••••- ■ ■ •t □Li. V< a ».*.■”■ The Oregon Beffieter. PUBLISHBD BVffRY PACIFIC COAST SEWS. FRIDAY dead o¥ the sidewalk . SMART YANKEE GIRLS. '; Í' Good W*« m Made by the tllioe-SUtchen ol New Mngland. Perhaps you would like to know what part of the work of boot-making Is done by the girls. After thè shoes are cut out they are sent upstairs' to the work-room, together with the lin­ ings. Sixty pairs, that is, a caso, are tied up together. The linings are stamped with a number of boot and last, and below this the number of the case. When the boots go into tho stitching room they are given to one set of girls to have the seams sewed; the next set « of girls stay them at the back; the next sew the linings In; they are then turned smoothed by another set; the buttonholes are then made; the but­ tons are put on, the vamps sewed on, ... and then they are ready to be soled, the men take them from that point. Some of the girls can do four cases a day. although that is a large day’s work. Three cases are about a fair average and a girl does not call herself a “smart worker” who can not do this a without working her full ten hours; they can do it in nine or nine and a half. A b they work by the piece they can do more or lees as they please. If they feel indolent they will not do so much; it they feel like “putting in,” as they express it, they will do more; but throe cases are a' fair average. They are paid 81.10 a case and the girls earn from |15 to 820 a week; they sometimes go - as high as 822 and there have been girls who have, when they worked their full time during the week, made * from $24 to 825, but these are Isolated instances. The buttonhole girls epn easily make 3,600 a day; they often run up to 4,000, 4,500 and oven 5,000; but the latter number is attained only by the . swiftest workers, who w^ork up to -, ' their full time of ton houf*s. A good average is* ' 9* considered from 8,500 to i®1 machine does about all 4,000.1 ThT ■ tbe Work; tho the one in cbargo has to set It, then it does tho rest itself. It is one ot the most Interesting machines to watch that Is used in the room; al­ though the joker of the wholo affair, tbe .one tHut seems to play at work, is the machino that sows on the buttons. 'The way tbe bottons come out of the little hopper at tho top and oome on to the boots at tho bottom of the ma­ chine is like the trick of a nocroman- cer.— Boston Herahl. X . ó _T A A Fearful Leap. George Daily, serving a, term of three years at Ban 'QueUtlb State prison, in California, for assault to murder, attempted suicide by spring­ ing from the top of the building to tbe ground below, a distance of seventy-five feet. His injuries are be lieved to be fatal. Tbs cause was des­ pondency. Jumper Overboard. Almwat Decapitated Himself. AGRICULTURAL At the wintering farm, of Wallace 4 Co., near Peru, Ind., a valuable ring horse was turned in a field, and in D evoikd to th « I ntioiests or F armers • arto S tockmen . some manner became entangled in a barbed wire fence, and before he could be tAkencui, had nearly cut his head Low wagons should be preferred on off, but fortunately not severing the Ibe.htrm. ..The difference in the labor windpipe. He will die, although every effort in being made to eave him. required to load an unload a low wag- on, as compared with a higher one, is Frightful l.esy. very great. Broad tires are also better While delerious from tophoid^, fiver th in those that are narrow. Mrs. T. J. Lynch, the pretty wife of a I’ irmers ii^ tbe section of New South wealthy man of New York, threw her­ self from the third flxir window of the Wi.l s that are suffering from drought Bristol apartment bouse, Fifth avenue find < onsolution in the fact that the and Forty-second street. She struck dry b ell has cut a wide swath through head foremost upon a glass skylight, the rabbit armyv In some localities about four feet in d'ameter, which there a e scarcely any of these pests I formed a portiou of the ground of-tbe left. Rattlesnakes have been unusually yard, and crashed through the half­ inch plate as if it were pasteboard. numerous in Georgia this year, and Tearing between tlm ragged edges of their increase is attributed by news­ the brokeu glass with the fearful feloc- papers of the State to tbe enforce­ ity gained by her fall of thirty feet, ment of the stock law, which pro­ tbe woman’s body passed between two hibits tho hog, the rattler’s greatest iron girders