: > > TO rlr w «- <’ • •/ WOMAN AND IIOME. LIGHT AND AIRY. _ USEFUL HINT8 CONCERNING THE CARE OF CLOTHES. How th« Baby Should Ba Looked After. The > JW. t /i . I < The Result la Boeton. Omaba Man (In Borton»—Will you pl«aM tell me where I can •»» that statue ot SulU- rani Borton Man-Sulliranl Sullivan! I b» llove Gen. Kul^ran----- “No, not that Sullivan. I mean"----- “Ob, yea, tbe compoaer, Sullivan. Well, 1 haven't heani that any statue”— “No, no. I mean Sullivan, the great Boo­ ton slugger, tbe one who met hu match in a little bit ot an Englishman." “Bag pardon, but if you stop to chat longer I’ll b. late at till- meeting to ur range tor a statue to Emerson."—Ouiaba World. - t ■ ■■f A Boelaly Ugkt. , “Brigsby would like to move in society, wouldn’t bef" “He doe» more in «ociety. I’ve »ren him in the mo»efashionable parlor-in town.” ■Where wa» tbatC “I mw him putting dowta carpet at Old- boy Y r uidenoe the other day."—Nebraska State Joa. ual .......................... .... " " 1 . . ■ ’■’V SPORTING ANO ATHLETIC. Dominick McCaffery will not make any matches in EuglaniL „ Captain Brewer, the American champion shot, is defeating all comers in England. I I; I J 1. George Hosftqer thinks Teenier the best oarsman in the' world, and he regards Gau- daur as a dangerous man when in condition. 4, Mike Cleary will go to San Francisco in June to make a match with McAuliffe, the heavy weight, wbo recently knocked 1‘uddy Ryan cold. Porter Ashe’s California stable will start east in a few weeks. In it will come the »-year old Kilgariff, of whom great things are expected. The regular racing season begins with New Orleans, April 2. From that time on until snow flies tbe gallopers will be chasing Father Time around the tracks. It is probable that Charlie Samuels, thf crack Australian sprinter, who has defeated Harry Hutchens and other fast oues, will go to England the coining summer and race Gent. Samuels < is a black man, a native ol Australia. Capt. Bogard us. the champion wing shot of the world, will not again compete fot championship honors on account of advano ing years. He has lieen champion of America for seventeen years and champion of tbe world UM» 188K——»------------- ------ II j . ; $ ’• i j Ï v' 1 K . — 1 Li SCIENTIFIC SQUIBS. 4 êr-rr- I f 1 I s I I I I I « f 4 j j a I i. I »’. > 4 I Enthusiastic photographers are experi­ menting everywhere with tbe new magne­ sium powders, by which photographs of in­ teriors may be taken at night as well as by day, so powerful is the light they emit when ignited. Some of tbe heavenly bodies are incline^’, to be fast. Meteorites sometimes attain a velocity of 180,000 feet per second. When pawing through the air at this rate the fric­ tion is so great that the air is heated up to a temj>erature of 10,800 degs. F. De Leon has been making an extended in­ vestigation of'the amount of iron in milk, and finds that cow’s milk contains more of - 41 hs constituent than either human or asses’ milk. In asset»’ milk he found ¡.0025 percent. of iron, in human milk .0015 per cent., and in cow’s milk .00U) per cent. Now that everything is being done by elec­ tricity, it is not strange that the fisherman should utilize it. A small battery is at­ tached to tbe rod, and near tbe hook is a small electric light. The fisherman lights up his lamp, and the umusual phenomenon at- ■ tracts the fish. The baited hook does the rest. Saffron, as is well known, is used to color butter, nudels^lqaors, etc., that fine shade of yellow which tbe public delights .in, and takes to indicate unusual purity of the arti­ cles. Since the introduction of the aniline colors, a number of them have lieen used in­ stead of saffron, being stronger and in tbe end cheaper. A kind hearted scientist announces that a strong solution of cocaine will stop the itch of mosquitoes and prevent swelling. It is best applied on a little wad of cotton as a strong solution or as a paste of the substance nibbed up with a small amount of water. Why not make little cocaine wafers and stick them on as occasion requires^ To Moissan beldjjgs the honor of having isolated beyond a doubt the elemeut fluorine, which so many chemists have