The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, May 25, 1888, Image 7

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Oplnlonf From Well Known Authorities
on Seasonable Subjects.
ltrs. Blsomsr Dselarss That She Is Ms*
tb^lnvsntor sf IS—lts History,
A very large number of adults form tbe PLACES WHERE MANY OF THE GREAT
habit of sleeping in one ¡Articular position,
“I have tried often to correct that Im­
such as lying upon their right or left skla A
smaller number sleep upon tbe back. 8om> Th. CoasasM Ledglsg Hous, of Today cently to a reporter. “I did not Invent
■ — ¡a gdlttaC rh* !<•"•—p~w
the ‘Bloomer’ costume, nor was I the first 1 What aa Observing BegllshBua Haya Cow
sleep with the head areatly extended; mon
*7.,,.« of Bl« 1-o.tinS-Tb. and Fairly Comfortabl. — Th. one to wear it. I am quite willing that
often it is considerably flexed upon the trunk.
earnlng the T.rrlMe Things That Are
1“^-Dimoultl«’. «4
the correction should be made, tor I do
Many must have tbe head greatly elevated:
D ob . In th. Teaablng of Len.
others can only sleep with the bead very low.
Interior—A Tales.
,A IzOUff LftW Suit.
doo—HearllM. Exp.rlns.ntlng.
wobian who Invented a new style of
According to The Medical Record it has yet
Tbe common lodging house of today la dress.
debut ot the new paper an un-
At second and third band we may imagine
¡*SrLkr™l. The forthcoming to be determined whether any particular clean and fairly oomfortable. Each house is
“I did not even name It Mrs. Eliza­
harm can come from sleeping In a certain
to receive a certain number only; beth Miller, a daughter of Gerrltt Smith, ' our author to have gathered the account ho
„,;»r have u gerant. A gerant is po4titnrwhk'h the Individual unconsciously
“¿.„ers sad Surenno os “a manager, □arifihea A popular Lelief exists to the effort every man must have a bed to himself, and was the first lady who wore it. She came I gives us of tbe terrible things that are done
r the haul of “»establishment.’’ 11 that tbe liver, being a heavy organ, tends to each bed mast have so much space given to dressed in one of those costumes from In the teaching hospitals. Hero are two of
illustrations of the treatment of mori­
rtta Frvnch law forbade my con- press upon tbe other abdominal viscera' when it The difference in this respect may be Peterboro, N. Y., to Seneca Fulls, where hie
£ myself or permitting myself to bo a person lies on the loft side. At any rate, judged from the fact that in one common I was living, and where Mrs. Elizabeth I bund patients. A nurse oalls a house sur­
TLntemplatod as a gerant.
No more persons, probably, sleep on the right lodging hows with which I am acquainted a Cady Stanton lived. Where Mrs. Miller | geon:
“ ‘Sister says she thinks bo is dying fast,
¿Luocrer nury lay that flattering side than on the left, as experience and Noeo room uow licensed for eleven beds formerly got the Idea I do not know, but she is en­
contained twenty-eight Moreover, the law titled to what credit there is for putting i and are you going to operator ‘Going to
L his soul- The Korant mutt
“ vitch's statistics show.
Rather think I was. Don’t you
gX actually of nativo birth, or
Dr. G. Noeovitch believes also that tbe
irttb¿0divine uuguontof naturall- ■ posture in sleep influences tbe extension of a whitewashing of walls, and the slightest true It should be named for her if for anybody. I know, nurse, this is my first capital opera­
I Do yeu think I am going to lose tbe
——’’"r1” I had to hunt up • bronchitis. He found, for example, that in of illness juub * be at once reported to tbe It’s hardly fair to Mrs. Miller to take tbe tion
‘Then, sir, sister told me to ask you
■ imbitel rerant After some search 835 cases, all of whom had this disorder, in nearest"police station. Seeing the class of credit from her. A few days after Mrs. chancer
if I bad better let tbechaplain know.' ‘Chap­
a worthy individual named ninety-seven It was left sided, in seventy-twe customers the proprietor has to aecouuno-
cried. ‘Certainly not! It
¡Lwho fulfilled all legal require-
right tided and tn sixty six ott both sidea He
w.i.tancbo was a gentleman of thinks that tbe preponderance of bronchilb dormitories get's terrific amount of scrub­ tume made, and she wore It. Then I would only depress tbe poor devil. No, no!
