pfilUfiflED EVERY FRIDAY -AT- REGISTER OREGON. -BY­ FRANK S. HARDING. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. 1 00 Altered at the postoffice at Lafayette, off», ^second-class matter. J. BUKT MOORE, A GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, AND BY THE PEOPLE.*? VOL. VIII. } ; LAFAYETTE, YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19.1888. PERSONAL. A'S ebsmxnts and T axes .-Tills subject F. Fenton spent Bunday at Mon­ is creating more than ordinary interest tins year. Nearly every paper in the mouth. Oregon. state has had something to say of the in­ Rob’t. Henry went to the Mechanics’ justice of the present system of taxation. fair this week. DR. J. C. MICHAUX, The property is assessed at about 60 per Dr. Michaux is recovering gradually cent of its real value, but any indebted­ LAFAYETTE, OREGON- from his sickness. ness that may exist is all deducted, After an active experiaoo« of nine year. Geo. Lewis visited tlie metropolis sev­ which works an injury to those who are MMbtoMrvioea to the people ol Lafayette eral days this week. not in debt, a* the following example ..AMrroandmg oouu’.ry. JteW.W- J. A. Huston and wife returned from will show: If a man is worth <10,000 he is assessed at <6,000; he owes <5,000 Portland Wednesday. DR. O. H. SMITH, and pays taxqkt on <1,003. If 60 per cent Vede Olds has moved into the Ed. of his indebtedness were, also deducted Perkins’ house on the hill. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, he would pay taxes on <3,000, the same Joe Mattey and Ed. Perkins have re­ as would the man who is worth <5,000 LAFAYETTE, OREGON., turned from their sound trip. and owes nothing. There is a universal A. D. Runnells and C. Loder, of North demand for a reform in this matter, and gugery a Specialty. < ▼7-49 Yamhill, were hi town this week. it is hoped the next legislature will enact Mrs. G.-E. Johnson returned from a a law correcting these abuses. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, FIRST NATIONAL BANK, two weeks’ visit to Portland, on Monday.-^ T hem C om ^-A very commend- —OF M'MtNNVILUB, OB.,------- J W. W Mrs. J. W. Watte unj and Kfiaa Miss Pam-iA Carrie JACOB WORTMAN....................President, Molloy returned from Portland Saturday K. P. BIRD ........ ........ Vice-President, evening. Im. WORTMAN...........................Cashier. Mrs. J. J. Hembree, Mrs. C. Hubbard, rniuacta a general Balking Busiuew. De- Mrs. J. J. Carey and Mrs. Ijtymon went |Wt> received »object to check. Belie eight to Portland Wednesday to attend the fair. richuge «nd telegraphic tranefera on New T. B. Nelson and wife came over from lirt, San Frnncinco and Portland. Jone 7t. ly. Tillamook last week. Mr. Nelson has returned, accompanied by Jas. McCain. c innville national dank Chas. Magill is unaBle to walk without limping since he fell on Tuesday and m ’ m INNVILLE, OREGON. sprained his right leg at the knee joint. Transects e Gensral Bonking BuSineu. A. M. Hurley started out on a tour of ... . Jvjlh CQWL8 investigation last Monday. He has sold lire President..............LEE LAUGIÍLIN ouf bis interests here, and is looking for «hier... . ................. y CLARK^BRAL y ! a ne* location. Charles R. Fenton, who Was recently toll» exchange ou Portland, San Francirro flow York. A < I admitted to the bar, took his departure hterert allowed on time depoalta. 