The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, October 26, 1888, Image 2

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The Oregon lerûta
A N*gr«>* Peril*«* HMr.
The Probable Origin of Ike Poleoooue I’Hn-
<-lple In l»»lry Product*.
Takes the Law ie bU Own
Gus White, a Galveston fehioi
The causes ot poison cheese re­ needed money, but did not hav^Z_
mained a mystery, in a scientific point He tried to negotiate a loan of
of view, until ti>a investigations of dollars from Disconsolate Jones. »
WHEA»- Valley, *1 30(9*1 31 Prof. Vaughn, dF?Miohigan, estab- , in a barbei-, offering bls nole i **
Walk Walla, *1 80«l 22|.
lished the fact,of the’presence of tyro- shaved, but DisconsQlate told 4«hn ft
BARLEY— Whole, »1 10(41 12j; toxicon in poison cheese; Since then. , he shaved chins, not notes. Fin n
numerous investigations have served things came to that pass that Gu>i
ground, per ton, -'25 00(927 50.
to conffrm the results of the pro­ had to have money, so ne went
OATS—Milling, 32@34c.; feed, 44 fessor’s experiments. Quite reoently. more toJDisconsolate Jones. Thy
Dairy Commissioner Ives, of Minne­ he felt sure of success, for he ea-T?
sota, has investigated, in.his official his ivory-handled pistol with him.
HAY—Baled, *10(9*13.
capacity, a case of poisoning by eating consolate was waiting for a cuauZZ
SEED—Blue Grass, 14|(916c.; Tim cheese, which has attracted a, good and after he dressed Gus’ wool and/;
othy, 9£(910c.; Bed-Clover, 14@15c.
deal of attention. The thorough analr some hair-oil on it, the latter offered to
sell the barber an iva^jgliandled phuf
FLOUR— Patent Roller, *4 00; yBis of the cheese by the State Cherti-»
•¿pisoonsorate Jones, give tne t»„
Country Brand, *3 75. '
contain tyrotoxicon. Otherwise the! «.liars and de pistol am yours."
EGGS—Per dox, 25c.
cheese appeared to be of excellent 1
-•iG’way. nlggnh; hit’s agln .de law to ‘
quality and extraordinarily rich in fat.
BUTTER—Fancy roll, per pound, An analysis of four different samples tote pistils,” replied Jones.
pickled, 20(9 25c.;
“But you needs a pistol when you
of whole milk cheese, by Prof. Drew,
showed the presence of fat as follows: goes home at nights to keup)(le robbed
CHEESE—Eastern, 16@20c.; Ore­ No. 48 had 21.46 per cent, of fat; No. I
49 had 36.46 per veu,.;
cent.; No.
«v. 6(jJhad
My "**" I .
man what totes a pistil am a
gon, 14<g I6c.; California, 14jc.
51 --------------
had 32.44 ' phtm coWard.” .
39.14 per cent., and No. —
VEGETABLES— Beets, per sack,
1 “Hit’B wuf? ten dollars, but . yer caa
cent, of fat.
*1 50; cabbage, per lb., 2fc.; carrots, per
No. 50 was the sample of poison bave it ior two dollars."
per sk., *1 25; lettuce, per dox. 20c.; .cheese and was very rich in fat, as
“G » ’ way niggah;” r and _ just then
------ aoi»
onions, *1 00; potatoes, per 100 lhe., will be seen. Thl8 excess of fat leads tonier came in to have his chin scraped
4O@50c.; radishes, per do»., 15@20c.; to a suspicion that a portion of it wb*ch ended the negotiations.
rhubarb, per lb., 6c. __
5..« tp pecular chemical
might v..
be due
»trange to
to sav.
say, that
that vwv
very night, og
HONEY—In comb, per lb., 18c.; changes' undergone through destruc- i ““ wtty home. Disconsolate Jones «at
tive formentution. No sighs of adul-1 attacked by an unknown man, «ho
strained, 5 gal. tins, jser lb. 8|c.
teratlon appeared. There was Only I kicked and mauled him, robbed him ot
. ..