W1K> dwelt somewhoro In tbo on tho left idrle was duo to tho fact that there bing, with th. result that they are far adopted the style. Mrs. Stanton did not Plenty of brandy! Keep him up! Cheer
He tas described to me as being a was a greater expansion of this side during cleaner and more wholesome than tbe car­ wear hers a great while—possibly not him all you can; tell him it is only a trifling,
day sort of affair, and be will be well
icrippk from paralysis, who, for tbo sleep and consequently k greater ingrea ol peted rooms of many more pretentious estab­ more than two years; but I wore tniue aa evary
J ¿0 moatiil r, would act as flgure- cold air, or of the morbific particles causing lishments, where an overworked housemaid long as tbe public talked about It and me. in a jiffy. You may send for bls wife.’ ‘Oh,
flicks tbs furniture with a duster, tickles the I did not uame tbe dress. The press did sir, she has been waiting about the hospital
“gay sspiring editor of foreign ex- the disease.
jarpet with a brown and sweeps the fluff that. 1 wore tlie costume for six years— , all day.’ ‘Ail right, then! Now, gentlemen,
Kii resixmsibility comprised tho
A recent writer has argued strongly for the under tbe tied.
for two years In Council Bluffs—and, If I to business. You shall see me do something
legal actions, appearance in view that the head should be lower than thr
had npt retired to private life might be
libel infringement of tbo proas laws feet during sleep, and he claims that morr ... There is very keen competition In the wearing it yet. It Is a very comfortable pretty.’ The bell rang for tbe operation to
assemble tbe studeuts, some of whom said ‘it
forth IL Malabouche wgs engaged perfect health and greater longevity will re­ trade, and some houses are naturally much
sensible dress.
was a boo-stly shame to torture a poor wretch
jo Whether or not be justified tho sult from such approximate topevturvlnew better than others. As a consequence the and
who hadn’t a chance of getting over it.’ ‘Ah,
class of lodgers differs also. One proprietor,
loo I had of him I am unable to say.
Tbe contrary position, with,, -the head and by keeping liis house as dirty as he dnres, se­ Mrs. Miller made her appearance In you won’t talk like that when you are house
Kt eyes upon the good man, and for trunk corwule.-ably raised, sometime« reliever
Seneca Falls In the costume, a writer,
know he may have been a jouraal- cramps in tbe legs. It is well known that cures the ¡ratronage of on. class, while an­ whose identity I never did discover, advo­ surgeon IH. 8. they always termed it) your­
T, Harris with a gift of re.jularly some chronic nervous affections, particularly, other, by making his house as comfortable as cated In the columns of one of the papers self. You will be glad to operate on your
father, if you can’t get anybody else. Be­
gj) a month and receipting therefor nocturnal epilepsy, and some forms of lit possible, attracts men of a superior grade.
But to thoroughly understand what the of Seneca Falls a reform in woman’s-' sides, what are hospitals for, if not to qualify
ichy chiregraplxy.
sonrnia are sometimes benefited by sleeping common lodging houses are you must see dress. 1 was editing a paper there at that Im
' for r our work! If people don’t want us to
partially erect.
____ all we can from the_i, why don’t they
one. Come down this narrow, uuswept and time and took up the suggestion in a f
the first insuo wo (I use tho plural aa
under the weather looking street. You see pant way, und treated the subject rather stay at borne and diet The parish doctor
. not to Malabouche, but to my able
Education and Health In Women.
won’t disturb their latter moments with op­
that bouse which looks as though it were a
’ Mr. Albert C. Ives, formerly of Tho
writer of the other paper answered me, erations.' "
Among interesting facts bearing on th<
•k Times) struck another snag. To subject of college education for women, Dr. double fronted shop with the shutters still aud I answered again. So when Mrs.
And again:
up. That is a common lodging bouse. The
herald tho coming birth, a quantity Luoy M. Hall recon 1« in Popular Sciencf
MHler came in tbe short sklttand trousers,
“Here is a middle aged woman, evidently
i had been prepared for placarding ’ Monthly the following: Seeing daily, as 1 do door in the center is a swing door. Outside aud after Mrs. Stanton and myself bad having but a short time to live, yet this
at walls of Faria It was our un- young women in college in far better health It a gentleman in the unpicturesque tatters adopted tbo garb, the papers of the coun­ afternoon Dr. Wilson says his chief proposes
Ameriean idea that to order and pay than young women ia society, or living in of oilr national costume is smoking a clay try round ubout tried to make fun of us, to perform upon her a capital operation.
