The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, May 25, 1888, Image 6

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The Oregon Register.
The supreme court of Illinois has
T here were lynched in the United j affirmed the decision of the lower
court in the county “boodler" esse«,
States during the year 1887 no fewer.
and defendants will have to verve their
than 123 persons.
term of sentence. -—■*?' :
U. 8. Marshal Franks has been al­
A small trout with two heads has lowed $1,301 97, for expense« incurred
been discovered recently in the fish in bringing Benson, of survey fame,
hatchery at Iona, Mich. The heads from Denmark.
are perfectly formed and the bodies
Ewing Watterson, son of Henry
unite at the back fin. The little fel- Watteraon. editor of the Louisville
low i. described «« looking like an an- Courier Jowrwl, hasbeen arrested on
_ .
. ,
, ,
• i a charge of assault with intent to kill
»mated boot-jack, and a« lively a wng- MrJ j^,ne Vnkej
gler as any fish in the pond.
Officer Mai tin Nolan was shot in
-- ----------- .1 ■ "
several places and fatally wounded
O n a recent very cold day a citizen
trj jng v, arrest two members of
of Chaplin, Mass., went fox-hunting,
notorious Mollie Nolt gang of
At the edge of a wood he put out hi« housebreakers in Chicago,
hound, which soon disappeared fiom
A freight car loaded with powder,
view and hearing. The hunter waited »bile standing in the yards at Mont-
• ..
gomery, Ala, exploded from some un-
three weary houre, ana then went to ^,7,^ destroying several ear.
his wagon, where he found the mtelli- near it aud kdling Robert Givan. a
gent dog snug and warm under the colored man.
Arnos H. Tyler, of Bath N. *Y., a
...... ........
■ ■■■■—
salesman, shot and.fatally wounded
Y ellow or orange stain for wood is Dr. W. F. Gilroy, a dentist.
one of the most sought for in oma- »«nt h> Gilroy’s house, and upon the
Devoted Principally to Washington
Territory and Califcrnia.
Chas. McStravick, of Grass Valley,
Cal., was riding in a buggy and lead
ing a colt by a line. The colt stopped
suddenly, tearing off three fingers of
his left hand.
Wm. Keyes and John Peyton, had
a few words at Boca, Cal.
struck Peyton with a pistol. The
men clinched anil Keyes fired. The
bullet entered Peyton’s breast and
passed through the left lung. He is
Alexander Duckworth, serving a
seven years’ sentence _in the state
prison at Folsom, Cal., for robbery at
San Francisco, attempted to escape,
and was shot by guard Fitzsimmons,
the ball passing through the prisoner’s
thighs and inflicting a dangerous
The nitry-glycerine house of the
California Powder Works at Pinole,
Cat, exploded. The employes had left
the building about ten minutes before
tne explosion occurred. About 3,000
pounds of glycerine exploded. The
building was totally destroyed. No
Qne was hurt
During a runaway at Sacramento,
Cal., a wagon occupied by Isaac Lea
and Mrs. James Biundin collided with
that of an old man named Myers.
Both of the latter were thrown out,
the lady receiving a severe cut in the
face, and Myers striking on his “4iead
and being probably fatally injured.
result is reached by digesting 2.1.
ounces of finely powdered turmeric
The remainB of Qcn. Martin Beem,
for several days in 17.5 ouuces of 80 of Chicago, will be interred at Alton,
per cent, alcohol, and then straining III. The dwath of Gen. Beem by sui-
Francis G. Bornemann, cashier of
through a cloth. The solution is ap- tide, at Stanton, Nebraska was a most
. .
a • j
unexpected blow to hw friends and the sub-treasury at San Francisco in
plied to the articles to be stained.
relstives, to whom the deed W ai inex- ! 1885-86, was arrested by the U. 8.
marshal upon an indictment found
a .
v plicable.
against him by the federal grand jury.