. ■ . H
ul I
Vila Inna/» rsVtnnr»»
— _ J za a
POULTRY — Chickens, . per do»..
and flod in tfle
the presence of the usual quantity of all hig loose change, auu
»4 00@6 00; ducks, per dox., *5 00@
a worfl.’XNext
6 00; geese, *6 00@8 00; turkeys,
But here let us remark that annatto, morning Wfore Gus'White was up R,
per 16., 12 jc.
as obtained in market, is not always was called on by Disconsolate Jones,
PROVISIONS—Oregon hams, I2fc the pure vegetable substance that some who told him the story of his woes. '
“I done told yesterday yer mo.ut ba
per ll>.-; Eastern, 13@13|c.; Eastern suppose. It is not only adulterated in
breakfast bacon, 12jc. jwr lb.; Oregon some cases with lead and other ingre­ robbed," replied Gus.
“Whar’s dat pistil you wanted to m J
10@12c.; Eastern lard, 10@ll jc. per dients, but is polluted with urine ap­
lb.; Oregon, 10|c.
plied to make it keep and to brighten I me yestorday for two dollars?” asked'.
Disconsolate ddnes.
GREEN FRUITS— Apples. * 50 the color. 'This accounts for the urin-1 “Hit’s agin de law to tote weapons,"
@ 85c.; Sicily lemons, »6 (Xl(o>6 50
replied Gus sai-castically.
California, *3 5O@5 00 ; Navaloraugee annatto. So annatto is not always tho
"Nebber mind. I ain’t g wine to be
»6 00;, Riverside, *4 00; Mediterra­ harmless and clean substance that has
long been popularly supposed and beat to deff when I kin get a pistil for
nean, *4 25.
two dollars.”
“Nobody but a plum coward totes
Butrin the case under consideration,
DRIED FRUITS—Sun dried aj»
pies, 7jc. per lb.; machine dried, 10@ ’as given us personally by Dairy Com- ! pistils, but you can hab it for tour
11c; pitless plums, 13c,; Italian missioner Ives and Prof. Drew, there i dollars,” responded Gus.
prunes, 10@14c.; peaches, 12|Q14n.; doos not appear to be any thing un-1 Disconsolate Jones paid over the
raisins, »2 40(92 50.
usual in. the coloring matter used. So mpney and took the pistol. As soon as
the poisonous character could not be I he got the pistol he examined it, put it
’ WOOL—Valley, 17@18c.; Eastern
reasonably attributed to this causo. In in his pocket, and carel^sly picking up
Oregon. 9@15c.
all four samples analyzed the fats were a chair, he whackod Gus White ata
HIDES—Dry beef hides, 8@10j.; found to be pure. But the presence of furious rate.
“Dah,” said the breathless Disconso­
culls, . 6(97«.;
. kip
. and calf, . 8®i0s.; tyroAoxjcon was unmistakable.
Now, whence the presence of this late, compelling Gus to return the
Murrain, 10 @12c.; tallow, 3<93jc.
poison? It doee not appear to have stolen money and also the price of the
LUMBER—Rough, per M, »10 00; been introduced. The inference
______ is [ pistol, “de next time you wants ter rob
edged, per M, »12 00; T. and G. that it was generated, It is well I-a man don't pick out de same niggar
sheathing, Jier M, *13 00 ; No. 2 -floor­ known that decomposing albuminous what put hair-oil on yer head, or ye
ing, per M, »18 00; No. 2 ceiling, pei compounds act as a ferment and a will gib yerself away by de smell."
M,»18 00; No. »rustic, perM, »18 00;
And keeping the pistol to recom­
small portion introduced into the cir­
clear rough, per M, »20 00; clear P. 4
culatory system of a human being be­ pense himself, he left__ Texas Siftings.
8, per M, »22 50; No. 1 flooring, pei
M, »22 50; No. 1 ceiling, per M, comes a very violent poison, often, i(
»22 50; No. 1 rustic, i>er M, *22 50; hot always, producing death. Many
stepping, per M, »25 00; ovor 12 a surgeon has lost his life by the intro­ Especially When a Illg-Footed Olrl Buyis
Pair of Mhoee.
inches wide, extra, »1 00; lengths 40 duction, through a slight abrasion bf
She walked into a fashionable shoe
to 50, extra, »2 00; lengths 50 to 60, the skin, of a minute portion of de­
extra, »4 00; 1| lath, per M, »2 25; composing albuminous tissue from s store and said to the polite clerk:
“Yon may show me a pair of walking
1| lath; per M, »2 50.
In all probability, the poisonous bools, No. 4. I used to wear 3's, but I
BEAN8—Quote small whites, »4 50; principle in cheese has the same origin go in for solid comfort now.”
pinks, $3 ; bayos, .»3; butter, »4 50; —from decomposing albuminous mat­
’The clerk tried. the boots, but they
Limas, »4 50 ;>er cental.
ter. . Through carelessness and un­ would not go on.
