .
A. Graves............................. Sheridan.
R. L. Simpson.................................Amity
O. G. Davis ............................ Bellevue
C. S. Williamson................... Wheatland.
Agents at other point. in the counts
will be announced soon.
Prosecuting Attorney
. R. P. Boise
Geo. W. Belt
...................... R. P. Bird
................ J. W. Watts
( ............ R. R. Laughlin.
Representatives J.................. F. N. Little.
|.................... C. Lafollett
L. Lougharv.
I. 8. Hibbs
Commissioners ( | .....
Geo. Dorsey
G. W. Briedwetl
..................... T. J. Harris.
................ W. W. Nelson.
Assessor........... ................ Wyatt. Harris.
School 8upt.... ................ J. A.’C. Freund
Surveyor........... ................... J. 1). Fenton.
Coroner ........ ................ D. 0. Narver.
Warm and dusty.
Helyer’s wood saw buzzeth.
Come and get yottr baby’s Bboe.
The new brick begins to loom up.
Wheat remains at the same notch.
Fair passed; business settled down.
The rush of wheat has quieted down.
R. K. Roper has been in town a day or
Fresh roasted peanuts at II. II.
For a square meal goto the St. Charles
—only 25 cents.
Johnny Clark comes back from Zena
to attend college.
Cholera morbus is what causes consid­
erable complaint.
Best meal in the city for 25 cents, at
the McMinnville Hotel.
Services at the Episcopal church this
evening at 7:30 o’clock.
Godown and tell George Cornet you
want to see that $12 picture.
Plenty of nice, ripe Gravenstine ap­
ples for sale at Mrs. Talmage’s.
Billiards, 15 cents per game, until fur­
ther notice, at H 11. Welch's.
Where’s the sssspreet Mtiiik’cr? Tbev
are getting dryer than local opnon.
Supt. Freund has a neat fi:gn painted
on ¡¡is office windows. Wiles did it.
Sunday School at St. James’ (Episco­
pal) church next Sunday at I) :30 a. m.
Yamhill lias about the best horseman
in Oregon, and that man is John Dudley
Jeff I). Fenton and W. E. M irtin have
gone to Salem to attend the tournament
Take vonr wheat to the old Newby
mill, Happy valley, and get some good
Why .not pile several thousand feet of
lumber on the bridges and leave it
Mr. N. J. Rowland’s health is improv­
ing and he will be able to be out in a
few days.
Those who attended the dance Tues-
night had a good time. Twenty-nine
numbers were sold.
George Cornet is the efficient and gen­
tlemanly artist in Welch's Tonsoral Par­
lors, after August 6.
Mr. B. E. Sanders’ case is becoming
quite critical and fears are entertained
that lie cannot recover.
Think oi the pleasant rides people will
take! Manning A Co. have sold 12 bug­
gies since Saturday last.
I. P. Deshon of Portland, has been
here several days in the interest of the
Giant Powder fne extinguisher.
Mr. James Flett and family are down
f om the paill for a few days’ visit.
Those silver prunes handed us by Billy
Booth are the finest we have seen.
Under the care of Dr Galbreath,
“Uncle George” Bangasser is slowly im­
Dr. J B. Loughary came down from
Dallas and “took in” the fair for a cou­
ple of days.
A liberal price will be paid by Mr. J.
C. Cooper, for a copy of Harper’s week­
ly of date August 1, 1868.
Mr. Tlios. Pettigrew is in failing
health. At present he is lying quite ill
it the residence of C. D. Johnson.
Our young friend Ulysses Booth, whe
is with Haseltine A Co., Portland, speni
i couple of days at home this week.
Born—In McMinnville, Sept 8, 1886,
to the wife of I. C. Terry, a fine daugh­
ter. Mother and child doing well and I.
C. will recover.
We learn that five young men removed
the taps from J K. Connor’s wagon ;
that they replaced the taps and paid $10
each for their fun. No names.
The finest regular sweet potatoe w<
have seen was raised on the farm of J
>V. Rogers, near this city It is no
‘vam” but a regular sweet potatoe.
