-I '¡t OREGON •r ssai-yeariy gOMOkanON BATES. = “A GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, AND BY THE PEOPLE." a at the postoffioe at Lafayette, eeoend-olaM matter. LAFAYETTE, YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7,1888. u dr . J. c. MICHAUX, Practicing Physician and Surgeon, LAFAYETTK, OREGON. HOL1? NO. and Preside at.................. Seeietsry ofBiaio.^.. Beeretarj of Treaaary.. Secretary ef the Interior Secretary et War............. Secretary ef Nary.......... Poslraaaier General....... . Attorney General............ Chief Jitter Racks Chrigim^inri h n Bhou,d not fail to cal1 and examine my «tuck befc tc k I SaiXvel Buhd Mantel and Clock Shelves, 8tereoscoi P^lnr ¿.L « K iOmPlete Bt«=k Fn™iture, Bedroom Sets in Antigo Oak, A.L ...d -uu stock Coffins*and • v j 80 c*rr^ in Hygenic Kalsomine, the best sanitary wall finish in the world, put up i J. BURT MOORE, X?“ •hort PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 1 '"•h “ •h“‘“*7 V “,•«* T , ery ruly m fo' . ..A. H Ge.leM Melville W. Faller NEWBERG, OREGON. Mra. Harris* Ewing, of Al^ras, Cali- '«raia, arrived in town Monday evening. toltowiag. . ■» » visit to her Mr end Ito ft la - . , ’-------— parties who know to be indebted to me for mod- t ^—AU Altha Wed Catarrh Cure. -«-»- a - F J. CHENEY A CO , Pn>i* , Toleifo Ohio ®r"Bo»d by druaprta^Tfc. IS 8CHOOL REPORT. The following is a result of the examin­ ation of the Lafayette public schools for the term ending November 30,1888: GBAMMAB DBPABTMBNT— 1 PARKER, PyNCIPAL. Fred Henry.. Clyde Harris Daisy Morris Fred Derby.. Harry Littlefield... Robert Bird............ Maggie Ferguson.... Hugh Cary ........... Edwin Cary.......... Willie Ungerman. Roy Hurley........ . -. Frank Billington.r Eugene Rudder..... xvuuukrte» Krrrjfj > Anson Henry.... Pearl Cook............ Rhoda Gardiner Lizzie Gardiner. Mildred Sampson Herbert Poppleton Lulu Hopkins. Eva Hoberg . Duncan Harris Peter Olds .. . Ed Littlefield. 100 08 »5 »5 80 80 98 80 80 90 80 98 100 ,95 100 99 99 100 100 9ft 96 9ft 90 80 00 93 94 89 75 86 81 9ft 83 89 73 83 97 96 94 96 98 97 98 96 94 90 94 8ft 83 94 98 94 92 96 98 94 90 93 94 94 91 87 83 9ft 94 84 100 88 1'10 100 96 1110 88 100 100 111(1 9« 100 98 98 82 91 93 GIB Me 97 9f Of 97 98 10C 10( 99 99 99 91 IOC 96 97 95 9f 99 92 94 99 W. 98 97 tM 9C 91 IM 99 91 9ft 9ft 96 9« 99 99 97 96 9ft 9ft 100 98 98 96 99 9ft 89 97 100 99 97 99 99 99 97 93 99 94 98 98 99 9ft 99 88 99 98 99 99 97 97 98 99 96 86 90 94 88 92 89 95 91 97 94 95 93 08 97 98 87 98 96 96 • ». 100 93 96 93 94 93 100 94 98 96 92 9ft 100 90 100 9« 98 91 100 90 82 93 10'1 92 84 97 10C 92 88 89 90 100 96 DZPABTMENT—MIS» BOOMB. Willie Hurley...,. Albert Hubbaid,.' Guy Long............. Katie Bird.............. Elsie Cary.............. Lucy Moaher... . Cora Burlingame.. Eva Christenson. . Tommie Huston.. Willie O’Connor.. Jessie Parker........ Maud Hobbs.......... May Burlingame.. Stella Hopkina.. . Lulu Daniel............ Mabel Collard. ... Elsie Hobbs.......... Wi.lie Jameoon.... Clifford Hurley .. Artbui Denny.... Carl Michaux .... Sidney Moeher.... Clyde Hurley........ Walter Gardiner.. Leo Grace. ............. Fred Larkin........... Cora Kimberlin ,. Anna Burlingame George Hembree.. Nanna Ungerman Bini Nelson............ Cora Hubbard.... Lillian Parken-.. . Cecil Oids.............. Ne.lie Henry. .... Maud Collard -tx. r •I*. ’AKII0 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Jndso... , CteA...... Sheriff..., rreewrer. Recorder.. Aeeeror-. Bai rayos.. Bohool Boj Coronar... Commtaeloíare. Burd of Trote«*... liteerdsw Maniai. Troaanr. examine my stock before doing so. B.P. Bait. T.J. Harrii I D. B. Ktagery ì B. Bra Isolier í®b,1P*0»>>«a Thom»» Huston M. J. Memeey I have fine Toilet Cases, Shaving Sets. W lantei clock Shelves, Stereoscopes and Views, Brackets, Paper Holders, Al Thia powder nsvsr varl -a. A marvel ana of pur Ity. etr ugth and wboleiomonoae. Mote Oak,Ash eoo- Antique and Maple, Wash Stands. Center and Extension Tables, fine uomioel than the ordinary kind« ..and eim w ol b« > in ltudewf 50 cent tow packages. Also a good assortment of glass in •old in cnmpeliUon with the mnl Seryieoo w.Ui he bold et tke follawfeg tare telw, ehort welglu alnu. nr phosphate powder« to deserve a end piaste bv Bar. J. McIsUre: Bold only, in ou>«. R ot it Bate»«« PoWDlB. Flint thudey-Watt Ohehatem, 11 a. a.; Newberv.Sp.nl. Do., 106 Wnll 8U NiY. Beoond Bonday—Noijk YhmbUl, 11 b. m.; Lafhyetie, 7 a. se. u J' u T’ a 8* A,rOb,r »«boolhouse, 11 a. m^ Mt. Richmond, 3 p. m. 7 p°àrth ’>■ -l Utnyates. Notice. O DBPABTMBNT—MFS. JOHNSON. Ivy McCain..... . Ethel McCain.... Lura Sampson... Will Hubbard... Will Huston........ Charles Huston. Lvnn Collard Will Lewis Fred I.aymi Karl Kelty. Ambery Grace.— Arthur .Harris, i Ira Hutchiqgs... Bertha Layinon. Lynn Ferguson Will Perry.......... James Jameson. Dee Derby........ Charlev Henry. Vina Huston... Mary Parker... Anna Hutchings Della Parker.... Jennie Mosher.. Cyrena Hembree Frank Steward.. Charley Hoberg. Fred Vickrey.., Clinton Hembree . George Cary.... Ralph Dunn.... Myrtle Dunn.... Grace Hopkins.. Fred Hopkins .. Queen Kelty ... Oarrie Milloy .. John Harrington Fred Harrington George Mat toy.. Bertie Haney... Earl Sampson. ~ Arthur Hampoon Ivan Daniel.. <). Rosa Mosner, „ Mary Bird.......... ratMABT General P upil ' s N amx . INTERMEDIATE Jo#e... Attorney. Deputy« •d Deporti» There are two Protestant hospitals in TOWN ELECTION. NEWBERG. Oregon—the Good Samaritan, Episcopal, The election held on Monday for cor­ DR. O. H. SMITH, December 3, 1888. and the Portland, Methodist, both located poration officers was a very quiet affair.- Tfie town is still booming. in Portland. Following is the ticket elected: Trus ­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, . Weather rather damp, although mild. J. T. Reed, of Carlton, called on Mon­ /________ ____________ day. In the future his home will be tees, John Thompson, Ed. Perkins, M. J. J. M. Holston and family have moved Ramsey, Hull Johnson and P. P. Gates; LAFAYETTE, OREGON. ' happier because of the visits of recorder, E. Carpenter; marshal, H. to Portland. the R egister .,—..... Samuel Hobson, the photographer is Benteiy * Specialty. v7-49 Hopkins; treasurer. R; P. Ungerman. ready for business. “All’s well that ends well.” GotoC. f. BXPOBt-S. ■ '•< Moore Bros, have a nice assortment of Griesen, McMinnville, to buy your candy FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Following is the recorder’s Teport of holiday goods and toys. and holiday goods, and your money will warrants issued for the year ending De­ -------- Or h ’HINNVTLLE, OB.,-------- Geo. Haworth and family expect to be well spent. 3t cember 3, 1888: start for California this week. JACOB WORTMAN * Addent, Dr. Wm. Harrison, a physician of ex­ For work on streets.......................... » 30 38 New houses are going up in spite of the K. P. BIRD.......................... Vice-President/ perience, has located at Newberg, and Smallpox expenses.......................... 136 50 muddy roads and damp weather. Jso. WORTMAN ......................... Cashier. respectfully solicits the patronage of the Judges and clerks of election........ 10 00 Treasurer’s salary .......................... 15 00 The winter term at the academy opened Tnturcte a general Basking Business. De- people of this community. Marshal’s salary............................. 27 50 to-day with 104 pupils in attendance. posits reoetvca rubjeet to check. Balis sight Incidental expenses ......................... 