.......’'T M n.-y 1 7T\7. i — I n» to which paper ha, • 'I ""-'.hull. I lus of «hiuinei» Il is fUlLWE/Ofi^ PURE "¡“’Xitîi» Wutk* wW“i‘ “• 1OÜ“U •Jjauu. content._________ _ „ . VJ. LUO«”*» WHICH! T*° I.u unu*! "*»* "f wh*il N*’ ptPRICfs CREAM jAKIfig \PWDEJ* 'T^iU1“ aww«ibeiieli Ul Impeliu to rp*°l ,FthH kblnvy , and counteract« the of rheumatism, a tendency to 2 in a 1 Us foriQL ^A.iinA nf stage* was established be- Yodi auo Hhifcdeipuia, u make _______ DOVK OK PKACE. Ljchly fronted quiVM'ing flying D ova n~am of Life »creeu . aiendar. Au irn- ii/Hii/ial head. An imported f oeted r'*°”e and a full eet of magnificent I node Fourteen artistic piece».' «to.nyon. who will buy t orn a drnw- hox of the genuine I) h C. M L anb s L ivkh I‘ILL» (price « Pete.) d nuul u> the ouui'ie wrapper from lhe ! Si «cent» in »lamp». Writei your drew plainly. F leming B ros ., P ittb MH. fa ;______________ a,m.nnf»ciure«'f lluwareie (hl, country ¿^mineuced to Berlin, Conn., in 17,0. PERFECT It* superior ex«-ellence proven in millions of hotaesfoi more than a quart* r of a ceuuuy It in used by th United Htat>s Government Ki>d«'rs d bv bt*ht)<>diw the Great Universi;le» hr the R»r<>i geRt, l*uret»C and tn*>«i Bea tiiful. Dr Prie«*? (beam ffaldng Puwde» does noi oontain Ammoni •, Lune < r Al un H*>ld only ii* cans. i'UiCE baking powder < »». NEW YORK . /WICAHO MT. IOUIR ---------------------------------------------- ,----------------------------- i » q ui>. i.-ci-nilv sent ufty- .>x <>t riblimis “war- •tin yfTiill silk,” i I answer to a Maine Siss Ao- MIDDLE-ACED MBNSf^S: iiiii>'ii glowin ' adveriisniiieaA. received ■ simili Im <>f worthless . <> ton ribb ins and sult OR. SPINNEY i ^XDr. Spinney & Co.p^iE»* TRUE ^k *nr I ck«t and a key!*’—t a primed card, whell "iulde.1 In­ io iu| try** by she hiâcrlptiont "Sumi folks uxpout tile ear.h for teu WUli"1" > iteud 4 cents in stamps fur 'i be Young M*B*a Vriend or Guide V *dlock. A HAMlMlME GIFT. O! YES, YES! CERTAINLY! It Lheiue i 0/ u t*vuK i» to bu jii ig -d from its CirclIlMlI n, lhe left) Culuiugu. -1 A* ears. .-U»ver x Waike . ui thu .\< **uia»Kvt BL-uk, » o tiahd, ur.fc muBi turiuinI be a.« cxculi ni worn. Thu .is!, uui U oh ul u<- cuuuol' or i iriy ihouaanu A singed cat dreads the fire. I p'ead guilty. I am selling a “new fangled” machine- . «»pie-, and « ven 1« if*« ortn u num >er oids air to so»/ir bee »me vxh u-iu if lUc demand J or the book eoiito ues us br.-k as it has been '*incu the day of pu nculio . t< o not a liilh- LOOK AT IT-AIN ’ T IT A DAISY? cu HIUH Io l.od U iiltfl-u Cal ilogUU <* hlpd ul putdicatmh LbUully cousidvi ni. the cry eat «.f dryrva ing »o>axvri- »ought ait r. Bu hav- ngruun ti.v b«H»K, * ku's buipribu at the e. go ; too much to ay that Jlis-iR r*>ti.Vr r & *>lkur have pro ook. the con tents uf wh.udi is as inte - Nling a»* its genu al appeuralive L* bandso.ne. ’ Thu covers, iiih r. iMpm-d in e ght uulo s on heav.v roughened card, oi.spiay, u.i the iront, »rt Bt cully gn Aiped. ine ta ridoof two blooded hones, th, Aewnmrkut Bloc . mid an elegant abriolei, thu w< ul<-edbut.being at>ia- live and t» iking iu ihe«rxtrcuiu. t>n the back covcrare eliu t* ly uxevun tl pic umj oi i-«»me of the iiucliims handled by lhe iihu. Belweu i lheee -M>VepH are ltd ut>iiipu»ge8 tec ru­ ng v» ith flrbl-clas^ i II um ruin.n*. andg ring in- • rutting de-t rij tion ot pr ity ue rly every >nd mill iiiacldm