consumption curable ATEVEB» OPT OUT OF SOCIETY. model AGRICULTURAL. Corn is reported in the beat of condi­ tion throughout the west. The best time to prune grape vines Is as soon after the leaves have fallen as possible. A handful of linseed meal fed to each cow or hone at least three times a week will regulate the bowels and promote health. Do not leave the management of teams entirely to the boys or to hired hands. They may make mistakes which will give you trouble. There is no cause for excitement and worriment that will surpass the exposure of the cow to the hot sun for ten or eleven hours while the thermometer is among the nineties. The American Duroc-Jersey associa­ tion has members in twenty stateB, and an enrollment of 250 names on its regis­ ter. Mr. C. H. Holmes, Grinnell,la., is the secretary. Farmers in feeding horses give nearly twice as much hay as citv people do, and yet city horses are in the best con­ dition lor tlie road. There is the lessoa in this that less hay should be fed. The governor of Kansas is authority for the statement that there are now in that once treeless state more than 20.000,000 fruit trees and upwards of 200,000 acres of forests, all planted by its progressive farmers. In Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Kansas and Tennessee crop prospects continue flattering. The presence of the fly is re­ ported in several counties ill Indiana, but no injury from insects is reported in any of the other states. The Dakota board of agriculture, Huron, Dak., will hold their second an­ nual fair at Huron, September 6 to 10. Fifteen thousand dollars will be offered in premiums, and »350 will be awarded the best county exhibit. A country clergyman thinks the horse that does six hard days’ work during the week deserves to have an undisturbed rest the seventh. You cannot afford to wear good horses out by making plow horses of them through the week and buggy horses of them Sunday. Officers of humane societies have had occasions to arrest farmers for cruelty in leading untrained cows, and some ex­ pensive law suits have grown up from such treatment of animals. All of this might have been avoided by a half hour’s leading of the animal when a calf. An old farmer being asked the secret of his large crops, replied : “I tell my men to harrow the ground until they think it is harrowed twice as much as it ought to be and then tel) them it is not harrowed half enough.” Few farmers projierly appreciate the value of a thoroughly mellow soil. RAPID MILKING. Rapid milking is an advantage, savs the Live Stock Journal, if it. is done with­ out hurting or irritating the cow and she is milked clean. If not milked in a reas­ onable time, the cow refuses to “give down." If made to feel comfortable, she just stands and pours out the milk. The rapid milker lias the advantage. How long ought it take to milk a cow? Ordinarily about six minutes. A good milker, with good cows, having no im­ pediment in the way of rapid milking, ought to tnilk ten cows in an hour, Some cannot milk over eight, while others can milk twelve. BRIEF NOTES. A horse that Is gentle and safe in all positions is worth three times as much as one of equal ability that cunnot be t rusted. If you teach a colt to expect a blow in­ stead of a caress, you will be sure to make a brute. If you tease him, look out for his heels when he grows up. MINING NEWS. The miners of Grave, Wolf and Coyote creeks, Josephine county, have generally done well during the past season. It is stated that capitalists from abroad are about taking charge of Green Bros.’ Sugar Pine ledge in the Gulice creek district. Geo. H. Lynch and others, while en­ gaged in running a ditch in the Wagner creek district discovered two quartz ledges, which promise well. We learn that Desselles A Connell, of Scotch Gulch, have sold their well known mining claim to a Chinese com­ pany for »25,000. It is one of the best in the state. Ex-Governor Chadwick lias some in­ tentions of putting in a mill at his quarts ledge near Rogue river, and has had that stream examined with the intention of securing water power. Spokane Falls Review: TlieOld Dimin­ ion sends forth ore as fast as the teams call for it. There are two car-loads at the depot, representing three weeks’ ac­ cumulation. The last two shipments went as well as eould be expected, real­ izing »240 and »275 a ton. Young men from Mayville, Gilliam tountv, who were out on prospecting tour discovered gold on the South Fork of the John Day, about 20 miles from Canyon City, and a large party will go there in a short time to test tho