WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. M c M innville , T uesday , J une , 22, 1880. nine out of every hundred politicians in both the great parties agree with him. Hi' is right again in saying both parties are really disgusted with civil service reform, although neither has tlie cour­ age to Hav so. The World—It is a poor argument to say that cx-Banker Fish should be turn­ ed out of Auburn prison because a num­ ber of in in equally guilty with him in the Marine bank and Grant and Ward transactions are running at large. The point is that the men who are equally guilty should bo where Mr. Fish is, and very naturally we inquire why they are not. Blade—There seems unfortunately but little doubt that the life of ex-I’resident Aruthur is rapidly diawing to a close. The New York papers agree that he is practically confined to his bed, that his recent rides in a carriage have done him more harm than good, and that his friends have hopes of carrying him through the summer, but the most san­ guine of them baldly hope for more than this. the Forty-eighth congress. If the re­ publicans do not lose any districts and gain but 22 they will have a majority in tlie next house of representatives. It will not ba difficult to win this number of districts. In the full of 1884 seventeen democratic representatives were elected by majorities below 5lM), and ten with majorities between 500 and 1,500. In these tlie majority could nast­ ily be changed into a minority consider­ ing the prevailing dissatisfaction. The seventeen majorities below 500 were distributed us follows: California, 1; Connecticut, 1; Illinois, 3; Iowa, 3; Massachusetts,!; Michigan, 2; Ohio, 4; Tennessee, 1 : West Virginia, 1. Those below 1,500: Indiana, 2; Ken­ tucky, 1; Louisiana, 1; Maryland, 1; New Yoik, 2; Ohio, 2; Bennsylvania, 1. On these 27 districts tho republicans will have to concentrate their work. Fourteen of them are in the west and have a strong German vote. There needs but to be a dear, emphatic state­ ment of what democracy lias failed to do when it had tlie power, and a promise of what shall bo done if tho republicans are placed in control, to revolutionize national politics Apothecaries’ Iliiil Aiid we propose to keep fit Tlie crop outlook continues most At this place you will find one ol promising. The total area of spring the finest Drug Stocks in tbc and fall wheat is now estimated at 39,- ¿>00.000 acres, about a full average. The county, Geo. W. Bl llT is one cables report that early d liveries fiom of the most courteous and fair­ the Indian harvest are running nearly twice as large as at the same time in minded dealers in the business, 1885. The promise of a great home and by his unvarying affability crop, taken with this crowding of En­ and accurate preparation of family glish markets with India wheat, gives poor promise of remunerative prices for medicines and prescriptions has Ameiican farinera. The other cereal won a reputation enviable in tin crops appear to be faring pretty well in extreme. He uses only the purest nearly all sections. Rain has nearly every where been greatly needed, and drugs, and upon every article sold in many sections the need has been im­ puts the Lowest trice fir which it mediate and urgent. 'I lie Texas drouth lias been terminated, at least in great can be bought in this county. measure, throughout the southern and Remember the place. If you went western sections of that state, though a prescription filled promptly, ac­ the rain came too late in some parts to save tho ciops and live stock from im­ curately, and at a place where you portant definite losses. The Euiopean can rely 141011 its being put up in crops present a good average promise on the continent, with a full acreage, but an absolutely safe manner, go to The present democratic majority of the British Isles, with a good wheat the house of representatives has demon­ THE LATE L IRE AT VANCOUVER, B.C. Geo. AV. Burt’s Prescription acreage, indicate a poor yield. strated its utter incapacity to do any­ V ictoria , B. C., June 19.