The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, September 07, 1888, Image 2

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A Meal ol Many Cour««-, »rrvsd In a Fee«*
liar Fashion.
• /
I — A society has been organized under Kxlrat-l« from the Colwnyu of the Lively How Foot-Wear la Construct*« by Clov­
»rance I hancee In the Fnehlon.
tie name of “The Association for Edu-
erly Arranged Maehlnery.
--Arlxooa Kleker."
Five Centuries.
Colonel Harrington informed us he
cational Reform of the City of Mew
The youngster who looks upon tu
Nearly all the shoe» manufactured at had received by wire an invitation for
York,” the object of which is to pro­
Old Mose Taylor—that excresence on the present time are constructed by ma­ us to dine with a rich native a la Turk recent rebelion against the litte, “J
mote needed reforms In the public the face of humanity, who had been chinery. As in other mechanical indus­ I at Glrgeh, where we would tie up for. itarehed shirt he was brought up k "
School system.
licked, rail-ridden, jailed and bounced tries, the old-^jme method, by which the night. Unfortunately we went an evidence of something new ln»“
— li| London, lately, a school exam­ from every town in the East—is report­ »ch workman put together a boot from plump upon a sand-bar in sight of the world, has much to learn of the J?
iner asked the class before him the ing around town that we let up on ‘he cutting of the sole to the stitching town and were detained qvor three ¡’he plain linen front, glossy and
meaning of “eternity.” Straightway George the Gouger because he sub­ tf the upper leather, has been aban- hours, getting into port at nearly mid­ to which he had been accustomedu
the smallest of the pupils held up a lit­ scribed for the Kicker. As there may loned for the system that gives to every night. Rut we found our host and part of every gentleman’s attire U ‘
tle white hand and exclaimed: "Please, be some one fool enough, to believe in lerson employed some small part only some servants with lanterns ready to monument of the usages ol eeñturS
sir. God’s life."
the old hyena's yarn, we will explain >f the task to be performed. Perchance conduct us to his hospitable mansion. “ he may Imagine. It is reall
—By the way, when you take • your that George, who keeps the checkered- t will not be uninteresting to review In It was furnished after Euroi>ean style, suit of the conventional law presJu
vacation, don't forget to take, your, f.'ont saloon, was falsely misrepresented letall the process by^ which a pair of with fine carpets, curtains and brill­ ing the stern simplicity of the s(M|i
Christianity along with you. If you to us by a rival in business, who non's foot-coverings is evqlved from iant chandeliers. After cigarettes we iress. Thia Itself la the result ofeli°*
leave it at home you may not recognize hoped to drive him out of town. We he original leather. The material era- were invited into the djning-room. ¡nation, every color, and <‘xtrw,WUM
it. or it may not recognize you. when did Wade into him for a spell, and even Joyed may be calf-skin, buff leather, where a table was loaded with bottles ornament which formerly adorned tta
you return.— Interior.
tried to get him lynched, but we were -rain or split. Buff leather is ordinary of wine and cordials, but with no exquisite having been discarded and
—The yasential difference botween a in error. While lie has, shot three ■ow skin, with the rough outside ground plates. In the eenter of the table was tines of rigid severity being adUptJ
good and bad education is this, that the men, they were all trying to get the -IT it by a buffing wheel. Frequently a large bewFeentaining a kind of soup. as the extreme effort of elegance
f<irirler ’draws'oti fhe c!uT<rtomake it <1 sop on* him. George has subscribed he hide is sliced with a knife into two There were seven of us. Each had a
It is not many years-only »bout
learn by making it sweet to him; the for the Kicker because he likes it, and ayers, the outer one next to the hair spoon and a piece of bread with seed twenty-five—since it became common
latter drives the child to learn by mak­ we have let up on him because he is an ssing culled.the grain and the Inner one worked into the crust. I was placed for men to have their shirts made up
ing it sour to him if he does not— enterprising citizen who means to do he spilt. The latter makes an excel­
Charles Buxton.
what isO. K.
ent quality of leather, while the former tolerably fair French that the house women of every economical household
We return our thanks for a bottle of ias the great advantage of being water was ours, and the repast/begun. Re­ made the shirts for the men, M(j u
—It is in vain to preach to people
ceiving a hint from the Colonel. I may be said parenthetkmlly, » well-fit
unless you also love them—Christianily port, sent in yesterday. A b for old »roof.
