A RARE SIGHT. Th« Church of th« Capuchins at Reme and It» Strang« C«m«tery. TELL YOUR MOTHER. 1 IN THE LONG AGO. A Bit of Adrie« to Silly aud Romantic rlctur« of a Great Hchool-Strlka la a Young Women. Peoria Academy In 1833. THE COCOANUT. luterestiny Figure» as to Ite Importance am an Article of Comiuerce. PERILS OF INFANCY. WALKED HALF A MILE. Exactly how far a lady ought to walk overy day is not agreed on by competent authorities, but it is safe to say that iuo«t ladies ought to walk a good deal more than they do. Hut » hen a lady I» so broken down in health that for a long*t'"1« has not walked at all, her first half-m le is a piece of pedestrianism very satisfying to herself anSher friends It was a severe case of lung trouble. For two years the lady had lieen housed In the hope of getting well she concluded to try Compound Oxygen. After three «'onthe use of this vitalizing remedy she wrote, ••I was able to a'tend church yesterday. Walked to church nearly half a mile and backaitain. Ev. ry one was surmised to see me as they had thought me the s me as ‘dead and buriedlfor the 1 a*t two 7®?rB- There are many others who have suffered this way who might as well be healed IT they would. To set such invalids on foot is a great achievement. It costs nothing to learn all about it. Write to Dm. S tab key & P alen for treatise on Compound Oxygen, and state your symptoms, t hey will tell you, free of cost, what i an be done f°Orders for the Compound Oxygen Home “Doctor, why is It that so many chiu die before the age of 5 years r ““i “The subject Isa complex one xnrf. its analysis we have to consider the various conditions surround!»,? infant, but the still more important,..1* the latent tendency to diseiuw fashionable mother, the self indul i* father, hand down to their children m wrought nervous systems and 8 physical powers, which result in Some things are done in Romo in a The South Sea Islands export im­ I wonder how many girls tell their These strikes by the school-children way that would seem strange enough mothers every thing! Not those “young are nothing new. But they don’t de­ mense quantities of copra (tlie broken to th« good people of other countries. ladies,” who, going to and from school, velop and bring out and down the or crushed meat of the eoooanut, sun Let me give you an instance. At the end of the Vis Caouccini stands tho smile, bow and exchange notes and strong hand of the ruling power as they dried for shipment to oil crushers, littleold church ot the Capuchin monks, cartes de visile with young men who used to. Among the sunny memories who extract sixty percent, of its weight a church of plain exterior, but rich make fun of you and your pictures, of my own school days there glows, in oil), the trade being almost ex­ within with marbles and paintings. speaking in a way that would make bright and soft as a summer sunset, She clusively in the hunds of the Germans Here is the celebrated St. Michael by your cheeks burn with shame if yuu who ship principally to Europe. San Guido, a figure known in every Chris­ heard it. Ail this, most incredulous picture of the great strike at Hinman’s, relation to Die human animal, ft WMU require too long a time to enter into ku tian land by the aid of engraving and and romantic young ladies, they will in Peoria, tway back in 1853. Hinman's Francisco oil-crushers are the chief the questions o! heredity which iuflu,/“ photography. But it is not of St. do, although they gaze at your fresh was the greatest school in the West. manufacturers of cocoanut oil in the the tate of the child. They are, howeu? Michael that I wish to tell you: it is of young faces admiringly, and send or The dear old man was superintendent United States, and handle nearly all the of vital importance both to the individu' the good brethren of the Capuchin give your charming verses or boqueta. of public instruction, board of educa­ copra sold in this country, which they and to the race. That the race iB order, that now are with the saints, we No matter “what other girls may do," in intellectual capacity is an uudouJJj procure from Samoa, Tonga or tho trust. Under this church is their don’t you do it School-girl