The Telephone=register. (McMinnville, Or.) 1889-1953, August 17, 1886, Image 1

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----- Issued-----
Garrison's Building. McMinnville. Orem
Talinnire &
Fublinhers and Proprietors.
One year...............................
1 25
¡¡x months..........
i'bree months....
Entered In the Postofllce at McMinnville, Or.,
as eeconil-class matter.
Extract!* From F. W. Illnrirh's Lecture on
the Companionship io Books.
There is an especial value and pleas-
ire, said the lecturer, in the compan-
ons whom we find upon our book­
elves. They come when we want
hem; tliev never stay too long; they
lever tell old stories, are never dull or
Iresome, and never bore us with untime-
y visits or irksome companionship.
Vliere could wo find a more noble
onipanv than the worthies of ancient
nd modern 1 teraturc? They come in
olitude, but they never rob us of its
n-eets. They are friends who never
omo without solicitation. Not only
Bust we invite a book, but we must in-
ite it in a friendly way if we would
avo a true friend in it. Reading, says
¡aeon, makes a full man. Some books
re to be tasted, some to be swallowed,
nd some to bo digested. The latter
lust b> taken deliberately and assimi-
Itcd thoroughly if we would receive
ie full benefit of them.
Speaking of novels, the lecturer said,
e enjoyed them when they were good.
1 the English school of fiction was to
B found a great deal more than the
lore story. From the time of the
irliest romance of chivalric days down
i the last piece of realistic fiction the
nglish novel was a picture of the times
which it was written and the state of
iciety in the age in which the
laractcrs moved. From the old ro-
lances wero obtained glimpses of the
ivs of chivalry. Smollett and Field-
ig told of the stato of English
icicty in the
eighteenth cen-
iry, anil so on down to the present
iy. In the pages of Scott were por-
ayed the pomp of the tourney the
isliing cf tho lances, the waving of
inners and the clash of mail-clad war-
ors in the lists. The battlements of
enilworth rose before the reader as he
Hight glimpses of Scottish life a bun-
eii years ago. Plutarch showed to the
llighted vision the great leaders of
Icient times. Lessing- critic and
•amatist—brought, a feast of good
lings. With Goethe one looked upon
le wild revels of a Walpurgis night,
lien Ulen battled with the forces of
til. Schiller brought (¿neon Mary and
ir pitiless enemy. Elizabeth of En-
anu. before his readers. What a throng
ithered around Dickens, and how
Intly Irving led through many pleas-
it and delightful paths.
In Sliakspeare the reader found an
[I friend, whose companionship never
lew wearis mie, so infin te was his
1‘jety. Persons wondered how Byron,
th so beautiful a face, could lie so
pked at times. Th i lecturer drew a
ird picture of his library, noting the
sts of great men that adorned the
ills, and quoting of their works. The
arm of such eomp.m onship. lie said,
is last,'ng; it exc -cded the chat of the
lbs. the gossip of the sociable or the
cursive talk of the chance acquaint-
pe. The old friends of the book
lives, Mr. Hinrichs declared, wire the
i-t satisfactory friendships of ore’s
i time.— Brooklyn Eaqle.
»y a Judge Instructed the .Jury in Favor
of the Plaintiff*.
k man who had been arrested, charged
th misdemeanor, brought suit for ma- i
lous imprisonment. When the case
s brought up for trial the Judge
‘Upon what, sir, do you base this
t? I understand that you did commit
‘Yes, .ledge, I don't deny that.”
‘Then how could the imprisonment
re been malicious?"
‘Well, you see, tliar was a circus in
tn the day 1 was arrested. I wanted
go to the show but the officer cheated
out of it. Just as the eliq limit and
spotted boss come along, the officer
wed me into jail. Why didn't he
it until the show wn« over before he
ested me?”
‘Your point is a very strong one,"
1 the Judge. “The inherent right’of
American citizen is to see the circus.
6 jury will please assess liberal dam-
is.”— Arkansaw Traveler.
-The painted rock of Santa Barbara
«nty, California, is 150 feet high,
I upon it are many color paintings
a good state of preservation, evi­
lly the work of Indians. There are
' eaves in the giant rock, one at its
p and another some sixty feet from
Iground, and in each of these are
lures of animals.
How Bucks Mild Squaws Enjoy Life at Un­
cle Saui's Expense.
For some months a lot of women
and children, captured by Captains
Crawford and Davis, have partaken of
the hospitality of a log cabin adjoining
the guard-house, diluted with sufficient
freedom. The youngsters romped out­
side at will and the squaws adorned
the porch of the guard-house daily.