just twelve inches apart enemy, front roaming at large. and landed, after another fall of about twelve feet, torn, bloody and dead The general farmer, with tws liun scarcely a foot from where oue of th? dred acres of land, should keep fifty bakers was at work at a range. sheep for utility’s sake alone. Such To a Desolate Home. men can afford to estimate the value Samuel Shelly, a prominent fanner of sheep from the standpoint of meat, who resides a mile and a half east of ferdlit' and the general advantage of Wabash, Ind., arrived in the city fa a the farm, regardless of the raaiket LBjge with his family and a basket price of wool. carriage ÂÎôïhg the charred and blackened cental ’ It costa nothing to be gentle with bones of his twelve-year-old son. The family had made an excursion to the cows, and it pays s big interest. Howard County, to visit the family of .The cultivation of the habit of gentle­ Jacob.Coomler, formerly neighbors of ness when among the cows is big Sholly. At an early hour in the morn­ money in the pocket of the owner. If ing the two families were awaked by a we shall stop to think we shall won­ stifling'smoke. They rushed out as der when we consider the rough wuy fast as possible, but little Willie was in which heifers are often handled unable to get up and perished in tbe that there are no mdre kicking cows flames. The other persons lost their then there are. clothing. The houee was totally con­ Michigan Agricultural College ex­ sumed. periments with wheat show that salt Fired on a School Girl« As Wilbur 8. Jordan; aged about lessened tho yield of wheat, 150 5rounds being'sown to the acre. Prof, sixteen years, was returning from lohnsbn inclines to think that one school at Bellefontaine, Ohio, pointed and a quarter bushels of seed gives a revolver full in the face of Miunie the best yield. .The old Clawson Brubaker, a handsome seventeen-year- seems to retain, in good degree, those old school-girli and saying, “Your qualities whiehjuve made it popular money or your life,” discharged the for a longer term of yearo than most weapon. The ball struck her just be­ other varieties. low the nose, and, passing through the ................. y. lip, knocked out several teeth. Unless When a man is too fat the doctor complications arise' she' will recover. recommends him to eat lemons and He did not know it was loaded. partake of acids to reduce his flesh. Damaged a Sewing Ulrl. All these thingB the farmer knows. Miss Jennie Quick, formerly a sew­ But strangely enough be forgets them ing-girl iu the employ of Lefris Nay- all when he stands in the presence of No woman tor, a dry goods dealer, of 'Kansas the sour swill barrel. City, Mo., was awarded 87,000 against would think of feeding a human baby him. Some months ago Naytor ten­ on sour milk, but her husband will dered her a check in payment for her drive ahead and feed the calves aud services. She wanted cash, and in pigs on sour milk, and evep look you the quarrel which ensued Naytor full in the face and tell you that the ejected the girl, who is only seventeen calves will thrive best on sour milk. years of age. Her arm was broken Every young person knows that and Bhe sued for 810,000 damages. nut?, after they have dried somewhat, The jury returned a verdict for 87,000 are sweeter-than when first gathered. after ten minutes’ deliberation. But the drying process goes on until The lust ninety-five babiea born "in they, especially chestnuts, become too Vanceburg, Ky ., are all girls, and every hai-d to be eatable. These and other body is puzzled by the phenomenon. nuts can bo kept from becoming too " v - ■ dry by mixing them with sand. If Paris is said to be full to •Overflow­ mixed wnh an equal bulk of sand, in ing with ladies from all parts of the a box or barrel, and kept in A. cool place, tho nuts may be preserved iu woild seeking the latest fashions. an eatable condition until spring. , The oaptain of the steamer Mexico, which arrived at San Francisco from Victoria, reports that, on Sunday night POISONED BY EATING WILD PEAS, Ronald Charters, a steerage passenger, created a sensation by jumping from ■ c the deck of tbe steamer. The vessel was stepped as soon as possible and a .4 «M the SldewalM. An old man named C. E. P. Wood boat was lowered, but owing to dark­ ness was unable to rescue Charters. was found dead pu lb® sidewalk in r Shat While l-lacaping. East Oakland, Cal., by Henry Week, John Atkins, arrested