The Oregron Z^egrlster L afayette OREOON. 15, 1888. JUNE Notice for Pubication. fAauiaMfuan. It is clear that the United States has a responsibility in educating the natives which she L. hb O vvicz Oregon. April flu ,3 NoUr« 1» bnreby giv.u tint J/S Notice is hereby given that tbe following- onmed «.tiler ba* filed nolle. J named settier eettler has u*a flled med notice nonce ojbis u.-» intention to ----- —_ "J make final proof in zupport of Lie cta.m, and mafia final oroof 1» wppon^*! tbal »Id proof win be mad. before th. count, »‘¡J P™' *% -jdj proot WU1 temadakrtaaC Mi al aaaaM J/ivv. m ... -- ------------—------------ __ ___ judge or clerk of Tillsmook oounty. Oregon, at Judy, or clerk of Tlltaiuook, Tillamook? OFrgou, on Vtednesuay, J’.ne 2Cth, at Tibaorook, Oregon, on Tu«4a,V ’ 1608. via: T. F Harris. Ho i eatead, No. 7.1»», f, - Homestead entry No. 4 i*2, for the ■ w 4 of W 1, aecliou <, and a e » of a a I w. section 5, t 2 a, r 9 w. 1 He names tbe following witnesses to prove , e 1, Motion V. t U a, r » w. name, the following w'tn^,. lite continuous reaideucc upon, ard cultivation I hi« He continuou. re.ideuce upoaaai^J uL said laud, viz: : w T Newcoiue, J N McCune, Marion F naid laud, viz: |1 Holier’», A J Earl and fiiM«, Lamb and Johu Marcfl all of Tillamook, Or. Tillamoob poaloffice , Oregon, «M k W. T. BURNEY, l^e.pucivn po.tofllre, uregou. “ 39-6t Register. 139-61 - I is but meagerly providing for. One point which Dr. Jackson does not r < • I * W. C. T. U. COLUMN. touch was suggested in a recent re­ port to the government. It is • Ftr God aid Hone and Native LaW.” another confirmation of the truth of the awful statement that the first thing civilization carries to heathen­ dom is whisky. The seal islands THE BROOKS LAW. of Alaska are under the control of a How public opinion has advanced government company which em- • 4 1 ------------------------ ----------A <1 on the temporanee question is shown lr ployg natiye „„ 8ea ier8 —______ ______ “Death, due hardly anywhere better than in the j to inteniperste habiU1 ;• ha8 pUved general approval of the action of I ch wJth that the M bm . F. A. N obuo , rreoaSiiperiateiMftent, Newberg. Oregon. the court in Philadelphia in regard , to saloons, under the recenUy tjon enacted Brooks law. Fue thousand. «even hundred and seventy-three ealoons were licensed last year in ' 1 Notice for Publication. FOR 1888. 4 ob)iged for the right to teach nativeg lho.tolil<>-. Ortiron. .- ■ l.attin. • ;■ ____ Murray i UCH John Prank w. T. BURNEY, .oner, nil of HobaonviHe o! »oner, nil of Hobaonvlfie, Oregon 394R Kegiater. p Bewley, —>— ot Kilcbea, Oregon. • «1 ___ £ j THE ONLY NATIONAL STANDARD, previous year. Of course it would <.olltall,ta|t Ovcr Twenty Thou- .be vastly better for the i^lfare of, sand Articles on Promili­ the city,’if not one of these centres I ent People. The Register lit, but legislation 7e^ | , and ¡« WunilV worthy luraim to rank witii the ^mn great na- na- ibi , nut ivgioi« Mv>i has not aiJU is wim mv reached th'at Stage of advancement, tional works of it« kind in the < H7 the courts cannot so use the discre-1 No name _ eminent —L:__ in literature, art, tion conferred upon them fe^ lhe I music, ",jU ’ acienoe or invention will be omitt- During the Year 1888 TO BE The Leading Paper Stallion tern which, by legal license, sane-1 tions Baloons, they may well rejoice in every step of amelioration of the wretched system hitherto existing in Pennsylvania and elsewhere. Were- a city in flames, no one would think of keeping back the fire department from saving as many houses as possible, until en­ gines enough were at hand to deluge “ “every block w ith - water.