3 WEST 7Ì >4^ M’MINNVILLE, OREGON, JUNE 22, 188(5 WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. MY MOTHER. A simple parRonHge—plain and brown— Where ivies rumbled up and down With sweet brier roses. A place the earliest sunbeams klst, Nor left, 'till shadowed by the mist The Night uncloses. .—Issued---- EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY —is - Garrisoos Building, McMinnville. Oregon, Twas here she wrought with patient cure A life whose Incense tilled the air With Kindness only. Here heurd her call to enter rest, Ami left the home, a broken nest. Bereft and lonely. — BY — Talmnge X ’Turner, Publishers and Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year..................................................................*7 !?-’ Three months........................................................ To children’s hearts, and hearts grown strong With anguish, ’t s a lesson long, And sad the learn.ng. That prayers nor tears can e’er restore The loved ones drifted to that shore Beyond returning. »5 Entered in the Postortlce at McMinnville, Or., as second-class matter. A HORSE TRADE. How tlie Professionals of Texas Manage Questionable Transactions. G. W. Bulger is one of the best horse traders in Western Texas. Not long since he offered for salo a large bay horse to Colonel Witherspoon, who thinks he knows all that is to be known about a horse. Colonel Witherspoon bought the horse at a very low price. Gilhooly, who happened to be present when the trade was made, took the pur­ chaser aside and said to him; “Colonel Witherspoon, how did you come to let yourself be taken in on that horse? Don’t you see that he is lame in his left hind leg?” Colonel Witherspoon winked and whispered to Gilhooly. “1 am not fooled a blame bit in that torse. I know he is lame, but his lame­ ness comes from a nail in his hoof. I’ll just have that nail pulled out, and then the horse will not limp and will be worth twice what I gave for him. It’s a big bargain and don’t you give it away.” Gilhooly whistled and remarked: “Well, you are a shrewd one after all.” “It will be a cold day when I get left on a horse trade,” replied Witherspoon, as he led off his limping purchase. Next day Gilhooly met G. W. Bulger. “Bulger, you are not as smart at a horse trade as I thought you were. You let Witherspoon have that horse for half what he is worth.” “Are you sure of that?” “Certainly I am. That lameness comes from a nail in his hoof. Wither­ spoon will pull the nail out, cure up the sore place, and the horse will be worth twice what he paid you.” i “I don’t think so,” replied Bulger. “I I know all about that nail in the horse’s hoof. I drove it in myself.” “You did?” “Yes. You see I wanted people to be­ lieve that it ,zas the nail that made him limp, but he was lame before. He w.ll keep on being lame after that nail is out. He always wul be lame. Do you see now?” “Well, yes, I think I do. I’m glad you told me. When I want to buy a horse I_know who not to buy from.’’— HORSE TALK. Commonly Practiced Abuses Which Should Be Discontinued« The horse comes into the world with his five senses in full vigor. His ears are so arranged that they can be turned to catch a sound from any direction. His nose is large and he can scent his friend or enemy a great way off. His mouth is so made that he can tell what he is eating better than you or I can. His feeling is as delicate as the touch of a blind man, and his eyes are so fflaced in his head that he may have a arge field of vision. And yet his mas­ ter, a mail, wtio docs not like to be deprived of any of his senses, shows a bulk of even horse sense when he puts blinds on him and drives him. Why should not a horse see any thing ap­ proaching in the rear as well as from the front? Why not put blinds on him when you ride him or turn him out to graze? Why not hinder the proper exercise of bis hearing, smell or taste? The horse is the only animal save the mule that is blinded. Per­ haps his (the mule’s) heels might be leathered with more propriety. Blinds cover the most handsome features of the horse. What is prettier than the full hazel eye of the horse. Can a horse reason? We say yes. Then can not he come to a better con­ clusion when his eyes are not ob­ structed? The horse should see the whip in the driver’s hand and know when all the members of the family are seated. If he can’t see the whip he soon learns to hear the driver pull it from the whip socket. More horses run away because they can not see, but hear the ghost, than if they could see and hear it, too, as seeing often dispels all fear. Nature put a handsome suit of hair on the horse, and yet some men use the elippers. And what for? The man who would do so ought to be stripped of all clothing and made to stand in the cold till—well, till he could prac­ tice the "Golden Rule.” All horses when warm should be well blanketed, and in fly time well netted, as stamp­ ing at tho flies will stiffen the joints and worry the animal. It was a humane act to cease the practice of nicking and docking the tail. The horse is one of man's most useful ani­ mals, and we ought to treat him kindiv. Don't let 11s make him “go it blind’’ any more.