I 3 .-uaui-.T-.-jir r.-M WEST SIDE TELEPHONE, M c M inxvillk , T uesday , J uxs , 29, 1886. McMinnville needs a public park and needs it badlv. A lively inteiest is manifested with re­ gard to u county fair Let it continue. We have hopes that the state election Returns will all be in in time for the meet­ ing of the next legislature Rioting and bloodshed still continue In the east. Chicago was the latest scene. Railroad niep on a strike. Yamhill will have a live delegation in the next legislature; consequently her interests will be closely looked alter. MiiW Cleveland, sister of the president, hu accepted a position on the editorial Staff of the Literary Life, of Chicago. The eyes of the world are turned up­ on Gladstone. It is not at all unlikely that homo rule Will soon prevail in Ireland. Joe him ! of his ple of Simon, the Oregon Judas. Fire Let him “stand not on ti e order going, but go at once.” The peo­ Oregon demand it. Collections of internal revenue during tho first cloven months of tho fiscal year ending Jnno 30, 1886, amount to $107,- 104,485, being an increase of $3,402,830, over receipts for tho corresponding period the previous year. There never was a more silly claim than that the defeat of a part of the re­ publican ticket was due to Mitchellism. Mitchell never had a more faithful sup­ porter titan McBride, yet tho cyclone didn’t thresh the ground with him.— Eugene Register. RASHER CAUSTIC. “The Daily Campaign, which was run at McMinnville by Yamhill republicans during the late canvass, crowed itself to over the result and died with a “I told you so, and I did it,” sticking in its chanticleer throat; but out of its ashes has risen a new semi-weekly, of ttie re* pu blicun-to-the-cer vical-and-lumbar- ver- tebric-Ktripo. The new venture is called the S emi -W eekly W est S ide T ele ­ phone , which our readcis will notice is stealing the livery ot ttie West Side to serve tire republican paity in. During the canvass the Campaign upbraided uh with being a ‘stradler’ on political ques­ tions, but they do not hesitate to appro­ priate our name in their new paper, knowing that it will but add to its popu- laiity. Messrs. Talmage & Turner are editors and published. Alphabetical A. V. R. bnyder wields the répertoriai quill, while it is generally thought that J. C. Cooper has a finger in the editoria pie dished out to tire readers semi-week­ ly. The T elephone is a good paper and we wish it a long life and great prosper­ ity, and as it has seen fit to appropriate the name of the West Side, we hope- that it will do nothing that will bring discredit upon so fair a name.”—West Side. Fret not thy gizzard, Bro. I’arry ; there is as much difference between tiie two papers as there is between a white horse and a black one, hence there is no danger of getting them confounded. We are obliged to you for your compliment­ ary mention ; but we want you to un­ derstand that “west side” extends further than 1‘olk county, ft you felt agrieved at anything which appeared in the Campaign you should hare “showed up” while its editor, Mr. Cooper, was shoving the quill. Now then, neighbor, now don’t talk so cross any more. We are but a tender plant, you know, and you might give us a shock from which we could never recover. Now, Biiiy. Apothecaries’ Dall II. T. •-raves lot a ‘bio horse last week worth $150, only* sick •; short ti-ue also M. M. Mendenhall lot cne; cause was inflamation of the bowels. The apron to the bridge has been laid with new plank and strengthened by putting in additional stiingeis, Mr. A. L. Talmage and wife made Sheridan a pleasant call one day last week, in the interest of the T elephone . We regret to hear that (’apt. Lafollett was very bad last night. He goes to Portland again to-day for medical treat­ ment. We fear that the captain’s dis­ ease is more serious than many think. Miss Ida Potter came homo from school, at Salem, Friday last. Our school directors are in a quandary about where to put the new school bouse. Hurry up gents und put it down in some good place. Everybody going to the coast next ■week. The town will be deserted ex- cept a few old coons. Iioc. Fields has striped his office red, because he could not get his candidate elected. O ld B luff . eendiaiy vermin should be locked up in the penitentia les or driven out of the land. They denounce our government, these foreign scum. Thev deride our flag, these pestilent outcasts of Europe. They threaten the lives, property, peace and happiness of our people, these loathsome and vicious fiends. We have laughed at their vaporings for years, but recent events have shown that they are dangerous, and it is time that they should be dealt with promptly, firmly and without mercy. They must be taught that this country is not a refuge for thieves and assassins. The Ameri­ can people, however much or widely they may differ upon these questions, will bo united as one man in demanding that the scoundrels who openly preach murder, arson and robbery shall he dealt with as enemies of the republic and as dangerous disturbers of public peace and order.