1 last Friday for Spokane Falte, where he Office hours from 9 a tn to 4 p in. ’ will hang out his shingle. John Dixon left on Tuesday for Eastern LOCAL AND GENERAL. Washington, where he expects to make .. <•”-» I his future home. His mother accom­ [ Tlie printers of Salem have organized a panied him as far as Portland. M M . ‘ Shooting match at Carlton this vyeek hWrday. The Stuttz dramatic company are leaded toward Oregon. Rev. Locke will preach in the M. E. church on Sunday evening. The smallpox scare has subsided at innville, and schools will open Mon- ?r skating was inaugurated for the last Saturday night at Sampson’s a Hon. Robert McLean, republican can­ date for elector, will speak here next nteday. Salem is to have a steam laundry con­ tacted by white labor and on business principles. The World says that Jas. O’Meara has etited from the Newe and returned to [California. Mr. W. R. Derby shot an owl the ntber night that measured four feet and ' m inches from tip to tip. The quarantine is no longer in force. I: was rained on Monday morning, and urines« goes on as usual. The R egistxb family is under obliga- ote to Mr. Belcher’s family for some MWipes ahd sauerkraut. O.O. Hodson, of McMinnville, is put- 11 ng a Geary patent iron roof on the : ■ pent house at Independence. I The fine river steamer Potter, which a l ibori time ago was taken to the sound, [rill return to tho Columbia soon. Hon L. B. Cox will the citizens of I Yamhill county on political issues, at La- hijstte, October 29th, at 1:30 p. m. [ Tbs open temperance meeting has sen postponed for kwo weeks. Due no- [ trie will be given of its meeting again. . I It is a matter of considerable import- I -we to many to know that since wheat | u gone up flour has also taken a rise. School teachers are needed in this 'unity. For particulars write to the wty superintendent, Dayton, Oregon. Dwight L. Moody, the evangelist, is Victoria. He will return to Port­ ed in a month or so and hold a series 'I meetings. jow in Parties desiring to visit Portland can »ad return on the narrow gause for •1-70, which includes a ticket to the Me- Aemc’s fair. Aman who went.from McMinnville as * »«ree to the Morgareidges, has the •rioloid. Mrs. Morgareidge and the , kildrvn are improving. Mr. Ed. M. Briedwell and Miss Nora .Hmdrick were married in Wheatland, toareday, October 11, 1888. The Rxois- > m txtends congratulations. [ Ire. Judge Johnson took a dose of pmdanurn through mistake on Wednes- ; ¡••T evening, but fortunately the amount ' was small, and no fatal results Utamed. foily Neve bad yesterday the 1 circulation ot any paper in the ’ It was up 12,500 feet.—News, i beard of things being knocked , before. I Clerk Hobbs has been the bus­ in town for the past two weeks, teems to be a favorite month of ’Bo are matrimonially inclined, «we« to wed have already been i by that officer this month, boys if having considerable sport (b«rl <■ Nelson and Horace Little- "equence of a coon bunt they the other night. They claim Ki the coon and camped under I daylight, but then the «oon Tkeatvertalm rates ef the ■ trasMiy »bent, sad will be______ appllMUM. Bprotel ktansaM or «■!■> early castrar»'. ’ A little child of H. Gatenpan and wife, six or seven months old, fell into the fireplace Monday morning and was very severely burned. For ,a time it was thought the child was dead, but this proved to be a mistake, and hopes are now entertained for its recovery. akla __ _______ ▼. . . • . able institution has beetle started here, the German Immigration association, with a capital stock of $25,(KX) in 250 shares, which will, no doubt, be very successful in its operations. It is gener­ ally admitted that, taking all things Into consideration, we havfe no better class of immigrants than those from Father.and, and we all earnestly desire that Oregon shall be settled by an industrious, sturdy nncl law-ab':dl«g people. The natives of Southern Germany would find in our genial climate and soil greater rcBem- blanSes to their former homes than in most parte of the union. As fruit grow­ ers, horticulturists and dairymen their successful,endeavors may be witnessed at the Mechanics’ fair.