The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, May 25, 1888, Image 5

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    e Qreg'on ZRegrister N. A. Jacoba has purchased the plant
of the late Trantcript at Medford, and
Closing exercises to be held at Little­
will begin the publication of a democratic .
field's hall Friday evening, June 1, 1888:
25’1888 newspaper at Ashland.
May 22, 1888.
May 22. 1888.
J. Burt Moore, M. D., uf Newberg,
Aunt Beckey has put on a clean dress,
Severap LflfiWette people went to Me- ,
shook out the wrinkles, and now will
Music. ............................ ............... By School
E. E. Selph, democratic nominee for sling a few more Items off-hand to the
MinnvilM Monday evening to the demo- How
He Won. Her.................. Ralph Dunn
cratic speaking, and we are informed Be Kind To Mother.......... Cora Hubbard representative, made our city a pleasant readers of the R egister .
call on Saturday.
proprietors of Chis paper that a large audience was in attendance. No Sir ............................ . .Queen Kelty
Charley Ilolts is the boss collector
J. W. Watts is announced to deliver Llewellyn and His Dog..........Ivan Daniel
A number of the young men from this here; he got pay for his lantern.
.„g out bills, for the collection of
Unfinished Still.... r............ Myrtle Dunn
three speeches in this county during the
place visited the metropolis of Yamhill
Vocophone Band.
^counts. Of tl»eir method
There was preaching in the German
campaign. We are sorry the doctor America.............. ................. Omar Steward county on Saturdayjast.
language on the mountain last Sunday.
We have nothing to say; only our could not give more time to this county. The Tea Party.............. Nannie Ungerman
A. M. Perry, V. E. Beno and Fred
There will be an abundance of fruit
riber8 should not censure us for it.
The wife of Conductor A. K. Coburn, North Wind.......................... Carl Young
Fourth of July........................Bertie Hanev Crawford went to the Nestucca on a here, such as plumB, pears, apples, etc.
eent out no bills thus far, and who was killed in the narrow gauge acci­ My Dolly’s Dead......................... Cecil Olds fishing excursion last Saturday.
Mr. A. Nelson still lias those elephants
„ will be spared that task. The dent, has received $2,000, the amount of Song...................................... Peter Olds
Austin and Joseph Bowman, of New- on his hands, which he wouldTike to get
Chorus of Katydids.
her beneficiary certificate, fronytbe A. O.
iption accounts individually are U, W.
Babies In Tire Wood.......... Earl Sampson berg, formerly of this pla. e, were noticed rid of.
Santa Claus Partner............... Clara Davis on our Streets one day last week.
collectively they amount to
State Sunday school convention was Duet ....... ... ..Mary and Della Parker
Chris Swanson, of Loe Angeles, former­
Joseph Baxter, Charles Robinson and ly of this place, is here visiting old
! hundred dollars, the need of in session at. Albany this week. Rev. J. Tlie Elf Child.................. James Jamieson.
„(ten hampers a publisher avery Hoberg, T. C. Stephens and Mrs. Ada The Crust To Thee.................... Mary Bird Charles Woolworth are at work in a log­ friends.
Duet....................................... .. ..........
ging camp on the W illamette river.
The health in this valley is good;
The first year of our manage- O’Connor were in attendance from thi a
Miss Eva Hoberg and Rhcda Gardiner
I. Nichols and wife went to Portland grain looks well and wild strawberries
Curfew Must Not Ring To-Night...
„( the R egister is drawing to a
J. L. Vickrey has just received a new
Daisy Morris on Monday. Johnny measures out dry are ripe.
end aa an inducement to you to line of summer dress goods, consisting of Piano Duet............................. .'........ .
goods and groceries during his father’s
Since No. 10 has the nomination on
... Misses Edith Kelty and Pearl Cooke absence.
small accounts with us prior plaids, lawns, ginghams, mulls, piques,
the republican ticket for constable he
part n.
y lit we make the following liberal organdies, etc. New patterns and very
G. B. Abdill put up a Stover windmill steps as high as a blind mule, but he will
Vocophone Band.
- —1
If you will pay tor the current
Essay.......................... Mrs. Jessie Johnson for Jake Seitters last week. J. T. Wat­ get a free pass up Salt river sure.
Mr. Chas. Dickens, the worthy son of Two Sinners. .. Miss Eva Hoberg son and Frank Huddlestun did the car­
nd one year in advance we will al-
Sam has subscribed for the Oregonian
a famous sire, jouanalist, finished scholar Telescopic Vocophone Solo.. Carl Young penter work.
and others here should do likewise, then
u»discountof 12H percent. New and accomplished speaker is lecturing in Never Go Back on An Old Friend In
Fred Berning is having Iris house re­ there wives could keep them at home, so-
• • v .. Miss Eva Fenton
ihers paying for one year in ad- many Oregon towns. Will an effort be
modeled, which improves its appearance they could get wood and water to cook
Fisher Maiden (ballad).......................
will be allowed the above discount, ninde to have him come to Yamhill?
