.1 I ' » r » [ >■***—*♦*11 MN WEST SIDE TELE] 1 'I 1,11 f, * I y- I » x > ¡Neither party bus “ratified” us yet at Chronicles of Salt Cl’M'k. This Number NE. this place: Ami it camo to pass when the Children Dr. Magers, of Folk county, has been To-day wc Pend out i,000 copies of the NOTICE. N I .1 -n postmaster has to eat as well as other twos, whithng pensively and took a lien Consult your own wishes * St. James Guild met yesterday at Mrs. there will lie plenty of good brick at Mc­ Minnville. Ami Billiam sat upon a package of his an‘1 9Jmoi enterpri« and do not let Detmering’s. tliis go by the board ; for if you do death j reports and they exploded, whereupon Hon. ,1. C. Bewley, of Tillamook, was Postollice Inspeclo» M:eLn, spent Sun­ on!, to tin1 valley last week. He reported tho passengers all went forward and 1 to McMinnville and good by forever day in this city. everything moving right along in our Washed themselves. fair grounds. C itizens . Ami at tlie sound of the horn called Mrs. (’. W. Tai mage i in Portland sister county. visiting friends. fog, the ark departed. L ink or M arch .—Chief Marshal Ba-1 The annual meeting of the Oregon Young singing “Monlight on the ker has decided upon the following line "i:i.i:nnoxe-boys sme>|UotMi health Pioneers is b -ld at Oregon City, begin ­ lake, ” keeping time to Elder Russ ’ fiddle, , o,Zr/ /co. Burt, the druggist ‘-elebration July ' 3rd: ning to-day. They will have n jolly while Johnson patted “Juba" for Scott j n,are!'for Dr. Haines, of North Validi:!), was time, you may depend upon it. and Gilkey t to'dance away _ the weary _ Procession will form on Third between down to see us Friday las i C and D at 9:30 a. in ; march west on Mr. Arthur Smith and Miss Sarah Ann bonis. Far away in the dim distance as the Third to I ; south on B to Fifth east on II. B. Sonn lerville, of Slieriflan, spent Cook, from near this place, were united Fifth to F north on F to Third; west on most of lust week in this city. in matrimony at Lafayette, Thursday, old ark journeyed on amid leafless trees ' i third to E and songless birds. | ” ; north on E to First; west on May 10th, Judge Loughiiry otlieiating. —Proprietors of— The veteran minister, IGv. R. C. Hill, Braly was heatd baying at the Cam- ■ First to ('; south on C to Third ; thence w.n at this place all last eek. There’s some money in bees. Squire paign, which the editor had run up the: west to the grounds. Yextiicfii Saw Mills, Harding started out in the spring with 9 jackstnt!', and refused to lie diverted by Sheriff-elect Harris was in towp -jnd swarms T hat B adger —That was reittived by ; now he has 17, nil doing Well. Elder Ingles who was singing poek-a- MrMiiiinille Sasli and door Factory/ dropped in to see us last Friday, l L'he IStli swarm got away from him. boo at him in a semi-foghorn tone like Mr. O. H. Adams from his son-in-law, — Dealers in— O iih streets are kept wet down in good Mr. Henry Reasoner, of Giddendale W. Mr. G. W. Hunsaker came down from an owl on the pilot house. White and Red Lead, Shape by Johnny Sax’s i j rinkler. And when the old ark of defeat hud Linn county last week and took his wife T.. last Thursday, created more excite­ This Space is For The T bi . kphoxe is under obligations to home. They were accompanied by Mrs. ascended to the very headwaters of that ment among the boys than a genuine Linseed nnd Lubricating 1 Oils, County Clerk Briedwe.ll, for favors. W. A. Henderson, who will remain there briny brook,and had climbed out on the ciicus. He is about a third grown, as VarilisheS ôt all Description/ cheerless sands of time, old minority spunky as you please, and can bury Cowls Date came down from l’olk two or three weeks visiting. took the second and third parties and Kalsomine, Spanish Whiting, county Sunday and took bis sister Maty Go away from home to learn the news. wrapped their little tender, lifeless bod­ himself in the ground in just no time. Paris Whiting home. The World says: New l’hiladeipilia, ies in the Register and Salem Star anil O ut of P lace .