- - Moreover, not only is every saloon a sjiecial magazine of temptations to in­ ebriates, but those licensed now are on their behavior, because of the re­ strictive conditions of the law. Sell­ ing liquor to persons intoxicated, to minors,' or on the Sabbath day, will forfeit a license. Each suppression is an effective object lesson, showing the contrast between the “dry” and . - v*- H - notably the temperance cause, op-Axu HnretBr.Duft, Suit for Divorce. ¡ I To Julia Ann Huntley, said defendant posing the use of alcohol on scienti- ; Iu tbe name of the state of Oregon, you are ------- mired to appear and answer the com fic grounds and advocating scienti- ^'u'fikd' . , „ , in the ! | I against vou w-ahe above entitled 1 sort on or before before t6e tbe 16th icth dayof dayof July. July. 1IM, i*s. | I tb«t being tb. nr-t d.y of :be next regular I term of aaki court, and If you tail no to .never. dS^i^ib^L^’e^.’i^C • between paiutift an«1 defendant, and de , services being to assist in dis­ |e • Xi>tui< eem< th?t deleudant hare no inter eat in I | Che pramwea deecri ed in plaiftifT« complaint I tributing the elements at a com­ herein, and for *uch other relief an prayed for munion service. Such men are and Mr t orts ann diabur*ementa of 'bis amt. Thiasunimoua is publwbed six weeks in the1 rare; true, but it is wise to remem­ Oacuox K s » i » t * r bi order of Hon. K. P. Boise ; judge of Mid «-curt, made at chambera at Salem, ber that such men are possible. | Oregon. May 14th, 1**8 Dr. Sheldon Jackson touches eome grave questions in regard to Alaska in the May number of the THE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE IS Two Dollars, Payable Inuring the Year. /» fenton a <2 64 F enton . Attorney« for Plaintiff. IX THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE Opposite Patent Office. Wdshinrtw. of Oregon, for die county of YamldJI. | In tie matter of the estate ot H.G. Burns, I an insane person. To David Burns. Sasun Carroll. Nancy J I any, Catherine Yodeh, and H. O. I'nrnr, Phillip Henry, Alice Henry.------ Lee.------ Lee. heirs of AmanJa Lee. deceased, Charles Ogle, Rosa -I!®-*1- Opl®« *— <£gl®. heirs of Elizabeth Oge, deceased: 'Greefing:—~ - • — In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby tiled-and required to appear in the county court of the stale of Oregon, for the county of Yamhill, at tbe court room thereof, at Lafayette. 1.1 the connty of Yamhill, on Tuesday the 3d day of July, D83Jat 1 o'clock in the afjernonn of that day, tlién ar.d there V» r *: l . <3! IMVK I,,r| hhov? cause, if any there be. why certain real •; estate belonging to said esiste be not sold as Portland.... !(■ 3'1 a m Aiilie prayed for in the petition of H. C. Burna, guar­ Fundee .... 12 45 p tn Sheridan Jun 11, dian »f said e.-ta*e, duly file therein May 9, Lafayette... 1 15 p m I afnyrtte Hi 18 hx . Baid real estate being described its follows KherWauJun 3 •f-2 t tn D'Uidee... t to wii: Leto 5 and tt in block No. 9, i” the io*»n Airhe(nrr.iv) »»iO p ui P< rthsd (»r) } of McMinnville, famhill county, Oregon. LAFAYBTTZ MLX». Witness, the Hoi. L. Longhary,judge of the LBAVK. JIMI county court of the ¿tate of Oregon, „for the Lafa^» tte * 6 30 a n Portland. connty of Yamhill, and the seal of anid court I pGiitand ... .5 15 pm »Lafayette... t heieto affixed, this 28tn duv of May, A.D., 1888. U—. "AUeft: * ¿7—*-------- ---------------------- Y ¡¿Mt fiMJher jiMor»u*4jnu . I ls 1 "Gzo. W. BKiznwrLf. rMsy’» A^nt *t Ufa)ette, Qr '____’ ’ 43 lonuiy Cle.k. , cflh ej^’riter Second t Pine St..,Pm, Narrow Gans ill Oretfouian Railway,L’4U Notice of Appointment of Exec- ■o l,t“r- During the Preserft Session of Con­ gress r I Will Have a Regular Correspondent In Washington, whose Letters z are Reliable and In-“* teresting. -** ■o REMEMBER THE Oregon Register H RS____ 1______ I !_!____ Notice is hereby given that Henry Pettcbone Moor has been duly appointed by the county court ot Yamhill count/, Oregon, executoi of tbe estate of Nancy Moor, deceased, with will annexed. Therefore all pereoqa ,having claims against Mid estate are hueby .lolified and required to present tbe same with proper voucher.-» to tne undersigned at his residence near North Yain- ' hill, Yamhill connty, Oregon, within six months from the date ht raof. Dated thia 1st day of June. 1888. HENKf PLTTEBUME MOOR. Executor aforesaid. F em ton Ac F emton , ttorae(yav,fur.esfate. 