Mr. W. A. McCredy, comes down from
Klickitat county to pay his old Yamhil
home a visit. He looks the same as ten
vears ago. His family has been in this
vicinity for se.’eral weeks.
Geo. W. Snyder arrived up from As­
toria Wed’iesd ty evening and is spend-
ng a day or two with us. He is looking
well and feeling splendid, Says ohl
rcean breezes agree with him.
C. F. Martin will canvass the conntv
in the interest of the sell-revolving
churn dasher. If he calls on you do not
fail to give him a hearing, as the dasher
is all that it is recommended to be
Little Charley,son of T B Handley of
Hillsboio and well known as a former
resident of McMinnville is dangerously
sick with typhoid fever, but hopes are
now entertained of his ultimate recovery.
The summer is ended, the harvest is
past, the State Firemen’s Association
has so-she-ated, and we McM. F D ar»
conspicuous by our absence tlierat. If
~o wiiv so, and what didwewant to do
it for?'
The W C. T. U. of this city have se­
cured the services of Mrs Mary B.
Reese, of Ohio, for Saturday and Sun­
day next. Services held at the M. E.
Church. The lady comes highly recom­
There certainly was no finer display
on the fair grounds than can be seen at
Detmering’s show window. Energy will
Detmering is certainly opening
one of the finest lines of goods ever dis­
played in McMinnville.
A. Noltner, of the Portland World,
was up and attended the fair Tuesday.—
He was very favorably impressed with
our grounds, exhibits, etc. Mr. Noltner
is making a good paper of the World and
democracy should support him liberally.
The Giant Powder fire extinguisher
has been on exhibition and tested here
during the week, and gives universal
satisfaction to all who saw its operation,
if works in connection with the pump
that T. 8. Patty has been selling and
comes cheap.
Mr. W. W. Nickel is gathering to­
gether a fine assortment ci fruits and
pieserving them in alcohol for the pur­
pose of taking« nst with him. He h i«
peaches, pears, prunes, plums, grapes,
etc., and th 'V <•111 be seen at Ge >. W
Burt’s drug store.
Pint. J A. I’ ice comes h ick to the
“hind of milk an I ho iev, big red apples
ind p'ettv women,” the perfect picture
of health. Hiere is no doubt in the
world but that our Tillamook neighbors
treated him kindly during his stay over
there. His labors begin here on the
Mr. J. F. Spencer ot Bellevue, return­
ed Wednesday evening from Portland,
where he had been to have his little son
Some time since the little fel­
low sprained his ankle which has failed
to get in its proper position since and he
has been put under the care of a Port­
land doctor.
A state exchange gives an affecting
description of the meeting of two long-
parted trot hers who it sympathetic illy
adds "had not met since the first battle
of Bull Run’’ until they came together
in Oregon. Hope the scribe meant no
reflection a la meeting of the French on
their return from Moscow?
The Astorian says: “Wm. Martin of
McMinnville, wants to un with some­
body for $500 a side. 11“ can be, proba­
bly. accommodated by some of the As-
to in boys at Salem this week.” Thi”
sounds well after all the "snubbing”
Mr. Martin received at Astoria a year
ago. He was not allowed to run in the
tournament races; neither could beget
a see hv offe ing big odds against the
Wo ia “h oods.” Mr. Martin is at
Blackburn A Peckham have just re­
ceived and are imp ¡eking a fine line ol
summer dress goods, hosiery Ac. *
Clabe says if Dick Phillips had run
his horse a little, he wouldn’t have been
distanced. “ If it ain’t a fact,” etc.
Those having fruits of all kinds can
find ready sale by applying to
F. K ioitiu k .
S ui ’ eriou 'W ii " at .—Mr. John Monroe,
S afest is the surest and cheapest .— whose name in connection with the
That means call upon the county surve; - excellent Willamina brand of flour
or when you want legal surveys made.