—James Davis, a young P. & B. and Princess Metallic Mrs. John Miller, of Happy Valley, is just south of where St. Joe once was, is stuck the-n in the crack of doom there man about 17 years of age, fell from his quite ill, though not seriously, we are the sight of a busy community, and the to remain until the bulletin boards of wagon while coining into town last Fri- Roof Paint, Venitian Red, mills of the North Yamhill lumber time calls them forth again to the resur­ pleased to learn. I day ami threw his left arm out of place company. rection of failure. Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochr?< attlie elbow. Dr. Goucher re-placed it Messrs. Blackburn & Peckham, the The Trcirbadours were greeted with a I and the young man went on his way re- and Hardware. < arlton merchants, werp in town the Precinct Officers, packed house at Lafayetle, Saturday j joicing. hitler part of the week. . Prices as Low as the LoWSst. evening. The band accompained them —WHO HELL— The following named persons were | Think of it; 104 real lire newspapers, and after the entertainment a social Business Specials. JONES & Co. containing everything to the ¡merest of dance was indulged in till the hour of elected justices and constables for the Handsome lace bed sets at D. C. Yamhill county, for only $2. midnight staited all homeward. different precincts in the county: Narver’s. Miss May Newell, f we unilirstand, We had almost forgotten it! But Mr. Amity ; Geo E Getchell, justice; II B I Ice cream, as cheap as the cheapest, , _ I L bool at Amity, John Maddox, the Tillamook mail car­ Newby, constable. opened out a writing tf. having secured a large class. rier, was in town a few days since and Bellevue; J J Henderson, justice;! at H. H. Welch’s. informed us that he had never seen the Harvey Jones, constable. For a square meal go to the St. Charles The ladies of St. Jinnes, Episcopal, Carlton; A I’ Wilson, justice; J E| —only 25 cents. Guild will give an ice cream festival on mountain road to Tillamook so good as at present. Young, constable. Wednesday evening, June 24th, Pillow sham holders and lace shams —Dealer in— Dayton ; S R Baxter, justice, W Ham- • Dr. J. B. Lougliary, of Dallas, tarried at D. C. Narver’s. * Addie and Lillie Suttqn are in town with his parents at this place from Fri­ elton. constable. Guns, Pistols, Aiiiinnnifinn, canvassing for the Ajlissouri Steam day evening till Saturday noon, while on East Chehalem ; B S Cook, justice J L A new supply of White sewing Washer, a good looking machine. machines at Shobe & Manning’s. his way home from Portland. Doc looks Vickery, constable. Cutlery, Fine Fishing Tackle. Lafayette; A M Hurley, justice; J Miss Ella Lee Woods Returned home as clever as ever and as if the breezes of Fine photographs at the lowest prices. Mattv, constable. Cigars, Etc. from East Portland on Saturday last, old Polk agree with him. North McMinnville, W I, Toney, jus­ All work warranted at Sanders & Mar­ mid will remain. She is most welcome. tin’s gallery. * The til wider storm Sunday that pass­ tice ; Geo W Kaufman, constable. Special attention given to repairing Guns.- Yamhill is not lacking in patriotism. ed just north of this place gave them a South McMinnville, S F Harding, jus­ Ice cold and genuine lemonade at H. Pistols, Sewing Machines, Saw Filing, Eh'.- Four celebrations this year; McMinn­ lively shower in the North Yamhill sec­ tice ; E W Wallace constable. * tf II. Welch’s. 1 have in lily shop ns tine u power cross­ ville, North Yamhill, Amity and New- tion. W. T. Booth and H. Adams were Noith Yamhill ; A I) Runnels, justice, | feed lathe as can be found ill the state and Cheap bedroom suites at I). C. up on the Nestuek, sav that it stormed Wm Brisbine, constable. bclg- am fully prepared to « rain .lecending in torrents Sheridan ; D C Coleman, justice ; S L Narver’s. R. R. Roper has solfl out his real es­ furiously, and I; lil fell as large as duck eggs. Hiile, constable. (j o t 0 jji sg R ngB > and look at those tate aiiil Insurance 'oha.Mms (if <'. W. liepair Broken Machinery Willamina; C C Linden, justice; W l for 20els. The fire boys had a drill Friday eve­ Talmage, anil left here .ytmday (or other De Haven, constable. ... , Helds. ning each company acquitting itself in —Dealers in— of all kinds—Farli! Machinery, ’fraction' Willamette ; W II Wood, justice ; Ho- “Secure the shadow ere the substance creditable manner. Tho hose com­ Engines, Etc. J. J. Vanatta ami family are now liv­ a pany mer