a F i ■> f f > ■ 1 **l ] WEST SIDE I 'M’f’1 TELE ■I hl • ' * IO 4 J 1 i*4 ‘ 1 VOL. I WEST SIDE TELEPHONE. 1 I r v « NO. 1 ! HOW SHE GOT IN. ADAM'S PEAK. Ceylon'» Holy Mountain, to Which dhtata Make Pilgrimage«. Bad A Boston Society Latiy’s Thrilling an I Novel Midnight Adventure. THE VISITING DOG. A Devoted Creature Who tie Nature Is Not Fully Understood. CONDENSED TELECRAMS OREGON NEWS ITEMS. Hon. Frank Tilford, a pioneer of Cali­ Baker City hotels are crowded. fornia, died at Denver on the 2d. EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Far awjty in the mystic East there Hillsboro can soon boast of plai It is often a neat little scheme put The most interesting and least appre­ It is reported that at the instance 4 streete. — IN - rises, hign to the sun, a great natural j up by deep wives whose husbands stay ciated of dogs is the dog that visits. He France the allied powers have ordered altar, at which, since the dawn of ages, ■ out later at night than is de<-rm-d ii usually a liver-colored animal, two their fleets to raise the blockade against An Odd Fellows' j’ talked o Garrison's BmUlng. McMluville, Oregon, Medford. man lias, without ceasing, worshiped proper, to so thoroughly scare them hands high and about twenty-six inches Greece. — BY - Dr. J. Ashton wa ill found ad in 'l\ilnintfl. LinkviAf. on passive people ot that strange, unalter­ after stay at home. Sometimes it is ears droop and his tail almost drags on grand chancellor of the Knights of Pyth­ room Publishers and Proprietors. 25th ult. able East ages flow and leave no mark; successful. More often it is not. Gen- the ground, and his whole make-up is ias occurred on the 30th at Nashau. Hit Al Vogel was arrested at La SUBSCRIPTION RATES : wife, who died at the Barue hour, wai on a charge of perjury and taken ba^^H One year............................ .................. |2 (0 hundreds of generations are born and ! erally either the man or the woman admirably suited to the requirements of buried with him. I pass away and no change is wrought Six months........................ 1||| occupation. lie appears to have Andrew Carnegie, great steel man- Pendleton. lìnee months.................... .................. 75 among them. There is an awfulness I gains wisdom. The story of a similar his _ . the ... been gotten up expressly for purposes ufaeturer, has given A jHMtoffiee has been establishe<<^H *250,000 to Alleghao) 1 , experience unwittingly enforced upon Entered in the Post.office at McMinnville, Or., in their steady immobility. Dynasties , two lovely people not far from Boston 'f visiting. He is not like other dogs. City for establishing a free library ana MHwood, on Hubbard creek, with I may rise and fall, governments ma^ as secoud-elars matter. He is a sort of special dog, as it were, music hall. This is in additiou to hit L. Baker as postmaster. come and go, the name of their belief is almost pathetic in the lack of dignity being of an odd pattern throughout, and gift of *500,1*00 to Pittsburg. McQii.-irrv, a typo in the Pend^^H may be changed and little differences it temporarily enforced. The husband if any part of him should break it would A STR a N ud DREAM. I ,,l,i,-e was kicked and iiii^Bj||| Johann Most, the anarchist, was sen 7' ill ritual and service may spring up, 1 and wife, both of whom are middle- he impossible to replace it This dog i and severely injured. Mint a SlW III II,-. Sl-ep an«'. but from icon unto aeon the people are fenced at New York, on the 2d, to th. ■ aged, were invited to one of the choicest uas no calling list. He never makes penitentiary for one year and fined *500 W Stanton sold 30,000 lbs. Wlial tin- X'r.t Ila.v. unchanged. It is the same life that parties of the season. The gentleman, jails. He has neither the »’me nor in­ .ll:i '■.unity,last We They wi-i.^ miking ab mt fortune- they lead and the same things that they who is a prominent educationalist and clination to practice cold formalities. Ilis associate, Braunschweig, got nin< .• I . . ■’ : ’I > ■ I ii.