— Journal of Com­ merce. REAL ESTATE.------ — SrgAxrNO in ths E ast .—A letter from Dr. J. W. Watte, who is delivering politi­ cal speeches in the east, shows that the people there want to hear from Oregon. He has spoken three times in New York city, and has appointments titrough the northwestern part of the state. Hi« last speech was attended by 5,000 people and many more could not obtain admittance to thehall. A choir of 500 singers and ocrat. *_________ T ______ , two tfrass bands furnished music for the N oticx to D ebtobs .—Notice is jtereby occasion. His entire time will be occu­ given that tho books and accounts of the pied in New York, New Jersey and Indi­ late firm of Littlefield A Calbreath are tn ana.— Slateeman. my hands for collection and settlement, Sctioot. P opulation .—Prof. McElroy and all parties knowing themselves in­ debted to said firm are requested to call says the school population of Oregon is at my office and settle immediately, and from 85,030 to 87,000. This includes all save themselves further trouble, as the between the age of 4 and 20 years. Of business of said firm must be settled im­ this number there are 68,000 enrolled tn tbe sc hools with an average attendance mediately^ W. L. B badshaw . of about 61,000. There are from 3.500 to N akbow E scape —W. L. Austen met 4 000 more of school age in tlie state thiji witn a serious accident Ust Batonfoy year than last, as a large number of new- while tearing down tbe scaffolding at the comer« have -tattled in Oregon The in- new scliool house in McMtnnylte. He —ase in the number of those who attend fell with a heavy pole, which «track b m about 3,000 --------------- more’ than it was last «■ro«s tbe neck, and broke his )«• m This i, a good showing. three places- He wm taken to the home , ---------------- N ational MsETWa.-The W. C. T. Ü. of his brother near town, where he t« get- wiU hold ite fifteenth annual meetings tin* along M well as can be expected. It ng along---- ------- _ commencing touay- to-day. Many A nnual MxmNG.-The annual meet- repute will be pre­ mg of the First Preshytenan tfhurchwffi,^ th# meeting. Mra^ be held on beheld on next next Monday Monday ~ Octo- Mary Burt and General Clithou B. Fmk her 22d, at the chunh, for the election wm’ welrome conventtoo, and Mrw a ttwttee, and the transaction of such urermore will respond. The : y C. other business as may comeup^ Mem- Me c. T. a l««erful ion, T. V. V. » is • powerful orgamza organization. beta are requested to atttend And the iu brot mertmr CARLTON. — BIRD&6ATES The following deeds were recorded dur­ Mrs. D. W. Laughlin is ill. ing the week ending October 13, 1888: W. E. Bodie is home from Tillamook. A. M. Hurley and wife to T. J. Harris, A little boy of J. L. Steward is quite s Thos. Hubbard land claim, t 3 sick. s, r3 w, 160acres; <1,960. We keep constantly on hand J. W. Cowles and wifeto E. K. andLo- Very few from here visited the Me -A. UeLrgre stoclE of vina Davidson, lota 1 and 2, tyock 7, Mc­ chanics’ fair this year. Minnville; <1,000. The weather prophet went to the Me- Leo. J. Patterson to Wni. Holl, lota 1 chanics’ feir this week. and 2, block 2, Chandler’s addition to Mr. Roy Kimberiin, ot Lafayette, McMinnville; <300. on our streets the other day. E. K. and Lovina Davidson to Samuel Never bet on the weight of a hog that and Dortha A. Wolf, port of the A'. J. Ed­ is full of apple juice. Babe 1 son land claim, t 4 s, r 4 w; <6,000. Lots of new goods in Carlton, and they Queensware, Sarah C. Branson to Eli T. Branson, s „Glassware, ~ X of John P. Wood’s land olaim, 15 s, r are selling by the wagon load. P*!»e« 6 w, 310 acres; <150. Ralph, the carpenter, has finished up ’Tobacco, Wm. Holl and wife to Leo J. Patter­ a nice little cottage for Henry. » and