“Strange,” she murmured, "It mint
COFFEE—Quote Salvador, 17c; cleanliness, decomposing matter finds
Costa Rica, 18@20c.; Rio, 18@20c.; its way into cheese, to there act as a be rheumatism. Try 4’s B width. I
Java, 27|c.; Arbuckle’s’s ¡wasted, 22c. ferment and develop tyrotdxicon know I can swim in them, but my feet
throughout the entire mass. Hence it are so tender.”
MEAT—Beef, wholesale, 2£@3c.; is self-evident that too much care can
While the clerk was getting them on
dressed, 6c.; sheep, 3c; dressed, 6c.; not be taken in cheese factories to she said:
hogs, dressed, 8@9c.; veal, 5@7c.
keep every thing scrupulously clean.
“I used to have a beautiful foot not
Every. thing that touches the milk
PICKLES—Kegs quoted steady at should not only be carefully washed in small, but such a*good shape. I never
ha* a small foot; but I wore 2j sizes for
»1 35.
warm water, to which a little sal-soda years, until_I walked so much and gre»
SALT— Liverpool grades of fine or other alkali hmL hwnn l u l deA
quoted *18, *19"and »20 for the thret afterwards thoroughly scalded in boil­
“Your foot is a peculiar Bhape, the
sixes; stock Balt, $10’
ing water — water at 212 degrees instep is so high.—that is why you re­
Fahrenheit. If this were done in all quire a large size,” said the clerk, who
SUGAR—Prices for barrels; Golder: eases, we do not believe we should so had no fear of Ananias before his eyes.
C,6ic.; extra C,6Jc.; dry granulated, often hear of poison cheese, if we did
“I’ve heard,” she said, "that the
7 je.; crushed, fine crushed, cube and at all.
Venus dee Medeechy wears No. 5 and
powdered, 7}c.; extra C, 6jc.; halve,
In view of these now known facts, she is a model of true proportion."
and boxes, |c. higher.
uncleanliness in a cheese factory be­
“Exactly,” said the clerk, growing
comes criminal; but in view of some of red in the face as he pulled and tugged
our experiences, we should not be sur­ to get them on. He had never heard oi
Application* Tli*t Prove Destructive to AU prised to find that the germs of des­ “dee Medeechy,” but he was up to*
TToufiShold 1’est*.
tructive and poisonous fermentation trick or two hitnBelf. “After all,” he
Salt scattered freely over the floors are often introduced through the ren- Baid, “these are too large. You’ll find
of a house, swept into tho cracks and not tub, which in many cases we have the 4’s just right. ”
allowed to remain t^ere, will extermi­ found to smell moi-e like carrion
He was only gone a moment, but in
nate bed-bugs; a bedstead thoroughly than any thing fit to be Introduced that time he had erased 5E from the
washed in a strong brine and every into human food. For this reason we inside of a pair of shoes and substituted
crevice filled with salt, and salt freely tm.ll the special attention of officials 4B.
scattered under every slat, the slats having the matter in hand to the ren­
“There, I thought It was strange."
well soaked in brine, will surely put net tub, when they next have a case she said, when they were on and paid
an end to them, This receipt has been of poison cheese. It is a fearful source for;
__ , "why, those are just as easy ,------
as my
tested in a hotel in Oregon that was of off-lisvor and quiekly decomposing’'' old ones. I believe I could just as well
litereUy alive with them. The salt cheese, and why not of poison cheeseP had 8s after all.” And the young-man-
" Vas scattered over ^hq. floors, and for —Prairie Farmer!
a feW-’days, while the’atmosphere was
duties with the air of one well satisfied
dry, appeared to have no effect on
—A lady has a little colored girl as with himself.— Detroit Free Preu.
them; then came a drizzling rain for a sort of body servant, who is very
two or three days, the dampness melted much pleased with her place. One
Th» Same Familiar Old Man.
lhe salt, and all the bugs in the house day the lady started down streot. “Is
swarmed to the outside and Remained yougwine to my folkBes?” asked the
"Ydii don't know how old you are?"
there in rows close to the battens. I child. “No, not to-day,” replied the asked the judge. "No, boss," replied
believe there were twenty thousand of lady. “I wisht you wob .” “Why, the witness; “I’se a ign’ant ole man; 1
them of all shades and sizes. Immedi­ what’s the matter?”