flirtation tion, school trustee, county superin­ Fiji Islands. The importations of copra fact; but we are losing just as burial place, and their place of resur­ may end disastrously, as many a fool­ tendent. principal, assistant and jani­ more in physical power. We see nUnn,i robust forms, such perfect developmeiTJ rection, too—a temporary resurrection ish and wretched young girl can tell tor. He had a pleasant smile, a firm exceed fifty thousand dollars annually. the muscular sjsletn a- existed titty before the final one. To see that this you. Your yearning for some one to temper, and a slate frame. He also The United States imported in the ago. We are breeding children iu »¿ j *" is pro|>erly done is the duty of the liv­ love is a great need of a woman’s heart. carried about his person a grip that year 1885, ended June 30, coooanuts, and every generation will witness «iJ ing members, not merely their burving But there is a time for every thing. Do would make a blacksmith’s vise crawl cotr fiber, coir yarn and oil to the and smaller infants, who will at the tai but their rising again, to be clad in not let the bloom and freshness of into the scrap heap and hide itself. We value of $1,780,000 (exclusive of co­ time have more delicate nervous unic their monkish garb and placed in the your heart be brushed off in silly flirta­ used to have general exercises Friday pra). The importations oj fiber and Treatment will be tilled by H. A. Mathews, isms, and, as a result, more nervoinT «15 Powell Street, San Francisco. yarn for 1885 exceeded $4,000.000. niche to which they are entitled ac­ tion. eases. Add to this the enervating eor, afternoons, at which we were wont to ronment, the houses, the sleeping arjl cording to date and regularly estab­ And, above all, tell your mother recite in vociferous concert the multi­ The consumption of the fiber in the A ten-year-old girl who rescued two inents, the nurses and attendant* wL lished order. every thing. “Fun" in your dictionary plication tables,, the States and capi­ United States has increased rapidly in children from certain death at Lisbon, its food and raiment, and we J, When in the church go to the left­ would be indiscretion in her*. It would tals, and such thrilling rhetorical exer­ the past six years, as shown by the im­ Portugal,lias been awarded a silver medal govern imagine the result in the feeWen- hand corner near the great altar and do no harm to look and see. Never be cises as “Will you walkl or rideT’ and portations of 1879 being only $1,800,- by the King, put in a college to be edu easily of the infant.” cated, and quite a respectable sum has by a high railing that shuts you from ashamed to tell her, who should be your "They tell us to be MODer- XX). “Gil Blas writes: 'Mv troubles con The largest cocoanut-fiber manufac­ been collected, whi- h will constitute her meneed just nine mouths before 1 Wb the diiuly-lighted side chapels, you will best friend and confidant, all you think ate, but they, they — torevelinpro marriage portion. _________ _ born,’ and the same assertion niav i see a boll-rope, pull it. Not always the and feel. It is very strange that so FU-sionl” It was thrilling. But tory in the world is located in London, made of the children of to-day. tj safe thing to do, but here entirely so. many young girls will tell every person after wo had learned all these England, where great quantities of A GENTLE STIMULUS Soon will appear behind the railing a before “mother” that which is most chants “by heart” and could chant cocoanut husks are in stock. Often Is Imparted to tho kidneys and bladder by healthy, strong offspring, there multi healthy, strong parents. The peril ot th, snuff-colored old gentleman—little important she should know. It is very them off with our eyes shut, “Old Hin­ 1,500,000 of the husks are in store at Hostettera Stomach Bitters, which is most child so much in the adverse«» black cap like a bowl, fitting tightly to sad that indifferent persons should man” introduced an innovation— one time, while enormous quantities of useful in overcoming torpidity ot those organs. ditioiiB lies of not its life as in its ineapabilitj the back of his head, feet