Shoes, son, lots 1 4nd 2, block 2, Chandler’s ad­ Butch carries his arm In a sling on ac­ - ----------- ff dition to McMinnville; <800. count of too much vaccination. Hate Hats ami and Capa. “ A. M. Hurley and wife tqP. P. Gates, B. F. Blood will soon move into the ■ Canned Goods 8X acres, part of the Perkin’s land claim ; house vacated by J. W. Collins. And GROCERIES. <850. G. N. Watkins has returned from the In fact almost Malinda Parrish to W. D. Wright, Iota 3, 4, 5 and 6, block 2, Rowland’s addition wave washed shores of Tillamook. W. A. Howe and Asa Kelsey sojourned to McMinnville; <220. Dear to tlie Feminine heart, and McCain & Hurley to W. D. Wright, in the mountains a few days this week. lota 3, 4, 5 and 6, block 2, Rowland’s ad­ G. H. Smith, M. D., called on us the dition to McMinnville, <100. other day, looking as natural as of yore. To man, woman or child cut be procured Sam. F. Yocum Jto Wm. C. Arthur, 1-7 D. L. Hudson has fitted up a peddling interest in w X T. J. and E. Yocum’s wagon and will start on the road Mon­ land claim; <700. And all from One FT rm, whose name day. is a warrant m itself of Fair Treatment T. J. Harris (sheriff) to P. P. Gates, Mrs. J. W. Meanard, of bunchgrass, and Square Dealing. Our part of lot 2, block 14, town of Lafayette; is visiting her mother, Mrs. Merchant, <390.90. now in and we near town. invite intending pur­ Mary A. Hadley to Alonzo Hadley, 10 The Carlton pest house is located on chasers to give us a call and acres, part S. D. Snowden’s land claim, Warehouse street; it has a patent roof examine our goods a prices. lUllUCo t 3 a, r 2 w; <503. taken in exchange for goods, for which J. J. Spencer to Martha A. Redmond, and is nicely furnished. we will pay all the market will justify. J. iv. Stolcup has rented Mr. J. L. part of W. J. Garrison’s land claim; 15 Steward’s house and w ill move to town s, r 4 w; <3,000. ----- <. _ to school his children. YAMHILL’S ASSESSMENT. Miss Addie Fonts was baptized on Sun­ OFFICIAL DIRECTORY mura» nan*. Men's, Boys’ and Youths' CLOTHING Pro» Meni................................ Gravar (teorotary a(8tate................... Tk«a. F. Sacralary of Traarary........... Okaa. B. I Swratory ni ih« Interior................. W. _ RooretaryofWM................. Wa. 0. KatHooR Bwrotary otNavy........................................W. 0. Wkltaoy Pretnaater GoMral............... D m M Dloktaww ^"•«y fteaoral......................................... A. H. GtulanA Cktef Juittee....,.................lfalvUla W. FaliW oOaoaaaaiotiAa. 8aa«ter»._.,................. IJ. 8. Mttekatt RopreMstadv« tran. And Furnishing Goods, Ci| Me Elroy ¿«'Me-.. Attera«/. Deputy. P. P. Gatea VSEFTTL 1. B. Pellowa 0. B. Klagen 1. Bro too har ' At Bedrock Prices, Fall Qtnrlf rail UlUUK S hooting M atch .—At the. shooting match last Saturday there was a fair at­ tendance. The Bhooting was for a beef animal, and there were 32 chances taken at $1 a chance. Forty yards off-hand or i County Assessor F. M. York has com­ sixty yards with a rest, three shots string pleted the assessment for this county, measure, was the rule, under which the and from the record new i n tlw cl e rk ’s of­ match was conducted. Ed. Long and fice the following facts are gathered: Mr. Edson each had two chances and Mortgages, <342,907; acres of land, 282,- won the beef, by the following score: 175, value, <2,015,504; town lots, $76,715; Long’s first chance, 2 1-16 inches; Ed­ improvements, <713,185; merchandise, son’s firrLchance, 2 13-16 inches; Ixing's <467,307; money, notes and accounts, second chance, 3,’a inches; Edson’s seP <972,557; household furniture, $23'3,636; and chance, 41-16 inches. The next best horses and tr.ule^, 4,913, value, <254,901; shooting was done by T. H. Bryan and cattle, 9,477, value, <139,976; sheep, 13,- was 4}g inches. This is not considered 929, vulue, <24,400; hogs, 6,436, value, extra good shooting by those who are <12,363; ftross values, including railroad poetesl. There will be another match to­ and telegraph properties, <6,120,1’42; jn- ' "tittitedness, <1,723,124 ¡exemptions, <362,- morrow (Saturday) at Carlton. 