«'amps him as competent authority, in­
Found—a high-crowned liar, supposed forms a T elephone reporter, that the
to belong to the chai'man ot the manag­ crop of wheat jq«t harvested in this sec­
ing committee of the fair. Cigars takes tion is far superior in quality to that of
several years pn«t. The grain has ma-
Farmers having wool to sell will do tired bette-, goes into “the sweat” na-
■well to consult Blacxhurn A Peck im be­ tii'ally and is therefore in perfect condi­
fore selling as they pav the highest tion for flouring purposes.
prices in the county.
C horal U nion .—There will he held a
C. W. Talmage, the insurance min
brings ns a nest photograph ol union meeting at the Garrison Opera House,
commanders, compliments of the Trav­ it 7:30 o'clock Satorday (tomorrow)
elers Insurance company.
evening for the purpose of organizing a
One hundred head of sheep and An- choral union. The union will meet once
go a goats for sale. Address
each week to rehearse choral music in
E rnest E. W erner .
prepa ation of a series of three concerts
Dolph, Tillamook Co., Or.
to be given at such times ns the union
It looks natural enong’i to see our old m IV think best. All lovers of music
citizen A. B. Biker on our st cot«. are earrestly requested to be present.—
With his family he came un Tile dav By o der of the committee.
and are enjoying th’meelves withold
“A, O bservation . '—When a man
Word reaches ns of the death of Mr riding in one of the cars of the We«t
J. A Yocn n. which occu red at his Side road gets a small cataract in his
home near Bellevue yeste dav morning. eve f'om a full ginwn quid manipulated
His remains were buried at 4 o'cl's-k hv the fallow nasseuger at the* window
last evening.
jn«t >n f ont. lie d •e.n’t get mid or ex-
ted about i’ an I go to jiwing, but jn»t
Blackburn A Peckham, tlm agmt’of
Chas. H. Dodd A Co., are doing th» quietly turns loose his own “nickotinons”
boss machine business of th ■ conn'v, flood-gates upon the tier of windows be­
sold some 25 twins bimle s and two hind him. There's experience in know­
«team thresher».
ing how to travel.
The third annual fair for Yamhill
county is a thing of the past and we be­
lieve we can truthfully say, has proven
a success. The display was not as large
as was wished, but this was no fault of
the management;—it was simply be­
cause people did nut in ing in articles fui
exhibition. At the pavilion tlie follow­
ing number of entries were made:
Art. division—14.
Fancy peedle work—26.
Crochet work—6.
Knitting depailment—5.
Household department—25.
Works of Antiquity—8.
Indian relies—1.
Pen Work—2.
Floral department—1.
Among these we find many articles of
merit and worthy of an extended men­
tion, which we have not the space to
make at this time. Manning A Co. and
Ed Fellows occupied tlie new addition
:o the pavilion, exhibiting musical in­
struments, stoves, a tine bed-room set
and other furniture making a neat dis­
play; Miss F. E. Russ’ display of millin­
ery goods and flowers was extensive and
neat; Mr. Terry’s display of work in
steel was admired by all; the various
-xhibits of fiowers, needle-work etc., by
various ladies were closely inspected
md highly spoken of by the many who
viewed them. Some Splendid fruit,
vegetables and cereals were on exhibi­
tion. Johnson A Force’s wagons, hacks
and buggies were highly spoken of—in
fact everything that was on the grounds
was of the best and showed what Yam- ,
nill is capable of producing. At the I
stock pens we find:
cattle .
In addition to those mentioned in
Tuesday’s issue we find a Short Horn
and Durham bull entered by Harvv
Jones, which we believe, was awarded
first premium.
G. Springer enters four neat little
Jerseys, one bull, 2 cows and a calf, that
aie much admired.
Jos Watt lias three head of Durhams
—bull, cow and calf that were good look­
ing animals.
Taking these in connection with those
we mentioned Tuesday and we have a
very good showing in the cattle line.
A fair number of horses are present,
conspicuous among which we find four
head of Clydesdales from Broadmead,
brought down by Mr. Gamine. The lot
consists of three mares and one stallion,
and they are all fine look specimens of
James Fletcher lias an English Dra‘t
and Cleveland Bay stallion that com­
mands considerable attention.