First, the operator in the cutting­ commenced my soup from the bowl. tifift shirtM® in those days a euriosi"
Jove them. It is, not the smallest use Mose, we’Ve bought the rope which
to try to make people good, unless you will hang him within a week if he oom places the thickest of cowhides— Each followed suit, dipping hi» ty. ;The taste and fancy of the fair
ireviously chopped into long strips, of spoon into the common tureen. When seamstress hud every opportunity for
try at the same time, and they feel that doesn’t leave town.
width just equal to the length of the we had sufficiently purtakon of the display in the way of variety, »nd the
you tire trying, to make them happy.
And you rarely can make another happy,
If there is a meaner and more con­ hoe desired—on a table beneath a steel fluid, still instructed by my military result was a surprising variety. Ruf.—
unless you are happy yourself..— Mr». temptible coyote on the face of this lie, which descends at brief intervals friend. I motioned the servants to re­ ties had at that time nearly gone out
Craik. ■
footstool than “Major" Jackson Doty, nd cuts out a series of perfect soles, as move it. Thege followed a large roaBt, of use. but plaits, tucks and gathered
— A Christian said to a minister of his the old skinflint grocer on the corner of he material is shoved along by the apparently a whole lamb stuffed. See­ fronts were common enough. The
acquaintance: "I am told you are Sitting Bull avenue and Cheyenne ■racticed hand of the workmaif An- ing the company all looked toward me tendency toward 'simplicity bt-ought a
against the perseverance of the saints." street, we’ll give fifty dollars for his ither man chops out in like manner the I guessed that as the main gueBt it was reduction in the number of these plaits
"Not I. indeed,” he replied, "it is the address. We object to personalities in arious pieces for the “upper.” using my duty to open the ball. This I did until three broad plaits, the last touvh
pel-severance of sinners that I oppose." a' newspaper, but we must say that of or this purpose dies that are hianipu- by pulling off a piece of lamb with my of fancy work that was allowed, gave
"But do yon not think that a child of all the WW-down, doggoned old gum- ated by hand, with mallets to strike fingers. There were still no knives or way to the plain front that has been
God can fall very low-, and yet be re­ backs in this Territory, he takes the hem with. Bet all really fine goods fork». The better informed followed the style for a dozen or more of years.
stored?” "J think it would be very cake. He’d cheat a blind woman out of re cut out by hand entirely, the expert my example, but went further and This last is the only thing that really
her dead baby’s coffin, and he’d lie if ■mploying brass-edged patterns around pulled out the inside stuffing with their harmonizes with the "dress suit,” so-
dangerous to make the experiment.”
vhich he runs a keen knife-blade. The fists. Getting dry and no one offering called, or evening dress.
— Beware of making your moral offered $100 to tell the truth.
■pi$er is almost Invariably in three wine, I felt I was again at fault, so I
staple consist of the negative virtues.
It is not surprising that the fashion
Major Doty has come In and sub­ neces, instead of six. as formerly. In took a bottle of claret and directed the should begin to change, and that new
It is good to abstain, and teach others
to abstain, from all that is sinful or scribed for the Kicker since the above
materials should take the place, u
hurtful. By making a business of it was in type, and has also contracted for ontemplated boot is sent to the stitch- then got up and poured our glasses full. they are now taking it, of linen ud
leads to emancipation of character, un­ $60 worth of advertising. We take ig department, where it is put to- There were small plates of sweet muslin for day wear and for neglige
less one feeds largely also on the mors pleasure in informing our readers that ,'ether by girls with sewing-machines meats of several kinds near each guest. garments. The very decided more-
nutritiqus diet of active, sympathetic * .be is a business man of the old school, >f massive construction, especially Between courses we ate of these and meut towards white flannel that bogan
benevolence.— Oliver Wendelt Holmes. honest, reliable and truthful, and that idapted th this sort of work. The mak- drank champagne. A large platter last summer is likely to be stronger
—Six things are requisite to make a as a citizen his record is above re­ lig of buttons and button-holes, lining, full of stuffed vegetable marrow, whole this summer, but every other available
»to., all comes under the head of stitch- roasted stuffed onions and artichokes kind of woven goods is now employed.