r thousand fluming bills, and to Biro pampered idlene®® at home; seeing their pipe, aud with his bands thrust in bis trou­ and called us 'Bloomerites' and ‘Bloom­ He has not the least hope it can save her life,
stick them to the walls, comprised all healthier as seniors than they were as freeb sers pockets is looking fixedly at nothing. ers,’ aud so ou. Hence the name, I sup­ but tbe chance of performing such an opera­
ess necessary for this pleasing form men; knowing that my records tell me they Over the doorway at which the gentleman pose. Lucy Stone wore the dress for a tion arises but seldom, and it is but just and
uting public attention. Ingenious average a smaller number of excuses because stands is tae inscription In white letters on a while, but gave it up because she thought kind to tbe houerfsurgeon, who wants all the
... that we wore, wo had fallen into of illness than do those of the men’s college» black board; "Registered Lodging House. It attracted attention away from the sub­ practical work be can get, to let him assist
jects—temperance and woman’s rights—
ora First, wo narrowly escapod ar- with which I am able to compare data, and Beds, 3)|d. and 4d. a Night”
Let us push the swing door open and walk upon which 6he was lecturing. I wore Bo the woman and her friends are duly
afflxing one of the placards to or# knowing from statistical evidence that women
pressed to consent that this—‘the only means
raises without previously having it college graduates enjoy a sum total of 20 pei in. It is broad daylight outside, but rjjrectly my costume and lectured in it in all my of saving her life'—shall forthwith be dona.
with tbe official stamp. Every bill cent, better health than the average woman we have passed ths swing doorave find our­ tour of the cities of the north and west, To this end all tbe nurses are instructed to
dcr penalty of the law, bear tho gov- how can I conclude otherwise than that col selves almost iu darkness. The room we are and I was the first to make such a lectur­ urge her. At last she submits She will ba
I In is the “kitchen,* or common room, in ing tour iu those cities. I was the first
stamp as conspicuously os though it lege work, M* se, is not injurious to healtl
carried to the' operating theatre, and this
lg to bo sent by mail Tho etampe or incompatible with the best good of the sei which all tbe guests sit and take their meals, woman who wore the costume iu public chance of instruction will fall to Dr. Wilson’s
and amtue tbomsclves until it is time to go, In Chicago.
prico according to tho cizo of tbo and the race?
hands; for as soon as the chloroform has
upstairs to bed. I cannot say bow one of
“Of course, wherever I went the dress effected its work be will take the place of th.
it tbe rule is rigid and tbe penalty
dringrment severe. Further than
Bromine for Ivy Poisoning.
chief and ‘do his first strangulated hernia' •
Theri is nothing to show sunbbama that they was a curiosity, and a great many people
od part of our stock of placards were
Among the cases of heartless experiment­
Many people who are suscept ible to poison
ause, forsooth, the announcements ing from bandlimj Uie. poison oak or poison would be hospitably received/and so they re­ came to the lectures as much to see it as ing we have the following:
printed upon white paper I Tho uso ivy vine ibid relief by applying, externally a main outside. And even there they are to hear what a woman had to say.
“‘Would you like to do a gastrotomyt
paper is reserved by tho French re- weak solution of table salt or a cool snubbed, for, lest they should be inquisitivo Women lecturers were quite a curiosity, You ought to do one or two before you leave;
> itself for such proclamations or solution of sugar ^f lead. Bromine, how­
it’s'a very pretty operation. I never knew a
unneements as it finds necessary to ever, is claimed to- be a specific, and a windows, the said windows are kept as grimy after I had .finished my talk, whether on case survive more than a week; but there's
about tbo capital Red wo could nse, correspondent in Science News says that for aa possible outside, and inside they are cov­ women's rights or on temperance, a great nothing like trying, and if you pick out a case
» peagreen or any shado of color use it may be dissolved in either olive oil, cos ered with a edat of some dirty looking prep­ many people, women especially, would that must die any way you are welcome to
remain and come upon tbe platform, os­ use any of my cases that we can get to con­
rer that mi^ht please our msthctic moline or glycerine—teu to twenty drops of aration.
