The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, August 03, 1888, Image 6

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    The Oregon Resrister
Carefully Revised
Every Week.
or . spinh
ÜÜXDr. Spinney & Co. «i
Ae steamer D*i*y* from Sin Fran­
cisco, tank in the Sacramento river.
The Dunn mipe at Scranton, p*..
A Chinaman at Mary »ville, Cal.,
burned. Loss, *100,000.
while smoking opium, kicked over a
George W. Rider was hanged at lamp and waa suffocated in the flames.
Miisua]!, Mo., for the murder of R-
A ship loaded with 35,505 package«
P. Tallent, about three years ago.
of tea has just arrived at Tacoma, W.
Three men were arrested in1 Chi­
cago on susp icion of plotting to blow T., from China.
The wife of Cha«. Brazil, of Port
up buildings with dynamite.
Townsend, W. T., ran away with their
The Iron Manufacturers' Associa­
B etwben December 11, 1808, and tion at Pittsburg, Pa., has been mu­ only child and f 1ST in money.
A tpav named Frink died in a San
November 11, 1809, 1,152 persons were tually dissolved.
Francisco hospital from delerium tre­
Henry Ebert was hanged at Jersey
confined in the New York Debtors*
__________ ' '
prison. None of the debts exceeded City, N. J. He murdered bis wife for
A fire in the business portion of
*25. . The debtors principally re­
Calico. Cal., destroyed »20,000 worth
“ A locomotive and four cars jumped
ceived sustenance from the Humane the track near St. Louis, and the fire­ of property.
John A. Coutolenc accidentally
Society. _
man and conductor were killed.
A passenger and freight train col­ shat and killed himself at 8an Fryn-
M any persons use the phrase “in a
near Birmingham, Ala., and cisco, while cleaning a shotgun.
trice," who have no conception' of its
John Doucher, a murderer, com-
both firemen were killed.
meaning. A trice is the sixtieth part
mitted suicide at San Bernardino,
Murray bewu>,
Lewis, colored, wno
who cut tne
of a second of time. The hour is di­ throat of hie miatrese, was hanged at
°y hanging.
F» G. B. Decarvalbo, aged 24, was
vided into sixty minutee, the minute Greenville, Miss.
into sixty seconds, and the second in­
Michael Dunphy,, .shot his brother drowned .at Crystal 8priDgB, Cal.,
and himself, at Brooklyn, N. Y., while j while bathing.
to sixty trices or thirds.
A sailor named W. A. Harbight,
drunk.-------------- 1
irom ihesebooner Cole-
T he name assassins was applied to
Fred Manny, while bathing
— * with tnan, on the trip to San Francisco.
a tribe or clan called Ismaelians, who Hoopieston, Ill, was
Wm. Miller,, of Api?8» Cal., was
settled in the mountains of Lebanon cramps and drowned.
drowned while bathing" in the surf
xauiuuuitnc) V.VZ«
_/aV-K4, was
nuo taken
about 1090 and became notorious for from
Abbeville, N. C.»
f.VU. jail
J... St
wra, and
—a I ' Dear ^18 ranc^*
their murderous propensities; hence lynched for outraging a young white- George Stevenson, of Glamis, A. T.,
the origin of the name as applied to woman.
i was found shot through the heart.
Thomas Wells, of Arthur, Ill., while > A Mexican was arrested on suspicion.
m urderers;—————----- —: _____ .
- en on the
- finger
4 , — A
’ L---------------
pulling weeds,
was blt
fireman named Fish,
was caught.
A school boy of Inslerburg, Ger­ bv a rattleanake and probably injured under a train in acòHistotruear Soler-
many, recently wrote to the Emperor fatally.
ante, Cal, and hie leg had to be -x.«,..-
A heavy fire occurred at Chicago.
lo rele^-e him.
of China asking for some Chinese
While J. Flood and Wm. Bacon
postage stamps for his collection. A A music storet carpiet store and piano
Loes, were fighting at San Francisco, a bull-
few days ago the Chinese embassy in manufactory were
' dog belonging to Flood bit Bacon so
Berlin forwarded to him a letter from *275,000.
