T. YÌI’*"““------------------ >------------ - The Oregon Register. CONGRESSIONAL NEWS MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS PACIFIC COAST N0TE8. THE AGRICULTURALIST —r . PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY THBTERRITORIES READY TO ENTER THE CRUSHED AND KILLED IN THS NEW DIBCOVBBIBB IN THB NORTH­ BOMB ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF WESTERN MINING DISTRICT. SUCCESSFUL FARMING. PENNSYLVANIA STORM. —XT— THE GALAXY OF STATES. M c M innville . - ” the Bow BALLQON oreoon . BURSTED. U» Mos« Esp».rlon«>o4 Aeronau^ la Uu World Mot Mio »•«»*. The Conditions on Whloh Montana Will A Youthful Bank Robber Comes to Orlaf at Kansas City—New Mex­ Enter — Pension Legislation-Ore­ ican Cable Lins—A Judge gon’s Militia Bill Bscomes a Arrested—Other Newt !.. LaWwTbs Inaugural. ^s Angeles Detective Shoots Himself. Cheap Lands Not Always the Most Prof- ltable-The Value or Hay Lies In Prospectors Find a Watery Grave Feeding It to Tour Own Oat- in the Colorado River-Ne­ 'tto—Well-Kept Farms. vada’s Miner’s Home. ’ The coroner's inquiry into the death < PORTLANO1MARKET ßEPORl *Gi!OCERIKS-Sugars have fallen )c sine» our last report. We quote C Pfc, extra C 5Je. dry granulated (Uc, cube, crushed and powdered 7j|c. Cotfe- s Ann, Guatemala 18j(«l21 e, Costa Rica I8|taltlc, Rio 20i«Mfl|c, SalvadorlWf 20c, Arbuckle's roasted 23je. PROVISIONS—Oregon hams are quot­ ed al 13V» 14 ic, breakfast bacon 13pB14«c, Eastern meat Isqnoted as fololwa: Hanis l:ty 13Sincfalis 14? 15c, Oregon break­ fast bacon taVsllc, Eastern 131«, 13 e. FRUITS—Green fruit receipts 1230 bxs. Hard fruit is scarce, and the supply of ap- p'ea not equal to the demand. Applea t!6<, carrots and turnip» '5c per sa>-k, red pepper 3c per lb, potatoes 3 >(w40c per sack, sweet lf-, medium 7<8.30c Cal­ ifornia fancy 30c, choice dairy 27Jc, easteru 251030c. EGGS- Receipts 293 cases. Oregon 25c. POULTRY — Chickens »5» 5.2»,' for large young and «4 4 75 for old, turkeys l«015c per ib, ducks |5<37 per dozen. WOOL—Valley 18020c Eastern Oregon lO&lflc. HOPS-Choice 8014c. GRAIN—Valley «1.35, Eastern Oregon «1.30 Oats 3303nc. Fi OUR-Standard (4.50, otner brands «4.25, Dayton and Cascade «4.10, Gzaham «3.25, rye flour (0, do Graham «5 60. FRESH MEATS—Beef, live, 3i®3ic. dressed 7c, mutton, live, 3j(«3 c, dressed 7e, lambs (2.50 each, hogs, live, 5)s Angeles. stomach. tance away, who knew nothing of the failed to find a suitable one. He does Santa Rosa orcbardiats have planted An effort is to bd made to annex A neat and well-kept farm indi­ balloon until afterward. not desire to build or bdy a hemp at Lower California to the U nited States. 100,000 Nee*the present season. cates that the oirtier is thrifty. The Mr. Simmons was an aeronaut of the capital. Cattle and sheep, caught in the Boys in tbe employ of the Chesa­ manure hasp is the most important thirty years’ experience, and this was The Dakota . delegation now in; peake oyster pirates arek treated as snow in New Mexico, are starving. thing nffff. If the heap is sheltered his 495th ascension. When he landed Washingtoi WashingtotfVoeT Confident that a bill Parties 1n Nephf! Idaho, propose so as to prevent loss, and so managed from his last previous ascent a few will now be'passed for the admission staves. A Sioux City, Iowa, lawyer has been shipping rabbit carcasses by the car­ that everything that can be added to ■ days before art old lady said to him: of South Dakota into the Union; plso load • it can be decomposed, it will effect a “You men can not have much care for the passage of an enabling act for-the ordered by the “white caps” to leave saSihg auf prevent filth in the b.irfi- the place. The saloon license of «150 has been your liver,” and he replied, "I have early admission of North Dakota. ’“ f ' • . . An earthquake was felt in New repealed by the supervisors of Marin yartf. made 494 ascents and 1 don't feet very The President has approved the act New York last week in the Adiron­ county. W® do not produce potatoes enough f much fear now." to provide arms, ammunition, etc., for 1210 unseemly discussion which a Wild hogs are plentiful m the tules for home consumption if the fact that The balloon was the Cdsmo, one of the militia of Oregon; the act to pro­ dack section. The crew that abandoned tbe ship along the Humboldt, near Battle such products are imported are taken a certain class of newspapers have largest ever made, holding 62,000 cubic vide stores for the militia of Montana, into consideration. If foreigners can been making a conspicuous feature In feet of gas, and capable of carrying and the act amending ths postal laws Christina at sea