The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, November 02, 1888, Image 3

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■ ’• . atrlklita
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OI4 Time Hluspllcltteo.
H..W On« or th. Swe.tMl s„Umeil,. of
la Frequently Abueml.
It Is Not Merely th. rtlUag of Money-Bap.
. Ay>ot,íorí’
*°ine of Sir 'Valter Scott,
has been let to a Liverpool shipbroker.
•"“»eP'ic »nd hwüing,
In one of Harp«"’" btsues is given a
Matie • t ararrh Remedy are ■ un-
Among the desires that sometimes
Not long since, the death of a in»,
mtv fine illustration of R »berth' celc-
hr»t«l painting known as ’‘Doctoring , claim satisfaction, without regard to lionairo was announced in the papers,
Th<"v «m great sprenlatluna In ■ diamond
nid Time.” It repret-ents a typical i | the happiness of others, is that of syin- iuid his life was held up as au example niHies shares iu the J x > h <1 ou market.
akkim«, with In« bellows blowtug the
for young men to imitate. Ho started
‘dust from an ancient, with its life sympathy would seem to be in life poor, but by constant labor, un-
I flogging energy and sharp pnuliee. be
cords m“1
on el these clocks In this gwueration unites - brethren and friends in the succeedodjln accumulating over a mil-
is sppreciaied only ,«a,a rare relic.
lii m do(lars in the course of sixty years.
suggisiivu name, “Doctoring »orrow, multiplies joys apd promotes Therefore, -his life whs a success, say
I ■ Old Time,” brings to our mind un- human brotherhood. Flowing natur­ these public, edwutors, and is worthy
jtheT version of the title, used for an-’ ally from warm and loving hearts into of imitation.
jtherpurpose,—"Old Time Doctoring.” grateful ones, it blesses both giver and
Those who were more intimately ac­
We learn, through a reliable su*n^e, receiver, It is the living spark which quainted with this man. knew that his
that one of the enterprising pktprio- kindles all sorts of benevolent enter­
life was a miserable failure in every
tary medicine firms of the country, prises, builds hospitals, schools and
thlnj^but the accumulation al wealth.
r btsbeen for years investigating the churches, promotes reforms, draws It was his sole aim to be rich, and
formulas and medical preparations men ajYay from vice and guides them
every faculty of his being was brought
used in the beginning of. thisceuttiry, Into paths of virtue and self-respect
.nd even before, with a view of asceo Vet this beneficent factor in human under subjection to this all-absorbing
P birring »by people in our great grand- life is not unfrequently abused by those desire. Until infirmity compelled, he
[»then,’ time enjoyed a health and pliy who selfishly seek it Not to mention was never known to be absent from
All the eight bridesmaids of the Princess of
.0,1 vigor, ao seldom foui d iu tlie those who try to awaken it in other» business a single day in twenty-five
" ales are alive, married and none divorced.
present generation..» They,now think for the * sake of thè material benefit years, and during all that time he never
they have «'.awred,the secret of secrete« which may come to them, there is a did one charitable act. His life was one
They fiud that the prevailing opinion large class of people who crave it for of self-interest, without a single feat­
that then existed, that “Nature, has a Its own sake as a sort of indulgence, ure worthy of imitation save that of in-
remedy for every existing dis^xdgr,” which they think they must have at dustry and determination. These were
his only redeeming qualities, and they
wax true; and »Cling under this be­
whatever cost -to others. They are were perverted from virtues into vicea
lief, our grandparents used the cbm
, never oontent unless some one is con­
Wo protest against th» practice of
■non berks aid plants. Continual
tnrpass upon ihe forest domain, Has doling with them and pitying them, holding up the lives of such men for our
made these herbs less ubundant and and the more sympathetic pain they sens to imitate. Success in life is not
has driven them further fr< m civil za- can induce their friends and neighbors merely filling money-bags or accumu­
iiou, until they have been discarded, to feel the better satisfied they are. So lating property. This is all right, le­
•s remedial > gents because of the dif­ sweet a morsel do they find this to be gitimate and praiseworthy, When done
that they treasure every ailment, with a proper motive. It is right to
ficulty of obtaining them.
H. H.
Warner, proprietor of so as to recount it; they dwell wish to plage ourselves in comfortable
Warner’s safe cure and founder of the upon their disappointments, their circumstances, to furnish means to edu­
Warner observatory .^Rochester, N. Y , trials, and their woes, cherishing the cate our children, to develop all our ca­
has been pressing investigations in memory of them to pour them into the pacities for enjoying life, and to do good
this direction, into the annals, y>f old ears of every willing listener, and to to tho world in the thousands of ways
family historic a, until be has secured compel him to feel something of the open to the rich. But there should be
some very valuable, formulas, , from suffering which they so diffusely por- a limit to our desires, even with these
which his firm is now preparing med i tray as their own. Of course this most worthy object« in view: It is bet­
process leads insensibly to great exag­ ter to take the good we possess, as we
I iciues, to be told by all druggists.
