The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, July 13, 1888, Image 5

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Our church has a new.prgan full cf all
Btelow we publish the complaint
kinds of tunes.
13, 1888
in a suit for an injunction on the
Just a little varnish please; also a few
new court house, that our readers
nails and a little iHyiiit.
may know what is prayed for.
Prof. Knapp hied himself away to
The matter will be argued before
g Bingbsm-^“ t»™ Tuesday, bunchgrass a few days ago.
Judge Boise at Salem, on the 25th
court proceedings on first page.
men were Yamhillers, they are so gal­ inst.
, to the furniture store for your wall lant.
In the circuit court of the Hale of Oregon for
Yamhill county: .
Lots of our folks went to the Fourth of
smith is
for FredT. Mere
R. P. Bird, Plaintiff,
July (race) celebration at McMinnville
and report a good time.
Yamhill county, the Pauly
B Westerfield sold several mowers
J aii Building and Manufac­
Our good citizens are talking of build­
turing Company, L. Lough- ■
hay rakes last week.
ing a hall for the use of the public; that
arv, 8. Bruteclier, D. B.
Susan Grubbs has returned from is right gentlemen, stay with it.
Kingery. P. P. Gates, J.
W. Hobbs and D. Canute,
viäit to Lane county.
J. E. Young laid the corner stone of
Defendants. _
Jktne bird cage go toy»» furniture his new house on the glorious Fourth,
The above named plaintiff complains
Ml styles and sizes. '
amid the boom of the people and the
of the above named defendants, and fur
f Turner and wife, of McMinn- hurrah of the anvil.
cause of complaint alleges that he is a
were in town Tuesday.
Thomas Jefferson has been carrying citizen and resident of Yamhill county,
r Clyde will preach at McCoy next his foot in a sling for some time, but is state of Oregon, and that the plaintiff is a
ity, morning and evening.'
about alright now. You see his mind taxpayer and owns real estate situate in
ücCain and family have gone to was far away and he struck his foot in­ Yamhill county of the value of about $700,
stead of the stick.
. —
unook to eat fish and clams.
and that said property is subject to 'all
Elder W. L. Skeels will preach in the takies and assessments imposed by law on
G. H. Smit*1 *•“ Iocated in Lafay-
schoolhouse on the Saturday evening be­ real property within said Yamhill coun­
for the practice of his profession.
_ j Hoberg has the thanks of the fore the fifth Sunday in July; also Sun­ ty for Btate and county purposes; and
day and Sunday night. All are invited that the said defendant, the Pauly Jail
„ns for a basket of fine potatoes-
to come; seats free and no collection.
Building and Manufacturing Company is
I I. -Westerfield sells his furniture
The railroad company is extending a private corporation duly incorporated
ouih, and is satisfied with a small
their switch further north to make room and existing under the laws of the state
for wood purposes, as there is an im­ of Missouri and now doing business in
F Hall, who lives in Chehalem
mense lot of good oak being delivered for the state ot Oregon; that the said L.
iy, has been appointed notary public
Loughary is the duly elected, qualified
shipment to the metropolis from here.
Jov. Pennoyer.
Notice is hereby given that on next and acting county judge of said county;
ouuty court adjourned to meet July
Fourth of July Carlton will invite some and that said Sebastian Brutscher and
|888, which is Sunday. Undoubtedly
of her sister towns to join in getting D. B. Kingery are the duly elected, qual­
was intended.
up a celebration. We have one of the ified and actiug county commissioners of
oney to loan on improved farm prop- finest picnic grounds in Oregon. It will said-county; that said Yamhill county is
I in amounts to suit. Apply to Dr. be free to all; won’t cost fifty cents to get a public corporation duly organized and
foppleton, Lafayette.
in and seventy-five cents to get out. existing in this state; that the said P. P.