have arrived at Mountain. Watsonville, Cal., is making efforts ship their products 3000 miles to their columns of late of the question, «,400 pounds. The basket was of iron in regard to tbe special delivery of Charleston, S. C. wironetwork, instead of wicker. He car­ letters. Axworthy, the defaulting city treas­ to secure the location of a flax mill at reach us we can, with our improved “Is marriage a failure?” is simply a machinery on our cheaper lands, pro­ that place. ried a thirty-pound grapnel and ninety- General Swaim will be placed on urer of Cleveland, Ohio, will take up fresh breaking out of the old and nau­ It is said that ¥ort Canby, at the duce more than may be required in seous social malady of “free love.” It Is one feet of rope—too light an anchor the retired list, notwithstanding the his residence in Toronto. this country. and too short a rope, some experts say. fact that many members of the retir­ Diplomatic circles in Europe cen- mouth, of the Columbia, will again be amazing that any editor who has either amazij He -went up about the middle of the ing board are said to be of the opinion sure the United States for the con­ garrisoned. Sheep manure contains from 00 to ' any i^jpM-fe^the reputability r of his afternoon with W. L. Field and Mr. that his present disabiliiies are not tinued fighting in Samoa. The Indians of Saline Valley, Cali­ 95 per cent of the plant food con­ journal or any respect forthe v welfare tained in the rations consumed by the Meyers, the latter of South Kensington serious eneugh to incapacitate him fornia, are raising fine fig, apple, pear The libel suits instituted by the sheep. It is»- therefore, a very rich of society should countenance the dis­ Natural History Museum, both of whom from further active service. Chicago police against the Times of and peach trees. cussion of so grave a them« lu the had made previous voyages. It was A bill halp been introduced in the fertilizer, as experience has shown. It reckless and flippant style and manner Representative Hermann’s bill pro­ that city-have been dismissed. is- especially rich in nitrogen in an intended to cross the channel to France, viding for an increase of pension for J. J. Patterson, ex-United States Nevada legislature to provide a home available form, and for that reason is in which it is treated by the qlaas of but darkness coming on the party de- Colonel James Waters, of Douglas Senator from South Carolina, has for indigent miners. shallow and inconodastic writers who, eidod to descend for the night. The county, Or., a veteran of the war of been sued for breach of promise. A Portugese sheepman was acci­ excellent for use as a starter in the in their anxiety to air their Immoral hill for corn and potatoes. L. — country was somewhat wooded, and 1812 and of the Oregon Indian wars, dentally killed by his brother in F bbs - The belief is growing that the rela­ sophistications, delight to exhibit their two or three attempts were made, to who is now ninety-four years old and tions between the United States and no county, last week. All smutty corn or liusks should be contempt for those things and institu­ land, but each time ballast had to bo blind, was reported favorably to the Germany are becoming strained. burut. It is better to take precaution Charles Gordon, who was to haWl*? , tions which reasonable and good ipen HABITS OF FLIES. thrown out and the balloon sent up House last week. *1 next year than to attempt to pre deem too sacred to be assailable. Tbe police of Knoxville, Tenn., re- been hanged last week at Fort Ban- t for again. A field that seemed fairly clear , Among the bills recently intro­ | cently raided a private car and ar­ ton, Jlontana, was respited. lntere»tlnr*raet> About Two Loathaom« vent smut by some remedy. It would The man or woman who.ser^QHsJy Members ot the Family. was at last choson jnd tbo grapnel let duced in the House are the following: rested the oecupants for gambling. Ai tides of incorporation have been have b?en best to destroy the affected asks tho question “Is marriage a fqlk out It dragged through a field of Granting right-of-way for a railroad j. The horse-fly Is the mpst cruel and stalks when growing, but evpn now filed by The Dalles Portage company, It is again rumored that Charles wheat and then caught in a large tree. ' across the Fort Pima Indian reserva­ no traces of «mut should be allowed to ure?” is ohvlously disqualified, by a oloodthirsty of the entire family. He with a capital stock of «500,000. Jn an Instant the huge balloon pullod ; tion in Arizona; granting the Big Francis Adams will soon retire from exist. Seed should never be