“Oh. cause I was bo’n in de ole times an’ been a slavs
ately a brine was made strong eqough wants dem niggers to see what kind o’ ontil de wah. I donno how ole I i*"
to bear up an egg and used profusely folks Ise keepin’ comp’ny wid. Ef "You must be over eighty?" suggested
on beds and furniture, and not a-bed­ you’ll go. you needn't pay me no wages the judge. “Spec I is, boss. Idunno."
bug was seen inside the house for the fo’ dis yer week’s wuk.” The lady paid “Permit me to ask him a few questions,
three years tho narrator remained the call and gave the child ten centB your Honor,” said the reporter. "Harr
there. Those that were driven to the extra.— WoaAington Critic.
you alt your teeth?” "Yes. boss, aln
outside of the house remained station­
got a bad tooth in de lot ” ‘ ‘Can you read
ary in rows and finally dropped to the
—“Where did you go last night?” 1 fine type without Jjwctacles?” "Yes.
ground dead.
said a traveling man to a newspaper boss; I can read de fine print Bible oi
My mother, an old New England ^man.
___ “ -
„ see our friend , at arm length.” "You never u^-d to­
I went
housekeeper, says: “No insect which? "Pendleson’s new . play.
.• It was pre-1 bacco
___ _ Bah; I-dunhs
or whisky?” "No,
crawls can live under the application »ented for the first time.” “Interest-, de
taste of __
nor „ of tobacco."
___ " ” "t D»
bf ho^alum water. It will destroy red ing?’
Well, to be frank, not very.” you rise every morning at five o'clock?"
black anta, cockroaches, spiders, bed­ "What was the motive of the piece?” i “Always, boss." “And do you cut and
bugs and all. tile myriads of crawling “The motive? As far as I could judge, j split a cord of wood before breakfast
pests which infest our houses during the motive was the extermination of every diy?” "Dot's my unrariabls
the healed term. Take two pounds of the whole human race.”— Merchant • habit boss.”
“May it please the
alum und dissolve it in three or four Traveler.
court’’ trifid the reporter, "I know the
quarts of boiling water, let it stand on
Thomas J. Mayall, recently de­ witness; ne is 106 years old.”— Uurdetk,
the stove until the alum Is all molted,
•n Brooklyn Eagle.
then apply it with a brush while near­ ceased, started as a poor boy. He in­
ly boiling hot to every joint and crevice vented the first rubber belt, the first
In your cloeols, bedsteads, pantry cylinder printing machine for wall­
—One of the finest collections of but-
shelves and the like; brush the cracks paper printing and also for gluing, terflies in the world has been made by
In the floor and the crevices in the displacing the former mode ot printing a member of the New York Stock Ex­
skirting or mopboards if you Suspect from independent blocks; invented change. It contains one hundp»
rubber cement and satin-finished pa­
that thev harbor vermln.-
per; helped Charles Goodyear in the thousand specimens, an<j has out*
—T<j ohiqf difference between the invention of vulcanized rubber, and twenty years in time and *35.000 1»
savage and the civilized man is iu the also produced a number of other in­ money. Livingstone, Stanley. Schwa*"
ka, and other explorers have contri­
power and the habit of self-control.
ventions in revolvers, guns, rifles,
The savage may be master over other1,
steam apparatus for loading and firing buted to it ---------- a-*-«---- fc « —-
savages, but his own feelings he never
artillery, ammunition, coffee-hulling
—Queen Victoria is cleared of the,
masters, and their utterance he neither machines, Self-«-ting drawbridges and
¿barge that plain English bread is **
subdues nor regulates. Civilization, railway switches.
good enough for her taste. It has been
however, and experience teach men
—A masseuse »ho has-practiced her
that both should be cultivated. Some profession largely among families of reported that she ate only Turin rolls1
of th» emotions need development, wealth makes the statement that iq
some restraint; all need training. They many years she has'administered mas- Truth say q th is is all nonsense, and
»hat brown
are not all fit for utterance, nor of •«geto only one woman whose ril> ¿lares
had not been displaced by coreet-wear , made every day fo
exceedingly fond of
D kvotxd TO tub I ntbhsstm or F ahmkks Rsuasim Q uotations CAWKrvir.T fix
visan Bvxar W kbk .
and 'S tockmen .
------ .—■■*-?■
An old negro living near Atlanta,
Florida promise» to become a - large
Ga., has ju»t completed a perilous ride
oq a tree of over 200 mile* on ths producer of opium. Sixteen plants
learning to swim .
