i TERITORIAL NEWS. I » i I I I I * I ( I I I i ¿i HOME AND FARM f MUCH SENSE IN TWO SENTENCES. Choosing Between Two Evils. WOULD-BE KINGS. PreKodtrato the Throne« of Sweden eud “Which doctor cures the most P»'**“’ *' asked a shrewd matron who had Just moved Into town. When she was told the lady promptly replied: "H® »‘h® I want in sickness. Drs. ^TARKEY « P alen , N o . loitf Arch Street, Philadel­ phia, Pa., point w ith sincere pride to their long list of cures of acute and chronic dis­ eases bv their Compound Oxygen Treat­ ment. Consumption. Asthma, Brynclnti . Rheumatism and Neuralgia are especial > curable by this system, liiey wi l gladly send you, free by mai . a P«">Ph*®]vXl tells all »bout the Compound Oxygen. Write and ask for it. Orders for the Compound Oxygen Home Treatment will be tilled by H. A. Mathews, 615 Powell Street, San Francisco. CONSUMPTION. WILL 1 T EVER II f <’ l R E h j “Moving again, eh? What’s the mat­ —Owners of faded plush goods can Norway and Denmark. Spokane Falls is to have a four-story brighten ter with your boarding-place this time?” them up by sponging them Interesting Conversation With a pbv. brick. Sweden and Denmark are both at siolan. ‘ wit« chloroform. “Well, you know I told you about preaent besieged by pretenders to the 1 here are 3007 children of school age —Boxes for bolding slippers or odds the torture I endured in the last placeP” in Seattle. Having occasion to consult an old phy throne. One in the Swedish province and ends may be ornamented with thin “Yes. A family with twin boy-babies, sleian for some affection ot the lungs, th« Spokane Falls, so it is rumored, is to cheese cloth, covered with woolen lace both of East Gothland claims to bo the un­ teething.” question was asked : have anol her bank. the shade of the boudoir curtains. “Will consumption ever lie curedr “Yes. Well, I just got settled in a fortunate Prince Gustaf, elder brother The nublie artesian well under con­ “Yes, 1 believe so. But before we arrive —By rubbing with a damp flannel new place in a nice room right next to of the reigning King who, in the bo­ struction at Ritzville is nyw 60 feet deep. dipped in tlie best whiting, the brown the parlor, when the landlady moseyed at that point there will need lie a better ginning of this century, while at a field understanding of minute anatomy gI1(j Leonard’s sawmill at Tunnel city was discoloration may be taken oft' cups in in a grand piano, backed it right up physiology. I do not think there are niauy demolished bv a falling tree the other which custards have been baked. — C'lii- against my wall, and gave all the manœuvre in Skonu, suddenly fell even in the profession who understand or from his horse and died. It is to this day. cinnali 'limes. boarders the privilege of using it.” can explain what is meant by the tern* day believed by a large portion of the Large ntiinLm- at horses on the Swino- “ Where are no going now? ” life and health." —If silk, when wrinkled, is wet with mish are suffering with a mild form of clean water and laid in the hot sun. it "Can you give me any idea.’" “Back to the babies.’— Chicago News. peasants that Prince Gustaf did not “I will try. If you were to take from epizootic. die, but was carried off to Norway be­ will draw out all the wrinkles and pre­ A Chinese writer was recently sentenced any part of your isidy the smallest particle of his intention to marry a girl The Walla Walla Agricultural Society serve the new look much better than —It is a common mistake to regard cause to be quartered because ill one of his sci ­ of tissue, say as large as a pin head, and is making extensive arrangements for the pressing, Rub the water in well with the term negro as synonymous with of humble birth. Having succeeded in entific works he had enumerated the place it under the slide of a microscope ot escaping, he let his beard grow and fair this year. the hand. — Ind. n i Sate. Journal. Africa. The word negro does not de­ went to Italy, where, under the name names ot several of the departed Chinese 500 diameters, you would find it to coiuuW Emperors, which is strictly against the of living and non-living matter. If Jou Mias Rosa Spellman was drowned in —The CullicoM says the true wav to note a n'.cion, but an ideal type consti­ the Coweinan river, near Freeport, W. cook a b -et is to bake, not boil it. Thus tuted by the assemblage of certain of Garibaldi, he effected the liberation court etiquette. At last his punishment watch the living particle you would see it was mitigated to decapitation. Hi« move and grow; by and by it would divide T., tlie other day. :rr: t -.1, and sliced either in vinegar or physical characteristics exemplified in of that