Dr II 11. Littlefield's two yearling
Altamont colts that are beauties.
Mr. Harbaugh presents a 2-year-old
Ilambletonian filly, that shows plainly
of that fine stock.
G. M. Patty’s half-clyde 2-year-old
stallion by King William, is a fine fel­
low and a worthy specimen of that no­
ble diait stock.
G. Springer p esents a two-year-old, a
yearling and a suckling colt of the King
William stock that will compare favora­
bly with the horse flesh from any section.
B. F. Kauffman exhibits a yearling
Morgan and English draft that is indeed
a good colt.
All the horses on exhibition were good
ones—stock that Yamhill may w ell feel
proud of.
over a banjo.
Lancer D run against time Wednes­
day, making hi.
iu 53 seconds.
Bevy Aiiperson’s ease of relics was one
of the beet displays on the ground.
Sherwood’s novelty harnes —without
traces were considerable of a curiosity.
Chas. Burgees exhibited a model of a
farm gate that took well with the people.
The best of feeling prevailed through­
out the fair, except the dissatisfaction
over the 2-year-old race.
Geo. W. Perkins may well feel proud
of Minnie D ami Mollie Flip; en. They
are two good pieces of horse-flesh.
Tin* gate receipts amounted to $1076.90.
¡■’ruin other sources the receipts will per­
haps amount to from $250 to $300.
Buckskin and Yamhill Dude are two
noble little horses, and when a man
picks them up for scrub« he’ll gel left.
Ina 4tX) race between Geo. Old’s grey
md a grey of Ephy Ford’s for stakes,
Ford’s horse won. This was after the
races of Wednesday.
Yamhill breeders need not be
ashamed of the horse fleBb of this coun­
ty—from Old Milton, the grand old sire
down to the suckling colts.
Messrs. Etnbree and Tongue of Wash­
ington county, T. G. Richmond of Polk,
md L. P. W. Quimby ot Portland, took
a lively interest in Tuesday’s and
Wednesday*. races.
Too much credit cannot be accorded
chief marshal Springer and his able as-
■listant J. W. Baker for the masterly
manner in which they preserved order
and kept things straight during the fair.
With all the putting and blowing about
ilevella, it is our Iminble opinion that
Adam could run over her and break her
neck from one jump to as far as they
chose to run ; and if the pools had sold
itheiwise, Wednesday, be wo|>ld have
lone it then. I levella is a nice little
illy; but she can’t beat Adam in a fair
and. square race.
S trange E xherienck .—Capt. Lafol-
'ett. of Yamhill county, has had a pe­
culiar experience, says the Salem Talk
For three years he has had pains, more
or less severe at. times, in the stomach
and bowVl.s. When first noticed he sup­
posed he must have swallowed a fish
bone while out camping. He has sought
the best medical skill at home, in Port­
land, the benefit of Wilhoit springs, and
here He lias finally disloged from the
lower bowel, embeded in a swelling and
gathering, a piece of rock, some half
inch square.
It appears to be quartz,
the w hite portion crumbling when ex­
posed to the air, but the blacker part as
sharp as a lancet.
Under the care of
Dr. Jessup, the captain hopes for a per­
manent recovery.
How the rock ever
mistook liia interior for a quartz crusher
and obtained an inside passage is more
than he can devine. lie has no recol­
lection of ever trying to subsist on that
kind of diet, having positively no hank­
ering after it.
He is stopping at his
brother’s in town.
The first race Was the ?4' of a mile
The Old Reliable.
handicap between Perkins’ bay mare,
Minnie D. Pnrceville's gray mare, Fla-
Don’t forget that Bishop A Kay have
vella and Whitmore’s grey gelding,
Adam Tins was the big race of the j the largest assortment of Men’s, Youth’s
fair. In the pool box Adam was the fa­ ami Boy’s clothing in McMinnville; also
vorite by large odds, Minnie I) was next | over coats and furnishing goods of all
«bile it was difficult to sell Flivella for 1 kinds, and now is the t mo for woolen
50 cents in a $10 pool.
