» WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. >'«öi ttuï«.'ssr Bird & Gates, WHAT CONGJIKBN HAS DONE. It will be remembered that Gov. In its recent session congicss has en acted bills that have become laws upon Moody inndo application to the U. B. McMinnville, Oregon Third Street, Lafayette, Or. ■ the following subjects : land department, at Washington, recent­ DEALEKS IN ly, asking that all contests to determine Presidential succession bill. been thoroughly renovated und is now To provido for tho study of the nature the characte r of the lands that had been rearly to receive grain. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Twenty-five senatorial terms expire and effect of alcoholic diinks and nar- approved and certified to by the state of i coties. Oregon as being swamped and overflow ­ the Yamhill River on the ; Storage anil Cleaning, 3 cents. Calcutta on Marell 4, 1887. Of these, Senators Over We keep one of the largest and I sacks constiintly on hand and sold at the To remove the charge of desertion ed, and an being hers under the swamp­ Aldi ii !i, of Rhode Island, George, of i Flint Martin Place! i lowest rates. best selected stocks of Merchandise Missi-sippi, Gorman, of Maryland, ami [ against soldiers who reenlisted without land grant, should be dismissed. The in Yamhill County, and are selling o ----- ) lii'iimm, of Ohio, have been re-elected, having received a disclia ge from the secretary of tho interior has decided that ’ regiment in which they had previously after the approval and certification by Highest Market Trite Paid hr Wheat. our goods at bedrock prices. Our i '. i ! Mr. I’antel lias been chosen to suc­ A large quantity of excellent brick, served. department and land office, the charac­ Farmers are respectfully invited to call I spring stock in Ladies’ Dress Goods re- I Malionc fiom Virginia. The re­ To legalize the incorporation of nation­ ter of such lands cannot again be called ■ has arrived and consists in part of ------- FROM ------- and see us, maining twenty whose scats are to be al trades unions. in question on an affidavit of contest, filled aio: To give receivers of national banks which ineielv alleges that the land is not $4 to $6, $6-50 and $7 per M. tf GALLOWAY & COOK, Props. Cambrics, Manchester Sateens lidinumls. of Vermont; Hawley, of power to buy property of a bank sold of tho character granted, unless the ap­ < iiii;i- ctiirnt; Camden, of West Virginia; * The best ever offered to the public. anil a large assortment of ' under foreclosure, when necessary to plicant further alleges fraud or mistake Gray, Bill for increase of the navy. ers some idea of tho extent of the holo­ Jones, of Florida, w ill be remembered CJ Roof Paint, Venitian Red, < To provide that homestead settlers caust we clip the following from tlie dis­ ns the gentleman who has entirely neg­ Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochre CD rr within railroad limits, restricted to less patches: The village of Hansen is lected his senatorial duties this session ami Hardware. c_> TÍ than 16!) acres, shall be entitled to have doomed. It is surrounded hv walls of to h.i"g about Detroit, hotels, musing a CJ Wj Prices as Low as the Lowest. < liopole.-s passion for Miss Palms, ot that their additional entries patented without flame, while women as well as men are w ■» co city, who very properly will have noth­ any further proof of settlement and cul­ fighting fire. The water supply is be­ JONES & Co > coming exhausted. Britton and Ran- b ing to do with him. He will of course tivation. To reduce fees on domestic money or­ toun in Calumet county, are surrounded LC not be re-elected. Three or four bour­ 221 bons will lie ccndidales for his seat, and ders for sums not exceeding $5 from 8 by fire, and farmers are flocking into tlie O. Carnes the Largest and Rest Stock village for safety. Acres of grain have bin successor will of course be a demo­ cents to 5 cents. To allow steam towing vessels to carry, been devastated. A dozen buildings crat. Sawyer, of Wisconsin, will doubt­ in Yamhill County. less succeed himself. There are some in addition to their crews, as many per­ have been destroyed at Fensaukee and democrats so sanguine as to think liis sons as the supervising inspector may Howard, From around Little Suamico —Dealer in— . Purs Drugs, Chamica’s, the terror-stricken people flocked into state will