Savannah rivet. He waJ^-fisjyt ing on will produce *1,000 worth of opium.
the S.vaunah during high
Th« Di«cour»rin< Aquatic Kxperienec« of
_ w«fei w» »nd
a New York Humorist.
got upon a 1 tree which was hanging
If al! farmers would fence to k -ep
dnee upon a time, when I was young
#r to disentangle
disentangle __
his line. stock-in there would be no need of
over the river
andThll of unlimited confidence in the
The bauks being soft from recent
rains, the negro and tree fell in the fencing to keep stock out.
future, I made up my mind that I would
water, and were curried dowu stream
learn to swim. Every one told me I
Blister is cheap, and * handful or
by the current. The old man clung
ought U> team the noble art of how to SHOT
to the trunk of the tree and at last each corn hill will be Of much adyau
keep your head above water, and t be­
succeeded in getting upon it, and in tage.
came filled with a sort of enthusiastic
It should be used on grass
’ A ObllA Kill«». •'
this position he was seen near Brier's
longing to go and float on my back,
crops also. ,
out into tho mystio East, where the
created seas play leap-frog through the Stanton, was instantly killed at Mer­
Experienced tomato growers claim
near Savannah.
never-dying year*.
ced, Cal., by being run over by a heavy
that a dock of turkeys will effectually
I inquired what was the best way to hay wagon.
ASen«ationai Suicide.
an end* to the depredations of
learn to swim. I received 1,471 differ­
A particularly sensational suicide put
Tbe Bark DlsmsuS Usee best.
the tomato worm.
ent replies. It was just a trifle oon-
The British ship Grassendale, which was discovered at Chicago when the
fusing. I was not quite sure which
keeper of a fashionable boarding
One pound of Paris green to throe
was the best way, so I concluded to arrived from Sidney at San Francisco,
house broke into the room of Mme.
begin at the beginning of the list and brings new* of the wreck of the bark
hundred pounds dry laud plaster ialhe
work my way through to victory or a Diamond off the Malden islands on In bed, the slothes tucked tightly proper proportion for application to
June J6. When a short distance
watery grava
about her, was the lady, dead. She potato vines.
The first method recommended to me from the irisnd she 'sprang a leak bad attached a rubber tube to the gas
was to strip and boldly plunge into the
A few drops of oil in harness and
jet, covered herself up in bed, and held
I water where it was over my head. the vessel, which was done and the the tube to her nose. The lady had saddles occasionally may reduce the
' tfdjhe natural instinct of the animal, ” crew all escaped and sent to Mel­ lately lost her daughter, and was des­ profits of the saddler, but it will also
said my adviser, "is to swim. You bourne. The Diamond was bound pondent.
reduce tlie wear on the farmer’s
J!—i---------- ——
need nothing but the firm resolve, and from Melbourne to San Francisco with
Lillie Girls Neul Home.
yofa will find it exceedingly easy. coal. The bark was owned in Mel­
Jump right in aqj sttffke out, and you
In China there are over four hun-
■ulcKe by Arsenic.
years Of age, brought to New Yoik W4re
will get there/6
red species of plants used for food,
morol thought about it, the
Mormon elders from -Europe eururite _Jd in the world probably ten times
this "'Seemed to me to be good aged about 35 years, a resident of- to Salt, Like City, were ordered by
that number. Sawdust iu Sweden is
. _8o one day,“when I wascross- Rockford, UJ„ committed suicide by Collector Magone to be sent back to
used in bread and found digestible.
' ing the 'Nbrtk river on a ferry-boat, I
taking arsenic.
.’ just »hut my eyes and jumped over­
A Triple Tragedy.
Now is the Beason when butter
■ onnd Fleallnx In tbe Bay.
board. I struck out boldly; and as my
Details have been received at Fort taints quickly, and none moce quickly
Tue steamer Ethel and Marion re-
adviser had predicted, I got there. I
got right to the bottom. As soon a* ports that while at Angel Island, near Smith, Ark., of an affray in the Cher­ than the choicest article. It is a time
possible I got back again to the sur­ San Francisco with a pleasure party okee nation between two natives, Blue for special care iu manufacture, and
face, and was just about to strike out they found lhe body of a female in­ Hog and Pigeon, who quarreled over for thy earliest possible consumption
boldly once more, when a miserable fant floating in tbe bay. Tlie remains the possession of a mulatto girl. After
pirate jammed a boat-hook under my are supposed to be those of one of the a short fight both fell mortally
The wool product-of California has
collar, and yunked me out of the water children lost iu the City of Chester wounded. The girl, who had stood by averaged nearly 40,000,000 pounds per
With an exoeedtng great yank.