in sandals, all know more about her fair young daugh­ “speakin’ pieces.” Upon that we the fiber are being disposed of. Often Besides infusing more activity into them, this withstand them, and tliisisdue in agr^ the rest of him enshrouded in dingy ter than she herself. Have no secrets struck. We endured it three weeks twenty tons are shipped in one con­ excellent tonic endows them with additional measure to the physical condition of» brown—ask to see the cemetery of toe that you would not be willing to trust and then we determined to boycott the signment, going to all parts of the vigor, and enables them the better to undergo parents during gestation.” "But, doctor, may not something brethren and he will bid you meet him to your mother. She is your best friend, whole business. All the boys went world. About 12,000,000 nuts are the wear and tear of the discha- ging function to remedy tills weakness iu at a side basement door outside of the and is ever devoted to your honor into it. Bill Smith and Hub Tuttle, landed in the United Kingdom yearly. imposed upon them by nature. Moreover, as done parents I” church; here, after waiting a few and interest Tell her all.— Nanny Rob Gregg, Ed. Easton, Steve Bunn,’ . Nearly all of these nuts are imported they are the channel for the escape ot certain "Much. If parents will understand impurities from the blood, increases their use­ minutes, you will hear the key rattling t’em. in the husks. After the nuts are re ­ fulness by strengthening and healthfully stim­ upon the integrity and strength ot Bill Rodecker, Hen Keener and all in a lock venerable with tho dust of moved from the husks they arc sorted ulating them. In certain morbid conditions of nervous system depend the health the big boys, too. The first boy called “THE CURSE OF SLANG.” these important organs, they foil intoa sluggish life of their infants, a. d at the same ages; the door opens, the monk steps is to size and quality and arc then sold state, en to “ speak ” was to announce the which is the usual percureor of disease aside and you pass in and down a little A Fair Girl Graduate Illustrates the Truth strike, and as my name came pretty to fruit dealers, confectioners, etc. What then can be of greater service than a med­ add to their own happiness, the □arrow stair-way into a long corridor, which impels them to greater activity will be less mortality and less sickne« of Her Essay*» Title. well up in the alphabet, I stood a good The husks are passed through a icine when slothful) No maladies are more perilous their infanta.” from which opens a series of rooms. ••Mamie," «aid a grammar-school chance of being leader, a distinction powerful crusher driven by steam than those which effect the kidneys, and a "What will best strengthen a feebt These rooms are small burial plats. girl to a member of the graduating for which I was not at all ambitious, potfei, which flattens and partially medicine which averts the peril should be nervous system 1” The floor is soft brown earth and “Fresh air, exercise, less struggle being of tender years and of a ruddy softens them. They are then thrown highly esteemed. smooth as a floor; with rows of cypress class, “have you finished your essay?" countenance fashionable or social distinction, and and sensitive feelings. nto huge tanks, each holding many Pine creek, Baker county, Oregon, is careful attention to the food or drill “O, yes,” gushed Mamie; “and it is twigs planted at the head of the many thousands, where they undergo a a boy named Allen, who was called dried up, and lisli by the thousands can be which supplies the element« of nen graves. All the furniture and adorn­ too lovely for anything—a princess slip But of me, flunked and said his piece. steaming and soaking process for sev­ seen dead in the bed of the stream. force. If the system has not power en ments of these rooms aro made of of white surah, the back cut off a little ahead eral hours. After the husks are suffi ­ “Hohenlinden,” although we made at first to eliminate these from food, human bones—bones of departed below the waist line, and full breadths such ciently soaked they are ready for the suggestive gestures at him that