TELEGRAPHIC CONGRESSrQNAL. The Oregon Register PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAY LAFAYETTE. - - OREGON UIATC. Andrew9 Biebel and Mary Hen nF The house bill for tlie relief cf the First National B ink of Portland, ap- _ , . _ u were drowned while crossing A late Japanese mvenbon h said Mic» -, Crow propriating $8249 for money advanced to the contractor for building a to be a process of m.king from sea- The f-c Mjd warehoUR) o( weed a sort of paper almost as trans- Egu clgire 8a#h 4 Company, at revenue cutter in 1875 76, was taken for the calendar, amended by adding parent as glass and as tough as parch- Eau Claire, Win., burned. Loss, $100,- several items for ship carpenters, etc., ment. 900 ; insurance, $60,000. 'I in connection with the same contract, _ . ------ --- Rear-Admiral Charles Stewart Baggs and passed. T hb best conductor» of electricity djed New Bruogwlcki N. ol p.r. are silver, copper, gold, zinc, platinum, general debility. iron, tin. The poorest conductors are ' a widow, He leaves The conference report on the house joint resolution accepting the invite- THE LE8SONS OF UNSER FRITZ ^CASE The greatest doctors in Europe don’t seem to know what ails “Unser Fritz.” Thus are the Garfield and Grant episodes rejufated, and public confi­ dence in “expert" medical knowledge is again shaken. The effect is a revulsion. Since the fatal days of 1883, many of the doctrines of the schoolmen concerning extensive medication have been abandoned, and all schools of practice are more and more relying upon old-fasbioned simple root and herb preparations and careful nursing, —the only reliances known to our an­ cestors. - These methods and reliances are il­ lustrated to-day in a series of old- fashioned koi and herbs prepara­ tions recently given to the world by the well-known proprietors of Warner's safe cure—preparations made from formula possessed by many of our oldest families, and rescued for pop­ ular use, and issued under the happy designation of Warner’s Log Cabin Remedies. “My son,” exclaimed a venerable woman to the writer when he was a boy. “my son, you’r yeller and pale and weak like lookin’, you’r needin’ a good shaking up with some sas’paril’.” A jug of spring sarsaparilla was just as necessary in the “winter supplies” of fifty years ago as was a barrel of pork, and a famous medical authority rays that the very general prevalence of the use of such a preparation as Log Cabin Sarsaparilla explains the rugged health of our ancestors. While Warnei’s Log Cabin 8arsa-' parilia is an excellent remedy for all seasons of the year, it is particularly valuable in the spring, when tlie sys­ tem is full of sluggish -blood and re­ quires a natural constitutional tonic and invigorator to resist colds and pneumonia, aud the effects of a long winter Philo M. Parsons, clerk of ijje City Hotel of Hartford, Conn., was prostrated with a cold which, he says, “seamed to settle through my body. I neglected it, and the result was my blood became impoverished and poisoned, indicated by inflamed eyes. I was treated but my eyes grew worse. I was obliged to wear a shade over them. I feared that I would be obliged to give up work.” “Under the operation of Warner’s Log Cabin Sarsaparilla and Liver Pills,” he says, “ The scire,and inflamed eyes disappeared. My blood, I know, is in a healthier condition than it has been fof years. I have a much better appetite. I shall take several more bottles for safety’s sake. Warner’s Log Cabin Sarsaparilla is a great blood purifier and I most heartily recom­ mend it.” A few bottles of Warner’s Log Cabin Sarsaparilla used in the family now will save many a week of sickness and many a dollar of bills. Use no other. This is the oldest, most' thor­ oughly tested, and the beet, is put up in the largest sarsaparilla Ixittle on lhe market, containing 120 doses. There is no other preparation of simi­ lar name that can < qual it. The name of its manufacturers is a guarantee ol its superior worth. While the great doctors wrangle over the technicalities Of an advanced med­ ical science that cannot cure disease, such simple preparations yearly snatch millions from untimely graves. i - ‘ —On a Governor street car yester- lay. Young married man in forcible toiles—“I tell you I am boss of my* house? and what I say there goes.” Passenger on next scat leans over and remarks: “Beg pardon; but is your wife at liirtne?” Young married man, n less forcible tones: “No, she’s in J lie country.” Everybody in the car smiled out loud.