They were a rather industrious set and
turned many a proper peso by weaving
handsome baskets of bear-grass in the
Moqui style, making moccasins for the
soldiers and constructing toy models of
their unique cradles. They were also
given some light v.-ork to do around
the post, which helped to keep them
healthy and happy. Among these cap­
tives were several children of Natchez,
two of Geronimo’s wives and a son
and daughter of the same redoubtable
renegade. When Lieutenant Faison
arrived with his fifty-eight prisoners
from the Sonora surrender the guard­
house captives were led out to join
them. It was a happy reunion.
Chief Chihuahua was especially de­
lighted to meet again his wife and
three children. The whole band went
down to a little dry arroyo, three-
fourths of a mile from the post, and
camped amid the sand and rocks.
Fire-wood and rations were hauled out
to them and they quickly made them­
selves comfortable. For the first day
the improvements comprised only a
grubbing of cacti and the building of
semi-circular wind-breaks with bushes,
etc. But soon the patient squaws had
achieved a village. The tall stalks
of the century plant were peaked over
the spaces inclosed by wind-breaks,
and around these rude tent-poles were
stretched blankets or numerous rods of
unbleached muslin. These roofs were,
on an average, about three and one-
half feet from the ground. The gen­
eral effect of each tent reminded one
of such an umbrella as our friend lends
us on a rainy day. They were effective,
however, in keeping off the wind and
sun—which is where they overmatched
the umbrella.
While the squaws trudged about in
these domestic pursuits, the bucks were
equally industrious—in gambling. They
squatted around blankets spread in the
sand, and deftly dealt poonkan (.he
Mexican monte), slapping down their
plavs with the pecnliar vehemence
which you may see as well in a saloon
as in an Apache camp. They gambled
for money, for cartridges, for blankets
and for ponies. Their chips were
sometimes coffee beans, sometimes
cartridges, and often neat slivers of
bear grass, cleverly bundled. A fair
share of the day, however, they rested
from gambling to personal adornment.
Down UDder some wind-wardin; bush
you would stumble upon an athletic
warrior, carefully painting his face in
crimson rings and stripes, or, mayhap,
mollifying his great crop of hair with
a fist-size chunk of mutton tallow—base
barbarian, who has not yet learned the
delicacy of civilized refinement in
rouge and perfumed lard!
The Chiricahuas are a straight, ath­
letic, well-sized tribe, with intelligent
features, supple bodies and noticeably
small bands and feet. The females, big
and little, wear simple print dresses,
which reach to their ankles. Tho
Mother Hubbard style of architecture
seems not unpopular among the old
women, although eschewed by the
young. The rest of the wardrobe com­
prises high-shanked buckskin mocca­
sins, a bright headkerchief and brace­
lets of silver, brass, tin-can and beads,
with similarly constituted necklaces
and ear-rings.
For a head-dress the Apache rolls a
big bandanna to a three-inch band and
binds it around his bulging cranium
from stem to stern. In prosperity ho
decks this band with big disks of silver.
Around his waist he wears one, two or
three webbing belts, full of Uncle
Sam’s copper cartridges of 45-70 de­
nomination. Dependent from the sides
are his buckskin tobacco-pouch, an en­
cased awl for moccasin mending and a
Sheffield butcher-knife in a sheath
which swallows all but the very tip of
the handle. He further sports ear­
rings—old Nanay had two heavy
watch-chains fastened to his—from two
to a dozen necklaces of big beads, a
small circular mirror and rings and
braceletstill you can't rest. One young
buck, of whom I took the census, had
thirteen rings on his left hand, eleven
on his right and a dozen bracelets,
(beads, brass and silver) on either
wrist. He was the king dude of the
whole outfit and very little force in war.
The seventy-seven captured hostiles
were shipped as prisoners of war to
Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Fla.—Fori
Bowie (A. T.) Cor. N. Y. Mail and Ex­
1 hat Settled It.
"Mariar," said an Arkansas man to
his wife, “the next time yer go ter
town, don't yer trade a nickle's ’orth
with Smith."
••Why. Josiar?"