T he apparent paradox that the
Wm Spurgeon who
charge against Bornsmann isthat
most transparent water is at the same giding at Springfield, Mo., sometime The
----- in currency
of ' embezzling
time perfectly opaque from a certain under the name of Samuel Whitney,
from the sub-treasuiiy.
point of view is shown by __
a simple
ex . ­ was arrested for the embezzlement of
The coroner has been called on to
goblet over 1150.000 while in the employ of a
periment Partly fill a glacs
t ___________
private banking firm of Baltimore aa investigate the death of a 14 year-old
with clear water, and hold it a little confidential clerk.
child of parents belonging to the Band
itoove the level of the eye and distaht
A gang of men were working in a of Holiness, and living in a hut in
a loot or more. No object can be seen «ewer trench at Yonkers, N. Y., which Arroyo Seco, Cal. The child had been
when held just over the surface of the is sixteen feet deep, when the water­ sick two months, but the patents re­
water, but the water surface appears' P'l* buret, causing the sides ol' the fused to call in a physician, saying the
• i. a •„
ditch to cave in, and quickly tilling Lord would care for the sufferer.
like a burnished mirror.
(U_ _____ _
the trench with earth ami water. Six
Lucy Sing, a Chinese babe, died at
of the laborers are known to have the Chinese mission in San Francisco.
A series of experiments lately made been buried alive
The infant was taken by a charitable
by a French metallurgist are said to
The boiler at the sash and blind society from an undertakers shop in
have proved that steel loses weight by factory of J. Hodges, at Manchester, Chinatown, whither it had beeD taken-
rust twice as rapidly as cast-iron when N. H., exploded.
Wm. Tyler and by its inhuman parents. They con­
exposed to moist air.
Acidulated Harvey Emery were killed and E l - siders I it too puny to live, and they
gineer ThompHoruwaa fatally injured, wanted to save trouble by having it
water waa found fo di iolve cm U mou A piece of th« boiler struck the house near the eoffin at the time of death.
much more rapidly than steel. From of Mrs. James Mahoney, 500 feet dis-
At an executive meeting of the di­
this it would seem that steel bridges tant, and fatally injured that lady,
rectors oi the Nevada bank Ex-Sena­
are less affected by the acids contained
fr*me building on Four- tor Fair was paid a balance of $2,000,-
. .
teenth street, in Chicago, collapsed 000 which tbe^bank owed him.
in the smoke of the locomotives than whiUa numbel o( gchool
squared the account between the old
are iron ones.
therein romping. Lillian Collins, 10
bonanza partners that has been un­
— ' .
--------- “4years old, waa buried in the ruins and settled, and Mackay, Flood and Fair
I nstruction in the use of tools is had to be chopped out of the wreck,
have dow arranged all their financial,
about to be introduced io all the She was horribly crushed. Theothera affairs as relating to each other com­
primary schools of France,
pletely satisfactorily.
Acycione struck the village of Pe­
ready bben introdneed in many, and
Fishefmen ft»a tug which went out
catonica, Ill., wrecking several houses
has been successfully tried at such and innumerable outbuildings.- One to Farallone islands near San Fr»n-
schools in Manchester, in England. It woman and thrie children were in­ cisco, caught a huge devil fish. The
is found that the uteof tools furnishes jured, but not fatally, by flying tith- animal had a number of tenacles. It
clung so closely to the side qf the
an agreeable relaxation. The appren­ «tier. The storm came all the w <y steamer that two of the arms had to
from Freeport, acconjp.inying the
ticeship schools, which are the next
evening train part of the distance and j be severed in order to get it on board.
higher grade, are taking the place of causing havoc ilong the route.
It is the largest specimen of the' octo
pus caught here, the arms measuring
the old apprenticeship system in Ger­
Fire was seen on the farm cf Widow-
fully four feet in length.
many, Switzerland an# France.
