^ES'T SIDE TELEPHONE Kicked to Death. lie s Gone. D rowned AV hile B athino .—Freddie ------ ——- I { Iieim, Holin, a a bov boy 14 14 years years of of age, age, was Tuesday morning’s train bore from our drowned yesterday afternoon i while midst a young man of medium size, of j J bathing in the river on the East side a fair complexion, dark eyes and hair, and . . short ..w. v distance above tho Jefferson street light moustache, trimmed rather close. | ( ferry. . He was in company with anoth­ He did not wait to bid his fi¡ends good er lad younger than himself. It appears bye; forgetting, alas, to bring us the that the unfortunate boy got beyond his proof that tire Itemizer’s attack on him depth and not knowing how to swim was a lie, as he told us he would do; ho well, sank. A young man named Har­ also neglected to pay several hills about ris coming along in a boat dived down I town—principally for board; he also and recovered the body. Coroner De- neglected to send tho amount that be Lin was notified and took charge of the owed for board at Amity, which he pro­ remains. He did not deem it necessary mised to do some time since ; lie did not t<> hold a:i inquest as there was no sus­ appear to have had time to speak to II. picion of foul play connected with the H. Welch regarding the barber’s chair mutter. The drowned bov resided with that belonged to him (Welch) and which Mrs. link, at 404 Eight street, was sold by this young man to James both his father and mother being dead. Lawton at Dallas. If he had had time —Tuesday’s Oregonian. Freddie was a perhaps he could have unraveled that sou of Mr. John Hi Im, who a few years little story regarding his domestic life, ago lived at Dayton, and a relative of which lie told in so many different wavs the Messrs. Rogers, of this city. His and got so badly tangled. In fact he remains were brought to Dayton yester­ seemed to have forgotten everything ex­ day and buireil beside his parents in the cept to get away from here. This voung cemetery at that place. man was Fred Hodges. He had been here for several months dnd during that Card of Thanks. time appear-d perfectly straight, except as to liquidating little bills about town ; The ladies Guild would return thanks but nobody paid any particular attention to this until of late. The wav things to the city for tlie use of their lamps; to are turning out it looks as if lie is the AV. J. Garrison for the use of chairs; to grand rascal that the Iteinizer pictured Jones & Co for the use of benches, all ot him, and unless lie “shows up” soon and straightens things up we shall brand which were used at the lawn party on him as such. But then "the newspapers the evening of August 11th. Also to all those who assisted in the music and can go to h—1” for all he cares. otherwise assisted in making tho affair •4 success. C om . Still We Lt AVe stop tho press to announce that Mr. A. A. McCully of Salem, was kick­ ed to death by a horse at his farm near Amity, last night. Me was on his way t!,e «vivi«1«« of Mr. A. home from tho coast. No particulars. K Snyder to take charge of our local C. AV. Talmago is the.agent to insure I clliorlal department». He need« no your w heat with. » atr(„luctlon to the people of Yamhill. This is just tho tin|ie to catch large trout in tho coast atreZins. Salmon mo OI K AGENTS. lunuing. / fhoM wishing to subscribe for You can see a spccZmen of the cornice to go on the now hotel tacked up by may do so through the llodsons’ door. swing persons : ........... Lafayette. Mr. B. F. Morse, of Dayton, paid us a Al. Kelly ........ • •• w. Sappington ( . .North Yamhill. visit Tuesday last. Ho was on bis way to Yaquina for a few days’ rest from bis . b. Castle I ¡’. A. Graves............. .............. Sheridan. labors. !. L. Simpson............. .................. Amity. A hand oi beautiful horses yesterday iJi. Davis . ............. .............. Bellevue. arrived from the De Schuttes. They s. Williamson....... . .... Wheatland. were owned by Al. Aubry and there ' Agents at other points in the county were 18 head of them. fill be announced soon. Do not forget the meetings at the Christian church by Elder F. Dillard O F MCI A I. VIHECTOKY. Holman, to-night, to-moirow night