43 Notice of Appointment of Ad­ ministrator. co Notice is hereby given that H P. Moor has been duly appointed l»y the county court of Yamhill couuty, Oregon, administrator of the estate of Eliza B. Moor, deceased. Therefore all persons having claims against sAid estate are hereby notified to present the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at liis residence near No'th Yamhill, Yamhill county, Oregon, within-six months from the date Irereof. Dated thia 1st day of June, 188^, H P. MOOR, Administrator of said estate. F enton 4 F imto #, Attorneys for estate. IS THE ONLY Notice of Final Settlement 8 PAGE 8 In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for ♦r Citation. Until further notice tnii, arrive and depart from.Laii as follows, to and from I’.ift The Register .Summons. Caveats, and Trade Marks obtaW Patent btisine»« conducted for Our office is opposite U. 8, Patent^ have bo sub-agencies, all buMneNdind oan transact oaient business fr ItiitZ Less ( oat than those reino:e truafJ Bend model, drawing or photo,wM tio.i We advise i. patenta'fe or rt charge Our fee not duo ti 1 fixtenibi A book, ‘ How to Obtain Patents;*1 ferences to actual clients iu youibutei ur town, sen# free. ’Address c. ufh-. sosrc'w * Portland & Wilamette IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the county of Yamhill. In the matter of the estate of Nathan West­ fall. deceased. To Margaret J. WestfaU. Jane P.athburn, Mel vina Hyde, Ellen Kellogg, Leonard Ban fell, Katie Westfall, Albert C. Westfall, Isa dire Everest, Martha Westfall. Harriet Westfall, Melissa Westfall, Ida Westfall, Agnes Westfsli, Orville Westfall. T. F Mancriff and Th os. Modale. Greeting: In the name of tne state of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear* in the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Yamhill, at the court room thereof, at Lafaie te. in tbe county of Yainhill, on Tues \ day the 3d day-of July, 1*88. at 10 c\!aek io the forenoon of that day, tnen and tner^ to show cause, if any there be, why certain real estate belonging to said estate be not sold as prayed for in »he petition of J. E. Hubbard, ad­ ministrator de bonis mm .o* said estate, duly filed May 8tb,1888; said real estate being de scribed as follows, to-wit: The northwest quarter of section 30 in t 2 s, r 2 w of the Wil­ I lamette meridan. containing 16» 35-100 acres; also the south H of tbe southeast 4 of section 24 in t 2 s, r 3 w of the Willamette meridian; containing M) acraes; all said land lying and be­ ing situate in Washington conntv, Oregon. Witness. the Hou. L Lohgbary, judge of the county court of tbe state of Oregon, for the county of Yamhill, and tbe seal of said court hereto affixed, this ldih day of May, A. D., 1888. —•— Attest: j I G eo . W. B birdwkll . ( ** t County CieiK. ------ 42 he has been identified with many Tiiiuuook couuty. reform and philanthropic measures. • ' J V H unt ley , Plaintiff, fic temperance instruction . Of Yamhill County. Will make the season of 1888 as follows: At Messner's Irverv stable, North Yamhill. Batur days TO nit4 o’cloet, and at othertnne« st try farm 5 miles northwest of Noith Yamhill till July 1st. Cyclone is a bright bay, v^ith flowing black mane and Uil, small white star on forehead and off bind foot wnite: 15 j bands high and will when grow% weigh considerably over 1100 pound«. PEDIGREE—Cyclone wss foaled in spring of 1884, and sired bv Hambletonian Mtmbnno, sire of Jane L 2 l^: Fred Hambleton 2 26; Kit­ ty Ham 2 2*Jj: Buaaie 8 2 30. and many others of known excellence and speed, framed and un trained. Hambletonian Maiubrinoby Menelaus 22>>: by Kyadik's Hatobletonian, dam Olean by Border t hief; 2d dam Olinda bv Oliver son of Wagner: 3d dam bj Chorister son of import ed Contract. Cyclone's dam. Lurv bred by rhe late Dr J C Hawthorne. sired by dacuo's larvo' a Ham- h I Etonian, son of Fitefc'e Hambletonian. by Rya- dykJs-ft«nHeteHhdrtd-dam-i*nt-y^y*in