elect n deniocrulic legislature authorize. Perfumes, Etc. Guns, Pistols, Ammunition, For the relief of Fitz John Porter. the village and found railroad commun­ this fall, but it is a possibility merely,not To provide for the tale of the Chero ­ ication shut off. A woman left her babe a probability. Should it happen, how­ Cutlery, Fine Fishing Tackle in her house and it was burned to death. ever, Secretary Vilziand Representative kee reservation. Cigars, Etc. To enable national banking associa­ Hundreds of people are homeless in tlie Third Annual Bragg would have a grand hair-pulling tions to increase their capital stock and stricken districts. Coleman, Abrams match for his seat, Special attention given to repairing Guns and New Denmark are in danger. Rain Pistols, Sewing Machines, Saw Filing, Etc. Messrs* Hale and Dawes will without to change their names of location. To authorize the construction of a saved Stevens Point after thousands of I have in my shop as fine a power cross­ doubt lie again be re-elected. For Mr. feed lathe as can be found in the state and (!on.; 'i ’s s-at there will be a tussle, as building for accommodation of the con­ bushels of cranberries and millions of am fully prepared to feet of standing timber had been con­ Gov irnur Alger and Representative Bur­ gressional library. Providing that after July 1, 1886, no sumed. At Sturgeon Bay the smoke rows both have tho senatorial bee in Repair Broken Machinery their bmim ts. However, Conger is pop­ fees shall be charged to American ves- obscured the sun to-day, and vessels els for measurement of tonnage, issu ­ along the coast blew whistles continu ­ ular with his j» opli* ami tlie chances aie of all kinds—Farm Machinery, Traction in his favor. McMillan and Cockrell ing licenses, granting certificates of reg­ ously. Third Street Bet. D and E. 5tf Engines, Etc. have the ch.in. es in their favor foi ie- istry, etc., and amending the laws rela­ Braly’s Bank Building, C St. Itf Hon. T. G. Reanies, of Jacksonville, election Iroin their respective states, tive to the shipping and discharging of To be held on the Fair Grounds at while Mr. Van Wyck, of Nebraska, will crews, liabilities of owners, licensing has been appointed postal inspector for EURISKO MARKET! Oregon. McMinnville, Or., havo strong opposition as there are u vessels, etc. number of gentlemen in the state who To forfeit kinds granted to the Atlan- The Only— wish the position, liis enmity to rail ic& Pacific railway company, and re­ —Dealers in— 1STew To-IDay. road in i.iopolies will make him enemies tore the same to settlement. - — - ■«----------- with that inte eSt, but will give him To increase to $12 a month the pension much power among the masses. of widows and descendant relatives of Milling’ Done! In the City. New Jersey’s political complexion thia deceased soldiers and sailors. In addition to the I would most respectfully announce that The place where you can get juicy steaks fall is qu te nneeitain. if tho lepnbli- Declaring forfeited certain land grants 1 have leased the Chris Newby Flouring and imvroa.-t- all at the lowest market cans ci ry it. Mr. Sewell will suceed i ■nude to the states of Mississippi, Alaba­ Mill in Happy Valley, and am thoroughly price. Fresh Fish Tuesdays ami Fridays. overhauling and repairing it. and after the himself, -lionbl the bourbons triumph, ma anil Louisiana. 23d of August will be ready to do grinding Always a Fat Cow on Hand. it is iinp.is-i |e to inline his probable To amend section 3334 of the revised for toll or cash. HUSSEYS OLD STAND. Come and see me. Ever witnessed in the state, there will be Hiici'i's'ie. The struggle in Now York -tatutes, so as to require brewers com­ 18m3 ltf W. J. GARRISON & CO. J. A. VKKSTEEO. itf p>s-«'i.