The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, July 13, 1888, Image 2

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1 ■ - ------- —------ *~i—
The Oregon Register.
Reliable Quotati-,, (.
A telephone is being constructed be­
A little oilmeal fed judiciously will
tween Farmington and Belmont, W.T. save carding and elbow grease.
Deacon Isaac Bronson, of Pokeville,
It take» ten minutes for a train to 1
A cow is a thill.
You can’t give
Conn., murdered his wife with an ax.
T he South African diamond field­ and cut h<* own throat wi ll a razor. pars the Ca-'cade tunnel.
poor hay and poor silage and justly
P.bmeo City, W. T., is putting in an 1 expect her to produce good milk and
last year yielded gem- amounting to The motive is unknown.
3.M6399 carats and valued at over
As the result -of a boyish quarrel, i »8,000 system of water works.
A new Episcopal ciftirch is to he
'_________ ___
All low and wet places should be
Horatio Hatfield, aged 12 years, -hot
- '"f ■ '
and fatally wouuded Thomae J. Allen, built at Tacoma, W. T„ to cost $5,000. drained. A few rode of drain tile will
I t is now an imperial regulation in I aged 10.
A fire at Aberdeen, Chehalis county. . prevent slush and mud around the
Brazil that perrons who die from yel­
Sheriff John Riins and hi» son weie W. T„ drstroyed a portion of the busi­ ■ house.
In no way can a farmer with lees
low fever shall be cremated, the Stale killed at Jackson, Tex., by W. W.Ter­ ness part of rhe town.
Au old family feud wan the
Iron deposits which bid fair to be­ trouble enrich a poor field with scanty
bearing the expense.
vau»e of th» figbu Terrell was shot in come valuable properties, have been i herbage than bv feeding sheep on it.
three places.
discovered on Hood’s canal,
near ' So affirms an English sheep farmer.
Q ueen V ictoria is an autograph
If a solution"bf London purple is
Prentice" and
Patrick Lake Cushman, W. T.
collector, and she has recently added
Rooney were instantly killed, and
Puget sound fir for fine car work is i u-ed for spraying orchard trees, you
to her American department an auto­ Henry Mdlbach was seriously injnred replacing the higher priced walnut may know it has be> n applied too
at’Wellsville, N. Y., by the premature ana the Louisiana ash as well is West . strong if yellow blotches appear on
graph of Andrew Jackson.
explosion of a dynamite cartridge.
the leaves; later, the whole tree turns
India mahogany.
B erry , the Eugliah hangman, has
Fire at Fort Apache, A T., destroyed
Erasing Hankins, of Florence, Cal., yellow and assumes an autumnal apt1
executed 113 persons up to the pres- , the entire quartermas’er and commie­ gave himself up, saying he ;iad sh"t ■ pearance.
ent time, eixteen of them hiving been wary supplies. TbeestimaUd loss to and killed Win. Everson in a dispute i
The winds in the spring shake the
in Ireland and two in Scotland.
I ?h!S3^n‘OB‘’ lncludlug bulM‘D«i> over 50 cents.
young tree's and thereby damage them
The jury in the case of John George ■ to a certain extent, but this can be
T he average Uma cd3,QQ0 New \prk i Jbe iLeiiC*“ —dí.pO.t_>a,¡í ?? ¡char7ed ’with'th7murder<if_ Valentine . partially avoided by cultir.s lack the
adjoining building in Paso del Norte, I jf ’Donald7at ¿’ne Treo i-land, Cal., young trees as much as possible be­
business men at their down town ^^ b~urne<J(
<bout L______
The peach
1 Texas, burned, also about seventy brougilt j„ a ve[dict of manslaughter. fore putting them in.
lunchons is eight rhinutes. This is a ;
care. A large amount oi In-iitht
tree will thrive better if cut back and
Henry Wattler, a well known florist
matter of record in a leading restau 1 burned. The estimated lo.-a is $200, of *8»n Francisco, committed suicidq also become more ‘’stocky.”
Watermelon hills may be prepared,.
rant. -
in bis bedroom.
He cut hie throat
George Wilson, wife murderer, wus from ear to ear with a razor.
The Lty off the rows ten feet -.apart each
W illiam H. S eward commenced hanged in the rail at Albion, N. Y. He cause is unknown.
way, and at each intersection dig a
hole two feet deep.
