fcST SIDE TELEPHONE. Very few accidents reported from tl.e A new sidewalk has been laid on the DEATH OF A. A. McCULLY harvest Helu, so far. north side of the Brock property at the Lee Collard has juxt passed through a corner of C and Fourth. A petition is Kicked to Death by a Vicious severe seige of sickness, and comes out circulating asking that the same be done NOTICE. on the east side of the property. It looking rather peeked. Horse. needs it badly enough. Mr. C. N. Greenman, brother-in-law I we have «ng»«««' •«rvicea of Mr. A. Mr. A. R. Logan has raised some About five o’clock Thursday evening I . B. Snyder to take charge of our local of J..I. Collard, of Oregon < ity, with “wav-up” corn tli.H season. Gue of two his wife and son, visited here several stalks that be sent off o;i th exhibit lion. A. A. McCully of Salem, who with La editorial department*. lie need« no days during tho week. cut measured 11 feet 5 inches in height his wife and son-in-law, Mr. \ B. Ljroductlon 1» the people of Va nhlll. The Itemixer says that Prof. Paxton, and had two large ears growing upri it. Croasman, was at his farm in this conn' . This little com, Mr. Logan says grew with i i . ,y’ 0,1 , 1118 ■ v’a-z , l,,,,ne f fronl a . two week , , " of McMinnville, Iras been engaged to but attention and curl OUK AGENTS. !••• ch the next term of the Dixie school. Two rifle teams have luen formed at j 8 j° ” ' n ttt «»die in the ! We don't know the piofessor; but we I Those wishing to subscribe for the w ish him success. this place, one und -r .he name ot tiie ■ «table, attending to Lis team, received L LEgnoNK may do so through the fcl- These must ba considerable building “Creedinotea” the other ‘ Dead Shots,” M-vere kicks on tl.e head and body, from Lwing persons: going on broil,'houtthe country,in Yam­ and some very sharp shooting has been the effects of which lie died at about ten done the past few days. The “Creed- F M. Kelty ........... .. ............ Lafayette. hill a.. I adjoining countier, as the mill iiiuie" teams is composed of G W Jones, ¡ o'clock on the same evening. It appears . í 4 I John . I. » . \ \ Wortman * - . 4 »wk « k.kk.l I; W. Sappington I . . North Yatnhill. mi'll inform u>. they have been selling I White, and 11 E L 1 E that Mr. McCully hud gone into the about all the lumber they could make I L. Castle » White. The “ Dead Shots ” are E F. barn for the purpose of looking after his ly. A. Graves............. ............... Sheridan. Mr. Uy Peery of Dayton prairie, has Goucher, J L Rogers, J F Wisecarver team, and had dropped something near it. L. Simpson.............. ................... Amity. bought the farm of John lloplleld in and J J Spencer. Their fort is in lifle h. G. Davis................ ............... Bellevue. Happy »’alley and will take possession shouting, nt. I inont members are 'able to the feet of one of the horses. He stoop­ L 8. Williamson........ .......... Wheatland. in November. Mr. Hopfleld w ill r- nain knock a “birds-eye-view” of a four-bit ed to pick it up, and while in this pos­ Agents at oilier points ill the county in this section if he can find a farm for piece at 3C uteps. ture 1.0 received several blows from the rent. kill be announced soon. The ladies of St. James Guild are de­ heels of the horse. Mr. Croasman heard Wc. are p.i. id to make"this remark: serving of much praise for the manner ttie noise, and running to the barn, fottpd McMinnville bus fewer loafers than any in which they have improved the inter­ Mr. MeMully lying senseless. He car­ other town of its size in Oregon. Every ior of the church. The robing room has Titilli) DISTRICT. man finds something t > do and does it; been enlarged; anew piuver desk has ried him into the house, and immediate­ It. I’. Bob iuilge lienee all are active end the town pros­ been added ; an outer mid inner chancel ly dispatched messengers for Dr. J. F. Geo. W. Be Prosecuting Attorney perous. has been arranged—tho inner being Calbreaih of this place, and Dr. G. H. COUNTY. raised about six inches higher t ¡an I he Arriving there they T. K. Patty, the railroad agent, intend­ outer; on the light—or south side of the Smith of Amity. 