But the crowd goods an<l thev are agents for the old re­
was fooled, as the grey mare came a liable Brownsville Woolen Goods the
neck ahead of Adam with the bay mare [ best made and sold for the least money.
behind. Flavella carried Tom Williams, Remember the place. Op;>osito Yamhill
81 L_. ;>onnds, Minnie D, Wib Dudley 1 county bank.
90J4 pounds and Adam, Tom Metcalf,
113 pounds.
In the trotting race for Yamhill coun­
ty 2-vear-olds, three starts were made.
L. II Baker’s b. tn., Katie Leo, Geo.
Bryan’s ». g. Turpin and Dr. Young’s s
., Kittleman. Turpin won the first
heat in 3:28, Katie Lee second Katie
Lee won the second heat,, time, 3:30.
In the third heat Turpin camo in shout
two feet ahead, in 3:27 ; but the heat and
race was given to Katie Lee because the
judge, Mr. Taylor, alleged that Turpin’s
jockey wilfully ran his horse. Both
horses ran, and public opinion was large­
ly in favor of Turpin. But of course the
judge’s opinion prevailed.
The last was a 34 mile dash between
Pc kins' Mollie Flippen, Malone’s Yam­
Como and Soo for Yourself.
hill Dude, McCain's Buckskin, and Nel­
son's Bunion. Flippen took first mon­
ey; Dude second, Buckskin third, and
Bunion behind. Time, 1:24.
Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry and
Plated ware,
10 to 25 per Cent. (lieaper Than
AnyMy Else.
kip^k-down Wednesday1
Listen While we Play.
We are still in the drug business in Me*
Minnville, and we are selling Drugs, Medi­
cines, and everything in our line at 03 Low
P rices as any house in this county.
And everything in the line of Stationery at
the L owest P rices .
Commencing Aug. 16th and running from
20 to SO Days,
-------1 HE-------
Greatest Clearance Sale
Ever run in Yamhill county. During this
sale some lines of goods will be sacri­
ficed and sold at
During this sale goods must be sold for
CASH OR PRODUCE. Will have no time
to keep your accounts,
Religious Services-Sunday Next.
Services at the Baptist church.—
Preaching morning and evening at usu­
al hours. Subject for 11 a. m.,—“Pro­
bation; or, will there be a chance for
salvation after death.” For 7:30 p. m.,
“The hand upon the Wall.” Seats free
All are cordially invited to these ser­
vices. G. J. Burchett, pastor.
C. I’. Church—Sunday school at 9:30
a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m.; subject,
“The ministry ol departed spirits.” All
are invited to attend. There will be no
evening sei vices, but the congregation
w ill join in tlie temperance meeting to
be addressed by Mrs. M. B. Reece.
M. E. church—services will be held
at 11 a. m.» and at 7:3i) p. in. Sunday
school at 9:30 o’clock.
R ev . II. I’. S atchwell , Pastor.
St. James’ church. Rev. John C.
Fair, rector. Services on Sunday 11 a.
tn. and 7:30 p. in. Seats free. All are
cordially invited to attend.
Services at St. James’ (Catholic)
Those sheep presented by 0 K. Har­ church at 11 a. m. Sunday school at
baugh were “Shropshiredowns” instead 2:30. Rev. J. S White, pastor.
of “Southdowns,” as we stated in Tues­
day’s issue. They were fine looking
About Those Apples.
sheep, and Mr. II. added a ewe to the
pen .Monday evening.
