HERE IN CALIFORNIA T.«r Yrlea.,1. *od Neighbor. Sa, on ***. Msiwr »t Vital Importât»«.. mtow will be found * “"Pl’’® °r ‘be \bnde of le«*« of encourage- ■"HiXn- H. H. Warner A. Co., of JJLer, N. Y„ daily receive The inel| uunolifited testimonials are Ji vour friends and neighbors, T. and gentlemen you know and W m (yr their honor and slraight- f^Llncss and who would aoorn to wrty ti> any deception. What x teen don® for others can be dene “7-ou »nd it i» foUX’ »“’ddal, to , ¿riutl'T when the means of re- ¿rery lie at your very door : _... Cal (Attorney-at Law, 967 Broad- ®ÀÏntNIa> 1-97.-1 fi»v« luna us«*1 "Warner'. ¡S Cure1 win* K00*1 and am now uxiug r i/ec. 13. 1887.-My wife Is using Safe Cure” and says that it is doing - *A.I J.n 8. 1888.—I we “Warner'» ±‘ciS’-CW keep well. I think it i» s good fejicise. In th. three dll«, Grsme, t'anne. and Nina, It is a singular fact that of all Christian na­ In * rauee. over 3.0U0.OX) pound, of oranga rt ,w- tions the United SUU*« is alone represented by era are unoc annually u> nun ala.-lure ubo. pom- Prote»Uni UhihUan miMtiona iu Persia. sass, cc. Ti.e vtdu* of this enormous amount of flowera U about *390.000. . A FLAT CONTRADICTION. Some one has told you that your catarrh is incurable. It is not so. Dr. Bale's Catarrh Remedy will cure 1L it 1» pleaaaut to use and The brood AtlanUc. ia ever a stormy thor­ it always does its work thoroughly. We Lave oughfare. Y* t blow the wind» ever so fiercely, yet to hear of a case iu whieu it did not accom­ anil the waves ever bo loftily, seamen must plish a cufe when faithfully used. Catarrh is a man the good aii'pa, tourists will brave the pas­ disease which it is dangerous to neglect. A sage, and oom merci al travelers and buyers certain remedy is at your commend. Avail must visit the «-eutres of foreign trade and yourself of it before the conip aiut a msnufaciure. That atrocious malady, seasick­ more serious form. All druggists. ness. logt ther with colicky pal ib and much in­ ward uneasincM is often endured when Hoa- There are five plate-glass factories in. this teiters Htomach Bitters would hsve fortified ________ _ _________ the voyager» against them. ¡Sea captains, and couu try. in fact, all old »alls and veteran travelers are H obb ’ s N erv «-T onio P iles are compoeeApf acquainted with the protective value of th s es­ timable preventive and remedy, and are rarely just such elements as enrich the blood and unprovided with 1L Emigrants to the far West strengthen the nerves. Une pill a dose. should use it as a safeguard again-1 malaria. Seek the aid of the Bit ers for dyspepsia, con­ The erase in collecting and saving empty stipation. liver complaint, kidney troubles and all ailments that impair the harmonious and 5c. Cameo Cigarette boxes is assuming vast proportions, and the elegant pictures t tyorous action of the vital powers. of Langtry and Mlle. Theo with their elaborate gold frames, will pans into the Ezekial Matthews, eighty seven years old. a resident of Crawford county, Georgia, walks poeaeaeion < f 1,000 persons on the i aciflc eight miles to a fish pond every morning, and Coast who return the largest number of catches a mess of fish. empty Cameo re. boxes to VV. Duke, Sons & Co., No. 1 ‘ Front St, San Fran* isco Z. T. WRIGHT FOOT OF MORRISON ST., THE FLYING DOVE OF PEACE* »1MUKB T'OOMBITRV rOWKU. A richly fronted quivering flying Dove. A Dream of Life screen < alendar. An im­ ported ideal head. An Imported f osted -now scene and a full set of magnificent floral cards. Fourteen artistic pieces. Sent to anyone who will buy f om a drug­ gist a box of the genuine D r C. M’L ane ’ b C elebrated L iver P ills (price 2» cte.) and mail us the outside wraiper f'om the box with 4 cents in stamps.