2 85 Mrs. Rubel, daughter, of Rev. and J. D. Tarrant A Co. have plenty of rrohange end t'legraphio transfers on New York, Ban Fraoeisoo and Portland. Mrs. McIntire, visited her parents here a Total................................................. |222 24 water to run their grist mill all the time. June 14. ly. —— few days ago when en route to her new Warrants unpaid............................... 130 50 Mrs. Mary Hadley had an attack ol apoplexy, and is paralyzed on one side. home in Southern Oregon. E. C abpkntkb , Recorder. iicMINNVILLE NATIONAL- BANK. Following is the treasurer’s report for Dr. J. B. Moore seems to be doing a The attendance at the open temper­ the same period: t lively business, as he is going nearly all MCMINNVILLE, OREGON. ance meetinE-QD Wednesday evening the time. BECEIVID. was very good, and the addresses, read­ Transacts a General Banking BusineM. Our new paper, the Newberg Graphic, ings and recitations were praiseworthy. On hand from last report............... » 50 27 From taxes......................................... 2 00 did not get out last week, but will make President............................. J. W. COWLS Rev. E. 8. Craven and family passed —-safoen liceaae. 280 00 its appearance this week. Vice President.............LEE LAUGHLIN through town on Monday'^from their “ show license........ 11 00 The engine at Vincent 4 Spaulding’s Cashier............................ CLARK BRALY -fines-..... ......... . 32 25 saw mill had a slight break last week, home in Hillsboro to Newberg, where “ peddlers’ license. 4 50 and they had to go to Portland for re­ Balta exchang. on Portland, San Francisco Mrs. Craven’s mother, Mrs. McCollum, ■ nd New York. pairs. is very sick. Total.. ....................»350 02 interest allowed on time deposits. Panl Macy ard family, who have lately PAID OUT. The donation for the benefit of Rev. J. Office hours from 9 a m to i p m. arrived from the east, have rented Mr. McIntire at the residence of Judge Hur­ On warrants....................................... »343 53 and Mrs. Round's place,formerly J. M. 4 06 Holston's. ley last Thursday evening was a very On interest........................................ CLUB LIST. pleasant affair. The donation amounted A debating society has been started at Total................ »347 59 For the benefit of our subscribers who to about »30. Balance on band................................ 2 43 the Cbebalem mountain schoolhouse, want to take some eastern paper or mag­ with the following officers: President, W. W. N elson , Treasurer. Mr. Foeteer, of Carter A Fosteer, real David Gubser; viSe-president, Joshua azine, we have made arrangements to estate agents at Newberg, was in town Ford; secretary, N. L. Wiley; treasurer, club with the following: REAL ESTATE. Monday and gave us a pleasant call. Il Mrs. Susie Gubser. They meet on Wed­ :V«w York World......................................... W The, following deeds were recorded dur­ nesday evenings. Demorut'» Mafanne..................... .... 3.50 you want to buy or sell r£al estate consult P rohibitionist , - American Agriculturist............ 3.00 them. Their ad. may be 'seen in this ing the week ending December 1, 1888: paper. ________,_________ These prices include the R egister and H. Hurley and F. Large et al to H. C. ,CARLTON. P ocket P icked .