The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, November 23, 1888, Image 3

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r.zPi„nkt|on. Wht))|1
P-rleured Ov.r
uo thing
Wigs and waves are great inventions.
When the f*t ntan tleJa, around hU
They aui'l’iy aeficienciee; they correct
neck it sigufflea that fflJ weather is
Do not be deceived by mlwpres nta
natures delinquencies.’ Nothing makes
tloue. A-k yourilruggl t for - uxikx ' b
warm aud he has.a new oollar on.
ormar» personal beauty like a fine head
When tho pretty girl suddenly makes P ohous P lasters aid let LO explanation
M JT hair or the lack of it.
• grxo for h?r handkerchief and clasps or solicitation induce you to accept a
In these days baldness is common as
rit to Lor mouth, It means that she B'ituie. oLLCocx ePLAurKii, areapurel
Mk* to be almost fashionable, and wigs are
wan ¿8 to tKieeze.
I' i T' k !>lt
the formula of*
„ot commonly worn by men. Now and
h''.h t’>k'"irn on X»lhe manufacturer».
When the whlttllBg fiend binds hh £.
are due to
then some unfortunate is ' competed to
'round one oi-.hix. fingers, it sigiiifluu the employ ni nt of th ^highest medical'
Incorporate an ar'iiieial head-covering
and chemical »kill. They act safely
:hat his knife has slipped.
into his regular wardrobe, but as long
prompt y, and effectually. Ov-r 1 *O' (Au
When a girl drugs hers in the street persupa have beeu cured by A l U'O ck a
a> there is a passable fringe around his
when there is no inule in sight, ik de­ POROUS PLASTERS.
massive dome of thought the average
I never knew a min In all my life who could
that she has been"*caih*ying too
lx ar auother’i' misfortune perfectly, like a
iJ!”1!* n"'n • ,rl>ret ronsolera In Christian.
man avoids a wig. Masculine wigs are
an hour of aMh-tiun, trouble or sorrow, he can
many articles in her hands.
«ot ordinarily deceptive, and they are
turn to them with confidence and trust.
warm and difficult to keep in placo.
Since it has become the fashion to crop bitten on fteleg by a dog eight years tranoeun Slmddy wiping his mouth* B handheths P ilis are the best medi­
the natural hair so short that tho scalp ago, and ¿Very year since, on the an­ wit|j his handkerchief, it is a sure sign cine knowu.
il plainly visible it is doubly hard to niversary of the bite, it is said, the in­ tha^ he has been spending monay.
When a flash youth takes a gentle­
M---- „ar a wig at. all calculated to misread jur e d memb er has sw elle a~to~lwlce^it^
man’s handkerchief out of his pocket
any but near-sighted and unobservant natural size.
Second— The same dose always produce«
—There is a catawba tree in the In a crowd, it signifies that he will the same effect,—other purgative« require
increased rtoaes and dually cea^e acting.
By common consent it has always front yard of a house in Camilla, Ga.,
TArrd They purify the blood.
When the young widow1 carries a
been the custom to supply those need­ which bears three crops of leaves
Fourth— They invigorate the digestion
s' * Ing a substitute for nature’s hirsute every year, and, strange to say, each
and < leanHe the stomach and bowel?.
Fi/ÏA-They stimulate the liver and
adornment with curly wig«. It was a crop is destroyed by wbat is called the ’xtrdor, it is safe to bet that she will
remarry before the year is out.
carry off vitiated b le aud other depraved
polite fiction to presume that the nat- catawba worm.
When a lady aud a gentleman.are to­ The first t^o or three doses tell the
ural hair, if there had been any, would
—Soft shell crabs are always cheaper
be ai least wavy. If a mlgi lost half after a day or two of thunder showers. gether and the lady takes his handker­ ftory. The st in becomes clear, the eye
bright; the nditd active; digestion is re­
as wiry and as full of "prongy” effects" They can not be kept alive In such chief out of his pocket and uses it, stored;
costiveness cured; the animal
as (¿at of the famous Mr. Paneks in weather. Electricity in the air is there can be no doubt that they are vigor is recruited and all de ay arrested.
"Little Dorrit,” he procured a wig of fatal to.them. Dealerscan notexplain married.
When a man buys any of those tbqee- WHICH WAS
luxuriant-cur^. With Dénotant wear it, they oply know It is so.