At the bottom
the practice of law at twenty-one, at strangled his wife in t-ed, owing to.
M. F. Gillmore, a teamvter, and a G.
• *
. of e a cv.
itlimai irina crrriarinrr
place a few chips, than manure.
thirty-one was president
growing nut
out nF
oi 11i«t
his ss-
A. R. veteran of the 149th Indiina.
Next make a hill three feet square,
, . ... .
- BociatiQAi with pretty 16-year-uld Latira
was thrown from his wagon and killed
convention, and at thirty-seven Gov- , Thompson,
and work plenty of manure into the
ernor of New Y >rk.
Wallace Mitchell, the murderer, wi.n A passing train blew its whistle, fright­ soil.
Plant beet, earrot and parsnip seed
was brought back from I'ri idad, Col., ening the team.
A GBANbNtECE of Keats, Miss Elena ro Syracuse» Kas., charged with the
early, so as not only to get she id of
Blockman, who has
ha» attained consider-1
consider- i murder of a boy named Johuson and
the grass but to give plenty of time
tally destroyed by fire. Antone Wur-
for growth. The most important mat­
able distinction as a painter, is at work the wounding of his father June 9th,
dinger and F. Greaber, parties who
ter with such crops is to have a per­
in Madrid upon a life sized portrait of w,“8 uke" frora the sheriff by a body
fectly fine, rich, clean seed-bed, anil to
; of urmoif
armed moti
men unrl
and l.vnnhAii.
leased, have been arrested on a charge
the Queen* Regent aud the infant
A colored man named George of arson in Setting the hotel on fire. use plenty of seed. The seed is slow
in germinating, and often fail to sprout
1 Deane, his three little children, and an- The total loss will be about $12,000,
st all.
¡other child, Anna Godfrey, ««
ate break-
‘ B enjamin L. H ume , a native of
Gus Gounet was handling a pistol
' fast, and soon afterward all wvretak. n
A dairy expert suggests that the
ginia, who was Stonewall Jackson’s y'ioientlv sicli.
Two of the children at Sacramento. Cal., when the weapon
___ 2,
Two of the children
proDer way to dry off a cow as the end
g.uide during the Utii war, is now liv- died. Deans and his other child are
of her milking season approaches is
Sam Moutin in the right temple and
ing on a farm near Madison, Go.
He ' in a critical condition.
The Godfrey
not to gradually cease milking her,
entering his brain.
Gounet surrend
is a Methodist minister, now on theTchild will recover.
but to keep on milking the spow just
ered himself at the station house- -but
as you had been, but stop her food;
retired l'st
I By ■ .the
t*le J burning
3urQ’n8 of
or a small frame wag
was released
released on giving bonds in the
-- not starve hei*dowtt, but give her the
.houw On Edwards street, occupied by i8Om of $10,00&.
kind of food that makes more flesh
A philanthropist in London has • Mr. Burmeister and family in 8t. Paul,
A 7 year-old daughter of W. L. than milk and give her only a little of
Feather, of Colfax, W. T., in the ab­ it, just enough to keep her in good
poor printers, tai.ors, shoemakers aijd l;Bl f.rum Chippewa, Wis., were suffo sence of its mother, took the coal oi) condition.
T. M. Winslow, of the Ayrshire
seamstresses can have"their eyes tried, • cated to death. Bu'meister and three can and proceeded to pour its contents
into the stove, causing an explosion Breeders’ Association, being asked
and obtain spectacles for little or noth- younger children had a narrow escapu.
, ‘and scattering the oil over her clothes.
steam pleasure yacht wi)ich soon wrapped liqr in a sheet ol what is the average yield of Ayrshire
■ _ The small
—--------- —■----------- -
Enia was 1
’in, _
a mile south of .—
1000 record- for’a y ear y leid,
T he body of Emil A. Knoster.form- ■ W. Baldwin,
agony for ten hours, and then-expired and he finds that for cows and heifers
eriyof Pack, was cremated at Fresh | burgh. N. Y. There were eight per-
A tire broke out in the br.iss works the geneial is 6,525 pounds of milk
' sone in the -mall boat, and two of
Pond. L. I., recently, making the I89lh
----- ..r
. ..
of J. Roylance,
at • San __ Francisco.
for the year, and of rqanure cows
| I 11142111,
them, lU
Annie aUllltJI,
Miller, miU
and VU12
the wife
WII4^ rw. 1
incineration since the opehing of the ,
B<Jnj .min Odell, Jr., were drowfced.