—News from Drug Store, and you cannot fail to Tho report of the grand jury at Seat­ thing in the way of legislation needed Vancouver is lieart-rending, l'ully 3000 be suited. tle, Washington territory, makes revela­ by the country. Its members have de­ people are homeless and penniless. The tions which seem incredible. That body, voted their time to a continual siege of looses will agiegate $8X1,000. A steamer which found indictments against ten the White house in order to obtain offi­ loaded down with supplies contributed Substantial. Cheap & Durable leaders of the anti-Chinese riots,* de­ ces for hungry henchmen, and iiave by the corporation of Victoiia left to-day clares that the evidence brought before shamefully neglected the business of the for the scene of the disaster. Among so — — A :*(! is---- them of a convincing character that nation. The democrats have done those many the relief will be but temporary. Just what is needed by every Farmer, as things which they should not have done, it is very convenient for fencing in sacked • here exists a secret organization called Collections will lie taken up in all the By way of Big Nestucl grain in the held, after th resiling. the “ Red Ameiican International as tlie have neglected thoso things churches on Sunday. —Manufactured by— Workingmen's Association,” which is which they should have done. The tiade Seven bodies have been found in the Ocean Beach. tinder the lead of anarchists, anil which depression from which the country has ruins, and identified by portions of the G. IIUBBARI), has lor its aim the overthrow of the gov­ been suffering for the. past three years, clothing. Four men who leaped over­ The above road has lieen placed in ernment of the United States and the with its resultant strikes and labor trou­ board toescape the flames were drowned. an excellent condition, and no better establishment of a socialistic common­ bles, could have been largely modified A few frame buildings are being run tip road to the ocean beach can be found for the better, bad congress but given wealth. The repoit declares that the in the State J. FUQUA, on the ruins, but most of the sufferers — Executed at the — the assurance to the nation of the stabil ­ Proprietor. anti-Chinese agitation was selected as a gaze with blank despair on the smoking cover for this anarchist movement; that ity of certain economic conditions. Let embers of their once happy homes. HO! FOR THE COAST!! it was started on the Pacific coasts, and us look, says the Blade, for a moment at THE that it aims to secure control of the the case of The People vs. the Demo­ To-I)ay. Knights of I.abor and all other other cratic Majority, in the house, and note Little Ncstiifta Wagon Road labor organizations, and to constantly the point in the plaintiffs’ complaint : Is the Easiest and Best on the coast. foment strife and trouble between capi­ First the constant antagonism of the Fine fishing, hunting, and the lovliest democracy to our protective tariff, cou ­ beach. Many of the tough points on tho tal and labor, in order to further its in­ pled with the facts that that party has a road have been cut off so that the road fernal aims. can be traveled much easier than here­ majority in the house, and that the re­ tofore. D. E. EMMETT, Pro. The total number of immigrants ar­ publican majority in the senate is very rived in this country during April was small, has paralyzed enterprise among 49.158, ns against 40,294 for April 1885. our manufacturers. No sane man wish­ Of this number, 5794 were from En­ es to increase his investment in manu­ Onr material is all new anil we make a gland and Wales, 7020 from Ireland, facturing industries that lie almost at specially of printin ' the mercy of their inveterate enemies. All kinds of repairing done on short 1830 from Scotland, 11,844 from Germa­ notice Repairing of Guns, Pistols and ny, 202 from France, 1079 from Austria, Not only is the democratic majority in Sewing Machines a Specialty. 2(122 from II ungarin and Bohemia, 2205 the house opposed to the tariff, but the Sewing Machine Ever Built Shooting Gallery from Russia, Finland and Poland, 7947 democratic administration is its enemy, Ill connection with the .