he they may lie taken as medicine, AN OFFENSIVE BREATH Capuchins. The candelabrum hanging of silk gathered in so as to bang grace­ forgot half of it and broke down and mills, which consists of cylinders or Is most distressing, not only to the person siuce we know upon what the n in each room is from head, finger fully over the to mu re, and three bias cried. When I was called I refused to irums, each being studded on its afflicted system depends for strength, the co if he have any pride, but to those and arm bones. Any one who nas rutiles on the----- ” periphery with two thousand or three w.th whom he conies in contact. It is a nation of phosphorus, albumen, protaga. speak. Being pressed for a reason, I visited an arsenal will remember how known as D ujardin ’ s L ieb E ssesci “Why, what are you talking about?” in faltering accents, that “there thousand steel teeth. They are driven delicate matter to speak of, but it has par­ etc., sabers, bayonets, pistols and the various interrupted her friend. “1 mean, have said, by steam and run with great rapidity. ted not only friends but lovers. Bad breath will furnish the material iu a p wasn ’ t goin ’ to oe no more speakin. ” form for absorption, and even for f«i> implements of destruction are woven you linished writing your essay, you When the old man, with unfeigned sur­ Each husk is divided longitudinally and catarrh are inseparable. Dr. Sage's Catar h Remedy cures the worst cases as children there can be no betier remedy into decorative wall designs, rosettes, know?” nto thin slices, and each piece is One dollar and fifty cents per bottle prise, asked me who said so, Isaid “all thousands can testify. stars and the like. Let him but imag­ “Er—no,” said Mamie, her enthusi­ all druggists. Snell, Heitahu & W us did.” Then he said there would passed into the mill separately by the ine human bones so used and he may asm rapidly diminishing; “but I have of workman or feeder, he retaining a firm wholesale agents, Portland, Or. be "a little more speakin’ ” before the James C. Beecher, brother of Henry call up a picture of the ghastly mural begun it, and I wish the awful thing close grip of it so as not to allow it to pass Ward Beecher, committed suicide at of the session, and so he led me decorations of this strange place, where was in Hal fax!” out upon tho rostrum. Then and there, but of his hands. After one-half of the Elmira, N. Y.,by shooting himself through Scarce a space on either wall or ceiling “What's the subject?” with feelings which I now shudder to dice of the husk is thus cleaned the the head with a rifle. Is not embossed with some tasteful de­ “The Curse of Slang.” recall, I did my first song and dance 'eeder reverses it, passing in the other sign constructed from the three hun­ SAPID BEATIfG OF THE HEART. “Gracious! Isn’t that a difficult sub­ act. I had often before performed my half. Each slice of husk is passed When Baby was sick, we gave her CASTOBIA, dred and odd bones that goto the mak­ ject to write up?” Whenever you feel an uneasiness in the When she was a Child, she cried for C ASTORIj, through three of these mills in sneces- solitary eachuca to the lascivious pleas ­ ing of our anatomy. Anyone who region of the heart, a slight pain in the “Difficult! Well, I should giggle! I'll don. This method of cleaning the she became Miss, ahe clung tn 0 doubts the picturesque and decorative have to hump myself to get it linished ing of "Old Hinman's” slate frame, out liber, though apparently a very dan­ shoulder, arm, or undertheshoulder-blade When qualities latent in a human skeloton in time for the commencement, and I’ve never had 1 accompanied myself with gerous one, is gone through with won- or when you find yourself short of breath When sue had Childrea, »he gave them C should visit the cemetery of the Capu­ a good notion to let it slide. 