selected lack of eitinor virtuous or proper ex­ Is armed with a most formidable weap­ Mrs. Sarah Sniver, of Glendale, W. from a field containing smutty years perience, or of intelligent or thought­ up short swung to the ground, and be­ Horn Southern railroad right-of-way the presidency of the Union Pacific. Jennie Stuart, the daughter of a T., was burned to death recently by of corn. ful conviction, from answering or even on, which consists of four lancets, bo . ■- - ■ gan to bump up and down, straining at across a part of the Crow Indian res­ New York stock broker, ran away the explosion of a coal oil lamp. discussing the question at all, the very sharp and strong that they will pene­ the end of Its tether. Simeons pulled ervation in Montana. When graitilind liny crops are sold asking of it being almost proof posi­ trate leather. When not in use they A car-load of lobsters has been &aspora.Ufly on the valve ropo and Governor 8wineford, of Alaska, es­ with her father’s coachman last week. are nicely folded away In a sucker. Jane Suffert, who has been keeping shipped to Puget Sound. Scow bay off the land tl^ey carry away the fer­ tive that the one asking it Is of the shouted to Field to help him. Meyers timates the annual resources of the tility of- th# f4Tm,_ but whdn such affirmative way of thinking, and that He makes his appearance In June, and a baby farm in a room sixteemfset i has been chosen for lobster raising. held a bag of ballast awaiting an order territory at about «9,000,000; min­ may often be seen in the vicinity of crops are fed tQ , stock not only is a to throw it out Three times in scarce­ erals, «2,000,000; all other resources, square at fit. Louis, has been arrested. H. Dunn escaped from the Napa portion of the crop .left over sb ma he or she is. of that way of thinking small streams of water. He is said to because of experiences, observations ly more than as many seconds the great «3,000,000. He urges the develop­ The fishing steamer Novelty, which asylum last week and was found nure, but a higher price is received or theories that are at least superficial, subsist in part upon an airy diet, and balloon bounded up and down strug­ ment of the territory’s mines, espec­ left Boston recently, is said to be shortly ajlerward hanging to a tree. for such crops in the shape of beef, to pass his life harmlessly. Not so the but more probably the resultants of gling frahtically like some immeuso ially that of coal, which he claims ex­ loaded with arms and men for Hayti. female, for she is armed with six lan­ Detective A. B Lawson at Los An- pork, mutton or- milk, which enables wild beast at the end of a long ropo. ists there in large quantities. Henry Kruse, who shot Ward Mc­ geles shot- himself iWliile taking a re­ the farmer to restore any I obb Of ter- the individual folly or vtctouSfiess Of a cets, with which she bleeds both cattle depraved nature. A married life that Each time it sprang sixty feet in the The-.8enate sub-committee__ on Manus, a prominent St. Louis’capi­ vqr from his desk recently. He will tility by the increased receipts conse­ has proved a failure because the parties and horses, and even human beings. air. As it rose the third time io that fiuance has occupied much time in talist, last week, kilted himself Satur­ ‘ vol quent upon the keeping of stock. She lays her eggs in moist places, and recover. to the contract have had neither sense height thbre.came a sudden report the J hearing opposing claims of the wool day. after they are hatched iiito footless The improper keeping of cream, enough, mutual forbearance enough j growers and wool manufacturers on The Portland water-works want to silk collapsed, and the car with the Chief Byrd has been recognised bj J maggots, they make all necessary jour­ and allowing it to become soar while changes in the tariff on wool. The issue «1,500,000 mere bonds to enable nor morality enough to be faithful to three young men in it fell to tho ground. Secretary Vilas as Governor of 1 ie neys by stretching and closing the seg­ Mon from the fields running up, found impression prevails that the oommit- Chickasaw nation in Indian Terri it to supply 20,000,000 gallons of wa­ waiting for more, and the failure to Us obligations is not a just sample of keep the milk and cream in some the marital institution, is not a fair ments of their bodies, their heads be­ It battered into a shapeless wreck and tee will ask for a reduction on the lory. > | ler 0 (Jay. ing supplied by two hooks by which place of even temperature, is. the its three late Inmates unconscious. coUTmoii grades of "Wodl from eleven The fastest time ever made across | Miss