value of the discovery. Jacksonville Times: Tbs miners of Foot's creek are cleaning up, with favor­ able results. Most of them have done better this season than for several sea­ lions past Shepherd Bros., who are working the ledge on Sugar Pine gulch, two miles south of Ashland, have had some rock tested and »10 to the ton is reported... .The placer mines of South­ ern Oregon have generally gone into sntnmei quarters. Much more gold dust ha« been taken out during the past sea­ son han for several years past ... Pros­ pects at the Hope ledge on Wagner creek, owned by Brogdon, High, Garrett, Al­ ford and others, are of a favorable na­ ture. They have sunk a shaft 50 feet deep, w here the ledge is over 4 feet wide and yields ore containing considerable free gold . .. Messrs. Casteel and Nelson are making excellent headway in Jack­ sonville Milling and Mining company’« tunnel, although they have been work­ ing in solid rock much of tlie time. A numer of ledges have been tapp *d by the tuunel, the ore from some ot them looking well .. Brown A Co.'» mill in the vicinity of the Swinden ledge is doing gixxl work. The stamps purchased of N. DeLamatter, of Kerby ville. are being used and prove much more satisfactory than the grinding apparatus heretofore used here. There are said to be endleM |iiantiti«M of deeomixised quart», which « easily worked and pay» well. Several sundrvd dollar» have already been OREGON NEWS ITEMS. Baker City enjoys a building boom. A steamboat is promised on the Sius- law. Summerville has an excellent cornet band. Yaqnina is booming as a summer re­ sort. There are 417 patients in the insane asylum. Lewisville, Polk county, now hag a daily mail. The hops around Polk county are in fine condition. Wool shipments on the Oregon Pacific are said to be large. Judge Olmsted has taken up his resi­ dence at Baker City. Douglas county owes »9000 and has »7790 in the treasury. A new school house to cost »975 will be erected at Sheridan. H. E. Baker is building a large new grain warehouse at Medford. Marion c< jnty has seven vacant Schol­ arships in the state university. The Brownsville woolen mills are again in operation on full time. Tlie Umatilla county wool clip of the season is nearly all in the market. The reward for the arrest of W. W. Saunders has been increased to »1500. A public reception was, given Bishop Morris on his recent visit to Canyon City. Mortgages recorded in Yamhill county fur the month of June amounted to»8169. The hop raisers in the valley are very happy. The price is going up steadily. Dr. E. J. Thompson, of Salem, has de­ clined the presidency of the Albany col­ lege. The annual conference of the M. E. church meets at Forest Grove about the last week in August. The daily mail from Perrydale to Sa­ lem has been discontinued and will go twice a week instead. J. J. Bowles is under »300 bonds «n a charge of stealing five horses from J. K. Sears in Polk county. Several Quaker families arrived in La Grande last week and went to look over the Wallowa country. The retiring officers in Lane turn over to their successors the county out of debt and »12,545 in the treasury. Several Japanese have arrived in Eu- gene for the purpose of attending the university during the next year. Work on the new Rogue river bridge at Grant’s Pass has been commenced and it will not take long to complete it. Up to July of the present year, there has been as much freight shipped to I.iukville as during the entire year of 1885. It is reported that all the fish wheels on the upper Columbia will cease opera­ tions in a few days, owing to the low water. The Douglas county jail has not had a single boarder since early in May, ex­ cept a little boy who is a United States prisoner. I Reports from the various parts of the j valley would indicate a fair crop, the ! want of rain not having materially af- | fected the grain. The contract has been let for the con­ struction of the O. P. R. R. from Corval­ lis to Albany to G. W. Hunt, and work has commenced. E. L. Bristow lias been appointed stale adjutant of the Indian war veter­ ans, and he will receive the reports of tlie various camps. A Wool Growers’ Commission compa­ ny will soon be organized in Pendleton for the purpose of making advances on wool aud storing. The report from the Crater lake road survey is to tlie effect, that in the first twenty miles, the ascent does not exceed sight inches to the roil. | Farmers in Umatilla county are har­ vesting their grain, which will make a little over half a crop. The hot winds rut short the yield fully one-third. Work has been commenced in remov­ ing the trees and opening the roadway lor the Oregon Pacific bridge site at Al- oany, and the work will Le vigorously jrosecuted. Mattie Allison has been granted a •hange of venue to Marion county on the ground of prejudice existing in Linn sounty. Her trial will come off on the 11 th of October. T. P. Lee, a truck farmer on Rogue iver, four or five miles below Grant’s I Pass, expects to ship forty carloads of i melons to Portland and points farther east this summer. The tra.