and Sunday morning and evening. third district . The track at the fair grounds is being n. p. Boise. Uco. AV. Gelt. put in excellent condition. It was tbo't lor a time that it would be too soft for races ; but it is becoming packed splen­ didly. pnators ■ , Rev. Father Hermann, of Forest [epresentatives Grove, is in Germany and recently paid llenry Bettman, at I.eipsig, a visit, Lidge.............. which pleased the young man very oinniissioner3 much. Fletcher Bros, thresher is a “36-inch lerk ............... cylinder” instead of “37-incli” as sever­ iierifT reasurer al exchanges have made the T elephone Business Specials. The lawn party held at the premises sseseor.......... out as saying. A 37-incli cylinder is an :houl Supt...... of Mrs. C. F. Talmage, Wednesday, “ off number. ” irveyor Fresh roasted peanuts at II. II. Welch's, aroncr............ Councilman Narvor has it crooked- proved another link in tho chain of suc­ tf neck squash vine that he says has sev­ cessful events at McMinnville during the Ice cold and genuine lemonade at II. enteen pans of squashes on—that is. season of 18S6. Under the wide-spread­ II. Welch’s. tf wherever you find one you will find two ing branches of treeses, north of the George Cornet is the efficient and gen­ grown together. house and out of the breezes, so as to tlemanly artist in Welch's Tonsoral Par­ Judge Adams, of Portland, with his prevent too many sneezes and free from lors, after August 6. Police matters quiet. family, came out from the Nestucea pesky bugs and fleases, tho green sward Passenger traffic brisk. country ysrterday on his wav home and was like unto a heavy three-ply carpet. | Blackburn & Peckham have just re- stopped here and took dinner with Chief The grounds were lighted by three of i eeived ami are unp icking a fine lino of Warm days and cold nights. Engineer Henderson. the large city lamps and numerous Chi­ summer chess goods, hosiery &c. * Coming—rain and Christmas. •THE------ For a square meal go to the St. Charles There was an exciting shooting match nese lanterns. On one side of tho Look out for prowling thieves. ye terday morning between Manning grounds was the “wigwam” of “Signo- —only 25 cents. Bros. It was with pistols and Satn made rita Cazeta,” the fortune teller, before Those having fruits of all kinds can A slight sprinkle of rain yesterday. 27 point: and his brother 13. That the tent a bright camp-fire burning; find ready sale by applying to “Well, it makes tlie children laugh.’ caused Oregon to crow big over Califor­ just across the grounds sat ‘Rebecca at 16ml F. K louchek . the well,” dispensing ice cold lemonade, Rev. Hunsaker raises fine blaekber- nia. Farmers having wool to sell will do while just over the fence in the adjoin ­ Our townsman, AV in. Campbell, bought ing yard delicious ice cream and cakes well to consult BlacKburn & l’eckam be­ Engage your prunes cf J. E. AValling, a liouae and lot in Newport, paying was served in endless quantities. The fore selling as they pay the highest therefor $300. He thinks Yaquina is prices in the county. mity. destined to be a fine commercial point programme consisted of several chorus­ Best meal in the city for 25 cents, at McMinnville should have a night- and that lie has made a good invest­ es, quartettes, etc., in the musical line, “throw the handkerchief” and other the McMinnville Hotel. 8tf atebman. ment. games by the younger people, while tier Blackburn & Peckham, the agents of Band of Hope meets t'.Fs afternoon at Dr. G. F. Tucker and family returned older folks enjoyed a social chat. The I. E. church. from Yaquina yesterday, all feeling well. grounds weie well seated; the evening Chas. H. Dodd & Co., are doing the boss machine business of the county, AVork has not yet been begun on tho Doc. :s tanned till he resembles a tsi- was a most pleasant one and if any per­ sold some 25 twine binders and two W1311, has a muscle on him like a Sam­ sons failed to enjoy themselves it was Bw hotel building. son and says he can whip his weight in their own fault. A large number were steam threshers. The Yamhill bridge has been fully .