1 might words. Boy like, I had selected for lerful rapidity. A recent invention in when exercising, or your heart has periods of beating fast, you have heart disease, my piece a poem expressive of those chins. shut up the Professor's optic by plead­ machinery for extracting the fib* from should take D r . F lint ’ s H eart R km Every alcove or niche, and there are ing illness, but I’m not that sort of a peaceful virtues I most heartily de­ ¡he husk on the plantation where the and edy . At druggists. $1.50. Descriptive many, is occupied by the skeleton of a hairpin. But come, waltz up into my spised, so that my performance, at the nut is grown, it is said, will probably treatise with each bottle; or address J. J. The British Government has seized long-since departed Capuchin, dressed room and look at my stunning gradu­ inauguration of the strike, ran some­ revolutionize the system of producing Mac$ & Co., S. F. Kermadic Islands, in the South Pad in the garb of the order, their cowls ating harness. It'll paralyze you.”— what like this: Ocean. O, not for mo (whaekl Is th« rolling (whack) coir fiber from the cocoanut husk, in falling forward over the grim skull. Norristown Herald. HENRY S CARBOLIC 8ALVE. drum. ¡he fact that they are a small portable .... Organic weakness or lost The effect is hightaned by soraps of Or th« (whack, whackl) trumpet’« wild machine, enabling the most 'ordinary The best salve used in the world for __ power in either sex, , however ._____ ___ ¡nd (whack) appeal. Boo hool hair and beard still clinging to the Cuts, Bruises. Piles, Sores, Ulcers, Salt RACHEL’S CUPIDITY. Or the cry (Boo hool) of (whack) war when ¡aborer to prepare the fiber at a cost Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil­ speedily and permanently cured. Enc skull and jaws. The order of promo­ i the (whaok) foe Is come. fifty per cent, less than the one now in blains. Corns, and all kinds of Skin Erup­ 10 cents in stamps for book of i arile Or the (Owi Lrlyhtly (wbaok) flashing steel tion, or rotation, is as follows: Should How the Great Jewish Actress Solicited World’s Dispensary Medical Associli use in England. In Ceylon, India and tions, Freckles and Pimples. The salve (whack, whack). Valuable Gifts. one of the brethren die, the groun<| I can not convey to the most vivid ether countries where the coir fiber is is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction Buffalo, N. Y. being full, then the one who has been Rachel, the famous tragedienne, was in every case. Be sure you get HENRY’S imagination the gestures which accom­ pftipared for shipment by the natives, CARBOLIC the longest time in the ground is taken as avaricious as she was gifted. On The wheat crop of South Australia li SALVE, all others are but ¡he husks are placed in ponds, often in 5 average seven bushels to the acre. up and dressed, and the brother who is one occasion she was invited to dine at panied the seven stanzas of this beauti­ mud, where they remain several imitations and counterfeits. ful poem. Suffice it to say that they the oldest occupant of a niche has to months to rot. Even six months soak­ Cough*. — “Brown's Bronchial Tro­ give way for the new comer, who takes the house of a wealthy Parisian who kept pace with the old man’s peculiar ing is sometimes required to loosen the Dr. Henley’s Celery, Beef and Iron, his place in the niche, the old one worshipped her genius. Observing a system of punctuation, until at last, liber sufficiently to enable natives to ches" are not new and untried, but, having before meals, creates a healthy appetiti magnificent boquet of flowers that been tested by constant use for an entire overcon. with conflicting emotions, I being dismantled and his bones dis­ rub and wash the fiber clean. generation, they have attained we 1-mer- tributed among the thousands that go adorned the center of the table she ex­ went sobbing to my seat and wondered New Orleans imported for the year ited rank among the few staple remedies why an inscrutable Providence had to the wall building and decoration of claimed: “How lovely!” MINNA “Pardon, mademoiselle," «aid her given to the rhinoceros the hide that ended December 31. 1885. cocoanuts to of the age. the place. He has had his day, and host with truo French gallantry, “per- the eternal fitness of things had evi­ the value of $82,128, or over 5,408.