-i 11..,. ■ i:t.-: pci- isiund^mi tellers, clairvoyants and such at de- worship. Back, far back into the night literateur, was indisposed, and so the As an illustration of the manner in months in the penitentiary and was finer! *250. Schenck was sent to the ptniteu- i.-i ivtu’e of J. S. l.inscot^^HSH teet i ve headquarters the other day when of time, so far back that the very mem­ invitation was declined for him and ac­ which he goes visiting we may refer to liary for nine months, but not fined. > ,,.k.■ ,itv e cm th« “No doubt they hit the nail on the lost in the void of the forgotten past, the carriage was announced and Mrs. avenue man had with him last United States government, Minister In :• v lavs the cteapfor the dark skinned people, wandering head now and thi n, but I prefer to trust naked in the forest depths of the Island E. said good-night to Mr. E. in his week. The dog went and sat Phelps had an interview on the 29th ult, will ' A.ek. .i'nd two std^H||| library, bidding him not to sit up for down on the man's front stoop, ’I I. 'uee.r Nev. pert to dreams.” of Ceylon, looked with wide eyes, in her, as it would probably be very late about the middle of the afternoon. He with Lord Roseberry, foreign secretary. »?! At. this thore was a general laugh, which the freshness and the wonder of when she returned. Air. E. said all did not know anybody in that family, on the fisheries question. It is learned docks at Yaqiiinn. from official quarters that the government The governor has appointed C.^B but his face was very s -rious as he con­ the youth lime of mankind still shone right, he would not. It was late when but he -anted to get acquainted. The is rather glad than otherwise that the with the brightness of the dawn, upon Mrs. E. drove up in her private car­ lady of the house opened the door and trouble has occurred, as it is thought th« Carlisle, of Portland, and Edwin liovA tinued: ard, oi Cornucopia, Union county, nota-l Adam's peak, the great, solitary mount­ “Do any of you remember the so- ain, rising lonely in its grandeur and riage to her own door. It was after tplu him to go away, but he only present dispute will hasten to a lasting ries public for the ensuing two years. 1 wagged his tail, as much as to say: settlement. two o ’ clock, so she dismissed the im ­ Last week the dwelling house of Mrq called IVeber ease which happened height from the low hills around it and patient Patrick, telling him to drive at “We will get on nicely together when L.' A. Rose, on the county road j'i»i about twelve years ago on the Cl-vc- the sea of forest at its feet. Clouds once to the stable. She gathered her we come to an understanding.” The MINING NEWS. north of Phnenix, wj»s entirely Jss»l|uyed jLfll & Pittsburgh road? No? Well. I capped its hoary summit, storms long skirts about her as she stood on 1 man of the house came home at six by fire, together wijb neatrly al) thkBMssn played around its heights, the very The Ketchum «melter will start up foi tents. hadir3re:jn. in connection with that lightnings themselves, which they so the steps for a moment enjoying o’clock and kicked the dog into the 1 f 1 case which may interest you. I stopped dreaded and revered, seemed born the absolute stillness of the de­ | middle of the street. After supper he the summer run next week. The out Sheep shearing is about done witlwu . went out and tried to repeat the opera- look is favorable for prosperous times ii serted street, then unlocked the Eastern Oregon, the. clip b»mg be S3 one night at Clevdand before taking among its great rocks and deep but only succeeded in kicking thin the entire Wood river country this Bea j and 1 larger ' „ ■ than ever tiefore, urid w^H the train for 1 ttsburgh. I slept ravines; and gazing upon its sublimity outer door, passed into the vestibule, : tion, son. * air until his leg was lame. The visit- and attempted to unlock the inner door. fair rates, will circulate o :>»el clou« woman fifteen years old -r. They its rocks by the wear and tear of torn having