The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, June 29, 1888, Image 7

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Pullman, 111*, fc to have an alaotrla bah
ailroad fiva mi lea long.
The direct action of steam at 312 daga. is
uffleiant to destroy all germa in from five to
Ifteeu minutea The efficacy of heated dry
ur is uncertain.
Th« Ureal Metho* Paroaa* la Making
coward. In all his life bo could scarcely
Waste Mik has been shown to bo the most
canoes af Hie A mm IMI m wish Abra­
U«a “Cumm.rslal TreV—Adalteretloa
. Bahr
’ have had any esnsatiou to oompare with that
ham Uaealw—At the riant hitting—A
•T Taa la the Frodnelag CeuaUSae.
G*mbler-*Ml of hearing the ping of th« first bullet of an
pipes. The price is high, but ths demand is
Wasters Photographer's Kxperloaoe.
apirooi bing fight
* Tea Taatlag Me« lajurlaes.
very great.
There to a spiteful sound as tbs ball sings
The largest known flower is the R&flleeia, a ' “la examining tea.” said Mr. Jt Judson
Tbe story of Mr. Lincoln’s sitting for bis
-.Mar a W»l> *trw*
11 * by tho ear, or a spitting sound as it cute a
* *ÍLmlstion when it is indulged twig above tbe soldier’s bead.
bust to Mr. Volk to told with minute exact­ satire of Sumatra. It measures three feet in Pierson, the examiner of ten for the port of
weighs fifteen pounds and has a
relatives. He lives by
New York, “wo seldom reaort to tho obemi-
Then there ' to a disagreeable searching ness in a iiiuuuscrlpt "Memoir" which the
‘bidden to ell who are dependent sound as the shell comes in spirals, az If to sculptor has prepared, but not completed as salyx holding six quarts. Tho odor is offen- oal analysis The usual method to what to
“’isnrve him. The other day a twist Itself into Uto vitals. --No man knows to other matters, and from which Tbs Trib­ live.
known an tb« 'commercial test,’ which con­
Railways are said to consume more than :
r’ ,, . junior partner in on. of th. until he has once been . under fire whether bo une is permitted to make extracts
T L-i, Wall
became sun can depend u;«>n himself or not. With the Volk saw that Lincoln was one of the attor­ half tbe world’s production of iron, the car , sists of pouring a given quantity of boiling
'rrT,,« of tbe office boys was majority it at ouoe becomes a struggle be­ neys in a sand bar case tn tbe United States wheals required in the United States atone water upon s given quantity of the leaves ot
tho tea; the character and quality of tbe tea
ti ¿te Wall street foika polltely tween pride, will, a natural desire to stand court and found him there, his feet on tbs taking more than 2,000,000 tone
Is then determined by tbe otior ami flavor ot
Li£*He liked the boy, and thinks
Mr. Magnus Volk has applied electricity to ' tho infusion, appearance ot tho loaves, etc.
up and be a man, and a natural temptation odge of a table, one of bis fingers thrust into
his mouth, and bis long, dark hair standing propel a dog cart. Tbe current is provided
Ttb. brightast la«!« that heaver to flinch.
(Juestlona of tbe presence ot spuruxis sub­
i «m dauumined to make an effort
There is a wonderful readjustment of tbe at all angles af if unkempt for a week. He by sixteen accumulators capable of keeping i stance, exhausted leaves, etc.,
' "
bnaking the rule against trad- standing of officers and men In a command was surrounded by the late Thomas Hoy ns, up a supply for six hours. The cart travels ( by chemical aualysto, a valuable aid to tbe
.,rn him that if any other after the first tight. A number who have the late Isaac N. Arnold, and James F. Joy. nine miles an hour on asphalt.