for burning who lives near by. Wood was on his way from a grocery store, where he railroad property, while being taken had been with his little eon. It is sup­ to jail by Deputy Constable MaGee at posed he died of heart disease. It is Los Angeles, Cal., made a break for said that he was, until lately,a wealthy liberty. He was fatally shot by miller of Port Townsend, but having McGee. _ lost his wealth, be has been employed Fire at Talar«. by the Central Pacific as a laborer. - Fire broke out on Front street, in Polsoosd by Kalt»« Wild Peas. Brennan’s saloon, at Tulare, Cal. It G. Thompspn shipped 150 Spanish burned the saloon, Farmer & Rendell’s meriiih bucks to Ritaville, W. T., from real estate building, and Briggs A RgL: Pendleton, fer sale. Sunday they Hollowly’« meat market. Loss on were turned out of the enclosure and buildings and stocks burned, 812,000. driven to the hills for a day’s feed. Ten or twelve stores were emptied ' fa-‘ Monday night thirty-two had died to the streqte making a lieavy loss to from eating wild peas. Many more stocks; partially ipsured. are sick and will undoubtedly die. These bucks belong to the Ross estate, A Candemned murderer Married. .... John McNulty, of San Francisco, and are known all over this coast as B; excellent breeders and of fine stock. condemned to be executed for the The loss is 815 per head. murder of James Collins, a longshore­ man, was married fa the county jail to A Stage HeK I ». Kate Rear, who recently procured a As the. stage from Camptonville, ■■ divorce from her husband, David Cal., neared a place called Nigger Tent, Huber, on the ground of desertion. 4^ A masked man appeared at the top of the grade with a gun, which he pointed at the driver and ordered him to throw out the mail bags and express box, which was done. He was then ordered A Terrible Deed. to drive on. The express box was The cabin of Marie Berthune, of found broken open and its contents taken. The box contained bullion, , Pittsburg, Kan., widow of Louis Ber- bar and coin, amounting to about ' thune, one of the miners killed in the 12,500. The mail bags were taken Frontean explosion, was discovered to aW*y. Nothing has yet been heard be on fire. Before the flames were ex- of the robber, although officers are on tinguised the widow and four of her his track. children were burned to death. The eldesLchild, agirl of 9 years, who suc­ •'•*? An Kxtenslve Fire. The total loss by the fire in San ceeded in escaping,' said her mother sent each of the children off to bed Francisco is estimated at 8127,000, with a kiss and then sat down near the divided as follows : McCue’s carriage stove. The girl cohld not sleep, and factory, 860,000, insurance 815,000; lay watching her mother, who, after Fink loded. acid contained in a ton of oorh meal la so small that it would cost only about over and killed by an engine at the A few days ago the machine works Bernard Meyer, of (JmaliH, recently |6 to buy as much of these elements In railroad yard at Fourth and Town send at Worthington, Ind., -cast a small felt a slight pain under his left shou • the form of commercial fertilisers. In streets, at Ban Franoiaco, and waa canyon, to be used in firing enluten. der. Tbe pain soon became intense ootton-seed meal, on the oontrary, the killed. He waa standing on the A charge was beiffg tamped into the and a doctor was sought. An exam amount of plant food it contains is so board that rervee a switch engine for gun, when a premature explosion oc­ faation of the spot revealed a hard great that It will oost 828 to supply ta a cow catcher, and fell in hoot of tbe curred, bursting the gun into many subetanoe, which, on being extracted, fejp- the form of commercial fertilisers the locomotive. He was knocked to one frsgmonta. A machine works em­ proved to be a needlo fa good condi­ manurial elementa contained In one side, and the wheels passed over his ploye, George Dyer, Ntoo Strack by the tion. Meyer has no recollection of a ton of ootton-seed meal. Certainly no left leg, and be died noon after. Thain flying missiles, and his right leg man­ needle baviag entered his body, but ■ j* more arguments should be needed to waa a Beotohman, M years oU, and gled near the body in a horrible man- hia mother says that it occurred when he was an infant, fifty-four years ago. convince cattle feeders of the proflta, unmarried. Bo far aS know* tie bad John both direct and indirect, to be derived no relatives in this country. A New York bachelor, over seventy from this food, since moat of its Hewitt, tbe engineer who was run­ the elbow, menu, ml elementa ere retained In tbs ning tbe looomotive, waa taken into could per- years of age, recently visited Maine, custody and charged with i»aantaugh- manure.