- has thus suddenly been merged in the There were two Japanese and two col ­ >00 nuts. These nuts are largely used ored men in the late graduating class at Every «trai« er cold attack, that weak M mettez moi de vous presenter cela,” at dently prepared for the school-boy. general whole. and aearly prostrate« yo«.___ But I forgot my own sorrows and for desiccating purposes. One of the Ann Arbor. Many of the skeleton statues hold be­ the same time lifting the flowers out of largest houses in the United States en ­ the massive silver vase in which they dried my tears, in the enjoymsnt of tween their bony fingers a card on tho play, ns my compatriots developed gaged in that business is located in St. ESPECIALLY TO WOMEN. which is written name anil date. Some, rested. “ But. monsieur, ” said Rachel, “ ’ twas “Sweet is revenge especially to women,’ it. Mr. Hinman, who had been un­ Louis, Mo., were over 2,000,000 nuts if they state the truth, have been so ire annually consumed for that pur ­ said the gifted but naughty, Lord Byron, the vase that I admired." usually gentle and self-restrained with held for more than a century. “ Parjailment, e'est a vous anssi, me, lost his temper with the boy who pose. Twenty-five per cent, of the Surely he was in bad humor when he wrote These rooms, while not altogether cocoanuts gathered for shipment to the such words. But there ar* complaints cheerful, yet are so grotesque and so (this is yours also)” said the ever-polite followed mo, and there was a sound of United only women suffer, that are carry­ States are rejected, being that revelry for the next hour. He shook decorative in their furniture and up­ host. ing numbers of them down to early graves. «mail, cracked or otherwise defective, When the repast was finished she boys until their teeth rattled so you There is hope for those who suffer, no mat' er holstery that the impression made is by I no means so awesome as one would isked her friend to send her home in couldn’t hear them cry; he hit Mickey is nuts for desiccating should be sound how sorely, or severely, in Dr. B. V. Pierce’s ind contain the milk, it being evidence Favorite Prescription. ” Safein itaactioD suppose; and, strange tó say, there is his own carriage, as she was afraid McCann, the tough boy, one whack Is a blessing, especially to women and to no charnel-house odor about them. »me one might rob her of her silver with a skate-strap and Mickey ran out of the sweet condition of the nut. it for when womensuffer, the house­ ocer if she returned in a public cab. and rolled in the snow to cool off; he Twenty-five per cent, of the cocoannts men,too, This is explained by the fact that the vase ’ hold is askew. Ho assented readily, but as he handed hit Jake Bailey across the tin*hs with gathered for shipment to New Orleans ground in whieh the monks lie buried Cr is holv earth brought from Jeiusalein. her into the vehicle he said imploringly: the slate frame and it hurt so that Jake and rejected represent 1,352,125 for Bidings’’ is the only inscription I —he just opened his 1885, which would have produced over that the dead humorist’s monument at and that it absorbs all the impurities “You will at least return mv carriage, couldn’t howl AU good. you not, mademoiselle?’’ mouth and •J gasped and forgot his 676,000 pounds of copra, and yielded Lanesborough, Mas»., will contain. that might otherwise prove offensive. will 1 It may be presumed that the coach own name lame; - he pushed Bill Haskell 105,600 pounds of oil, and 270,000 of If this be really so there are other parts THE into a seat Lv.—— and ■ the bench broke; he ail cake, equal to cotton-seed cake as TORPID LIVER. of Rome that should be sprinkled with janie back. — Texas Siftings. food for stock. Apparently the re ­ It is hardly possib’e to prepare a medicine shook Dan Stevens so that his feet ST a little of it. Strengtheas the Muscle«, WILL SHOW UP. IS so pleasant to the palate as are didn't touch the floor for fivo minutes; jected cocoanuts on the Caribbean coast Which As you pass from these dimly-lighted _ Htcadlea the N HAMBURG FIGS, or which are so effle™ T1 Enriehee the Blood. Gives New chambers of death to the light ot day. < « Promln.nt Cltls.n Cont.inpl.t.a a flur- he ran across the room and reached of Central America would sustain a „ Maa o. V, O hamtux , Th. Dalles, «t«ctiv... I hare used Brown’s Iron Bitters for Weak of oil, either by erecting small plants j~»ss-asrs» and Pains across the Kidneys. I found almo*» the good brother at the door will not sSKiui.''