John Stuart, living on Martin’s I badly that he died.
the emperor inclosing the stamps
Mary Von, a conv'ct in the San
fork, in Harlem county. Tenn., shot
which he desired.
his wife through the head, and in­ Quentin State’s prison, seriously
stantly killed his cousin John Stuart, wounded the matron, by striking her
H amilton was in King’s College at
on the head.
in a quarrel over a game of cards.
sixteen; when seventeen he made a
A colored man was shot dead by
Four persons were drowned while
notable address on public affairs to «rossing the Arkansas river near Ar­ three deputy sheriffs while resisting
the citizenB of New York; at twenty kansas. The party had been attend­ arrest by force of arms, at Alberqtier-
he was >n trusted with a most import­ ing a dance, and were on the way que, N. M.
A report reached Laredo, Tex.,x of
ant mission to General Gates ; was in home. Whan in the middle of the
river the boat upset.
The bodies the disastrous wreck of a construction
Congress at twenty-five, and Secretary were not recovered.
train on the Mexican National raiP
of the Treasury at thirty-two.
H. W. Moore, managing editor of toad at the front, in which fifteen
the Post-Dispatch, and the wife of men were killed. A relief train was
I t is curious to note that according John W. Norton, manager of the sent to the scene from Saltillo.
to Thomas Wilworthy’s ‘ Guide to the Grand Opiera house and, Olympic
Fifteen houses in the Chinese
English tongue,” which was accepted theater-©! .St. Louis, left the city to­ quarter of Oroville, Cal., were destroyed
as a standard in pronunciation by po­ gether'in a clandestine and scandalous by fire. The fire started in the Chin­
; manner. .
ese Masonic hall, a two-story frame,
lite English society of a century ago,
Mrs. Mary E.' Kersey, of Lebanon, and burned seven houses on each side.
the Vowel sounds in file are foil, bile
Ind., visited Decatur, Ill., on a stern One brick store, supposed to be fire
and boil were pronounced alike, as al­ chase after her husband, a barber, wno proof, was destroyed. Loes, *10,000;
so were those in tour and tower, are bad deserted her a few weeks before to insurance small.
elope with another womaq,_wliom_he - e
and air, dew and do.
14. q
ye« . M Hi
clilallj < a
<XIKv. JIi£1X11
is said to have married in Decatur. running on top ofa~moving freight
A pamphlet condemning in mod­ Mrs. Kersey found her rival, but her train at Daggett, Cal., fell between
husband bad fled.
the cars, badly mashing and cutting
erate terms Russian reactionary policy
J. B. Carpenter, a prominent notary his left leg above the knee, making
and predicting .'internal di-aaters is
public of New Orleans, has disappeared amputation necessary.
Five cars
being circulated in the highest circles and taking with Kim between *20.000 passed over him.
He died during
in 8t. Petersburg. The pamphlet is and *50,900 of hie creditors’ money. the operation. He is about 35 years
remarkable for the elegance of its Carpenter was the adviser of many old.
language. The police have so far Creole families there, who intrusted
J. T. Buller, an old resident of Los
to him Jprge sums of money for in­
Angeles, Cal., was thrown out of a
failed to discover the authors of the vestment.
wagon, the wheels of which passed
The body of Alice Kelly, a woman over his hip and chest. A number of
V ariations in the size of rain-drops of bad reputation, was found in the railroad ties with which the wagon
are dependent upon the differences in outskirts of Ottumwa, Iowa, with the I was loaded also fell on him from the
throat cut and the head badly beaten. ! wagon and broke his neck. He leaves
the height from which they had fallen A horse and buggy was hitohed to a a wife and three children,
and to the amount of atmospheric tree near by.
The nature of the I
disturbance present at the time.
If wounds indicate murder. Itis thought I . ’’ bile a construction train was be-
she was slain by some person whom | ln8 loaded on the line of the Califor-
fallen from a great height the drops
she was attempting, to blackmail.
i ma Southern, between 8an Diego and
suffer gradual division into smaller
Twenty men were on an excursion i ^arional City, Cal., a huge mass of
and smaller parts until they are con­ from
Baltimore, in the schooner , eRrih caved from the bank, covering
verted into a mist. Incalm weather, Lancelot down the bay. Off North ! W Shuson and Samuel 8. Stanley.
with the clouds near the earth's sur­ Point about ten of the party got in,a ''læn the men.were dug out it was
yawl boat to gô ashore and bathe. !''un,I that Doth were injured so that
face, the drops are large and heavy.