Nellie Reche, living near Col- cause of nearly all poor butter. The illustration of modern domesticity, they get their food. In process of tiiuo \ Simmons' skull was fractured and he to ten cents. is not an exponent of the aver ­ toi{, California, was terribly stabbed the Atlantic was that of the Umbria quality of the cream should he uni­ this maggot goes down into moist had suffered other Injuries. Ho died Governor Beaver, of Pennsylvania, last week—6 days, 2 hours and 45 last week by an unknown man, who form, and no mixing of differeut ages age family condition of civilized earth, where it reposes for some-weeks, society. It In three hours without gaining con­ chief marshal of the inauguration pre­ tainute^. is exceptional and after which it bursts the pupa case, made his escape. can be done safely. No amount of sciousness. Mr. Field had a simple cession, has issued au order calling on working the butter can compensate abnormal. A true man and a true and comes forth a large black fly, J. R. Moody, ot Colusa county, who The postal authorities will soon in ­ fracture of the right thigh and a com­ | all - organizations desiring to partici­ for the injury^done before churning, woman, entering irtto the relations ’of pound fracture of the left log, besides pate to notify him at headquarters vestigate the free delivery system of iried to kill bis wife a short time ago, and every portion of the work should man and wife with rational delibera­ armed and equipped like its predeces­ California, Oregon and Washington has been sentenced to four years in sors. innumerable bruises. Mr. Mayors had I before February 20th. Civic orders be done speedily and not be made de­ tion, with genuine affection, and with the penitentiary. The sewer and cesspool fly resemble Internal injuries, and was covered with of less than fifty in number will not Territory. high and, pure motives, do not find pendent on something that is to fol­ At Rahway, New Jersey, incendiary It is reported that Senator Hearst, low brlilses and outs. ' . r be permitted in line, or with improper marriage a failure. They know what bach other in their habits, with a sin­ fires are started so that the boys ean of California, has purchased the now Aeronauts can givo no satisfactory 1 costume or; equipment. they are about before they enter Into gle exception — the former lives in A correspondent in the Southern the intimate and sacred partnership. cloaner water and has a less compli­ explanation of the bursting of tho bal­ /The ¡board of Indian commissioners, turn with the engine and have a good famous Harqua Hala mines, in Ari­ sona, for «250,000. Live Stock Journal gives the following It is on their part not a matter of im­ cated apparatus. The female lays hor loon. It was undoubtedly oaused by #t their recent annual meeting, carougal afterward. eggs where they may be reached by the sudden stoppage, but why the resolutions deprecating the Powderly claims that the men who There is good reason to believe that as a remedy for thumps in hogs: pulse, of emotion, of money, nor of strain of a quantity of gas should be- of changing Indian officials are trying to start an opposition order the Klamath Indian reservation in Give one tablespoonful of vaseline, passion, but of mutual and reciprocal the filthy fluid. The young are soon oome excessive on that account has ■ nf~ not for partisan partisita reason« a reasons and urging the to the Knights of Labor, offered to sell northern California, will soon be petroleum jelly (not Carbonized): Re­ affection, guided and consummated by hatched, and may be seen floating on peat every twenty-four hours as long -the dictates of reason and of a thought­ the water and taking in all its bad been explained. It is said that tl .heie-ySjteiuionoi.lb« civil open to settlement. ‘1service system out to him for «100. as necessary. The great advantage qualities; they die if placed in clean Is one similar case on record. to the , - Indian -j,----- ----- — service —------ ; ; also opposing Miss. H. O. Woodard, of Charlotte- A pension has been granted to J. of the remedy, aside from it? efficacy, ful anticipation of all the possibilities water. They dart swiftly about and Simmons, during Ms life as a bal­ the removal of the tribes from their ville, Va., ran away last week and was H. Eaton, of Portland, a Mexican sur­ is the ease with which it is given. It and all the contingencies that are in­ go down for the spaoe of a minute, but loonist, had made ascents in India, reservations where they are settled married. The young lady is a cousin vivor, and an increase to Garrison is a job to drench a hog, but this vas­ volved in