The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, June 29, 1888, Image 6

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    The Oregon
__ ..—
■■ ■ —'
Th* Oregon
__ ,____
Devoted Principally to Washington
Territory and Qallfcrnia.
_________ \
The crop
of Chinese pheasants
The project for building a large
hotel in Ellensburg, W. T., is one promises to be enormous in Linn
The Indianapolis Veneer Company's that ia much talked of lately.
county this year.
O. J. Beardsley was appointed post­
A mew material called leatherine is works burned. Lose, $100,000; insur­
Some fine uungets were brought in­
an English manufacture.
It can be ance $53,000.
to Ellensburg, W. T., the past week master at Eola, Polk county, Oregon,
John Mucbthsler, a confectioner, from the placers of the Swauk.
vioe Asa Shain, resigned.
sold at five or six cento per pound, ia
killed his wife and himself at Detroit.
A new postoffice waa established at
The Olympia (W T.) board of trade
said to be as tough as leather, and is Domestic troubles was the cause.
is preparing a circular to advertise the Nashville, Benton county,Oregon, and
designed for packing and bagging.
Prof. B. G. Roots died at Tamaroa, city. It is to be done by private en­ Jennie 0, Curry was appointed post­
-T , .V~' 1 1
III, in his seventy-eighth year.
Tag extraction of camphor from the had been for years President of the terprise.
Patents have been granted as fol­
A brakeman named A. A. Martin
tree totally destroys its growth, and it Board of Education of that State.
was crushed to death by the Santa lows: Oregon—Wilton K. Anderson
was owing to thia fact that the custom
Charles Crosjt the jockey, who was Fe train near Santa Ana, Cal. He re­ and Ben H. Smith, Wapenita, sawmill
once prevailed in Japan that when a thrown from bis burse at the Jerome sided in Loe Angeles, and leaves a dog.
park race, New York, died from his
Gov. Pennoyer haa appointed« Mrs.
person removes the camphor another
injuries at Manhattan's hospital.
What was left of the steamer Julja Parsell, of Alpine, Oregon, a^fiotary
tree was immediately planted in the
The hotel at Manitou Park, Colo.,
public, the first instauce of ta woman
stead of that one from which the gum burned, with all the contents, caused which was blown up near Vallejo, having been appointed to that office
Cal., several months since, was sold by
had been removed.
by a log rolling from the fire place, United States Marshal Franks, as in Oregon.
and setting fire to the house. Low, trustee, for $615.
Convict Crump made an attempt at
A PrrrsBuao mechanical engine« r $50,000.
_____ ,
Richard Van Stoden was killed at Suicide at the Buleni penitentiary by
has invented a novel movable dam, by
Mountain View, Cal., by jumping, it jumping from the top bunk in his cell,
Hq was
the use of which he claims a boating Kimberly, Clark A Company, was to­ is supposed, from the Mcnterey ex­ head first to the stone floor.
stage of water may be obtained in shal­ tally destroyed by fire at Appletofi, press train, and his body waa horribly knocked senseless, but recovered.
Wis. Loss, $150,000; insurance, about
At Washington, Secretary Vilas has
low rivers at all season« of the year. $50,000.
A man with a bullet hole near his affirmed the decision of the commis­
The invention has been examined by
Destructive forest fires are raging on
sioner of the general land office in
old river men and pronounced practi­ the south Bhore of Conception bay, N. heart waa found in Columbia square, awarding to Thomas C. Little a tract
San Francisco.
It is thought the
At Little Kaynorth twenty-six man was murdered, but it is strange no of land of forty acres in the Lakeview
cable. The inventor is 82 years old. > S.
familiegjrere burned out. One woman
one heard the shots in the neighbor­ (Oregon) land district
E xperiments have proved that the and two children were burned to hood.
Dee Matlock shot Al Larkins, at
tensile strength of a wet rope is only death.