••'Cause he's a liar, an’ can't be
trusted. When I was in his store
t'other d-iy. 1 «red him
___ go tip
r ter the
wall an' commence talkin' ter a ma-
ehme w lint hung thnr, an' when he got
through I lived I.ini what he done that
fur in' <! i't yer tnink he told me he
w • t Jl.hi' nil., Jones, in Punkin-
V I n.. **
-s,inie 250 former residents of Massa*
tt- now living in Minneapolis have
aed a Massachusetts club for month-
aciables for themselves and their
T V ha>
••! fid he sat
Hies. A condition of membership
it!. *<,•■'•■ . '
••He did.
former residence in the old Bay
••Wei. •> • • ■ •
Ml ••- rd Bit*
* of at least a year.
— lniriy years ago a man who wore
---- a —
■The big advantage which a tele* hair on his upper lip was considered
)h operator has over the electric either a lunatic or a foreigner, and the
I is that he can always stretch him- boys would run after him in the streets
as after a mountebank. — Chicago Time».
e-ld the wire can't. '—Journalist.
Douglas county lias twenty-five saw
The burnt district of Pendleton is being
A new hotel is to be erected at Mc­
There are a great many visitors at Ya-
quina bay.
There are 1574 school children in Mor­
row county.
Newberg, Yamhill county, is to have a
fair this fall.
The Dalles hereafter proposes to col­
lect a toll on dogs.
La Grande has shipped200,000 pounds
of wool this season.
Mrs. Ambruster has been sent to the
asylum from Astoria.
The Odd Fellows at North Yamhill
will have a new hall soon.
Thirty Welch families are expected to
arrive in Clackamas county.
Lindsay Applegate is still at work upon
his history of early immigration to Ore­
The people of Pendleton have sub­
scribed $1206 for the John Day wagon
Lakeview is enjoying a boom in the
way of permanent improvements this
A. H. Johnson is seeding forty acres
in Washington county to Kentucky blue­
grass for pasture.
Teachers’ Institute for the first judicial
district will be held at Ashland, com­
mencing August 25th.
The name of the stsamship Yaquina
las been changed by t ie Oregon Pacific
company to Coquina City
From nineteen head of Spanish Meri­
no sheep James Hackett, of Pendleton,
•beared 420 pounds of wool.
Fred Caviness, a horse trainer, is in
jail at Pendleton for running away with
Ida Lusley, a 14-year-old girl.
Paul Laveranx, of Baker county, was
thrown from a wagon last week and
died from the injuries received.
Hancock & Newell’s sawmill, situated
between Hillsboro and Glencoe, burned
on Saturday. Loss, $4000; insurance,
A. J. Walcott, who owns the largest
hop-yard in southern Oregon, has con­
tracted to sell his crop for 27 cents a
The daughter of Mr. Price, of Hard­
man, who was accidently shot by a
younger brother, has died from the
In the Upper John Day large numbers
of sheep have died recently, supposed to
have been caused by eating some poison­
ous weed.
A. 8. Rice, of Condon, Gilliam county,
committed suicide by shooting himself.
Financial difficulties were Ahe cause ol
the rash act.
All available hill ranches that are
worlh claiming are already taken. Al
least that is about the case in the Har­
ney country.
The people of Burns want mail con­
nection restored with Lakeview, as they
have a large amount of business with the
land office at that place.
Oregon City Courier: Old man Tarr
was in town on Tuesday. His age is
said to be 100 years and 5 months, yet
he has all bis teeth but two.
The amount of the state common
school fund due to the several counties is
$74,571.30; the number of scholars is 82,-
$57, and each of them gets 90 cents.
Wm. Welch, of Long creek, Gilliam,
county, was dangerously injured by be­
ing thrown from a wagon load of hay
last week. He had several ribs broken.
July salmon shipments aggregate so
far about 111,111 eases; eastward, 59,-
087; to Liverpool, 44,4.32, and to Califor­
nia by steamer, 7592. The April ship­
ments to all points aggregated 2687
cases; May, 21,141; June, 77,016 ¡total
to date, 211,955.
Four white laundries opened at Santa
Maria, Santa Barbara county, Cal.,
could not successfully contend against
the Chinese and had to close business.
A colored man in the folding-room of
the house of representatives has been
detected in stealing large sacks full of
“liners” and “wrappers” which he sold
for w aste paper. He had been getting a
large amount of spending money in that
manner for years.
A New York paragraphist remarks
that the people who were wondering
bow the chorus-girls at Ashbury Park
were strong enough to lower their trunks
out of the hotel windows forget that the
young ladies had only their stage cos­
tumes in them.
The 2-year-old child of Mrs. T. N.