-oyotes. present and all entered into the festivi­ Our furniture man, E. B. Fellows, id substantially repaired. with a zeal that showed they were went to Portland last week and returned Grouse are becoming domesticated at ties i there for the purpose of having a good bringing with him a fine assortment of Rev. A. J. Hunsaker will hold services ti’is p! i.,e. A gentleman shot two Irom The amount realized by the Guild everything needed in the furniture line, ; Independence next Sunday. cash or produce liie roof of a dwelling and killed another lime. was $21.65. and can set you up in housekeeping in Hood River melons in the market.— in the street, with a duh, Wednesday the grandest style, and at prices that evenin;:. And it wasn’t a very good 'pi* Iso pain-killer, wizard oil, etc. Religious Services-Sunday Next. will surprise you . If you don’t believe evening for grouse, either. it, go and see him. 17&18 Read Mr. Versteeg’s advertisement The Malone boys, north of town, lost gardmgthe Chris Newby mill. St. James’ (Episcopal) church. Rev. a fine mare Tuesday morning. Site was John To the Farmer. C. Fair, rector. Services on Sun­ Mr. Hamnett tells you something feeling well up to the evening before »ut brick, in our advertising columns. when she was attacked by the prevail­ day 11 a. rn. and 8 p. in. Seats free. All Messrs. F. Barnekoff & Co., have a.e cordially invited to attend. Janies McCain and T. B. Nelson, oi ing horse disease and died before morn­ Services at St. James’ (Catholic) thoroughly renovated and overhauled »layette, done our city Wednesday af- ing. She was a valuable animal. church at 11 a. m. Sunday school at the Fellows’ warehouse at McMinnville, moon. It is reported that Holt Turner will 2:30. Rev. J. S AVIiite, pastor. A Strictly M c M innville - - O regon . recently purchased by them and are now Mr. Downing, T.'Vamook’s newly eleci- shortly move into the vacant rooms of Oilice—Two doors feast of Bingham's C. I’, church—Services Sunday at 11 ready to receive grain. They will clean TEMPERANCE RESORT, lie Opera bouse.—Reporter. Mr. Tur­ I county clei k, lias >eea i .............. furniture store. Laughing Gas administered for painless ner will do nothing of the kind, reports a. m. Subject for discourse, “The Ex­ and store at 3 cents, and will be ready Some gooilt ?) chtirch members to the con- al days. extracting. ltf to the contrary notwithstanding. His tent to which the Triumphs of Grace to buy and pay the highest price going, trary notwithstanding. Prosecuting Attorney Felt 1 ns ap- place of residence will remain as it is. depend upon Man’s Knowledge of Na­ in cash . Sacks kept on hand and sold anted W. L. Bradshaw his deputy for ture’s Laws and Forces.” No services to farmers at the lowest rates. This is a is county. A pilferer entered A. J. Apperson’s in the evening. All are cordially invit­ perfectly responsible firm, and those litclien, last night, went through the ed to attend our services. having grain to sell or store, or in need IL C. Edwards is making the dirt afe and carried off steak that had been ’‘Orphans’ Home” Tonsoria! Parlors. M c M innville & lafayette , Or. T. II. H enderson , Pastor. of sacks, should call and see them, tf Irly fly. That is, he is engaged i.i sink- ; cured for breakfast and numerous gseveial wells. Services at the Baptist church. other edibles, besides half a bushel of J. F. Calbreath, M. D. office over Yamhill The Only First Class, Notice to Farmers. County Bank. McMinnville, Oregon. Chas. Grissen has been tin in the potatoes. The fellow evidently doesn’t Preaching at 11 o’clock only. Subject— “ The Perfect Christian. ” No preaching li. 11. Littlefield, M, I), oilice on Main ountains rusticating, returned yce'.c:- live far away and was very hungry. Suiter & Daniel, proprietors of the And the only parlor-like snop in the city. street, Lafayette, Oregon. |tf in the evening, but the congregation is .y looking hearty. None but first-class workmen em ­ “ Uncle” George Bangasser is over at invited to attend services at the M. E. Lafayette Mills and Warehouse, desire ployed. Ex-sheriff E. IL Collard in town Yaquina enjoying the salubrious breezes church to hear a sermon on the Sabbath to inform the farmers of this vicinity ednesday. He is preparing (o remove of old ocean and seeking to regain his question. that their improvements