Kirkwood, constable. i fades” by getting your ,4iotgraphs taken was a little unfortunate, t he coup ­ ing nt Yaquin.i, ami through private ling when it came off the real catching West Chehalem; L F Hall, justice; C i at Sanders & Martin’s gallery near the BralyM Bank l’uildhig, Itf note we are informed .bit they are do­ into the tool box and splitting it into C Ferguson, Ferenson. constable. furniture store. ing well. ! THE smithereens and also breaking the coup­ Dundee; DM Ramsey, justice; Fred A new lot of goods just, received, sell­ Hess, constable. ing at bedrock prices at D. C. Narver’s. * Logan Bros. o- ' .Miss Belle Johnson goes to Portland object to is playing on Sunday. The j Blackburn and Peckham received on The Independent says that Knight to-fhiy to meet her aunt, Mrs Maggie sentiment of this community as well as , Saturday' last their monthly shipment I Bushnell, who is coming from the east Bros., of McMinnville, agents for the most of tlie players is against ; of |0 an(1 23 cent goo(1Hi jiruct froII1 Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines, to spend the summer here. taking up Sunday with such business, chic.agQ alld their bargain tables are j will be located in Forest Grove after and To Purchase In’ the City. we glorv in their spunk. Upon anv 1 {.,¡,.1,. (IVprH buy ,< -------------- - table a handful of fine black ones and hail storm, yesterday afternoon.— to if ------- you will see them. _ Every Every rig of tix 6ity.- picked from vines near town. For about five minutes the rain came R apid G rowth .—Two years ago there warranted. down in drops that looked while falling Gus Gaunt says he donlt propose to like huge flakes of snow, while hail the was cast in the two McMinnville pre­ Farmers having wool to sell will The Milliner. keep the draw in the Salt River bridge size cincts 437 votes. This year at the same well to consult BlacKburn & l’eckam of filberts beat a lively tune upon open much longer; that if that boat our roofs—and upon the beads of those polling places 5.39 votes were cast, a gain i fore selling ns they pay tho highest [ Third St. bet. D &. £, McMinnville. Itf wishes to go up it must do so, soon'. EVRISKO MARKET! who were so unfortunate as to be out.— of 115 votes in two years. In the county | prices in the county. Get triticuin for breakfast; cream I Mr. George Branson ami Miss Ella Even the “oldest inhabitant” had 2219 votes were cast this year against 2,- Yocum of Bellevue, Mere married at the “ never seen the like before.” 3lbs. 50 ets., for luncheon ; taffy Proprietor of 068 two years ago. a gain in the county cheese, South Yamhill Baptist church Sunday, and ice cream for desert, ami the Belle —Tire Ônlÿ— II A Rev. gentleman, who has taken a of 151, anti it appears from this showing June i.3th, by Rev. A. J. Hunsaker. of McMinnville cigar to aid your diges- ! prominent part in politics this year, was that of this gain of 151 McMinnville puts , tion, of C. Gi issen. ! b It2 Mr. Reece and his daughter Minilie, wading into Dr. Watts, a few days’ up all but 39. It is quite apparent that. All Kinds of .. formerly of this place, but now of Port­ since for, as he said, being “paid by the should the precinct continue to increase I ___ Blackburn & Peckham, the agents of j land, have been in lo*'n visitin' rcla- temperance alliance for lecturing and that before another two years rolls 1 Chas. II. Dodd & Co., are doing the | Ill the City. Trucking and Delivering ILv/'s and friends, returned home Mon- then canvassing for Blaine and Logan,” around more polling places will have to boss machine business of the county, to order. Constantly on hand, Mill when a venerable brother remarked to be supplied. sold some 25 twine binders and two Done fav. The place where can get jnir-v steaks Feed, Flour, Wheat and Oats. Also, all anil line roast- all you that if the Dr. did that it was no at Alie lowest'market steam threshers. kinds of Wood, Shingles, Posts. Shakes, Al Barnes, Lvle Wright, Georgr Cor­ him prie«. Fresh Pish Tuesdays anti -Fridays'. than for a man who was paid for W ill R ebuild .