Hog und stooped over him, which so year since l»80, bringing to the State
I was .arrested and taken to ^police
Fatal Huatlug Accident.
Angered Pigeon that he managed to »6,000,000 a year. This is about one-
court I explained to the police jus­
A fatal accident occurred on Los raise his pistol and fire at her, the seveuth of the entire wool product of
tice that I had jumpod o.Vqrboard to
. • ”
river just ubove East L.ts An­ ball striking her in the breast. She the country.
* earn to swim; but he sent me up, j«»t
gel's, Cal. A young Italian, Antonio died an hour after.
the same.
When my term Was at an end; I Palnieri.shot at a ground-squirrel, and
Too Good to Lives
thought I would try the plan of the
While trying to avoid .being kissed
second adviser. This was to practice hole the hunter tbwight he could dig by a woman, George Vindie, of Balti­ better about the time they will foal.
It is better to have colts come after the
. the stroke in shallow water until I it out with the but end oi bis gun.
more, fell down stairs and was killed. grass is plenty than when the mare is
*Rnow how to use my hands and feet He held the muzz|e toward him, and
This is probably the first instance of
and then to* venture into water deep before bis friends could int< rfere the the kind on record. A man some­ on dry feed4
gun explodtd, and he fill to the ground
tnough to swim.
times is willing to give bis iiie for a
eaeh of
I went down to the river one even-
tered the right leg just below tile groin kiss, but never to avoid one.
your horses? It is quite a satisfac­
ng where some, boys were in swim­ and the ball ranged upward ana en­
A Bold Tblef.,
ming. and said:
tion to know just how much eaeh
tered vital parts. He died in about
Henry F. Harding, who boldly en­ horse weighs, and as plentiful as scales
“How doop is the water here?"
"Only two feet and a half." said one an hour in great pain.
tered the Fifth and Commercial Na- .are in the country, there is no excuse
. Shat While Resisting Arrest.
'of the boys, who was paddling abouL
liohal banks and grubbed a large sum for not knowing.
That suited me, so in I went I
8. G. Fisher, an old resident of Col­ in each place, was arraigned in the
practiced away at the stroke, end was fax, W. T., abjur 50 years of age, who Tombs court. He pleaded not guilty
The only farmers that are making
doing beautifully, when it occurred to lives on the Cottonwood", was fatally and was committed for trial without money now, Or ever did or ever will,
me that the sand on the bottom wus shot by Deputy Blieriff James Patter­ bait The fact has been developed
out of horeo-breeding are those who
scratching my breast So I said:
son and a posse, while resisting arrest. that he is the same mun who escaped
"Isn’t there any deepor wator than Tlie citizens of Cottonwood have made from court two months ago when up raise llie best olasses, and are willing
to pay liberally for the use of a first-
this around herd?"
variolas complaints against this man. for some Other offense. He’acknowl­ class stallion.
"Right over there," said a boy point­ They considered him partly insane edged this fact. His real name is
ing. 1 went “right over there,” a«d and very dangerous to lhe community. O’Coanor, and he has served three The tomato is commonly grown in
at once disappeared from view. When A Complaint wen made that his exist­ terms in the penitentiary for sneak
gardens oil soils made much too rich.
I came to the surface I was going to ence imperiled the lives of the com­ thieving. < ——
The vine attaius remarkable vigor,
iwitn splendidly; but two boys jumped munity. Sheriff Berry immediately
Saved by a Telephone.
but the fruit ripens slowly. If only
In and towed mo ashore. Once more sent out a pojse. Upon their arrival
Ru h F;jj, a Louisville, Ky , book- moderately fertile soil were used for
I had been rescued.
he resisted them with a knife in hand,
. . entered his employer
. . ’s vault growing tomatoes, the crop would
Then I tried another plan. This whereupon Dtputy Patterson shot keeper,
was to toko a lot of oork* and put them him, inflicting the fatal wound. He to examiné papers, and whtle thus en­ ripen earlier, and be less subject to the
gaged therdbor was closed and locked rot, though this disease is apt to take
under my arms, and swim that way is in jail, but is not expected to live.
by a Mloweffferk, ignorant of Fay’s the first ripening fruit of some kinds
until I hud the stroke down fine; thon
Fatally niioi b> a Tramp.
whereabouts. Fortunately there was of tomatoes on any soil. .*
to cast away tho corks and go it alone.