11. P. Bln.. ■cnators -j J. W. Watts. ed to have started east, yesterday; but church—is the choir stall, large enough found that the unfortunate firm had re­ R. R. I.aughiin, owing to prevailing illness in the sec­ to contain the organ and 12 singers. All ceived several kicks on the head, his kepre.’entativcs F. N. : tion toVhifh he was going, he has post­ C. Lulolielt. poned starting until after the first of Sep­ the floors are neatly carpeted and pre­ skull having been slightly fractured, sent e. neat inviting appearance. L. Lougharv. tember. that his shoulder blade was broken, sev­ Judge • • .1. S. Ilil.'.s, .‘•'everal days since Mr. John l’etch eral ri'is were broken near tl.e spine rommissloners -, Geo. Dorsey. Willie Waug.vman ami Thadeus Simp- <■'. W. Biiedwell. sou have gone to training hones. They and liis son Joseph were both quite bad­ and th it the lungs l ad been pierced by I'li'rk ............. ly hint in a runaway serupe while haul­ T. .1 ' Kheritr W. W. Nelson. started in on the fair grounds, Saturday ing hay to tl.eir place at the foot of the the fragments, the latter being the prin­ ■re usurer evening. Wi guess the result of their Wyatt Harris. When found ■Assessor......................... mountaim:. Capt. Handley, who was cipal cause of his death. J. A. ( '. Freund. ovei turned curt will be repaired al mod­ up to see tl.em on Thursday last, in- by Mr. Croasman lie was lying light at School Sept .1. 1 . Fenton. erate pi ices:. Surveyor lorniK us tL.it both are getting on very the heels of the horse, which was still D. ('. Sarver. fcoroner One thing connected with the While many say that Yaqnina is a nicely. splendid point to go recreating, others runaway might lead a supeistitiov.s per­ kicking, and continued to kick till the that it is a good jioint to go to if you son to believe that an evil spirit was- unconscious man was dragged from be­ t whisperings sny want to get plenty of “sand in your hovering over the I’etch-s, as the acci­ hind him. llis remains wene taken to eiaw.” We “know not how the truth dent that laid them up occurred almost Salem Friday and on Saturday were precisely on the same ground that Mrs. may be,” etc. ■ Air full of smoke and dust. 1’eteli fell upon when shot, four years buried r.t that city. Mr. McCully was ■ Wheat at the warehouses (iOiriil cents. Our young friend Robert Hirsch came ago. one of the early Oregon pioneers, and up from Portland Saturday and «pent U I)r. Littlefield, of Lafayette, in the city Sunday with fr iends in this citv. Before There are at present nine head of we glean the following regarding his K'eeterday. going back of course he “took stock” in horses in tiaining at the fail giounds. OI past life in this state from an exchange; ------- THE------- H The moon looks as if it had been the T elcphonk —as 27 others have done 2-yeai-ohls Wm. Galloway. Della Mar-1 “Asa A. McCully was born in the tin, C. A. Waliaee, George Bryan, Cas. province of New Brunswick in 1818. and since our last issue. ■‘painted red.” ffri|Jett mid 11. 1». Lit'.letie.d each have I when live ycar3 old removed with his Mis-.-« Nettie and Stella Skiff, ace >m- nne ; Dr. Littlefield a.so Ims a pair of parents M Thanks to Miss Annie Turner Tor a to Ohio. Here lie learned the panied by Mr. S. McFadden and Miss yearling Altamont colts and W. J. Gar­ Hp-'oU supply of plums and apples. trade of making fanning mills, and lt"sa Smith of Salem, and Miss Ni lson rison, Jr., a running horse; besides worked at 1 is business for nine years be- ■ As fai t as a dwelling is vacated by one ol Independence, came down arid spent these there aie others i:i training that ■at this city ii is “gobbled up” bv soi.re- Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. G. F. Tuel.ei are not kept on Die grounds. All these foie he rei loved to Iowa, where he en­ gaged in the general merchandising and ■bodv else. and l> id a splendid time. horses are good ones and are being put trading business at Burlington and New M Miss Jessie Young will go to Portland Mr. E. G. Manning