ry, ■'agon*, buggies, uaniug s a» d all suits ut inu< hanic./i novelties u eiul in the homuand on the form. Qjiutiden»b|p hpMO«« is dv.voted io il- ushations O' the. lniguitkeni I breshrrs and -nginea which l aw done n uch to mak<-the ' n*meof Stavei & Walker so widely known and 1 so highly rcspeccd. Gleet a^ has been the> cost of prod» cing this unique work. Me are. | Staver & Walker announce that copies will be i mailed tree to all applicants. I—T sAiaTan+ee fhe^Mexv-Ftmigie^AtHrawi ---------------- —*------------------- ' t I pftiaran»ec the Wew-FanAdvance «♦‘fmrator te bt be beat grainsaviDg. last J. II. FlMK,Ak«ayer and Analytical ¡eat Threa er and moM. durable Separator ever made. But. ivim-________ ,B___ _ iber, _________________ it is not an expert Cbemiet. Laboratory. 106 Vint at,, Portland. I mental machine, an the OKI Fogy machines are. You are wqll aware of me time lost (tLat Or. Analyses made of all substances. Rates | you have to pay fo ) in e>perimenting with Ohl Foty machines. The Rew Faugh u for aF»,aying gold and bilver ore»* |1..5O. Paca- Tlireeher ..... «... . .. IvadN ««« the way. «... The *„w> growling and kicking v o' •••« the ^»« Old *'ogy Fogy agent« agents is only equi equaled ____ agee sent by mail or express pn mplly attended bv the amount of gra n kirked «»ut iu the straw by the O d Fogy macni •». Of course, if you wi h a cheap machine. Old Fogies will supply you at your own pr ce; b it their machines are to, and returns made. _ dear at any price. You cannot afford to buy a inresLir without examining the A BVAXI'K. Huflferei • from Congha. More Throat Do not be talked 'nto buying a machine because it is cheap and Old Fogy I m h.' Ask the «»Id Fogy ageutM if they will set besideXhe lie w-faugled ma :hlne and let you «ee which is the etc., should try "Brown'» Bronehial Troche»." ex peJ inn tai machine, and sold on ils mvr«iN. 1 have ney et yet had to call on any court to help decide the merits of lhe nv w Iteugled machine. Pl n you not want to be » uiuetl in the same wuy Y Rvinembyr, the new - fiingled machine is past all experimenting, while Old Fogy*« machines arc being ex­ Columbus Cleveland is tlie name of a perimented with all the time, and at your expense. Du not fool with them any longer, while six-year-old colored boy of Brunswick, your grain is going to w ante. THE ‘ ADVANCE” THRESHERS AND ENGINES Ga. —North Carolina owns a negro auntie aged 131, “whose age is established by IRRIQ^TING PUMPS, documents in the hands of reliable STEAM ENGINES white families.” CTULDS a AUSTIN, DON'T WANT BELIEF, BUT CURE,” keeularoatiou of thousands suffering from, trh. ToallBuih we say: catarrh can be' hl by hr. Mage's < latarrb Ketnedy. It lias [done In thousands of can, a; why not in W Your danger is in delay, knclose a tato Worida llisuensary Medical Asaocla- iBnlfalo. N, Y-, for pamphlht oa this dl- ,i«7 a> Lake BL, 1 CHICAGO, ILL. Keiueuiber pie new-fangled machine ia sold oh Its merits entirely. Re­ member. your whole dependenc e is upon your crcp proceeds, and if you {*11 qw Old Fogy ma­ chine* to wants your grain, you are just, that much out of pocket To prevant this, buv that the party thatdoes your tbre>hing prouu-cs a new -fhngled ADVAXUE Thresher.. as they are constructed so rs to save your grain, and have a better record than any old-fogy iuschine. Write or further particulars. I am prepared to prove all my starements-i. e.. The