< the g eatest into'est of nil. mencing business to give bonds in a sum Wa ner . lillo- is a candiil.it • for rc-elce- qua! to three times the amount of tax NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS OF 1886. SHERIDAN tion, but the e are several republicans -vliich thev will be liable to pay during ------- DEALER IN------- otice is hereby given that the Board of Equalization for tin who me n nil" I ns cnmlidiites, the most my one mouth, and to execute a new County of Yamhill, State of Oregon, will Given on ail mcritorins exhibits in Agri­ Groceries, Provisions, Crock­ prominent of whom is lia Davenpint. Hind whenever required. attend at the courthouse in said eountv, at culture. Horticulture. Floral Exhibits, Me- I At all evei t I lie pl li e w ill lie tilled In Directing the secretary of the treasury the office of the County Clerk, from Mon­ ehanieiil Products, Fancy Needle Work, ery and Glassware. « republican. Senator Mitchell will io deliver to the proper owners or claim- day, the 13th, to Saturday, the 18th day of Works of Art, Mineroiogv and other Natu­ R. McKUNE, PnopR. September, 1886, inclusive, to publicly ex­ ral Specimens, Poultry ‘anil Stock of all JGT*All goods delivered in the citv ltf have save ii opponents in Pennsylvania, nits silverware, jewelry, etc., captured amine the assessmant roll, and correct all kinds. the most prominent h< ing Col. Quay. iy the United States army during the errors in valuation, description, or qualities The drat TruMMtimital Into, Transient Stock Wei! Cared For! of lands, lots, or other property, and all Maxev, of Texas, wi 1 have much op­ late war, and to sell at public auction all parties interested are hereby notified to ap­ position to encounter in liis effort to ic- iu 'I i articles not claimed w ithin one year pear at the time ami place atiove mentioned. Teams and outfits furnished parties wisli- T B. HENDERSON. Between tlie Young Women’s Club of to go to the coast, at reasonable rates. turn to th? enate, and in Nevada there To direct a commissioner of labor to 18ml Assessor of Yamhill County, Or. North Yamhill, and a Picked Nine of Old Men. is no doubt that Fair will lie retired and make an examination as to convict labor The Direct Route I No Delays I Give me it Call «r a republican succeed him. In California To establish life-saving stations on the •18M Fast Trains! Reduced Rates on all R. R. Lines. tho republicans have elected Williams Ulantic and Pacific oceans and on tiie THE LOVZEST BATES to succeed Hearst. In Tennessee, tlie great lakes. :» TO CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS light will bo between Wliitlhorne and Providing that manufactured tobacco, , Proprietor of Bate, with a ehaneo for a republican leg­ snuff and cigars may be removed for ex­ hast. Tickets sold to nil prominent points throughout the East and Southeast. islature and u blasting of the hopes of port without payment of a tax, and re­ —OF THE both these gentlemen. pealing tlie law providing for tho in- | TO EAST-EOUND PASSENGERS I All Kinds of speetion of tobacco. Be careful and do not make a mistake. In another column will be found an But be sure to take the To extend tlie immediate delivery sys­ Trucking and Delivering advertisement announcing the state fair tem. orthern acific ailroad Done to order. Constantly on hand. Mill To be held nt their /rounds near for 188(1 which begins on Monday. Sept. I'eeil, Hour, Wheat and Oars. Also, all Salem, Oregon, commencin'/ To increase pensions of soldiers who And see that your ticket reads via This Space is For kinds of Wood. Shingles, Posts Shakes 13, and closes the following Saturday have lost an arm or leg. , Etc. All orders left with us for Stowe A ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS, night. This will undoubtedly bo the SEPTEMBER 13th, 1S86. «rower s lumber yard promptly attended To avoid changes anil serious delays occa­ best fair over held in the state. The And still water is shut off along our sioned by other routes. And closing the following Saturd b Delivery Wagon Always Ready. managers are leaving nothing undone public highways. Day after day we see night. Orders left with Ilogers A Todd, at Citv Ihrough Emigrant Sleeping Cars that shall add to tho success of tho ex­ stock hanging about the watering troughs Drug Store, promptly tilled. ltf. are Run on Regular Express hibition; the state has allowed the soci­ n tho city, almost famished for drink, Trains Full Length of the ety a neat sum to assist them, and all simply because every avenue to the va­ Line. Berths Free. that will bo needed to make the fair rious streams near hero are shut off. Our ---- Offered in cash premi uins---- prove success fill in every particular will couits should see to it that these road­ LOW RATES! QUICKTIME! (Suecesjor to J. B. Rohr,) will, without doubt, be the best exhi­ ho the assistance of the people of Ore­ ways are opened up. The law does not This bition of the kind ever held in Oregon. General Office of the Company, gon. Let no one throw cold