The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, August 17, 1886, Image 2

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M c M lxxvii . i . e .T. i . hiiat , At or- r 17, 18Sd.
Wheat at Portland remains (1 17 per
The treasmv department han issued an
order to Htamp “light” on every gold
coin presented to the sub-treasury und
found to ho one-half of one per . ent. be­
low standard weight. Coins so stamped
have to be sold as bullion, thus entailing
Serious loss on holders. Coins even
slightly woi n will no longer pass current.
If the suggestion made by the CLieogo
XntC'-Oeoan is carried out the entire
northwest will join in n grand centen­
nial celebration next year. Our eon-
tem-jMjrar}- arg'i s that the adoption ol
the ordinance of 17*7 which forever ex­
cluded slavery from the northwestern
territory d -sei vr ■> sueli n public recogni­
tion. It is hardly possible that anybody
will be found to argue otherwise ; the or­
dinance may well in-piie the northwest
to indulge in the heartiest sort of an an­
niversary. ________________
Secretary of War Endicott is quoted
in the Washington Critic as saving with
reference to the detention in Mexico o)
Editor Cutting, an Anieri' citizen,
whose release Mr. Bayard has dem ml
<•<!: “Don’t you think it rati r ridicu­
lous to make war on Mexico for the sake
of one man, when we have tamely sub­
mitted for the last two month; to the in­
dignities of Canada upon bundle is of
our citizens?” It would be more than
foolish to make war upon any countty
Until every resort known to diplomacy
h is been tried and prove I unavailing for
the redress of any g.ievance; but it is
fairly well established that two wiongs
do not make a right. Though no one
c ill blame Mr. Endicott for his severe
urraighment of the adininirtration of
which he is a part, yet its blundeis and
deidictions in one ease are not to be
made an excuse for a similar course in
another case.
T. Egcrton Hogg, president of the
Oregon Pacific railroad, and some Chi­
cago and Noitl.westein Railway compa­
ny officials went to Astoria on the City
of Salem. The Asturian says ' the Chi­
cago pud Northwest - n men are doubt­
less aware of the existence of a little
station called Sheridan, in tl e southern
pint of Yamhill county, and the peculiar
facilities for i ailroad com mu me ution with
deep wafer it affords.” There is not
much contained in the reniaik to attract
tlm attention if the <"< observer;
but it is lull of deep i-igni'i. a ice. The
Westen terminus oi the Na rot. linage
is at -heridan. it h <s b en r *p.a ted by
engineers and others w Im have t. aveisod
the rout - that from Sheridan to Astoria
via the Nestm-e i and Tillumook country
there is a I’ktural pr.- s, ami as a gent! ■-
man remarked to us not long since “ h
railroad could bo built th ough this
■countiy us easily as from D.ivtou to Dal­
ian.” That, is what our neighbor at the
mouth of the Columbia refers Io; and it
is the opinion of many that it w ill not be
many years until we shall see a railroad
running over Illis route.
Tho conviction of several officers of
«lection ut I Cincinnati, who were among
tho perpetrators of tho notorious fraud,
in that city by which the Ohio legisla­
ture was nearly capture 1 la t year, will
give much satisfaction to the pc,.; d ■ who
care for lion- st governni ■ t. The imme­
diate object if these frauds was to de­
feat tho re-eiecti >n of Senator Sherman,
an 1 to secure his seat, for some demo­
crat, blit th* control of the Iegislatui--
was also expect--.! to I ■ l.u --ly pro,¡ta­
ble to a democratic ring of corruption­
ists. Tho scheme was on’y defeated by
the resolute opposition of citiz msof both
pa-ties who united to expose fraud, but
who weie unable to find a single d mo
cratie member in cither l.ianeh of the
legislature, to the disgrace of Unit
partv hu it said, who would in any w ay
aid the defeat of crimes perpetrated foi
the benefit of his patty.
It is a good
thing that some of the criminals have
been convicted, but the greatest «ml
most guilty eiiminals who instigated the
crime have as yet escaped.
tho loss of political influence in Ohio
and the loss of reputation everywhere
will be about the only punishment they
will suffer1.