Lile firm ever caught him at th. been regarded the best men lose tbeir high Mr. Volk recalled tbe psomise Mr. lanooln
About 1.50 colors are uow obtained from
“I. tea testing or testing fajurioueF
U -mild have to lose hto piano. The places In a twinkling, and hero and there bad made two years before in company with coal tar, which have almost entirely sup­
“Not neoemarily ea The ‘expert,’ if pee-
*to expose th. tad, but an some one of whom not ing was expected Douglas to sit for his bust, and bo at ones
planted vegetable and animal dyea Indigo
consented to Ito fulfillment. “I will go at and togwood are the only two of tbe former seesed of a critical taste and healthy olfac­
,, ,u speedily offered. A ctis- steps right up to the front
tories, will determine qualities without pro­
in «hito tbe boy wa» «rriting at
Borne men who wilt face any amount of once to a barber and get my hair cut,” he class considered of much importance.
longed tasting or smelling; an excessive in­
musketry firing can’t stand tbs sound of a said. “Not too short,” protested Mr. Volk.
in this respect doubtless would and
An electro-magnet with a carrying capac­
„„morsaid: “Central pretty livelyF shell; and vice versa. It to a mistake to sup­ The time was April, 1880; tho place ths
does affect the nervous system, it
tae MT dropped his pen and pose that a soldier gets used to “fire” by being highest floor ot the Portland block and no ity of 800 pounds is attached to a crane In may be seriously.”
Despite the oppressive weather the Cleveland Steel worta^ which readily
ivhst is it nowF
exposed in a number Of battles. With each elevator.
“Does uot constant tasting of tea cause a
and the incidental fatigue, Lincoln whs on picks up billets aud other masses of iron with­
iuudmj aud nineteen,” said the cue­ battle he hei-omee more timid.
out tbe aid of any other device. A boy is general dislike tor tbe beverageF
Yet veterans are more to be depended time every mes-uing from 8 to 10, when he thus enabled to do the work of a doxen man.
“It naturally creates a disgust for poor
te broker «a« hi. obance. “What upon than raw troops. This is partly 1» went to court.
stuff called tea, but not entitled to tbe name,
A patent lius I mmju granted in England for of which we get, under the present 'tea law,'
buy St, Billyl" he inquired of the cause they are better disciplined, partly be­
Ho used to run up the stairways two and the manufacture of vinegar from tomatoes. entirely too much; /md at the same lime it
cause they havo gone through similar scenes,
tbs boy had taken time to think of and partly because they are more reliant on three lit a jump. He sat in the low wooden The fruit, when ripe, or nearly so, is reduced | cultivates a taste for the better qualities, of
-jon be was inalaug ho repliedr
armchair which to still In Mr. Volk’s studio, to a pulp and steeped in water for twenty- ' which the average tea consumer knows too
each other and their officers.
iundn«l and flitéon, sir.” He was so
It is true, men wiU in a measure get used and which has been uocupied by Douglas, tour hours. Tbe insulting liquor is drawn off, « little"
« having made a profit of four, points to fire by being long exposed to it, os at William H. Seward, Andrew Johnson, Gen. rngar added, and the whole allowed to fer­
“Does it not result In a fondness for strong
ufe that the word» slipped from hiffi. Vicksburg. There tho Union troops were Dix and Gen. Grant Lincoln was shy and ment.
got you, Billy," mid the broker; under a continued regular fire for montlis. diffident about sitting, and timidly asked
Of eighty-eight sjiesies of weeds described
“Very likely, as both quality and strength
L'lmiisnd quit spwulatiug for as Being for the most ;>an. well protected, tlvy Volk to give him the necessary directions by Mr. L. H. Pannnel, of St. Louis, as grow- - are eewntial elementa'eompcaing a good cup
roo remain ■with this house. The soon saw that the shells did comparatively Measurement showed that ho was oae foot ing in. southwestern Wisconsin and south­ of Ctja. Many a good housewife fails in se­
i you’re caught at it you’ll have little damage, and the projectile which taller than Douglas—that is, six feet one eastern Missouri, forty-six .are of European | curing a good cup of tea by not putting
curved in the air to light among them did inch; he weighed 180, but told Volk after­ snd thirty of American origin. One-third of | enough in the pot.”
not excite anything like the trepidation a ward that the subsequent campaign reduced the latter class, and nearly one-fourth of the.
office it was notice«! that all tho simitar fl/st shot would excite out on an open him by forty pounds It was at one of these »ntire list, are composites.