Davis, of Kanawha county, West Vir­
ginia, was recently found floating in two
feet of water in a cellar. Apparently the
little fellow was dead, but thiough the
lid of artificial respiration was brought
back to life and is now doing well.
A. D. McDonald, who has been boring
in artesian well for Uncle Sam on Mare
island, has failed. His property, which
is in San Francisco, is being held by the
•uthorities until they hear from’ the
government. He was a contractor of
tome note in the city of the Golden Gate.
Probably the largest city on record is
Henderson, N. C. It was intended to
extend the limits one thousand yards in
each direction from the depot, but the
printer made the hill read one thousand
miles, ami the bill passed the legislature
without the error being noticed.
a clergyman at Lebanon, Pa., when
he began his sermon recently announced
that as soon as three of his congregation
fell asleep he would stop preaching. The
afternoon was rather warm, and some
heads became heavy. After awhile the
preacher observed that three bad gone
to sleep, and stopped his sermon. This
made somewhat of a stir in the audience
and soon raised all drooping beads,
when the sermon was continued.
NO. 19
and to change their names of location.
To extend the immediate delivery
Rain lias fallen continually at Savan*
•ah since June 25.
Providing that after July 1, 1886,
tltjontxs NINE »IE.
Melons three feet in length are sold at
no fees shall be charged to American
25 cents each in Florida.
for measurement of tonnage,
Florida papers are advocating the A List of Important Measures that were En- vessels
issuing licenses, granting certificate
•doption of a new constitution.
acted into Laws.—Washington
of registry, etc., and amending the
A negro in Cohuir-ia county, Arkan­
Notes—A ppointments.
laws relative to the shipping and dis­
sas, claims to be 126 years old.
charging of crews, liabilities of own­
The capture of a 450-pound halibut is
The first session of the Forty-ninth ers, licensing vessels, etc.
reported at Brazil Rock, Canada.
Congress, which ended August 5th,
To forfeit lands granted to the At-
New York is to have a $250,000 theater began on Monday, December 7, 1885,
■antic & Pacific Railway company,
(or the exclusive use of amateurs.
and covered a period of seven months and restore the same to settlement.
An alligator owned by a Geneva, N. and twenty-eight days, or 241 days ex­
To increase to $12 a month the
Y., citizen has begun laying eggs.
clusive of Sundays. Of this time the pensions of widows and descendant
Seven-eighths of the leading men of
relatives of deceased soldiers and
Birmingham, Ala., are under 35 years of the House 185 days. During that sailors.
time there were introduced in the two
Directing the Secretary of the Treas­
One-half of the children born into the Houses 13,202 measures, of which ury to deliver to the proper claimants
world die before they reach the age of 5 10,014 were House bills and 214 House
joint resolutions, and 2891 bills and 83 or owners silverware, jewelry, etc.,
The first bale of this year’s cotton was joint resolutions of the Senate. Meas­ captured by tlie United States army
told at Alan* s, Ga., at lOJi cents per ures prepared for enactment into laws during the late war, and to Bell at pub­
exceeded in number by 2949 those in­ lic auction all such articles not claimed
A Canadian railway company has fit- troduced at the first session of the within one year.
To direct a Commissioner of Labor
®<l up a number of itB cats with bathing Forty-eighth Congress, which set for
seven months and four days, or 165 to make an investigation as to convict
Lightning burnt up one acre of cotton days of actual working time
Providing that manufactured tobaco,
in a field near Eoouville, Ark. oste day
A very small percentage of the
whole number of bills introduced, of snuff and cigars may be removed for
Twelve hundred miles of railroads either a general or private nature, be-- export without payment of tax, and
were constructed in Florida during the canie laws. A comparatively small repealing the law providing for inspec­
last four years.
number succeeded in getting through tion of tobacco.
About twenty-five thousand deaths | the committees to which they were re­
To establish life-saving stations on
from typhoid fever occur annually in the ferred and reaching the calendars of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and on
United States.
their respective Houses.
Some se­ the great lakoc
A J0-year-old lad is under arrest at cured passage by the House in which
The oleomargarine bill.
Marysville, Col., for stealing cattle from
Bill for increase of the navy.
they originated, but failed of action
bis grandfather.
To authorize the construction of a
There are eighty gambling houses in in the other branch, and a very large ' building for accommodation of the
Pittsburg, which do a business of $1,- number still remain unconsidered by Congressional library.
the committees to which they were
000,060 yearly.