—Farm and Home. b is leg the fell fa love with a damsell lees than tar. He was, however, released on bis half hia age, was accepted, went home own leoognisenoa. to prepare for the coming of his bride. When all things were fa order, instead of going after his betrothed himself, he sent bis younger brother. The younger man was pleased with his fnture sieteHn-taw, so pleased that be oí persuaded her to marry him refore V starting for New York. ■ ■ 1 !»'. .».IÍR a - í v <■ a ' v—4 £ TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. It is important to find how much of any fodder is digested, as well as to know how much can be grown on an acreror eaten by a certain amount of stock, for on the amount digested de­ pends tbe result in milk or beef. In using rough fodder we must add some concentrated food to make up for it? poverty in certain elerfients. ■ Bran, linseed meal and cotton-seed meal arc­ hest to make the rations complete. Brewers’ grains are a cheap milk-pro­ ducing food, but at 83 a ton aro not equal tp cotton seed at 830 a ton. That labor on the farm enables the farmer not only to be repaid for such expense, but also returns a profit can be easily Shown by a comparison of crops that demand much labor in their production and those that call for but little. A crop of celery, for instance, is one that keeps the growei busy, and with extra help, from the time the seed is planted untii it is finally banked up for bleaching, and as compared with corn it gives a much larger profit, though requiring more labor. The work is concentrated on a small area, and the shovel spade and hoe must be used to a great extent. The crop, therefore, pays a profit on labor as well as on the materials of which it is composed. While it is proper to economize by using labor- saving implements, yet where the cost of labor is one that increases the profits it is unwise to omit it. We should preserve with great care every tree, large and small, beside our country roads, which are found grow­ ing in the right place for shade tree? to stand. Let those trees be Birch, beeco, maple, ash, elm, pine, spruce, hemlock, or any other kind. Any tree is better than the naked fence and road. Thousands of good trees by tb^Maes of our roads are sacrificed to the ax every year; which, if saved and neatly trimmed and cared for, would make beautiful trees in a few years and cast a refreshing shadow, by taking a little pains one will be surprised to liud how many trees can be found in almost any town by look­ ing along tbe distance of a single mile, and how many may be saved in a town in a single year without being at the labor of transplanting. Just make a careful selection of those to bo saved among the multitude of small trees which are constantly springing up by tho roadside. While from twenty to thirty feet apart are proper distances in this work, that rule can not be strictly observed, bat an approach to it aa near as possible is desirable. CHINESE COOKERY?^ Z Portland Market Report. WHEAT— Valley, 81 40081 42| Walla Walla, 81 32« 1 35. BARLEY— Whole, 80 85® 1 00» ground, per ton, 320 00021 50. OATS—Milling, 32034c.; 030c. jr,. feed, 28 HAY—Balod, 8100813. SEED— Blue Grass, 12@15c.; Tim­ othy, 708c.; Red Clqvcr, 11012|c. FLOURS— Patent Roller, Country Brupd, 84 50. 85 00; EGGS—Per dos, 30e. BUTTER—Fancy roll, per pound, 25«.; pickled, 22J025c.; inferior grade, 20022^3. CHEESE—Eastern, 013 jo.; Ore­ gon, 13014c.; California, 14c. VEGETABLES— Beets, per sack, 81 00; cabbage, per lb., lc.; carrots, per Bk., 8 75; lettuce, per doz. 10c.; ■ ....................... onions, 8 85; potatoes, per 100 lbs., 40c.; radishes, per do»., 15020c.; rhubarb, per lb., 6c. lj HONEY—In comb, per lb., 18c.; strained, 5 gal. tins, per lb. 8jc. POULTRY — Chickens, per dox., 83 00@4 00; ducks, per doz., 85 00@ 6 00; geefie, f6 0007 00; turkeys, per lb., 12|c. ----- —---------- - ---- PROVISIONS—Oregon hsms, 12|e per lb.; Eastern, 15@16c.; Ea astern 'regon breakfast bacon, 12c. per lb.; Ol, _ 10@llc.; Eastern lard, 10@lljc. per lb.; Oregon, 10c. GREEN-FRUITS— Apples, 8 60 @ 75c.: Sicily Jbmons. 