country. He is, however, not children are allowed to live until next an itself into t wo or more bodies like itself, Farm machinery to the value of over 11 butter, it is exceedingly palatable the natives of certain portions of Africa dead, but will come and be the King tumn when they also will be executed. in the process of grow th it has thrown off $20,000 has been sold to farmers in the and nutritious. Boiling extracts the and their descendants in America and of the Swedes! So much for the Swed­ from itself the substances it could not use. pretender. Big Bend region this year. most valuable part of tins vegetable. This is non-living matter. Now the whole A MYSTERY. the West Indies. As a rule the preva­ ish The Danish one has just turned up. How the human system ever recovers from body consists of these little living Isiilieh J. T. V Clark, of North Yakima, will —Pot ito stalks should be left through lent color in Africa is that of the Arab, pay one hundred dollars per ton for th.- winter where they grew. They are the Indian and the Australian. The There has arrived in Copenhagen from the bad effects st' the nauseous medicines often which absorb from the blood the nutrition Stettin two men. father and son, the merchantable broom corn, literally poured into it tor the suppositive re­ they require for growth. Tlie non-living rich in f-'i't lizing vain •. and protect the true negro districts are the Senegal, the former sixty and the latter twenty-one lief of dyspepsia, liver complaints, constipa­ matter serves lo connect them with each Ti irist travel to the National park is surfac! from blowing and Flashing Gambia, the Niger and the interme­ years with a trunk loaded with tion, rheumatism and other ailments, is a mys other, and is called connection tissue. now one hundred percent, greater titan through the winter. It is sometimes diate rivers of the coast, parts of Su­ papers old, Now these bioplasts (dividing bodies) are and documents to prove that tery. The mischief done by bad medicines is endowed it was at this season last year. r- commended to carry them into tiie danis, Sennaar, Kardofan and Darfur. with the power of natural selec­ thev arc the direct descendants of tlie scarcely less than that caused by disease. It tion, thus: Tlie bioplasts of a muscle will Tlie hop crop oi Washington territory barn-yard for manure, but they are of —Philadelphia Press. house of Oldenburg, and to show that they who are weak, bilious, dyspeptic, consti­ refuse earthly matter, and a bone bioplast this year is estimated at 15,000 bales, more va ue where they were grown.— FOOD FRAUDS. if at the death of Fredrick VII. they pated oi rheumatic, would oftener be guided will refuse fibrin. Each perforins the which, at $32 a bale, will bring $4,800,- Prairie Parm r. had possessed these documents they bv the experience of invalids who have thor­ work itself, independent of tlie other. 000. — As stock in running over a large The Shameful Use of Lime and Alum in Cheap coulil have proved their exclusive right oughly tested Hostetter's Stumai h BUU-rs, the) The aggregate of tlie mating and growth iield trample down quite as much as One of D. S. Baker’s warehouses near would in every instance obtain tlie speediest of each one is life. The perfect perform­ Baking Powders. to the throne. They both bear the orig­ aid derivable from rational medication. Illis ance of tlie duty of each, the selection the old depot, Walla Walla, was de­ they consume, there is consi erable a I- Many food frauds, such as chicory inal name of the house of Gluckburg, medicine is a searching and at the same time a from the Wood of their proper vabulum stroyed by lire. Loss $1,200; no insur- vantage in dividing pastures so that thoroughly Bate remedy, derived from veget­ a ce. while one part is being eaten down the coffee or watered milk, although they Beck, and went the day after their ar­ able sources, and possessing in consequence or and its perfect digestion (tor these bio. rival to the master of ceremonies to its basis of pure spirits, properties as a ineui- plasts do digest), ■ onstitute health. 1,11« oli-er will be growing unmolested. Not Several thousand acres of choice sage are a swindle in a commercial sense, seek an audience with the King. They cinal stimulant not to be found m tlie nerj and health therefore depend on the healthy brush land have recently been located much o a fence is required to do this, bitteis and stimulants often resorted to condition el tlie living particles of which were directed to seek it through the local on '»ear i.’