and family leave in shape for the coniingfair.w here it will London. In 1848 he came across the ■to-day where she will visit her aunt for us this morning. They go to East Port­ be shown that Yamhill is capable of plains to California, and remained there ■a few weeks. land for a few days; go from there to bringing out some good specimens of for two years, when lie returned to Io­ wa. In 1852 ho emigrated io Oregon H Mr. Delap’s house at North Yamhill the Sound, and Irom there to tlieir Cali­ horse-tiesh. We have been here for a number of aud took up a ciaim near the present ■burned to the ground yesterday. No fornia home. We hope they have nad a vears, but neve • have we dreanmd of site of Harrisburg, Linn county, upon a pleasant time while here. ■particulars. there being the large scope of fine farm­ portion of which that town now stands, Mrs. C. Symons and Mrs. O. O. Hod­ ing land that lies just across tho Yam­ lie went back to Iowa the same year I Our young Wends Leslie Laughlin and ■Thus. Rogers go to-day to spend a few ion leave to day for a trip to tlieir old hill. south of this place, until we hap­ and returned immediately to Oregon eastern homes. Mrs. Symons goes to pened to stumble onto it 'Saturday even­ with 150 head of cattle. ■days at Yaquina. in 1808 Mr. Toronto, Canada, and Mrs. Hodson to I Mr. A. I). Simpson has been quite ill Muncie Indiana. We wish them a safe ing. A large body of land upon w hich McCully removed to Salem, and in the has grown this season the largest anit following year was.elected president of ■of late, and looks very badly, though be journey and a pleasant visit. rankest of wheat and oats, lies entirely tho People’s Transportation company, ■ is gaining rapidly. cash or produce Messrs. Bishop A Kav, our live obscured from the gaze of the outside an organization that controlled the fl St. James’ Guild will meet at the resi- Brownsville Woolen Mills clothing firm, world—ar.d that within almost a stone’s freight and passenger traffic of the Will­ Idence of Mrs. G. E. Detmeriog to-mor are preparing to branch out, anil will throw of our doors. This convinces tls amette river until purchased by Ben ■ low a 2 o’clock p. in. Mr. McCully wa3 engaged open out u branch store at Sheridan the that the “more a man lives the longer Holladay. I George Kauffman, the Willamina latter pait of this week or the fore pa't be liuds out,” especiallv regarding the in business in Salem for a number of fma points of Yamhill county in particu ­ years with A. N. Gilbert, and has filled Walter Durham will assist Ideor-slayer, was in town last evening of next. lar and Oregon in general. various official positions in beth the them. I with a load of ven: on. Jeff Fenton and Frank Rogers went county and city, always with honor and Old “Dock,” L. & H.’s big brown ¡1 Druggist Burt Ims been on a business At the time of bis cron e hunting early Friday morning. | credit to himself. truck horse in tig'.ting flies y>de-d.y ■ trip to Portland, and D. C. Narvcr held deatii he was vice ¡ resident of the Cupi- Mr. Fenton spied a grouse in a large caught one of his hind feet in the breech ­ ■ the fort while he was gone. t tl National br.uk of Salem. Mr. Mc­ ing, tried to kick but couldn’t make it; tree, raised his gun, fired, and then took A Strictly M c M innville - - O regon . I California and Seattle cleaned Oregon then tried to run but was landed all a seat—rather forcibly. He was shoot­ Cully was a man who was known nil Oflice- T-vo doors east of Bingham's lent with the little rtle, last Saturday.