—Atchison Champion. The County Fair. Amity. June 28, 18SC. The prayers of the righteous prevail. Welcome rain! We have had a tine shower, lasting all the forenoon. A little lute to benefit the spring crops of grain, but so salubrious on garden truck. J. W. Biiedweil has been hauling lumber with several teams during the last week, to buil-i additional room to his extensive warehouse. Amity has proved a complete success in producing a number one sewing ma­ chine agent, born and raised at this place. Any one wanting a first class original machine, will do well to apply to Grant Smith, of this burg. Mrs. Getchell has just built a neat ad­ dition to her boarding house, which is for convenience ns well as appearance. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sanders, Mrs. Theo. Jeffries and several other mem­ bers of the Baptist church have just re­ turned from attending the association held at East Portland. All report a very interesting time. Ponoma grange for Yamhill county met at this place Saturday and adjourn lion ru­ ed to meet at North Yamhil on tile 2d Saturday of July, at 10 o’clock. The Masonic pic-nic held here 24tb, was a success both as number and as to the arragements. The game of base ball played between the North Yamhill club and a picked nine, was won by the former by a score of 15 to 9—a very creditable game. Mr. E. R. Harrison and wife just returned from the (¡rove, went to attend the funeral of Mrs. lie Griffin, who was buried on the Mrs. G. was a sister to Mrs H. Phil Armstrong and wife, former res­ idents of this place, but now residing at Salem, visited their many friends at this place on the 24th It was Phil’s first visit for years. Uncle Stanley Umphlet’s smiling countenance was again seen on the streets last week after a protracted seigo of the rheumatism We always miss the old veteran at such times. We have have had two very success­ ful terms of writing school, taught here lately by Misses Newell and Young. These has been marked improvement made among the scholars M ore A non . Mr. W. L. J ones has purchased tho interest of Albert Tozier in the Hillsbo­ IION. DAVID DAVIS. ro Independent and will now run that paper by himself. Mr. Jones is a good In the death of Judge Davis, of Illi­ journalist and issues a spicy, live, local paper. May your bark steer clear of nois, who breathed his last on Saturday morning, at his home in Bloomington, breakers, Bro. Jones. Illinois, another of the old school poli­ Salem will have a bridge across the ticians of the country has passed away. Willamette. At the special election His death was not unexpected. Several Friday for incurring an indebtedness, weeks ago be was reported to be serious­ the vote stoed o true. mained on the supremo bench. The Our tow n is quiet and consequently If you are true when you might be Judge never became a very active sena­ local items are scarce. treacherous, you are vetoed.” “That,” tor, though at one time he filled the po­ The body of little Roy Brown was said Logan, “is a strange thing to take sition of president of the senate and ex- found Thursday evening near w here it place in this country.” sank, by Mr. J E. Hembree, instead of officio vice-president. Ho generally by a diver from Portland, as stated in voted with the democrats, though occa­ the T elephone . His remains were bur­ California papers assert that the first sionally he acted with the republicans ied yesterday from the residence of Dr. campaign of Gen. Miles against the He always seems to have regarded him­ Galbreath, the funeral being largely at­ Apaches is a failure. The San Francis­ self as a kind of conservative influence tended. His heart-broken mother came co Report says that every one of his down from Buena Vista and was pres­ necessary to preserve tho equipoise be­ ent at the funeral. She and all other command is now in camp awaiting or­ tween the partisans of both organiza­ afflicted one« have the heart-felt sympa­ ders, and the Indians are left masters of tions, and usually did his best to hold thies of the entire community. the situation, and in full strength, in the things level He was immensely Messrs. Hobson and Vickery, of New­ field on murder intent. It says, what wealthy, made so by fortunate invest­ berg have purchased the stock of mer­ the next move will bo even Gen. Miles ments in early life in Chicago and other chandise of Peter llagey. Mr. V. is himself seems not to know. Apprehen­ moving to this place and will run the Illinois real estate He was otic of the business while Mr. II. will remain at sions exist that Indian outbreaks will he largest landholders in the state He Newberg. numerous and murder and rapine will leaves a wife comparatively young in County Clerk Briedwell will soon prevail in many portions of the territo­ years, whom he married a short time move into the house one block north of ries. Fears are also entertained that the court house built hy Mr. Snvder. before lie retired from the senate. tho Indians on the reservations, who The place is receiving some needed re­ have heretofore been quiet, will become President Cleveland has been fishing pairs. uncontrollable and join the Apaches in again. If the old fellow is determined Let us note some of the new improve­ their raids. The moral effect of the to fish we object to his using worms for ments: L. Kimberlin is building a failure of Gon. Miles to kill or capture bait. We Oregonian* believe in going it house and barn on his five-acre lot; Ed Perkins has built a very neat barber any of tho Indians must be very bad. with a fly. shop; R. P. Ungerman. a neat dwelling; Tho critics of Gen. Ciook are beginning Mr. Vickery, a barn; Suiter & Daniels,:! KICK THEM OCT. to realize that they did him injustice.