-OI« Wood •i'-w around 8ho- ns ther ■ is n > temptation to break over are often tolerated because they do German the body is composed. Thus, you have a Ambassador, being German bj (he debilitated, dyspeptic and languid. befor ■ tli“ farmer will volunta ilv make not particularly affect the health of suone. very small pimple an your fin e, uneot subjects. The Embassy, after some The sweet girl graduates at Vincennes, those bioplasts has become sick; its body the ch urge. — Albany Journal. H. E. Knatvold, of the Puget Sound the consumer; but when an article parley, did not act, and the pretenders Ind., struck because a negro girl wasr adinit^h] )ias become converted by bad digestion Moia-ses Sauce: One cupful <-f mo like baking powder, that enters largely Woodenware works, fell from a step tried themselves to obtain an audience led to the same platform to read an essay ------ .T, into pus, but it has not ceased to live. It ladder at the factory and broke one of lass s. half a cupful of water, one tea­ has only become something else. Tlie pu» to suggest that their claims — which spoon! I of butter, a little cinnamon or into the food of every family, and is his ribs. "I FEEL tO WELL " bioplast (which rapidly reproduce them­ are attested by the highest German n itm -g (aboil half a t aspoonful >, one- I relied uporPfor the healthful prepara­ authorities—may be subjected to a “ I want to thank you for telling me of selves), increase ill great numbers, and Water has been obtained on four li of a teaspoonful of -nil, and Dr. Pierce ’ s “ Favorite Prescription, ’ ’ pushing the heaithy bodies sur­ point near Ritzville, by digging ami bor­ tion of almost every meal, is so ma^e thorough scrutiny. To begin with, writes a lady to her friend. “Fora long rounding aside it, shows itself on vour skin. ing to the depth of 109 feet, which fills thr-e lablespoonfuls of vr egar. Boil they can claim an inheritance of 2,500,- time I was unfit to attend to the work of You break it and letout the bioplasts (pus); nii together f r twenty minutes. The as to carry highly injurious, if not the well thirty feet. nice of a lemon can be us ■ ting for an endowment of $10,0(X) for the wid sweeten it. Put in the potassa and by Prof. Mott, the U. 8. Government His features are in an amazing degree proposed academy on Whidby island, stir up well. The water will turn pur­ Chemist, of large amounts of lime like those of the late Russian Czar, so lose his wife. He chemically condensed composed, require constant food, '¡'he has succeeded in (Attaining half of the ple, and if it does not get clear in a and alum in the cheap baking pow­ much so that any one who has seen the her into a seal for his ring. blood must keep them supplied day and night, and the material must be such as amount ami expects to procure the bal­ few moments a little more of the pe - ders. These are, one the most dan­ Czar’s picture is struck with the re­ SHORTNESS OF BREATH. manganate of potassa should be added. they can digest, or they refuse it and ance in a short time. and the other the most useless, semblance. The older of the two DR. FLINT'S HEART REMEDY should starve. The result of the death of bio­ A yield of 445 pounds of strawberries The refuse will settle in a sediment at gerous gentlemen has passed the greater part be taken at oii'-e w hen slight exertion or plasm is an increase of non-living matter. is reported by Mr. 8. F. Hoskinson as tlie bottom of the cistern. — Troy Times adulterants yet found in the low-grade, of his time in researches among the a hearty meal produces shortness of breath The body becomes emaciated. The con­ inferior baking powders. It is a start­ having been gathered from a piece of or a pain in the region of the heart At nective tissue shrinks. Tlie remaining ground 25 feet wide ami 58 feet long, on rOR AMATEUR DRESSMAKERS. ling fact that of over one hundred archives and collections in Copenhagen. all druggists, or J. J. Mack & Co., 0 and biopla-ts, improperly nourished, fail in Whole nights he studied his family his ­ different brands of baking powder so liis place near Lake Union. This is at their work. Some degenerate into pun, It Front St., S. F. tory, but no always was stopped at a and others into waste material (getliero- the rate of over six tons per acre. Ftslaion Hint« Which Can l!c Ohiervcd far analyzed, comprising all those IT BEATS THE DUTCH. vanished child. After fifteen years of niatous deposits); not getting tlie food Without Difficulty. sold in this vicinity, not one of them, labor he has to his full satisfaction John Kay, who was tried in the dis­ During the past year over 30,000 such books they desire, they take what they can get trict court at Seattle some four years ago The amateur dressmaker who oh- with the single exception of the Royal proved that he is