fed the dog. after which, with about one inch and a half long and abou whence they will be floated .low nUlfl were man and wif-. He was a dissi­ thousand years of storm that the very was a very sound sleeper and there was of one inch wide, and weighs *PJ. the ass's ’ ance of two other members of evidently nothing on the consciences river to Corvallis. «JHS pate i-lo iking fell iw while shew is a paths to its sacred summit, that were the household, he caught the visitor on The Wagner Creek mining compan; Dalles paper: The old genu/j^^E well-preserved ‘ w inm with many followed centuries beforethebeginning of any of the servants. Opening the the stoop and threw him over the fence. has filed articles of incorporation in tin outer door again she looked for Pat ­ natural graces and evidently infear of of the present era are worn by the feet rick. He had gladly availed himself of ’The dog then ran around the house and office of the secretary of state, with J Mr S. A. Putterson. who >th»lfl|HE munii Imspnal last Th insilai '^EHE him. That is In- n-v -r adilro- nil her of the weary pilgrims of to-day. There on tlie back door-steps and wagged W. Walsh and H. T. Bragdon, of Ash pi u,< ‘-r resident if Cahl.'M^EE except in a rough, pi-tulant toie, , and is a legend that the iron chains fast­ her permission and was well on his way sat land, and J. Brandt and R. Koehler, ol his tail in the most pleasant and good- to the stables. Then she knew some ­ sc-retarv oi state ^■^EB whenever he sp >ki- she drew iway as ened to the walls of rock to give the Portland, as incorporators. Principal i.lim-i -n ml .the union in I SlU^EaEE natured manner. He had cove visit ­ thing desperate must be done. She pilgrims safety along Hie precipices of if fearful of a blow office at Portland, and capital stock *25,- ing. The man then offered to give the took off'her long dress skirt and laid it Folk cminiv paper: "I dreamed that I had watchld them that last “sky league” were placed dog to a small boy who was pa-sing the 000. ‘".'I Ifni hl I IV.,.-. ii^^^H|i|||g|||| for an hour or two w ien a w.itur en- there in the time and by the order of I in the vestibule, locked the outer door house, but the boy placed his thumb on Idaho Slaletman: Yesterday the News upon it and ran for dear life the length Ji y "i the '‘nldeBl inln^^T^Mg^Ej tered the car and a ri i in ied lubpor. Alexander. The links, though worn, Miner was informed by Superintendenl I’ e. : ni .r ' h m .e the «ide of his nose and said: of the block and half the width to the It. was just growing d irk and I vas a are sound even yet. About a mount­ “I don't want to rob you.” Havens that he would declare a *20,000 III s y .-.ir will pit llie fa: .liE THSlMg _____ I , pa»» id to ih« din- ain such as this, beauriful in itself, long alley', which is between each two streets The winter's evening. man then told his wife that he was dividend on Friday. This makes *71,00C lli.-it hind legs. that city. Down here she sped, ing-car al >ne, ami b id finilAeq mv considered to be the loftiest in all Cey­ in going to get the dog to follow him to a in dividends that lias been declared sinct Ibisetmrg paper: Mr. J^Vfl|M|| meal and was on my way- hick wlen I lon, and holy if only from the steady breathless and frightened half to death remote part of the city and then lose Havens took charge of the mine the lat> she afterward acknowledged, until met the pair. . Five minute« liti-i the voice of four thousand years of prayer, as »er part of April, 1885. The Idahoan i| i'urmmk, spei ial agent of ll; him. The animal followed, and when she came to her own back fence. Over I report went through th : triln tlial the Iffgends are sure to gather, cloudlike one of our steady producing properties p-liii. :i' .»tin....... I.me 2LI2L. j Adam's r peak _ is clothed this she climbed with considerable diffi­ the gentleman had walked about two and bids fair to turn out abundant mini im Ins w iv I . . xamT.e Iwife had fallen front tlv- patforit of albi I thick, miles he contrived to cut loose from culty, the worst of it being not the get ­ ~reat 1 lk> ’ 1:1 A ■the dining-car as th--eniple wi-re af^uit from base to summit with one ■ gr that liver-colored visitor, and took a eral wealth in the future. H'.