Miss Pearl Cooke very much. J. T. Watson is doing the with.
Every democrat in Yamhill county Reply of Mr. Pitt........ Frank Billington carpenter work.
intion rates will remain the same
There was a meeting at J. D. Carter’s,
should come to the rally at Lafayette The Bells Go Ringing For Sa-i-rah
Prof. Davis, of Salem, is making ef-' store for the purpose of starting a cream­
liofore— $2.00 per year.
............ Eddie Littlefield
next Tuesday and bring a republican Wives of Biixham. ... Miss Pearl Cooke
forts to organise a singing class at this
with him. It is not every week that a Song (with guitar)
local and general .
Miss Maggie Boone place. It is to be hoped that he will ery. I have not learned what success
was had. It is a move in the right
man of Mr. Irish’s reputation speaks in Our Conntry (oration)........H. W. Young
Presentation of Certificates of Scholar­ succeed in his undertaking.
Baird, of North Yamhill, was in our county.
ship and School Diplomas.
G. E. Stuart has purchased a lot on
The republican “emissary,” John F. Lost Ship (descriptive duet)
There was a meeting called by the re­
Ferry street, opposite Adam Roesner’s publicans to meet at the schoolhouse not
,invoice of mens’, boys’ and ladies’ Swift, was challenged by Col. John P.
............Messrs. H. W. and Carl Young
building. He will soon erect a two Btory long since, but there was only two persons
Irish to meet him in joint debate
st Vickrey’s.
building on the lot—the upper Btory for a there. I did not learn for what purpose
Carl Young, Director.
nember the school entertainment througlmut the state, but Swift wisely
Dcors open at 7:45. Curtain, 8:15. photograph gallery and the tower story the meeting was called, unless it was for
rridav evening.
Carriages at 9:45. General admission, for a dwelling.
laying the keel for the boat that starts up
too many gunB.— Guard.
25 cents.
8. -Maloney, of Sheridan, visited
•Rev. C. C. Poling, who has been pas­ Salt river the 4th of June. As some of
Here is a pointer for merchants and
Come out and see the living, walking,
•tte on Wednesday.
others. John Wanamaker, of Philadel­ . talking Vocophone Band, direct frdm tor of tbe Evangelical church at this the nominees are bound to travel on that
i Belle Aiderman is rejiorted under phia, says: “My plan for fifteen years ( Cleveland, Ohio.
place for the past year, has left us lor his craft they want to be in time. No 10
ctor’s care this week.
new field of labor at Salem. He was ap­ says the republicans are well pleased
has been to buy a space in a newspaper
No pains are sparing to make the pointed presiding elder for the Oregon with the ticket. Who informed him
G. Bingham, Salem’s city at- and fill it up with what I wanted. I
, was in town Monday.
would not give an auvertisement in a closing exercises of the Lafayette public district at the lust annual conference of that such was the case? I am a repub-
! school the most imposing and unique of the Evangelical Church.
who is not pleased, and I know of others
ig term of the Lafayette public newspaper of 400 circulation for 5,000
any jirogram it has yet been our pleasure ’ A good view of theDayton warehouse here that are kicking like a Texas steer.
dodgers and posters.,”
will dose next Monday.
This office is in receipt of tho Oregon ( to present. We are much elated, and can now be had from Ferry street. J. No. 10 says that Thompson will be elected,
i arrival of straw hats for men,
Weather and Agricultural Report, congratulate ourselves, that we, after re- W. Ingle is the man who will get a large and I’ll Bay that the democrats will elect
d children at Vickrey’s.
Vol. 1, No. 1. The object of this pub­ ’ maining in the school for two years, have patronage at his warehouse this year. more than one, or I’m no Webfoot.
; having symptoms’ of hydropho
A unt B eceey .
lication is to furnish the outside world I mbt with the approval of both its friends The warehouse will be Bituated above
i killed in town yesterday.
with correct statistics of Oregon climate, and patrons, and now comes our crown­ high water mark and the farmers can
r of our voung people went on the and the condition of crops from month to ing effort. It was our intention to charge sleep soundly w ithout any fear of high
on from Dayton „^sterday.
month. It is for free distribution to in­ no admission to these exercises, but, water.
May 21, 1888.
T elephone .
t forget to buy your hardware of tending immigrants and to those who having incurred about $20 expense, we
Grain is growing finely.
[field. He is selling cheap.
will take an interest in collecting data for
John Brown is up on a visit.
