Tlxe Oregroxx ZRegrister often accomplishing little else save their own destruction. "But they ORBOON. LAFAYETTE have no desire, and seemingly no 22, 1888. capacity for any noble or good JUNE work, no purpose in life beyond W. C. T. U. COLUMN. .“skimming its selfish sweets, no holier aspirations, no grander ambi­ “Ftr G»d «ad Home «ad Native Laad.' tion than to be a leader in the gay Mu. F. A. Mo»iuii,l>re«ieSuperintendent, world." Only a few days since, a Newberg, Oregon. friend remarked to me with genu­ ine concern: “I do not know what THE TRAINING OF DAUGHTERS. I shall do about Mary. .She does “The world is too bad to allow riot care for music. I have .spent one more idle, frivolous, giddy ahnost a fortune on her without woman in it Society at ita best is any results, she cannot paint* or too superficial; conversation is too draw, and what figure will she shallow ; there are too many abu**ee, make in society without -a- single miseries, _ wrongs on every side. accomplishment Mary is a Every such woman is. a tempter? young girl of seventeen, a very fair Not by man’s law, but by God’s scholar jn solid branches, a natural law, she. belongs to a criminal hqiualkqK-x,,^nd on that day she class.” was robed in a dress of exquisite Not long ago. a scrap of paper neatness, every stitch in it taken was wafted to my feet, as I sat on by her own dainty fingers, which the verandah watching my little can hardly be hired to touch the children at play. It was a frag­ piano. My^riend is generally con­ ment of an old newspaper, and up­ ceded to be a woman of good, sound on it I read the lines quoted above. sense, and so particular in training This was air, Yiônîing'to indicate j-“’ her daughters: the author, or in what connection 1 (Continued next « eek.) the quotation had been 'employed. Notice of Final Settlement. t For several years I have been deeply interested in the subject of Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that the undersigned executors of the training children, daughters es­ estate of Juel J . Hembree deceased, hâve filed their final account in said estate in the county pecially, and have read almost court of Yamhill county. Oreguu,rder appoint­ ing Tuesday, Joly 3d. 1*88, at l o’clock p. m. or iith said day at the court house in Lafayette. Yatn question. I have discussed it with hill county, Oregon, as the time and place fof intellectual and Christian women, the healing of raid final account and anv and objections thereto. both individually and in mothers’ all yhis notice is published by order of the judge of said court, made the 15th day of Mav. 1*88. meetings. I thought I realized the J, T. HEMBREE, W. C. HEMBREE. responsibility resting upon mothers, Executors of said estate. but I was totally unprepared for W. L. B badshaw , 42 61 Attorney for said estate. the sensations awakened within'me by those few lines. Citation. Upon first reading, the criticism IN THE COt’N'l'Y COURT OF THE STATE Oregon, for the county of Yamhill. may appear both harsh and unjust. of In the matter of the estate of Nathan West­ on close examination, one fall, deceased. must concede that there is a vast amount of truth in it. Do we not all know how hollow and unsatis­ factory what is termed “society” is to any but a shallow, superficial mind. And the higher the circle in the social world, the less calcu­ lated are its occupations and plea­ sures to Satisfy a nature that desires to usA a right life’s grand opportun­ ities, and grasp life’s glorious pos­ sibilités. Do we not all know “so­ ciety” women, whose idlh snd frivo­ lous lives exert an absolutely per­ Notice for Publcation, L and O ffiub at O bboon Cinr.L • Oregon, June 7th, 1888. ( Notice is hereby given that ths following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of anthill cunnty, Oregon, at Lafpyette, Oregon, on Tuesda. , July 17 th, 1888, via: Notice of Appointment of Exec­ utor. The Register Will Continue During the Year 1888 TO BE ATtWI 'SVNOHlf QH01 heart, and less soul. They