are now com­ Flint Door South nt Yninliill County chattered health, which we sincerely Din Lafayette to Dayton. N. W. Corner Second and B Sts., pleted, and are ready to clean and store Bank Building, Lope wc may do. He is accompanied At the Warehouses. If you wish good work in the job ny his daughter, Tillie, his grand-son M’MINNVILLE, OREGON. any amount of wheat that may be bro’c M’MINNVILLE, OREGON. tinting line, at living rate ;, b j i. to Freddie, and Mr. Portland Adams. May be found at his office when not absent Business is just beginning to liven up to them, at 3 cents per pusliel. Their le T elephone office. Fact. itf on professional business. ltf H. H. WELCH. Mr. II. E. Elites, manager of the Co­ at the warehouses, although no large facilities for handling grain, are not ex­ Read notice of the meeting of the qtialization Board. Sept. 13 to 18 is lumbia base ball club, of Portland, was amount of grain has come in as yet. celled anywhere in the county. They are guaranteed as Cheap Freight Rates among the Yaquina excursionists, Tues­ ie date fixed by Assersor Henderson. day. He is very anxious to know if Galloway & Cook have, on hand from by rail, as from ony other point in this Wheat on the farm of Dr. Chrisman, there will be any premium offered for 11,000 to 12,000 bushels and arc receiv­ vicinity, Insides having the advantage PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Jar Amity, went over 40 bushels per base, ball at the county fair, as he is de­ ing it at the rate of about 2,000 bushels of competition be boat during boating fre. The Messrs, "ate work the farm. sirous of bringing bis nine up, if there per day. These gentlemen inform us season. Tliej’ are also prepared to loan McMinnville, Oregon. ------- AT THE- sacks this season, as heretofore, to their Office at residence on 1> street. All culls Elias Underwood will teach the school is. that they have out about 45,000 sacks. customers. They desire to call particu­ promptly answered day or night. lint !the Canfield district. He has a good The T elephone is a Yamhill paper; They are paying 61 cents per bushel. lar attention to their security against lucation and will make a good instrue- its circulation is among the readers of risk by fire, as they have no exposure to W. D. F enton . F. W. F enton . r. Yamhill, who patronize those doing The same may be said of the movement their main warehouse nearer than 115 at F. AV. Redmond’s warehouse. He business in the county ; and as it is pub ­ Mr. Fred Williams. of North Yamhill, FENTON A- FENTON, brick yard has received about 7,000 bushels which feet, while the boiler and engine are is gone on a visit to Europe to see an lished twice a week it is therefore the lias been run through the cleaner and is nearly 180 feet distant. Past experience best advertising medium. And its col ­ OF -------- jft.TTOTÏJSriîl'VS JLT L A.’W ily sister whom he has not seen for 30 ... pay ..... ­ ' ought to convince farmers that this is no an excellent shape. Mr. II. is umns begin to show that business men in tars. veins uusuei. U F. Barnekòff small matter, as it gives those who ing 60 cents per bushel. Z.7 ?’./1 ’E T T E, Olì EG OX. observe this fact. & Co I have received but littl- to date, store with them a cheap rate of insur- Some fine specimens of grains and ... that al...a the at... busy I... ... season e...... 4. .„a ance, 'itioo «inrl luti 11 riaV if if tliov nrxi Ofiice--Near the Court H oum . and but small risk they du not Mr. II. Bailey, of Yamhill county, Or ­ but now is just asses arrived at the Yamhill County insure. S iiteh & D aniel . egon, is building at the new mill of D. opening they hope to get their share. ink yesterday. That’s right; bring July 27—ml. McMinnville, • - Oregon, Layton, in the Big Bend, a current wa­ on in. F or the E xhibit C ar .