John Walton, a waiter in a restou- Heppner, the hall entering the side of
Commandant Hereot, proprietor of tant at Los Angeles, Cal., was acci­ the neck just above the collar hone,
one-third that of the same rope when
the Louvre, and a warm advocate of
passing out above the shoulder blade,
dry, and a rope saturated with grease the Boulanger cause, during a fit of dentally shot by the proprietor, James
Wilson, while the latter was cleaning and barely missing a large artery.
or soap is weaker still, as the lubricant temporary mental aberration, shot his
a revolver. Tbe ball passed through Larkip has even chances for getting
permits the fibers to slip with greater young wife and then shot himself, at Walton’s abdomen.
Matlock is at large.
The wound is well.
was on crutches at the time, having
facility. Hemp rope contracts strong­ Paris, France.
probably fatal.__________________ ____
I b e e n h urt hya horrt, .
A disastrous fire visited Trinidad,
ly on being wet, and a dry rope twenty
Five young men of San Francisco,
Coir After a hard fight the fire de­
Gov. Pennoyer has received from
five feet long will shorten to twenty- partment"succeeded in getting control whose ages range from 18 to 22, hired
a yawl to take a row on the bay. Alexander Sutton, secretary of the
four on being wet
of it, but not until the Commercial
When near Government island the Columbia River Fishgj-men’s Protect­
hotel, with seven or eight business
boat capsized and one man, George ive Union, a complaint that trap or
I t is proposed to preserve fish alive houses, had been consumed.
Flannery, was drowned.
The body pound net fishermen violate the law
by placing them in vessels filled with
Wm. George, a hotel man, died at has not been recovered.
by fishing during the weekly close
v "
The governor has referred
water and hermetically sealed.
It is Spring View, Neb., of the glanders.
Deputy Sheriff Alverd, of Cochiz
said that fish so confined have been He contracted the disease while treat­ county, Ariz., bad a fight with three the matter to the fish commission,
ing a trotting hone which he owned.
with directions to act.
found alive after three weeks, without George suffered great agony for two Sonora train robbers in the Whetstone
A corpse was discovered floating in
either air or water having
been weeks before his death.
place. The officers succeeded in kill­ the river at the foot of Stork afreet,
changed, while fish in an open jar
Nineteen persons were poisoned at ing two and mortally wounding the Portland. The remains were so swollen
died in forty-eight hours.
If the air Kasota, Minn., from eating cheese other one.
that at first it was difficult to identify
them, but subsequently they were re­
in the vessel is compressed the life of whiob was manufactured in Wiscon­
Joe XJfallace, a young man, met
sin. Many of the victims became in­
with a fatal accident on' freight train cognized as being those of John Ken­
the fish is still further prolonged. ’
sensible, after suffering spasms, but
Mr. Kennedy
No. 13, between Hot Springs' and nedy, a shoemaker.
with good treatment will recover. ' .
was an old resident of the city.
Eagle Gorge, W. T. He fell between
F rom studies upon the relation
A tenement house was burned at the moving cars and was horribly was a quiet, peaceful man and a good
Eugenia Vallerand, mntilated. He was brought to the citizen.
which the annual rings bear to the Lowell, Maas.
Peter Shannon shot and killed his
age of trees it has been concluded aged 18, Peter Vallerand, aged 8, and Fanny Paddock hospital, where he
Delia Vallerand, aged 5, perished. died.____
wife and afterward shot and killed
that they are only an approxima­
Another of the Vallerand family and
At the Coyote ranch near Spring­ himself. The tragedy occurred at a
tively and Dot certainly correct index another occupant named Boisveit,
ville, Ariz., a shooting affair occurred small boarding house in Portland.
of age. Any agency operating to pro­ were fatally hurt.
between William Magee and Henry was a most brutal, cold-blooded mur­
duce alternate periods of rest and ac­
A bottle was picked up on the shore Jenkins.