The light in these kitchens, then, is gener­ tensibly to see Ute, but really to inspect sent, and with Sister Agnes' consent—sister
nt tho posters which we hail pre- bromine to an ounce of oil—and should be
> order printed in black and white applied to the affected parts three or four ally of the dim, religious order. It suits the the dress,”
is capital at getting consent tn anything,
Mrs. Bloomer showed the reporter a cht aren’t you, sister!—it can geuerally be man­
destroyed, and destroyed they were, times daily and especially upon retiring. A scene. Tbe people who are sitting on the long
new solution is required every twenty-four fknu at tbe table, or crouching together representing herself tn her younger days, aged.’ . • ♦ ‘I wish to investigate,’ said
tbe paper had been running about hours on aocount of the volatility of the bro­ before the »full red fire, would, some of them, attired in one of her noted costumes. A one of his dressers, ‘the presenoe of lithlo
look hideous In the full light of day. In the short skirt reaching to tbe knees, baggy, acid in the blood of rheumatio patients. May
oths wo mado tho announcement, mine.
red glow that the fire throws on them, as very baggy trousers gathered and frilled I blister one or two of your patients, Mr.
i r careful canvass of the kiosks, cr
they sit in tbe darkened reom, they look al­ at the ankle; a straight brimmed sailor Crowe? ‘Oh, certainly,' said the obliging
UnwhoMwne Milk.
nds, that our circulation in tho city
hat, set well back upon the head, made physiologist; ‘only you must take precau­
The practice of putting milk warm from most picturesque.
was six times os largo os that of our
The workmen who live In these lodging up the attire from a masculine point of tions to let he patient imagine you are doing
Io rival. Tho said rival bad meantime the cow directly into tight cans and subject­
its price from eight to four cents a ing it to a war ^.atmosphere is reprehended houses are not home yet They will come in view. Female observation might have it for his benefit, and be careful tbe nurses
lofitjfr ^j^
»J^ gisonous pro|w*
proper­ about 6 o'clock. There will not be many in disclosed that the skirt and waist were of don't see what you are about—nurses are get­
plied for a special wire to London, by a medical amhofity
tuse fcri$eas&nt
wfffleasaiit symptoms this house because it is a low houso—that is one piece, and that the sleeves of the waist ting 'cut® nowadays. With these provisos,
ally taken to printing sporadic items ties suflkdent to cause
0or statement of comparative cir- are said to be liable to arise from so doing. to say, it is • bouse frequented by trnmps were full aud slashed, and gatliered and you are free to roam at large, my friend,
was printed in tabular form, based Cool the milk before canning, and keep at a and loafers and shady customers, and more­ frilled at the wrists. Close scrutiny and a. over the bodies of any of my clinics.’"
over it is a*‘family bouse,” and that means reversal of the picture might possibly have
Almost inconceivable cases of carelessness
i actual sales of the kiosks. The cool temperature afterward.
women and children to disturb the hrrmony led to the discovery that a bustle was not and recklessness are charged against th« op­
n carefully verified before publics-
of tbo evening in tbe common kitchen. The
By showed conclusively that tho
fact that these common lodging houses, can be left to those ladles who have been
of Tbe Morning News versus that of
“Visions of similar cases crowded In upon
accustomed to calisthenic exercises and
11 was six against one. But though Manners and Customs Practiced In
the good Sister's recollections—of eviscer­
aro largely patronized by workmen in regu­ surf bathing.—Omaha Herald.
rent was true, it was, according to
, Polite Society.
ated creatures in which no tumor was dis­
lar em^royment may astonish people who are
w, illegal. Wo were promptly sued
covered to remove; of cases where, on the
The ethics of summer bospitality/?as dis­
Paten* Medicines,
¡my, who estimated his damages at cussed by Mrs. John Sherwood, remind us not behind the scenes. But I know in some
post mortem table, sponges, and even instru­
ica (54,000).
ments had been discovered carelessly sown
of several points on which our etiquette k- there for twelve and sixteen years.