- ‘ C” Prop«.«.». “I’m going to Chicago to show my. fit before the old man touched him; he etantanaoaR relief and can recommend it highly, be taken amiss, nor are you likely ever telf," said a conspicuous, talkative pas- whipped the two Knowltons with both on the ground for producing the oil or M rs O J O handerr (Jove. Oregon. Mf» «J have uaed Brown’s Iron Bitters for Impure hpnds at the same time, and the Gib­ shipping the copra to New Orleans to regret either the time or money and Weak Back with much benefit.” «enger to a crowd of listeners in the MR L. L kbkrk *. Haywards. Cal., says: "I bon family, five boys and a big girl, he where oil mills are already established, iiven for so rare an experiene*.— Home Beef ttnd Ir°" restores Brown s Iron Bitters for Back-ache with or. Detroit free Press. ’ smoking car. What for? Well, 1’11 hit all st once with a girl’s skinping and where the trade in cocoannts, lost vitality and gives new life and vigor. used satisfactory reaulU. I consider it the beet W* the market." tell you. ’Tain’t because I’m proud of rope and they raised such a united copra, oil and cake could be made as Genuine has above Trade Mark and crossed fed ln Pi,O'u Cure ,OT Consump­ my personal appearance, though folks wail the elock stopped; he kept the at­ famous as the trade in ootton-seed ti™° M A Remarkable Bird. on wrapper. Take no ether. Made ooh * do aay l'iu a man that's likely to attract mosphere of that old school room full products is now. But there is still an­ tion. Cures where otherremedies fall. 25c. BEOWJI CHIMICALOO m BALT A well-known centenarian has just attention in a crowd. You sec, there's of dust and splinters and lint, weeping, other much greater waste existing in SNELL, HEIT8HU & WOOD If you want Heads, Sluss, Cases Cabi­ died in Paris. His name was Lenoir, live or six men tip in Chicago who have wailing and gnashing of teeth, until «he cocoanut tradeof Central and South nets, Wholesale .Agent», Portland« order from Palmer & Rey. ’ and he was one hundred and three years been looking for me for a month, at his old arras ached and all hearts America and the West Indies, which TH« Bl'YEKl’ Gl ib» old. Lenoir was a parrot. He was least, so I have heard. Why they haven't wearied of the inhuman strife and should be used to augment the com­ fobbed PW* * M^°re W.hen '“Portend Cornar Issued Bept. «nd M born in the reign of Louis Seise, and found me is more than I can imagine. 1 wicked contention, and then he stood merce of New Orleans. From figures ior best I hotographic and Crayon work. each year. ««“ 10® never quitted the house where he first live only fifty miles from Chicago, in a tip before us, in a sickening tangle of above given we find that by including inches,withe saw the light, having been handed down right smart of a town. I'm quite a prom­ strap and cane and slate frame, rattan the rejected nuts. 6.760,62a nuts must 3.SOO Ulu.tratl.M- T rt G krmka for breakfast. whol. Picture G.1M! by will to the different owners of the inent citizen, too. There ain't nobody and skipping rope, and asked, in clear, have been grown last year on the cocoa- GIVES Whol.nl« house. Lenoir was a capital talker, and down mv way that don’t know me. My triumphant tones: nut plantations thal snpply the New direct tn consumers on all good« knew a number of pliras««. whioh he name is frequently in the papers. Tnere "W ho says there isn’t going to be Orleans market. The husk of each nut personal or family use. Tell. 1”* often brought out mat 3. Since isn’t a conductor or brakeman on the any more speakin’?" contains one-third of a pound of the he Beet order, and give, exact coat of s the reign of Charles X. there was a railroad who doesn’t know me by sight, And the boys of that school rose up fiber called coir, and as none of this thing yon uae, eat, drink, weak mptly A good deal of difficulty iu gett-ng the and most of 'em to talk to. Yet these as one being and shrieked, in tones of fiber was saved it is clear that a waste