— new cleaner building; L. G. Suiter, a new bain ¡while a number of additions are News. When a man, speaking in public, ad­ being made to residences. Dr. Popple­ A good neighbor takes us to task for vocates murder, arson and robbery, he ton is talking of erecting a $6,000 resi­ our article regarding the Oregonian's : ought to be dealt with exactly as if lie dence. Yon see we are waking up. The T elephone is highly s;>oken of claims that “Mitchellism” was the had committed those crimes. The an- all who see it. May success attend cause of the republican defeat in this i archists and socialists who publicly ad- by your efforts. S quib . state, ss Im says wa were defending ; vocate murder or robbery are more Mitchell. Such is not the cane as our guilty than the ignorant and vicious fel­ Bellevue. friend will see by reading carefully what lows who, following their advice, pro­ June 26, 1886. we did say, which was this: "While we ceed to kill, burn aud rob. Fall sown grain is this section is brok­ do not purpose entering the lists as a Tho socialistic leaders are too coward­ ing well, but a good shower would not be out of place. defender of Mr. Mitchell, wo do think ly to do what they advocate and advise. The Thursday evening prayer meet­ tho Oregonian is mistaken, as we believe They bike care of their own loathsome tho "Mitchell issue” did not enter into carcasses. When danger threatens they ings are usually well attended.' Mr. Milan, the gentleman who acci­ the canvass except with a few. Corne­ hide like rats, and their poor, ignorant shot himself some time ago, is lius was Ireaten 3600 votes while Mars­ dupes are left to sutler the consequences dentally improving rapidly. ton was only l-KM) short. Unless some of their crimes. Rev. C. C. Bell, of the U. B. chureli, other causes operated to produce their There should be a limit to free speech preached his farewell sermon last Sun­ defeat both should have received the in this country. No man should be per­ day. Again, Herrmann was mitted to advocate crime in a public Miss Ora Warren, of vonr city, spent same vote. elected by 1400 majority, and he was speech or in print. Any man who does several days visiting relatives and friends at thia place, last week. understood to Ire a friend of Mitchell, this should lie punished. The law The school closed Thursday, the 24th while McBride, McElroy and Baker, should step in and put a stop to his inst. Miss Smith the efficient teacher w ho the Oregonian save were understood Criminal utterances. The receiver of has given good sal ¡.«faction and leaves to be anti Mitchell men, were elected by stolen goods is, in the eyes of the law, many friends at Bellevue. 300, 300 anil 800 majority respectively.” as bad as a thief, and the scoundrel who Mis.« Hobart, of W. T., is visiting her We think that perhaps some votes may publicly advocates arsen, murder or friend Miss Etta Powell, of this place. young ladies will »fiend the present have been lost bevause of the dissatis­ robbery should lie punished just as se­ The week on the bssch at Nestucca. faction created by the election of Mitch­ verely us if he had committed any or all ________ Tuan. ell, bitt not enough to have produced of these crimes. He is a public enemy Sheridan. the reanlt claimed by the Oregonian. und should be treated as such. The an­ June 23,.ISM. No, we are not fighting in Mitchell’s be- archists and communists must be taught The Tlie carpenters and painters are put. k«U; only to show the inconsistency of that their principles and methods have or, the finishing touch to “Dad lV>t- I uo place i» tide country, and there iu- ting ter’»" addition to his house. DEALER»IX At this place you will find one of A portion of the county fair executive board met at Firemen’s Hall, last Fri­ day, June 25, at 2 p. m., and was called to oilier by S. A. Manning, temporary chairman. After some interesting remarks re­ garding the subject, a permanent organ­ ization was effected und the following were elected ot!ic;rs: Dr. J. F. Gal­ breath, president; S. A. Manning, vice- president ; A. V. R. Snyder, secretary; Hon. J. C. Iiraly, treasurer. Messrs. Win. Galloway, F. W. Red­ mond and Dr. E. E. Goucher were elect­ ed managers of the fair. Messrs. Wm. Campbell, Elsia Wright and C. Grissen appointed soliciting committee. On motion