up in the patients after operation, and bad
very lax. Our American hospitality has gen­
These men are single men and widowers, .any outside those manufactured In your caused their doatbs. * * * One day an
under which oilr behavior had be- erally-taken in the formula. “Come when you and the houses which are for “meh only" own section of the country. Every prepar­
pavior smashed his hand. The surgeons
mablo was that of concurrence de- can, stay as long as yon like and don’t gc suit them much better than private lodgings ation is horn under a lucky or unlucky
“rurfair competition.” Vie might away.” But country houses are not elastic would. First of all tbe bouso is open night star, as they seem to succeed or perish at St. Bernard wanted to remove three
ver. wo choso with regard to Our, Invitations, therefore, from a country iioust and day; all d«y aud all night tbe red fire regardless of the energy or money pos­ fingers. Not before be had been to see Sister
Agnes, ho thought. Sister Agnes Trent in
lotion, but wo must not make com- mean very much, and should be answered
giews and is ready for a man to cook bis lute sessed by the men who are interested In
Icrogntory to our neighbors. Along promptly and the engagement kept, not care­ supper or his early breakfast at. Then there pushing their sole. None succeed without far conservative surgery, and told him to re­
fuse hjs consent. How often had she known
¿¡lowed. Tho truth of our statement lessly ignored. Many hostesses complain that
is the society of tho other men, pipes and advertising, although millions have been
questioned—did not, in fact, enter their guests say, “We cannot come on Tues conversation, and always a pal to toko a spent in puffing medicines that never sold a simple method of dressing to save the
digits in such a case. In three months ths
deration nt alL Tho only ¡xrir.t at day, but we will come on Saturday.”
hand at cribbage, which is the fashionable the original stiwk shipped to wholesale man had the complete use of his hand as be­
that wo liad mado comparisons
We are obliged to undo all our ideas of common lodging house game. Moreover, druggists. It Is n game of chance where fore the accident, but that didn't console the
I presumably damaging to our rivaL colonial hospitality, when all one’s friends
each liian has a bed to himself, which in pri­ you cannot estimate the risk. Results house surgeon, whose fingers bad itched to
;ly the tribunal decided against un, and relatives come uninvited. It is taking
vate lodgings for workingmen is not always cut very little figure with the salesmen, make a neat little job of it”—London Spec­
m mulcted.
a great liberty, and the practice has been obtainable. Aud there is always some one , for if the stuff will sell It will go off their tator Book Ito view.
. litigation was that with M. Clem- almost discontinued. Neither should a gen
to call him early la the morning, in order hands with scarcely an effort, because
I had sent a reporter to interview
eral invitation ever be acted upon; wait for a that he may get up and go to his work, with­ their best, customers -nre the chronic ln-
• Radical loader and bad catirflcd special and definite one.
Oyster Shells tn Medicines.
out having to pay the policeman on duty to validiwmb are thicker than flies around
tho genuineness of tho interview,
Dr. Peter Hood, of London, in a communi­
throw stones at his window aud yell out that a molasses cake.
erred tko^c-prcssion “cliques tap-
Children's Undergarments.
to The 1-ancet, call, attention to an
Nevertheless, I would prefer to take a
it is ‘'half-past 4."
aoisycliqucc), applied by IL Clcm-
For undergarments, the best houses
new medicine out on the road than handle article published by him in tbe same journal
a section of Lio own political lt»l- show a little woolen knitted petti­
any of the old ones-whlch have been ad­ some twenty yoar, ago, on the value of cal­
Phe anti Clemenceau papers got coat, which has ft waist like•,*. corset horns and club combined, and tho proprietor vertised from thecltffs of the Paci'ic coast cium carbonate In tbe form of calcined oy­
who gets tills class of mo»—mon in steady
■ phraso and used it with decided cover, and this buttons closely around the
to the rocky bgnks of Labrador. Ameri­ ster shells, as -tho means of arresting the •
few days afterward I roccivcd body, and is being knitted very elastic employment — tries to please them, and cans are experimentative, and will buy a growth of cancerous turners. In the case
i Clemenceau that wo m*st deny aud warm. Those who do not care for gradually they fill bis houso, and then he ex­ new nostrum without any recommenda­ which he then reported,, thait of a lady
interview. -4 replied that I would the petticoat oin find little knitted cludes chance customers and “roughs,” and tion, for the simple reason that they have nearly 80 year, old, the growth sloughed
T P»rt of it upon LL Clemenceau’s chemises, which are long and double his house becomes a regular workingman’s heard nothing against It. St. Louis leads away and left a healthy surface after a
but that to stultify ourselves by thickness over the stomach and abdomen, home.