George Scott, night watchman near a telephone in the vault, and the im­
Well, 1 procured my corks, »nd start­
Gravel BerveB the same purpose with
ed out through the surf at Coney El Capitan Ahotel, at Merced, Cal., prisoned m:<n was thus able to com-
Island. It was really very pleasant, ffbile trying to arrest a supposed munioato hie situation to the central birds tiiat teeth do with quadrupeds.
riding the breaker* and feeling as it tramp, was lired ujain by the suspected ottice. Assistance shortly arrived, and The grinding in the gixxard may be
one were suspended in the air. When person and fatally wounded, the bull Fay, who was on the verge of suc- heard by placing the ear near the
beyond the ropo* I found I was swim­ penetrating the abdomen on the right o imbing to the st-fling almosjilitio fowls, when their stomachs aie lull
1 and digestion is taking place-. The
ming beautifully, so I threw off my ride, about midway between the naval about him, was relieved.
sound of lhe gravel stones grinding
oork* and struck out boldly. Ofj}ouree,l and right grom, passing through and
and rubbing against the grain iB es­
the first shiwk of throwing away the out near the spinal column,
died shortly after.
pecially audible in the case of ducks
corkl.sqnt me downward, and it was
Winnepeg, while making a heroic at- that are at out half grown, at whi h
Heavy lire at Jarksonvllle.
<*o deep that I was a long time coming
time they are increasing in size very
up. When I did oome up, I was just
A fire occurred at Jacksonville,
going to • swim away in groat stylo, Oreg., which destroyed the carpenter fire. The fire was started by the ex- fast, and digestion proceeds very tap
when a rtfhn canto up iff a boat, grab­ shop, planing mill and furniture store
bed mb l>y tho n^ck, and dragged me of I). Linn, the dwelling house of W. twetn her room and that of the Chil­
While the man is certainly a failure
in. I tried to explain my design to J. Flymale and N. Fisher, and several dren, but she dashed into the burning
room with no thought as to her own in his business who cannot make good
bltn; but he Intimated that he thought tenement houses belonging to T.
safety. She received burns from which
me a crank.
Obavner and Max Muller. The total she shortly died. The children were butter out of good milk, yet that man
has never been discovered who could
And no it has been. Every time I loss is *12,000. Mr. Linn is the great­ saved by outsiders.
make first-class butter out of second-
bave tried to learn tolwim, some one est sufferer, 1 sing about *8 000. The
class milk. The dairyman should,
itiiNNiiitf Mail Matters
has oome along and rescued me. I tire, the sr gin of which > b unknown,
Another mail pouch has been lost. above all things, have his barn and
don’t want to be rescued. I want to but is supposed to he inceudury,
swim. But they will not let me. They started in the planing mill and rapidly This one contained *15,000, and was premises in good sanitary condition
always say: "My dear sir, in two communicated with the adjoining mailed by Blake Bros. & Co., of New Any decaying auirnal matter, whether
minutes more you would have been buildings, and for a while seriously York to their agents in Chicago. It it be a dead rat or spdt-«irik, about
drowned." So I have given up all threatened the destruction of the is reported also that a large number of the barn or milk-house, will transmit
hope of ever learning to swim, and am town. There was no insurance on the other letters mailed on the same day both its odor and its decomposing
properties to the milk and its produot
going to wade slowly through the rest property destroyed.
at the New York post office are miss —butter.
of a sorrowful existence.— Puck.
Shot kr an Officer.
Patrolman Joseph Keishaw saw
Have you a set of hay caps? If
Behooner Wrecked.
Special dispatches to Wilmington, not, get them ready at once; they
M*w *h*d*a of Or***. Red and Orny Mo*t Harry Day enter a Chinese laundry
on Sanchix street in Los Angeles, Del., report lhe sinking of the schooner will often more than eave their cost
Favored by Faalilon.
Green, red and gray are the trio of Cal., und ipsst a laaip. The officei Gov. Stockley off the n outh of Miah- in the first-season. Get stout yard­
absolute oolor» most favored by fashion entered auu placed Day under arrest. pillion creek, in a severe storm, The wide or five-quarter sheeting and cut
for autumn, but it is not so easy to The latter, however, broke away and schooner Annie E. Pierce has gone to it into rquares, hem the raw edges,
state which shade or even which ot the ran down the street. Kershaw opened lhe rescue of the crew, who are all in and sew into each corner a loop of
stout cord or small rope, to fasten the
combination* will achieve most popu­ fire uf thq fugitive and one of tire the rigging.
caps on; or, bolter still, use the water-,
larity. Every shade of green flourishes, balls took (fleet in the groin of a pars­
A Daring Thief Cngtareri.
proof fiber hay cap» Have a lot of
from the vivid, rich emeraude— a deep ing Chinaman named Quong Chee,
inflicting a wound which may prov<
R. F. Seymour, who says he is from stakes ready, and where they will be
emerald green—to !fil, or Nile green, fatal.