— Ohio Farmer. —Don't prune Forsythias, Japan quinces, lilacs, viburnums, thorns. Judas trees, weigolas. etc., in the win­ ter «r spring, unless you would deprive yourself of just so many flower« as the wood cut off would bear. As we have often advised onr readers such shruos should be pruned, if at all, as soon as thev have bloomed. — ~~ We've learned farewell oft through these years, She—welcome—where there are no tears, But joys supernal. And closely folds earth's loos'ningbands Within the lioiiRe not made with hands, Secure, eternal. 0 Mother, with the soft brown eyes! In thy fair home beyond the skies, Am 1 expected'!' (Vin’x/ thou not tell me that s.t last. When 'cross that threshold all have passed, 1 shall not be rejected? —Amanda L. Hat thdi>iiw.u\ in Current. A ('LOSE FAMILY. One Generous Member Proves a Savior. Old Jacob Miller was a close man. He had bought a stony hillside farm, anil the soil yielded him such a grudg­ ing living that bis penurious habits grew upon him. Exposed to the bleak north wind, his fruit, did not ripen well, and his sheep and cattle, wandering about among the rocks and briars, always had a hungry look. Still, he managed to lay by money’. Year after year he added to his land, and year after year he went on living in the same old house half frame, half logs. He kept a sharp eye on the wood and flour and meal, and never parted with a dol­ lar without a bitter struggle. His wife, a broken-down woman, finally gave up tea he grumbled so milch about it. “Tea was the only comfort I had,” she used to think sometimes, with a sigh; “it chirked me up wonderfully.” Her hands were brow n and rough and her form was bent. She never knew what it was to have a mother’s peace or happiness until her second was born. The oldest was like his father. She used to think sometimes, when he or dered her around or snatched a piece of bread from her hand at the table, that he would never be any comfort to her. But when her second son opened his eyes, and smiled at her, instead of setting up a scream as his brother had done, the world no longer seemed so dark. She drew the little bundle closer, but the baby snuggled down into a peaceful, satisfied, contented way, as though he had made up his mind to make the best of things and be a friend to his mother. From that day she used to say, with something be­ tween a tear and a trembling smile: “He has never made me a mite of trouble. His temper was a good trial to his father, but he was always good to me. Even when he was a baby he would wave his spoon at me and try to talk, and he was never satisfied until he had given me part, of his bread and milk. He would sit and watch me w ith his big eyes until I had eaten it, and then lie would laugh and eat his own. Sometimes when lie was very hungry 1 would try him by giving him only a little milk in a cup, but it was always the same -he would insist on dividing it, and would never drink a drop until I had drank mine. Ami he would work like a little beaver. He used to drag in sticks of wood as soon as he could walk, and when lie got older his father said he never saw any one that would go ahead so. Edward was free-hearted and quick-tempered and his father was close. They had high words sometimes, and Edward would come home w ith his eyes Hash­ ing tire and his lips shut tight, and he would go upstairs to his room. I used to follow him sometimes, and I always found him thrown down with his face hidden. After a while he would get over it and laugh, though I know he had been crying, and then he would always be better to me than ever, for fear he had worried me. “But one night there was a dreadful scene. His father struck me, and Ed­ ward flew at him like a young tiger. His father knocked him down, and when he got up he went to his room without a word. I did not dare to fol­ low him; but before day light the next morning he came to me in the. kitchen, with a little bundle in his hand, and said he was going away. I clung to him and begged him not to go; but he unfastened my hands gently and said: “ ‘Mother, listen. This house isn't large enough for me and father. I hate him!' “The dark red flush that I knew so well swept over his cheeks, and the flashing light burned in his eyes; and then he broke down and cried, and put his arm around me as he had so often done before ill his trouble, and said: “ ‘Forgive me. mother, and let mo 1.10; ground, V ton, $22.506x24. OATS—Choice milling, 37Jfc38, 5c. PEARL TAPIOCA—In boxes, ftAc. SAGO Per lb, (Sc. VERMICELLf—Per lb, No. 1, $1.25; No. 2, IIOc. BRAN—Per ton, $13.50. SHORTS—1’er toil. $lli. MIDDLINGS—Per ton, $20fc25. CHOP—Per ton, $25.00. HAY—Per ton. baled, $7fc8. OIL CAKE MEAL—Per ton, $80® 32.50. HOPS—Per lb, Oregon, nominal; Wash. Ter., do. EGGS—Per doz, 124c. BUTTER—Per lb.tancy roll, 16:; inftAw.r grade. 