Freeze, near Arlington, Neb. A posse
Charles Smith, a-traveling man, cut
of cilizens went out, and were horri
C otton , according to a scientific tied at finding the charred remains of his throat at the What Cheer House
authority, is nof a Uber, but a plant seven human bodies, only identified in San Francisco. He was out of1
by their stature as follows : Old lady employment and without money, for j
It holds to be spun into a
Freeze, Fred. Grateluschen, his wiie the first tfme in bis life, he said, and |
thread because of peculiar twists in and three children, and Fred’sbiother would rather be dead than become a ,
He 1s about 50 ]
each hair shown under the micro- Louis, scattered in different parts of beggar at his age.
scoDe, especially in polarised light the barn, among the horses ami <ovs years old. Hie wind pipe was cut and |
Emma Althouse, a young woman of Police Surgeon Martineau performed j
Linen thread may be spun, because
N. Y., who has been subject to A timely operation which will save his
the Ubers have certain roughnesses on
' '
trances of long duration for some bfe.
their surfaces which enable them to 1 time, awoke, >f'er a sleep of thirty-
William Nicholson, a shoemaker, at
cling together. Hence it is impossi­ three days.
When told of her pro­
San Franciseo, came home shortly af­
ble to mate as fine linen as cotton tracted sleep she evinced much sur­ ter midnight, in an . advanced condi
prise. During her sleep her grand­ tion of inebriety. A lodger undeitook j
cloth, but it is much stronger!
father, residing in Kentucky, died. to help the man up stairs to his room, j
As H ardy D elong and his ¡Kill When Emma awoke, she informed the and with much difficulty had dragged '
| family physician of the fact, but Bhe
Reuben, who live on Black Lake, ' could not tell how she came to know him to the top of the front flight, when j
Nicholson's almost inert body slipped
about eight miles from Ogdensburg, , it.
from his g-asp, and went rolling and I
A number of explosions of natural bouuding to the floor below.
N. Y., were driving along the highway
Within '
they saw a large bald eagle sitting on
a few minutes he was dead.
He had
Buffalo, N. Y., caused by over pres­ broken his neck.
the fence. The bird was covered with
sure, and created widespread excite­
mud and too weak to get away from ment, besides destroying St. Paul's
Louis Furor, a 10-year old boy div.
them. He was soon captured and put , Cathedral, the pride and glory of the jng just out of San Francisco, was
in their buggy. In the field near by city. An explosion occurred in the killed by a charge of bird shot fired
they found another bald eagle lying , furnace in the basement, blowing out I at a cat by Joseph Miller, who works
dead. The scratched and torn con­ windows and doors. Flames at once on the ranch. The cat that Miller
dition of both birds showed that there broke out, and in half an hour the in­ was after had crawled into a brush)
had been a life and death struggle be terior of the beautiful chuteli was in heap, and he was poking around after
i it. The little boy came up to see
tseen them.-
One of the largest, if not the largest, ! what was going on, and got between I
B erlin , it seems, has gradually be­ ¿tensions on record has been grauted | Miller’s shotgun and the cat, just as I
Miller pulled the trigger. The full
come the head-quarters of the carved to C. B. Gillett, of Whatcheer, Iowa, I charge struck the boy in the abdomen
the amount being $12,613. Gillett re­
wood industry, supplanting Switzer­
ceived a sunstroke while in the army, I tearing a horrible opening.
land. Six hundred artists in wood­ (was treated at the hogpitid for disease j A bold attempt was made in broad
-carving, the same number of turn­ of the eyes, and finally discharged day light by John Govey, a contractor,
ers, and 700 carpent rs are efijfageTTn from service on aecounk of this disa- to aet fire _jto. th? extensive lumber
manufacturing such articles as cigar- bility. In 1872 he applied for a pen­ yards of the West Coast Lumber Com­
sion. but his claim was rejected in
cases, newspaper and picture frame«, 1878 on the ground that his blindness pany at San Diego, Cat He was dis­
covered running out of the yard from
napkin rings, etc. The value of the could not be directly traced to sun- a spot where a pile of rags, saturated
annual expoit of these article« is given stroke"while in the service. A few with kerosene, had been fired under a
Il is reported
as 5,000,000 marks, and this is exclu­ years since his relatives and attorney pile of dry lumber.