—8. A. Mulkey, who Hald, part of lot 1, block 34, of Hurley periodical named for one year. Or we December 4, 1888. _ will furtrfBh the World three months free returned from Dall* yesterday, informs and Larges’ addition to Newberg; »50. ‘Business is good—everybody in good with every cash in advance subscriber at this paper that bis brother, L. D. Mul­ Samuel Pettigrew to Mary A. Rogers, humor. »2.00. With every issue of the World is key, deputy sheriff of Polk county, was lot in McMinnville; »600. Our school is full these days, which is Mrs. P. W. Chandler to John Hoover, proper. published a complete popular novel by robbed of »1,445 while in Portland a few days ago. He is the Polk county agent lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, block 5, Chandler’s nome well-known writer. These are very Shot guns are good persuaders—aren't liberal offers, and the publication named for several agricultural implement bouses, second addition to McMinnville; »150. they boys? and after collecting all the money he George Bryan and wife to Joseph Mat­ ere the but in their lines. Our genial friend, Eb. Sitton called on could from his season’s sales be went to toy, lot 6, block 14, Lafayette; »100. us the other day. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Portland to settle with the firms for Nellie Warren to 8. A. Manning, lot Mr. and Mrs. Plummer visited Mc­ Dr. Watts was in Portland this week., which he Is working. He paid »240 to 30, old College addition to McMinnville; Minnville yesterday. J. Mattey went to Portland Wednes­ one firm, but before he could get to the »200. Mrs. Plummer has sold her bouse and next place where he was to transact Susan Hindle to Minnie Danforth and lot on east Mam street to Mrs. Caldvell, day on business. similar business, his pockets were re­ Lavina White, pait of section 33, t 5 s, r of McMinnville, who will take possession Mrs. John Dunn visited friends at Mc- , soon. 1* lieved of all the money he had in them, 7 w. . Coy last Saturday. that being the amount stated above. He Lowell Lougbarv and wife to Wyatt Our old time friend, Glartf, of the Re­ John U. Smith, of Portland, was in has no idea how the thief took the Harris, lots 1 and 8, block 14, Rowland’s porter, called on us yeeterdgy. Call again, friend Glass, the latch-string is on t->wn last Saturday. money from him, although he admits addition to McMinnville; »1,150. ' the outside. John Sax and wife to A. J. Baker, 2% Rev. Lee and wife, of Sheridan, were that he carried it in the oitfoide pocket Our wants are modest. We want a cvtdvrn Wednesday. 1 of his overcoat. The police are looking acres in McMinnville; »250. furniture store. We want a drug store. David Smith and wife to C. C. Poling for the thief ; but the chances are that he We want a hardware and tin shop. We Mrs. G. G. Bingham, of Salem, is vis­ will never be found.— Salem Statesman. et al, trustees of the Willamette camp­ want a good doctor. iting relatives in town. meeting association of the Evangelical The two school districts, numbers 1 For the famous Jane L. cigar go to A lmost a F ire .—Last Sunday evening association, land for camp ground; (|130. and 11 will have a fine Christmas tree about 5 o’clock a little boy of Mr. David Westerfield 4 Rryan’s. and school exhibition on Christmas eve Thos. B. Kay and wife to .Charles F. in the new opera bouse. »2,000 to loan on real security, enquire Cherry’s discovered that Mrs. Odell’s Daniels, lots 2 and 7, block ^0, Row­ house on the corner of 6th and Pearl W. A. Howe has received a car load of at office of W. L. Bradshaw. land’s addition to McMinnvill^ttOO. goods direct from Chicago, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. D. Ramsey were visiting Streets, was on fire and gave an alarm. William Hemstock and wife th A. H. mens’ clothing, ladies' cloaks and one of Lester Beckwith and Wm. Preston hap­ 'heir soti, M. J., here this week. Hodsen, lots 1 and 2, block 17, McMinn­ the finest selected stock of goods in Yam­ pened to be near and broke into the hill county. In casting about for holiday goods house and extinguished it before much ville; »700. H awk -E tb . con't forget Stephen's tbe jeweler. damage was done. The folks had gone CARD OF THANKS. DAYTON. Watches," chains and jewelry of all away from home and left quite a fire in xinds at T. C. Stepbou’s Lafayette. the fireplace and, some wood in another E ditor R egister : Deceember 5, 1888. Allow me through the columns of your Taken as a hole, the bore of a fifteen room, piled up back of the fireplace, Where is that flouring mil' 7 caught fire. No alarm was sounded. paper to thank the kind people of Lafay­ i-ich gun is not so bad.