“How do they adulterate tea in tho pro­
in .tho habit, of collecting I
—In other worth*. they became in a
Oil seems to 'wear out by long continued ducing ceuntrissl”
te tioter whdnever their elders were measure accustomed to tbe bomba
made by Mr. Volk, which has served for use, and to lose to some extent its lubricating'
"We have no accurate knowledge upon
Ing over tho ta|>e, and that they
Bravery, as it is usually understood^ is
jualities. It has been suggested as a reason which to base an intelligent reply. The al­
is great deal wliouovor they were largely tlopemtent upou physical conditions, Bt. Gauden’s colossal statue of Lincoln in for this that the minute spherical globules of leged methods are various,-but sufficiently
getter. Ono of tboir employers and is suppowd by some physicians to come Lincoln park. The drying ot the wet plaster which the oil is conceived to be made up be­ well authenticated to repeat.”
ami all before him one day, and, on from the action of tho heart. It is said of on tbe face required about an hour, during come flattened by the wear and pressure, and
“Du they not pack a mixture of good and
mining thorn, disoovered that tho Napoleon I that under the most profound ex­ which Lincoln was both patient an merry. io do uot slide and roll over each other as bad teas in tbe same cbestF
d brightest of tfifnt was running a citement, on the eve of battle, his pulse never It was difficult to remove without injury, the easily as before.
z *
“Wide variations in the quality ot tatvaa
•ketsiiop on his actxniut, with one ran above some forty to fifty beats to tho cheek bones being higher than tbe jaws at
Dr. Otto Witt, a German authority, at­ found in the same ‘chest’ or ’chop* are often
mint as tho standard of value, iu- minute, whereas the average pulse of adults the lobes of the Sara. He bent his head and
This may be the result either of
worked it gently off with his own hands taches some importance to a troublesome silk accident or design. It may and doubtless
fl as on 'change, and had in- is about seventy.
■»pinuer of India—“Gricula trlfenestrata”—
| hit awociates in the fuU mystery
Whether bravery is the result of physical
does occur by plucking the earlier leaves
rambling. They were trading long condition or no, it is oertain that it is much ter carried away with it some of the fine from which au excellent fiber has been ob­ with those that are matured, neglecting to
tained. This silk worm is extraordinarily
rt, and iHiitating, on a microscopio easier for some men to ba brave than others, hair of the temple.
assort properly ths different qualities—per­
I operations of tho customers of tbe and many hold that all meu are cowards at
He sat subsequently as tbe program of the productive, the living being surviving two haps intending to increase the bulk at the
pe taking bulls as tbeir models, and heart. At any rate Frederick the Great once modeling demanded, and after four hours’ generations in one year, and it forms a new expense of the quality.”
tting with the bears. The baby said that a man who has never felt fear has sitting one day walked with Mr. Volk to his md remarkable source of raw material for
“How much tea to confiscatedF
home, where they looked together at photo­ the silk industry.
>op keeper was exacting a tiny pre- never snuffed a candle with bis fingera.
“During my service only one instance of
An approximate idea of tbe amount of confiscation has oSriftred, which consisted of
graph* and sketehee «he artist had brought
> profits and scooping in the losses
from Europe. He grew weary, his heavy manganese uontalhed'iu steel ascer­ a few packages damaged Jjy salt water and
Iaa adult' He was discharged and
Character ot the' Cowboy.
eyelids closed as if sleepy, notwithstanding tained by means of the magnet A magnet
rere niaiie to promise that they would
There is no eight hour taw in cowboy land; that the scenes depicted were of tbe high' st rapable of lifting thirty pbunds of ordinary unfit for use.”
)TB«jrrPH8 again.
“Why do you not drew samples youraelfF
f the shrewdest and quickest boys during round up time we often count our­ historical interest. At last be said, with steel or iron will only lift a few milligrams if
“In exceptional cases 1 do. This duty,
f turned up in Wall street obtained a selves lucky if we get off with much lees than smiling frankness, “Mr. Volk, these things the metal contain W per cent of manganese. however, is assigned to the-‘sampler* specifi­
k German banking house as an office sixteen hours; but the work to done in tbe must be interesting to you. But the truth to So small a quantity as 8 per cent of man­ cally selected (or the purpoee.”
is week less than three years ago. saddle, and tho men are spurred on all tbe I don’t know much about history, and all I* ganese will nearly neutralize the magnetio
“How much tea to rejected each yearF
not get more than S8 or >10 now, time by the desire to outdo one another In do know I learned from law books” In one attraction.