Taey will, we learn, be kitown un­ geration. Suoh is the action of the go along, than to wait for an ideal con­
mind, that whatever is dwelt upon ex­ dition that may never be attained. In- j
der the general title of “ Warners
Cabin remedies.” Among these!’ med­ clusively assumes magnified propor­ deed, it is this waiting, this refusal to I
icines will be.a “saisa par ilia,” for the tions; and a slight headache or ether enjoy, this unbending resolution to pos- !
blood aud liver, the stomach, etc., physical diseoa^H. which might Se sess more, that transforms the man, un­
■“Log Cabin cough and consumption! forgotten amid pressing interests, may consciously, froni a creature of com­
remedy,” Log Catyn hair tunic,” “Log become almost unbearable when al­ mendable aspirations to the sordid, self-
Cabin extract,” for internal and ex­ lowed to occupy all the thoughts. interested miser.
ternal use, and an old vahr ble discov Much more is this the case with mental
We belief^ in moderation and tem­
ery tor catarrh, called “Log Cabin anxieties or troubles, and. bo ‘he/
perance, in all spheres of labor—on the
rose cream.” Among I he list is also a slight or severe, the habit of brooding
farm, and in the farm-house, as well as
“lajg Cabin piaster,” and a “Log-Cabin over them always augments their hard­
in the counting-house, the bank or the
liver pill.”
ship. In recounting them to one whose
Jj'rom the number of remedies, it sympathy is hoped for the tendency to store. The man who sinks every higher
will be seen that they do not propone fiu ther exaggeration is increased, and aspiration to the level of mare acquis­
th cure all diseases with one prepara­ very often the listener is made to feel itiveness, loses every capacity of enjoy­
It is believed by many that a sympathetic pain, whioh is really ment save that one. It is not right to
become so habituated to labor that one
with these remedies a 1u w era is to
far greater than that which has been Is not contented, unless constantly at it.
dawn Ujajii suffering, humanity and
Inflicted for his benefit. Certainly noth­ It is a duty to cultivate all tho faculties
that the cloHe of the nineteenth cen­
ing could injure the cause of tyie sym­ of our natures, not one along, and we
tury will’ see these roots and herbs, as
under the title
of pathy more than such fraudulent and shall be held as much responsible for
Waruei’s Log Cabin remedies, as pop­ mean attempts to obtain it ltq*power neglect in this direction as In any other.
ular as they were nt the beginning. lie« in its perfect froedbm and in the Improvidence is a term not confined td
Although they come in tlie form of reality of the suffering which it seek« waste of material substance alone. The
proprit tary medicines, yet they will be to relieve. Wheti It is wasted on sham dead millionaire was improvident in
none the less welcome, for su^ering afflictions or drawn out by . selfish every thing that would ejevate, expand
'Bllftyfffftjiy llljj! IMiJISITO Utt d ’ ilfmoit- angling for it there will always be s and rTmntrtw; "Life has- been -tf’bnf* •
ern doctoring and the piiblto . has reaction arid a harden!ngòf the heart. den,” were the last words, of one wlio
great confidence in any rernedifis put Nfueh sympathy is thus crushed out of had spent a long life in the pursuit of
up by the firm of which H. H Warner existence that would otherwise be per­ wealth, and had failed in his object at
is the head.’ The people l^ave beeome manently active in blessing the world. last. It was a wasted life—utterly
suspicious of the « fleets .jof doctoring, Those whir seek in this way for wasted—is the universal verdict, but it
with jioisonous dru. s. Few realize the sympathy in' all their real and fancied was not more so than that of the mil­
injurious fffets foUowinig the pre­ troubles are adding to tho distres- lionaire who had wasted all that makes
scriptions of many modern physicians. of human - life, instead of to its happi­ life of value and saved only that which
These effects of poisonous drugs, al­ ness. When they meet with any good the elements could destroy or the low­
ready prominent, will become more fortune they seldom call upon others to est thief could steal.— Ohio Farmer.
pronounced in coming generations. rejoice with ¿hem. Their joys they
Therefore we can cordially ’wish the are content to monopolize, but their
The Sorghum Experiment.
old-fashioned new rimedies the best troubles-of every kind they want to
The Agricultural Department sent
of success.