Gates is the duly elected, qualified and
transpires that S. G. Ely and Miss Cum tux ?
acting treasurer of said county, and that
t. Biggerstaff were not married until
The hatchet brigade was out in full
said J. W. Hobbs is the duly elected,
[ reached N'estocton.
force the other day making war on the
qualified and acting county clerk of said
J. Hembree is attending the Grand thistles along the old dilapidated side­
be, A. 0. U. W., at Seattle, Wash-- walk. The brigade is composed entirely
bn territory, this week.
of ladies, which being interpreted means 'And plaintiff alleges that heretofore on
Le photograph tent has arrived and a new sidewalk. Just as well order the the 15th day of February, 1887, the legis­
lative assembly of the state of Oregon
fcan procure first-class work at rea- lumber, it must go.
passed an. act entitled "An Act to relo­
Ible rates—near Bird & Gates’ store,
By a grapevine despatch from ny old
cate the county seat of Yambill county,
tgienic kalsomine for Säle at the >i*r* trir n ,ll Ei fi i ttnn, rra ui^trjfrrfo»
Oregon, to provide for the submission of
Lure store, the most brilliant, dur- is getting very tired of hac'hmg, and
said relocation to the voters of said coun­
I and sanitary wall finish in the would like to persuade some female to go
ty and regulate the manner and fix the
to bunchgrass and share his lonely lot
time of said submission, and the con­
B. Ellen Steward and Tlios. Ott
struction of its county buildingsand
married in Lafayette, July 9, 1888,
that afterwards, on the 1st Tuesday after
i. M. Hurley, J. P. Peace and joy bread and knows how to cook jack rab­ the 1st Monday of November, 1887, un­
H xwk -E yk .
tli them.,
der the provision of said act a pretended
election was held in said county at which
t Tillamook Ileadliqhi reports a
ther question of relocating the county seat
I celebration in Tillamook, and
July 9, 1888.
was voted u;>on by the electors of said
is of the Lafayette boys who atteud-
Noah Heater'has moved into his_new county and' the said promoter^ of said
ieomplimentary terms.
scheme to relocate said county seat, and
| b a fruitful source of pleasure to be
Mrs. John Kirkley, of Portland, is up the defendants pretended and declared
fated with a basket of fine ripe
that the majority of the votes cast at Baid
L such as Miss Clara Johnson on a visit., . .
Mrs. Ed. Robinson is not enjoying election were in favor of the town of Mc­
mt to our office this week.
Minnville, in said, county; «nd plaintiff
laniook is petitioning for a dai.y gbod health.
alleges that section six of said act of the
G. W. Mitchell ip putting up some new
from North Yamhill. The growing
legislature is in the words and figures as
nance of our neighbor over the picket fence. “
follow^ to-wit: “Sec. 6. should the legal
lain entitles her to a daily mail. ,
John Hardwick and family have moved voters of said county decide to change the
1. Bradshaw and family started for to Middleton.
location of said county seat and should
nook to-day to recuperate. They
Miss Ella Hadley haB closed her school the same be relocated at some other point
b gone three woeks. P. P. Gates and returned home.
than where it now. is the county court of
■unily and Uncle John Bird and
Osburn Brown and family have moved said county shall not have tjie power or
| accompanied them. - -
authority to contract for or construct pub­
near the White house.
Iter Fred Harris, who has been suf-
A great deal of clover hay has been lic buildings to exceed the cost of $45,000,
and shall not have the power or authori­
I for several weeks with inflam- damaged by the late rains.
ty to levy any tax upon the property of
b of the bone of his right leg, is
Born.—to the wife of Wm. Garland,
said cdunty in excess of two mills on the
I recovering. He has stood the
July 4th, a fine daughter.
Ind confinement manfully.
dollar of taxable property of said county
Thomas Warner and family expect tp annually for said purposes.”. And that
jy Trullinger'keeps things moving
move to Tualitan this week.
thereafter in the year 1887 the said coun­
along down about Trullinger’s mill.