the solemn compact 8uch are obliged to rise to breatha In th« Egypt and the United States, as well and are making progress toward civ­ of General Harrison. Datson, of Grant’s Pass, Cal. eline slips down so easily tEat there matches are made in heaven, are heav­ course of time they seek a dry place, ilization. as in all parts of Europe, and it is said enly In their lifelong continuance, and Herr Most, of New. York, the arch 8tephen T. Morse, a prominent fruit is no time for strangulation. In ex­ extend beyond this life into heaven and after their wings have grown, that no man In the world had had The president has returned to the treme cares it is beat to blister under grower of Sacramento county, Cal., emerge regular flies like their parents, anarchist, has applied for police pro ­ more experience In aerial navigation Senate vpthout his approval the bill neck and between front legs with c*n- itself. ready to repeat their filthy but useful than ho. In 1875 he ascended with De to pay «38C0 to -William D. Wheaton tection. He claims that his life is in while loading hay from a scaffolding tharidal collodion. Marriage is a fill ure only when ths work. We can form only a vague idea * last v. eek, fell and broke his neck. Groof, the Belgian “flying man," who and Charles H. Chamberlain, for danger from his former associates. man or the woman ls.a failure In his how greatly we are indebted to those If the milk is too cold for the but­ was to descend from a great height by many years prior to 1879 register and The New York World has made ar­ The man employed by the San Ber­ manhood or in her womanhood. It is moans of a parachute. Something wont receiver of the land office ¿t San Fran- rangements for an explorii g expedi­ nardino county grand jury-to expert ter to come, or the temperature is too never a failure when the man and the loathsome insects as scavengers.— Cor. Wt-ong and the Belgian was dashed to i oisco. These two officers were re­ tion to Africa to discover the where­ the county treasurer’s books has high (as sometimes happens in sum­ woman are true to themselves and to Country Gentleman. mer), it may be brought to the de­ pleoes. In 1882, with Colonel Brine, of quired by an oitier, issued July, 1877, abouts of Stanley and Emin Pasha. since gone to jail for petty larceny, Punishing Chinese Goda . - sired temperature by the addition of each other. It Is never a fallqre where the Royal Engineers, ho started to to turn thereafter into the treas­ The towns of Cimarron and Ingalls, A warrant was recently issued for cold or warm water, as the require­ the feeling and the motive and ths does to Franoe, but dropped into the ury cert^n fees to which they were A curious case of punishing the gods in Kansas, are engagnd in a county the arrest of John Hall, a prominent ments may be, until the proper tem­ , purpose are right It is never a fail­ el annel, and after a perilous time was entitled by law. seat war. So far two men have been architect of Los Angeles, on a charge perature is obtained. The use of a ure where true love and honor are the is reportedly the last mail from Foo resoued by a steamer. A few months chow. The idols of a oertain temple A movement is on foot to secure a killed and great excitement prevails. of perjury in a timber culture claim. thermometer will greatly assist in the links Mt unity. It is never a failure in that city were those appealed to by later Sir Claude do Grospigny, as­ pension for Postmaster Leuis Purdy, where good sense and good principle work of churning. Some prefer to cending Kith him, woik thrown out pol. Frank Posey has been nomi­ San Diego has received an order persons who desired to be revenged on Yorktown, Westchester county, and badly Burt Simmons\tuok to the nated for the unexpired term in Con­ from Colima, Mexico, for twelve miles raise the temperature by placing the lead to and control the relationship. io made car. and after an exciting time __ _ a.rIte,w Y*?rkl who. « “¡nety-three years gress occasioned by the resignation of of rails, twenty-four cars and other churn in a tub of warm water. Any It is very rarely a failure, in any event their enemies. They were supposed to cause death to those against whom ir Claude who en)ojs the distinction o( safe desoent The next year Sir Congressman Hovey, now Governor necessary equipments for a horse-car mode that will raise the tempe.ature where children are its fruitage and the prayers to them were directed. Re­ and he suooeeded in crossing the chan- being the oldest postmaster in the of Indiana. will "answer. Rectangular churns, family altar is the center of its daily line. cently the Tartar military