share. With one of a generous and
noble spirit it would be exactly the re­ out a report of the experiments blade
verse. He would bury his griefs in with sorghum. From the general tenor
his own bosom, hide his pain when­ of the report the sorghum experiment
ever it was possible, be mostly silbnt may be regarded as a failure, the worst
about his diseases, his disappoint­ feature of the business being the varia­
ments, hie annoyances, his trials; but. ble results obtained, as the results of
op the other hand, he would delight one year's work can in no way be
in emphasizing all that was glad and counted on as a sample of what the
beautiful and bright, that others, too, next may be. The report contains the
might partake of his pleasure. Mon­ results of “analytical, work” at Fort
taigne Bays:
“I daily endeavor to Scott, Kansas, Rio Grande, N. J.',
shake off that childish humor and in­ and Magnolia, La. The experiments,
humane conceit which causeth that by for which an award of $1,200 was given
our griefs and pains we ever desire to by the Commissioner of Agriculture,
move our friends to compassion and are also given, and comprise work from
sorrow for us, and with a kind of all sections of the country. 4n the
sympathy to condols our miseries and main the results may be said to be un­
passions. * • A man should, as much favorable, as any ellmatie change, no
as he can, set forth and extend his matter how slight, will change the
joy; but, to the utmost of his power, character of the product The yield
suppress and abridge his sorrow." of sugar as compared with that of mo­
There are enough clouds In every life lasses also differs widely, and no defi­
to make each generous person anxious nite percentage of sugar can be fixed
not to increase them by adding his as being present in a certain amount of
own, but to chase them away, as far as sorghum cane. To sum the whole mat­
possible, by spreading abroad all the ter up briefly the .cultivation of sor­
sunshine that enters into his life to ghum cane for sugar-making purposes
ch« er and bless mankind. And the may be deemed impracticable. — Wash­
sympathy which he would not strive to ington better.
obtain, but which ho was always will­
Not So Very Favorable.
ing to bestow, will be extended free
and unasked, and he will gratefully
Deaooh Williams —Brudder Jone»,
receive all the comfort and cheer which how did yer son come outen de trial?
It so plentifully bears.—Philadelphia
Brother Jones—De jedge done give
____ ______
'im two munfs in de jayul.
Deacon Williams—’Pears ter me like
—Date Cake.—Beat together a slight­
ly heaped cupful of sugar and a half as if you oughter be pow’ful thankfuL
cupful of butter; add two well beaten He got off mighty light, he did.
Brother Jones—’Twarn’t «’ light
eggs; add one-half teaspoonful essence
of lemon and a scrape of nutmeg; add you seem ter think. Dey’« a-gwinter
hang im when de two munfs 1« up.—
one cupful of sweet milk with one tea­
spoonful of saleratus dissolved in it, Harper's Magazine.
finally add two and one-half cupfuls of
—A citizen of New Orleans was buried
flour with two teaspoonfuls of cream of
tartar sifted through it. Stir gently near that city under a rock about lOOx
Into this creamy mass a well heaped 200 feet in dimensions He had amassed
cupful of the prepared dates. Bake in a considerable fortune, and became
possessed with the desire of being
shallow pan and cut in squares.
buried pnder the largest possible tomb-
atona He selected a huge bowlder for
thia purpose, and sent to Atlanta for a
stone-Aittfci and hah a «uitable inscrip-
tlon placojLponJhe rock, and then a
cave was dtfff'down under it where a
coffin was placed to await the corps*
The cave was then sealed up tightly.
The damage from the phylloxera in France
» far is estimated at $2.000,000,000.
Dr, JL S. C omm , Owensville, Ohio, says: ‘T
Wveftiven Nrott’a Kannlalon of Cod Liver
Oil with Hypophosphites to four patients with
better rdfeults than seemed possible with any
remedy. All were hereditary cases of lung di­
sease. and advanced to that stage when Coughs,
pain in the chest, frequent brtathing, frequent
Ku Ise. fever and Emaciation. AU these cases
ave increased in weight from 16 to 28 lbs., and
are not now needing any medicine/*
Í2?í perfect
A new system of gymnastics or physical
training has been introduced Ln. the British
My Poor Back !
That “poor, back“ is held reaponaible for more than its »hare of ths sufferings of
mankind. II your dog bite» a man who kicks it, do yoa blame the dog f On the aama
principle the kidneys uiter their protest
against nervouknes«, impure blood, and
resulting constipation '1 hese force them
to do extraordinary work in ridding ths
system of the poison» which are tlje
j/x result of clletc matter retained in ths
blood. Then the sufferer says the
back aches; the kidneys are dis-
easft. “Not yet;” but they will Vy^^C/be unless «he nervea are slrenglhened,
the blood purified, and the constipation
removed. These' are the causes
of kidney troubles, and Paine's Celery 1^,$ f Compound removes them quickly.
Every man that smokes a pipe is a walking
advertiser of the merits of “Beal of North Caro­
lina Plug Cot’’ Smoking Tobacoo.
The “Seal ” is pronounced by all smokers the
best Tobacco ever sold on the Pacific Coast.
With its tonic, purifying, and laxative
effect, it also strengthens the week
kidneys, making it almost infallible in
curing all diseases of the nerves and kkl-
neya. If yodr hopes of cure have not «pV been realized, try Paine’s Celery Com­
pound ; it gives perfect health to all who complain of “ their poor backs.” JVsrn fl.OO.
Dnuoaisrs. S end roa It.Lu»T»*Tr.r> Parr.».
WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors,
_ To MAKE -U
OwieHT’s C ow -B rand S oda -S aleratik .
receipt of 10 orata to pay portage,
U1*U4 Michigan Arana*.
’’♦e UVER