-.-nt divisimi m SSHas Noi __ ot a ting up, but the letting down ou the e»ecet Eo pass ill. The rain w:i - stopped .ml robe of myth and fabled story. Bedrock Democrat: A rich strike a ear for home, Whi n be opened other side. When at last she '.eached, lint I--'- its lii-tory, not a brook .,p , quartz was nwd«- last Tue-'ljw»-u/aT-'tiT« r-pit ''>at ti>y Ihout its legends of worshiper or the back door and tested it and the the froDt gate the Visiting dog came Nelson placer mine*, on Salmon creek, «:b ...... id |>1I lie- B Irshiped. Beneath this overhanging | windows it was to find these locked as down off from the stoop and wagged about seven miles from this city, by « iiim; mi “abmit half time,” f'V--t "I i li ' lllb.ui k ■ ,1 his tail and looked happy and content ­ well. She took off - her velvet cloak, Up 200 eases a day, some IT Gautama Buddha slept, upon that ilsg ami lifeless. Tin m in . Mr. Gray and partner. The vein is ten height Buddha, in his aeoond iiw wrapped it around her hand, drew off ed. He visited there continuously for inches wide and shows indications U less. The Chinese. w ho get pljausibli story of how the »<-<-idi-i^^^| days, and then gathered himself richness. A »mull piece brought ,:s cents a ease, are fretting tl eulrred, but the eTort he nade to ap­ filiation prayed. Although specially j and smashed the glass in the door, several up arid went away to make some other great to this city, picked up at random, con­ ci.-., irds ovel the , gli t» catch'>"j«^M|| pear agitated and brol|-n

ii .-armili the train at the first st.tidi to have the holy spot; Hindoos and Mohammedans | Tired and nervous, she then stopped the It visiting dog lives. His meals must ble, and good returns are expected from 'illusimi day's pack. pom- mangled remains e.ged for and I respect and reverence it, as, too, did j a moment to prepare some ice-water, be exceedingly irregular. If he gets a the new find. The State grunge, at its rec«ut^^^E saw hi in no more, lie v,j a tall, dark- our own Christian people, in earlier and then started on to go up-stairs. mouthful once in two weeks he is in Boise Statesman: There is great activ« in 1‘mllaml. elected the following I^E® eved man. with black jitlr, a sear on and simpler times than these. But al­ Worse and worse and more of it! The luck. To be sure he can eat snow, but his cheek, and wore . diamond pin. though the whole mountain is regarded timid servants had cautiously locked at the best this is only a cold bite, and ity ill all the mining camps in Ida^o fur the ensiling year: H. P. ^■gl master; A Duelling, oVers^H He had cuff-buttons vijh a ‘W -p- as holy by all Oriental people, it is the door at the foot of the stairs and not by any means a square meal. By and all accounts agree that the present worthy If. E. Hays, lecturer; J. W. CuM graved on them, and tin® was a long only the sacred footprint on the bold the poor woman was once more a pris­ referring to any reliable table showing will be the most successful and prosper­ steward; J Voorhees, luvislaut S.;"W and bloodv scratch on lit back of the crag at the very summit that is actual­ oner at her own portals. Having done the nourishing properties of different ous year to mining men of any since mill­ F. Miller, chaplain ; E. Strong, troasuAE ing first began in the territory, anil the ly worshiped. To perform a pilgrim­ so much for liberty she was surely not right hand. M. J. Train, Sec.; J. Simpson, gkfl kinds of food, it will be seen that snow “Now, then, on the r'ltrnoon of the age to this and to lay an offering upon to be daunted now. If she had known is at the bottom of the list. How does output of gold and silver will run wef. kreper; S. M. Cook, Pom.; E. Russell, next day I took the triin for l’itts- it is to a Buddhist what a visit to Mec­ how to “break