The Graham girlB have a new and ty court caused a two mill tax to be
|e Way, Perry is an old Yamhill
levied and collected upon the taxable
b bully boy, and has been here for neat sign out at their hotel.
Lee Jones, while working in the tim­ property of said county and that said tax
I weeks, last past.— Tramcript.
so collected amounted in the aggregate to-
I new railroad bridge across the ber last week, badly cut his leg.
E. Steighleader and B. M. Wilson the sum of about $8000 for the purpose of
■ette at Portland is completed, and
constructing public buildings and no
Bns commenced running over it on have the lumber on the ground to put up
more. That afterwards on the 10th day
Isday. It is pronounced by com- a creamery.
of May. 1888, the county court of said
Ijudges to be one of the best in the
A. D. Webber, of Wisconsin, brother county of Yamhill pretended to enter in­
of Mrs. Nancy Wiley, arrived at this to a contract for* and on behalf of said
i Wall returned from East Port- place on the 2d.
Yamhill county with the said defendants,
iith his wife Tuesday. Mention
The Fourth at this place was cele­ the Pauly Jail Building and Manufactur­
We in these columns last week of brated in fine. style and everybody ing Company, for the furnishing of ma­
Fall’s suffering from an overdose seemed to enjoy themselves.
terials and the construction of and build­
Ring gas. There are hopes now
A. E. Moore and N. Snodgrass are ing a new court house and jail at the
Utiinate recovery, ;
putting up a large dryer; capacity, one town of McMinnville, in said Yamhill
county, according to the plans and speci­
Llandreth, who murdered his hundred bushels of prunes per day.
P rohibitionist .
fications submitted by Geo. W. Babcock
|gbter at Independence last win-
to said county court, and the said county
b hanged at Dallas last Friday,
Brace Up.
court there and then awarded said con­
bention was successful, the rope
You are feeling depressed, your appetite is
be same as that used to hang poor, you are bothered with headache, you are tract to the said Pauly Jail Building and
Manufacturing Company, and entered in­
Ihereon the 11th of November
ddgetty, nervous, on-iigaaenilly all out of sorts,
to said contract and agreed to pay to said
and want to brace up. »Brace np, but not with
company the sum of $45,000 for said
Haggie Stott, daughter of Field- stimulants, spring medicines, or bittars, which building fully completed, but the special
have for their basis very cheap, had whisky
I, died at North Yamhill July 8,
and which stimulate you for an honr, and then terms and conditions of said contract the
W about 17 years. Death came leave yon In worse condition than before. plaintiff is unable to state for the reason
Uden and resulted from taking What you want is an alterative that will purify that said contract is kept secret in the
the McMinnville celebration, your blood, start healthy action of liver and hands of said county judge and county
land friends have the sympathy kidiie. a, restore your vitality, and give renewed commissioners and that they refuse to
health and strength.. Koch a medicine yon will
Rre community.
find in Electric Bitters, and only 60 cents a permit the plaintiff to see or inspect the
bottle at J. M. Kelty’s drug store.
same, although the plaintiff has often de­
tackles'« Arnica Salve.
B urned .—Yesterday morning ^ibout 3 manded an inspection of the same, and
I salve in tbn world for cut«, brakes' o’clock the Barnekoff warehouse on the the plaintiff states that the only record of
F*. salt rheum, fever sores, tetter. narrow gauge at McMinnville crossing, said contract made by said county court
Rods, chilblains, oorns, end all skin
was burned to the ground. Alexander that he has been permitted to see or in­
l*“d positively cores pile», or no pay
spect is in the wordsand figures following,
lit is gusranleed to give perfect sat- 4 Beno, of Dayton, lost about sixty cords
to-wit: “May 10, 1888. In the matter
f aswey re funded. Price 25 cents of wood adjoining. Further particulars
of the adoption of plans and award­
Pwule by J. M. Kelly.