704; total taxable property, ‘J4,04» AM; M an F ound .—Report reached this of­ number of polls, 1,502. The county court fice on Wednesday that a man had been is to meet on Monday, October 29th, at found in tlie river’at McMinnville. His which time the levy will likely be made. appearance indicated that he had been SCHOOL REPORT in the water a long time. He wore good clothes and had a small amount of Of district No. 21. Yamhill jaunty, for money, but no papers, which would give the month ending October 5, 1888: a c.ue to his indentity. It is supposed Number of pupils enrolled, 26; average he was a drummer. L atah .—He was daily attendance, 17; grand total number identified as a man by the name of Cole, of days attendance, 341; number of caBes who had been stopping at the McMinn­ of tardiness, 5; time lost by tardiness, 69 ville hotel, and was in ths water about minutes; average deportment, 98. two weeks. A flask partly full of whisky Names enrolled upon tlie roll of honor: was found on his person, and the general Viola Guenther, Birdie Guenther, Gracie supposition is that he fell into the river Guenther, Theodote Griffin. while nnder the influence of whisky. Names of pupils who have been tardy T he N ew S teameb .—The fine steamer Caracas, formerly of the Red line, has become the Yaquina bay. She has un­ dergone thorough repairs, and as she is to round Cape Horn, she has been strengthened and braced up every way. She has cleared New York for Baltimore, whence she will proceed on her long vey- age . around the cape, which she is Ex­ pected to make in about two months. Her master will be Captain Lord, former­ ly and for many years an employe o(~the Brazil steamship line. , ------------ ,------------------- M ight A pply to the N. G.—Our gov­ ernment should insist on the mail car­ riers—the railroad companies—delivering the moi, on time, and the inspectors should see that it is done. Mail routes should be arranged so that the people may get full value for two cents, and when under such circumstances the ser­ vice comes near paying it is time to re­ duce to one cent. The present inefficient A n M. D.—J. D. Fenton, (one of the system is only worth one cent, but it widely known Fenton family of Yamhil) might be well worth two.— W«»t Side. was a passenger up on the last trip of the J ail E scapement .—Young Tripp took Oregon, and came around for a short wa­ French leave of the county’s hospitality ve. Jeff has been attending medical on Tuesday afternoon about 6 o’clock. school at San Francisco, and comes back He got out at the same place tnat Jack to Portland to make a full fledged M. D. Cooper did. After Cooper’s escape two out of himself. There are eight brothers iron bars were bolted across the hole, in the Fenton family. Of these, four are and it was considered alright. But some­ prominent attorneys, ono a successful one had the kindness to berro» a mon­ merchant, and it is safe to say Jeff will key-wrench from B. W. Dunn s black­ hit the mark centre as a physician. The smith shop add pass it in to Tnpp, with other brothers are too young to enter the which he took out the bolts and made professional field, but they too, will “get there just the same.”— Aetoria Tranecript. his escape. * ; _______ A W ages .—Yesterday a wager was made in this city that Harrison would carry Indiana by 5,000, New York by 5.000, California by 5,000, Connecticut by 3,000 and NewVersey by 2,000, <10 being placed on each. Another gentleman im­ mediately offered to wager $50 to $40 that the Harrison man would tone in every case, but it was not taken.