<r>nt handkerchiefs from the street ped­ The »»thorwhip of the dramatic productions
these curls became matted together in
—InjJVebster County; Ga., recently, dlers it means that he is stuck.
Attributed to the last of the above named is agi­
eorrugated ringlets. Nowadays wigs' twenty hogs belonging to a farmer
literary circles to the very centre, but af­
The old oolored lady carries her tating
fects the practical masses far it's» than the mo-
are much more natural, especially at took refuge from a stdrm under a clump handkerchief tied around her head.
men tonsquestion, how to regain or preserve
, tho parti! g of the hair. Instead ot a .of bushes that grew near a tall pine
health, that essential of bodily and mental ac­
Tho dude's silk handkerchief is al­ tivity, business success and the “pursnit of hap-
cAirse muslin streak there is'now a tree. The tree was struck by light­
jupess.” We can throw far more light ou this*
ways worn so that the corner sticks «■»■r
subject than the most profound Shaker
transparent canvas thut shows the ning and every hog instantly killed.
W^arian can on the question first propounded.
sculp. —
—An Oregon City, Ore., clergyman
the system is depleted, the nerves shaky; If
When a man suddenly feels a heavy If
lndigestlou or constipation bothers one at times,
Tho Kin f wigs, ^qce affected by old got lost in the woods while en route to cold coming on, it means that that is or
constantly; if the skin is yellow, aud the
"men of proud but economical spirit, Arthur’s Prairie, ten miles distant, to just the very time hejeft his handker­ tongue furred as in biliousness; if there are
premonitory twinges of oncoming rheumatism
have happily disappeared.
A few marry a Couple, and not until after the chief athomo.
or-negralgfa ; if the kidneys art* inactive—use
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the finest récupér­
years ngb there was an old minister lapse of forty-eight hours did he reach
When a man beta a box of handker­ ant uf gn age prolific iu beneficial and success­
«vho wore a sort of tuft on the crown his destination. The bride and groom,
r&nedies. Remember, if malaria^threatens
chiefs with a lady and happens to get ful afflicts,
that it neutralizes the poison and
. 'of his head. The tuft did not in the together with the invited guests, them, it signifies that he is a very or
fortifies the system
least match the gray hair with whioh waited all the while.
lucky man.
- -
truly en­
t mingled, and when his head rose
—The defense scare in England has
When a qtrange man wakeS'you up joyed utter they have been interrupted.
above the pulpit It looked as if his brought opt the fact« that the nation in the middle of the night and pokes
The good reputation of "Brown’» Bron­
hair had been' made from a skein of has 294 admirals and Ohly fifty armored his handkerchief down your throat,
Trochf.»” for the relief of Coughs, Colds and
chinchilla worsted. Whenever,he be- seargoing ships.’ Only /thirteen ad­ it is a sign that he is robbing youi chial
Throat Diseases, has given them a favorable
camei'interested in warning his èongre- mirals are employed, drawing £37,000, house. ,
gation.away from the broad path that while 281 unemployed receive £161,000,
When a woman carries her handker­ T ry G krmea for breakfast.
leads to destruction tjie tuft of hair At the same I time
there are 140 Gener- chief! in her hand she does not always
.invariably slid over one ear, and his als, of whom 109 are employed.
wish tocry or flirt, but probably has no
». bald head bucarne an unconscious il­
—A New Yor|
>rk pjan missed |45, in- pocket in her dress.
lustration of a slippery place and the eluding his luc'
ick-penny, and told hi«
When an actress displays a lace hand­
unexpectedness with which the appar­ room-mate, who offered to take care of kerchief on the stage, it is a sure sign
ently permanent slid down-hill.
him while he had a cent leftj The room that she is portraying the part of the
j The wqve, which used to be known mate in the generosity fif his heart, queen.
s) ¡--cured by.»
as a false front, is a boon to women bought the drinks, and, when he pulled
When the street Arab grabs at your
C utic U f ^
and is very popular, especially in sum­ out a handful of change, lo, the luck­ pocket and makes you believe ho has
mer. At the seaside it is invaluable. penny! Tjie good Samaritan went to stolen your handkerchief, it signifies
After a dip into thie salt sea the hair jaiL
that it is April fool's day and that you
becomes as sticky and .stubborn as an
—Farmers at work in the fields near are the fool.