endeavored to lure from its ffcrompanying substances. As was expected, it is a gas. Even silicium and boron burn in it with brilliant com­ bustions. Water is decomposed by it, cork is inflamed, as are also alcohol, turpentine and petroleum. An ingenious idea has been hit upon by an investigator on the preservation offruit juices. He finds that the addition of J^Very small amount of chloroform, about five to ten drops, to two pounds of the liquid to be preserved, acts as a most excellent preserva­ tive. The method is certainly a very simple one, and such a small amount of chloroform should be entirely harmless. _________ ■ I 1 Nail«—A College Prtaa. Doctor— Fashion Plate«—Hint« for th« Household. : I K Finger Family » STRAY BITS. ? ? !¡ A French workman has succeeded tn pro ^facing artificial silk. — The highest recorded price for a 8tradiva- rius violin is «aid to be England ustw seventy pounds of sugar per oapita; tbe United States fifty pounds. . Stephen Webb, of San Luis, Cola, has ad­ vertised for “a wife wbo can milk a cow.” Tbe Australian savages are passing out ot existence taster than any other aboriginal race. A man of Blossburg. Ta., owns line dogs, seven cats, eight canaries, I wm white nuaa and a mrmksv. L j J X « ■ ■ liw suggtawon mat tnw person mignc De aw- covered m the annex. In tin* way th» fact came out -the author vu a young lady. Bo th» omy of Mira I’earson vu neces- «arily ruled out of the list, and a prix» Of »73 wax awarded to a young gentleman instead, while Mias Pearson dropped at one» from the Bowdoin prize of »1U0 to th» humbler annex prize of »SO, thux paying »70 outright tor the hri.ih«r. of being beinz a woman. privilege woman. —New York World. iwrrr ‘ 01 Vaur. cnminai iiegieci to allow a baby to suffqr from chafing. Tbe bead requires particular attention. No daintiness in other re»i*cts can atone for tbe disfiguring browu patches which are some­ times allowed to remain there. The top of the head should be well washed with soap and water every morning. If, in spite of this, traces of scurf appear, the spots should be rubbed at night with olive oil, and gently scraped <»ff iu tbe morning. If the applica­ tion is not successful, it should be repeated until it ia But there will be little trouble if the matter is attended to when the brown flukes first show themselves. As tbe baby grows older and tbe teet h de­ velop, bibs should bo provided, if necessary, to protect tho Crout of tbe dress from the too • ------- - The Manicure’» Outfit. • t THE CURIOSITY 8HOR, Odds and Ends or Information la wo. (Kl.ne, and Otli.r llruniySi The following are some .1.1- . .. which it would be well for every oiwuT*' A. C. Ante Christum. Before C'lsLil A. D. Anno Domini. In the I laird. . A. U. C. Ab urbe eondita. _ building of the city (Rome). "* B. C. Before Christ D. V. Deo volente. God willing. E g. Exempli grntia. For ezamnU ] Etc. Et eastern. And so forth. ” ’ Errata. Error* H. M. S. Her Majesty's ship. Id. Idem. The mine. L o. Id eat That is. I. H. 8. Jesus hominum Salvator ^.1 tbe Saviour of men. ’A, Incog. Incognito. Unknown. INRI. Jesus Nsixarenus, Rex Jn^^j Jesus of Nazuretli, king of tho Jewa*'*| MS. MAnuacript MS8. ManusmL. N. B. Nota bone. . Mark well P. 8. Post scriptuni. Written aftemJ Pro tern. Pro tempore. For the tisT’*I 8. P. Q IL Seiiatus, wnahi^nui Tbe Roman seiiat^jtjgj people. Bq. Soqueus. Following. i Xmaa Christmas. i Another necessary adjunct to the dressing As most’people like to have their clothe« table is the little Parisian box used by tho last as long and look as well as possible, a manicure, and which maybe bought fora tow hints on the care of clothe« may not small sum of any chemist or perfumer. It come amiss. All must admit that clothes contains a I oat shaped implement, covered that are cared for properly wiU outlast tho«» that are neglected, aside from their also ap- abundant flow of saliva Unless carefully in chamois leather, and furnished with a handle, and there is a tiny box of tine pmk peoring better. It d(MS not matter how Gue watched, kept as dry as possible, and ruhlied powder of a slightly gritty nature. You the material may be of which they are