— Aibanp Dem­ - during the month; Charfie Jotnisoo, Christian Johnson, Tommie Blum, John­ nie Blum, b artha Brooks. M isb M. L avnee , Teacher. Y amhill F ruit .—Tlie exhtbit of Ore­ gon fruits and grains made at the Central Michigan and Eaton county fairs by Cbaa. Fleming, of McMinnville, Oiegon, formerly of Grand Ledge, was one of the finest displays we ever saw. The fruits were unsurpassed, even by California, and the grains were nil tlmUhe moat am­ bitious agriculturist could desire. Any country that can produce such an exten­ sive variety of so superior a size and quality is certainly a desirable place to locate, other conditiona being satisfac­ tory. Charley’s exhibit certainly made a favorable impression of his adopted state.—Grund Ledge, Mich., Independent. Lafayette, day in the North Yamhill river by Elder Dallas, of Dilley. We-understand that Mr. Dallas will preach for the Christian church once a month from now on. H awk -E vi . DrnrliiM I - Oregon. Shs and ta! NEWBERG. October 11, 1888. New houses aré going up every day. Beeorder. Marah.l Treaanrar. JohnTbompaea Thomae Hurtos ..Xtamw .....I». Younger ....W.W. Moteen run law or rawsrArna, “* <*’• «tarato Bo­ llen to the contrary are ooasldored an to continue their •utaeriptlon, “’“tat* .. •■te'rlberu order the diooonUnnanoo of their periodicele the .error. publisher« may eooUn eoutlana to tojd uatU all ” * »iteeribora negtaot to or refluo to take ' thoir periqdie.1. from tt. oO co to which they have booa directed, tb«< ■ T till they have Milled f their paper dtooonUnnod. 4—If rabeorlbore move oat Informln «nt to the rtoponeible. 6—Th» oot take period! andJ eavlni them nMellod for la prima ¿otó- evidenoe of intentional fraud. r i 4 7Tht. P"“«“*«' »o» »«kleot. to gire the legal notice of the nealoot of a poroon to take Business is lively and all doing well. Jos. Everest and G. W. Wyman have purchased C. F. Miller’s stock q( general merchandise, reconstructed the building, and are constantly adding new goods. A town meeting was called last t even- 1ng for'thepnr^ rfdt: Isensilng th ig the pro­ priety of constructing a sidewalk to begin at the southwest corner of G. W. Wy­ man’s new budding and running north to the depot. It was decided to construct said sidewalk, and a committee of three —Chas. Richards, G. W. Wyman and J. D. Carter—was appointed to raise funds and superintend the construction of the same. Ttio, t«ople of Newberg,do not propose to he.behiud other towns in pub­ lic improvements. B oombb . Beryteae wifi be hold at Ute followteg t mor rre” M “• P“‘Or to oh‘^* of Lafayette elrcnii: JÄ7'11 *• R. P. UNGERMAN, as just received a largì 3d Sunday—It a. m. Pike oehool honao; willtolected .took of Stoma and Tin­ home Pr*Tlo"> •* Antterooa’a Mhool H ware, and. propotoo to obeapor tbaa any houMln the county. Everything kept on hand, * ¡Bahday—11 a. m. Carlton; I p. ■_ m H and repairing dono oatleraolorly. and without d JOp. to. Lafayelto. Preacher In charge. delay. " rsMSTrnniAM enavicm. Sept. 29, t-f. Divlaa eervioee wi'i be oonduoted by 1 L afayettb , O bboon . Clyde, af the Preabvtortaa ohnrob, aa foliar let Sabbath Of each mouth at Lafeyatla. Id. and 4th Sabbatbe atZaoa. 