The .latter
was fatally der. Shannon was about 60 years old
tivity in the growth of the trees serves near Locknow, Ont., containing a note wounded, a Robert Thomas, a loeker- and hi« wife 65. They had only been
stating that the schooner Tiffen, of on, waa shot in the leg, shattering the married abqpt a year, and Shannon’s
to determine their formation.
jealousy is supposed to have been the
Bay City, waa going down with all on
cold climates the number of rings board. There was no date on the note. bone and amputation waa necessary. cause of the crime.
Jenkins lived twenty-four houre.
more nearly serves to indicate the age The vessel has not been beard from
John McIntosh, a young man em­
leaves a wife and three children.
for some days.
of the trees than in warm climates.
Magee was arrested, examined and ployed at Gov. Pennoyer’a sawmill,
An atrocious outrrg, is reported discharged on a verdict of justifiable Portland, met with a serious accident,
8-imtnI homicide.
entailing the loss of hie right hand.
P aper bottles are now in extensive from Fair Chance, Penn.
Bertha 8cbaefeld, a girl 10 years of He was working at a planer and in
use for containing such substances as Humbert, an old resident of Fair
Chance, was assaulted by masked men age, residing with her widowed mother stepping on the lever to throw the
ink, blueing, shoe dressing, glue, etc. at his residence, who tortured him for
in San Francisco, was silting on a belt off the pulley, he slipped and was
They are made by rolling glued sheets two hours to make him disclose the stairway on the street, when the boom pitched forward,' his hand striking the
of paper into long cylinders, which place of his supposed wealth. 1 His of a blast in tbe vicinity was heard, planer and being caught under the
are then cut into suitable lengths. feet were toasted in front of a fire, in and a jagged bit of rock came whiz­ heavy blades. It was frightfully man­
addition to other indignities.
Mr. Mc­
zing through the air, striking tbe gled as far up as the wrist.
Tops and bottoms are fitted in, the in­
The unconscious Intosh was taken to his home.
A cash boy named Andiew Howard, child on the head.
side coated with a water-proof com­
aged 14, has confessed that he started child was conveyed to her «home, and
J. F. Park«, a lawyer of Spokane
pound, and all thia is done by machin­ the million dollar fire which destroyed medical attendance was summoned. Falla, who has been staying at the St.
ery almost as quickly as one can the dry goods store of Barnes, Hene- Her skull was found to be fractured, Charles hotel, Portland, was found in
gerer & -Co., at Buffalo, N. Y. He and the physicians state there is bo a dying condition in his room.
says he started the fire because he was hope for her recovery.
partially filled box of morphine pills
mad at Starring, a floor walker, who
Dr. E. C. Thatcher, a prominent . on tbe stand by his bedsiue showed
S ome phenomenal fortunes have
would not excuse him to go to a physician of 8an Diego, Cal., com­ what he had taken, and- a doctor was
been made of late years in the Penn­ funeral at which he waa to be a pall mitted suicide at Ramoua by piercing at once summoned, but all efforts to
sylvania oil fields. - That of William bearer.
■ his jugular vein with a lancet and restore animation failed, and in a
. bleeuing to death. He was commis­ short time he expired. It is supposed
Phillips, of Newcastle, for instance,
Mrs. Sarah Jane Whitelinjg volun­
which amounts to $4,000,000, has all tarily confessed that she had poisoned sioned surgeon in the navy by Presi­ that the morphine was taken with
dent Johnson in 1865,and served till suicidal intent.
been made since 1879. Vandegrift, of her two children at .Philadelphia,
1873. He was a native of Pennsyl­
Antone Neidermyer, a saloon keeper
Pittsburg, has taken $5,000,000 out of
vania. Lately he was addicted to the
with poison with which, she declares,
on the White House road, near Port­
the oil fields since 1880, and a dozen
use of morphine.
he took his own life, on account of
land, made a queer attempt on his life.
Janies Ahern, a sewer contractor,
men could be mentioned who have despondency caused by poverty. Mrs.