Tho postmaster general l-.a.s issued a
circular of information and instruction
to postmasters concerning and prepara­
tory to putting into practice Oct -her 1st,
tho act of August 4, ISStI, authorizing
the extension of tho rp.-.iil delivery
system to ail post.411,-e* and to all mail
able matter. The circular provides that
every postoffice in the United States
and territories and t' o District of Coi
urnbia now establish * I, and ■ hall
be established while tho f.-regoing aci
remains, is hereby designated as a .spe­
cial delivery office. These regulations
trike effect October 1, 1880, niter v Inch
date every postmaster will Is* held re-
•ponaihie for tho immediate delivery of
any aitiele of mailable matter which
may bo received adiliessed to his office,
properly stamped w ¡th a special deliver y
stamp. Sm h immediate delivery must
he ni ide when the article is diieeted t.>
an addressee residing or having a place
of iHisiness within ono mile of the |s,st-
office. The circular is a long one. and
fully explain , il.o detail of the new sys­
tem. Every complaint of failure to
eomidv with tho provisions of tho a. t
will be investigated, and violators made
to stiffer the rm« ••piences.
(Oregonian Dispatch.)
• C hicago , Aug. 15.—The following
crop report will appear in this week’s
issue of the Farmer’s Review: “The
rains dining the week ending Salurdav
week were more general throughout the
corn ls-lt than at any previous time since
early in May, and brought a medium
hope to farmers whose corn fields were
burning and withering.
Reports from
correspondents, received during the
week, indicate more thoroughly than
ever before that the total average yield
will he seriously reduced, vast areas
having been blighted beyond any power
of resuscitation. Out of ninety counties
in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois,
Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Neb,aska,
Kansas and Mis,mi1, from which returns
came during tlm week, only eighteen
predicta full average yield; thirty coun­
ties indicate not to exceed one-fourth oi
i crop; twenty-six repoit a promise of
three-fourth of an average crop; while
in ten counties corn promises a yield id
not to exceed five to ten bushels an acre
unless for fodder. Tho most discourag-
i ig reports come from Illinois, Iowa,
Wisconsin and Misscnii, while the most
.‘lie i. a.-i-ig still come from Ohio, Miss­
issippi, Nielrgan, and Indiana, .’linne-
soto reports contiuue to indicate a fair
average yield in Edgar, while Jasper,
Dewitt and Morgan report a promise of
three-fouiths of an average yield. In
Bond and McHenry one-fouith
of an averageyield is indicated. Through­
out Illinois complaints eon'inue. Pas­
tures are completely drying up. Late-
planted pastures are generally a failure.
In Iowa, county is tho only
one yielding full average. Estimating
by counties reported this week the yield
for tho state at la:go will not exceed .50
to 6 I per cent, of an average. The crop
in D.-catur end Carrol counties is set
down us a failure.
Wheat is threshing
very unevenly, but the grain is gaining
well. The yield ranges from eight to
twenty bushels. Threshing reports
from Dakota show a yield of from five to
eighteen bui'hels. The yield of the ter­
ritory will fall con iderab'y short of any
former yearly average.
Oui* X ( »iglibors.
To the Farmer.
Third Street, Lafayette, Or.
MeMiunville, Oregon
Aug. Iff, 1S86.
Mrs. Flint, of Roseburg, is the guest
Over tha Yamhill River on tho
of her sister-in-law, Mis. Dr. Swick.
Flint Martin Place !
The family of S. K. Baxter, Esq., is
“rejuvenating” at Little Nesiueea; that
of Mr. J. W. (iiliander at Faildale.
Mrs. Sigler has just returned to Port­
A large quantity of excellent brick,
land from her semi-annual visit to Day­
ton. We are all ami always glad to see
------ FROM-------
her and only regiet that she could not
make her stay a little longer.
A little daughter of Mr. Sno v bad the $4 to $6, $6-50 and $7 por M.
misfortune of getting an arm broken
The best ever offered to the public.
while visiting nt New lierg, one day last
week. It seems that she and another
little girl had mounted a hor e that was
Call and be Convinced.
in the barn ami i-y some means he be­
came Lightened, which in turn frighten­
ed th« gii Is and caused them Loth to fall irtf
with the result above stated. Dr. Min-
tliorn set the bone and she is getting on
all right.
The Christ: ian Social Union will give
a lawn party in the pal k on next Wednes­
day evening. Rebecca will be there
Prescription Drug Store.
with pitcher, and Isaac will also ap[X-ar.
but whether .the veritable kissing, and
lilting up ot the voice, and weeping
scene will be enacted leponeth sayelli
not. The gypsy fortune teller w ill be on
the grounds, and a general good time is
C obnut .