I; are unknown.
ing the contract for the construc­ biMy and debt off $45,000, against said
tion of a court house at McMinnville. On county in violation of the constitution of
thia day the matter coming up for con­ the state of Oregon and the laws thereof.
sideration and it appearing to the court
And plaintiff alleges that said Domin­
that the plans and specifications for a ico Canuto entered into a contract with
new court house to be built at McMinn­ the said Pauly Jail Building and Manu­
ville, in Yamhill countv, Oregon, have facturing Company by the terms and
been submitted by various parties and tet,or of which the said Canuto has un­
that said plans were accompanied with dertaken and agreed to furnish the ma­
bids for the construction of the building terials, construct and erect a stone and
to be built, and that all the plans and brick foundation for said court house up­
bids so submitted have been duly consid­ on the property of said Yamhill county,
ered by the court.—that they were duly in the said
aid trevn of McMinnville, and
submitted pursuant to notice heretofore that said' Caimto is a mechanic anti stone-
duly given and published, and it appear­ mason by y tiaqe
and a material man, and
ing Hurt the plan submitted by Gsov W. has already commenced work upon the
Babcock (architect) is best adapted to foundation of said court house, and has
the requirements of this county and that erected a part thereof and laid the com­
the Pauly Jail Building and Manufactur­ er stone and provided materials therefor, .
ing Company have offered and agreed to and he is now proceeding with the work
furnish and construct said building in ac­ at a rapid speed and will soon have the
cordance with' the said plan and specifi­ said foundation completed so as to en­
cations submitted by Geo. W. Babcock title him to file a lien upon said building
for the sum of $45,000. It is therefore and the ground upon which the same is
ordered by the court that the Baid plan erected for bis work and materials, and
and specifications of Geo. W. Babcock be unless he is restrained said property will
and the same are hereby accepted and be encumbered with said lien; and that
adopted and the contract for the construc­ Baid .Canuto threatens and intends to
tion of the said building be awarded to complete, said foundation as soon as pos­
the Pauly Jail Building and Manufactur­ sible ; and plaintiff avers that he has not
ing Company, and that they be required a plain, adequate and complete remedy
to furnish a good and sufficient bond to at law.
this county in the sum of $40,000 for the
Wherefore the plaintiff prays that said
defendants, their agents and servants
faithful performance of the contract.
and contractors, who pretend to derive
L. L ovghary , County Judge,
J. 8. H ibbs County Commissioner.”
their authority from said defendants, or
And plaintiff alleges that under and by either of them, may be temporarily re­
virtue of said pretehded contract the said strained and enjoined from further pro­
defendant, the Pauly Jail Building and ceeding with the work, construction or
Manufacturing Company, has entered erection of said building or any part
upon the performance of said contract thereof, and that said defendants, each
and has taken possession of a certain and all of them, may be enjoined or re­
tract of land, in said town of McMinn­ strained from issuing any order or war­
ville, owned Hy said county of Yamhill, rant authorizing or directing the pay­
and has commenced the laying of the ment of any money to the said Pauly
foundation of said building upon the Jail Building and Manufacturing Com­
same and has bought materials for said pany or its assigns, and that said county
building, and that said company is still clerk and county treasurer of said county
proceeding with the work and that said be restrained from signing or issuing or
comjfeny threatens and declares its in­ paying any-such order or warrant drawn
tention to complete the said building as or issued in favor of said company for
in said contract stipulated and agreed so the payment upon said contract, and that
as to entitle the said company to the said said treasurer be enjoined from paying
payment of the said sum of $45,000, and any money upon Baid contract to said
plaintiff avers .that he believes that said company or its assigns, either upon an
sum of $45,000 will, under Baid contract, order, warrant or otherwise, and that up­
become due some time in the fall of 1888, on a final hearing that Baid injunction
and that the said county court threatens may be made perpetual and .that said
and intends to order and direct the said contract may be decreed to be cancelled,
county clerk to issue an order or warrant and for such other and further relief as
in favor of said company for the said sbm equity and good conscience mav seem to
of $45,000 as payment upon said contract require, and for costs and disbursements
price in a very short time, and that said herein .aid out and expended.