home. Integrity must be the architect, proach. Long may he wave.
ng. This performed, • the shoe that is and some smaller vegetables, was the Silken, woolen, cotton and linen cloths
and tidiness the upholsterer. It must
These found their Ol numerous kinds Hud a place, and
That old, supeiramuated wind-bag who o be goes to the luster, whose part of second course.
be warmed by affection, and lighted
mouths without the taste that finds expression in colon,
with cheerfulness, and industry must be runs the Weekly Star and calls himself he task is perhaps more important to way
was apd even embroidery, is no longer con­
the ventilator, renewing the atmos­ an editor and publisher, has again been ts success than-that allotted to any one spoons
The host apologized for sidered outre.
phere, and bringing In fresh salubrity criticising the political course of the Ise---- In big factorie/ the lasting is gay.
day by day; while over all, as protect­ Kicker. We invite and can stand criti­ lone by a “team” of men. Number having the feast served native fashion,
These changes, however, are trifling
ing glory and canopy, nothing will cism from men of sense, but the idea of >ne takes tho wooden last lind tack» with the statement that it had been compared with those that have taken
the Colonel’s request. Roast turkey 'place since five hundred'years ago
suffice except the blessing of God.— an old jail-bird breaking the bars in
Illinois, robbing a farmer of his hogs, hereupon to number two, who stretches -eiime next; afterward followed pigeons, 1 when the shirt became a thing of com­
sausages, etc., with vegetables .inter­ mon , use. Before t hat men had not
—Very few persons recognize the and coming West to start a paper with
is to hold. Number three lays the outer vening. ¿When the fourteenth course
large possibilities of good which con­ the proceeds and criticise his supe­
developed the undergarmont plan of
ole over the in-sole, and secures it was reached one of the boys was forced
versation is freighted. It can infuse in­ riors from week to week, is a little too
dressing, and wore their clotlies in
vith lasting tacks. The shoe, thus fixed to loosen up his waistband, and, Mau­
very different fashion from that
telligence, spread knowledge, inspire
etaporarily in shape, is next.Bewn to­ rice Bey declared he was a good feeder,
ne-.v ideas, animate the drooping spirit,
now in vogue. A writer recent-
but his father and mother hiid not in­ ly sketched in uptline the vari­
niove the feelings, kindle the ajjectipn»,. law we would say that this old kuss,
tended him for a barrel. I cried halt. ous radical changes that have been in­
stimulate the activities. These possi­ who goes by the name of Daniels, is
vonderfu) thing to see the mechanical
bilities may be gradually made realities about fifty years old? yellow-faced, ■ontrlvance devised' for this purpose go We were, however, forced to attack troduced since the birth of the shirt
the fifteenth course, consisting of
by every mm.w£o will constantly »ml long-nosed, several warts on his chin
>ver the bottom of a boot with an end- nicely-stuffed quails. With sevoral Habits of personal cleanliness, he inti- A
patiently put in practice the two essen­ and has a game leg. He can, no doubt,
ess wire screw in its jaws, putting in more courses in sight in a side room, I mates, were not as rigid in the four­
tial parts of good conversation—to seek be tried for a dozen different crimes.
netallic pegs wherever needed, never arose, when all followed. In the par­ teenth century as in the nineteenth,
for the bpst in others and to give the
oo long and never too short, until one lor were served delicious coffee and and for a long time the shirt was worn
best that is in oneself. No large fund
is completed and thrown aside for cigarettes. The host regretted that-he like the modern undershirt, in conceal­
than hiB carcass is worth.
of information, no years of culture, no more
the whole operation being had not known sooner that we would ment; partly because it was Beldomin
{towers of eloquence are necessary in
from beginning to ond honor him, so that he could have made a condition to boar inspection. Its
Last week we stated that Blue-Nosed
ol der to do this. — Church Union.