and enter” she would the visiting dog subsist? The problem into millions in excess of the yield in any \liora; Annie Simpson, Ceres ; Lydia A year. This is very encouraging, bugli, and the first pt-oli- 1 saw in tile ca is to a Mohammedan. The time for certainly have done it, but not know­ is an intricate and difficult one, and is former stewardess;. John Minto. tue.Wj ....................................... making all due allowance for over-, T t'Arooks, ptrior car as I entered «ere the two the greatest number of pilgrims to visit ing how she did the next best thing worthy of the attention of all students and (3 estimites, the production of gold and bAr of executive eoipmitlee. and “ created a disturbance. ” She the mountain is April and May, but all of whom I had dreamed Both 1 inked Gold Beach Gaietle: Mr. Macy Is e3 silver in Idaho during 1886 will scarcely of natural history.— Rochester Herald. rolled the kitchen table across the the year round a steady stream of dev ­ at me with a start of su ptise. and I'm gaged in building four barns near the fall below *8,0(X>,lHX). telling you the solemn ruth that the otees flow to this shrine of the most floor two or three times, then took the Funn the Seoul: We were shown thia race track for the accommodation of tl/J niau turned pale as I PHFted into his holy of al) the relics of their great leath­ broom, and, standing on the table, flyers. The schooner Helen MerripJ FRENCH EDICTS. week by Mr. M. E. Legore, of Wallowa, swept back and forth, not the cob-webs eves. You are prep-irel to anticipate er.— Cornhill Magazine. was towed to sea I riday last by the till some extremely rich 8|>ecimens of ore from the sky, but the chamber bells in what followed, but tlura were some An Historical Review of the Rise anti Fall taken from the Little Giant and Pine Pelican, and sailed for San Francisco! the corner. This she continued until THE ARTFUL TURTLE. of the Beard in France. changes from my drean. When sup­ l^af mines, which are situated about Her cargo consisted of salmon, com her tired arms refused their labor, and per was announced I dil not go on in flow It rrocuri-s Its Food Supply W ithout Apropos of General Boulanger’s three miles south of Joseph. Various wood and wool. A new company and she stopped to rest. The servants been organized, consisting of Fr^H advance, but waited fir the couple to Bodily Exertion. heard the din and thought it was order restoring the beard to the French assays have been made, and those from Daniels, Albert Smith, Dennis CuntlM precede me. The Ulan looked sharplv the forme i runs from *23 to *50 to the It may be safely asserted, that from “ spirits, ” and hid their frightened heads army, it is curious to note that the at me as they went out, Inn 1 was busy ton in gold. The snow has been too Jr., and George Forty, for the pnrpbs^ j with a newspaper, as il I did not in­ the highest to the lowest grade, ani­ beneath the clothes and prayed. capillary adornments of the soldier's deep for much work to lie done on the of sealing on Blanco reef. Mrs. E. began again; and by some tend to go ift to supper. They were mals have their own and wonderful de­ face has been a subject of contention in mines as yet, but operations will com­ The Ochoco Revieu says: Withiry the no sooner out than I filloved. I was vices to prey on their natural enemies, miracle Mr. E. heard it and awakened. France from time immemorial. King mence now that the snow is about all past month B. E. Allen has bougld 10,J only ten feet t behind them as they or to procure their food. The turtle is Hastily dressing he was on his way Clovis adopted the mustache, then a gone, and the mines will be developed as 000 head of mutton sheep tor Turner A passed out on the plat£irm of the car a remarkable and successful fisher. down-stairs when Mrs. E. stopped to rapidly as possible. Other locations in Co., of Frem^t;t> ^ebriiHK», paying fM rest. He thought, of course, it was the foreign importation. Henry I. pat.on- the Wallowa promise to be extremely