86 00@6 50 California, |6 00@6 50; Naval oranges 86 00; Riverside, 85 00; Mediterra­ nean, 84 25. DRIED FRUITS—Sun dried aj>- ples, 4c. per lb.; machine dried, 100 11c; pitless plums, 7c,; Italian prunes, 10@12c.; peaches, 10^0110.; raisin’s, 82 4002 50. HIDES—Dry beef hides, 12,013c.; culls, 607c.; kip and calf, 10012c.; Murraiu, 10 @12c.; tallow, 404(c. WOOL—Valley, 15018c.; Eastern Oregon. 10015c. LUMBER—Rough, par M, 810 00; edged, )aer M, 812 00; T. and .1 Fire. -Î -a. KITCHEN RANT A SUPPLIES OF A RESTAI». ON MOTT STREET. Gmal Varl.ly 8plM< A Steel. standi Mau, or Which Ar, No. Amarleans—Sauoea ‘ Long before Lucullan immortalised Si self by regaling the jeunewe dores ot with his huudied thousand dollar dlnnenT* prototype, were I bulging in the ure. ou a similar scale in Pekin ¡¿7 Chow, for gustrouomy has been amour iu tine arts in China almost from Uie begiani of Chines, history. Tbe Chinese chef ? official status of at least forty centuries' " ration. Two thousand years before tbe ChrW. tian er. ho was esteemed as highly and as liberally aa ho is today, and now be i. « •.xxxliiigly well paid. ex’ For example, tbe chef In a restaurant u Mott street cam« u» New York (rom Ban Fi oncisco under a contract by which he ii $100 a month, brides bis board and Iwigliig, for hlfMTvieea All thin« coJa ered, thia salary ia fully equivalent to Z $6,000 a year paid to such chefs tin preaide in the kitcheiu of tha Hoffman house, potniftni. co’s. the Uiiiou League club and the Vander^ bilt mansion. The Mongolian chef, to jud» by I xjc- A h, who ts the 4 istin^iiiabed Indi vidua! mentioned, is curiously like his Caucasian Volleague in that he is dignified, egotistical petulant and thoroughly independent Un­ like the Caucasian, however, the great man of tbe Chinese kitchen believes iu working himself at the simplest tasks inorder to keen toi w wetf in practice. \ *■' In taking charge of the kitchen of a great restaurant his first work ‘is to supply himself with a groat variety of spices and condi- nents, and in this particular ho fc imw qualified to give pointe to the jaded sybariti of the Occident In his stores will he black, white and red pepper,.us well as the of the tropics; curry, chutney, mustard, ginger (tho favorite spice of the east), green, dried, pickled, sweetened and pulveriad- see-yu, which is the father of soy and ths 1 grandfather of Woreestci-shiro sauce; olivs oil, peanut oil, cotton seed oil, clarified butter (tbe gheo of India); ouions, shallots, chives, leeks, garlic, fu^ua and su-qua (highly cul­ tivated bitter cucumbers); ma-tai, for which there is no English name; orange and lemon peel, vinegar, lemon juice, powdered crab and lobster shells, a curious preparation con- taiuing iron, half a dozcu forms 'of dried mushrooms, aud not lass than Ufty powerful condiments and spices unknown to Americans'** and having no English names. In every kitchen is a stock of standard foods, but a few of which are familiar to tbe | American eye. Among the more interesting are smoked chicken, duck dud pigeon, which, | unliize our smoked meats, retain the natural ctrtor and appearance; shrimps, prawns, j oysters and clams which have beeu dried by soijio mysterious process, unknown to us, | until they are as hard and durable os wood; ! a fish that suggests sardines iu oil, but which is a foot in length, from two to three pounds in weight, ¡tacked in n sardine box a cubic ' foot in sizo; dried fishes which range from a tiny sprat smaller than but similar to tbe English wbitebaiti, to a monster eight feet long, two feet wide, and two inches thick; preserved cabbage, which is rolled up so as to suggest n ball of yarn'; L>ean, pea and wheat gluten in long candy like sticks, which are made by crushing tho cereal and removing tho starch by of tan repeated washings; odd sausages, of which each ono is suspended by brilliant colored cords, and is stuffed, not with an indistinguishable hash or paste, but with alternating die? of fat and lean meat; huge cans filled w.tb the famous alible bamboo tips, which look find smell like huge asparagus, but taste unlike anything in Christian markets; water lily leaves, which aro used both as a food and ns coloring ^material, imparting a beautiful green.to any white food with which they may bo cooked; preserved eggs, of which each oue is embalmed in a rough mass of quick lime, charcoal and fish glue; sea sprouts, which resemble a string bean two feet in length. Occasionally