“During my term of service—about three
0 meantime he has grown to be 17 or feats of daring and skillful horsemanship. of his chats with the sculptor be told him be
An Interesting development in photography years—tbe total rejections are shout 23,000
[ old, and has become such a figure There is very little quarreling or fighting; supposed the reason ho could talk longer in is in the use of clockwork in printing from pscksgee, or my about l,250,(W0 pounds.
best way to describe his appearance and though the fun often takes ths form of the open air than Douglas without becoming negatives. By this means a continuous web About hslf of them were subsequently ad­
that he dresses like John Bloodgood, rather rough horse play, yet the practice of hoarse was that his neck was longer and of sensitized paper is drawn at suitable in­ mitted upon re-examination by arbitration
(garments of that leader of fashion “ Currying dangerous wea;s>ns makes cowboys leaner than his rival’s, warming the air be­ tervals under a negative exposed to a source committees, ss provkiad by ‘theact.’*
broker, his clothes are always show far more rough courtesy to each other fore it reached the bronchial tubes “You of light After printing the paper is drawn,
“Do you swallow tbe tea in the proosm of
J chosen with genteel taste, being and far less rudeness to strangers than is the know a chicken will squawk, cackle, and <till by the mechanism, through “washer,” examination F
the costliest materials, cut to fit as case among, for instance, eastern miners, or crow without tiring out, and I suppose it is “toner” and “fixer” successively, and appears W»‘Very rarely, and then in vary «mall quan­
[whatever it fills, and yet never even lumbermen. When a quarrel may very because their necks are long.” Many people finally as a series of finished pictures ready tities,”
1 loud. I^ast Tuesday I met this boy probably result fatally, a man thinks twice who knew that Lincoln was sitting to Mr. tor mounting, and all alike In exposure, color
“How do you know that importers do no*
before going Into it: warlike people or classes Volk called at the studio to see him. “They
H him bow he was getting along,
adulterate after their consignment has been
ticely,” said he, “though I had a bad always treat one another with a certain were chiefly politioal expectants,” said the
released by you or tho customs official. F
artist “Oddly enough, not a newspaper re­
amount of consideration and politenesa
k I dropped SI,300 on wheat”
“OfLctally are have no knowledge. Pre­
The moral tone of a cow camp, indeed, is porter was ever among them. The inter­
MOW OMK or TgpM.
sumably, however, tho importer sells hi* im-
Coffiins were very plain and burial caskets (■ortatlous In tho original packages; and
L questioning brought oiit tbe fact rather high tliau otherwise. Meanness, viewer,” he adds with a smile, “was not so
_______ __
were unknown.
boy had begun, as all others do, by cowardice and dishonesty are not tolerated. alert in those yean.”
adulterations or admixtures which do or may
ckering in bucket shops, based on There is a high regard for truthfulness and
Tombstones had longer epitaphs and more occur would bo traceable, if at all, to tbe re­
■ said or done in the office where be keeping one's word, Intense contempt for any
In the final sitting Lincoln removed his verboas eulogiums inscribed upon them. _ r tailer, or one who breaks up the original
[ By putting tho bucket shop win- kind of hypocrisy, and a hearty dislike coat, waistcoat, and upper underclothing,
Business letters were more voluminous and peril gH*
and combining with another youth for a man who shirks his work. Many and stood without a murmur for an baur or formal and were written in a precise, round
“ What do you do with tho samplssF
n tip or two he had gathered capital ot the men gamble and drink, but more while the sculptor modeled his breast hand.
“After tbe examination of the samples to
b make a regular trade on tbe stock
and shoulders. He dressed again so hastily
The country retail trade was much better, completed they are held subject to tbe order
That had turned out well, and he :s not woi-so than in most IsxlieB composed of as not to complete his toilet, and after de­
of the importers, and if not called for within
n "become a regular gambler on male human beings. A cowboy will not sub­ parture had to return and do it all over as people could not so easily run to the city a reasonable period are turned over to the
___ _____ ;____
Viewing this case in one way, the mit tamely to an Insult, and is very ready to again. He was absent minded. In that re­ by rail.
custody of tho collector, and are sold at pub­
Eggs were a shilling a dozen find butter lic auction tor tbe benefit of the government.
pop was certainly to blame for avenge his own wrongs; nor has be an over­ spect Mr. Volk found him like Douglas On
a gambler of him, but, he got his
one occasion when in Washington with the
The average weight o? each sample does not
pm the legitimate gamblers and is sesses, in fact, few of the emasculated, milk sculptor Douglas bad to go back to his house, pound.
exoeed three ounces, a portion of which to
of them, and as good as any of them and water moralities admired by the pseudo to the senate, and to the bank at different
Much pf the silver currency, flpe, levies consumed in the examination.”—Nev York
n he wins and his employer doesn’t philanthropists; but he does possess to a very times, while endeavoring to reach a station and dollars, was of Mexican and Spanish MAil and Expreaa
high degree, the stern, manly qualities that
L stories that are being told
in- are so valuable to a nation. — Theodore in time to take a train, having forgotten at ooinaga
the one place bis portmanteau, at another
Breakfast of ths lowboy«.