made, I at times with a little cosmdiine, the chin and breathe on tbe nails, and then sprinkle them if they are dust grimed from carelcj*>neoi in neck are apt to become chafed. with tbe powder, and polish briskly on the brushing, or ill fitting from neglectful fold­ Even a very young baby can be trained in chatnols pad. But before this process is ing or hanging, they will never, make as good habits in a way that is surprising to reached, j ou must first use the other little good an appearance as those made from a any one wbo has not done it. If its wants implement, which is of ivory, with one end cheaper and poorer grade of cloth that has are attended to at a certain hour every morn­ shafjed almost like a pen, the other fitted been cared for. ing, a healthy child will seldom soil a napkin. There is no color that show» tbe dust Tbe training cannot be begun too early, and with a smalkbrush. In the center is a flat file, on which you carefully shape the tops of »»oner than black. If a smooth faced fabric, tbe habit should be firmly established before the dust may l»e easily removed witn a brush it is six weeks old. It saves much trouble to the nails, rounding them off at either side to follow the line of the finger. Scissors should broom or bristle brush, or if left some time the mother and discomfort to the child. never bo used for the finger nails, as by cut­ unbrushed, it is not of «o much importance, A little baby spends tbe greater part of its ting them you make the nails coarse and for it may be removed at almost any time time in sleep. , It is as if nature were prepar­ before using, but if tbe cloth is corded or ing it for the battle of life by giving it as thick. With the ivory point you clean the Tl»« Half Moon*« Crnig^ finger nails, and also gently push back the rough faced, it is of the utmost importance mueburepoee as possible before tbe struggle to reveal the white crescent and to pre When Henry Hudson, in RepleilU— that it shall be brushed thoroughly as soon begins, It should never be awakened unless Milen, lie kept a log |>ook. hl J very curious document He anehoirt deal of tbe dust of tbe street, and at such a ify the curiosity of visitors or friends is ex nails,” which quickly appear if the skin ad York bay, and some ot his men time, if poasible, they should be brushed tremely injudicious. As iVgrows older and beres to the naiL—The Lady. eauiious enough to leave tbe ship’JTuz! thoroughly ere putting away. First, the hat is awake more, a certain time should be Following the Fimhlon Flat««. were attacked by the natives and or bonnetjnust be brushed well, trimming fixed for tbe morning and afternoon nap, The, patterns sent out by pattern houses Hudson luwsed up tbe river, noting (¡¡¿J and all. If of felt or straw a bristle brush, and for putting it to bed at night. If these are often absurdly elaborate. They are made rerent points by tbe way. By his (¿aZ3 such as is used i^r clothes, is tbe best, but if hours are adhered to, they will generally one,’ which is made especi- find a sleepy baby williug to yield to their up to extract trado and they do not represent one mav recognize Spuyten buyri| w ' of velvet a a liner fi] Point, Hudsoij mid othor places, whkh * iclya purpose, should be used. I< soothing influence. It is best from the first the best taste of fashionable people. While ally for tuC-, . . it is of cloth a fine corn broom will do very not to darken the room, nor keep it specially pattern makers have done an inestimable then in a stat, ot nature, it i,’ well, and some also use thi* article for felt, quiet. Tbe child becomes accustomed to i good in helping mothers to shajie the frocks remember that when Hudson Point the virgin forest grew who, J? but generally it is too coarse, and is not as I sleep through slight noises, and they do not and clothing of their children, saving hours good in any way as the bristle brush. In waken it. Tbe eyes should be protected of worry and vexation, >they have done a stmid the buihlings of tbe national academy. To-day West Point is hnkgSi great evil in prolonging in places remote brushing a felt hat or bonnet, always brush , from a glare of