— heels up in a jiffy, when lie was helped ing a breech-loader ; one of the cartridges over the state as the embodiment of in­ TEMPERANCE RSSORT, furniture store. I [This is not a 59-ccnt item.] was very heavily loaded and when he tegrity an 1 honesty, llis life, both pub­ out of his dilemma. Lac,'.'1.in;; <> •-■ ndniinisiered for painless tired the gun jumped Irom bis shoulder, lic ar.d private, was ever marked by an Some good( ?) church members to the con- extracting. ltf Mr. J. Arm. of Dayton, was in the city He A passing locomotive on the Narrow one hammer striking him on one side of unflinching adherence to truth. trary notwithstanding. [yesterday. He is talking of going into Guage last Friday, set fire to the stub­ was a man in whom all who knew him the nose and the other hammer on the I the fruit di ving business on an extensive ble in A. M. Waddel’s wheat field. ----- G- As other side, cutting deep gasl es, while had the highest confidence, and he I scale. it happened threshers were near by, tiie brake also stiuek him on the side of commanded the respect of everybody Pliysieians & A specimen of quartz from the I’etch discove ed the fire and put it out. Had the nose, inilicing a slight cut. He with whom he came in contact.” McM I N N V; L!.E * LA FAYETTE. Or. I mine shows plenty of both gold and sil­ it not been for this, there’s no telling came home bleeding profusely; Dr. J. F. Calbreath. ?t. D. off.-e over Yamhill ver. The mines are being worked right w fiat damage might have been done. Goucher dressed the wounds, and Jeff A Challenge. The Only First Class, Counlv Bank, ?.!( .« mnviil », Oregon. along. Last Sunday being the last in the M. is ready to try tho birds another round. 11. Ih l.ittlem Id, M, D. office on Main And the only parlor-like simp in the city. Charley Underwood of Eugene City, E. Conference year, union services weie street, Lafuyette, O.-egon. ltf Last Tliu-sdry, while Capt. Handley | The T elephone force hereby challeng- None but first-class workmen em ­ held nt the M. E. chili ch in this city, in has visited his friend Jeff Fenton, at mid his daughter Lizzie were away from I e8 any three printers, any three doctors, th. evening. No services weie held at ployed. this place, for several days during the home, lour beys entered a small melon the Baptist and Presbyterian churches, patch which the Capt. has taken consid­ any three merchants, any three bankers, week. First Door South of Ymuhill County as they joined in the union services erable pains with, and stole therefrom any three hotel keepers, any three saw N. W. Corner Second and B Sts., J. II. Nelson yesterday began study­ Bank Building, ing dentistry undei our very proficient w. icl. were laigely attended and proved eight of the finest melons. The boys mill men, any three of any other pro­ M’MINNViLLE, OREGON. very interesting. . who did the stealing were not so sly as fession in Yamhill county to shoot a dentist, Dr. G. F. Tucker. May Holt M’MINNVXLE, OREGON. May bi* ft ni nd .1 his office when not Absent become expert. I)r. Win. Chrisman appears to be to not bo detected, and if any more of match ; said match to take place at the tlieir deviltry occurs, there will be some shooting gallery of Frank Collard at on professional business. ltf H. H. WELCH. John Baker, who is at work at Mon­ “gone on” the Nestucca country. It arrests and their names will appear in some date to be fixed ujon when said mouth, and Geo. Barnum, who is build­ ha« been but a few days since he re­ the T el : piioni :. These boys have not challenge is accepted. Each side to ing Major Brown’s residence at Amity, in lie I torn ail extended stay ovei only been stealing melons, but corn, po­ shoot nine shots, to be judged by string there; and last Saturday with his own spent Sunday at home. anil Postmaster Wincca ve ’s familv he tatoes, and other gm den “truck” have measure. Now get in, ye tlioroughbieds. PHYSICIAN ?:• SURGEON, Hon. Geo. IL Williams and Alf. Hol­ went back and wili lemain there nobody fallen a piey to their hands, and there’s no u«e oi countenancing such work any man, assistant editor of the Oregonian, knows how long. McMinnville, Oregon. Business Specials. longer. Boys, remember what v.e tell passed through lure on Friday’s train There will be a meeting of the Mc ­ On ’ h ,n at re-'id.