-hop. it f Sold on the installment plan; to from Sweden and Norway, 1294 from and lias lost no opportunity to weaken suit tlie times. tariff protection in detail as opportunity Hill Hirais. Denmark, 002 iroin the Netherlands, -WHO SELL— 4108 from Italy, 570 from Switzerland, has offered. The consequence is, the in­ Don’t Fail to See This Machine, and 780 from all other conniries. This flux of foreign goods is facilitated, and Stiitemcntx, Eie. total of 40,158 includes only those ro­ it is a startling fact that in the first four ved al tho various custom ports of months of 188(1, our exports have more, Boston, New Orleans, Now amounted to, in round numbers, $217,- ■hiladolphia, and San Francisco. 500,01)0, and our import* to $221,500,000, Give us a Trial and we are Confident York 37,005 were landed.— —leaving a balance against us of $4,000,- we can Please you. cent, aro estimated to have 000. Our net loss in gold to Europe McCormick and Deering* Canada, but 110 record is during these four months was $19,085,- The entire number ar- 087. Second—The competition of other .0 month was about Proprietor of .’rain raising countries, especially of In­ O dia, is steadily increasing, and our sales passed "12 private of grain, even at low priées, are restrict­ All Kinds of if the 9,125 nitro­ ed and slow, a heavy surplus being car­ ince file session ried over by our farmers from year to Trucking and Delivering Done to order. Constantly on hand, Mill ■is passed ami year. Y’et congress Jias been temporiz­ Feed, Flour, Wheat an.l Oats. Also, all 's, of which the ing in tlie matter of railway transporta­ kinds of >Vood, Shingles, Posts, Shakes, “Orphans’Home’’ Billiard Hall. lirty-six pub­ tion, practically refusing to do its duty Etc. All orders left with us for Stowe A Ths Leader in Millinery and take hold of the matter of exliorbi- Brower s lumber yard promptly attended bills. to. A Strictly taut rates and unjust discriminations, as i HAIR WEAVING and STAMPING. Delivery Wagon Always Ready. it should do—the result being, that a TEMPERANCE RESORT, Opposite Grange store, MeMinnvile, Or. Orders left with Rogers it Todd, at Citv western farmer lias practically to give Drug Store, promptly filled. ltf. Some good(?) church members to tlie two bushels of grain to get the third to I CD contrary notwitlintanding. market. At tho present low prices of grain, ruin is staring our agricultural Tin Inulin- Hold of Miuiiillle. communities, west of the Missouri, in $1 and $2 House. Single meals 25cts. j fallen the face, mid congress will not lift a fin­ Third Street, between E and F, “Orphans’ Home” Tonsnrial Parlors. Fine Sample rooms for Commercial Men. nisterna- ger to id them. McMinnville, Oregon. nsects are The Only First Class, Bln. —Tlie fall in the price of silver I.r I’. NILTAER. Prop. CI) bullion continues, the difference between And the only parlor-like shop in the 1 be and the silver dollar in real val­ Dr. G. F. TUCKER, city. None but first-class Portland evi- ue grows greater; yet congress allow* First-class accommodations for Com­ workmen employed. an they have the silver coinage to continue, increas­ DENTIST. mercial men and general travel. First Door South of Yamhill County McMINNXlLLE Jose a ticket lor ing tlie amount of standard dollars, and Trancient stock well eared for. - - OREGON. Bank Building, Office — Two doors cast of Bingham's bringing us steadily nearer the time Everything new and in First-Class Order furniture store. M’MINNVILLE, OREGON. Laughing Gas administered for painless Batronage respectfully solicited. .ruction in the United when ii the absence of an international extracting. 1 double-standard agreement, we shall CD w.is 3.190'.. miles of H. H. WELCH. drop to a 70-cent dollar standard of val­ MINNVII.I.E uuK.ug the aggregate mileage Littlefield & Calbreath, ues, with a shock that will bring ruin to ted Slates at tho cominenci e~$- thousands, and e*]>ecially be a detri ­ 1888, 128,54>9 miles. ment to tit* wage-workers of the I M c M innville .t L afayette , or. (Successor to J. B. Rohr,) country. PRESS FLASHES I I' t'albreath. M. I), office over Yamhill l'ourth—The democratic majority in Countv |: ,nk. McMinnville. Oregon Plain and Ornamental Painting T M. I), office on Main lie Herald—Both of the great politi- the house has not the economic discern­ I ¡streit street, Lafnyctte, Oregon. c .1 parties are pledged to revise the ment nor the patriotic sense to do what and Paper Hanging. Cor. Third & I) Sts., McMinnville. tariff, The