Kershaw was placed under Ar-
a light water-color. Soarabeo is a
Chicago, stole five packages of money at hand. It is a bad time to hunt up
lest. D y was also captured.
slakes when a shower is coming up.
dark yellowish green, and «mroseou
in broad dayl'glit, fiom two bauks iu
and peuplier are lighter shades of the •■wtlefc ■■»!■» and Train Celllde. New York, the aggregate being *11,
same color.
The regular passenger train due al 700. Afier he bad tired three shots
There is no simpler, more harmless
The brighter reds are roqurfirol, or Port Costa, Cal., collided with switch at the officers who chased him, he was
and effective remedy for worms in
poppy-red, oardlnal and Boulanger, u
engine No. 83, and both engines wen caught. All the money -save *2,000 hogs than flour of sulpher. Swine
bright, vivid biqod-red; and the eya
completely demolished. The baggsg,- was recovered.
readily partake of it when mix* d with
has beoome so aooustonwd to these car and smoker crashed together,
gruel or other sloppy food. For pigs,
A Stricken Vessel.
glowing oolor* in the stylish costume* catohing lhe messenger between the
The German'bark J. D. Jacobini ar­ under three months old a teaspoonful
worn at the ssa side and other summar two and horribly mangling him.
is a dose; for older ones a dossert­
resorts, that the combination must be Three Others were badly injured.
rived at Ship Island, near New Or­ spwonful to a tablespoon!ul. It may
startling, Indeed, that will daxzla
leans, from Colon in balasL UapL G be given four days in succession once
AW Old Hunter DrrWHHl.
Aewhm ¡Tor, or buttercup yellow, of
llildorck and his crew of eleven men or twice daily, and be repeated thu<
A navy yard workman al Vallejo,
the beautiful golden tint Of those well-
were ill moat of the voyage, and when every other week, but only as long as
known field-flowers, and maize oolor Cal., srw a man in the river swimming 'she arrived a signal of distress was it may seem necessary. Give plenty
are esqulsite in soft silken fabrics, and after » sail boat. He gave the alarm, living at half mast. The second mate, '(if sour milk, butt< rmilk, with a few
will very likely be combined with and help was immediately sent out but 11. Lind, died at quarantine. A yacht raw sliced onions, green fruit, oelery
white, black, or deop browns for rich Was unable to find the man. The boat went to her assistance and conveyed tops and aoorns. Avoid stagnant,
eventag toll«** in silk ■aterial*.
was found to be that of Nick Marqueses six of her crew to the hospital. They putrit water, giving only pure water.
new ahadeool brown are olfson, a hunter, wbo hna been hunting in are ill with Chagro* fever, but will re­ Keep charcoal,and soft coal always
reddish brown, and padoh, • that vicinity fur the past thirty years. cover.
accessible to swine.
light, golden brown; and between these
io a symphony ot shade* io svery oon-
—A new target, wnich indicates the
oaivable tint that oould by any »treteh to get a pair of earrings oheap, but value of the last shot without the
party. They're fur a present.** Jew-
of Unnglnatlon be called brown.
necessity of a marker, has been brought
Ia blueo. ocean-blue end ( mwo I s . Rie •ier—''Yeo. sir; you want something out. When the shot strikes a colored
tatter a shade between $r«ndanne and a trifle loud. I s’poae?” Countryman diso appears, which tolls the value by
are the tavoritee.-DsmoresT* —“Well. 1 wuddant mind if one on ’«m its oolor. The target has been tried
wee a little loud, mister; my girl Is
successfully at in-door practice, and It
deaf in one ear.”x-X y. Sun.
—Never put away^ood on tin platen. la hoped that a trial at long range will
ri Is not to be known by how
be afforded the Inventor.
my ha ha*, but by what that Fully one-half the oases of poison from
is worth to him. You must put the use of oanned goods Is because the
—Tbs work of the United States Geo­
»art to find article was left or put back into the logical Survey employe at the principal
not into his Un can after using. China, earth
in Washington from 70 persons in
ware or glass are the only
to 225 in winter.'