The boat capsized, and Frank Veasax, l^t y will die.
T here have been frequent losses of aged 29, Wm. Finn, aged 30, and | James Brown, a colored horse
Joseph Lutz, aged 27, were drowned. , trainer, fatally stabbed a white man
life through persons losing their way/ The bodies were not recovèrçd.
' named Harvey Hawkins, also a horse
either in the snow or in a fog.
A cowboy walked into the bank at ¡trainer, at Sacramento, Cal. The
night, of course, there is no other La Junta, Kan , and, covering Rufus men had a quarrel oveY a young
course to adopt than that of reaching Phillis, cashier, with a revolver, oi- white woman, and Brown waylaid
some shelter, if possible. But during dered him to drop all the funds of the Hawkins on the street and stabbed
bank into a bag that lie placed on the ' him in the abdomen. .
the day, while the sun is still in the counter. The cashier complied with I In a runaway accident at Seattle,
sky, the right direction may be gained alacrity, and the daring robberat once W. T., Captain Norman Penfield,
it is said, by a simple means of deter­ mounted and escaped. The amount superintendent of the Seattle Gas
mining the position of the sun. This of the loss is estimated at from *16,- Works, an old poineer of Seattle, was
000 to *20,000. There is no clue to ! pinioned against a shade tree by an
consists of placing the .point of a
the robber.
¿upturned ex press wagon. His collar
knife-blade or sharp lead pencil on the
At Cooney island, ten miles up the i bone was broken and he received in­
thumb-nail, which will cast a shadow river from Cincinnati, Samuel Young 1 ternal injuries which may.prove to be
directly from the sun, no matter how made an ascent of 1 000 feet in a hot ' serious,
air baloon, and let go to make the
thick the snow or fog is.
descent in his parachute. The para-' The 8an-Luis Obispo and Temple­
chute for 900 feet did not open, and i
was robbed five miles north
F ire under water can be produced he went down into twenty-five feet of ■
San Luis Obispo, Cal., on the
by placing a sfuall piece of phosphorus water in the river and sank to the I rnp’lnJal°-
passengers were
in a conically-shaped glass filled with bottom. When he. came up he got j 5®'’”®®’j“® mail and Wells, Fargo’s
water, and some crystals of chloiate tangled in the parachute, but was ’“8s *nd boxes were broken open, and
rescued bv a boatman unhurt
probably *2,000 taken. The sheriff
of potash covering the phosphorus,
Ed. Hill and M. Dwyer, aged 19 and i ?nd ““»net attorney, with a posse, are
and then pouring through a long 21 years respectively, were engaged in ln P’if*1111 of thexobbem..
tube funnel, or a glass tube, a few fumigating a theater at St. Louis with
A caboose and car "loaded with
drops of Sulphuric acid down on the sulphuric acid, which Hill and Dwyer wood, and attached to a freight train,
Both were thrown fvoei the track near
mixture at the bottofai of the glass. were pouriug from stone jugs.
Tongues ol flame can be seen flashing jtigs exploded at once, scattering the Marysville, Cal., by the switch being
acid in every direction, saturating the i left open. They fell down the grade,
up through the water.
The intense clothing of both^yotjnjfmen, and be- and the wood car was completely de-
chemical action produces sufficient spatteting those standing near. Hill ■ molisbed and the caboose
heat to inflame the phosphorus under and Dwyer nearly crazed with pain broken. In the caboose was a young
the water. Where there is sufficient ran through the streets until caught man named Frank Calvert, who was
by a policeman, and taken to the city taken out unconscious and badly in­
heat and oxygen fire will
dispensary where their wounds were jured about the face and spine.
whether in air or water.
is not expected to live.
T hebe is a bookkeeper in a New
York wire factory who has merely to
glance at broadsides' of figures, row
after row, filling a whole sheet of legal
cap, and declares the result inslan'ly.
He doesn’t know bow he dees it, nor
does anybody else.
WHEAT— Valley, »1 22|®*1 23
Walla Walla, *1 15® 1 17 j.
BARLEY—Whole, *1 10® 1 12j;
ground, pier ton, '25 OO®27 50.
OATS—Milling, 38®40c.;
HAY--Baled, *18 00.
feed, 44
SEED—Blue Grass, 14|®16c.; Tim­
< othy, 9|®10c.; Red Clover, 14® 15c.