have plenty of so-called accomplishments ws^uovpu^ for making a show in society, and; Notice for Publican a Portland & Wilamette 111 Notice of Appointment of Exec- ---------- . utor. The Register Will Have a Regular Correspondent In Washington? whose Letters are Reliable and In­ teresting. To Julia Ann-IIuntley. said defendant: vantage of education and culture.' Oregon, May 14th, & FEXT0X and fitting them fbr all the emer-|<2 6t Attorneys for Plaintiff. gencies of life, who are in reality preparing them to be of this crim- inal class—tempters. Let us look around ,at the young girls of our . Pinetar V. orl.iyn.- acquaintance, and we will be as­ P»*i r dorofod f-> a^ienr«. :;.t*!»; j..f-, >’‘rcnlir»i* An-1 l . L« tonished at the few who have been rpler.did J’.- Lvery n i '-t -Txi.-; t enrmvin-t. T?t« ih <».' vp ! v ' a mM .slaabtc «•n.-rcTo > r trained so as to make it reasonable no pcr-on shnnld bo w.< ths 8« ¡EN-rnio A to expect anything else of them. C’»latían n*«r’jr c nais L <■'’«>’■.-4- r-i- *?f ■’t'- *'M >.« a!1 I.. How few are taught that one reason PablUh.n, J,-,. of their being in this world is that they should endeavor to make it better, to help others to live, to make things a little nobler and truer than they are. Examine the details of their education. They are afforded every facility for liberal culture—we hear so much talk of the higher education of women— and they, no doubt, possess abund­ ant information, they have but little > W- T- w " Narrow Gara ]! Until further notice tni arrive and depart from- ft k Notice i« Hereby given that Henry Pettebone as follows, to and*-hom P.> Moor bar* been duly appointed by tbé county MAIL. " court ot Yamhill countv, Oregon, executoi of LEAVE U1V1 the estate of Nancy Moor, deceuaed, with will Portland. ... H* 3 > a m Airlie..... annexed. Fundee .... 12 4'» p in Elu rtila»!« Therefore, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and required to Lafayette. .. 1 15 p m luifsyvue. Jun 3 52 u in, Dundee... . present the same with proper vofichers to tne Sheridan Airlie’(arriv) fiWpm Portlxhd(B) undersigned at' his residence near North Yam­ LAFAYE1TK UIXKD. hill, Yamhill county, Oregon, t^ilhlusix lUiUftha LT I from the date in reof. " *[»'* He.. <» ¡Klam Portland... Dated this 1st day of June. 1888. HEN KT l’ETTEBONE MOOR, Portland ... 5 15pm Lafiye’te.. Executor aion ^ai.L __ I For But Vr InjoriuAtio» apply ta F enton & F khton , 43 5t ’ pany’f A Bruirai Lafayette, ©r 1 “ ■ - ---- nttorfleya f«r eauie. - k orfico. ci ; fearful to contemplate is that there are thousands of mothers, Christian Iliothurs, too, who arc laboring un- der the delusion that they are train- ing their daughters with the utmost lan2j lor«oeUw»fl ¿»bur^ementsof this suit. six weeks in the . . " ... . I „ This Inis summons is published wx ooro ffivinff tnera thpm PVprv O bjwon R eg inter order Hon. «. P. SBlem> Boise care, giving every nossible powwie ad- uu t judgeo(BBid court bv mBde Bt of cbBmberBBl 4 40*64 PATE The Leading Paper Of Yamhill County. Homestead entrv, No. 4,439, for tk 4 and n w 4 of s e 4 and it e 1 nadt | county clerk of Tillamook county, 1 said estate are* hereby notified to present I Tillamook. Oregon, on WedtMadiy them with proper vouchers to the undersigned j • at his residence near Newberg, Yamhill county, I lit, 1888, viz: John K. Lester, Oregon, within six months frqui this 8th day of May, lh8d. I | Preemption D. 8. No- 5,553, forth« JOI1N REES, nwl.Mtlion 18, a 4 of a w Laadie Executor aforesaid. 4. section 7,11 s, r 9 w. • He names the following witoeiM his continuous residence upon.iad < Citation. of*Uid land, viz: T Williams and J M D&vidaon.a IN TnE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE Oregon, and LG Freeman andWG Tillamook, Oregon. of Oregon, for the county of Yamhill. W. T.