^Write your address plainly. F leming B ros ., P itts burgh , P a . » ___________ •-'* The Advance is not guaranteed to be equal to others, but guaran­ teed to be far superior and better in every particular. If not it costs you nothing to try it. The output of Pittsburg’s glass industry is valued at | ^10,000.000a year. ¿IpCSEACHES Kriebel Engines, Stationary and Marine. Jhnbs M ean RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA ÓR KINDLED ILLS^t* ~ Isaura once had an affluent beau Who called twice a lortnight, or bq , Now she Bits, riunuay eve, All lonely to grieve. Oh, where is her recreant beau. And why did he leave Laura so’' Why. he saw that l«auia was a languishing, delicate girl, subject to sick headasher, sensi­ tive nerves and uncertain tempers: and know­ ing what a life-long trial is a fretful, sickly iranuxciHCO. CL.fitti Montgomery Street) wile, he transferred his attentions io her cheer­ 111 UW.-I find. ''Warner’« Sale Remedies ful healthy cousin, J£llen. The secret is thut hthat we could desire. Laura's hialth and strength-a e sapped by chronic weaJMpBs, peculiar to her Bex, which Klien avePflr and avoids by the use of Dr. Pierce*8 Favorite Pxericription. • This is the only remedy, for women's peculiar weaknesses and ailments, sold by druggists, under a posi­ tive guarantee from the mauufuoture-s, that it r*’ ■ ■ * Lo". F ekrv . Cnl., Jan. 1. 1883 -1 am using will give satisfaction in every case or money See guarantee on bottle K^er". Se Cure " for OUeere ut the Kidney. will be refunded. wrapper. HUB doing me good. Cultivated Long Island trout are fetching fl apiece in New York. THCCHAl.AVoCtLCR Co. BALTO..MO. ELYB catarrh CREAM BALM LY’S VEHY The Westinghouse Engines and Boilers, Farm Engine Tank Pumps several vaneties of Engines of all sizes and for all purpose**, Farm, Church and School Bells, Marin»* Work of all kinds. Creamery Machinery, Hancock Inspirators, Park Injectors, all the latest Patent Wrenche«„jpiack>-mith, Automatic and Farm Drills, Boiler Feed and Duplex Pumps, Steam Fitting Goods. Lubricating Oils, Belting and Hose, Self-Heating Bain Tubs. ORME Safety Valve for Marine and Stationary Engines, adopted by the Government. THE LINDGREN CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. For Villages, Stores, Public Buildings and Residences. THE RAWSON n ntnvc, paines ’ F THE REPUTATION OF . OTHERS. “Take everything that I have but my good name: leave me that and I am con­ PULMONARY BALSAM lRcieo'karten ¿Bremen, Conductor W. W. Wilber, of t>e on A Albany railroad, has traveled 1.000 miles in the last forty-four a He is now the oldest conductor he road, but he is strong and C omplete P ower P umpino P lants . J. H. FINH. Aasayer and Analytical Cue ml at. Laboratory, 100 First st., Portland. Or. Analyses made of all substances. Rates for assaying gold and silver ores *1.30. Paca­ ages sent by mall or express promptly attended to. and returns made. Low prices, prompt deli* ery Write for Circular». < BYRON JACKSON. SAN FRANCISCO FW Acting mildly but purely on the bowels it cures habitual constipation, add promotes a regular habit. Itstrength- ena tho stomach, and aids digestion. J DIURETIC. 1 In Its composition the best and most I W n IHl active diureticsof the Materia Medica A— _. _ _ _ UillULlLlIllJ For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED areconiLiinedscieudficaTlywithother effective remedies for diseases of the kidneys. It can be relied on to give quick relief and speedy cure. Hundreds of testimonials have been reoeired rom per-ons who have uefd this rwneuy With enuu-kable benedt. bend far circulars, «iving ^bl.^_________ „ 0-.«^ WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prop*» The AGFD 1 I1C BURLINGTON. VT. ARM & HAMMER BRAND To IIoiMtkeeper» and Farmer». —Itls impor­ tant that the Soda or Balerat us you use should be White and Pure same as all similar substanoea need for food. t Itojnsure obtaining onfjTOie “Arm A Hammer” brand Soda or Baleratus, buy it in “pound or half pound” cartoons, which bear our name and trade-mark, as Inferior goods are seme- timeesubstituted fdvthe “Arm & Hammer'* brand when bought in bulk. Parties using Baking Powder should remem­ ber that its sole rising property consists of bi­ carbonate of soda. One taaspo on ful of the “Arm ft Hammer” brand of Boda or Baleratus mixed with sour milk equals four teaspoon tala of the beat Baking Pow deleav­ ing twenty times its coat, besides being much healthier, because it does not con tain any injurious substanoea, such as alum, terra alba etc., of which many Bak­ ing Powders are made. Dairymen and Farmers