Now tpe job is taken a better preparation. He was a wealthy length varied in different periods ac­
Pete, the shoemaker on Apache avenue,
>y by the heeler, who affixes Copt, but drank very lightly. He ac­ cording to the fashion of the outer gar­
ments, but it was kept hidden, until at
cook in the Red Cloud restaurant. We he heel 1 already prepared by a companied us to the little boatr where length an ornamented band, the pre­
stroke of
machine we found our ship-berths fitted closer
—Small faults indulged in are little gave Pete away as an escaped convict dngle
cursor of the modern collar, began to
thieves that let in greater,
from the Ohio penitentiary, and also lammer, while a knife is whirled than they h.lddone the night before__ show the neck. Then a display was in
If there was only a law against kill­ threw in a Mint that Aunt Sal had done
vogue of the lower part, between the
he new attachment cleanly to the
ing time there wouldn’t be a loafer left time at Joliet for shoplifting.
doublet and the long hose. Then por­
in the country.—Smithville A'ews.
It affords us great pleasure this week
tions of the sleeve were exposed
— I’ve never any pity for .conceited to announce that Peter was for many low nearly finished, goes to a person A Few of the Many Vues to Which It la through slashes in the doublet sleeves
Put In Tropical' Countries.
people^ because I think they carry their years a banker in Boston, and was al­ who blacks the edges of the sole and
“A full-grown cocOanut tree will - I n the seventeenth century the collar
comfort nliout with them. — George El- ways noted for his general worth. He leel. The final touches are added by
. from sixty to a hundred nuts was all that was generally shown, and
has not only subscribed for the Kicker,
” said a Washington Market this assumed, at some periods,
A man in the hands of his friends but presented us with a new pair of
a reporter. “In reality the enormous proportions and fantastic
may be safe from his enemies; but boots.
As to Aunt Sally, we are
shapes. From 1700 to 1800 A. I), there
there are none to save him from his pleased to knoW that she came West as s the process by which nearly all the cocoanut tree is one of the most valua­
seemed to be a general desire to dis­
friends.— N. 0. Picayune.
a missionary, and is cooking simply for ¡hoes made in Mew England are turned ble trees in the world, nearly every play as much as possible of the useful
—Upon the shoulder» of each man in recreation. She graduated at a famous nit. It is a ^iirious fact, by the way, .part of it being useful to man,- The garment. The waistcoat, worn over it,
the community, there reste a great re­ seminary, has been married twice and hat the shoes made for selling in this natives eat the young roots, and also
was only caught together by loops at
sponsibility. He has not only his own has always had the reputation of being >art of the country have much lower weave them into baskets. The tender the waist, and showed more than
reputation to take care of, but he hue a lady. She has also subscribed for the
modern observers would consider
the reputation of his race.—J. G. Hol- Kicker, and we take great pleasure in »eople here possessing foe). b^slightly the old leaves are made into cloth, decorous. The reaction from this was
setting her right before the public. irched —a symptom of physical degen- hats, baskets, fans, lanterns, etc. Itis the closing up of the waistcoat and the
—A blind boy was once asked the We shall probably retract some more ration, it is said. The manufacturer also used for bedding, for thatching
meaning of forgiveness. After thinking next week—in case the subscriptions » obliged, in fact, to produce a boot of f-oofs, for fishing nets, even for writing growth of the cravat, which latter, at
¡pecial shape for every small section of paper. The magnificent trunk of the first as big as a shawl, gradually sub­
a few moments he replied: “It is tlje como in.— Detroit Free Press.
ne country supplied by him, and it is tree furnishes canoes, house hosts and sided to the “stock” of our grandfath­
oder which the trampled flower gives
{dite the usual thing to send around fences. The ribs of the leaves are so ers and then to the modern tie.
out to bless the foot that crushes it.”—
An Item from Boston.
The various changes, narrated care­
igents to the retailers, to secure the strong that they make excelent pad­
Arkansaw Traveler.