Has been thoroughly renovated and is no«
reudy to receive gram.
deai . ebs in
general merchandise .
Storage and ('leaning. 3 cents, ‘’ukntta
We keep one of the largest and
sacks constantly on hand and sold at Un
best selected stocks of Merchandise
lowest rates.
in Yamhill County, end are selling
our goods ut bedrock prices.
Farmers are respectfully invited to call
has arrived and consists in part of
and see us.
UigliestMarket like Paidk Wheat.
tf GALLOWAY &. COO", Props.
Cambrics, Manchester Sateens
and a large assortment of
LAUNS, iu IJxT' »1 C’uloi’H nud Stylos.
Thousand Ladies
Erocr J 1 Lace Buntings
In different >,:• 1
colors and pattern»,
,;|ot «hi di »■ • will Ibid o', calling at our
in 1 ‘ will prove
iKdHie ■ n i . .v- t i price and quality.
l ull and e us. We will i.i
pleasure lit
ho«ing mir p ■
.1-. I th.'ii If you do not
«ant to buy no hai'in will Le done.
To Pure hase
At Greatly Reduced Prices,
Ziiss F. E. KUSS,
Ths Milliner.
Nestnvn S”.w ii’ills,
Every Man an Artist.
I bird St. near (’, McMinnville, Or. ltf
ikXhiiiville Sa'ii m! door
—Dealers in—
TÖ D. C. ? -
’ ’’ I
' ■■ I
Pri-js as Lew r.s the Lowest.
Carries the Largest and Best Stock
in Yamhill County.
Drugs, Chemicals,
Perfumes, Etc.
—Dealer in—
. i
White and R?tl Lead,
Linseed and L ibi’it'atinir Oils,
Varnishes of HI Description,
Kalsomine, Spaiii h Whiting,
Paris Whiting1
I’. A !>. and Princess Metallic
Roof Paint, Venitian Red,
Spanish Brtnv.i, Yellow Ochre,
and Hardware.
- - E ssor
—Proprietors of—
Third St. bet. D & E, McMinnville. I f
Aug. 16, 18S6.
Everybody busy in the harvest field.
The lumber is on the ground for mak­
ing a new side walk in front of the cou.t
We had a little light in town last Sat­
urday. No damage done except a lew
black eyes.
Mr. J. E. Hubbard and family will
soon stait for Wilhoit where, it is Imped,
lie will regain his health, which has been
failing for some time past.
A brother of G. W. Grace, of this
place, lately from Nebraska, has bought
i piece of land just west of town on
which he expects to locate.
Dr. H. R. Littlefl-hl lias three fine
colts in tiainingat the McMinnville fair
grounds, lie expects to show them off
to a goo-l advantage at the fair.
Messrs. Houston A Co. are doing a
rushing business, this year, with their
steam thresher. They are averaging
Horn 1800 to 2000 basin Is daily.
Messrs. Hopkins ami Perkins returned
from Yaqtrina, last Friday, where they
have been rusticating fora few weeks.—
The river and harbor bill, as it passed They report a good time and lots of fish.
congress and received the sign iture of
the president, contains the following ap­
propriations for Oregon rivers and bar­
Alillm«* Done!
bora: Yaquitui buy, (75,00(1; Coos bay,
would most respectfully announce that
(33,750; Cascades, 137,500; I’pper Co­
i have leased the Chris Newby Flouring
lumbia, including Snake river, (-10,000; Mill in Happy Valiev, and am thoroughly
mouth of tho Columbia, $187,500: Lower overhauling and repairing it, ami after the
of \ugust will be ready to do grinding
Willamette and Columbia below Port­ 23d
for t<'11 or cash.
land, including :• :! 1,000 for snag boat and
Come and see me.
p5,000 to to expended on river front of 18 in 3
Portland; ’ pp; r Willamette, above
Poitlmd, (75,000 Coquille, 20,000.
the co-partnership heretofore existing
L Shobe and S. A. Manning, doing
For pay of the surveyor general and between
business at McMinnville, Oregon, under
Ills assistants and expenses, (-1,500.
the firm name of Shobe <V Manning, has
For pay of agents of Indian affairs at been this day dissolve 1 by mutual consent,
Mr. Shobe retiring. The* accounts due tlie
the following named agencies, at the laie firm ”> :.l i t t ollectt d by L. Sliobe.
rates respectively indicated, namely:
At the Warm Springs agency, at (1,- MeMinnville, Or.. Aug. 2, 1886.