should use only the**Arm & Hammer** brand for cleaning and keeping Milk Pana Sweet ana Clean. Oxunow. Bee that every pound package of ••Arm and Hammer Brand” contains full 1« ounce» net, and the »pound packages/UU ounce» net, Boda or Balerqtus same as speci­ ON EVERT PACKAGI. Packed in Card Board Boxes. fied on each package. Always keeps Soft I SO DA or SALE RATUS o THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE! ’S ■TONIC NERVE | FILLS H OBB For the Blood and Nerves. S Hobb’s Nerve Tonic —• Pills make New Rich ruus. and expect^ to make a reo- Blood »nd c ^ tpb Anaemia, T ry G krmka for breakfast. of 2,000,000 miles before he re- Scrofula, Pimples, Hu­ FOR EVERY PURPOSE. mors, Bad Circulation, and all impurities of the, Mr. Edward Earle, of New York blood, ns well a* lhe follow­ ing nervous disraseR, vis,: in his place at .Narragansett Pier Nervous and Physical De­ bility; Vital Exhaustion, iter tower seventy-five feet high l’rematuie Decay, Palpi­ lining 18.000 gallons. On the top tation of the Heart* Flut­ his tower ia a wooden dragon tering, Trembling, Hys- teria, Nervousness in any Ity-ono feet long, with spread form,Nervous Headache, I Investment small, profits Neuralgia, Cold Hands or H measuring twelve feet from tip large. Svhd tOu for mailiing Feet, Pain In the B hc I c , lar*re illustrated Catal >irue and any ether form of Fe- with full particulars. Man­ ufactured by _ male Weakncs»« They bring lust before Mrs. Langtry left New c the ro»y tint of health to the GOULDS & AUSTIN, City she became the possessor of =» sallow cheek. Weak nei vou» othing is known to science at ilWT A !•» Xd>k. Bt., & people should take this great comparable to the C utiouka R emedies all com pi ---------------------------------- is pronouncod by experts to be I CHICAGO, ILL. a- Life Fenewer. If you afa their marvellous marvellous properties of cleansing, in in their properties tagest and finest turquoise in purifying and beautifying the skin and in ^suffering ________„ ^for ___ past ,J>a»t ------------- errorF The OLDEST MEDICINE In the WORLDTh Hobb’s Nerve Towle Fills will cure you. curing torturing, disfiguring, itching, scaly and nc>- It is set in twenty-seven Is Probably Dr. Isaac Thompson’s U Try them, and you will loin the thousands of pimply diseases of the skin, sculp and blood, huppy men and women who daily blew Dr. Hobb onds, and may be worn as a pin with loss of hair. - -___ for his great work: in their behalf. They are C uticura , the great S kin C ure , and Cun- I a pendant It is worth over sugar-costed. Only 50 Ct», a bottle. All cura ~OAP an exquisite Skin Beautifler, pre­ druggists or by mail in plain wrapper for cash 0 — Public Opinion. pared from it, externally, and C uticura R e ­ or stamps. Sample of Pills and ‘Dr. H obb ’ s Thia article 1« a carefully prepared physician's pre­ solvent . the new Blood Purifier, internally, foseph Chamberlain is an and has been in constant use for nearly a H and B ook of U seful I m form atiojt ” by mail an­ cure every form of skin and blood disease, from scription. F bek on receipt of Post il Card with your century, and notwithstanding the many other prepara ­ , „ Mt on the subject of orchids, on pinjples to scrofula. that have been introduced into the market, the address. Sold everywhere. Prioe: C uticura , 50 c .; R e ­ tions sale of this article is constantly increasing. If the di f he spends immense sums. He solvent , fl; S oap , 25 c . Prepared by the P ot ­ r ctioss are followed it will never fail. We particu HOBB’S MEDICINE CO., PROPRIETORS, SAI FRANCISCO, CA ter D rug and C hemical C o .. B oston , M ass . larly invite the attention of physician* to its merits. e finest collection in England, flpnfi for “ How to Cure Skin Diseases.** John I*. Thompson, Sons A Co., TRuY. N. Y. • wears one in his buttonholes fár' Pimples, blackheads, chapped and oil.v *^3 n.anin»’"*'*. hr .1 P All*». St. Minn »quently displays »6,000 to »7.000 gy skin prevented by C uticura S oap . *^1 PRINTERS’ COMPOSITION. Dull Ac Aches, Pains and Weaknesses in- li ec». Pain of these costly flowers on his » stanti stantly v relieved by the C uticura A nti - I'r'Xim.Uble......... ............... u.a______ NS P ajh P lastmk i - amtkb , the only on pain -killing planter. 