FLOUR— Patent Roller,
< Country Brand, *3 75.
EGGS—Per dos, 22 jc.
*4 00;
Or. Aul; ms made of *u
tor amaylnir sold ud Mirar
s«M sent by mail or «nu­
lo. and returns made
BUTTER—Fancy roll, pier pound,
pickled, 25®30c.;
; grade, 15®20c.
wax So.. „„I. .
Hila ... smm <*
CHEESE—Eastern, 16@20o.; Ore­
of different u.
gon, 14® 16c.; California, 14jc.
among the brothers and si.i—,3
VEGETABLES—; Beets, pvr sack, same family is » notable fas ,
*1 50; cabbage, pier lb., 2Jc.; carrots, various causes which act in «■-
per sk., *1 25; lettuce, pier doz. 20c.; directions. It is best to
onions, *1 00; potatoes, pier 100 lbs,
before we proceed to colkcUfil
90c.®*1; radishes, pier doz., 15®3Qc.; and attempt its interpretatio^i
rhubarb, perlb,, 6c.
Zilear enough, and may be ukJ
HONEY—In comb, pier lb., (18c.;
granted, the tempers of p/o../"
strained, 5 g»1- tins, pier lb. 8|c.
not readily blend in the offL»
POULTRY — Chickens, per doz., that some of the children takeiL
*5 00@7 00; ducks, pier doa.,*2 50® after one of them, some after uoi
6 00 - geese, *6 00®8 00;i" tsrkeys, but with few threads, as it
various ancestral tempeh
pier lb., 12|c.
■ ’
PROVISIONS—Oregon hatns, 12jc which occasionally manifest
selves. If no other influent* J
pier lb.; Eastern, 13@13|c.; Eastern
breakfast bacon, 12|c. pier lb.; Oregon vened the tempers of the chikU
; Eastern lard, 10@ll£c. pier the same family would, on this 1«,
be almost as varied as those ol ih
uregon7 ivjc.
GREEN uuTTinri
FRUITS— Apples, »2 00 Motors who married ;
@2 50; Sicily lemons, $b 5O@7 00; so far as their tempers wore comm
California, *3 5O®5 00£jf aval oranges therefore the numbers of goodtfet
children in families would be twj
*6 00; Riverside, *^JK); Mediterra­
by the same laws of chanoe thud
nean, *4 25.
to a gambling table. But th«U
DRIED FRUITS—Sun dried ap­ other influences to be condM
ples, 7|c. per lb.; machine dried, 10® There is a well known tend«Z|
11c; pitiees plums, 13c,; Italian family likeness among brother, J
prunes, 10@14o.; peaches, 12|@14c.;
sisters which is not due to the IM
raisins, *2 25@2 50.
of ancestral peculiarities, but *1
WOOL—Valley, 17@18c.; Eastern prepotence of one of the promJ
Oregon. 9@15c.
who has stnmped more than his trfl
HIDES—Dry beef hides, 8®10c.; fair share of qualities upon tbs J
culls, 6@7c.; kip and calf, 8(3
CX 10c.
— ; dren. It mav also be due to shJ
Murrain; 10 @12c.; tallow, 3@3jc.
occurrence that deserves hot
LUMBER—Rough, per M, *10 00; yet received a distinctive uj
edged, per M, <12 00; T." and G. namely, where all the childmj
sheathing, pier M, *13 00; No. 2 floor­ alike and yet their common U
ing, per M, *18 00; No. 2 ceiling, per can not bo traced to their pron3
M,*18 00; No. 2 rustic, per M, *18 00; A new variety has come IntoeriJ
clear rough, pier M, *20 00; clear P. 4 through the process not of icind
8, pier M, *22 50; No. T flooring, pier but of confraternal variation
M, *22 50; No. 1 ceiling, per M,
The most strongly marked J
$22.50; No. 1 rustic, pier M, *22 50; type that I have personally net J
stepping, pier M, *25 00; over 12 first arose simultaneously In th* ■
inches wide, extra, *1 00; lengths 40 brothers of a family who trusd
to 50, extra, *2 00; lengths 50 to 60, their peculiarities with unusw! J
extra, *4 00; 1^ lath, per M, *2 25; ty to numerous descendants td
lj lath, per M, $2 50.