-k of the California A Oregon railroad will be completed in August as (ar north as Uncle Dick’s Soda springs, which will leave a gap of only ninety miles staging to Ashland. A fellow named Hoover skipped from Umatilla county with a team and wagon belonging to J. R. Means. Hoover was leen in Baker City jjoing east, and a Jeputv sheriff went alter him. It is reported in San Francisco that the entire pack of the Karluek (Alaska) «almon, estimated this vear at between >5,(MX) and 4O.(Xk) cases lias been sold at »1.12'j per dozen delivered there. Work on the O. R. A N. Co.’s bridges over the DesChutes, Umatilla, John Day’s and Wallula rivers is progressing natisfactorily. The stone piers have al­ ready lieen finished. The iron bridges are lieing built in the east and and will toon be shipped. Harney hems: Todliunter's recent sale of cattle from this ranft* embraced 3tMM) yearlings, 30t>) 2-year-olds, and 2500 3-yenr olds. Price »16, »23 and »26 respectively. The cattle were sold to eastern buyers, and were sliip|s*d or will be shipped from Ontario. Marion county commissioners have granted »15,000 towards the construction of the bridge. The commissioners of Polk county refused to appropriate »7500 for which there was presentisl a petition signed by 620 taxpayers. There is now »45,(MX) raised, and the extra »5000 re­ quired will be subscribed, no dout, by private individuals. Hot lake, which is situated about six miles northwest of Union, is a remarka­ ble body of water. The water comes boiling from the earth, and forms a lake several hundred yards in cireumfrence, highly impregnated with mineral of vari­ ous kinds, and possessing Medicinal and healing properties to a remarkable de- gr<-e, as is qouched for by many who have tested it. This spring is a wonder­ ful freak of nature, and in time will ac-| 4uirv uuite a reputation. WAIFS OF THE WORLD. The first canteloupe of the season at Los Angeles sold lor »1.50. A Colusa county Californian propvsei to raise foxes for their pelts. Tlie aggregate population of Brooklyn and New York is nearly 2,300,000. The first synagogue in New Mexico ig now in course of erection at Les Vagas. Since 1879 Pennsylvania has had six. teen governors, eight of whom were Ger- nisns. The mortality among the children it> New Orleans has been remarkable this summer. The average yearly expense of this year’s graduating class at Y ale college was »960. Tne late war is estimated to have com the goverment »6,189,929,908 by General Rosec rans. The Mexican consulate at Tucson, Ar. izona lias lieen abandoned and removed to Los Angeles. The sheep raisers of Maine are gradu. ally being crowded out by tlie influence of cheap prices for wool. At San Francisco floral decorations at funerals are becoming quite unpopular The expense in the cause. Airs. Mary Colby, of Vienna, Me., ah though 71 years old, lias just personally worked out her road tax of 14 One factory in New Jersey 1 e ps two hundred men in steady employ meat the year round making Pcuian candles. The hens at Los Angeles, Cal., are evi­ dently playing out, as eggs are daily shipped from New York to that city. The state capitol at Albany, N. Y., is advertised to lie sold at auction because somebody neglected to pay a »1 water tax. A babe was seriously poisoned at San­ ta Barbara, Cal., by sucking a green veil that was used for the purpose of screen­ ing the cradle. A »50 mortgage has been on a house at Norfolk, Va., for eighty-one years. The interest has been paid annually with due regularity. Two hundred and thirty-five members graduated at Harvard this year. It was the largest graduation class in tlie history of the institution. TK o men in Tallapoosa connty, Alaba­ ma, cut each other’s throats and died simultaneously one day last week during a political quarrel. Weston, the pedestrian, has traveled sixty thousand miles during the past twenty years. A London physician pro­ nounces him the healthiest person he ever met. The Pioche (Nevada) Record says that the mockingbirds are so numerous in Dry valley this season that during the night they drown the yelp of the