water on contemplate that because a bridge lands Plain and Ornamental Painting anti No. 2 Washington St., Portland, Or. ------- THF------ - -WHO 8EI.I. the enterprise; but to the contrary let on a man's premises that he shall run us all got in and lend it a helping band liis fences up to it, thus making the road Paper Hanging. BEST SPEED PROGRAMME. A. D. CHARLTON, and make this state fair one of which nste.ul of 60feet wide, 16 feet wide. The _ ___ General Western Passenger Agent. •'I •»mj I'* X HI It I r of (I K A I N S Carriage Tainting and sign Writing our home—Oregon—is deserving. bs T » ‘iTocK general traveling public demands that T Inn O da 1 F.XIIIBI r of I Kt I IS a Specialty. HIT these ways be left open. i :\ iii KI r of Dairy l rodact«. It is now thought that the Gutting WANTED! J. HAMNATT. Thousand Ladiss Millinery & Fancy Goods Jones & Co COLLARD Come See and be Convinced. Groceries and Provisions. First Class Market Finest Speed Contests N D. ROOT Liberal Premiums nm F« mu.' J. J. COLLARD, & 15ily Tittk ml fd Sfe, R P N $ 15,000.00 Chas. L. Bergevin, case will he settled by arbitration, and Hon. Geo. W. McBride, aecretarv of that in the meantime the prisoner will state elect, is confined to his room at St. l>e given Ins liberty. Helens with his fractured knee, which The Oreg.mian quotes valley wheat at does not appear to improve, though it is $1. 17 ' l.IT’.j percental while the News nearly a year since Mr. McBride was in- puts it ll.lltal41.121,. A screw loose . tired. Somewhere. The Albanv Democrat is becoming The steamer Columbia, on her last aged—being 23 years old last Friday. trip from San Francisco to Portland, The Democrat is a good, live paper, and brought upwards of 400 passengers. we hope it may live to be as old again. The l>est exhibit of everything ever Collected together in the state. Lend your pr»'i»en<*r and help to make Oregon’s pride a success and a credit to tiie state. Entries must be made by 7 p. m. Monday ami all articles must I m » in’place by 10 n. m. Monday evening. Please make entries as early as possible. J. T. GRKGG. Secretary. Salt m, Oregon. The Cheapest Goods in the World. A share of this public patronage is re­ spectfully solicited. ltf Shop—Rohr’s old stand. McMinnville, O VMM * Mil LES, Third Street, between E and F. McMinnville, Oregon. In II. P. SOT. Henderson Bros. Props, eiidm™ aml~^ir ’ The Leader in Millinery HAIR WEAVING and STAMPING M c M innville baths ; C“’ Transient stock well eared for. Everything new and in First-Class Order Opposite Orange Store. McMinnville. ltf Fatronnge respectfully solicited ltf Having bought out A. C. Wyndham. I am Ten hundred and eighty-four Oregon The Albany Daily 11eral.l is one of the prepared to do all work in tirst-eliss style Ladies’ ami children’s work a specialty. veterans registered at the G. A. R. neatest, livliest papers in Oregon, and Hot and Cold Baths always ready for 23vtk The Leading ¡Mel of McMinnville, » headquarters at San Francisco. like the Salem Statesman, is true to re­ The Be3t in the State. ft and $î House. Single meals 25cts. Every Man an Artist. publican principles. I.ong may it wave. Is prepared to furnish music for allocca ,he 'V ”f kr ife. ligature. fine Sampl« rooms for Co „in, ere I al Men C. H. FLEMIN'G, Hops still hol 1 their own at 30qï32 «ion» at reasonable rales. Address “ liii’i a n» '«''?!-” Thin! Hi near <’ McMinnville, Or. ltf Gon W. T. Sherman is in Portland. rib ran M‘'>,''1,nT,Uc T»y until ' all cured. and we N. J. ROWLAND, À references.. The poor cured free of charge. ' ' " ’I" ' IGnil t . A WINTER. M. D. St. (’liarles Hotel. .,r F. MUTTER. Prop. CUSTER POST BAND. ■ 11,1 ■is? I - PILES / I ■lia re: Illi. ■>eu: bi ■ Jllll.ie ■zlayett ■meen ■ Air ■ count ■al day ■ 1': ■ i.m U ■is coui III. ('. ■rly fly ■g sevei ■ ('II;. .. ■ountaii ■y looki [’ v [eilnesd ■ni Lafi ■ If y..-i Bin: mg i Be T elei I Read i ■nuli,-.at Be date Í ■ Wheat Bar Am Bre. Tii ■ Plias l'i ■ tiie Car Bucation B*. [Mr. Frei Bs gone c Bly sister Bars. [Some ili Bisses ari Bnk yest B'lll in. ■They tel: [er at Ya [ the an [t< li any. [The “Ho [es lay c [re gettin [s directii faggart ¡ [nily to i i>m and p I the fall [Tlii' Tni :: I»1' we p Is that a fcn as off i ■Ve havo fe L., I parties ■bout mus f ■ 1’. Aust fl "ubstant lr'h Yanil I'Mnis up i lles«rs. Tv J'1 for bu [• Tyler s< flor, who i f:-“ report Ii’ of 4.000 I'i ith smut la few bu.«