light by placing tho head of J from the great cities the mania.forover elab­ the history of n great nation. one way to keep it looking nice. the crib toward the window. oration in the dress of women ami children. Hudson Mllod upto Albany and nt»J After I «¡ing caught in a rain or snow A baby should never be allowed to sleep •torai with a felt hat, and it is wet, on com­ «with an older person. The best bed is a Everj’ mother naturally wishes her child to at tiuioi taking native, on board and^N ing inside do not put it to dry without stationary crib, with woven wire mattress, look pretty and neat, and too many mothers taming them. One old man he mHtuJ brushing. With the brush begin at tbe rim and a thin, soft, hair one placed over it. lured by fashion plates have spent hours of drunk. Tbe white men did not seem 1.^31 and go round and round, always the one This should be protected by a square of rub­ toil in making elaborate dresses for their however, to risk going on shore. TH» m | way, brushing very hard, until the crown is ber sheeting; two must be provided, and the children, only to find, when the dresses were oiico or twice attacked on tho way, but 21 reached, brushing thia in the same way until one not in use hung in the opeu air aad sun­ fiuished, that they were ugly and unsatis­ firearms easily drove the natives amv al There is but one remedy. Let only loss was Hudson's pillow, wtiidit^9 you finish in the center the top of the crown; light every day. If there is the least trace factory. then put i^away to dry and when wanted it of an unpleasant smell, the rubber should bo mothers take the goods the fashion makers managed to steal by climbing up to M1 4 will look almost as good as new. Never put washed with some disinfectant solution. Tbe provide, but avoid all elaborate designs, de­ stem ot the ship. a felt hat away while wet without brushing, covering should be warm and fight. A signs which are put in merely to fllLout the Esthetics. or it will be spotted when dry. Men’s stiff down comforter is the ideal for winter, if it I books. Make simple clothing for the chil- Many people have a vague coneMJm J hats may be kept looking nice if treated in is well aired in thrx Torrey and Young. weeks. When the lemons are required for within a few feet of him to •oft piece of linen dipped in cool water. AU Without tae identity of the writer being dts- use they should be well dried with’ a Cloth. Both animak took a long, WR creases where tbe flesh touches should be covere.1 the ju'iges awarded the essay the each other, but the dog evidently^ powdered with pulverized starch, or any first prize of »11X1 Th» essay was signed .. j If you wish to keep a sharp knife don’t put covering from bis surprise, good toilet powder. This is most important, merely “E. B. Pearson." Tbe el—- and de­ it in hot yreaso; stir your potatoes while fry­ make a spring for the intruder. At W" and must never be omitted, as the delicate partment of the university were not desig­ ing, or turn m«it with a fork or an old case cal juncture tbe monkey, who had skin easily chafes. Where there is redness, perfectly quiet hitlierto, raised 3 or any symptom of chafing, lycopodium nated, as is required, and Professor Torrey knife kept on purpose. gracefully «eluted by lifting bisj» powder should be used; it is most healing, •xpreesed some surprise that th» author ot so Never sun feather beds. «Air them thor­ effect was magical. The dog^M** and can 1« applied even if the skin is broken. able an essay should not have complied with When there are frequent discharges, the a provision so simple. He searched the cata­ oughly on a windy day in a cool place. The dropped and Im sneaked off to tbe logue of tho university for the name of P. R sun draws tho oil, and gives the feathers a fusing to leave it until his polito w» ” parte should be washed in thin, boiled starch Pearson, and on not finding it soiqybody gave rancid smell. ous guest bad departed. forward heap« tabee ta you Songer« fît afe Cur 7 '4 Cur J 1 I •/ I t J ¡ fl ¿1 L* ' HE 1- « HSü! r ¿Vfi ■ ■ 'S. 3 & *3% r 3 am Bthl "Wl d l uni dti I my sly ’ ie di ‘¡S 7d raí coi left t I 0! M 0 >1 it II h