had the case reopended, and the result that Govey had a dispute with the
sive of the costly carved wood furni­
! is an allowance of over $12.000 on the company regarding some lumber he
ture, the manufacture and export of , first payment, and $72 a month dur-
had bought, and threatened ven-
which are assuming large proportions. | | ing the remainder of his life.
Everything of General Internet te •
Condensed For».
A coasting schooner is being built
by Wm. Squire at Tillamook.
The Congrrgationaliats of Hillsboro
expect soon to build a church.
Mrs. Campbell if Empire, Coos bay,
died at the age of 80.
Phoenix, Jackson county, will build
a $1,200 school house. *
Considerable excitement exists over
the coal discovery in the Nehalem
A two story hall is to be built al
Yaquina City by the Masons and Odd
Fellows jointly.
The dies tree of the graduating
clast of the State University this yeai
is a Larix Europea, grown in tne
nursery at Woodburn, Marion county
Paris is the namO of the new town
laid out for the county scat of Mai
heur county, and the county is with­
out a newspaper.
A call was issued bo prominont bus
iness men of Albany for a citizens
meeting, for the purpose of organizing
a board of trade.
M. M. Sale, son of A. H. Sale, died
at Astoria, of cerebro spinal meningi­
tis. He was 28 years old, and a native
of Marian county.
At the preliminary examination of
W. L. C. Elliott, at Independence, he
was held to answer in the recent mur­
der of John B. White.
One of Cook’s fishermen, in hi»
boat, noar Clifton, while about to
shoot a sea lion, accidentally shot
himself in the right thigh, the ball
shattering the bone.
Joseph Kinnison, of Baker City,
w»»-tlw<>wn from the horse he was rid
ingafid received injuries that are
thought to be quite serious. His con­
dition indicates internal injuries.
A two-year-old child of John De­
ringer, of Albany, drank a small quan­
tity of concentrated )ye, with which
its mother was cleaning house. It is
thought the child cannet recover.
J. J. Rosell.of 8weet Home, arrested
for assaulting his son-in-law, Daniel
Morris, with a knife, was discharged
in Justice Humphrey's court for want
of evidence.
Albert Gilliam, of Pilot Rock, suf­
fered a broken leg by bis horse falling
He was alone, and tried to attract
some one’s attention by firing his .re­
volver, but failing, he climbed on his
horse and rode heme, a distance of
three miles.
The Willapa Packing Company
filed articles of incorporation with the
Secretary of the State. Tne incorpor­
ators are D. W. Dobbins, Miles Bell
and L. L. Reeves-; capital stock, $20,-
000; location, Portland.
Portland Investment Company.
The incorporators are F. C. A. Perkes,
W. L. Sherman and H. R. Lewis;
capital stock, $50,000; location, Port­
Leonard, 16-y ear-old son of A. H.
Hooker, living at Ei^ht Mile, in draw­
ing a 44-cailibre revolver from his
pocket, shot himselt through the left
hand in the middle knuckle joint.
The middle finger was amputateu.