them an average of *1 75 per lie.a1. ahead, and as I openeddhe door there The writer had the curiosity to know front door, so he hastened to draw the ized both the beard and mustache. rich, and in all probability there will lie sheep were starte I for their destination] was a shriek 1 from the darkness, and the man, standing aloife o:i the plat­ how this slovenly and slow amphibia bolt he had thoughtlessly turned down Louis XIII. abolished both, and ordered almost as much of a boom there this last week and will lie driven across the] before. He opened the door and in the summer as in the Pine creek region. plains. During the same titqe C. MJ form, shouted at me: lived, and found to his astonishment, his officers to wear only a tuft of hair Cornucopia correspondence to the Sage­ Cartwright liouglit OOiW hea l for M I A “ ‘Great God ! but mJ wifi? has fallen in a ninety-pound specimen’s stomach, sweep of red satin thought he saw on the chin, which was called la roya'e. the prostrate form of his dear wife. Runnels, also of Freinont., «nil tbetJ iff the platform !’ three trout, as they are commonly Louis XIV. in .the beginning of his brush: Cornucopia is experiencing a ■ “The train was stopped, backed up. called in the South, but which in real­ He threw himself upon it only to find re:gn went back to the mustache, but slight, booin at present; building is going sheep passed through »own Wedne.-< ••J J her dress alone. Visions of murder and on at a brisk rate. The hotels have en route for Nebraska. The sale of th2J and we found the poor, bod) as I had are bass. On close examination, every other horrid thing flew through Mme. de Maintenon objected to it, and been opened and are d>> ig a fair busi­ sheep left alxiut *28,')0O 'Lft, dreamed. It was placid in the bag­ ity made a clean shave of the whole face. whether they had been devoured dead gage-car. and as the hu'-band bent over or alive, I found that the last bad evi­ his brain on the wings of tire. Hark! Some young seigneurs refused to sub­ ness; four saloons are dispensing liquid« among the sheep m< n of Cipo' it. seeming to try his best to shed tears, ! dently not been caught bv his turtleship the bells. He rushed below, opened mit to the sacrifice, and were banished to the thirsty public ; a brewery is in op­ the door into the kitchen—softly— eration ; a large blacksmith shop under A special dispatch from Wa.-nlngt4l I boldly denounced hint. than twenty-four hours, ns it had there he saw his wife. She did not see from court. Under the first revolution the abie management of Win. F. Rea; says that Special Agent West, at the 8 il “ 'You are her uninilernr!’ I ex- j more the beard again came into fashion. three stores which contain complete Francisco custom house, received iqJ not decomposed any, showing the the door open and screamed when he claimed. 'You pushed her off then Napoleon I. retain 'd the beard, but stocks of general merchandise have re- 1 «tractions from the depsrtoient. herl where it bad almost been bitten spoke to her. platform! Look at that scratch on your' marks “In Heaven’s name, Eleanor, what only for the corps d'elite of his army. cently opened....... Snow has alm >st en­ stating that there were raasonh tvrlbinll hand where she caught Jt you in a vain J in two. Others who distinguished themselves tirely disappeared, so that the prosfiectot ing that certain ciistotus jollicials ill HsM result of my search proved to are you doing?” effort to save herself ! Iou threw her! me The that when the turtle’s appetite calls She turned around, saw the door of on the field of battle were allowed to can wend his way out over the hills in I rancisco, Port Townsend, Portland a:■ to her death!' wear whiskers as a mark of distinction. search of the precious metal ... Within . Sitka were opi ratfag in collusion wi 11 “He looked at me with an expres upon him, he lays down in his favorite her deliverance open, and then, in her The monarchy of July chose the the last few days there have been some persons engaged in smuggling