"Marion, I rejected Mr. Darringer neasurements of the local pedal ex- dles for boats, arrows, combs, torches fully and in detail,would fill a volume,
—Servility and civility are as oppo­
remities in such and such a township, .and no end of other useful things. but these few outlines show the gener­
site as the poles. One is despicable, last evening.
rom which a general average is figured Wlieu ti e wood is burned it makes the al character of the change. How soon
•„‘Why, Kate?”
while the other is in tho highest de­
rat and lasts designed accordingly.— very beat potash for soap. By a pe­ another revolution in dress may come
"He was entirely too profuse.”
gree desirable. That style of manners
culiar proems of fermentation, good it is Impossible to guess, but that It
"Impossible! A lover couldn’t be.” Boston Cor. Chicago Tribune.
which combines self-respect with re­
can be obtained from it, and will come some time is certain, and |
"And he was as gushing as he was
spect for tho rights and feelings of oth­
kind of sugar. The name that the Htarched shirt will suffer
ers. Is a quality to be cultivated with
fruit is derived from the Portu- change with the other garmentsad- ,
and complexion. He---- ’
bring some addition to our knowledge,
extreme diligence
-------- -. • «------------
word cocoa and the English word mits of no question.— N. Y. Graphte.
"Oh, Kate, that was just lovely.”
on at least some new thing to out-
Deacon (to divinity student)—“If
“But his grammar, Marion. That thoughts. The finders of faults, the dOL ”ocov means ‘an ugly mask.’ and
you were called now, what would you
was the hidden reef which wrecked confuterà and the pullers-down. do not Is said to have been given because the
—“ivnen 1 grow up I will be a mtn.
Student (somewhat absent­
him. "He said ‘Your eyes is.’ and all only erect a barren and useless tri- eng of a cocoanut looks like a mon- won’t I?” asked a little Texas boy ol
minded) "Why. show down my hand, that. Goodness!
I dkpcctcd to hoar„.tunph upon human "ignorance? but ad­ key*» fttefi. Last year 380,000 cocoa- his mother. “Yes. my son. If yu°
of coiir—I—I—that Is-T—” Deacon
him say ‘Your nose are!’ I love him, vance us nothing in the acquisition of nuM were brought to this market, the want to be a man, you must be in­
— "That’s right: always show down
average wholesale pride being four dustrious at school, and learn howto
and it makes triy heart ache to think truth.— Locke.
your hand, l)on?t pull a gun. The
apiece. It is expected, that the behave yourself. “Why, ma, do 1**J
about it—but I can never marry J>im.
—A man full of warm, speculative be­
other fellow might get a dropon you.”
figures this season will be nearly half boys turn out to be women when they
Philadelphia Call.
constituted than as he finds it; but a a million.”—AT. Y. Mail and Express.
grow up?”— Texas Siflings.
— Mrs. Matchmaker—“Edith, if you
His Lung Trouble.
—Elderiy spinster—“I can’t see why
good patriot and a true politician al
over expect to catch Mr. Richley, you
—In civilized society, external ad- you young girls should be so
Brown—You don’t look well lately, ways considers how he shall make the
ifmst say fewer sharg things. Skir­
most of the existing materials of his vantages make us more respected. A timid. You can’t walk a block aftoj
mishing drives the men away. A Robinson.
Robinson—No; I can't sleep at night country. A disposition to preserve, man with a good coat upon his back dark without being in an agony
lUtle more tact and a little less tactics,
and an ability to improve, taken to­ meets with a better reception than he fear, thinking that somebody
my dear.” Edith—-“You good mamma! on account of lung trouble.
Brown—Nonsense! Your lungs are gether. would be my standard of a states­ who has a bad one. You may analvze following you.” “Do you never loot
your tact is so much better than your
man. Every thing else is vulgar in the this and say, what is there in it? But back to see if some than is followwj
taeti < Don't you know that every all right!
Robinson—Yes, mine are; the trouble concention, perilous in the execution. that will «vail you nothing, for it is a you?” “No. What’s thè use? «
engagement is preceded by ■ a skir­
Dart of the general system.
wouldn’t be my luck.”— Lineoln
—F.r'jnund burke,.
is with the baby’».— Life.
mish ?’.’—TAe Idea.
’ 1