grandson’s grandson as these have been Given Away by the A meki - Tlie bioplasts of the lungs, for instance, ( an R ckai . H ome , (Weekly, 16 years old, 48 for the murder of John Anderson, at 1 servos new basques closely will see that Baking Powder, was found free from will eat earthly matters ami consequentlj 8 pages) of Rochester, N. Y.: Lopez island, anil convicted of murder in J I be darts are now carried up very high, both lime ami alum. The chief ser- of this vanished child. Besides, he has columns, the n alters thrown off by them consist of Without Lawyers. in his possession armorial and other Law the second degree, has been granted an caicereoas substances. This irritates the Family Cyclopedia. in the English fashion, and are nearer i vice of lime ¡s to add weight. It is precious things to strengthen his claims. Farm Cyclopedia. unconditional pardon by Gov. Squire. surrounding delicate bioplasts and dis­ , true that lime, when subjected to Tlie young Beck bears a strong resemb­ Farmers’ & ¡Stockbreeders' Guide. turbance results. All tuberculous matter I together at the waist line, giving, with Ezra Baird, the newly appointed Common Sense in Poultry Yard. lance to Prince Waldemar. and his ac­ World Cyclopedic. consists of lime. In the effort to get rid marshal of Idaho, lives at LewiBton, Ida­ the narrow double side forms, the slen­ heat, giveB oft’ a certain amount of quaintance of this irritating substance, more blood le with the affairs of the Danelson’s (Medical) Counselor. ho, is about 35 years of old, lias served der and long-waisted appearance which carbonic acid gas, but a quick-lime is sent to the part and inflammation (as »e ’ Useful Pastimes. Nez Perce county two terms as sheriff, has come into vogue with English fash­ left—a caustic so powerful that it is House of Oldenburg is said to be the Boys Five Years Before the Mast. say) is set up. The irritation of the minute most astonishing. — Pad Mall Gazelle. used by tanners to eat the hair from ami served one term in the legislature, People’s History of United States. nerve fiber produces cough. The begin Universal History of All Nations. and a very clever and popular gentle­ ions. The high officer’s collar band hides of animals, and in dissecting nin< then of consumption is some delect Popular History of the Civil War (both sides.) in the preparation of the food of bioplasm. IN COUNTY CORK. with its buckram interlining is also rooms to more quickly rot the flesh man. Send ill.15 and get any one Book and Weekly We give cod liver oil, whisky, beef tea and conducive to the severe military effect one year, postpaid. Satisfaction guaranteed. David M. Reese, a well-known ranchet from the bones of dead subjects. A Tlie True [i’lHlimin the Approachable a thousand tilings to tempt their appetite«, Cloth-Bound Books, 5x7, 300 to 503 pages. living about four miles east of Anaconda, now sought after, as it keeps t|i( chin small quantity of dry lime upon the of Human Beings. Reference, Mayor Parsons. Rochester, N. Y. but it does not often do. How to remedy Montana, was found dead in his cabin, up. and requires a plain linen collar, or tougue, or in the eye, produces pain­ Rural Home Co., (Limited/, Rochester, the defect of digestion and assimilationia The diet of the Irishman in this part Address N. Y. Samples, 2 cents. having committed suicide bv hanging. else folds, in preference to frills, with a ful effects; but how much more seri­ the problem that once solved, consump He had evidently been hanging several very simple brooch, to complete its de- ous must these effects be upon the of the country is. of course, potatoes tion will be cured." REMARKABLE ESCAPE. and milk. As he himself puts it, he days, us when found decoiu|>osition was s rable plain style. The shoulder seams “But cannot you feed patients on some delicate membranes of the stomach, John Kuhn, of Lafayette, Ind , h d a particular diet that shall cure the delect far advanced. are of medium length, aud the sleeves intestines and kidneys, more particu­ has potatoes twenty-one times a week. very narrow eserpe from death. This is of digestioui” Recently all hands at the Cascadt are set in “easy.” as seamstresses say, In the event of a blight, such as the his own story : “One year alto I was in the "That has been tried for hundreds o( tunnel struck for a reduction from ten to bei ig sewed always with the sleeves larly of infants and children, and es­ last stage» of Consumption. Our best years and failed. If we knew- exactly the eight hours’ work per day and an in­ next the sewer, yet without the gathers pecially when the lime is taken into historic one, the result in certain parts physicians gave my case up. I finally