At the Klamath agency, (1,100.
rasliionable Drmiuuking.
At the (irand Ronde agency, at (1,000. Mas. A. M c D onald , | Miss K. T h - uinton .
At the Si’etz agency, at (1,200.
In Mrs. Stuart’s Millinery Store,
At the Umatilla agen -y, at (1,200.
The Klatnatlis and Modocs receive:
For last of twenty installments, for keep­
McMinnville, Oregon.
ing in repair one saw mill, one flouring
mill, buildirg for tho blacksmith, car­
M c M innville baths !
penter, wagon, and plow maker, the
Having bought out A. C. Wyndham, T am
manual labor rebool, and hospital,as per prepared to do all work in li’rst-class style.
Ladies’ and children's work1 a specialty.
fourth aitiele of treaty of October 11,
Hot and ('old Baths always ready for 25ct’s,
1804, (1,000.
Under the head of miscellaneous sup­
ports are: For support and civilization of
the confederated tribes and bands in
middle Oregon, and pay of employes,
Under head of general incidental ex­
penses of the Italian service are for Or­
egon : For general ill. ¡dental expenses
of the Indian service, including traveling
expenses of agen.s, in Oregon, support
and civilization of Indians in (irand
Ronde and Siletz agencies, (10,000; and
pay of employes at tho same agencies,
For support of Indian industrial school
at Salem : 200 pupils, at (175 a year each,
(3,5,000; pay of superintendent, (1,500:
completion of school building, out build­
ings, etc., (5,000; in all, (41,500.
Besides these, there are large appro­
priations under a miscellaneous head.
Stlch sums are to Ire disbursed in the dis­
cretion of rhe secretary of the interior,
r., contingent ex -enA-sof tho Indian
service there are appropriated (40,000;
for buildings and repairs at agencies,
(25,000; for support of day an-1 indus­
trial schools, etc., (<>50,000; for school
buildings, (55,000; for purchase of hors
es, cattle, sheep, goats, and swine, for
schools, (10,000.
Business is so dull that President
leveland lias gone on a visit lonurthi-.n
New Y’oik.
Bird & Gates,
Jiew Brick Yard
Guns, Pistols, Ammunition,
Cutlery, Fino Fishing Tackle^
Cigars, Etc.
Special attention given to repairing Guns,
Pi t< Is S jwi i Machine , Saw Filing, Etc.
1 lune in my shop as fine a power cross­
feed lathe as vac i»e found in the state and
am fully prepared to
Come See and be Convinced.
---- Of the----
Repair Broken Machinery
of all kinds—Farm Machinery, Traction
Third Street Bet. D and E. 5tf Engines, Etc.
lJraly’s Bank Building, C St.
To be held on the Fair Grounds at
McMinnville, Or.,
—The Only-
—Dealers in—
In addition to the
Groceries and Provisions.
Finest Speed Contests
Prices to Suit the Times.
Ever witnessed in the state, there will be
Liberal Premiums
In the City.
The place where you can get juicy steaks
roie-t all at the lowest'market
price. Fresh 1 ish Tuesdays and Fridays.
Always a Fat Cow on Hand.
la. ROOT“
------- DEALER IN-------
Given on all meritorius exhibits in Agri­
culture. Horticulture. Floral Exhibits Me­
chanical. Products, Fancy Needle Work,
\\ m-ks of Art. Minerology and other Natu­
ral Specimens, Poultry and Stock of all
R. McKUNE, P ropr .
A Match Game of Base Ball
Transient Stock Well Cared For !
and Feed Stable!!
Groceries, Provisions, Crock­
ery and Glassware.
OFAll goods delivered in the city.
The Great Transcontinental Balte.