W. Houck says I am “no good” and
Galloway’s jack, “Noisy Billy” occu­
pied a coiner by himself, looking as so­ advises people to not bring me fruit. If
ber as a judge and as wise as a Solomon. Jew Houck had brought me a bushel of
He is a fine animal.
apples instead of three pecks of apples I
would have paid him the same as other
Tuesday’s races were the most inter- people. But because I would not be im­
estingof the season. The first was a
mile dash between W. A. Howe’s sortel posed upon by him, I am a bad man.
mare, Empi ess ; Geo. Perkins’ bay mare, I have dealt with people here for three
Minnie D and Tom Nelson’s bay gelding years, and had no man treat me so
Bunion- Minnie D won first money and mean beiare. There were five men at
Empress second. Time—first heat, 53 my premises when this man Houck was
seconds: second heat, 54 seconds.
theie and they all said I did just right
Trotting—two in three, between Ilal- in not taking his fruit. Now Jew Houck
let’s Goodshot, Porter’s Dan Holton and I have been in the habit of getting along
Littlefield’s Cadet. First money was peaceably with everybody, and I do not
won by Dan Holton, second by Good­ want any such man as you to come about
shoot. Time—first heat, 3 :04/* 1 *j ; second my premises.
heat, 3:02; third heat, 3:03.
F rank K louchek .
One little
Mirini ¡lie Jewelry Storr.
McMinnville Pioneer Boot and Shoe Store.
—Iluve just received—
A Largo Assortment
— of—
Boots mid Shoes
Suitable for Fall and Winter wear.
M h »I< of the BI ST MATERIAL
mill by WHITE LABGIt.
■a»» 81-
II Go» «1» Wat ritnted am Represented/
Boots made to order and neatly repaired at short notice.
site the Grange Store.
Sign of the
To the Farmer.
Messrs. F. Barnekoff A Co., have
thoroughly renovated and overhauled
the Fellows’ warehouse at McMinnville,
recently purchased by them and are now­
ready to receive grain. They will elean
and store at 3 cents, and will be ready
to buy ami pay the highest price going,
i.N cash . Sacks kept on hand and sold
to farmers at the lowest rates. This is a
perfectly responsible firm, and those
having grain to sell or store, or in need
of sacks, should call and see them, tf
Milling' Done!
To be held at their grounds near
Salem, Oregon, commencing
And closing the following Saturday
$ 15,000.00
I would rno«t respectfully announce that
I have leased th»* Chris Newby Flouring
---- Offered in cash premiums-----
Mill in Happy Valley, have thoroughly
overhauled and repaired it, and am now This will, without doubt, be the l>est exhD
readv to do grinding for toll or cash.
bition of the kind ever held in Oregon.
Pome and see me.
---- L-THE------
IU9 BRI fl EXHIBIT of Hairy I’rodactfr
the co-partnership heretofore existing
between L Shobe and S. A. Manning, doing
business at McMinnville, Oregon, under
tlie firm name of Sbobe <<: Manning, has
The best exhibit nf everything ever
been this day dissolved by mutual consent,
collected together in
Mr. Sbobe retiring. The accounts due tlie
the state.
late firm will be collected hv L. Sbobe.
Lend your presence an«l help tn make
Oregon’s pride a success and a credit to the
McMinnville, Or.. Aug. 2, 1*W.
Entries nrist be made by 7 p. ni. MondaV
and all articles must be in place by 10 p. n»/
Monday evening. Please make entries sv
MOTU'E is hereby given that the ropnrt- curly as possible.
nersliip heretof >re existing under tin*
SerretRry, Salem, Oregon.
firm name of John A. Cain A Co., nt tin*
town of Sheridan. Yamhill Co., Or., is this
day dissolved by mutmil consent. Mr. John
A. Cain withdrawing therefrom. All delit«
owing by the firm are assumed and w ill tw
paid by the remaining copartner«, and all
debtsowing to the firm are payable to said
remaining copartners, only.
Sheridan, Or , Aug. Hili, 18S6.
the Board of Eqnaliration for th»
i’onntv of Yamhill. State of Oregon, will
attend at the courthouse in said rountv. at
the office of the County Clerk, from Mon­
day, the 13tb, to Saturday, the Iftth day of
September, IKHfl. inclusive, to publicly ex­
amine the SMessmant roll, anti corred «11
errors in valuation, description, or qualities
of lamia. iots. or other property. an»l all
parties interested are hereby notified to aj>-
pear at the time and pirn »• above mentioned.
lSrok A?|waaor v( YamhUl Gocntr Or.
Dry Goods House
In the City,
McCormick «»nil Peering