got 1 chemical characterof the food for bioplast« crease in wages from $2.50 to $3 per day. that made them high and bunchy last the system day after day, and with al­ of Ireland could scarcely be less disas­ so low that our doctor said I could not live it would do, but you have to take this into The real cause is said to be an overseer, rear. A large arm-hole witli well- most every meal. This is said by trous than at any former period. If twenty-four hours. My friend then pur­ consideration. Tlie bioplasts of the nioulh who called the workmen vile names and rounded sleeve, with its inner seam set physicians to be one of the chief one may judge by the physique of its chased a bottle of DR. WM. HALL'S I secrete saliva (ptialin), which converts BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS, which starch into sugar. In the stomach are made himself generally obnoxious. straight down the middle of the arm its j causes of indigestion, dyspepsia and consumers, tlie diet requires no recom­ me. I continued until lam now­ I glands which produce lactic acid—pepsin Alexander Brown, Jr., of Jaekson, entire length, will have the proper and those painful diseases of the kidneys mendation of the medical faculty, for benefited in perfect health, having used no other | mucous. The salt in food is hydrochloric Mich., has been arrested at Tacoma, upon comfortable fit. In skirts ‘ill tied-back now so prevalent. Instances of the a more stalwart race it would be diffi­ medicine.” acid. The pancreas pours out diastase a dispatch charging him with embezzle­ appeal a ice is avoided, and the covering most serious affections of the latter cult to find. In this corner of the (yeast), the liver bile, consisting of six »Brown's llronchinl 'I’roelie-s" chemicals. All these mix and produce, ment. He was treasurer of the Fourth over the hips is not nearly so smooth of July committees and made away with as form rly; there are still, however, organs from drinking lime waters country so long “preserved.” we will relieve Bronchitis, As.hma, Catarrh, j first, in the stomach, chyme; in the intes­ about $7(M), all of which he has since tapes at the back and steels as described i found in some sections of the West should expect to find the natural Irish­ and Throat Diseases. tine, chyle. Let any one cf these fail in man, and we certainly found him. The are noted in every medical journal. spent. He has confessed his identity. During his forty years of service as a quantity or quality, or be in excess, and last week, but these are only meant to native Irish is almost universally Sheriff Packwood, of Kittitas countv, hold the foundation skirt in place, while preacher, Henry Ward Beecher has made the whole process is disturbed. All food Adulteration with lime is quite as consists, of course, of chemical substances, W. T., went to Tunnel City on Monday the lower skirt and its draperies are much to be dreaded as with alum, spoken, but at the same time the ma­ an average of $1,875 per year. which become changed wh-n reducedto jority of the younger generation speak to arrest a man charged with grossly in­ made to look very full. Worth begins which has heretofore received the most their elements. Once the bioplasts have ALL “ PLAYED OUT.” sulting a lady. He secured his man and to lengthen basques on the sides in emphatic condemnation from every English with a brogue of the most ex­ become sick they would not be temptedbj quisite flavor. Here, also, we have the “ Don't know what ails nielately. Can't proper food perhaps. 1 do not think they was about to start for EllenBurg when fashion, though the preference food analyst, physician and chemist, Irishman in the typical attire to which eat well,—can’t sleep well. Can't work. the prisoner made a desperate break for peplum are to be reached in that way.” here is for very short sides to basques. for the reason that, while alum is prob­ caricaturists have accustomed us. To an^ don’t enjoy. doing anything . .------ „ —,....... Ain’t “Can you suggest any way in which they liberty. The sheriff fired a shot at the A pretty fashion with Worth is that of really sick, and I really ain't well. Feel may be reached 1” ably partially dissolved and passed oft the visitor from the other island, it is a fugitive and struck liitu in tlie back. The making a plaited faille guimpe inside all kind o’ played out. someway. someway.' ’ That “Well, perhaps. We know that certain ludicrous picture to see him in tall hat. Wound is a fatal one. in gas by the heat of baking it is im­ is what scores of men say every day. If simple substances contain in themselves the front of velvet or plush basques, Articles of incorporation have been with the