25c. finnn wm b.l»M forwbMdraw, «rain at pal. »luPU noon, nibstencmfound In Wboom.Bobwwir, pine one nas discovered that a . ~ ~ ' r_ Mknowlodged the mo.1 ddl«bUul xnd on,, trail, Ar ToM » Day. Sample» worth fl.W, HlfcE. r can not bray if a brick be tied bnnnlra. toilet nrtlole produoed lor hrautlfrW« JKK Lines not under thehorses feet. WrlteBBXW- end nrraerrtn« the complexion, remo.lng tnn. ranburn. tail” It ¡g extremely doubtful W rtfr ’ h S afutv ReixHoLnFJt Co..Holly.Mich. tracklra and xfl III— irti ra red ronghnera of Ute akin I man who undertakes to make SI EIN WAY • BAJCH.'^Oatlir* Koeñleh Uaed and indoned b, the eUte o< oodet, and the pbination can do much braying THE BEMT AND I’HKAPEMT. a on . Ohsmlsta Portland Orsson. pathing, either—about ten mln- PALMER A REY, ■Xro Mom MATTHIAS OBAY OO Rr.-No(d Mail. Printer»' Supply Hsu* Btrwt San rraamoo WELL DRILLS See Antbefl Piano advertisement. Alt ALTERATIVE. A LAXATIVE. Hfl and literary . 1 un/L Celery and Coco, the prominent In­ gredients, are the best -uid safest Nerve Tonics. It strengthens and Suiets the nervous system, curing fervous Weukuet>s, Hysteria, Sleep­ lessness, &c. It drives out the poisonous humors of the blood purifying and enriching it, and so overcoming those diseases resulting from Impure or impover­ ished blood. ▲ BUPKMioB BXMKDY FOR that horde of imitators which thrives up­ COUGHS, COLD.«, INCIPIENT C0KSUMPT10N on the reputation of others. The gcod And all Throat and Lung Troubles. W. Cid., Sept 28, 1887.—Last December name of A llcock ' s P orous P lastkrs I i . b lot my boys,’ aged 34 years, was troubled induced many adventurers to pul in the ».Id g, xU Uriggl.tH r»r to Cent». hwhat teemed to be a bad cold. He g ew niarset imitations that are not only lack-, J. R. CATES A CO., se and Fcalled a doctor who called it Dropsy ing in the rest elements of the genuine PROPRIKTOM8, I began to tr» at my child for it. He con- article, but are often h irmful in their ef 417 Hanaome ML MAN FRANCiMUO led to grow worse and I got another doctor fects. This is not only theft, but might 1 analized his mine and p’onounced it rbt'a Disease in a bad form. All the doctors well be called malpractice. Such a thing unb nai* ■foamburo, The public shoulcL .be Lmy boy would die, and he looked as if he ought not to be. fcly would. I began to give my boy warned against these frauds, and. when hrner's Safe Cure” without saying anything , an external remedy is needed, be sure to m doctors. In three days his urine snowed J&avrr,Bonbon,Sopentagen unb insist upon having A llcock ’ s P orous kange, and au analysis made three weeks alien ¿brtlenXentfeblatib** __________ r indicated a perfect condition of his urine, P lasters . ______ DefterretA, bet Sdjroetj, Un* fry doctor who heard of his ca*e said that gain, ipolen u f. ro. ¿u niebrhften ’Breifen. When oxen or sheep collect together as if they would die sure, but he took “Warner's Safe n. SS. SRfytt, bornulS 3. g. HJd not s-e. I suffered from acute in­ flammation in my nose and head - Mrs. Getvrgie S Judson Hartford MANY PEOPLE REFUSE TO TAKE COD Conn. A particle Is applied ir Liver Oil on aocount of its unpleasant taste. This difficulty has been overcome in l&cott’ii Prioe SO cte st. them rrturn reeui< ‘iSS?.* nwlir.l curr, I h*.>- mad. th. di e eare of FITS, LI IL hr«Y or FALLING HICKKKS8 .We4oi« 1 warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases, Itecause •Chers have failed is no reason for not now recoinn< » cure. Send al once foe a treatise and a Free BoFtle m my tafaUibW remedy. Givs F.xprwse and Port O«o*. H. <4. HOOT. J>f. <5.. 183 Pearl m. New Yark. nee, m use in no other Piano, by which our Pianos rtxi.d In tuny 2p >«»*•. 9<><~l lyr 1«> j »<* »IJe‘"t«d by climate. No wood to split, break, swell, shrink, crack, decay, or wear out; we guarantee it. Ele­ gant KosAwood Coses, 3 strings, double rejieating action; finest Ivory keys; the Famous ANTISELL. Call or write for Catalogue, free. T. M. ANTIBELL PIANO CO., Manufacturers, Odd Fellows’ Hall, Mar­ ket and Seventh Streets, Son Francisco. Cl SO S CUR E fOR CONSUMPTION