| In tie matter of the estate of H.G. Burns, 45-Gt an insKne person. To llavid Burns. Sns'in Carroll, Nancy J I any, Catherine Yodes, and H. 0. Burnr, Phillip Henry« Alice Henry,----- Lee, -r— Lee. heirs of AmanJa Lee. deceased. Charles Ogle, Rosa .Ogle, — Ogle, — Ogterfreira^gf* Elizabeth Og?e, deceased. Greeting: Caveat#, and Trade Marks à In the name of the state 0^ Oregon, you are Patent basinets conducted for, hereby «ited and required to appear in the Our office irf opposite U. 8. Patent county court of» the state of Oregon, for the have no sob-agencles. al) buaisMidi I county ot Yamhill, at the court room thereof, cau transact uaient business ir lees j at Lafayette, in the county of Yamhill, on Leas Coat than those remo:e iron 1 I Tuesday the 3d day of. Jdiv, D83, at 1 o’clock Bend model, drawing or i hoto.viQ 1 in the aftet-noon of that dav, then and there to tiou We Adviae i< patenta*le or m show cause, if any there lie. why certain real charge Our fee not due ti¡1 patenta ' estate belonging to said estate be not sold as A b*»ok, ‘ How 10 Obtain Patanu,*' 1 prayed for in the petition of H . C. Burns, guar- ferenceB to actual clients in you. Suit i dian ’f said estate, duly tiled herein May 9, □r town, sen* free. Address I 18sx. Said real estate being described as follows snsro'w * * to wit: Lots 5 and 6 in block No, 9, i” the to* u c. Opposite Patent Office, Wdahiagti | of McMinnville, Yamhill county, Oregon. Witness, the^flo». L. Loughary, judge of the, [county court of the'state of Oregon, for the1 county of Yamhill, and the seal of said court hereto affixed, this 28th day of May, A.D., IN88. • Attest: 5* / G bo . W. B kiedwell . Oregonian Kull way, L'd, p r S I —County Clerk, ff’* ‘ 43 Two Dollars, of '.he next regular , _ ___ you fail bo to answer, i I for want thereof plaintiff* will apply to the court I for a deci ee dissolving the marriage contract now i Existing between paintiff and defendant, and de- ' c 7 eeing that defendant have — no interest in _ --------------- . j i ' the in plaintiff's bVrt preuiises li™Zr'o? descri eüaci> ed other Piîiie/7z complaint . b—*‘2. sth:~ relief sb Draved lor N, B. Men«. W. T. BURNEY, Regia 1er. THE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE IS the name of the state of Oregon, you are but these, alas, are the exception. I I he‘ In v..v iby~requireJ api>e»r and - . * r — *--------- ‘—1 to *--------------- I answer the com- and not the gule\ And , the thought J pinta« 61^l*'rne'\by“ulb",h day of Joly. 18*. that now presents itself, which is so ; "hiVbe'i^bTnM div — -r .V- «—A -1- L and O ffice at O i Oregon, May; Notice to hereby giveuBihat a . n tuned settler lias fileaiioti^ Of tion to make final proof in supports and that said proof will be mid, county judge or clerk of Tilk.^ Tillan-ovk, Oregon, on Batur^, 1888, via« John Hanson, JrM Homestead entry No 5,913. for the lota 5, 6, 7 and 8, of section 2. iu f 5 s, r 3 w. He uames the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, via. Mrs E E Elliot, Win A Foirest and Wm Clem ; nana. of Dayton. ïamliill county. Oregon, and ! E E Heneen, of Newberÿ, ïnotMIÎ ccouly. Oro To Margaret J. Westfall, JAhe Rathburn, Mel vina Hyde, Ellen Kellogg, Leonard Bantell, i . Á' Katie Westfall, Albert C. Westfall, Isadore Everest, Martha Wealfall. Harrfet Westfall, Melissa Westiall, Ida Westfall. Agues We»ttab, Orville Westfall, T. F Mancriff and Tboa. r Landale. Greeting: In die name of tue state of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the county court of the state of Oregon, for the e«mnty ofYanrtill.^t the court room thereof, at Lafaie'te, in the county of Yamhill, on Tnes day the 3d day of July, 1*88. at ’ll) o’clock io the f.Mnoonof that day. torn and tnere tc i Payable During the Yeaj. show cause, if any there be. why certain real estate betanging to said estate ^be not prayed for in »he petition of J. E. Hubbard. a»K ministrator de bonis non or said estate, duly i tiled May 8th, 1***; said real estate being de scribed as follows, tow it: The northwest quarter of section 30 in t 2 s, r 2 w of the Wil­ lamette meridan. containing 10» 35-10»> acres; also thr south H, ot the southeast 4 of secdim H ■ - - 24 in t 2 s, r 3 w of tfie Wjliamet’^ meridian; containing b0 arraes; all said land lying and be­ I ' ■ • •- ing situate in Washington county, Oregon. Witness, the Hon. L Loughary, judge of the county court <*f the state of Oregon, for the During the Present Session of Con- county of Yamhill, and the seal of said court ’ ' gress hereto affixed, this 16ih day of May, A. D., 18*8. —— Attest; j G eo . W. B riepwell . I ) County C'ietK. — . 