—“Uncle Jim Houck, net. John (Jlandon, Dan Thurber and worse If you want to buv the best silver Etc. All orders left with ns for Stowe lbs for one dollar. Ind reared up, fell back a.id broke her MeMU a short entertainment was given bv the ed from the burning dwelling amounts neck. Extra “ '“ I4lbs................ little folks at the church. The building to about $3,000—$2001) for the building Always on Granulated sugar I2;i “ “ i Anil slill they go up; Mr. Ilapporset, was densely packed and all enjoyed the and $1,000 furniture'lost. Mutton, F Third Street, between E and F, Candy 3lbs for 50 cents. jllie clever rood master on the West exercises very much. A collection was Cheese i5 cents per lb. /dde road, is erecting a neat resilience taken up and $9 ill) was realized. This B adly H urt .—Ono flay last week a McMinnville, Oregon. Also all kinds of crockery, glassware on the north-west corner of the block amount issetasideas “children’s fund,” Mr. Gilbert, who works for J. B. P. anti Kiwciivn groceries nil nt «»zvwow lowest j». pi »xzv«-. ices. Prompt i ■ I 1 «1 • r it »im and we understand will be used for pur­ ... west of the Central. a w indow to so into the new Flette near tins place, while in town fell j ,|..|iverv to ant patt of the city. The ilance given by flip genial Genl- chasing Ipgl church building that w ill he crocted, so flown stairs and was very badly usc% up. ticr.of the Central last Thursday cve- that the little ones First-class accoeiitnodations for Com- sto claim an inter­ A gash about four inches long was cut in trii was well attended ami all who were est in the building. may is a rather novel the back of bis head, tin ugly gash ent in nicrci.il mon and general travel. ■ here went home feeing happyi. The idea, but a good one; It and will bj look­ his forehead and Ins right arm was brok­ Trancient stock well careil for. I party broke up about 2.'.30 a. m. j ed back to in days to come w itli feelings bi en. Drs. Goucher anil Galbreath at- Everything new and in First'Class Ord' Mon. Wm. Dawson, of Monunonth pride by those w ho took part in the ex­ tended him, dressed his wounds anil we understand that he is on the mend. -fpent eeverai days intown lastlwn’k ercises. Patronage respectfully solicited. / visiting friends am! relatives. (>n his C ut T hem D ows .—Street commission­ C utting A ffray at It»x, W illamina .— i eturn homo he wassi eonijiailied.lrA' daughter of Mr. airl ilrs-A’. D. John- Last Monday a cutting scrimmage oc- er, C. A. Wallace, has posted the follow­ son, 'tLmu.dJ -mak/ffl*’: 'grand parents cured at Willamina, says the DallaH It- ing notice, which is of importance to Executed at the— isiir emizer. Phil. Fennel accused a man the ]>eople of this city : “Notice is here­ r father, molVer, sister, brother, named Holt, of selling his vote for $10, by given that according to the city or­ sweetheart.! or anybody else whereupon Holt in none too gentlemanly dinance all persons are required to cut — A nd— ise* you, 14 us know it. The language called Fennel an unmixed liar. down all Bull thistles found growing on Our material is all new nmi wc make n low, tho zlfh and l>oor all re­ Kennel promptly knocked Holt down their property within the corporate lim­ 1 lume ro'ogiition at the hands for Ilia insinuation. On arising Holt its, or in tlie street adjacent; and by so peeialty of printin ; I... l‘lt>M drew a clasp knife and began hacking doing you will Save costs.” LcHcr llt’iitls. Cor. Third A 1' Jim'». Hembree, of East away at Fennel. The bystanders seeing A ttending G rand L oihik . — Dr. G. F. i » Bill Heads, (J np to hi < ol arrests. promptly in session at Portland. t pl.i'" tyi ip *1- wc can Ptoise you. I \ Still We Lead ! And we propose to keep it by constantly adding to our already large stock of Drugs, Medicines, Stationery, Etc, everything in our line of business that can be called for. Physicians Will find our sto< k complete in every rt'speci/ Remember that we make a specialty of Prescriptions, and we are receiving them from all parts of the county, and at the low*' est possible price. ROGERS & TODD, THE DRUGGISTS Jones & Co., BISHOP & KAY! The! Cheapest Goods in the World. w. F. COLLARD. Baxter tfc Martin, Groceries and Provisions. ! CENTRAL HOTEL, WANTED! One Thousand Ladies OHLY FIRSTTLASX HOTEL Millinery & Fancy Goods Miss F. E. RUSS, J. J. COLLARD, a Fsd CITY STABLES, Henderson Bros. Props. TELEPHONE OFFICE Sale Lcgan Bro’ f\ First Class CITY AH Market