3d Sabbath al MoOoy. AU oordlally htvfto«.. Notice. * —:o:— Tlie Lafayette Flooring Mill 1869 (888 J. M. Kelty, Z-lTrersr StaTole, ^AKlHß POWDER Absolutely Pure. Sunday-Lafryatlo, morning and oven and “C heapest and B est ”—I s a combin­ ruus on full time until farther ation as difficult as it is desirable; but Pelereon'e Magaeine has certainly accom­ notice. SUITKK i DANIEL plished it. The November number is a gem in every respect. In addition to a lovely steel-engraving, there are three full-page wood illustrations.: The stories are by popular authors and are up to the usual high standard of excellence. In the fashion department, beside the Lafayette, - - Oreflon. handsome double fashion-plate, there are DEALER IM scares ot dainty dress-petternH and de­ signs lor the work-table, etc., many of DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. them suggestive of very pretty Christ- r’Em’TTxam'z-. mas-preeents. It is time to think of a Ho,£"' »ru«hea, TraeeM, 8nppor- magazine lor next year, and we cannot too heartily recommend Petereon. It Plated end Gold Jewafry watnee, stands high among the first-class literary Patent Moolclnoa, eto., Family Medlclaaa. monthlies; and as a fashion periodical GOODS WARRANTED A« REPRESENTED none can equal it. The terms are only <2 per year, with greatly reduced rates when taken in clubs, and with unusually fine premiums to those getting up clubs, vis: Three copies tor <4.60, with the beautifully illustrated book of poems, “Buds and Blossoms,’’ or a large engrav­ ing, “The Morning Greeting,’’ lor prem­ ium. Specimens sent free to those who desire to get up clubs. Address PeUr- evn'e Magaeme, 306 Chestnut street, Phila­ delphia, Pa. ________ K illed a S hake .—On Wednesday a feat was performed at Newport, says the Neve, which was very novel and sur­ prising. Miss Fannie Seiforth and Miss Mary Westfall, who With »number ot their friends, all from Polk county, are Hazlett, the “pilgrim typo," was in spending a few days by the seaside, and while standing upon a log which pro­ town yesterday. jected out in the bay discovered a large fish slowly swimming toward them. They procured a large rock, and when the fish came close alongside burled the mlaale as him, and strange to say, hit him on back, which projected a little above the surface of the water. This entirely para­ lysed their victim and rendered him an easy prey. They dragged him ashore, and the funny looking fish proved to be a veritable shark three and* half feet in length. _________ —________ H xavt —Bent. Embree. of Harney valley, brought into our office thia week 20 * potatoes, the Peerless, weight 36 pounds, smooth and uniform in sixe; 2 thrnipe, 17 pounds; 4 beets, 28X pounds g 4 carrots, 4H pounds. Except the last named, tope excluded. All are true gar­ den vegetable« (no rutabaga nor mangel wurteeli, raised oo Hdvies river sage­ brush land, withoot irrigation, and in a drouthy season — Bwne Herald. f w---------- — It is estimated that upwnnia of a hun­ public is also invited, Aboot w wiU be m attendance a* dred thousand apple Irsee will be set oot in the vicinity of Ashland during the n Jon Monday, October 15, 1888, delegates. ________ to the wife of * da°*hter' A cow w.« to" 1*^- coming fall and spring seasons. The de­ mand is all for rod apples, «nd the 8pct- weight, seven ponw»._______ nr,i,y have the WHXAT.lstoter A D«iel ^ring |mo^ uofo four day. 174 cents per bushel clear, for I» Board of Trastees.. Notice of Appointment of Ekec utrtk. Notice to teraby giren that the onAenlgng^' Hannah W. Bober.e bee been duly eppotnud by the eooaty court of Y ambili oooaty. Ora i oe^ozoooiria of lire octeto of Wm. Roberto, Therefore ell p. nono baria* etaiae agalmt ■eld catato are l ar» by notlHed to precoce Utam with proper aa- voeolwro to the ---- enderateeod mi the l«m —« —. A- _ . ■ at the taw ofltoe <■> nt Feet«. 4b Penton, nt Lathy- Me, Oregon, within six monlha frota the date Dated thia 14tb day ot September, ISM. HANNAH W. BOHKBT8r ____ . __ Exoeotrfx of Mid Batate Farros A Farro«, AUoraayo for rotate. Mt Notice of Appointment of Exec­ utrix. Notice of Appo In ministra PA TENTS Careóla l’.t»ni Oaro bevo no to eaa IraaaMt Low Ctoat than a.