'^XDr. Splnney 4C$
N ER VOU8 ES ì JXH t *
dency. kc.. dn. tu e.ori«i.'Or*
by c°™
jree. Bendi centi in •ta..,.
yrlnndor UuJdu
The Van
r>Ri»IOM—18M a 184
The Oregon National
—Alexander Graham Bell,
Ingtpn, the well-known teleph«
venter, whenever he vieftg (k
keeps a weather eye out for a
interviewers. Nothin
nduce him total k
there is some urgent case th
knows semething about
—Mr. George Kennan, the a
traveler and writer, has I sm I
listed by tlie Russian Govern
and will not be permitted to rn
the Czar's dominions “I m.
of course,” snys Mr. Kennu, t
put on the Russian blacUhtj
only thankful that I euweei»
crossing the frontier with-*Ug
material and papers comingthhs
—To an admiring corrtapoite
New London, John GreialesfMj
recently wrote that “Maud JU
was not composed as a story of ka
life, as has sometimes been intiai
But “Maud” had a real prototyp
country-girl of whom he obita
drink while riding by, and wbei
estly raked the hay up about fell
ankles while he was driiikiw
~' .J
the Old Bod
*Tls a shame, now Tm old,
The great weight I moat bald.
At an hour when all wise toDuntM
Since the evenings gnv cut
A most wear some pill
Became mine, holding John tad SaR
B 1,1'1 SR—
Fancy roll, F lb
Oregon....... / .
Inferior grade
California roll
— BodaifHf
—A Fall That Would Prow
Costly.—Mose Schaumburg u4|
S. went to the-Austin Openli
They got seats in the gallery, i
before the pcrformance begin $j
recognized a friend in the onto
and leaned over the railing*'!
seized her by th^^rin and poM
back, exclaimingin an agoniudl
of voice: “Vat for you van!» to
down in dot orgestra. Kepecean
cost a tollar and a bald a sal
Eastern, full cream.
E ggs —Fresh ...
D ried F ruits —
Apples, qra, ska and
California ..
Apricots, new crop..
Peaches, unpeeled, n«
Pears, machine dried
Pitted cherries.. ■..-...
Pitted plums, Oregon
—A clergyman, in introdnE
missionary from India to hit as)
tion, concluded hi% remark» ■
quotation from Bishop Reter’i
¿rated "Missiouary Hymn,” u4
with marked emphasis: "Owl
conies to us from that distuit tat
“ ‘Where every prospect plpam <■»«
Oregon pre
F lour —
Portland Pat. Roller, F bbl •
White Lily V bbl................
Country brand.............. .
S merflne............ '................
G rain —
W neat, Valley, F100 tbs.,
Walla Walla...........
Barley, whole, F ctl....... ..... 1
ground, F ton. .... SO
Oats, choice milling F bush
do feed,good tocbbice.old
Rve. F 100 Um
____ ... 1
F eed —
Bran, F ton...........................
Shorts, F ton .......................
Hay, F ton, baled......... .
Chop. F ton........................ i
Oil cake meal F ton............. S
F resh F ruits —
Apples, Oregon, F box....... 1
Cherries, Oregon, Fdrm...-
Lemons, California, Fbx.. 3
Limes, F 100.........................
Riverside oranges, F box...
Loe Angeles, do
do ...
Peaches. F box....................
H ides —
The missionary could not Wfl
ing his embarrassment, whsiM
to speak amidst the irreprariM
of the congregation at their pF
awkward and left-handed ooa|^
—N. F. Ledger
« 1
® 1
• 1
• S
14 «I
IB •
—When men's aieeUoM d» I
their opinions, they are is <Wk
lz* error more earnest, a great deal, 1
47 for ths most part, round belie#
IB the maintenance of truth; appsss
ing according to the nsturt«
evidence which Scripture yieM«
—It is good to be shaken up, »■
to shake ourselves up so w «]
variety of sensation and ezpw
and be compelled to take new’M
life. To sit in the samo spot H
at the same window, study thel
objects, is to cultivate a m0“*!
life that is deadening.—
—Put Yourself in His ftajH
ous young man (speakingof"
SB - rival)—Yes, George is cleTV1**J
some, but he is so abominably^
78 ed.* Sharp Young Lady—Wj
SB Dumley. if you were handrite
75 clever, would not you be riN
7» (A few moments' reflection
by total collapse of Dumley.—^
._______ ——ra
18 fiazor.