in the wealthiest establish­ ments may bo seen the celebrated birds’ nests, which look for all tho world like irreg­ ular masses of coopers’ glue; sharks’ fins, which arc greenish white pieces of desiccated soft cartilage; techet-de-la-mor, a mollusk of a high order, which is a first cousin of Victor Hugo’s devil fish; and dried sea anemones, which l>ear the same culinary resemblance to birds’ nests that snapping turtles do to tbe diamond back terrapin. Some idea of tbe luxuriousness of €he Mongol is afforded-by tho prices ho charges for these delicacies. Dried clams cost $1 a pound; 'dried oysters, $1.50; sharks’ fins, $2 to $3, according to quality; beche-de-la-mer, from 40 cents to$?, and birds’ nests, from $20 to $50%a dozen. In Chinese cooking sauces play as import­ ant a part as in tho cuisino at Les Freres Provenecau. For the preparation of these, as well as for the thiokening of soups and the concoction of “made dishes,” there t will, be bowlfuls of tho finest wheat flour and starch, and of that finest of all amylaceous foods, rico flour. In this and in other re­ spects the stores of the kitchen contain tbe 6ame articles os first class American restau­ rant kitchens. Whatever is to be found in our larders finds a place there, and the numerous articles mentioned odd tbe variety which is tlio main distinguishing feature of ”the Chinese cuisine. The fmmiture of tho kitchen presents a curious instanco of the invasion of the east by tbe west, for the cost iron stove or range is found beside the brick bench used in China, which greatly resembles the ono rec­ ommended by Count Rumford in his ikinoas studies at the beginning'of the century. This bench 4s about four feet high, four feet wido and from ten to twenty feet in length. Al ono end of it is a large fireplace cylindnau in shape, two or three feet in diameter ar three feet deep. This is used in roasting- The remainder of tbe lop of the bench ba* several circular openings of different sizca In tho sides and ends there are smaller fire­ places, seldom more than eight inches square. The fuel used in cooking is kiln dried wood, hickory or some similar voi’iety being JJ®* feired.—Harper’s Enaar. t J n ii n< I h< in in be nr th th be tr liu WB bc : ha caí de to od bo lav tio of of rep the wh dut fill! and and nod tho] offi< Coq 8e estal wbic few Bnttor Inspection in France. Among tue roceiK decrees made In Fran« la cue relating to tbo inspection cf bntter tbs repression of fraudulent dealings. J t'uis, special persons are authorised to »*» samples of butter in any place, butter i.exposed for sale, stored Ina »«7 bouse or ia u-anait by land or water, no stacla is to be thrown in the way of this, nil way bills, receipts, bills of lading, <* larations must be shown on demand, sample taken is to bo subjected to » «P«®* examination. Pure butter, nux-1 butt«, margnrino, oleomargarine, and sre» tended for consumption, ior7“r“zL— transit must bo contained in dosed pacxag—> and tlie origm and nature of the.me dise must be conspicuously specified In every way tbe article to be exporten^ have ito full history recorded.-M»— Times. .. - Mon »Ug An English fireman writes to The Lon­ don Fireman his belief tlmt fires may be put out by a mixture of plaster of ran. A Temporary I" _ and alum. His plan is to throw the mix­ Chumley-I m in s little fix today, Brow* ture confined in n combustible bag upon the tire. An inc^fmstible puhev block, for nloooy; what would you say >f 1 to Imul np tho bag, musk necessarily be ask you for n temporary loan of a >aadl" two dollars! ._ M affixed to every building to render bw or Brown- Well, ChnmJey. if th. loan wdl™ plan practicable.—Frank Leslie s. The first baby born in Denver was the daughter of a settler named Har­ vey, am) »he was born in 1860 or thereabout?' In recognition ,of her enterprise in being born in JJrts camp, temporary, 1 might Tot you hare tbe two public-spirited citizens JpKsented ber lars.—Accident Nous with all the land in sight of her A I’nwerTul Am I.lel,t. father’s cabin. Unfortunately, tbe Wlmt Englishmen say is the moat texes were never paid, Iftd ‘tho land, pcwerfvl are light in the world a in a now worth 82.00O,0tJO, Ml into other , o „’'T”0 ^L,be We<>i W’ght 1» b <* hands. The first girl who oqce owned candle ¡tower, increased by con- 'laK leT9u‘° «,000,000 candle it all is now s singer in a vanety show —New \ork Sun. in that city. V f * ■X—---------- L ¡..-¿■■A* bat r