I beautifying the »kin of children and infante
Esquimau's, and the naturally curly Long Fork,’ five miles from Mount
When you see a man rush down from and curing torturing, disfiguring, itching, scaly
pimply diseases of the skin, scalp ana
wAve is oftentimes the I only salvation Pulaski, Logan County, lit, had their the top floor of a flat in a hurry to reach and
blood, with loss of hair, from infancy to old age.
-lor a belle’s reputation for beauty. attention attracted by the tinkling ot his office and then suddenly put his the C uticura R emkdieb aw infallible.
C uticura , the great Skin Cure, and CUTI
.Moreover, the wave, when further I a bell attached to the neck of an land in his pocket and run up-stairs cura
S oap , an exquisite Skin Beautifler, ex­
kupplemented by what la familiarly American eagle flying overhead. By igaln, you may bet your pile that he ternally. and C uticura R kholvknt , the new
purifier, internally, cure every form of
known as a switch enables a girl to means of a glass the bell could be seen. basforgotten his handkerchief. — Judge. Blood
skin and blood diseases, irom pimples to
choose any shade of hair without re­ No attempt was made to kill the bird,
8old everywhere. Price,CuTicuRA.iOo.: S oap
gard to the natural hue of her own which disappeared to the northward.
—A man’s name is a most important 25c.: R esolvent , |1. Prepared by the P ottkf
rug and C hemical C o .. B oston . M awl
locks. After the white-horse craze
—An Iowa editor wrote to a Dakota
Send for “How to Cure Sain Diseases."
r many Titian blondes were compeled postmaster inquiring about a de in selecting it. And parent« in nam-
Baby’s Sk n «nd Scalp preserved and *«1
_beautiffed by C uticura S oap .
to adopt waves and switches of a som­ linquent subscribe* .The.-letter came 1 ng their children often reveal a lack tUT
K idney P ainh , Backache and Weakness
ber tint as a means of self-defense back indorsed, " is dead.’’ •t common sense that is most cruel to
cured by C uticura A nti -P ain P laster .an
against the unwelcome scrutiny of the Some time afterward, in overhauling a the victims ot their folly. We recall
instantaneous pain-subduing plaster. 25c.
crow ds upon the streets.
list of delinquents, an Inquiry was in­ me splendid fellow whose initials were
But the artificial bang is most ap­ advertently sent to the same post- r. C. 8. A. He never wrote his full
preciated by the army of working . master about the same man. The lame. Asked one day to tell what his
wòmon Mÿo have neither the time to reply came back: “Still dead.”— Ex­ laroe was he with many blushes re­
gretted that his father had had him
imprispn tkeir hair in curl-papers at change.
night hfr the patience to singe it with
—An English physician, who has in­ >aptized "Thaddeus Constantine So­
a hot icon in the morning. It Baves vestigated the characteristic« and sur­ bieski Aurelius.” Now what worse af-
time to be able to pin on a bang ready roundings of oentenarians, says he liction could have been put upon a
■crimped and reposing among thd hair- finds that the average qualities were a person than to compel him to carry
inrushes on one’s bureau, and ubtil it good family history, a well-made that name through life?— Buffalo Com­
becomes mussed it is perfectly ^satis­ frame, of average stature, spare rather mercial.
—A Dakota man essayed the peril­
than stout, robust, with good health,
Of course, waves vary widely in appetite and digestion, capable of ex­ ous task of assisting his wife on wash
beauty and naturalness. Some of them ertion, good sleepers, of placid tem­ day. He was assigned to hanging the
are very costly, and range in pricelfrom perament and good intelligence, with garments on the lines. The unfortu­
to |15. While wealthy women dp little need for and little consumption nate man moved to his doom like a
Roman martyr. He had almost ¿¿ia
not grudge any sum expended to con­ of alcohol and animal food.
pleted the job when the ionely sus­
ceal the ravages of time or dampness,
—The following are said to be the
working women are content to buy sixteen American inventions of world­ pender which held his pau aloons in
place gave way. To grab the falling
their bangs at bargains.
wide adoption: The cotton gin, plan­
1 It is a pity that all waves and wig- ing machine, grass mower and reaper,* garment was his first impulse, and in
- lets become in time what is colloquial­ rotary printing press, steam naviga­ doing so the clothespin held in hU
ly califfi "ratty.” "Ratty”-is a word tion, hot-air machine, sewing machine, mouth dropped into his throat A
more descriptive than elegant, and its the India-rubber industry, machine commotion ensued. To protect his
derivation is lost in obscurity. It has manufacture of horseshoes, the sand person and prevent suffocation occu­
pied bpth hands, but his wife arT^yed
, no connection, however, with the blast for graving, gauge lathe, grain
in time to extract the retreating pin
postiforous rodent.