ADVANI'E machine will do more and better work than any other. I he eby challenge, any old fQgy> agent to name AXY ra*e where the- machipc haN failed to do om ropre«ented since its intaoductioix AHVAM th I m CoiiMt. Nhotfr up or «hut up. BOILERS, —Youngman (getting off street car) on Remtniber that old fogy agents s ymg the contrary does not make it bo . It will pay you to C omplete P owkr and —“Here is-mv fare, conductor; you for­ investigdt--. I can prove all I a*»y P umping P lants . I alt-o sell the well kno *n IHNK-FE WOODBURY POWER. A number of manu­ got to ask me for it.” Passenger— new French gun throws a projectile having toll of German silver.___________ kre you sad, despon«1ent, gloomy? kru you ROre distressed? UBfanlo the welcome bidding — ! ‘*B i at rest.” ■are you aches an i pains unnumbered, loiboniiig life's Golden Cun? taluk uoi 'here's no halm iu Gilead, and ! ‘‘(•i^O’it up.” ' k Golden Remedy awaits you— ■olden not alone in nuiue- Keicb, oh. Buffering one, and grasp it. Health reclaim, bre h-but one ’’Golifen Remedy--Dr. bo’s Gulden Medical Dlstiovcry. It stands the great “blood purifier,'’ “strength- jvtr," and "health-restorer,” of thu age! Liver, it regulates«, removing nil impuri- I The Lungs it strengthens, cleansiuk and ■Bhingthem. The whole system it builds ■pplying that above all other things most ba-pure, rich blood. Decatur, IIU PRICE 91.00. Bold by Druiuist*. FOR EVERY PURPOSE. puing when they do not do their duty your digestion. . tai your torpid livex needs stlmula- tin order that it may act as nature in- ded it should. bat liaANURBTU a P ills taken in doses ,nc or two at night for, sap, ten day» ■ regulate the Ito/els, stimulate lhe ir, improve the dlgeatiou. and drive ,v dyspepsia. , J |eUnitod States miutin Philadelphia was bletcd in 1829.*___ _________ | I WELL DRILLS In, /our bowels and liver act properly. Jhat your bowi a require thorough Consumption, Wasting Diseases, | Big a naa given anlver- sal satisfaction in the I cure of Gonorrhoea and I Gleet. I prescribe it and feel safe In recommend* Ing it to all sufTerera. — A. J. STONER, M.D^ THINGS.WOKm KNOWING, dyspepsia cornea from torpid liver I General Debility. Ductors disagree as to belstive valu* of Cod Liver Oil and Hypo- tohitea: the one supplying strength and L the other giving nerve power, and acting [tonic to the digestive and entire system, ¿ngcott's FiuuiRion of cod Liver Oil [Hypophosphites the two are combined, [theeffect is wonderful. Thousands who k derived no peimanent benefit from other baraliuns have heen cured by Ibis. Scott’s Baion is perfectly palatable and easily di- fcd those who cannot tolerate plain Cod 1 )>tM*i« «i ivr i nd n f< w dollars in <‘em ty.is Rtury 4 ils. bill lift uu.i« adnurtlo lt*’*.u,,J».h «ia, IF*»»^mUoj in ‘xct I*«»*’ I rip* w*~muiOA in A it 11 rd n.ii vX cxpi ci perma- - pe — he cannunjMpc cannot hope w *" « «* “ •o •¡ihii.uiu »hiuh ““ oi»»... RUt*UN,''*‘“ ou lhe , .irT thttU Ihiui. buore. b JO«. If. lf..ou bad “CT the niilirio. biiti-ra. h> can btS* 1 . .. ”?»»,«- >.»»a/>rn vo to 11W aaj »/•••« ~,.oJ, I'«,"* “".’, ‘°f » regular habit of ^‘¡|l?V tXraUo' y apo® upon a renewal «»t a heal'k- KiX' •«‘■“I c*;“‘ Si Jil »’■1* -I hoiai mmi uniM»rry tmn vou >i hi p-.iiis./ «ahi Jnslictj Murry to a . uii riL “I anr.