There was York currency, eight shillings
he public against the small quota­ Roosevelt in Tbe Century.
money, and failed at the third to sign to the dollar, and New England currency,
In the morning, the cook to preparing
idler do not stop within any such
checks he had given in payment of *o- six shillings to tbe dollar.
breakfast long before the first glimmer
those narrated. They contain tales
oonnta It was in Lincoln’s home in Taring­
A Plea for College Athletics.
The diet yas more surcharged with grease, of dawn. As soon as it is ready, proba­
ankers and brokers driving about at
Professor Richards makes a new plea for col­ field that the Bunday after bis nomination
bly about 3 o'clock, he utters a long
b to this house aud that and begging lege athletics. He argues that two essentially for tbe presidency Mr. Volk took the casts the winter breakfast usually being made of drawn shout, and all ths sleepers feel it is
arrender checks cashed during that new forces are at work in these days, des­ of his hands Desiring that he should hold salted ham and hot cakes.
Dinner was simply a hasty lunch at noon, time to be up on the instant, for they know
I wayward son who has forged to tined to sap tbe physical strength out Of something in one of them, the nominee fer
k to moet trading losses, and who young men, and thus emasculating charac­ president of tbe United States went to his and little importance was attached to the na- there can be no such thing as dslay on tbe
round up. under penalty of being set afoot
pecóme frightened and confessed to ter. Those influences are concentration of little woodshed, took the saw that was oeesjty for good digestion or a period of rest Accordingly, they bundle out, rubbing their
lather ere the exposure of the next population in cities and tbe increased de­ used in preparing the firewood, and cut after eating.
eyes and yairning, drew on their boots and
k They include tales oi petty thefts mands made by knowledge on brains and off a piece of broom handle, returning
New Orleans «nd muscovado molasses, trousers—if they have taken the latter off—
blerks, and of tho ruining of homes nervm. To show how population is concen­ whittling its end with a knife. While the very black and thin, was the common
roll up and cord their bedding, and usually
I, who have got the fever without trating be gives the following figures: In plaster was drying on tbe hand clasping the sweetening for buckwheat cakes. Refined
without any attempt at washing crowd over
bf to feed it—New York Cor. Bos- Yale in 1857, of every 100 students, 211-5 bit of broomstick Mr. Volk detected on the molasses was almost unknown.
to tho little smoldering fire, which to placed
The bank bills were of state banks, and in a holo dug in tho ground, eo that there
came from cities of 30,000 inhabitants or thumb of tbe left a ecar. “You have heard
over. In 1871, of every 100 stadents, 44 came me called a rail splitter,” said Lincoln. the further west their locality the shakier may be no risk of Its spreading. Ths men
The Babies of Bethany.
from such cities. In 1887, 55 out of every “Well, one day while sharpening a wedge on they were Illinois and Indiana bills would are rerely very hungry at breakfast, and it to
eeros to bo a contented community 100. This is a remarkable showing.
a log the ax glanced off and nearly took the barely pass in New York.
a meal that has to bo eaten in shortest order,
ny, in pleasant contrast with the
But the proportion in Sheffield Scientific end of my thumb off. That's the scar. "
Bread was home mads Coffee was freshly so it is perhaps tho least important.
of Jericho, The people politely wel- school has risen still more rapidly. He main­
How little Lincoln was known in the east,
Each num, as ho oomee up, grasps a tin cup
stranger; the oldest inhabitant ex- tains that tbe system of athletics in colleges even after nominated for president, is shown
few attractions of the town; the and elsewhere helps to counteract the disin­ by Mr. Volk’s experience with photographs the family coffee mill wee a familiar sound and plate from tbs mess box, pours out bto
tea or coffee, with sugar, but of course no
rry their babies in sacks upon their tegrating forces of city life, to strengthen of him. A western photographer asked Mr. hours before the children arose.