- id e on D Htreei. All call* you. on their way to Yaquini. pnwnptiy answered day or night. lnil Minnville Hook & Ladder company at Fresh rousted peanuts at II. II. Welch’s. They say that Cole's circus will not their pallors, Thursday evening next, to Notiti* to Farmers. W. F entow . .Y. D. F enkin visit West Side towns this tiip. The elect delegates to tiie state convention. Ice. cold and genuine lemonade at II. question arises; “What’ll the boys do It is but a -bort time till the association Suiter & Daniel, proprietors of the II. Welch’s. tf FENTON * FENTON, with their surplus change?” meets and McMinnvil.e should prepare Lgfavette Mills and Warehouse, desire Blackburn & Peckham have just re­ Professor McConnell proposes that herself to be heard f.om—at least in the to inform the farmers of this vicinity JVT'TOXYLN'Ln'yS -CŒ.’ LAW ceived and are unp icking a fine line of McMinnville shall have good penmen.— deliberations of the body. that their improvements are now com­ summer dress goods, hosiery &c. * L. IF. YETTE, Oil EG OX. He opened another school a' this place On Thursday of last week a large bore —Executed at the— yesterday with a good attendance. For a square meal goto the St. Charles stepped on Ir.i Nelson’s left foot and pleted, and are ready to clean and store < m<*—Nrnrthc Court House. ltf in ished it quite badly, lie is working anv amount of wheat that may be bro’i —only 25 cents. Dr. Doherty ha« resigned his position Those having fruits of all kinds can as Dr. at the Grand Rondo agency and with Fletcher Bro« thresher, sewimi to them, at 3 cents per pushcl. Their yesterday passed through this pl ice on «ack« and at that time was up to A. .'I. facilities for handling grain, are not ex­ find ready sale by applying to \Va I lie ’ s and being giittv lie bandaged lOnil F. K lolciiek . his was to his old home In Connecticut. the wounded member and kept right on celled anywhere in the county. They are guaranteed as Cheap Freight Rates Farmers having wool to sell will do Mr. J. R. Walling, the Amity fruit to woik as if nothing had happened. bv rail, a« fiom ony other point In t|iis well to consult BlucKburn & J’eckam be­ ('«>n yanrii»»: and Abstracts a specialty. man, was in town Saturday with s eci Our friends Force and Taggart have vicinity, besides having the advantage fore selling as they pay the highest Collecting attended to promptly. mens of Ins Prussian prunes that are of competition be boat, luring boating prices in tiie county. con.-lnded that Oregon wild cherries are now rip-. They are tine. Only 75 cents Office - Manning’s Building 3d $t. ltf not the best iruit in the world; and season. They are also prepared to loan per bushel. Best meal in the city for 25 cents, at sacks this season, as heretofore, to tlieir Force has also concluded that it is safest The banisters are off the long Cozine 8tf customers. They desire to call p.vtieu- the McMinnville Hotel. bridge for twenty or thirty feet, at tti - to kill giouse that have sitnplv been lar attention to tlieir security against Blackburn Peckham, the agents of “ winged ” More laying them down to point where it is highest from the ground. ■isk by li e, as thev have noexposu.e to Unless it is repaired soon there will be pick cheri ies, or liang to them : « “a bir 1 their main warehouse nearer than 115 Chas. II. Dodd A Co., are doing the laiss machine business of the county, in (lie hand is worth t’vo in the bush.” some kicking done. feet, while the boiler and engine are sold some 25 twine binders and two nearly 180 feet distant. Past experience Say, look here, Mr. Supervisor, conntv Mr. G. L. Manning, of Seattle, anoth steam threshers. er brother of Councilmen 8. A., dropped court, or any other man : The Sax bridge ought to convince farmers that this is no small matter, as it gives those who is as t erfect a trap as there is in this into town Friday evening and tarried McMinnville, Oregon. ltf till yesterday. It was a pleasant meet­ section. The floo is full of holes, woin «tore witli them a ( heap rate of insur­ ance, and but small risk if they do not completely out. and is liable at any time ing of three brothers. M c M innville to let a horse through and cost the coun­ insure. S liter & D aniel . Miles Hendrick will leave us soon. He ty an extravagant price. Don’t let this July 27—ml. will go east of the mountains and look matter drug along any longer; we’re out a business location. Miles is a getting tiied of