Trusting that this will be satisfactory,
next session of the Grand Lodge I. its use.
A little more rain would suit us.
and that all our imperfections will be
May 22, 1888.
will be held at McMinnville.
N arrow E scape .—Last Monday be­ overlooked, we extend to all an invita­
Some more newcomers from the
Neal A Poet, of McCoy, are buying
oppleton is furnishing the lumber tween Forest Grove and Went Chehalem tion to be present.
Martin Cook has moved into his
lekolTs new mill at McMinnville. MittseH Daisy Davis, and Sarah Christen­
I. Rudder is building a bridge son were riding along in a buggy, leading
Noah Heater is putting up a
fine lot of jewelery from the east.
tbe creek near the Oak Grove a horse behind with a long rope. Tbe
The following deeds were recorded dur­
J. Hulery, of McMinnville, has built house.
horse stopped • suddenly pulling the girls ing the week ending May 19, 1888:
Willie Davis has gone to McMinnville
U. 8. to Joseph and Mary L. Hess, an addition to his saloon at this place.
:her, republican candidate for apd their seat to the ground. Jt was
to work.
>er, was on our streets Wed-
frightened and run away, for the ro|>e 14, t 3 s, r 3 w.
Wallace Graham is putting an addition
fishing last Sunday and caught 100 fine
to his hotel.
had got fastened around Misa Christen­
ce acknowledges a pleasant call
son’s ankle, and for a few moments she Wisecarver, lots 5 and 0. block 18, Mc­
Moiris & Miles are enlarging their
Ed. Briedwell has a very fine line of
al of Dayton’s young men last
was in great danger.1 As it wa\ how­ Minnville; $1,750. ’
buggies and farm machinery, which he store building.
ever, no serious damage was done. *
U. 8. to William B. Gilpin, e % of the is selling cheap.
Don’t forget that Newberg will cele­
lav morning T. B. Nelson, C.
F or P rohibition .—The prohibition can­ n e Ai of section g4, t 2 s, r 4 w.
Miles Hendrick had his fine trotting brate the Fourth.
and Win. Harrington started
Sarah E, Hanning to Thomas Han­ mare severely hurt yesterday, but Dr.
didates for the legislature will address
Martin & Hanson are putting up a
the citizens of Yamhill county at the fol­ ning, 90 acres in t 2 8; r 4 w; $1.
Wright fixed her up in good style,
neat butcher shop.
Henry and wife left Thursday
Mrs. P. W. Chandler to Mrs. E. J.
lowing times and places: Amity, May
The baseball game between t(ie Sheri­
F. 8. Cottle has returned from a trip to
land, where. they will visit
25th, 8 p..m.; Wheatland, May 26tu, 8 p. Walker, block 11, Chandler’s addition to dan nine and tlie Amity Greys last Satur­ Washington Territory.
ad relatives.
m.; Newberg, May 28th; £ p. m.; West
day, resulted in a victory for the Greys,
N. C. Maris is moving into town and
to loan on improved farm prop- Chehalem, May 28th, 8 p. in.; Carlton,
by a score of 25 to 21.
will live in one of JeBse Hobson’s houses.
unountB to suit.- Apply to Dr. May 29th, 8. p. m.; North Yamhill, May
Big Jake has again come to/he center.
Henry Austin has rented his residence
*‘Anoiher wonderful discovery has been made
Eton, Lafayette.
30th. 8 p. m.; Dayton, May 31st, 8p.m.;
He may survive the last effort, but it is to Shephard Ong, and Mr. Ong is run­
on and wife, J. E. Hembree and McMinnville, June 1st, 8p. m.; Lafay­
fastened ite clutches i pon her and for seven doubtful. The last seen of him he was ning a hotel.
I John Millican started Wednes- ette, June 2, 8 p. in.
years she withstcod its severest testa, but her leaning up against tbe fence very sick at
Young fruit trees will have to be taken
Vilhoit Sprmii.
F or the C ampaign .—In order that our vital organs *ere undermined and death seemed his stomach.
R uel ' s .
care of or they will break all to pieces
reported that Postmaster Plum- readers inay have a first-class metropoli­ imminent. For three months sbe conglied in­
with their big loads.
Carlton, is sick. We hope soon tan Weekly during the campaign, we of­ cessantly and could not a'eep. She bought of
C. E. Hoskins has gone to the coast
“:le his recovery.
fer you this proposition: From now un­
Following is the programme for the with a lot of bee hives and will be back
Consumption and was so much relieved on tak­
1 T.inner is announced to speak til July 1st, we will rqceive subscriptions ing first dose that she slept all night and with open temperance meeting to be held in time. to open the campaign at Willa*
publican side of politics in La- to the San Francisco Examiner for six one bottle has been miracnlonsly oured. Her Wednesday evening, May 30, 1888i
mina on the evening of the 22d.
months for 85 rests. R egister and Ex­ name is Mrs. Lntber Lata.” Thus write Ham Music............v...................... .’............... Choir
xi Tuesday at 8 p. m.