12; pickled, lOfclZc. CHEESE—Per lb, Oregon, 0®l lc; Cali­ fornia, 1 Ofc 104c. DRIED FRUITS—Per tt>, apples, quar- lers, sacks and boxes, 34; do sliced, in sacks and boxes. 3j(a4J: apricots. 17c; blackberries, 13®15c; nectarines, 10yfcl7c- peaches, naives unpeeted, 7Jfc8c; pears, quartered, 7®8; pitted cherries, 10c; pitted plums, Calitornia, SfclOc; do Or­ egon, 5 ack,_$1.25; cauliflower,li> doz, $1.25; sweet potatoes, V lb.,—-fc—; onions, lj(a2c; turnips, n>. He; spinach. $ sack, 40®50c; celery, doz, $1; green peas, fc* IL, 3fc4c; lettuce, doz, 20c. POTATOES—Patotoes, new, ljfc2c; per sack, old, 50® 70c. POULTRY—Chickens. doz, spring, $— - (©2.50: old, $—fc3.5U; ducks, $3.UU fcB.iO; geese, $4.00fco; turkeys, b' lb, nominal, H)fcl2c. HAMS—Per lb, Eastern, —fc—c; 0 egon, OJfclOc. BACON—Per lb, Oregon sides, 6®7c; do shoulders, 5fc 0. LARD—Per lb, Oregon, 6fc7j; Eastern, 74fc#c. PICKLES—Per 5-gal keg, 00c; bbls, |j> gal., 224c. SUGARS—Quote bbls: Cube, Gjc; dry granulated, 6|o; Hue crushed, Bjc; gold»1 • U, 54o. CANNED GOODS—Salmon. 1-lti ti doz, $1.35; oysters, 2-Ib tins, f dor 1-Ib tins, $1.40 b» doz; 1-tb tins, b' doz, $1.00; clauis, 2 doz, $1.00®2J 5; mackerel, 5-11 $8.75(gV.UO; fruits, bf doz till' jams and jellies, t? doz. $1.7. (' P I’ tables, b' doz, $1.10®l.U0. ’ . II. Il, llONEY-Extracted. 0 COb FEE—Per tb. Gut Rica, I2(al2.yc; Old Gov imi-iii 20c; Rio, 114® 12c; A III1 IM. Mocha. 224®25; Koi’ TEAS -Young H f- 20®55c; Oolong. Ii Imperial, BofcOdc. SYRUP—Cali’ at 30c. in bblj EMPLOYED, tins 35®45. FRESH FT n the Buaincss part t? box,7acfc<$ Lemons. Ca ' inc • >ty. b» box, «86 “Do I run across many cranks?” said a well-known patent lawyer in answei to a reporter’s question. “Well, young man, all cranks are not inventors, and possibly all inventors are not crank’, but a good many of them are badly hit. I Now there is a German who lives on tin South Side, one of the most intelligent tnen I ever met, with no sign of cranki­ ness about him except in one thing. 11< wants to patent a process for making gold. For over a year he has been dropping into my office and trying to get me to get his papers for him. ‘All right,’ I’ll say, ‘explain me your process and 1’11 make out your application.’ “ ‘Oh, no,’ he says, ‘no one shall ever know that but myself. They will never know that in the Patent Office even.' And he will go away. I have asked him whv he didn't make some gold him self. ‘Oh no,’ he always replies; ‘the secret is too valuable. I dare not until I get it protected,’ and that is all he will tell me. One of the great peculiarities of inventors is their suspicious natures. Whether 1 look like a rascal or not 1 can’t say positively, but about half the people who eome to me seem to think that I am. They seem to carry the idea that I sit up here like a spider in a web, just waiting to steal some one’s idea and patent it. “About a week ago a tall, thin-faced young man craned his neck in through the door, and looked all around the room to see if I was alone. Then he walked ovel, looked under the drawing table and behind the safe, and tried the door to the next room. He was evi­ dently satisfied that every thing was safe, for he came up to me and almost whispered: ‘I’ve got something that will make ten thousand dollars a month.’ “ ‘You have?’ said I. " ‘Yes. Do you want to take an in­ terest in it?’ “ ‘No,’ said I, ‘I never invest in pat­ ents, but if you have a good thing you'll have no trouble in getting capital. What have you got?’ “Again he looked furtively around the room, and then pulled out an envelope. Along the crease, where the flap turns over, he had pasted a string, the ends of which stuck out about an eighth ol an inch after the envelop was sealed. The purpose was to take hold of one end of the string when von wanted to open a letter, and by pulling it, open the envelop in the same way that it would be opened by a knife. The scheme is as old as the Patent Office, and in one year there were one hundred and thirty- live applications for a patent 011 the same thing. “ ‘My friend’ said I, ‘do you really think there is ten thousand dollars a month in this?’ “ ‘Oh, yes,’ he said. ‘I have figured it out, and it will only cost fifty dollars a month to make and sell ten ~ housand dollars worth.’ “ ‘But,’ said I, ‘do you know that there are at least one thousand, six hun­ dred models of the same plan in the patent office now?' “ ‘It's a lie,’ said he getting excited, ‘and let me tell you, mister, I’m onto your little game. I didn’t have much confidence in you when I came in here, an’ I’ve got less now. I’ll telegraph to the Commissioner of Patents before an hour, an' just shut off your getting out any patent on this. That’s ivhat 1’11 I the lowest i when I showed him that there were a e«on, spring clip,'’days and FridiiJ number of patents covering the whole 12< considered quit« Indians.— Washinaton Post. the reverse.