— Sloteeman. __ John Jones, of this city, went to Port­ ette for the many useful things presented land Tuesday on business. 7 When looking for a Christmas present But for the timely discovery the house would probably have been destroyed.— to my family on Thanksgiving evening, The steamer Champion la now making don’t forget to call at Westerfield’s. at the residence of Judge Hurley. One regular trips to this place. Cigars, cigarettes candies and nuts of Eugene City Register. of the pleasant features of the evening Road Supervisor W. J. Hash is having tbe best quality at Westerfield 4 Bryan’s. A F atal H unt .—Another fatal acci­ was the presence of Brother Travis and some work done on Ferry street. dent occurred recently on the Lower several of the members of bis church, Rev. F. L. Post will plknt a large acre- It is reported that a shoemaker from > r.ge of fruit trees on his farm below Day­ Siuslaw in the following manner: A who by their generous gifts added to the Salem will soon locate at thia place. __ party consisting of John Bchwartz, liberal stores brought in. We were ton. Mrs. John Gillanders has moved into Always on hand at Westerfield 4 Bry­ George Montgomery and others, went much pleased with the outcome and feel the house vacated by Robert Alexander out bear hunting. The dogs soon brought it was a success socially and financially. an's, a fresh supply of large pop-com A series of meetings will be commenced to bay a large black bear in a thicket of Many thanks to all. J. M c I ntire . in the Holiness chapel on next Tuesday bolls. , brush. Schwartz killed the bear and in evening. Graham Glass, Ji,, ot the Reporter, the meantime Montgomery came up, and LIST OF LETTERS The windmill in the public square Was in town Monday and gave us a 1 seeing the black coat worn by Schwartz, makes a nice ornament. If it had wings Remaining unclaimed in the poetoffice pleasant call. it would fly away. mistook hin/lpr the bear and shot, the G. A. Churchman, of Bheridan, has ] ball entering hia body near the ehort at Lafavette, Or., December 1, 1888: There are some sidewalks in town that Cressey, William need repairs. The town council should commenced the study of medicine with ribs. The man died in a few minutes.— Alexander, D. Flynn, Miss Emma Henry, John see tothis matter. Dr. Michaux. Benton Leader. _________ Lindsay, A. Sturgeon, John Ifhere was a meeting held in the M. E. Tripp, Henry Unhru, Mr. A decision in the narrow gauge case in O nly O nce —A year can you indulge church on Tuesday evening for the pur­ Parties calling for the above letters will pose of organizing a literary society. be United States supreme court is in the very pleasant privilege of giving please say "advertised." One cent each promised January 7th. R uotlsb . beautiful and useful presents to your best Money to loan on real estate in «urns to girl, or your sister, your uncle, your will be charged on delivery. G. E. J ohnson . Postmaster. rail by Fenton ¡k Fenton, at Lafayette cousin, or your aunt. That time will «am be here, and if you want to buy aad McMinnville, Oregon. A man who has practiced medicine for Mrs. Geteheil and daughter, of Amity, ssmething extra good, and double extra 40 year» ought to know salt from sugar; says: were here vidting the family of Dr. G. cheap, go to Geo. W. Burt’s at McMmn- read what be Toinop 1OIXIXI, O., vr., Jan. eeii. 10. *v, I887. ■oof ville. See ad. in this paper. H. Smith last Saturday. Messrs. Merera. F. J. Cheney 4 A Co.