Mr. P. M. Scroggins, of Sheridan, was added to the executive board. Moved and carried that a committee of two be appointed to make arrange­ ments with Mr. J. R. Derby for tlie grounds. Messrs. Braly and Redmond were appointed as such committee. The managers were instructed to re­ port to the executive board, at their earliest convenience their plan of pro­ cedure. Moved and carried that when we ad­ journ it be to meet on Fridav July 2, at 2 o’clock p. in. and that secretary notify members of the board to that effect. After adopting a form for heading subscription list and liberal sums had been subscribed by several, the meeting ! adjourned. tho finest Drug Stocks ill county, Geo. \\. Bl RT is one of the most courteous and fair- minded dealers in the business, and by his unvarying affability and accurate preparation of family medicines and prescriptions has won a reputation enviable in the extreme. He uses only the purest drugs, and upon every article sold puts the Lowt^f Price for which it can be bought in this county. Remember the place. If you want a prescription filled promptly, ac­ curately, and at a place where you can rely upon its being put up in an absolutely safe manner, go to Geo. W. Burt’s Prescription Drugstore, and you cannot fail to be suited. ltt GENERAL MERCHANDISE. We keep one of the largest and best selected stocks of Merchandise in Yamhill County, and are selling our goods at bedrock prices. Our spring stock in Ladies’ Dress Goods has arrived and consists in part of Cambrics, Manchester Sateens nnil a large assortment of LAWNS, in El< gain UioiH mid Style*. Brocaded Lace Buntings In different quality, colors aiid patterns, ail of which you will liud on calling at out store and examining the sstue will prove satisfactory both as to price ami quality. Call and see us. We will take pleasure nr showing our good*, and then if you do not want m buy no harm will be done. —Proprietors of Wncta Saw Mills, McHiaiiviHe Sash anil door Factory —Dealers in— White and Red Lead, Linseed and Lubricating Oils, Varnishes of all Description Kalsomine, Spanish WliiiiiiK, Paris Wliitiii”' I’. & B. and Princess Metallic Roof Paint, Venitian Red, Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochre and Hardware. ■of----- im Prices as Low as the Lowest. ,,f —Executed at the— JONES TELEPHONE OFFICE McMinnville, Oregon. Quickly, * */ 7 Neat I v, Cheaply In the City T he N arrow G ause L ine .—Win. Reed,' Our material is all new and we make a president of the Portland & Willamette specialty of printing Valley railroad, yesterday returned from a trip over the line between Dundee NO CHINESE EMPLOYED Junction and Elk rock. He says that a greater part of the trestle work on the Sample rooms in business part of tlic city. road is finished. The bridge over Rock creek, 1800 feet long, is just completed, and is the costliest piece of work on the line. Tro bridges are yet uncompleted ; those which span the Chehalem and Tualatin rivers. Eight bridge« ate fully ■ completed and ready for the rails. Be­ tween Elk rock and Dundee the road is ' graded for 24 miles of the distance, and Give us a Trial and we are Confident rails are being distributed along the line. we can Please you. In all about 400 men are at work.—News. —Dealer in— COLLARD J. J. Proprietor COLLARD, of Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, J » Fine Cigars, Etc. All Kinds of Special attention given to repairing Guns, l’istols, Sewing Machines, Saw Filing, Etc. 1 have in my simp as fine a jrower cross­ Done to order. Constantly on hand, Mill Feed, Flour, Wheat and Oats. Also, all feed lathe as can be found in tire state and kinds of Wood, Shingles, Posts, Shakes. am fully prepared to Etc. All orders left with us for Stowe A Brower's lumber yard promptly attended Repair Broken Machinery to. Trucking and Delivering —SUCCESSOR TO D. C. SARVER— Delivery Wagon Always Ready. all kinds—Farm Machinery, Traction Orders left with Rogers A Todd, at City of Engines, Etc. Drug Store, promptly tilled. ltf. Ilraly’R Bank Building, C St. IS, 1i'ì iff EURISKO MARKET! Third Street, between E and F. —The Only— Carries the Largest and Best Stock McMinnville, Oregon. in Yamhill County. Henderson Bros. Props. Mi west mori was i In the City. First-class accommodations for Ccnimer- The place where you can get juicv steaks cinl men and general travel. and line roasts—ull at the lowest market Transient stock well cared for. price. Fresh Fish Tuesdays and Fridays. Everything new and in First-Class Order Patronage respectfully solicited. ltf Always a Fat Cow on Hand. ltf W. J. GARRISON & CO. CITY MARKET M c M innville , O regon . Como See and bo Convinced. Third Street Bet. D and E. Always on hand tl e best quality of Beef, Mutton, l’ork, and 5tf | Cor. Third it D Sts., McMinnville. J Logan Bros, à Henderson, SHERIDAN Livery and Feed Stable!! All Kinds of Meat stwk St PriCe’ 1>nie thi: A fine credit: hope i one th The: idence den, I consist i r. am and t siimpt: Satu engine new m the old be allo engine horse a getting ’o cut I