Between the Young Women’s (dub. of I : Teams and outfits furnished parties wish-
North Yamhill, and a Picked Nine of Old I
to go to the coast, at reasonable rates.
the Board of Equalization for the
The Direct Route! No Delays 1
County of Yamhill. State of Oregon, will Reduced Rates on al! R. R. Lines. ! Grive 1110 a Call «tr
Fast Trains 1
attend at tlie court house in said county, at
the ollice of the Countv Clerk, from Mon­
day, the 13th, to Saturday, the isth day <>f
September. 1886, inclusive, to publicly ex­
amine the assessmant roll, and correct all
Pioprietor of
East. Tickets sold to all prominent points
errors in valuation, description, or qualities
throughout the East anil Southeast.
of lands, ots. or other property, all
parlies interested are hereby notified to ap­
pear at the time and place above mentioned.
All Kinds of
Be carei'i'i and do not make a nflstake.
18ml Assessor of Yamhill County <h*.
But lie sure to take the
Trucking and Delivering
This Space is For
---- OF THE----
And closing the following Saturday
qTv 1 5,0 00.0 0
---- OtTered in cash premiums----
Tliis will, without douht. be the l»e«t exhi­
bition of the kind ever held in Oregon.
(Successor to J. 1!. Rohr.)
General Office of the Company,
riitin and Orn menial Fainting and
Taper Hanging.
, Carriage
The Cheapest Goods
in the World.
Fainting and sign Writing
a Specialty.
A share of this public patronage is re­
spectfully solicited.
ttf Shop—Ruhr's old stand. McMinnville, O.
----- the -----
Messrs. I-', ltarnekoff A Co., have
tliorougldv renovated and overhauled
tin- Fellows' warehouse at McMinnville,
» XII lit IT <<f 1.1 V b M rOCK
r X ti i ici r <»r ITU its
recently purcbn«ed by them and are now
F.xilliurof Dairy Frodurte,
rea-ly to receive grain. They will clean
The best < xhibit of c\cry thing ever
and store at 3 cents, ami will be ready
etdiet te I together in
to be.v and pay the highest price going,
the state.
iv cash . Sacks kept on band unit sold
to farmers at tlie lowest rate« Th-« is a
Lend vonr presence and help to make
P<-:fectly responsible firm, ami those Oregon’s pride a success and a credit to the
iiav ing grain to sell or store, or in need state.
Entries must be made by 7 p. m. Mondav
of sacks, should call and see them, tf
and nil articles must l»v in place by 10 p. m.
evening. Please make entries as
George Cornet is the efficient and gen­
tlemanly artist in Welch's Tonsoral Par­ early as possible.
.1. T. «.ItFC.G.
lors, after August 0.
Secretary. Salem. Oreg n.
Trains Full Length of the
Line. Berths Free.
I Chas. L. Bergevin,
To be held at their grounds near
Salem, Oregon, commencing
orthern acific ailroad
I Done t<> order. Constantly on hand, Mill
I-'eed. Flour, Wheat and Oats. Al-',, nil
And see that your ticket reads via
kinds of Wood. Shingles, Posts, shake-.
Etc. All orders left with us for Stoive A ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS,
I Brower s lumber yard promptlv attended To avoid »’han res and serious delays occa­
sioned by other routes.
Delivery Wagon Always Ready.
I Orders left with lingers A Todd, at Citv i hrough Emigrant Sleeping Cars
, Drug Store, promptly filled.
ltf. '
are Run on Regular Express ,
Ho. 2 Washington St., Portland, Or.
General Western Passenger Agent.
Third Street, between E and F.
McMinnville, Oregon.
SII. P. STl’ART. Henderson
The Leader in Millinery
Opposite Grange Store. MeMinnrilie.
St. Charles Hotel,
Tlie Leading IIMcl of McMinnrille. i CUSTER
(1 and $i House,
.''ingle meals 25ct.s.
fine Sample room, for Cemmerclal Men
nr F. Ml I.T1FR. Trop.
The Best in the State.
. ’’ I’wpareil to furni.h niu.ic for all occa­
sions at reasonable rates. A.ldrek
■ m . c
Bros. Preps.
rirst-(j;,i’«s accommodations for Ccmnitf'
cial men and general travel.
Transient stock well cared for.
Everything new and in First-Class Orde’’
Patronage respectfully solicited.
t ured without, the use of knife, ligatuff-
’’•'li'-tic or .1, i«is. “Ko pav until <
Office at McMinnville Hotel. Cull aixl**
reference».. The poor cured free of cb*r<*
r. A. WINTER. M. t> I