Accepting the Grant medals and
A party of capitalists talk of starting a referred.
beer garden in Atlanta, the queen prohi­
To increase pensions of soldiers who
both Houses was 1101; 241 Senate
bition city of the south.
Two thousand and forty of the 3,887 bills and 860 bills which originated in have loBt an arm or a leg.
In addition to the above, bills have
Pennsylvania postotfices are in the the House. Of this total 806 became
hands of tho democrats.
laws with the President’s approval, 181 been enacted into laws in several ap­
A P nnswick, Ga., fisherman, capt­ became laws by limitation, the Presi­ propriation bills, as follows:
In the agricultural appropriation
ured 293 fish in two and one-half hours’ dent failing either to approve or dis­
time one day last week.
approve them within ten days after bill, directing the commissioner of
A $40,000 fire-proof building as a their presentation to him, 113 were agriculture to purchase and destroy
memorial to the late Bishop Kerfoot is to vetoed, and one failed by reason of diseased animals, whenever in his
be erected in Pittsburgh.
adjournment without action by the judgment it is essential to prevent the
spread of pleuro pheumonia from one
The wedding presents of a recently President.
married couple at Washington were
Of the new laws, 746 were House State into another.
stolen by one of the guests.
In the legislative appropriation bill,
measures and 241 Senate measures.
The custom-house officer 'generally re­ i Laws that became such by limitation creating the office of Assistant Com­
ceives two-fifths of the value of the were, with two exceptions, private pen­ missioner of Indian Affair.
smuggled goods that he seizes.
In the sundry civil appropriation
and relief bills.
An audacious physician of the Quaker sion
bill, directing the Secretary of the
city impudently asserts that much of the
thirty-six were Senate bills anil seventy­ Treasury to issue silver certificates in
so-called malaria is pure laziness.
seven bills of the House. Twenty­ denomination of one, two and five dol­
Epizootic is earning considerable trou­ eight of the Senate bills vetoed were lars; also appropriating $40,000 for
ble to the owners of horses in the neigh­ private pension . bills, and three were the establishment of an industrial
hood of Warsaw and Perry, F. Y.
home in Utah for women who renounce
for the erection of public buildings
A Bedford county, Tennessee, farmer
Of the House bills disapproved by I polygamy and for their children.
claims to have harvested 112 bushels ol the President seventy-four were pri­
The “ Morrison surplus resolution ”
wheat from two acres of ground this sea­
failed by reason of adjournment of
| congress before executive action had
The Baltimore Sun is authority for the erection of public buildings. The been taken on it.
statement that one thousand new build­ number of measures vetoed during
ings ot various kinds are going up in that the session were four more than have
been vetoed from the foundation ,of
Geo. A. Jenks has been appointed
The quince cr-p in Virginia this year
Solicitor- Genera 1.
will be very poor. The failure is due to the session just closed. While nearly
The public debt was reduced $9,049,
to the ravages of the seventeen-year lo­ all of the vetoed bills of the Senate
were reported back from committee 104 during July.
The last Act approved by the Presi­
Within seven months’ time 5500 man­ with recommendation that they pass
uscripts were sent to an eastern publish­ notwithstanding the President’s ob­ dent was the river and harbor bill.
ing house in answer to a request for prize jections, and while similar action was
Win. J. McClure has been appointed
taken on some of the House bills, only
A Reading, Pa., judge has decided one, that granting a pension to Jacob Indian agent at Coeur d'Alene, I. T.
that shaving is a necessity, and that it is Romizer, was passed by the two Houses
Attorney General Garland has gone
legal on any day of the week, Sunday in­ over the veto.
to Arkansas for several weeks vacation.
Measures of importance that have
R. 8. Dement, as Surveyor-General
A brass band has been engaged to been enacted into laws during the
for Utah, was rejected by the Senate.
play every Sunday at Andover, Conn.
The programme is to include nothing but session, in addition to the regular ap-
The Senate confirmed the appoint­
propriation bills, are as follows :
gospel airs.
ment of W. H White as U. 8. Attor­
An innovation in minstrelsy has taken
ney for Washington Trritory,and T. J.
To provide for the study of the » a- Hamilton as U. S. Marshal.
place in Montana, where a negro is play­
ing an engagement in which be
“whitens tip.”