^uddrogs being wooden the 7,000, for a selection of 75 cows he
flimes soon spread and enveloped obtained an average of 9.220 pounds,
The rest of them were rescued by the
Myers’s wood turning establishment, and all of this average he believes was
land the -Columbus Machine-Works, obtained from ordinary treatment,
T he last' public whipping in the
At a ranch near Cheyenne, Mont., ■1 and the brass works of Weld <fc King-
Htateof Rhode Island took place in JohnC..wan was apprehended in the | »”“1 were'XTb^l“ bu^“i^"the I common to all careful dairymen and
: indmty be considered an average of
Providence, July 12, 1827. Two horse act of rifling a fellow cowboy a trunk,
The U)U1 los8 wiu
Ayreshire as a breed at this time.
thieves were^ff^'ged with a cat-o’-nine ant^ he was taken to a corral and was
That there is such a disease of the
* -i l
' about to be hanged, when the foreman
Uils by order of toe court.
interfered and allowed him to esc .pc, i Two boys of H .31. Shaw, sged 7 peach tree as yellows is unfortunately
The enraged cowboys followed |lim 8“d,9 yeitrs, were^oriug wo . n I inti. too well attested.
Still, much that
1 the hitli.A ti.rwl iihA'inrfut. Rftatila ”AV passes for yellows is due to other
S trange as it m ty seem, more peo­ and administered
castigation. Cowan the hou-e and playingTatSeattle;”W.
ple enter Ii issia than come out of it. I half dead, reached Cheyenne and told , T., when the younger bro:her clrn.bed Ci.u es—poverty of soil and winter­
! upon a chair and reached for a re­ killing of the previous year’s growth.
Between 1873 and 1881 the number of his story, but no arrests were made,
volver that was hanging on the wall, In any kind of tree the withering or
emigrants was 8,030,000, and the num­ w.8iiTvRobin?<ia h.s wife andi^k<NrT7Zd^
■lying out of branches will in time af­
ber of immigrants 9,450,000.
The charge
entered fect i's vitality. The apple is a great
walking, at’ Minneapolis, Minnl., and the elder boy ’a head, killing him in­ deal hardier and strongerrtree than
E xperts , it is -aid, now value a per­ afterwards put three bullet» into his stantly.
the peach, but even on this a dead
. ’
own body.
Robinson _had been a
fect ruby of live karats as being ten drunken fellow, and his wile left him ;
Doc. Gutfield and J. N. Scott, paint- limb is, if not speedily removed, soon
Wiess "fell ‘ en‘’8WUnR on 8 pkttform suspended followed by others until the tree dies.
time- more valuable than a diamond about eight months ago.
___ __
was | ■ b/
forty feet from the ground ■ In many cases other causes of peach
of the game weight.
A perfect ruby fatally wounded. Mrs. Robinson was
killed instentlv, while her husband i A rope suddenly broke on the side trees dying are ascribed to yellows;
•eems to be the rarest of all gems.
he not infrequently the cause will be
will probably aie from his suicidal ' where Gulfield
, was at
, work, ■ and
I shots. Mrs. Robinson bore an un-ul- ■ was ..J.'
l’rectpjtated to the
He found near the root in an attack from
T he Emperor Frederick is said, by i
was picked up in an unconscious con- i he borer..
lied reputation.
In two days lawns may often be
London Truth, to be a comparatively !
dilion, badly mutilated and- suffered
On the Pennsylvania & Schuylkill ■ inti-rnal injuries, and hi* amis were greatly improved, by giving a denser
poor man, having been left little under
growth of grass, and by enriching the
Valley’railroad, at Cable City, a freight 1
the will of Emperor William, and has train was shifting cars when a gravel , broken in several ptaces. One arm soil with top-dressing. For enriching
will have to be amputated.
nothing to dispose of by will except train bound for Shamokin, Pa., ran
use tine compost or pulverized - old
about £120,000. The job of Emperor into the rear end of it and ten < ut of i Fire broke out and consumed tl e manure, and if the -oil is known to be
of such a character as to be strongly
is not as lucrative, it seems, as it once eleven laborers who were seated on the
front car of the gravel train were I near Ophir, Cal. Three men were a. bcm tit. d by superphosphate or other
was. '.
