M'W TU.U4V Tlxô Oregon iSeg-ièter Lafayette Shoe Store! We Are Coming. F rank S. H arding , I’ i hi . i .- hkk . Ar»* now receiving tlieir Spring good! in Ladins, Mi*««'», jnd Children'« Shneeaild slipper« It carries the lievi Eitting Goods t , FRIDAY, JULY-U, l»MtL A Chance to Get Good Photographs will Soon Ee Yours. ------------------------------------- -—r FKEE WHISKEY. We,'the undersigned, will bb in Lafay­ The Chicago Tribune, the leading ette, on or about July 9th. to remain a short time. ,U1 are cprdi. lly invited to republican paper of the northwest, call and examine our work, prices, etc. ju>t re*v^iud,' and wo intend that,our. Gwti; VoiTO'a¡hn^rwran-M- - journed thez Tribune quoted tepart Can ■ - ------------- Whi c h Unuw ufltore d to thc T eafég ■' patronk shall pnly pay for what'they re­ king in boots and shoes that you want: an« of the plank and conuncnted on it ceive and nomore. Yours truly, nncea a* low ua v«»n are paying f r poor cheap FRITZ & CROSLEY, ■_*. gooda'tbal vott have to throw away before yon as follows: cet them wtUl.broke to your foot. It is the be«t^ -r— , Forest Grove, Or. Place If there should still remain a lar­ At l’riecH that defy Ço|upctitiun . -. ger revenue than is requbiite'for the wants of the govcrnmeiit, we favor Dress Goods, Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, and ft the entire repeal of internal taxes in Yamhill County.r»------ (whiskey and tobacco), rather than, EUGENE CITY. Complete Stock of General Merchandise, of Harris & II the surrender ôf any part of our pro­ Every Description, in Yamhill Co. tective system at the joint beheàt of Next session, bezins on Monday the the whiskey trusts and the agents 17th of September^ 1883s_ I-XarcX-ware cf all Kinds kept in. of foreign manufacturers. Free scholarships from every county in It is hard to. believeTfiat the con­ tlm state. Apply to your County Super­ Highest prices Paid for Farm Produce of all vention intended to repudiate the intendent. We reiqiectfully invite all to come and examine our goods atul jX i pledge in the platform of 1884 and BOUB covbses : before purchasing elsewhere to substitute a demand for free whis­ Classical, Scientific, Literary, and a Al HO key. Can the party leaders venture short English Course in which there is H. W. Sil ho Latin, Greet, French orOsnniitt. to go before tiie people with snch a platform and- hope that the fearful i 1 The English is pre-eminently a Business M c MINNVILLE national bank . FirstNationai: blunder committed by the framers Course. ——or m ’ mixx vn.Li, <, M’MINNVH.LEr OKEiliiX. of the platform will be overlooked For catalogues cr other information, * • / * JACOB WOIiT^IAN, J. W. JOHNSON, Transacts a Getosral Dunking BnsineM. FL P. UNGERMAN, or excused? Certainly the demo­ address l’r sklent. K. P. BIRD. Vjct crats will not ignore it. If the blun­ H TAS JUST RKCE1VEP A LARGE AND President........................... *L W. COWLS •Iso. WORTMAN ...... . U 11 ' »< Ikelyctfil stock ul Siov>s »nil T111- Vwe Presiiont....... . . .LEK LAC c MILIN der is not. corrected before adjonrn- Notice of Atpidiitinent of Ad« vuic , nm| |>ri»p,,Bi’s to soil cih' ap-r than any Tranaiii-r« a general H»«kh, x ni*isf?htoi*b ♦ house 111 «he eonntv. Everything kept on hand, Ciller........................... .CLARK P.RAL-Y posits received subp’M to cheek nient every democratic procession end repairing done satisfaelorly. and w ithout exeh.urre 1 leg tr exchH- ’ ^e oh Portland, San Franci.co Notice ( h hereby given that L. F. Hall hag .delay. this fall will carry banners stigma­ been i in k, Him 1- iaiici«»u aud port,^?r and New York.' , appoiu e»i by lhe county c.Hnt of J Ulin 24.lv. »™«H Sept. 29, t-f. Anter, at albrjuM on than depogits. tizing the republican party as a free Ya mi. ill County . (ki COD, n tlii.-'nndrr.-i-jied. at i/iM n ?i ience. sugar. There is no precedent for near Xewbi-rg, Oiegun, within six montba fruu^. F U R N m the dale here >f. recalling and amending a platform Dated this Lth day of July 18^8. — DEALER IN — STOÄE ! 4 -5 . . L. F. H ALL. after its adoption and prOmulgRtion, AdminittraUir o sa:u est *te. I. WESTEHFIEU), I EN.ON 4k i I N QN, , ' but it ought toTie done in “this in-~ Attorneys for estate. Vie keep constantly on henil stance. A precedent should be Notice l'or ¡’iel«Ue»4ti«««.----- • Z-i&rgro, Stoclz ex /node. The comniitfce on reAMu- " Antique Brriroonmef, tions ought to report an amendment L and O ffice at O regon C ity Vi’aliMit Center tabla, Oregon, June 2. __ Wall Erse to make final proof in support, ot Itis claim, _ Pear to the Feminine-heart, and that before final adjournment the aud that said pr'.of will be mad« b»‘f<.re the OF!! NEVER!! Ofrti! 