To remove the charge of desertion
The shortness of the season is an ex­
cuse put forward for the exorbitant price! against soldiers who re-enlisted with­ Cute Reynard's Sagacity tn the Role of an
charged by the proprietors of the sum out having received a discharge from
trier hotels.
| the regiments in which they had pre­
A pleasing incident, that adds to the
Cleveland, O., has raised $125,000 for a viously served.
fox’s reputation for shrewdness that is
Grant monument, while the great city of
To legalize the incorporation of na­ somewhat better than cunning, appears
New York has collected but $122,000 for tional trades unions.
in the Liverpool Courier. A Scotch
the same purpose.
To give receivers of national banks
The American nation is only 110 years power to buy any property of a bank correspondent writes to that journal:
years old. The Japanese empire caD sold under foreclosure, when necessary “One of the stalkers in the deer forest
here has a young fox which he caught
count its 2545th anniversary. We are
to protect his trust.
yet very young.
when quite a cud , and which he keeps
ncnoot-teacners are too numerous for
chained to a kennel near his cottage.
their own welfare this year on the Pacific ates of the United States military The other day he gave the creature a
coast. Over twenty applications lhave academy.
dead crow, thinking he might like the
been made for each school in Solano
To permit owners of United States amusement of eating it; but Reynard,
county. Cal., up to date.
merchant vessels, and of any property after careful consideration, tho. ght the
Frank Heiseman, i, aged 16 year«, of on board thereof, to sue the United bird’s condition rather called for decent
Amsterdam, N. Y., , jumped,
' .
Saturday, ¡ States for damage by collision arising burial, and therefore be d ig with his
off the Port Jackson bridge to the water from the mismanagement of any gov­ forepaws a large enough hue in front
below, a distance of eighty feet. He was
of his-kennel, and when finished he put
ernment vessel.
pick- d up unconscious.
the bir I into it, laying it on its back,
Three men are under arrest at Chicago
with its claws in the air."
charged with having robbed the Minnea­
The stalker, who was watching
shinr the
polis postotli.-e. Thomas Tinucane is
animal, saw him then scrape the loose
•barged as principal, while L. E. Cran-
earth ovim the bird so as to quite cover
iall and others ars implicated.
not be exempt from local taxation on its body, but the legs still stuck up in
It is stated that the citizens of Tucson, account of the lien of the United the air. These legs seem d to annoy
lrizona, hive passed more resolutions States upon them for the cost of sur­ him a good deal, and ha tried to press
luring the last twenty years than all the vey, selection or conveying. It also them ilown with his noae. Failing in
iities in the United States have done, makes provision for selling such lands this, and after evidently turning the
•nd got less benefit from the same.
on refusal or neglectof the compMiies mutter over in hia mind, he bit the legs
off. laid them flat beside the bird and
In weight the salmon of the Canadian to pay the costs of survey.
then covered everything over with
rivets average between twenty and
To provide that homestead settlers earth.
twentv-flve (xiiinds. A thirty pound sal­ wittiin
railroad limits, restricted to less
mon is very large, and a forty-pound fish
Alaska ha« been having a touch of
nil be talked of throughout the season, than 160 acres, shall be entitled to the — labor-trouble
fever. The carpenters
although it is said that salmon weighing have their additional entries patented
titty pounds have been caught in the without any further proof of settle­ %pd mechanics of Sitka presented a
petition to Judge Dawson deprecating
Restigouche—one, indeed, was said to ment and cultivation.
the plan of one Heaton, a missionary
weigh fifty-four pounds.
To reduce fees on domestic money under salary from the Government,
A pleasure excursion on board the orders for sums not exceeding $5 from who competed with contractors for the
steam yacht Sarah Craig from Philadel­ 8 cents to 5 cents.
i construction of new buildings at a fig­
phia, while off Sandy Hook, was cap­
To allow steam towing vessels to ■ ure too low for allowing living wages,
sized and nearly all were drowned. The
names of the dead are: Mrs. Cora E. carry, in addition to their crews, as proposing to employ Indian boys from
Atkin, aged 24 years; Mm. T. Stevens, many jiersons as the supervising in­ his school -----
aged 55 vears; Mias Mamie Stevens, spector may authorize.
—Railroad life in Europa is gradually
aged 21; Emma Merritt, aged 21 years;
For the relief of Fitz John Porter. ' takingon improvements. Sleeping-cars
Chester Clark, aged 21 years; Mist
To provide for the sale of the I have been running for some years on
Maud E. Rettew. aged 17 years. The
the through lines between the great
body of Rebecca Merritt, aged 22 years, Cherokee reservation.
To enable national banking associa- . cities on the oontinent, and restaurant*
sas not recovered.
tions to increase their capital stock I ears are now beginning to appear.