-4^7 •
buried-m the wreck. When assistance -I work .on a drift 100 feet from the snr special fertilizer, mix them with the
arrived, six dead men, horribly man­ face. The fire from the timbers of the manure. First, and early in spring,
I t is seldom that three Empresses
The men loosen the eoil with a steel rake or
gled, were taken out, and four others, shaft was extinguished.
meet each other at the same time. badly injured. It is not believed they were found dead near the mouth o'
sharp, tine harrow ; then -pread evenly
Their name» are James the top-dressing, and rake it thor­
That unusual sight was seen in Berlin can live. The victims are all Hunger- the drift.
Iu oughly: then sow grass seed heavily,
recently. Stranger still was the fact ! ians, and their names are yet unknown. Reardon and Joseph Hawkins.
the attempt to rescue the men, An- and lightly rgke it in. A roller passed
that they were mother, daughter and
It is reported from the flooded dis­ 1 drew Larson also lost his life.
ovtr it ^rtlLpiess the earth and seed in
motherin-law. Perhaps a similar oc­ tricts of Mexicq^hat 1,500 lives were
contact and promote free growth. This
currence has never been seen in the
bodies have b-en recovered. ! tractel .by a disturbance in a house of treatment is well adapted to lawns
world’s historv.
Upon his which have become thin of grass, and
Leon is a city of 10,000 inhabitants, ; ill fame at Coliax, W. T.
and a large part of it is in ruins. The [ arrival on the scene, he was met by the harrowing or raking should be of­
A G erman newspaper tells of an Mexican collector of customs at Paso , one of its occupants, Tim Maloney, ten enough repeated to give the sur­
old gypsy fiddler who awoke one night del Norte has received an official dre- , who deliberately commenced firing face a fine pulverization'.
It is stated that Mr. J. C. Jones, the
to find his hut flooded with water, and I patch stating that 100 miles of the | upon the marshal. The marshal re-
who, having’no movable goods except Mexican Central railroad i< impass- ; »ponded with a few shots, one taking noted buffalo breeder, of Kansas, re­
able. It will be ten days before mail­ I effect in Maloney’s right side, the ball cently made a sale of live stock which
an old bed-stead, a stool and a bars
can get through, and twenty days be­ i following a rib and lodgihg in his is out of the usual run of such trans­
viol, seated himself on the latter and fore freight moved.
. backbone. Tne wound is not con- fers. He sold to Mr. Austin Corbin
of New York, whose country resi­
! sidered fatal
paddled to dry land, using one of the
A south-bound train proceeding to
dence is near Babylon, L. I., six head
slats of his bed as an oar.
Mobile, Ala., went through a small
John Vaughan, a dwarf, as a joke, of buffaloes—three bulls and three
bridge at Ten-aw.
John Morgan, en­ ■ poured a glass of beer into the pocket heifers. These are part of Mr. Jones’
J ohn Q utncy A dams ’ body servant gineer, Saul Williams, fireman, aud ' of Luke Curry at San Fraucisco.
herd of tame buffaloes and were cap
while he Was President, was Barney two tramps who were stealing a ride* Curry told him not to repeat the trick lured by him as calves in the Indian
were killed.
Mail Agent Davis was if he did not want to get hit, but the
Nation and Texas. They are destined
Norris, a Virginia negro, who has just
I dangerously hurt.
Four passengers dwarf did not heed the warning. Curry- for Mr. Corbin’s farm on Long Island,
died at Galena, III., at an advanced and the baggage master were slightly
pushed or struck or kicked Vaughin, where a number of native American
age. When ho was a boy he was a I injured.
The engine, baggage car, who fell to the floor. T l * aughan wenT wild animals are to be gathered by
alavein Commodore Stephen Decatur’s mail car, two passenger coaches and to the hospital and died.
«. the
that gentleman.
The price paid for
family, and was present at the duel­ one sleeper were totally wrecked. The morgue Vaughan’s left side and groin these buffaloes has not transpired, but
killed and wounded were taken to Mo­ was found to be bruised and dis­ that the figure was high may be in­
ing ground at Bladensburg when hie
bile. The capse of the accident was a colored. An autopsy showed death to ferred from the fact that on more than
master was killed by Commodore weak bridge undermined by heavy
have resulted from peritonitis, result­ one occasion Mr. Jonqg ha« received
ing from a kick or a blow.