—The following ter «heid of immense proportions ar­ V They tell us that fish are so plentiful ranged between two long boats to oper­ articles left here Wednesday for the ex­ Who lias just finished burning a kiln er at Yaquina that to tell a first-rate ate a pump for raising large volumes of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND!! Conveyancing and Abstracts a specialty. i the angler has to swear he didn’t water to mine for gold on certain bars of hibit car: A sample of white wheat, tch any. the Columbia river in Lincoln county, by Clark Braly; sample of “Newby” And is ready to fill all orders for the Collecting attended to promptly. wheat, raised by Dr. A. K. Olds; sam- The "Hooks” did not choose delegates known to contain large quantities of the of largest and best brivk in the county, av Side oats, threshed, raised by AV. D. Otfice—Manning’s Building 3d St. if------ lesday evening. Bovs, it’s time you metal.—Ex. McDonald, Jr. ; sheaf Side oats, by Mc ­ From $5 to $8 per Thousand. ire getting in and doing something in The wise farmer that, buveth a binder Donald; sample of New Zealand oats, 2tf is direction. buildeth a shed and putteth his machine by John Jolly ; sample of Welcome outs, Taggart the tailor will scon move his therein, where rot nor rust will not cor­ by James Fletcher; bunch of Peerless nily to other quarters, enlarge bis rupt. But the foolish man after harvest­ wheat, by.M. Underwood; collection of and put in a large stock of goods ing his grain alloweth his reaper to stand Yamhill woods by A. Kinsey. All were the fall trade. in the field without protection, and in nice samples, so much so that our [leople —Executed at the— the end selleth his farm to cancel the need not feel ashamed to have them ex­ Hie T elephone is in demand. Each mortgage that accumulated because of hibited anywhere. tie we print a goodly number of ex- the many dollars spent for repairs and McMinnville, Oregon. H that are “gobbled up” almost as new machinery. Mr. M. Underwood sends us a sample >n as off the press. of "Peerless” wheat, the seed of which M. M1NNVILLE The Yamhill County Bank has some was sent to him from Philadelphia, that I'ehavoit from good authority that ie I.., Kitty Lynch and other noted very pretty specimens of grains on is a caution to behold. The heads are •ses «¡11 ho present at our fair and hand for the county fair. Right here let large and well filled with large plump us urge upon farmers and all others the kernels, while from every mash pro­ part in tho races. advisability of bringing grains, grasses, trudes i a dark-coiored lieard from four to II trsell, who held a c.;-e in the ofiice etc., so that a good showing may be i six inches in length, giving the bunch this place in 1879 80, has started a made in these as well as other things at the I appearance of a jiorcupine. This is per at Tenawny, Yakima county, AV. our county fair. Leave your specimens a , very pretty specimen ot grain and I'asliioiiiihle Drrssmaliing. i called the Enterprise. either at the Yamhill County Bank or from I its appearance we should judge Mr.s. A. M c D oxalp . | Miss K. T hobxtox . I that it is a very healthy variety. A. young man at the lawn party the the T elephone ollice. ler evening said he was in favor ot In Mr«. Stuart*« Millinery Store, Mr. C. AV. Brown, the tile drainage satisfactory: “Where in the tn parties, as "one can chew and spit old Highlv man, was in town a day or two during scratch is ‘ Slabtown ? ’ ’ ’ — Telephone. OPPOSITE THE GRANGE STORE. hout mussing the carpet.” M c M innville , oregon . It is situated in Slab valley, near the the week. He will shortly put in about rnormnoB». McMinnville. Oregon. 8m3 1’. Austin is building himself a neat head waters of Slab creek.—Register. two milesof this drain for "Uncle Billy” Always on hand ti e best quality ot Beef, 1 substantial residence down near the That settles it that far; now please in­ Chapman, near Sheridan. Hon. J. C. Mutton, Pork, and DISSOLUTION NOTICE. fth A amliill Lumbering Co.’s mill, form ns if you travel by land or by wa­ Bralv is talking of having some of his ooms up nicely from town, ter to reach it; how large a place is it; land drained. There is much land in E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT what is the principal occupation of the the Yamhill valley that is to-day lying the co-TKirtncr’hip heretofore exiting lessrs. Tvlerand Saylortixik the con­ inhabitant-; McCormick i»ntl Dccrinjf bow are its School facilities; idle which, if properly drained, by this between is Sbobe and S. A. Manning, doing 'd for building the now brick hotel. are the inhabitants