coyotes with tlieir songs. A Providence, R. I., paper warns rep­ utable women not to frequent drug-shops which advertise rest and refreshment, such shops being only bar rooms m sheep’s clothing. In this country three newspapers are devoted to the silk-worm, six to the hon­ ey bee, thirty-two to poultry. Gastron­ omy is represented by three papers and candy making by three. A New York patent medicine manu­ facturer lias contracted with a Philadel­ phia printer for 400,000,OtX) 32-page ad­ vertising circulars, and 400,000,000 4-page circulars, at a cost of »800,000. A Marshal Neil rose tree at London, Ont., is a peculiar one. On one side the roses are crimBon and on the other lily white. The tree has not been grafted, “budded” or tampered with in any man­ ner. The water in Lake Tulare, California, has risen so rapidly during the past two weeks that many of the squatters’ cab­ ins which were built on dry land are now far out in the lake and are in danger of being washed away. Two women, aged 104 and 77 years, respectively, were recently arrested at Louisville, Ky., for fighting. The eldest one held her own for some time, but the youth of the other finally triumphed and 104 was knocked flat. A German engineer wishes to secure a contract for making a high and dry bridge connection between Europe and America. He proposes to hang a cable from one side of the Atlantic to the other, and to suspend from this traveling cars. Boston has 83 miles of streets, and pays »450,000 a year to keep them clean. New York has 350 miles of thoroughfare, and pays »1,200,000 for cleaning them. Philadelphia claims to have 300 miles of streets, and yet only allows »200,000 a year for cleaning them. Surveyors in Ohio seem to be a pretty bad crowd. At a recent prohibition con­ vention at Columbus, whhn the members were called upon to nominate some one for surveyor, it was discovered that there was no prohibitionist in the community who could fulfill the duties of a surveyor, and in consequence the nomination was postponed. An interesting sight was witnessed one day recently at Monterey, Cal. A large school of porpoises, probably half a mile long, crossed and recrossed the bay several times, each fish jumping clear of the water every little while and dropping back in a volume of spray. The noise occasioned by their sports resembled that of a storm. Washington Notes. Yakima is to have a new $2,000 jail. Pullman is to have a Congregational church. Dr. Boyd hag been re-elected mavor of Walla Walla. Eastern Washington clamors for cheap­ er freight rates. Puyallup valley is rejoicing over the hop prosper* “ Sitwell,” the famous Puyallup Indian chief, ig said to be dying. Government supplies are now shipped from Sprague to Fort Spokane. The clerk of the North Yakima school district finds 174 scholars of school age Ji the district. At Walla Walla a Chinaman voted in Uie local option election, having prose-, that he was a native-born Americau titizen. A ranch woman living near Ellens- tmrg has 1000 hens. The egg product nas averaged her »10 a week for some .line. That is better than raising wheat st 40 cents a bubhel. Sheriff Bowles, of Walla Walla, pocketed »500 reward money, earned by' nts capture of H. X. Shults, wanted at Shawano, Wisconsin, as tbs murderer of t man named Corcoraa. servants . Excellent Rule« For the Manage­ ment of Green House-.Maid'*- To make domestic servants efficient and attractive five rule» must be strictly observed, via: 1. Patienoe. 2. Kindness. 3. System. 4. Never accuse servants unless yon have proof of guilt 5. Never reprove them when you ar« angry or in the presence of others. First cl all comes Patience—with a big P. In dealing with servants a finer quality of that article is required than the legendary Patience that sat on a monument, for in this case you must stifle, not at grief, but at many errori and often gross carelessness or w orse. 1 was careful in selecting my servant to get a young woman, for I thought she would be more willing to adopt my ways, and in this I was correct. 