Waves become elevator, artificial ice-making on a
qnd save his life Hereafter he will
. "ratty” or dead-looking very soon. large spi tie? the'electro magnet in its
journey to the country on wash day.
Then the fashionable dame sends hers practical application, and the tele-
—“O, Jonn.” said Mrs. Bjones. "I
■to the hair-dresser and the business phone.
woman takes hers between her teeth—
—Ata railroad station, a benevolent have just found the most beautiful re­
zi women are never too fastidious to hold man found a school-boy crying because ceipt for "currant jelly.”• "Well, I wish
their false hair with their teeth — he had not quite enough to pay his you’d find a receipt for your dress­
maker's bill*-” "O, no, John dear.
combs, and puts it up in papera— Chi- fare, and he remembered suddenly
jfayo News.
how, years before, he had been in the That is not necessary. I always have
Mme. Brunetti make my dressmaker’s
- • *■
same plight, but had been helped by an
Change in Watch Crystals.
unknown friend, and had been enjoined bills for me."—Harper's Bazar.-
—A popular clergyman was greatly
There have been some curious that same day he Bhould pass that bored by a lady who admired him with­
changes of late years in the fashions kindness on. Now he saw that the out reserve. "O, my dear Mr. X,’
for staple commodities, and especially long-expected moment had come. He said she, one Sunday afternoon, "there
is this trito in the matter of watches. took the weeping boy aside, told him isn t any harm In one loving one's pas­
The watch is either looked upon as a bis story, paid his fare, and asked him tor. is there?” "Certainly not, ms
trinket or as an article of serious use. in his turn to pass the kindness on. dame.” replied the worthy cleyic. "not
In the first instance it is set in a round And as the train moved from the sta­ the least in the world, so long aa the
ball, Incrusted with small diamonds, tion the lad cried cheerily: "I will pass feeling is not reciprocated.”
A’tnctimes intermixed with rubies or it on, sir.” So that act of thoughtful
with sapphires, or it forms the top of love is being passed on through our
—iou hare a very large mouth,"
a smelling-bottle, or is set in a brace­ world, nor will it stay till its ripples ■emarked a dentist to a lady, “In-
let or the handle of a parasol. But
the indignant response
thé serious watch of everv-day wear Christian Standard.
••Yes,” pursued the dentist, "while I
has become a very practical article ,
•tare been filling this tooth of your
’tWoed. •‘•In old days,” said to me a classification of mankind has been a ny operations hare extended over ar
famous Swiss jeweler of the Rue de la subject of interest. For a long time vher.” There was no further uae.foi
Faix the other day, "the business of only three types, comprising the white, -ther.
—The destruction of forests has pro­
replacing watch crtstals was an im­ European, the brown Asiatic, and the
black African, were recognized. To
portant item, amounting, on an aver­
ceeded so rapidly in Prussia of late
these, after the discovery of this con­ yean that the Government has passed
age. to thirty dollars per week. Now,
tinent. the red American was added. a law protecting timber. It was found
Instead of the delicate soap-bubble
But the number of alleged races of men (bat the climate in many districts was
glass formerly used, the waicn-crystal
has fluctuated all the way up to sixty- changing, and riven and lakes wen
1” made thick and strong so as to stand
three; and theory after theory of clas­ becoming shallow in consequence of
*oy amount of rough usage short of an
sification has been from time to time the wholesale cutting away of iood.
actual blow. The Introduction of these
developed and abandoned. And now
massive crystals has brought about a the idea of classifying the human races
change in the make of watches. Not according to their languages is taking
ktdf so many bunting-cased watches precedence over other modes. This
Bre sold as formerly, as they are so system of classification. it is said, will
■meh less convenient than the open- give our American Indians an ethno­
l*céd ones, and the thick crystal does logical prominence much greater than
•way with the only real objection to
has hitherto been assigned to them.
the latter.
Paris Letter.
It’s Easy to Dye
Baby Portraits.
ItUMlCMAEPSOG teix, ftsys, fcdfagf,Vt.
U %
D wights C ow -B rand $ oda «S aleratus .
absolutely pure .