-bos« (,>»• à fac’. Low prices, prompt deli very Write for Circulars. “Who is that young man who just got BYRON JACKSON, SAN FRANCISCO. got off, conductor.” Conductor—“I never saw him before; some crank, I . The BU YEHS’ GUIDE is guess. It takes all sorts of people, Sir, issued Maroh and Sept., to make up the'world.” ^Aeach year. It is an enoy- 4 ^Bclopedia of useful infor- —Mrs. Finnigan—“Ho’» no better, mation . for all who pur. ductor. You towld me to give him us chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We | much of the powder as would lav on sixpinee. I hadn't a sixpitjee. but I can olothe you and furnish you with . all the necessary and unnecessary gave him as much as wold 1 go on live appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, pinnies an* two halfpinnies, ami it’s eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, 1 done him no good at nil, at all.”— ; or stay at home, and in various sizes, C facturers make'th m on a royalty but 1 dp not know of any imitation», but am always in­ clined to look out lor those that talk «»f imitation*«. 1 also deal in Laundry aud Marine Machinery. Farm. Church and School Bells. General Machinery, bwifi Ollers, Onm* Safety Valves, Mllle” Pumps, llsncock I spirators. Park & Kennedy Injectors, Acme and Alligator Wrenches, Blacksmith Drills. Self-Healing Batn Tubs, the Westinghouse Engines. See the prices: 10-horsc on wh.-t ls, |900; Traction, $1075; 15 horse Traction, $11(0. social discount for cash. General Agent for colour»s Dynamo« and Lamps for Elrctrir Lighting-S t«*- EOO light«. ‘THE RAWSON LIGHT RUNNING REAPERS AND MOWERS. THE LINDGREN CHEMICAL FIRE ENGINES Yohr villflge rannoido without one. You must ha’ o one for your mill«. bo Without a small one in your house. For particulars, address x. You canrqt-MIvird to Z. T. WRIGHT, Foot of Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you oan piakeafair estimate of the value of the BUYERS’ GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, HL The OLDEST MEDICINE ia the W0KLDT| la Probably Dr. Iaaao Thompson', U C ELEBRATED EYE IF SO, CF COURSE YOU WANT THE BEST. WAT e II Till* ajilrle ! b a carefully prepared physician' b pre­ script« > d , And has heen in constant use for nearly a ccntiuy, an.l notwithstanding the many other prepara­ tions that have been introduced into the market, the sale of this article i* constantly increasing. If the dl- r ct,fans are followed It will never fuiL We pjrticu- . I laily invite the attention of physicians to its menu». Ling 188. eleven and one-half forth of post- > jGhn L. Thompson, Sons A Co., TltuY. N. Y. lamps-nearly 1701*00.000 in number—were 1 nCAHAft let Premium*. 25,000 in use, U lhe New York postofiict. neauiG hles . rrous-Motsture; intense Itching and stinging, i night; worse by scratching. If allowed to oou- taniurd farm, which ofteu bleed and ulceiate, tug »ery sore. S waysem O jstmknt stops the ; an«l bleeding, heals ulceration, and in maDy removes the tumors. It is equally etHoaoious in ail Wdn Diseases. DR. HW a YNE A SON, Hom, Pniiaddphia. S waynk ’ s O intment can lined of druggists. Sent by mail for 50 Cent*. U| 11 III 11^ 20 years Established. New M Ir«IW V va pHtcrited Steel Tuning De­ vice’, hi use In no other Piano, by which our Pianos stand in tune 20 years, good f«»r 100 ; not affectod by climate. Nb wood to split, break, swell, shrink, crack, decay, or wear out; we guarantee it. Ele­ gant Rosewood Cases, 8 strings, double rejicatinp action; finest ivory