1 went into the kitchen and taught her every thing from the tins to making cake. I then taught her the most ap­ proved methods of doing the family washing. My next step was to teach her to clean thè dining-room thoroughly, polish the silver and glassware and set tlie table; now she is an efficient ser­ vant. 1 guess some of my readers will say: “Oh. 1 would not take all that trouble!” It was trouble, but 1 am amply repaid for it now. not only in the satisfaction of every-day life, but when I have company I have only to tell her how many to expect and she will have every thing perfectly arranged. Housekeepers, as' a rule, expect too much of servants, and give them too little sympathy in failure. Household work should be systematized. Mv ser­ vant knows what hours and days all her duties come, so everyth'ng runs smooth­ ly, and I do not make anybody misera­ ble by it either, as some over-zealou» house-wives do. My husband says 1 have the best managed house in town, anti that is stimulant enough to keep it so. Remember' this—good mistres-ei will have good servants. They have joy» ami sorrows just as we have, an I we can sympathize with them without losing one iota of our dignity. Interest them in the family affairs, ami they will prove loyal. My servant thinks what­ ever 1 have is prettier than any th ng possessed by any other person, and is exceedingly proud of every thing con­ nected with our home. As excellent a servant as she is now, when I first hired her she was not strict­ ly honest, and I must relate how I cured her of the habit of stealing. On one occasion we had baked chickens for din­ ner. One of them being untouched. 1 told her to make hash of it for breakfast. When it came on the table 1 saw at a glance that all of it had not been brought in, but, remembering my four, h rule, I said nothing. After breakfast 1 went into the kitchen to get a pan, and selected one on a distant shelf. As 1 raised it I saw that it covered a smaller pini almost full of chicken hash. . Turn- to the servant I asked quietly; “M hat are you gi ;oing to do with this |hash?” She replied: “Nothing." I replaced the pan and left the kitchen without another word. All that day 1 pondered over the question how I was to reprove her for the theft, and dining many hours of that night the pros and cons were still floating through my brain. By morning I had arranged them to my satisfaction. Going into kitchen I said very gently, but lirtnlyi “I wish to speak to you about that hash you took yesterday. I have known for some time that you were stealing from me, but I eould never prove it before this. I am very sorry that this oc­ curred, for you are too good a servant to allow such a habit to grow on you. I wish you always to feel at liberty to aw a grindstone burst in a saw­ mill and killed four men. She happened to remember that there was a small grindstone down in her cellar, leaning against the wall; so she went out ana got an accident insurance polioy and then, summoning a servanL and bold- ing a pie-hoard in front of her face, so that if the tiling exploded her face would not be injured, had the stone taken into the road, where twenty-four pails of water were thrown over it, and a »tick was stuck in the hole bearing a placard marked. “Dangerous.” She says it is a mercy the whol» house was not blown to pieces by the thing before this — Hood and Iron. Neuralgia and kindred diseases, prompt­ ly yield to the immediate action of St. Jacobs Oil, the pain-conqueror. In a review ot the English transh a work by the justly celebrated Pr. of Medical Pathology to the Fa. Paris, M. Jaccoud, entitled “Curabili Consumption," etc., it is announced “the curability ot pulnio. aryconHu0| at every stage is now a well-estalj fact." The awthor's conclusions anp as follows: To sum up what has been stated monary consumption Is curable ing stages. This is the prolific notion presides over the whole history oftbe ease, and which should unceasingl, spire and direct all medical action. ' incurability proclaimed by Laeunec his immediate successors is dispron -"g&re oxygen Home pathological anatomy and clinical ol» tion. None should, therefore, allowt Treatment will be filled by H. A. Mathews, selves to be influenced by such i 615 Powell SUeet, San Francisco. demnation, which is but a hi#u souvenir. When the existence of t The A. S. N. company’s steamer Lyee cles In the lungs is recognized, It g Moon was wrecked at Greencape light­ not be inferred from that moment tli house, on the Australian coast, on the who has them is doomed to death in second day out from Melbourne, with a sequence of their presence. Should loss of seventy-one of eighty-six found that the tubercles soften i irers and members of the crew on board. cavern forms, it should not be belt The captain and third officer of the on this account, that all is lost. I; steamer are now at Sydney, awaRing been shown that this is not the case, trial on charges of manslaughter in con the natural tendency which tubercli nection with the loss of the vessel. to fibrous transformation—that is, u covery—should not be forgotten. B, THE LATEST AND GREATEST