commandor nol. and he has repeated the feat since. country, having voted for President­ which dash the butter from side to sanctification. In the camp of a gang of thieves in —N. K Sun. elect Harrison and his grandfather died suddenly, and the idea got abroad Engineers are now at work on the side, are now largely in use, the but- Those who sneer and mock at mar­ Ind|an Territory was found, recently, beffire him. Purdy was appointed proposed peninsular railroad leading terniilk being drawn off as soon as among the people that he had been Blow Himself Up With a Bomb. riage are not God ’ s people; they are a dtary detailing a murder in Ohia in postmaster of Shrub Oak by W. H. out of San Diego. The line will be the butter assumes the granular slain by the idols in question. The An extraordinary sulolde has just Hair iron in 1841, and has discharged 186«; which the owner of the diary completed to Yuma, Aris., in a very stage. After the buttermilk is off, il not of those who are the best develop­ Viceroy of the province hearing this ment of'modern civilization; they are committed with an axe and secured short time. Occurred at a village near Angers. A the duties of his office «ver since. preferred, a strong solution made by not illustrations either of social mor­ at once gave orders that they were to 51000. peasant named Bordereau was working be arrested and. punished. The pre­ The omnibus bill, which hA passed dissolving salt in water, may br While several prospectors were en ality or of sound sense. They are the lect was instructed to see the decree in a field with his wife and brother-in- the House, in so far as it relates to I. The Mexican Telegraph company poured into the churn and the butter route to the new gold fields in Ari ­ froth and scum that float and bubble carried out, and, armed with the Vice­ law, when a trifling dispute took place. Montana, authorizes the people to haa arranged for the laying of a new sona their boat was capsized in the washed by again revolving the churn Bordereau left the field and returned choose delegates, to form a conven­ cable screes the gulf to Galveston, tbe Cororado river, below The Needles, This carries.off the buttermilk and upon the vurfac* of social Ufa They roy’s warrant, he went to the temple are people of unbridled passions, sen­ and had fifteen idols arrested. These to his cottage, whither his wife soon tion, in each district. Tbo whole num­ present one being found inadequate to and all were drowned. partially salts the butter. sual and selfish instincts or shallow were of wood and about five feet high. followed him. As she was about to ber of delegates to be seventy-fowr, transact the Mexican and Central Louis Wanderer, a boy, was found enter the house her busband called to and are to meet on July 4, 1889. They American business now handled. Although no definite rule can be minds. They are not 'the many, but Before being brought for judgment be- » nol guilty of stealing Mrs. Scmidlin’a laid down to be followed in covering the wild and reckless few. As a rule, her to remain outside, and a moment are authorised to form a State gov­ Judge Lyman >' Follett, who left fore the prefect their eyes were all put afterwards there was a tremendous ex­ ernment and constitution, provided, Grand Rapids, Mich, two years ago chickens at San Joee, and his guar seeds, it is sa(e to say the larger the marriage is not a failure, but quite the out'so that they should not see who dian has brought a suit for «6000 plosion, which sent all the glass flying that at the time of election of dele­ aihd went to Honduras, leaving a seed the deeper the covering should reverse. When it proves a failure, it was tbeir judge and be able to trouble and filled the air with smoke. The gates the constitution adopted by the large amount of trust funds unac­ against Mrs. fichmidlin. ba The old rule of covering seeds to is an exception to the rula just a* him either here or hereafter. After nelghlxirs rushed to the spot and constitutional convention held at Hel­ counted for. was arrested in Helena, The legislature of Montana haa a depth equal to four times the diam­ idiots, cranks, lunatics and moral lep­ a full investigation a report was sent promptly extinguished the flames that ena in 1888 shall be submitted to th« Montana, and will be taken back to ; are exceptional developments of to the Vloeroy, who gave orders that opted a resolution, almost unani­ eter of the seed, will not answer in all ers were bursting out of the oottage. Then, people for ratification. Land sections Michigan. cases. The writer’s experience would human evolution.