C aples & M ulkey ,
clerk threatens to issue and sign the
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
same and that the said treasurer threat­
ens to pay the Baid warrant to said com­
pany when the same is presented, and
that unless said defendants are enjojned
Mrs. Nettie McLaughlin, sister of
and restrained they will do and perform
Dr. J. F. Calbreath, of McMinnville,
said acts in violation of. law. And
plaintiff alleges that in pursuance of sec­ and mother of Ralph and Roy
tion six of the said act of the legislature Brown, the latter of whom was
passed on the 15th day of February 1887, drowned here two years ago, died
the county court of said county in the very suddenly at her home, in Har­
year 1887 levied and collected in gold
ney valley, June 27, 1888, aged 37
coin a two mill tax, amounting to the
sum of about $8,000, Upon the taxable years. She was entirely alone at
property within the limits of said Yam­ the time. Her youngest son, aged
hill county,, and that said sum of $8,000 about 15, went down the creek a
is now in the hands of the said treasurer ehort distance for his pony; when
of said county and that plaintiff is inter­
he returned she was lying in the
ested in said tax of $8,000 to the extent
of the tax collected from his property, yard, about forty steps from the
He carried her in and
and plaintiff alleges tliat said county door, dead.
court threatens aud intends to levy and laid her on the bed and mounting
collect further taxes each year upon the his pony, ran for assistance.
taxable property ift Baid county until the
husband was on his road home with
full sum of $45,000 is raised, and that
said defeudants threaten and intend to a load of lumber, and Ralph was
apply Baid taxes so levied and collected about thirty-five miles away herdipg
and to be levied and collected upon the sheep. There was a slight bruise
payment ot the contract price of said on her temple where she struck
building; and plaintiff alleges that under when Bhe fell. Rheumatism of the
and by the terms and tenor of said con­
tract the said couqty of Yamhill has cre­ heart is supposed to have caused her
ated and incurred a debt and liability sudden death. Her death casts a
which singly and in the aggregate ex­ gloom over the community for miles
ceeds the sum of $5,000, for the purpose around.
of erecting and building a court house
and not for the purpose of suppressing
insun ection or repelling an invasion. views of tbo laying of the comer stone.
That unless the debts are restrained the Parties who wish one can get it by calling
plaintiff will be put to the necessity of at his gallery, in McMinnville.
maintaining a multiplicity of actions to
■, -A.i’i’ZjEToasrs’
recover back the taxes so, wrongfully
levied and collected from him. And
plaintiff alleges that the levy of said tax­
es upon said property casts a cloud upon
the title of his property in said county
and the illegality of said levy of taxes is
not apparent upon the proceedings con­
stituting the levy and assessment of Containing Over Twenty Thou­
taxes. And plaintiff avers that unless
sand Article» on Promin­
ent People.
the defendants are restrained and en­
joined in the premises they will carry
This standard wort is the only National
out and execute and perform said con­
Cyclopedia of Biography in thi* country,
tract for and on behalf of Baid county of and is worthy to rank with the neat na­
Yamhill and will thereby involve the tional works of its kind in the 013 World,
said county in a debt and liability of $45,- now being published in England, Ger­
000 and will involve the plaintiff in a many, ana Belgium.
No name eminent in literature, art,
multiplicity of suits and actions and will music, science or invention will be omitt­
do the plaintiff irreparable injury; and ed.
plaintiff alleges that said contract made
Sold only by subscription.
by said county court with the defendant,
the Pauly Jail Building and Manufactur­
ing Company is invalid and creates a lia- 14-
Soliciting Agent.
Cyclopaedia of American