keys; the Famous ANTIHELL. Call or write for Catalogue, free. T. M. ANTISELI PIANO CO., Manufacturers, Odd Fellows’Bail, Mar fcet and Seventh Streots, San Fran« i*-o. r G ermea for breakfast. GENERAL AGENTS WAN I’EU! Si:« month easily made st llii g tl e Funnels I rlend, ah-gholdet an I scales coml in :d, l.ou't ml." this. Hendie Hrcu’ars. K. K.HA III. Manager Puget Sound Mf<. Co.. Tacomu, Wash. Ter. "•“BEAUTY C uticuwa R cmkcmu Cuss S kin ano B looo D iscascb FROM PlMPLXBY® ^ROFWJU B< CAN DO JUSTICE TO THE ESTEEM IN Men the U uticgra R emedies are held by Mi&ands upon thous ♦ nde whose lives have Mne happy by the cure of ag«»nHsing, hu- jng. itching, scaly and p mpiy diBcases of In, scalp and blood, with loss of hair. KJUR a , the great Skin Cure, and CUTI- bOAP, an exquisite Skin Beautifler, pre- nrom it, externally, and C uticura R p FT, the new Blood Purifier, internally, positive cure for every form of skin ana nwease. from pimples to scrofula Levenrwhere. Price, C uticura . 50 c .: R esolve *» $1. Prepared by the BDare and C hemical Co..Boston,Mass. pMl for “How to Cure Skin Dbuuines." gplee, blackheada < happed ana oily pn prevented by C dticura S oap . *B1 I Rheumatism, kidney Pains and Weak- speedily cured bv C uticura A nti - rrAnr P laster , the only pain-killing plaster. TO CltriNUUAY KKAAIt'll, PRASKA O I till W A I » BACH. Gabler, Roeniah Plano*; BnrdoU Organ*. baud Instruminta Lazçwrt •took of Sheet Music hbd Be ok*. Baa is kunplfedat BaSero Prie«». MATTHIAS GRAY OQ . MM P«F Street. Ran Francioco CLOSING OUT IMMERSE STOCK OF SUMMER B A I. BIU 3- O UR GAN UNDERWEAR, at $1 and 81.60 per suit Latest designs in PERCALE SJIILITS. three latest style Collars and one pair Cuffs, $1.50 each. Gents’ Furnishing Goods, 232, Kearny St., near Bush, jpr* Send for Illustrated Catal«vrue. We guarantee tic J. I. CASE “AGITATOR” SEPARATOR to le the Best Grain Saw and Fastest Thresher ever made We have over four hundred of these celebrated machine« in operation in Orepon «nd Washington, all of which are giving the highest satisfaction. farmers threshermen to prove this aatisfa« tion. We are prepared to furnish you statement« statements from the leading leaning /• r,71*rM and .^5® claim. There as many other PIT are are twice VWHB BB uinuj ‘‘Agitators rtHliau'in ” sold imu each va< u seas n. «o n, n, throughout V.**''»7*»v*>*- the **uy United State«, — as — any J -------- - style or make of This is no erperimental machine that must be sold ch'ap in order to introduce it, hut is acknowledged thresher. / /»« ta rw c«ptft«o.l delightful .ml barmlew toilet article ever produced for I eantifyin» and pnan ng the complexion, removing tan, runburn Freckle» aud all Memiahe* and rough neo* of the akir IIIKi™.> The J I CASE rOHTMU/HTRACTTUN EXGT5ES h*v? been tn gmreral wm tn Oregon and Washington for yearn, and we guarantee them to be. and are rMtiy to prove them to be, the moat powerful, most durable, safest, more skillfully constructed *nd a"Id“o,eEXCLrSIVK"AGENTS’"” ,rhi<1CET.EHR*TED JACKSON S DERRICKS SELF-FEEDERS AND FORKS Bnv onr RANDOLPH IMPROVED STEEL FR'ME HE A PER. ffuaranteed the Sim pl—t Lightest and Easiest Handled Header In u« We «11 the ONLY STEEL FRAME HEADER MADE. «»-SAVE MONEt by calling to M. ua, or writing for our prices and terms and all other information regarding the above machinery. A 00. WTAVER S l WALKER, General A-ifentu, Portland, Or.