— Chicago Journal. mously, protesting against the admis ­ the idols should be beheaded, their entering Bordereau's room, they found 16 and 36 will be granted to the State lead him to advextate a greater depth bodies cast into a pond and their tern- him lifeless on the shattered bed. ,or ,he Forty aaloon-koepere, who are to be sion of Utah Territory as a State on of sowing as a general rule. A depth °' ccmn M>» schools, his body fearfully »mutilated, while the and 90,000 acres of land are granted triad for contempt in violating tem­ the grounds of polygamy. o I - h , up forever to prevent them equal to six limes ths diameter of the —Miles W. Stahdisb, of Waldoboro, f>v“- walls were smeared with blood. He porary injunctions issued under a pro­ .ling the peace of the town - fur the support ot agricultural col ­ seed woXld be mors suitable for the , Ma, Isa direct descendant of Captain had Owen Brown, al sotLof . sort, of old John. * and lain himself on the hibition taw at Canton, Ill., have majority of seeds. Potato seed cut in l Miles Standish, who came over in the in lu.„.v. — »¿endow (Mods. at his side a shell which lege«. Fivo per cent of the proceeds agreed to abandon their plaoeaand Brown of Kansan J died ’yeoentl/ sal«« ot public lands is also granted » with him on his was seventy seventy-four the usuzl way will give’pieces varying ■ Mayfltqyer in 1620, and he pas a aon leave the state on condition that the Pasadena, Cal. He I wqs —Here is a secret for women troubled tary service. He for common school purposes. years old, and is I said -------- > to ---------------- be the last in thickness from half an inch to an named Miles. cases be diMniased. with obesity which we anticipate will shell and blown )survivor of the Harper’s Ferry affair. inch in thickness. According to our Tbe examination of Bewail, consul his body I Bordereau, though —There is a Massachusetts maiden carry some weight; namely, that bodies rule, this seed would call for a cover­ The dead of Reading, Pennsylvania, I health, general al Samoa by tbe Senate oon- Who were crushed in the debris of the ing of four and onahalf inches—« so modest that she would not look at a exposed constantly to the sun “gain Isadora Lewis, a tobacco and cigar such activity of the blood forces as to r to tbo mittea on foreign rotations, haa boon collapsed silk niUC number eighteen, dealer in San Diego, has commenced depth .which has been practically salad dressing.—fi'.cAe.der Express. limeat of concluded, bqt ho is held here to and 6vo persons iff. tbe paint shop suit for «10,000 damages against the demonstrated to be moat advantageous prevent any exoessive forming o? — Customer — “ What yo ’ charge for await the printing of his teMunony. were burned to death. Tbe injured adipose matter.” It ibuat not, however, Bradstreet Mercantile agency. The on well-drained soils. The same rule gi ttin fotografs took ? Phot ographer — Ha is deeply interested in tho Samoan are about ninety. At Pittsburg sets be supposed that, on the other hand, situation, and is anxious to return to an teen were kilted by the falling Ger­ agency had declared be had made an may be applied to most other seeds “Imperials, «6 tier dozen; duplicates, assignment. ’ with rqually satisfactory results, bul «3 per dozen.” Customer—"Wall. I plenty of sunlight la conductive to his poet, but it still more anxious that mania bank building walla. Over fifty at the same time it is not held up as guess Tie jes hab haf doMq duplicates leanness. Not so, for the really health­ the people of ths United States should were injured. an infallible guide under all circum­ tooken.”—.Vcrper’s Herity. ful condition is neither fat nor lean, but arouse thomselra to an intelligent ap­ A bill haa been introduced in Cow- old fallow, I stances and conditiona. Drainage, shapely and plump, and the sun's rays preciation of the importance of main ­ ' The Nevada legislature haa ap- — Sharp — “ What is the strongest gras authorising the Secretary of the up courage amount of moisture, depth of soil, day of the week. Ketchum??" Ketchum quicken the nutrient functions, produc­ taining the Kted a oommitu 1’reasury to pay to Joseph Pennig. of . and many other conditions must be w ot California Liukville, Or., the sum of «10,08) for (who is not on the eve of bankruptcy) ing a Yteautiful roundness of form; in­ deed, its constant action upon a human injuries received M body in refereneo Indtane in th. Modoo Indian war. | deC,dwg lhw q«»Uon for him —“Friday»- 1 stlppoea." Sharp—"Na body is like the upon a plant, Sunday; all the others are week days vitalizing and to ever/ See?"—Detroit Froo Press. port in Esesx. England, of the famous aero­ 1 Y lr?\ S I