One great advantage that a man with regu­ the country in sales of quinine, malarial course of the remedy in question, as much
' the entire story, even to the fact and every child should wear these at all
is that he is specific and bilious antidotes, and some of as would lie on a shilling being taken once or
irview had taken place, was quite seasons of the year. Elastic suspenders
In all of the local manufacturers will clear millions twice a day in a little warm water or tea.
question. Thereupon suit was for the stockings should also be worn in­
from two articles that originated here He now reports another case of schirrus of
Jdnst mo, darxages being laid at stead of fasting them by. any other these common lodging houses there are men within the last two years, but which are the breast, in tbe wife of a physician, in
ties. The French courts decided means. Shoes for small children have no who, for a copper or so a week, “valet" for already beginning to elicit notice.—George which the treatment was followed by an ar­
Jeau’s favor. It did not appear to heels, though they have what they call the aristocrats. For twopence a week paid Haskell. ________ ._________ .
rest of the growth and a cessation of tbe
question of fact as based upon tho spring heels, which do no injury to the to a poorer fellow lo'.ger tbe aristocrat has
pain, the improvement having now lasted
Results of Overtraining.
Tho undisputed testimony as to tender bones and muscles.—Olive Harper, his boots blacked and his supper cooked. In
for years, and no excrudescence having thus
addition to this, the valet runs his master’s
■cnee of an interview did not ap-
There Is one aspect of the Sullivan- far occurred. Dr. Hood says that the rem­
errands and keeps his favorits seat by tbe Mitchell fight which is so far devoid of
Why the Doy Goes Wiwng.
ome within tho purview of the
can do no harm, and that th. prlma
<as simply assumed to bo the
The very wealth is at th® root of it alL fire till he wants it and when there is a dis­ brutality as to be of public Interest; this facio evidenoe in its favor is certainly
L Clemenceau to insist upon any The boy is indulged in money and the dis­
is, that a man seemingly In superb physi­ stronger than that on which rests the use of
be wished: Had ho chosen to ask position Of Iks time, He plays billiards and chimes in with his master and is always cal condition may, in reality, be so far Chian turpentine, so eagerly resorted to by
not only the fact that ho had been cards all night, smokes cigarette® immoder­ reedy to back him in any assertion be may overtrained, as It is termed, as to have the profession. He would restrict tbe trials
d, but ctcn that such a paper as ately, drinks whisky in proportion, indulge® choose to make—George R. Sims in Phila­ been deprived of his staying powers.
to well marked cases of schirrus, and no
ng News existed, I am inclined to in other pastimes and vices, and bribe® the delphia Times.
Nature supplies to us certain quantities benefit should be looked for in less than three
law would have sustained him,— servant < to lie about bis comings and goings
of adipose tissue, which may Beem to the months.—Now York Tribune.
Coeducation of the Sexes.
critical eye of one who looks only at the
at home. The father, engrossed in large af­
----- --------- -
It is not generally known that the coeduca­ ’ outsido to be an incumbrance, which
fairs, frequently has a youi g drunkard sit-
Preserving Natural Flowers.
JlUtorU Wenh--------
• -—-
oppoeiU him at dinner without being tion of tbo coxes is carried on without I'cstric- should be reduced by careful training;
To preserve natural flowers by the wax
I worth laying, but such as I am aware of the fact, and the mother’s love is too iions in the Univeftity 6t Toxaa Young men i but ft may turn out tbatin thus bringing solution process, dip the flowers in melted
England is not rich enough to buj blind to observe. The boy’s health is dam­ and young women aro admitted to tho sa ve 1 the human organism down to a mass of paraffine, withdrawing them quickly. The
aged, his morals strangled, and his pocket classes in every department and are eligible i bono and muscle the trainer will deprive liquid should only be just hot enough to
nhwere spoken by Gen. Joseph mortgaged. He gets into all sorts of scrapes to degrees and honor® without exceptions.— the body of tbe food that It needs to make maintain its fluidity, and the flowers should
good the waste of physical energy. A
J’wylvania, in 1779. King George that he is ashamed of, until finally one New York Evening World. •
man thus prepared may be well fitted for be dipped one at a time, held by the stalks,
Reed $10,000 and tho most more outrageous than usual, and perhaps
a spurt, but enttrely unable to keep up and moved about for an instant to get rid of
ce in Amei ica, if he would make with a female attachment, drives him, with
air bubbles. Fresh cut flowers, free from
’ bring about a reconciliation be- a mind weakened by debauchery, to despair. their estates for a song. In a very few year. under long continued physical exertion.— moisture, make excellent specimens in this
American railway kings will be the landlord, Boston Herald.
« Britain and her rebellious Then he shoot® himself, and he’s usually of Britain*
way.—Good Housekeeping.
drunk when he doe® it.—New York Tetter.