wldsl vl «ion of teiror and dismay, but could fishing place, closes his eyes, opens little white petticoat at half past two mustache only, but forbade the soldiers good locations made on what is calltid into Alaska. ? fust was «lire» ted 'ol not litter a word. 1 I picked up his nn- his mouth to its fullest capacity, plays in the morning, she sat down in the waxing or greasing it. The second the Siminond’s mountain. The S/m- 1 investigate the t ./ -4 with as much', angle-worm which is, to all intents middle of the kitchen table and cried. resisting hand and looked at his cuff- hit mond ’ s miL3 is now being worked, a cresv as possibb ills report is no«* empire inaugurated I'imperials, which purposes, a perfect counterpart of — Boston Record. button. It was marked with a •W.’ and was a copy of the royale, save that the force of ten men being employed. The the hands of th re. r< ary ry •i soldier was permitted to gjim it, and ledge is very rich in galena ore. The nry. He reports tl u» the is ready for business. The game der arrest for murder. His name ir a* he OF GENERAL INTEREST. wear it with the mustache. To-day the Whitman mine is now down 160 feet; a flooded with be I v .ky, purvliaeea fish which is out looking for worms, William Weber, of f»t. L m “ i ■heriff could get hold of me I had a fellow can tied warmer friends than —To test her affection , a Fulton »■tly a rich ledge; fourteen ounces of not obtain sufficieirt hi skipped the neighborh ood, and in a prized.— AricansdM' Traveler. in Arizona, especially in the summer.” County (N. Y.) man ha- his sweet­ told were recently pounded out in a action against th an w II v or two. as I afterwards learne I, — me editor ot the noston journal —The revised statement of popula­ heart told that he was killed. The mortar. The dominion, Burdett« though there is no it< R eber was set at libertv anil went hi» recently told a correspondent that the tion and sex in Massachusetts stp>ws girl was frantic with grief and at­ hand Co., is now tunneled to a depth of^l40 guilt. Secretary Fnirqi way. the body haring been buried in report that snow hail fallen in the that there were at the date of the cen­ tempted suicide by hanging herself in fc let to feet, a contract has been let 1* H. ” Kern matter his pen mil ' the village grave-vard It was as dear M est when the mercury wait thirty de­ sus 932,884 males and 1,009.257 females a bam. She was discovered and cut Jt Co. to tunnel 150 feet dee| peti; . the ledge view, he Bays, ol coirei ■ ease of urirder as was ever known, grees below zero is an error, asserting in the State. down in time to save her life. — Utica Assays vary rich in silver ...A two pueaibla. . and had things been managed right at that it is then “too cold to snow.” The — vii a new tire alarm bell at Cuth­ Hprnld itarup quarts mill hss been put ia aper- , first he would probajif-- have confessed St. Paul Pioneer Press denies the asser­ bert, Ga., will be cast the names of the —In Mexico if you ask a nM.'ve in ation by Portland parties; if Lie enter- ; In Ran Francisco tha his guilt.”— Itelroil Pre* Press. tion most emphatically, saying that, in mayor, council, and city officers, to­ regard to the sex of a baby he will not prise succeeds the company lvdlBoon put of Dr. Julian H. Rai^d MmL against th^^E Minnesota, it does snow, and snows gether with "Beck and thecart.” Beck, - .. it isj jboy or a girl, but "el hom- in a large mill... .The O. G. — "A godless hop in the nameof sweet furiously, when the mercury is thirty the faithful mule, has served the city b.-a” ■ ■mn) or "la mujer” (a yntm^i to work clearing off -.1 a Act» sieve -. ".I ’. ksarity ’ was the theme of a sermon degrees below zero. These, the editor for twenty years, and this is a rn-rnie woman W l^^efb.rt- fail to make him pleached in Baltimore by Rev. Robert adds, are terrible storms for the people rial of h>-i service«. ^-Atlanta Const ' "4'1 ■'‘W"/'’' " i'Rvwe. 1 who are caught in them. tio®. i ----- IsHued----- I ' M’MINNVILLE, OREGON1, »JUNE 1.5, 1886 i