top part of the velvet waist possible to destroy or change the nature blue-tailed coat and knee-breeches at they would take Dr. Pierce’s “Golden most of tlie elements that go to make the filed to construct, maintain and operate turned down in revers, and the plaited of the lime in any degree, so that the work in his wretched plot, like a phi­ Medical Discovery” they would soon have body; these are iron, phosphorus, sulphur, a railroad from Walla Walla south to faille guirn -e inside the front extending entire amount in the baking powder losopher out for a little recreation. It no occasion tossy it. It purifies the blood, albumen and protajon. If these could be tones up the system and fortifies it against introduced into the blood without disturb­ Ainsworth, sod a brunch through from the collar to the top of the darts passes, with all its injurious properties, is not so much the style of his gar­ disease. ments, however, that makes his pictur­ as well. It is a great anti-bilious remedy ance from the chemicals of the stomach Eureka Flat. Capital Btock, $2(X),000. under into the stomach. When we state revers: pendent beads, balls they might do. Now, this is not r.iy own esqueness; it is their positively miracu­ Tlie incorporators are II I*. Isaacs. .Max or tiny the tassels are set on the pla ts. that the chemists have found twelve lous raggedness. idea, but I am very mm h prepossessed in Baumeister, Chris. Ennis, R. R. Rees, We feel that European papers remark upon the good The home dress-maker who attempts per cent., or one eighth of the entire favor. A Doctor Dujardin of Paris has W. R. Hammond, H. E. Holmes, II. E, raggedness has quite passed imitation of celluloid now manufactured its been trying this plan for some years, and to make outside garments is advised to weight of some samples of baking this from potatoes. Johnson and F. 8. Dement. the stage of disreputabili'.y, aud has has made so far some remarkable s»c- have a short mantle, because it is most Dr. N. G. Blalock has sol»l “the big easily made, and to use the thick cloths, powder analyzed to be lime, the wick­ actually become ornamentation. But j cesses. He has formulate d these sub- 8URE CURE FOR P1LE8. edness of the adulteration will be fully it is. above all, the hat that fixes the at­ Sure cure for blind, bleeding and itching ! stances and gives them in syrup while the Blal'M-k ranch” of 2360 acres, southeast either rough Astrakhans or the smooth apparent. of town, near Spofford, 141X1 acres oi sloths that h ive a tufted wrong side, be­ tention. We have often closely in­ Files. One box has cured the worst cases of stomach is empty, and so they pass into standing. No one need suiter ten the blood by absorption ami not by diges- deeded land and 310 of railroad to Hen­ cause these need not be lined. Pure baking powders are one of the spected it and our wonder never ten years' after using Kirk's German Pile Oint­ • tion. They are line proper food for bio- ry Gates, ami 640 acres of deeded to wadded -ilk lining is preferred, it If is a chief aids to the cook in preparing ceased how, in the course of a single minutes ment. It absorbs tumors, ullays the itching, I plasts. and they seem toltake to it. I have barrel and Hobson. He received for perfect and wholesome food. While life, any hat, however weather-beaten acts as a poultice, gives relief. Dr. Kirk's Ger­ read many of the cases in which Illis Life the deeded land $26 an acre ami for the I economical to buy the lining already those are to be obtained of well-estab­ and however brutally used, could at­ man Pile Ointment is prepared only for Piles | Essence of Dujardin has been used, and and itching of the private parts, and nothing railroad claim $10 an acre, amounting to w 1 ded and quilted and then use the tain that pre-Adamite look. It is the Every box is warranted. Sold by Drug­ am giving it a trial and h< pe to succeed. $56,240. Tlie farm is all well Im thinner eaiiiel's-hair cloth that mav be lished reputation, like the Royal, of great charm of travel in Ireland that else. gist, and sent by mail on receipt of price 81 I am very sanguine. It is the first time proved, anil considered one of the finest had for two dollars or three dollars a whose purity there has never been and one cat: become acquainted with its per box. Wopi’ARD, C larke & Co., Whole­ that I have felt satisfied with thecheniic”! yard. The line thick cloths that need cannot be a question, it is proper to sale Agents, Portland. Oregon. in the valley. properties of any- medicine for tlie relief people in so short a time and on such no lining cost tivo dollars a yard, hut avoid all others. of consumption. Should it answer the easy terms. The Irishman is the most W hy go limping around with your expectations it will prove the greatest only a ya’d and a half are required for MINING NEWS. approachable of human beings, and as boots run over, when Lvon's Heel Stiffen blessing the world has ever received.” the mantle. For jackets, the sleeves —“Did t pay for that wine wo nad the very Irishman the stranger wishes era will keep them straight ! One dollar and fifty cents per bottle, at Travel to tlie Cœur d’Alene mines is should be lined with -atin. to make them easy to get off or on. Tne seams of last night, landlord?’’ hiked Crimson­ to know is in most cases his owu lord Dr. Henley's Celery, Beef and Iron restores all druggists. Snell, lleitshu & Woodard, increasing. Wholesale mcenls. !'<»■ 11 nd. Oregon. beak. coming down one morning with and master, intercourse is thus mado Argus: Henry Powelsm, of Galice cloth garments should be trimmed his hea l tied up in a towel. "Why, doubly easy. If in the course of a lost vitality and gives new life and vigor, j evenly, moistened with a damp cloth, VAN” 1»:1.ASHMUTT, JUIXMt W. W. THAI» creek, exhibited some fine specimens of ought to know. Mr. Crimsonboak,” solitary walk you should desire the Relief is immediate and a cure sure President Vice President quartz from his ledge on ILx-ky gulch, in and pressed open with a hot iron. The you SAM J GORMAN, Cashier. replied a bystander. jokingly. “ Well, ’ ” Piso s Remedy for Catarrh. 50 cento. 1 solace of a little conversation, you have edges should then l>a bound neatly with Grant's Pass, last week. This is an ex­ METROPOLITAN SAVINGS BANK. PORTLAW tension of the Green ledge, and is un­ silk tane. The trimming should not he said Crimsonboak, “1 consulted my but to take your seat on one of the T ry G krmka for breakfast. Transacts a General Banking business; all"*1 bought until the mantle is made and its pocketbook and it seemed to s:»v that I turf walls that form the fences in these doubtedly rich and extensive. Interest on deposits as follows: did. but when I consulted my hea.i I parts of the country. If you are a edg.-s measured, as such trimmings, On 3 months certificates 4 per cent A strike is reported from the Hope On 6 months certificates 5 per cent. to the conclusion that 1 was pay­ smoker and produce your pipe, you mine, west of Missoula Gulch. At a whether of fur, feathers or fringe, are came On 13 months certificates 6 per cent. I oWç rr)y ing for it this morning. ” will present an additional inducement. costly, and it is wasteful to buy even , , _ _ directors : depth of 180 feet a cross-cut was run Jndge W W Thayer r H W Scott, Restoration Before you are well seated you will be which disclosed a one foot body of ore, in eighth of a yard more than is want­ Judge K D Shattuck. H W Mouaiten, ed. Brocaded velvet mantles were so saluted with: “ A fine day, sir, God be Silvester Farrell, Dr. W H Saylor, which is said to have returned mi aver­ , , r toHealth Han. Richard Williams. Dr. K J Harber. commonly used last year that there is — A Wellington (Kan.) paper says: praised! ” and a careless figure will be age assay of 303 ounces in silver and $>i) Van B. DcLoahmutt, 1. F. Powers. . ledge on Jackson creek and delivering it trimmed with fluffy fringes or with 5.000,000,000 of sewing needles were Chamber!*' Journal. at the new mill on Shively gulch to Klip- hose that have wooden balls, nut- lost, which had been shipped bv four A Boarding and Day School for Girl«. |»‘l A Co. at fl .’>0 a ton. . . Blalock, •haye 1 pieces, or long spikes on each tii ms from lsarbohn for China.’ Sev­ CONDUCTED RY THE MI8SF.S RODNEY. — B fore putting away dark furs they ln.l«r lb.jraperviil. n of The Rl Rev B. Owings A Co., who purchased several strand, for the plain mantles of eral insurance companies must bear may be cleaned by rubbing them with Th...™, s <’RRI”' D ■ Rbhop of Or««on. acres on Jackson creek of Judge Duncan ootieie doth, cord fringe or else a band ths damage, which is very heavv. hot bran. It should be rubbed in with P uttkr D rug and C hemical C o ES««’S the in En«h.h, Art. lowenM* 2 M,ul,r »nd BooMreepIn« * a few months ago. picked a nugget of >f fur. such . s the inexpensive Russian «rsead tor ; How te ç n the hand. The fur should be well theta having been a large quantity of ‘l>*rt*n leecher». Pupil, .dmltted •< * told worth |80 out of the cement they are »are. is the trimmiug.— Harper's Ba- »nd Into,or or all rf lh. demrtment. Tk' brushed afterward to remove all par­ Mln« on the FIRST WEDNESDAY ot SEPTEMB** «rushing, as also seven»! smaller uiccee. tar. I expensive needles among the lot. tióles of dust,— Erchanqg. <-*t*lo«ue Mnt on applleatloR. I N. P. N. U. No. HO—8. F. N. U. No.