Negro minstrelsy was just cropping out in milk, helps himself to one or two of the bis­
1 serve fresh buffalo milk to the the young men against ill health, against the Volk to take 1,000 or more of his Lincolns
that have bean baked in a Dutch oven,
be children are many, pretty, and forces of low living, and keep them out of east and distribute them among dealers, es­ the traveling circus There were generally
lit good traits are all the more ap- crimes against self and society. It is well tablishing agencies at different pointe for but two performers, who assumed male and and perhaps also to a silos of ths fat pork
Iter one has been stoned by the known that base habits are associated with their sale. Not one dealer would take any female characters Tbe popular melody was swimming In tbs grsass of ths frying pan,
ladles himself out eomo beans, if there are
! Hebron, and booted at by those of local physical disorders, and a course of risk on them. “Tbe subject was too homely “Jump, Jim CroW.”
any, and equjts^tiown on tho ground to eat
I and other places
People did not live as long as they now do,
physical culture invariably is responded to to sell.” A Broadway proprietor Indig­
It Bethany, we saw the “father” by moral gain. It is the one most important nantly refused to permit one to be placed In nor was the average health os good as at his breakfast IThe meal to not an elaborate
ratcl as prettily as in the Arabian lesson in morals our age has to learn.—Globe- bis store. The western photographer never present. They ate more meat, grease, hot one; nevertheless the man will have to hurry
if be wishes to eat it before hearing the fore­
t a child enters an apartment where
afterward received an order from any dealer breed apd heavy dishes, and drank more _
man sing out, “Coma, boys, catch your
‘ ie, it will not sit down or speak
with whom the pictures were left on sale,
horses,” when he must drop everything and
father notices it and bids it be
nor a cent for tbe 1,000 thus given away. An
A Fort««« Teller's Staten*««».
The Chen.. In Clrare.
run out to tbs wagon with his lariat.—Theo­
loeeover, if the children grown up
“Yes, we make our money out of tbe wo­ dore Roosevelt in tho Century.
"What makes the style in cigars!" a cigar
•e enter and find the father engaged
bust of Lincoln in Mr. Volk’s studio ex­ men," frankly stated a fortune teller the
was asked.
|or—beating coffee in the mortar, dealer
“Now, I hardly know bow to answer you,” claimed: “He’s too homely to buy, but Hl other day, “But when a man to really 'gone'
Berty—Don't you think I'm brave to
Be—the youth will assume the work
was the reply, “for you are asking me almost vote for him all tbe same.”—Chicago Tribune on fortune telling, so to speak, bo has the oome out in it, Awthurf It’s awfully
fcwith it—Edward L. Wilson in too much. The manufacturers make most of
fever a dozen times harder than the 'opposite short, you know.
sex.’ - Why, I havj one patron who consults
Arthur—Why don’t you put some “in­
the styles In name only. There are only
They Couldn’t Com
me daily, and iMBBtimes twice a day. But ducer” on It’
three or four different patterns in cigar,
*»in< Cinders from the Eye.
In a western state a party of yotfng men the women come in droves, and I frequently
Berty—What's “indneerf”
molds. From these three or four distinct
•Pw way to do is to catch up ths patterns are made thousands of fancy styles assembled to “shivaree" a newly married have to turn them away, they are so numer;
Arthur—That new preparation to make
Uw skm, and puli it away from tbs and still there are but three varieties of couple. When they commenced with their ons, A woman always comes with a com­ tbe hair grow.
ntly and repeatedly. This not only tobacco and but three prime grades of each hoi-us, tin pens, horse fiddles and other musi­ panion—never alone; but I know of but one
Berty—There's no hair on this coat.
promotes the variety. There can only be about a dozen cal instruments the bride seated herself at instance tn my twenty years’ experience
Arthur— Pardon me, old boy I I thought
’ the cinder in the right direction. different grades in a cigar, and yet there are tbe piano and commenced one of Wagner's where a man called with a friend. Women, you were talking a>»out your mustache.—
operas, effectually drowning the noise made too, while they are my chief petrons, are not Ttd Bits.
I every case thia wiU be founds over 100 on the price list.—New York Bun.
by tbe serenaders, who loft in disgust.
»painless remedy.
aa firm believers Io all I sav so men."