democratic party in the lies in the power of congress to vivify clearest language is pledged to free raw our commerce. The Bourbon policy of material* and lower duties on necessa­ discriminating against our ocean carry­ N. W. Cor. Second and B Sts., PROPRIETORS. ries. Po party pledges mean anything, ing trade will apparently bo maintained M’MINNVILLE, OREGON. A share of tliis public patronage is re- or are they simply made to deceive the so long as the democrats have power to To Purchase The Best Rigs in the City. Orders spcctfully solicited. do so. and the people of the country are May lie found at his office when not ab­ people? promptly attended to, day or night. 1ml At Greatly Reduced Prices, to lie Kept from recouping their losses sent on professional business. The Simp—Rohr’s old stand, McMinnville, Or. The Herald—This attempt to fling dirt from the decrease 111 our grain export* upon Secretary Iaimar in the matter of and the injury to our industries through telephone scandal ought, we should the hostility to the tariff by the develop- From think, to convinco the president that he of our foreign commerce. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, -------- AT TIIE-------- cannot afford any longer to maintain Congress has it in its power to give a • hat connection between his administra­ strong impulse to the business of the McMinnville, Oregon. The Milliner. tion and the pan-electric telephone ino­ country by patriotic, pro|>er, intelligent Office at residence on I) street 411 pie, which, without his fault or knowl­ legislation. So long as there is a Bour­ Third St. bet. D & E, McMinnville, ltf '■■1’1'Pimiptlyansuen.dd.ivornight.mI o edge, enme about as soon as he entered bon majority in either house, the wheels OF------- the White house. D- F. W. F exto *. of progress will be locked. The people Tho Tribune—By far the most idiotic should consider tluse things, and de­ FENTON A- FENTON, performation of (ho allied anti-Blaine termine whether it pays to keep the de­ — Dealers in — ATTORNEYS JLT LTV vV, press is their painfully fruitless attempt mocracy in power. There is a wide McMinnville, Oregon. to create a rupture between Mr. Blaine spread feeling of disgust with the do- I- ! F. I YET TE, OREG OA'. lu the City. Who is now burning a kiln and tho republicans of his state. If nothing characteristics of Bourbonism. Olttre-Ncar th. ,t. oime. they keep on in this way they will nom­ and the congressional elections this fall inate Mr. Blaine on the first lullot in the will show this clearly. A* time goes on TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND ! ! ( has. M. Talmage, next national convention. the probabilités of a republican majority The Best in the State. And will be ready to take them from The Sun—The civil service law Gen. in the next house grow brighter. the kiln in about 12 days Is prepared to furnish music for all oc­ Ihal l.siiilc and Insurance Agent. Butler correctly characterizes as a hum- The present democratic majority in casions at reasonable rates. \ddrX HUSSEY’S OLD STAND. ig »ml «client, and here again ninety- the house is 13, which is less than in ; i.n" Attract* a spec- N. J. ROWLAND. ut -dti. t. Electing attended to promptly. -■l-i.i'— Manager. McMinnville. Ufliee—Manning’» Building, :id st. i by constantly adding to our alrcndy huge stock of Di ngs, Medicine Stationery, hie. everything in onr line of usiness that can be called for. Physicians will find onr stock complete in every respect. Remember that we make a specialty ot Prescriptions, and we are recoiling them from ail parts of the comity, and are idling them at the lowest possible price. ROGERS & TODD, \\ I load TELEPHONE OFFICE Neatly, Quickly, Cheaply. Carl Weber, The (»111 isini 1 li. The Cheapest Goods go in the World. 0 > O“1 $ J. J. COLLARD, BINDERS and MOWERS Io. I Eiy feti d M h. HODSONS’. .Ill’s II. P. STUART, bd K $ » St. Charles Hotel, Henderson Bros. Props. K CD Chas. L. Bergevin, Physicians & Surgeons, O'Q WANTED! One Thousand Millinery Ladies Fancy Goods H. \ . V. Johnson M. D. Lcgan Bros. & Henderson, BRICK! BRICK? Miss F. E. RUSS, Old Reliable Yard C-. E. DETMERINC-. Tlie Mug A. C. Saylor ! Groceries and Provisions. CUSTER POST BAND. Bedrock Brices* S. A. Young, M. I),