Taking a razor, he cut a gash two
made $1,000,000 or more in the same Whiteling poisoned her 9-year-old
inches loug on "the inner side of his
tion at San Francisco, and returned
daughter Bertha, and a boy, Willie,
left foot, about an inch above tbe an­
home at a late hour. He became ill
two years old.
kle joint.
The wound, a superficial
at about 3 o’clock in the morning and
Or Six hundred tornadoes, of which
Fillippo Guaetoni, shot Mrs. Louisa starting for another room mistook an one, not serious, was dressed by a doc­
tor. The impression gained ground
record has been made in the United Marri, and then blew out his own open window for a door and walked that Neidermyer had been married
brains. He was a constant visitor in through it. A moment later a police­
States, not more than seventy-five
the Marri household and had for some man found him lying on t le sidewalk during the afternoon, and a crowd of
were east of the Allegheny Mountains. time made no secretof his love for the with his skull fractured and covered young people went to his place of
The warm air tempestuously driven woman. He had been warned by the with blood. He died afi hour later. abode in the saloon to charivari him
and his bride.
It was then found
from the Oulf of Mexico up the Mis­ woman’s husband not to interfere with He leaves a widow and five daughters.
that he had locked himself in a room
sissippi Valley is caught up by the
Notwithstanding tbe warn­ ; known salesmen traveling out of Chi- and attempted his life.
polar wind and driven in gyratory tor­ ing, he forced himself into
James H. O’Reilly, a young carpen­
Mrs. Icago, waa found dead in Golden Gate
nadoes across the prairies. The Appa Marri’s bedroom, where the tragedy | Park, in San Francisco, with a bullet ter in the employ of thh O.iiR. 4 N.
lachian range serves on the Atlantic waa committed.
; hole through bis head and a revolver Co., met with a fatal accident at bridge
No. 77, about two miles beyond the
slope as a barrier against storms of
A thrilling accident occurred at the by his side with two chambers empty.
Cascades. It appears O’Reilly was en­
Btundage Whirlpool pork elevator at Developments proved that it waa a
that sort.
gaged with some other workmen in
Lockport, N. Y. Four 8outh Ameri­ case of suicide, and letters found on
his person showed tbe cause was loss making repairs to the bridge, when Le
A great tunnel has been con­ cans, accompanied by an interpreter,
from gambling. He wrote pitiful let­ fell, sustaining wbat was regarded as
structed through the Cascade Moun­
serious injuries The head office in
rapids, a descent of 300 feet, at an an­ ters to his wife and children. Among
tains for the Northern Pacific Railroad, gle of forty-five degrees, when the car his other papers was a contract en­ this city was telegraphed and informed
at a cost of about $2,000,000. One of suddenly started, and rushed to the tered into with his firm, Kuhn, Nathan of the accident, and requested to have
the interesting features of its construc­ bottom of the incline, where it was <fc Fisher, a prominent clothing firm a surgeon at the depot to attend him
All arrange­
of Chicago, dated December 1, 1887. ah-m he reached here.
tion was that electric lights were used dashed into ipliaters, and its occu­ It shows that Weiss’s salary was $4,000 ments were made for the injured man
-------- — .—-V .ujuavu AAisai
pants thrown with great force upon
to illuminate it while work was going
by the company, but another dispalcl
the platform. Before they could es­ a yeir on condition that he made
stated that O'Reilly
O’Reilly had died on boar-
on and that the power was supplied cape the other car reached the top sales amounting to $80,000.
tbe train just before reaching Bonne­
by a mountain stream falling directly I with such force that it was detached,
The remains of An {list Johnson
over the mouth of the tunnel. There and came down upon the shocked and and his 14-year-old son have been
bewildered victims of the first car found on the prairie, near Syracuse,
Mis» N. Hayworth, a young lady 20
is abundance of such power going to
■with a tremendous crash. Mrs. Banta Ks., and suspicion points to Oscar, years old, was fatally burned while set­
waste all over the country, and more had a leg broken and was terribly
brother of August, as the murderer. ting fire to trash in her yard, at her
attention should be given to its utili­ shaken up and bruised, and her daugh­ The party were traveling and selling home near Galveston, Ind. She was
ter was badly hurt.
horses. Oscar has disappeared.
soon to have been married.