42 nicious influence, and whose ex­ ample is a constant temptation to others; women who seem to have no higher or nobler ambition than to be flattered, amused • or envied by their less fortunate sisters. Of Summons. course, there are women of the high­ est social position, who are not of In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for this class, and whose standing Tillamook county. J V H untley , Plaintiff, | Suit for Divorce. gives them opportunities for doing va good, which are amply improved, | J ulia A nn H intlby , Deft., Nbtlce for Publh -o- REMEMBER THE Oregon Register IS THE ONLY 8 PAGE TO ADVERTISERS! « •3sd«»umiMAp«uo SU3SI1H3A0V 4.™.. i » Notice oT Appointment of Ad­ ministrator. I Notice is hereby given that H P. Moor" has been duly appointed by the county court of Yamhili county, Oregon, administrator of- the estate of Eliza B. Moor, deceased. Therefore all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned i at his residence near North YamtiB, Yamhill] county, Oregon, within six months from the ' date hereof. Dated thia J st dav of June, ls88, H *P. MOOR, Administrator of said estate. F enton A F enton , 43- Attorneys for estate. Notice of'Final Settlement. ----------- ---- f Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, B. H. Bowman, executor of the estate of Adeline Foilquartz, deceased, has tiled his final account* of his admin ¡strati* n of said estate in the county dourt of Yamhill county, Oregon, and Baid conV has fixed Tuesday, July 3d, 1*88, at the hour of 1 o'clock, p. m., cf said day, at the county court mom at Lafayette, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing the same. Therefore all persona interested in said es­ tate are hereby notified and required to appear at said time and place and show cause, if auy there be why said estate be not finally settled. Dated this 1st day of June. 188*. ’•rJ B. H BOWMAN, 1 Executofef said estate. F enton A F f . nton , Attorneys for estate. 43-51 The Highly Bred Hambletonian v Stallion “ OTCLO1TE Will make the season of 1^8 -a» follows: At I Messner's livery siable, North Yamhill, Satuf^j days 10 till 4 o’clock, an4^t other times at my I farm 5 miles northwest of Noi th" Yamhill till I July 1st. Cyclone is a bright bay, with flowing black mane and tail, small white star on forehead and off hind foot wnite: 15| hands hfah sind will when grown weigh considerably over 1100 pounds. PEDIGREE—Cyclone was foaled in apting of 1884, and sired bv Hambletonian Mambrino, sire of Jane L 2 194; Fred Hambleton 2 26; Kit­ ty Ham 2 294: Sussie 8 2 30. and many others of known excellence and speed, trained and un­ trained- Hambletonian Mambrino by Menelaus 226; by Rysdvk'e Hambletonian; dam Olean by Border Chief; 2d dam Olinda by Oliver son of W agner; 3d dam b> Chorister son ot import­ ed Contract, Cyclone*» dam, Lucy bred by the late Dr J C Hawthorne, sired by Bacon’s Ham­ bletonian. son of Fitch's Hambletonian. by Rys- dyk’s Hambletonian; 2d darn Patsy by ^'migrant; 3d dam a George mare. Emigrant was by Billy McCracken, by McCricken'e Blackhaw a,'son of Vermont Blackhawk. Emigrant’s dam Vincent’s Messinger mare. Thfo|eolt is good size, ven stylish and shows his high breeding, and will be put in training after the season is out TERMS—Cyclone will be allowed to serve h few approved mares at the nominal fee of 41" to insure payable when the mare is known to be in foal. Good pasturage $2 per month Cure taken to prevent accidents, but will! »• resi onsible 'or none. See the coll and let him speak for himself. 40- R. BAIRD, N orth Y amhill . GO