$o00 a head for members of his herd.
barley -Wh-K
ground, per,ton, tjj
HAY—Baled, $15 q ,, _■
8EED—Blue Gnu» i
otby, 9j«10c,; KedCli^B
FLOUR— paU,nt
Country Brand,'$3 75 *¡1
EGGS—Perdoi, 20. I
40c.; pickled, 15{^J
grade, 15@22:.
CHEESE— E mu — .. i
gon, 14® 16c.; CalifOn;i*JI
11 50; cabbige,
persk.,H 25;
onions. $1 00;
90c.@|l; radishes,
rhubarb, per lb., 6c
HONEY—In comb »1
Strained. 5 gal. tins,
POULTRY - Chicka.l
12 00(o)3 00; iluiks,
6 00; geeee, $6 Wasm'l
per lb., I6@'I8e.
per lb.; Eastern, 13g|u*l
breakfast bacon, 124 .2/11
12@13c.; E.isieru laid u!l
lb.; Oregon, 10jc.
’ ’I
@2 50; Sicily lemon« sS
California, $3 5O@5(X)’»J
t6 00; Riverside,
¿ q .J
nean, $4 25.
’ ■
pies, 7jfc. per lb.; m»chiM J
11c; pitless plumr,
prunes, 10®14o.; pelcb«i|
raisins, $2 25@2 50.
WOOL—Valley, 12(816,1
Oregon. 10@14c.
HIDES—Dry beef Ufel
culls, 6@7<-.; kip and «71
Murrain, 10 @12c.; taUl
LU M BE R—Rough, per »1
edged, per M, $12 00;
sheathing, per M,$13 00- J
ing. per M; $18 00; No. 2 J
M,$18 00; No.2nutic.|wM
clear rough, per M, $20 00; 1
8, per M, $22 50; No.113
M, 122 50; No..l ceilmtl
$22 50; No. 1 rustic, iw CT
stepping, per M, »25 00; 1
inches wide, extra, $1 00; J
to 50, extra, $2 00; lennhiB
extra, $4 00; 1j lath, per H
Ij lath, per M, $2 50.
MEAT — Beef, wholmk, fl
dressed, 7c.; sheen, 3|c; ind
hogs, dressed, 7(g7^<i?; red,M
BEAN S—Quote»mall »hi J
pinks, $2j; bayon,Jj; buj
Limas, $3 00 peociuisl. -jl
COFFEE—Quote BtlndJ
Costa Rica, 18@20c.; Rn/i
Java, 25|c.; Arbuckle'»’» nJ
SALT— Liverpool frrisl
quoted $18, $19 and$20lord
sizes; stock salt, $10.
PI C K LE 8—Keg» quoted ■
$1 35.
SUGAR—Prices for bunk J
C.5§c.; extra C.Ojc.; dry J
6jc.; crushed, fine crushed.«
powdered, 7|c.; extraC,
and boxes,
Reports from the Smjn
N. M., slate that some oftf
members of that Indiin triiw
coming turbulent. IkeW.i
prospector has airived >t Ga
gives information tint he««
by Indians, ambushed, vtosi
weie bows and armwi M
j^net rated his »hculJtr bbdj
caped from them, making ■
Piochete’a place, a frieoin
who guided him through
Piochete claims that the 1M
attacked Stevens were fl
States scouts employed is W
At Haslett. Cal, Jamal
hud some difficulty vid M
l iborer, and knocked his j
Sullivan then went to
miles distant, saying he ntwl
thing for protection, and PR
pistol. He leturned to M
vjrith a pistol in each band,*
a man named Sherlock J
menced talking.
away, when Sullivan &■**
him in the leg. He thee J
the Chinese, and shot CW
Moan in the forehead, the W
ing out behind the left •]
death in a few honrw.
Gov. Pennoyer b»s »PF”
following notaries public:
Portland; Anton
ville; 8. J. Day J«M*R
Cox, Echo; 8. F.
ville; C. H. Canfield, Orel:
R. R. Murphy, Portland I
East Portland ; R. C. w*"*
copia; J. R- Hedgin’, A
art 8. Denning, CanyonW