-O Co -Gentle entle- ­ :—I have been in the general prac­ It took five dozen turkeys, save two, To B uckwheat Gaowaaa -eoiter 4 men ,oen tor most 40 years, and far the Thanksgiving dinner for the in- Daniel give notice to farmers who have tice of medicine for moat 40 yeare r- would say ... that my wouiu —. in all — < practice and «tates of the insane asylum. buckwheat, that they will make a ran ou nerience, have never seen a preparation tha . ,H ____ ,'<^uld'pre«cribe with, as ate much much coo- coo- M »vnh, with Dr. George Wright and wife, of Salem, buckwheat about the 20th of this month, D fideme of socceer as I can Hall s Catarrh wSl move to McMinnville this week to provided enough la brought in to justify Cure, manufactured by you. Have pre them in making a change from tommon scribed it a great many tunes and its af ■ake their future home there. wheat. Todothia50to60 bustu-tossWtt feet la wonderfol, Beddee carrying a neat stock of furni- M M be brought in before the 20th inst. 2‘ 11 40 tare, W. I. Westerfield has a very select » 40 QUAwrraLT Mffi^tti».--Tbifc»t qwr UC. !■ —.¡g— dock of holiday goods; go and see them « 00 teriy meeting of the UUyMte ciramt w.il I , - L. L. Goasora, M. D., Westerfield 4 Bryan al tbe Lafayette Office. 215 Summit 84. «llizrd parlors keep tbe finest assort will rive (IOS for any case of ea •ant of French mixed randies in town tarrh that cannot be cured with HaB’r ranasTTSBiAB snevioaa. Divina cervice. wl 1 be eondueted by lev. Tryvte et North Yamhill and LefayeMa.ee lei The Lafayette Floaring Mill rails on full time until farther North Yamhill—First Sabbetbof ovary month. for thè presesi, mornhig sud eveulng. notice. Lafhyatte—Booond, tblrd end founb Bah batha of aveey month, ai >1 a m. am SUITER A DANIEL. Everybody wHl dad n cordisi wo thoko aorviuoe. avAsaaziOAL emviene ■ Rov. F. 8. Locke vili preachin thè M, > on Che Arai and tLbd Itaadey eveainge Notice la hereby givan that under and by church ofeach month. virtue if an order ef the oouatveourS of Yam­ hill county, Oregon, of date November 9th, tmb law op H*w«r«rrM, 1888, in the matter of the aetata of Elmina Old«, deceaaod, the underaigntd exeootor of 1—Sobrari «re wko dp not aiv« «xprem •«- aald aetata will, on Monday, the tic« to th« contrary 4re oon>ld«r«d -- -‘-‘-ting to oontlnn« trtfr ■nbrariptfon«. 7th DAT OF JANUARY, A. D., 188», ' 3-r-lf •ubr-riberi order Ito) dtaoontlaouo« of duly eell at public «notion, for reek la hand, on the premiere, at the hour of 3 o'clock p. m. of th«lr periodic«!» tb« publ|«h«re may «ontteM to raid day, the following real estate of decedent, ••nd them until all arreara ere paid. 8—Lt Mtaterilwr« aaglaot to or reft«« to tab« to-witi - An undivided (1-7) one-seventh Interest in their pariodioeta from U« office to which tb«T hero been directed, they are held reeponalbto all that portion ot the south half of tbs dona­ tion land claim of Ruel Olds and Blmlna Olds, llll thay have eettled their blB aaA ordered their paper dlaoeatlneed. deceased, in Yamhill county, Oregon, not sold, !f eubeerlbere mere to other pleaeewl«b- and said unsold-portion containing about 198 formlngthe publteber, aad tbepapartoare acres land being bounded as follows, to-wlt: - Beginning at the southwest ooroor of a treat of re.pon’.ib'f land owned by Robert Steward, which ta >1 33- 6 — Tb« oonrte hare ¿raided that refmlag to 100 chains north of,the eontbweat oorner of the donation land claim of Ruel Olds and Elmina take perlodtoelg from the ofltoe or remoria« Olds, claim No. 70, notMoatlon 1.548, lu 11 a, r •nd leerlu them uncalled for la prime foeie 4 w. Yamhill oounly, Oregon; thence oast •ridenaa of lateniloaa I fraud. 