P rohibitionist .
idence of Michael Messinger, aminer six months, $1.50. Cash/to ac­ rick A Co., of Shelby, N. C. Het a tree trial bol Prayer............. ...
..Clyde Hurley
tie at J. M. Kelty's drng store.
creek, was destroyed by fire company order In every case.
.......... Mrs. Olds
y night; insurance, $1,000.
.... Bird Nelson
N ew B ooks .—Yambill county has just
. Maud Johnson
Hand Èvening World is a good received from Geo. D. Barnard & Co.,
Charles Hcberg
Col. John P . Irish will speak at the Recitation.....
r and we hope it will live long St. louis, some fine new record books
.Mrs. Watts
court house at Lafayette on Tuesday,
er after the campaign closes.
for the recorder’s office. These books
......... Mary Bird
May 29th, at 1 o’clock, and at McMinn­ Recitation..........
... Belle Belcher
“tripe cherries of the season are of the best possible manufacture and ville in the evening at 8 o’clock. Col. Music...................
Maggie Steward
on our table Tuesday morning will be in a good state of preservation Irish is editor of the San Francisco Alta, Recitation..........
........ Thad Dunn
whbh all that is now mortal has passed
tary Hurley. Many thanks,
.T. C. Stephens
and as well posted on the leading ques
. . Carrie Milloy
forget the day and the date of away.________ ___________
tious of the day as any man on the Recitation.... *
Bertie Sampson
J ust R eceived .—Tbe best and finest coast. Come and hear him.
’■ rally at Lafayette, Tuesday
.E. Carpenter
line of ladies’ aud misses’ shoes and slip­
• John P. Irish will be here.
! given a sample of very luscious pers of all kinds in the latest styles. Al­
M c M innville , Or., J ay 19, 1888.
1 wish to say to the voters of Yamhill
es Wednesday by Mrs. Watts, so gents’ and boys1 fine and heavy shoes
E ditor R egister :—Will you please
country Oregon takes the lead. and boots for less than they have ever county that I am an independent candi­
been sold for in Yamhill, at the Lafayette date for the office of recorder. As I am publish-the following resolutions:
C*y, W. T., w as visited by a
Reeolved. by McMinnville Grange P. of
shoe store. '
H arris & H aney .
not an able-bodied man, I trust you will
conflagration last Thursday,
II., that the nominees for representative
loss, $250,000 ; insurance, $75,-
of Yamhill county answer Yes or No to
The Verdict Unanimous.
the coming June election. Yours respect­ the following questions:
W. 1».Salt, druggist, Hippos, Ind., tastlflan: fully,
Are you in favor of retaining the pre­
J acob B. S mith ,
» misinformed about the death “I can recommend Electric Bitters os tbe very
Carlton, Or.
sent mortgage tax law?
B*!. of North Yamhill, last beslrtmedy. Every bottle sold lies given re
Are yon in favor of passing a law re­
1 was alive at last report, but lief in every case. One man took six bottles,
quiring all property, such as notes, bills
and was cared of rheumatism of ten years’
Mrs. Fannie Mayer has again opened a and accounts, credits, promises to pay
dicker, formerly of Lafayette, standing." Abraham Rare, druggist. Bellville,
»tract for building a new court Ohio, affirms: • The beet selling medicine I millinery store at Sheridan, and from and all property not mentioned in this
Tillamook. The price to bd have ever bandied in hry twenty years’ exper­ long experience will be enabled to supply list, and attach such penalty as will in­
ience is Electric Bitters." Tboneauds of others the ladies of Sheridan and vicinity with sure listing or forfeiture of property.
This« powder never vari * A marvel of p$ r
Hy, atrruttli and wholenomenege. Moreeio-
bare added their testimony, so that ths verd let the very latest styles and at prices less
R. A. P orter ,
noinical than the ordinary kind» and cannot be
««terfleld keeps a large assort- ia ananhnoas that Electric Bitters do cure all
J.W. C ook ,
gold in co npcii»ion with the multitude of low
«nnsand undertakers’ goods, diseases of tbs User, kidneys or blood. Only a than Portland. She will also employ an
tent, short weitflu alm., or phosphate ponder«
in thia line can be furnished on half a dollar a bottle at J. M. Kelly s d-og experienced dressmaker.
Hold only in c«na. R otil H akim « P omiieh .
• Committee.
(Jo., 10» Wall tot: A: Y.
Sheridan, May 1, 1888.
Absolutely Pure.
» r