1 t Ä ‘ — ’ ai f 't % t '■% 1 »! I i “ A GOVERNMENT OE THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, AND BY THE PEOPLE.” vn. LAFAYETTE, YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 26,1888. Register DIVIDED DELEGATIONS. IBID EVERY FRIDsY I' .».I ei » t 1IJÄI 2Mi 4 I >' I th f( w Gt« : rs tC0S ine :Ca bureau, *k. iLTwal 0 ■I 7 democrat and a native Oregonian. He is educated and has studied the politics of the country. He is full of sympathy with the democratic policy and would secure the sup­ port of the majority of the house. This is for the voters and taxpay­ ers to think about. If the object in Bending a man to congress is to se­ cure benefit to the state, it is busi­ ness to send such a man as can ac­ complish the work. History proveB that Hermann cannot do the work. We might as well not have any one there. This state is not interested in paying a man $5,000 a year to parade before an M. C. A congress­ man is. not a whit better than a county commissioner, who works for nothing and' pays his own ex­ penses, in point of honor, and if there is.nothing to do in congress there is no use in selecting a repre­ sentative. On the theory followed by the administration we think it best to have a democratic member to a& with the republican senators. —Salem, Vidette. bers of the senate judiciary com­ mittee, to which the nomination of There is one consideration that Mr. Fuller for chief justice has been -AT- should be taken into account in referred, are charged with having OMSON the present congressional election, conspired together for the purpose -BT- namely, the composition of the dele- of delaying a report upon the nomi- manu- In Massachusetts, a large gation. It has been the policy of ¡ANK S. HARDING. nation until after the presidential Morse, factoring and tariff state, the democratic party and adminis- 1 election, and should a republican HJJSCBIPTIÖN BATE8. Burnett and Russell, demo­ trations in national affairs to appor- Collins, 1 by accident be elected, to delay it are in congress. wrrMr. ................... $2 tion governmental work among men crats, ' Jk ■uadu la . ;«■ I «A> À •A' taker and Jeweler, _1_ .