6 -The poatmaatee who nagloeto to give the along south boundary line of said Steward trot 2'2 64 100 obelus to lie aoutheaat eoraori thence legal notice of the aeglaet of a pereon la take from the offioe the paper eddre — north on east boundary of Steward trad 10 5 100 chains to the d IV It Ion line between the Jibla alno to the publleher far prtee. north andaonih helves of odd olaim; thence east on eaid division lino 54 »7 180ohalna to old boundary of elalmi thence south on east Administrator’s Notice. boundary lino of olaim 9 76 100 cbalna to the northeast oornar of a trot now owned by F. Jeiuitedt-, thence wool on north boundary of la re «elate at 0. W. Tolson, dooeaaod: said Jenutodt tract 81 67 H 100 obaluo to Ito Notice Io hereby glvea to all whom it noribwrat comer; thence south 31 MH-lOt concent by virtue of aa order of the ohalna to eon th bonndary of olaim; thence ty coan that of the eoaaty of Yamhill aad data ef west 45 99-100 chains to aootbwed corner of Oregon,made oa the 7lb day ef M cvember J888. said claim; iben- e north 11 3:4loO ohalna to the the undersigned administrator of aald estate place of beginning; eonieining 190 07 100 acres. will sell on Saturday , tbs Deed at ««pence of purchaser. Sth DAY OF DECEMBER, MS. Dated November 16th, 1888. W. D. FENTON, at 1 o'clock p m of aald day, on the proa Executor of aald Natale. the hlgbeot bid-tor, ike foirowfomdaaarlto F entom A F sntom , property belonging to aald oatoto to-win Atioraeya for Rotate. 17-St Situate ta a lotion No. 4.13 a, r 9 of Yamhill, etale of Oregoa, uiwlti Bel west half of the donati-» land olaim ef Executor’s Notice. a Bagore and Mary Jane Bogere hto wife, .... etod la aeetioa 4, i S a, r 1 w, of the Wlllametoe meridian, eoatalniug 320 aero more er torn, In re astato of Mary Hill deer seed: Notice le hereby given to all whom it may with the exception ol the following deoeribpd or tract heretofore sold to w. B. Davit, ooocr-rn that by virine bf an order of the eoen parcel to wit: Beginning al the a w corner ty Oneri of the eoanty ol Yamhill and stato of w quarter of mid rollon 4; thence Oregon, made on the 7th day of November, A chains to the a w corner of aald a 0 Inde, 1 will Ulloa thence earn 7 60-100 eha tea; thenoo SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1888. ebane; tbenca eaet 10 obalae; tbonoe aorth 40 at I o'clock p m of mid day, on th < premleeo, ehetee to the north bonndary of sate meh to Ike bighoot bidder, the following trorfoal thane north 80 degreeo 87 mteutoa went I reel property belonging to sold ostato, to wRi 100 chai- a to the pises ol beginning; eonte Lot No 248 and the eoelbeeet two thirds of 100 aero- ef land mare or tort. lot 947, of the town of Deyton. Yamhill county, Terma of sale, eaah la head. < It egun ae shown by the recorded pM of sold Dated thia Sth day of November, 1088. town of Dayton la the alert's effiee of said WM. E. DAVIS, county. Terms o' cele. Osca in hand. Admtntotoator ef ea;d «alate. Dated November ». 1»H8. F ustow A rewrote, J ohn t . W atson , Attorney a for Eoteie. Executor of said Botato. rnTOH * Furrow, Notice for Publication. A i tor no ya for Estate. 14-61 Executor’s Sale. Notice for Publcation. PATENTS Carota. awA Tra4e Malte nbtetosA aa4 ail bav« ns awtoagMMta«. sil bate a em girasi, hnrss saw trammel -wisst bastera, te Iras Mat« aa4 st l*as (test Ibas Ibow remele tram Waabtegtea. SawAmsM, Arawin« er vtaHa. atea 4^. •taa Ws atevtoe I. pateata'to er aat, freest •“•'O» Oar fra eat due U l putera ta aerare^. Abart, • Haw re Obrala Patenta," witbro- farenerat.