'O‘ s clerk of Tillamook- county, Oregon, at convention shill! Tecall and correct county zr TiH&j&no^. Oregon, on Wednesday. August, To uian, woman or child can be procured 1st, ls8s, viz: the blunden in question. Cenera! Merchandi Is the Place Carlton and vicinity University of Oregon To go for Foot wear J. Mattey Men’s, Ooys’ and Youths’ CLOTHING Notice. John K. Lester, Preemption D. S. No- 5,553, for the n w j of n w 4. section 18, s A of 8 w j, and s w of s e L eeution 7, t 1 «*, r 'nv. He namestlm following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: T .Williams and J. M Davidson, of Kil?his Oregon, and L’«G Freeman and W G KeNo, ot Tillamook1, Oregon. W. T. EURNF.Y: - 45-dt Register. Harrison-lind Morton are relatives and are both related to the English nobility. t Harrison’s Chinese record is nqt easily explained away as the re­ publicans expected. > Purchase Anything •—IN— Drug or N gííoh Line TUX'YOU HAVE CALED ON MOORE BROTHERS, Zui‘vex37- Ststlole. bo We try to act square, good people don’t I an* prepared to give good accom odation on stare, nor think that we care that compet­ short noticp, to persons wish.ng itors blare. We treat the world fair and teams or convexance. carry an air of conviction, you'll swear, < barges lleaAOLable. | KT"’Mi hack» c.-nneets with the daily «trains whyn you visit ; to carry Passenger.- t^o anti Tom the depot, us wiiere our store shows tiie rare,richest bar­ THE gains to spare. Our goods al­ ways fresh, all pure, and all the best our profits I are bare: .■ e al­ ways will dare, RY cur stock 4 o com- pare with all who dispair of trying to bear a Beauiiiullj Illustrated. 25 cis., $3 a Year. candle in air to ITS S(OrE.-TnK AMERICAN MAGAZINE compete with sives ,«r> t r nc- to t atioua! topics and «canes, and the fair, honest ha liUrata «» nnd art aro ______ Of Ilf . T- k FIX bottle*, ' . liti iti t ibpnm th*-! f i*-n' years*« IMFO^TANT • \amt>rr,STl th and Wte llluairefi-d I*ri*m«ain 1.1st, nnd Spec In I In. ta e Hina . ist, Ballville. | _____ uui.dm^ d¥c^m rn|wAln < >nli nr Vnliiuble I’remlumi rflüo ih lus-: •‘Tire bes wiling -nr-dìcrtre F -trWHK "L.-t: wm »»«* •»*«♦1 hr receipt •/ If thio paper la mentioned. U h *e ever handled i i my (went \-ar-’ exper­ ience in r ectric I it tedi ” I1 oiisitiids of other-» irjy Tte«j»on«î*»)r nnh-rrfpflon«. Write ut •ace f«»r «xclualve uirruery. is Q«V»it4u>»n t .at I- ieçiri iit.ra do cure all b JitMftsM o1 th; ivrfr. Vic e ór bloçu. Uni y a ! I3L ANSIICÜT XASAZIîra co„ ha F a d lar olile ¡Ç J. M. Rett - d-ng l.ore. . 2 j 749 Broadway, Now York. I THE SQUARE! this Magazine is The Verdict Unanimous. l ■Í. The Register ,T OB AN» S isa warrant in itself oí Fair Treatlueut and Square Dealiii;;-. Our ^nrincr ^tnr-L- Ii,nowin !U‘J we wpl 11 Ijj ulUulV invite intending pur­ chasers to give us avail and Cpndtmn exumine our goods' ,t prices. FlUiJL'uij ex- b.m-.v. .'or goods, for Which we kill payJill,the mask^t will justify. • - Oregon. Oregon. J. J. lleinbree, Proprietor. LIST OF LEITERS At Bedrock Prices, Undertaker’s Andiill fr ni One k'iri i, whose name Lafayette, Newberg The Knighls of Labor can’t go Harrison ami Morton. Too much kidglove aristocracy, they say. ‘ F O F FI c E. HFamn. for Salé- GOCES ALWAYS IN STOCK. Lafayet EÈED AND SALE 8 T. B NELSOM Pro, I jnn prepared to fumid Acres of good land abotft CARRIAGEH. fiAODLC UORSW, two niilcH northwest from Dundee, in Yamhill coun­ and everything in the L’vtryhireh ty, on the 1*. & W. V. R. andon short notice. R. All under fence, Meli Transient stock hjft with mewllii wateftTd. Said tract can care and attention. j be divided into two farms of 4SO acres best of Good and care ltd drivers«®? in one and 350 in the other; will sellei- I3 ill finTEKMS: $1.0 per acre.1 One-third do\n, and lgdanue on time to suit the purchaser, secured by a mortgage on the land; said balance to bear^ per cent interest. For fmllier particulars en­ quire of 3X7". Xa. ISreicl.sILa’w, , ~ Lafayette, Or. ---------------------- -yr , i8S9 1887 J. M. Kelty, L Fayette - - Ojrn. .......... Dealer in........... DRUGS, MEDICINE? AND CHEMICALS. PERFUMERY. ToSquirrils andGc Soap.8, Combs and Brunherf, Trusses, Suppor­ Wr make a specialty i t printing Bill Heads. ters. Shoulder Braces Fancy and Toilet Articles Made by a new prone««, L'-'t ir _Hovl« Sr itement«, Receipts, cf nil ILokt! and Stationary, Clock and VVathea, eatiafaerinu. Every kinds, liai Invitation«. Programmes, llnslneai tintctTa n) kind* of Work done in a tiret- less oilice. GOODS \VARhBNTE9 AS REPRESENTED I reference to green Jr*L.| tff TRIAL Viil'r.ti* cai’s sold last year« AU y«*r er for it, ami tatce other THIS P⮫WS» Advertise RatS arXwJfible.¡ Subscribe for the N. W. AYE3 4t SO!9aour aùthoriied«¿enta.