have fun with. Three INVAL.U* A BOOKS contain Information gl bird to learn anv thing new. However, Chicago fellows haven't been able to anguish: of about 2,253,541 pounds of coir fiber from the market, of the world POSITIVE CURE a servant with Radical sympathies tind me. I haven't any idea on earth “N obody !” existed in connect on with the cocoa- will mall a copy FREE to oaf for every form of taught him in a fsw weeks to say; “Vive what they want to see me about, but And I, who led that strike and was nut trade of New Orleans, and if valued drew nj,on receipt of 10 eta. to 4" SKIN aad BLOOD Gambetta!” This heoocasionallv varied I’m going up to Chicago to show my- its first martyr, I have been "speakin” at the average of last year’s importa­ expense of mailing. Let na hear diskasb with “A has Robespierre!” which he «elf ilist for fun.” Ton. Respectfully, ever since.'—Burdette, in Brooklyn tions, would amount to $50,000. The »BOM had been accustomed to say during th< copra would perhaps amount to $15 - “Who are these fellows who have Eagle. fllPLES TO 8CK0FTLA. MONTGOMERY WARD A B Reign of Terror. The last words of been looking for you?” 0(X). making an additional value to the W A SS0 Wabash Aua.a CMeM Oddities of the Atmosphere. this remarkable bird were, it appear*.; cocoanut importations of New Orleans “City hail detectives."— Chicago Her­ “Grace pour Marie Antoinette.”— N. Y. ald. Plao’R Remedy fbr Catarro U iw A Stritt lawsswe-s-*- If it were possible to rise above the of $65.1)00. thus showing that nearly api'hcatien of CtTtct-H«ii>l0*P Beat. Easiest to Use. and Ctisspesl »le Post. eighty ner cent, of the available com- 1 This repeatedI dailv «ui,^8 ireV skin sin <*■*• —A veritabl« “»ink,” akin to that of atmosphere which surrounds the earth mercial product of the cocoanut palm * «twain oi of —Thia is the style in whioh the Deni­ the Humboldt river, in Novada, 1» in we should see nothing but an intense that contributes to ti e New Orleans Cl-Tlct-RA It WOLVBMT^the son (Tex.) News described two of th- process of formation at th« mouth of the and sharply defined bull of fire, while importations is not utilized. The im­ Al’o rood fbr CoM In the H«d. f “ver“d young bloods of that town at a ball: San lx>ren«o in California. Where for­ Headache, Hay Fever, Ac. 50 cent». | proved plantation machines for extract­ ••Walter Nevin« wore a polka-dot ti •. merly a large stream cut its way everything else would be wrapped in ing PruntuA Scali lichen, the fib-r from the husks will cor . , and and eT ery every and Jim Simpson wm just too-utterly- through th« «killing «and« to th« ocean total darkness. Tnere could be no diffu­ tainly enable the coeoauut planter sped«« of Itching Seal« •’JU? rpi CURED with D>«5 the Skln Humoti HB art T ontc , Old too-tou for anything." but a small stream, easily «tapped over sion of light without an atmosphere, or to save the coir fiber at a very «mall of the beet phyniciao,-nb Jl« of Hair, when ■al le remeiiy. some similar medium for it to act upon; „ Sold even wh“re ‘bice Vv.TJ re"!«lle« fail- •an be «een. ■ _ _ remit SI per bottle, TOMS but if the air about us extended to a cost, and bv extracting the oil from the ?Sc.; R xsolvxnt ir £L.T,£’ !‘A-50r-: S oap . —A contemporary thinks that «prin« reje. -ed nuts the profit of the grower ~^ **«**!' bjreipreea.1 height of seven hundred mi)"» the poetry would be missed like spr n —Among the wonderful products of rays of the sun could not penetrate it will l>e largely increased and the culti­ green«. Well, what are the poets b i art in the French Crystal Palace was and we should be left in darkness. At vation of the coco nut tree rapidly ex- ' spring greens anywayP— Boston Iran shown a lock which admitted of 3,647,- the depth of seven hundred feet in the tended. Cor. A. o. Times-Diniocrat. t-«la«« script 385 combinations. Henret passed 120 ocean the light ceases altogether, one- » • » — ■■ -Th nights in locking it. Fichet was four half of the light being absorbed in Paper Cutter, —There were twenty-seven brid months in unlocking it; afterward they passing through only seven feet of the ■ nnki couples at one Wathington betel a fr f’VTS S3 INCHES, IS THE BM