Ai Kftav rf tte Pmayd Knife liiw
Attndnx Pibib kfcnH
^Dr. Spinney
dencr. *c„ du. to
CTetlon should avail
«Sane», promptly .nd
Trlena or Uuld. to w odlStt*“* ’k
Some Uaeful Hlnt. Abou_
Thia < harrnla*
This charming race (A h M
ense), which may justly
everybody’s flower, froa ¡(¿J
ture and its wide adaptabmJ
and localities, is especially^?]
coming in at a time when ud
winter denudes the garistitsM
customed ornaments. Indeed 2
almost smoke and frost dm !
struggle on against both ¿2
with the perseverance and iw
that a brave spirit eiicountm!
ties, blooming during Is-Jj]
ever open weather permití^
riod 'of duty is accompllsLu j
the shelter of glass, of oonmM
interfered with, huta wannkZ
required; indeed, it is ratuí
the welfare of thia
chrysanthemum has 'itidtr>_
ilar improvement to that »2
attended so many other farorZ
New types have been IntrodJ
new varieties have come to th
Of all these, however, the Jaid
unquestionably the creme dehi
As to their treatment, it is w«*
noting that the toller variety ■
well trained against a wall, u(|
position, being somewhat M
continue to flower later this
open ground. For indoor u-J
pots. It will be most adraaUM
amateurs to parchase cosm
plants abont to come into 9o»s
where any of the dwarf kiraha
already in bloom in the boda
may be token up with a gj
ana dropped into potefaottMi
already prepared, with
drainage, and rich loamy M
soil about one-third up the I
tbe ball to rest upon Th
the ball into the pot with M M
turbance as passible, and fill ia
with the soil already named,
with tepid water, and keep th
close for a few days. If this ip
be carefully done, the plantea
celve no greater check thurf
tract their flowering for ashort I
which is one of the advantapd
a procedure. To increase a t
favorito varieties, yonsg racks
the roots may be taken after thl
ing has entirely ceased. Let ft
potted shigly in small poU d
soil, and placed in a gentle botti
frame, or kept in a warm pto
if such be at command. Al thl
they must be shifted once or tn
cording to circuinstaneM,*dl
on i If U
fit to plant out or potted os
for that inode of culture.-
—A new book is entitled ‘H
iole Country.” It is undouW
,f conversations accidental^
-She—I think any manoofit
able to support a woman Bel
T dont know about that; tontl
ire insupportable, yon kno«--
ington (/lobe.
—“One Hundred Years" is I
of a new Thanksgiving poaa I
terribly long sentence, but »$»
ing the poem we are convinced!
poet deserved it— Burdette. .
—Some fireman, somewhem I
ly smitten with somobodv,
lowing toast: “Cupid ana kit*
only incendiarv that can kiadM
which the engines can not quen
—Gue—Have yon put the ijj
question to old 'Moneybag«’ to
Jack? Jack—No. I bear tta
prior attachment there. M
don’t say so? Jack-Yea, tkt
has attached every thing the to
owns.— N. Y. Sun.
—Professor (to student»)-l
on smoking, it doesn’t annoy to
least; on the contrary, I like
era enjoy it It*ls the um ’
banco as with hav; I doatatol
self, but I am delighted tow«"
enjoying it.—X r. Teleyr«*
—Servant (to woman at the 1
The mistress was taken very j
night and can’t see
my orders. Woman—Yea, n
please sav that MissS., thedito
is at the door? Servant (atort
absence)—Yon are to walz W
mum.— N. Y. Herald.
—If he had a mind—
The dude he would r> sevj*
Then «aid hie mamma «»«
-You must not no."
•Til go IT I have a °w*_
’ The mother smiled seiueau.
Then said, In accents to»-
c "If that la the case, my
•1^ You nertaialrwlU petto
• '