at least two generations Ottarl
SALT— Liverpool grades of fine fluences actin antagonismtoMl
quoted'*18, $19 and *20 for the three going; they are the events ol A sm
sizes; stock salt, *10.-
life, which, instead of uiiaifl
BEANS—Quote small whites,*! 50; tempers, tend to accentuate dl*M
pinks, *3; bayou, *3; butter, *4 50; ferences in them. Thus if
hers of a family are a little ubaifl
Limas, *4 50 pier cental.______
MEAT—Beef, wholesale, 3@3|c.;
dressed, 6c.; sheep, 3c; dressed, 6e.;
hogs, dressed, 8@9c.;' veal, 7@8c.
•'COFFEE—Quote Salvador,
Costa Rica, 18(320c.; Rio, 18®20c.;
Java, 27|c.; Arbuckle’s’s roasted, 22c.
PICKLES—Kegs quoted steady at
*1 35.
SUGAR—Prices for barrels; Golden
C, 7c.; extra C,7Jc.; dry granulated,
8|c. ; crushed, fine crushed, cube and
powdered, 8fc.; extra C, 5|c.; halves
and boxes, |c. higher.
by nature, others who amjutflfl
little domineering are temptedkl
come more so. Then the aeqairdfl
of dictation in these resetsupa®
others and makes them stillm|J
missive. In the collection 1 m W
histories of twins whq vere dfl
alike, the statement wasconitalM
with that one of the twin*
by the other. I suppose thatsteW
many childish struggles for mptfl
each finally discoveredhiaonllH
strength of character and tbta^N
the stronger developed intothliM
while the weaker contentedlydM
into the position of being lid. fj|j
Again, it is sometimes otsen^N
—It is the dry-goods clerk wbo most
frequently sales under false colors.— a member of an easy-going MM
covered that he hs she may
New Haven News.
—An enterprising pork packer of considerable power by sdefd^H
Cincinnati, who tried the faith euro on habit of being P'-rsistentlyd'Wf^N
whenever he or she does nntl^N
a lot of hams, says it's no good.
—Watch dials are now made by pho­ first and best oPovery thing^H
tography at a mere fraction of their wives contrive to tyrannise
former cost. They all used to be painted bands who are mild and sentiW^N
hate family scenes and dread
by hand.
—A report of a recent picture auction grace attending them byholdta^M
says: “ ‘A Jockey’ was knockefitfiown selves in readiness to fly
tor *400.” It would have been a happy « believer tl.-ir wishes are
bit if it had been “A Pugilist.’’— Puch. 1'hey thus acquire a habit ol Ij^iS
—Trumpley—“They say that Miss de out, to use a term familiar
Romer's hands are too small to strike ers of female prisoner, aw^^«
an octave.” Browne—“That’s the kind asy lums, and though their rr^M|
connections would desribe t^^H
of girl that I want to marry!”
—“Wife—“That man has been star­ pet s by severe epithets, yet
ing at me for five minutes.” Husband married masterful husb:ind»®^^B
—“Well, you wouldn't have known it aelersrmight save developed
if you hadn't keptr your eyes on him.” vorably.-p/'oritiigWly Has*
—The man who steals from an indi­
—Mrs. Vanderbitt reeeaty^M
vidual alone is a rogue; if he steals Josef Hofmann, the clnldf^B
from a great many pieople he’s a sharp
play at an afternoon
fellow.— Merchant Traveler.
house. Tim boy wai hil
— “A—“My people. Miss Deverenx.
nee, lint Mrs. Vanderbilt
came into England with Strongbow,
an expense <>f t * mt?
you know.” “Are you quite sure it
dollars, the estimated
»(isn’t Longbow, Mr. Snooksoon?” —
matinee, which was p'Stp^JB
— “I am tired of your complaining," mit him to tdny at her wit
—Miss Kittie C. WilktW^B
said the landlady to the Chronic Grum­
bler; “even a worm will turn------ " queen of Idaho, is some
“Yes'm; but this grub doesn’t”— De­ a high forehead, regular
rather light h or. being
troit Free Press.
—Said a very old man: "Some folks blonde. Ib r eyes are
are always complaining about the maimer very ■ harmmi.
weather; but I am very thankful when she impresses one
I wake np in the morning and find any young wonirn "f t1***11
She owns nearly eight
* MS
weather at all.”