DISCOVERY. being discouraged, the physician sb DR. J. D e PRATTl’S HAMBURG FIGS search and examine incessantly wht -a crystallized fruit cathartic. A discov­ the patient Is ill the requisite condii ery ot the greatest interest to the Medical for such favorable evolution to occut. Profession. A boon to every household. all hope of absolute recovery mus A most delicious laxative or purgative, abandoned, a relative cure nhould prepared from fruits and vegetables bo wrought, and every exertion be nm perfectly harmless tha« they may be ad­ place the patient in such conditions ministered with entire safety to an infant. ne can live, notwithstanding the lei So efficacious to adults that a single dose which are now irreparable; in a word will prove their value, and so elegant a plan adopted should be to strivi preparation that it needs only to be pre­ strive always, with the unshaken« sented to the public to become a necessity deuce which may be drawn from iii every household throughout the .and. notion that recovery is possible, For liver complaints, habitual constipa­ enemy can be conquered. This ia tion, indigestion, dyspepsia and piles, they idea that should engender and sui are a specific. To travelers by sea and every effort. It is certain that this land they will be found invaluable: they vlction is the first condition of sue are positively unfailing in their action,and since it Is absence of faith in the pos this is the on y medicine ever offered to ity of a cure which prevents the ado| tlie public that is acceptable to the taste, of all therapeutic treatment. and so pleasant that children will eat the Among tlie latest additions to the 1 figs as eagerly as candy. For sale by every remedial agents that ot Professor I) Druggist throughout the world. Price, 25 din takes the lead for the cure of pul cents a box. J. J. Mack & Co., Pi opr s, U ary consumption. And this en and 11 Front Street, San Francisco, Cal. attained, not by medicines which ai themselves to cure, but by so invigor At a camp meeting in Butler connty, and strengthening the sy stem as toe Ky., Wm. Hazelip fatally stabbed Mary nature to effect this fibrati» transf Lacefield aud then cut his own throat. tion from which alone can a cure pected. It acts by enabling natu “The leprous distilment, whose effect replace the unhealthy by healthy til Holds such an enmity with blood of man, and by supplying! I he elements of That, swift as quicksilver, it courses through force sustains and invigorates the The natural gates and alleys of the body,” body. Dujardin’s Life Essence oil And cause« the skin to become “barked the consumptive, the sick pr feeblep about, most lazar-like, with vile and loath­ the best means of restoration to hei some < rust.” Such are the effect« of dis­ Edinburgh Medical Journal. eased and morbid bile, the only antidote $1.50 per bottle. At all drvggijffi for which is to cleanse and regulate the liver—an office admirably performed by S neli ,, H eitshv & W oodard , Wholif^ Agents, Portland, Oregon. - Dr. Pierce’s “Golden Medical Discovery. Thousands of ladies In this land are con- ttnuaUy prevented from enjoving the society in which their beauty and eduap tinn tit them to shine by a most provoking 2»“ painfuHleadache. Sometime, ft pos seaaaaa neuralgic character atothers. It is a dull but continuous soreness. 1L>e Home Treatment of fs ' IM' annnlied bv Drs. S tarkey Pa., & H alen , jozw rfsM Philadelphia, » a u»xdu friend in such a dilemma. It win not only cure an acute case of headacho in a few minutes, but. if taken regularly for a short period, will prevent the recurrence of the malady. Send for a free pamphlet and ¡"form yourself of the wonderful Dr. Henley’s Celery, Beef and Iron, Three convicts were shot and killed while attempting to escape from the before meals, creates a healthy appetì Arkansas penitentiary. Buy your Type from Palmer A Rej. LOST FAITH IN PHYSICIANS. There are innumerable instances where cureshave been effected by SCOVILL’S SARSAPARILLA, OR BLOOD & LIVER SYRUP, for all diseases of the blood, when they had been given over by their physicians. It is one of the best remedies ever offered to the public, and as it is pre­ pared with the greatest care, as a specific for certain diseases, it is no wonder that it should be more effectual than hastily written and carelessly prepared prescrip­ tions. Take this medicine for all disorders arising from impure blood. It is endorsed by leading professional men. Volcanic eruptions have caused great loss of life and property in New Zealand. Dr. Pierce’s “ Favori tePreseription'’ per­ manently cures those diseases peculiar to females. It is tonic and nervine, effectu­ ally allaying and curing those sickening sensations that affect the stomach and heart, through reflex action. The back­ ache and “dragging-down” sensations all disappear under the strengthen'ng effects of this great restorative. By druggists. J. W. Dickson, Mayor of Arkansas City, La., shot and killed a colored man who resisted arrest. Oh, Whirl I, Till. Thing Going t. Tra-la I The houses we clean in the spring, Give a blow to all social sunshine— And we profanely say as we sing. > Tt There’s never a bit of the thing, But we find that it Is useless to whine, And this the refrain that we dolefully Oh, bother the houses we clean in the sy Tra-la-la-la-la-lal Tra-la-l.i-la-la-1» The houses we clean in the spring. —Boston Bu< Customer (to florist)—Do the flowen bloom in the----- Florist (sternly)—Sir! Customer—I said do the flowen bloom----- Florist (sotto voce)—John, is Tows« and the sand bag In the cash drawer » can reach it) John (in a whisper)—Yes, sir, an' 1 ain’t eat nothin’ sence yesterday. Florist—Well, sir, what did you sayt Customer—I wanted to know if I that bloom in the early part of the ya bloom again later,—Pittaburg Chronlek SEDATIVE INFLUENCE. DR. FLINT’S HEART REMEDY, by its A Woman Wanted. sedative influence over the nervous sys­ Some ingenious creature has invert tem, is one of the best remedies that can be used to control and cure incontinence theatre hat that shuts up, to be won of urine. At druggists. $1.50. Descrip­ ladies. If this same man—or any other—a tive treatise with each bottle; or address J. J. Mack & Co., S. F. prevailed upon to patent a woman to go this hat, who is likewise capable of shu F ive dollars saved yearly in boots and •ip during the performance, he will b shoes by using L vou ' b Heel Stiffeners; leading inventor of the age.—Life. cost only 25c. ■ INDIGESTION ST. HELEN’S HA. PORTLAND, ORKt.ON. A. Boarding and Day School for I CONDUCTED BY THE MISSES RODNK! Ender tho xuperrieion of The Kt Rer B. * M orkih , D D . Bishop of Oregon. Thorough instruction In English, Art, Loci Vocal and Instrumental Music and Bookkeeps corps of thirteen teachers. Pupils admitted ata and Into any or all of the departments Then« begins on the FIRST WEDNESDAY of SEPTHX Catalogue sent oa application C DUJARDINS ) LIFE ESSENC FOR CONSUMPTION AND WASTINC DISEASES- A recent »Rack ot Indigestion or constlnation is easily cured if the Hamburg right remedy jg but even medine except 1 apnlntl Li & taste or smell that a person prefers to 1.t the take U course if the »We taxation cannot be ob. tamed. 25 cents. DR. FLINT'S HEART REMEUf. "• met» “fido iuues ’ which Vt h ““ ’ "b! to tr»atll" nt- Dr. Hint's heart remedy exerts * gp-eMc ,n(| dlrec-t a> action on these organa lK.scrii>tive tire aorompsme» each bottler mailed free It trer ™i PrOT“ ^'^riireind intere." B ‘ V. ALLEN’S WITCH HAZELINE. VTEVER fails to arrest. Rapid Loss of F * * Strength, diminish«*« Cough, eb Exhaustive Night Sweats, no matter from i Ruse, cures Bronchitis, Asthma, Scrofula •bility. DR MARTIN, of New York, the went Specialist and Authority on Consump* states in his Treatise on “T ub C irb of L sumption ,’* that “he has found Dujardin a E**enee invariably arrests the rapid of flesh, and invigorates the entire nervCT ■vsteni, and has recommended ' Dujardin Life Essence ’ to thousands of his patients w> the most marvellous results.'* It la as PALATABLE as CREAM EASILY DICESTED. The Weakest and Young««’ can take It. Fox S aib bt all P rvooi . th . P ricb . 11.« PI-R HOTTLR. BRILL, HEITBHU & WOODARD- Portland. OrefO1 CURTIS’ COUGH CURE. OPIUM HABI CURED V ea V pba ^ treating and curing thin disease. For jgrereSW; THE TEST OFJJ ", 1’,°f hundred« who have been permai* DAVIDSON’S CIRCASSIAN BLOOM. 1« Ass cured. Address Dr, R. B. Collins. LaPorte. D* >°? hd»T Then take t_ The harmful and painful results attend /Sèi .. Ing the use of cough mixtures containing morpbiw. opium and other poisons are i ^ brss dally becoming more frequ nt. It is tor this reason that Red Star Cough Cure haa Paper Cutter, received the unqualified endorsement of CVJ8 23 INCHES, 18 THE BEST physicians, and Boards of Health every- 1 Ti”7R7n^;-»«'”,~>»hyMl bniggirt.. ' “eaPef" «mall lever outter in the m J- J. MACK & 0O„ Propr's where as a purely vegetable compound, .V™ " •«* 'be North we. I ar» entirely free from all narcotics. Price I _________ s ‘* F rbvcibcu , C bl . * Add™«» palmer a ret . p ®> twenty-five cento. _F "Onesoarry'nv Pnnt.r. 8ui>niie>, JEWEJ *• P- M. U. No. U7.-A r. N. U. I I