talking about it. •AT TH Gold Discovered. "hunka dora” b >y and we want to see Dr. Loughary, of Dallas, semis ns a him do well wherever fie goes. postal ca d to tiie effect that his clothing Word reaches us of the discovery of Several boys between the ages of 12 wa« all hti ned up in the La Grand fire, One day re­ and 15 are liable to get themselves into and that ho wa* des itnte of raiment of gold near Grand Ronde. ltf In the City; trouble if they persist in purloining cor n, anv kind. We have not lies'd farther centlv Dave Leno killed ft duck an i etc., fiom gardens about town. They from him tip to hoir oi so ng to pre««, found in its crop a piece of gold alxiut Cor. Third A D fits., McMinnville. are known ami are being watched. and -ni'f o«e he is traveling by night, and halt the size of half a pea. As an ex- 1 L. H. Cook sohi his residence on the will slip into town np some back street perinient a day or two after he killed corner of Third and E, together with one of these evenings wrapped in a three geese and in the crop of each found I M c M innville , O regon . PR<.riUET(>KH. 40x80 feet of ground just south of it. tn smile and a straw hat.—Itemizer, particles of gold — some as large a« a pea. A. C. Saylor. The house will be moved Always on hand ti e best quality of Beef, All persons attending the session of This gold comes from a small branch at once to give way for the new hotel. The Best in the City. Order« Oregon, Mutton, Pork, ami theO’egon M. E. Conference, beginning that empties into the Yamhill branch McMinnville, promptly attended t<>, <»ay or night. 1ml Mr. M. U. Gortner, who was with Mr at Forest Frove. August 26, will have re­ and parties will pr jftpect shortly to nee I Wn<> hai just finished burning a kiln Hartman so long before he «old to Mr. duced -ate* on the O. A C. R. R. east what there is in it. If the report is well McCormick end Deerinsr Apperson, and who has remained with and west side branches, as follows: All founded there will probably be a ru«h Mr. Appereon, has accepted a position paying full fare en route to the confer­ fortli.it motion before long. HUNDRED THOUSAND ! ! But don't TWO Highest [ricca paid for all kind« of fat with Lancefield & Son, of Amity, ami ence will be returned at one-fifth fare on get excited; it may be rumor, only. will leave us the first of Septemtx-r. We presentation of a certificate signed bv And ii ready to fill nil order* for the stock. One hundred head of sheep and An-. largest and best brick in the county, ru are sorry to lose Mr. G., bnt if he must the secretary of the conference. Cler­ go, success go with him. His family­ gymen and others holding half-fare per­ go a goats for sale. Address Rnpectfnlly, W euxer , • E ’ rnest E. ......... will remain here until the first of Octo­ mits will not be entitled to this reduc­ 19tf From $5 to $8 per Thousand. Dolph, Tillamook Co., Or. ber. iff W. F BANOAY’ER 2ti tion. Still We Lead ! Aiui’i we propose to keep it by constantly adding to our already large ¡stock of Drugs, Medicines, Stationery, Etc. everythin}? in our fine of busir/'ss that can be called for. Physicians will find i • . in (3 ory respect. Ke’number that we make u specialty of Prescriptions, and wo are receiving them from al! parts of the county, and are filling them at the lowest possible price- ROGSES& TODD Í I ELEI’HONE . 16th and running irom Commencin 20 to 30 Days, Greate Ever run in Yamhill county. During this sale some lines of goods will be sacri­ ficed and sold at HOT ŒNK OM THE DOLLAR! During this sale goods must be sold for . Will have no time to keep your accounts. A. J. APPERSON “Orphans' Home” Billiai d Hall. r Dr. G. F. TUCKER, DENTIST. Littlefield à Galbreath, “Orphans’ Home” Tonsorial rai l rs. Surgeons, ÈLV/V. Jdmson M.D. A. Young, M. D, TELEPHONE OEPICE Neatly, Chas. W. Talmage, R?ai L'iiie and lasarante Agent. Quickly, Cheaply G. E. DETMEMfä Ln Stairs in Adams' Building. Tiie Leading s hery, Sale Stables, I Old Reliable PIONEER ERICK YARD. A. C. Saylor ! CITY MARKET Logan Bros. Henderson, All kinds oi Meal. GIVE ME A CALL. BINDERS and MOWEBS HODSONS’.