-<-P/ai’iiZence Journal. —James J. West, who recently pur­ chased the co nt reeling interest in the Chicago is under thirty years pf age, and is said to have amassed $600,000 within a»x years. Seven years ago he entered a publishing house in Chicago as a clerk at eight dollars a week; at the end of the third year he bought a fourth interest in the con­ cern for (66,500. "Mr. West’s original intention after he left college was to study for the ministry, which he did for a short time, but concluded that he was better suited to mercantile pur­ suits.— Harner's Bazar. K WOMAN’S WAi lion of the French republic to take dry air, ebonite, paraffine, resin,- sill-• James Cummings, manager of the part in the International exposition in phur, sealing wax, «lass, silk, wool, commercial ageucy, committed sui- Paris, was agreed to. It fixes the ap­ . . . cide at Dayton; Ohie, by Bhooting. He propriation at $250,000. dry paper, poroehin. had been heavlly bueket. The senate passed a number of pub-( I f you are ever chased by blood- ( »hops. lie building bills, among which was a v J -.a t — ~ uaa h »X» knzxw »h-t C- B. ghot Wertmer, known as a |5(MX crack ) bill appropriating $50,000 for a public hounds may be — well »o know that plgeon hlu, Bbeconded building at Boulder, Colorado. sheets of tissue paper placed oa the bej0Dgjng w ^he Waverly Building The house bill forbidding the mak­ ground under the feet and then re- Association, of which be was the sec­ ing (in Washington and Georgetown) moved carry with them every trace of retary. of “books" or “pools” on the results of the scent Will English, colored, living in Bon- ( trotting _____ _ or _______ running ____ races, r or boat , ham, Texas, stabbed his wile near the ; racfcg ur baseball was Dassed. H ere ’ s another good argument for times. He then stabbed ’ HOl'NK. taking the tax off jf tobacco. A Mis- himself in several places, Inflicting The committee on elections sub- souri wretch fired' a pistol at a paesen- fatal injuries. The causewasjeal- I mitted its report in the case of Frank ger train near Rich Hill, and the bail ,n of | re. Glover, from the Ninth Congres- hit a passenger It would have m^e u,e West Shore railed at Newark, . district of Missouri H finds aseriousif not fata) wound but for the . W ecoun New York ghot hig the contestée, Glover, entitled to the » placed on-t^®ca ar* . fact that he had a plug of chewing to­ ] wife four limes with a revolver, killing repotted and placed upon He then shot hiniaeif, v Bills were reported bacco in his vest pocket. The bullet her instantly. ’ f the calendar for tlie erecUo erection inflicting a fatal wound. 1*«“ ^? cf 1 ‘ a P pub ub. struck the plug, and was thus stopped lie building at Cheyenne, . “ . ! I he ... Wyo., e and '• AjenouscutUng .ffray took place illCreagiD 6 tlie appropriation for the * in its course. in the suburbs of Fort Smith, Ark. j purchasb . of a site for the public build- A citizen of Orlando, Fla., has a Lizzie Posey, a lewd woman, stabbed J i ing at San Francisco. Josie Martin in the breast fatally for A resolution providing for investi­ dog that accompanies him everywhere ' appearing against her in lhe,. Police gating the strike of the Chicago, Bur­ even to church. One Sunday the court. Mrs. Posey is in jail, and Josie lington 4 Quincy railroad was re­ owner concluded to break the canine Martin will die. ported, and referred to the committee of his church-going habits and or­ Phillip Held, a young fanner living of the whole. dered him home. The dog retreated fourteen miles west of Lemars, Iowa, The senate bill granting a pension until his master waaoutof sight, then shot and instantly killed his mother, to the widow of Gen. James B. Rick­ and shortly afterward committed sui­ promptly turned back, entered an­ cide. The trouble which existed for ets, was amended to $75 per month, and was passed. other church and .remained until the some time in the family culminated Under the call of States, Dunn in­ in a squabble over selling a horse. service was over. introduced a resolution, directing . the i — Hardy Posy, colored, was lynched at committee on merchant marine and M r . G raid , of New York, under­ Bessemer, Alabama, for an attempt to fisheries to investigate the fur seal took to drive a cat out of a cafe. The rape a girl 15 years of age. The town fisheries of Alaska, and all contracts contract was a bigger one than he is surrounded by armed negroes, who by the government for the taking of could fulfill without assistance. The threaten to bum the houaea and kill | fur seals. The committee is also di­ the citizens to avenge the lynching of rected to investigate and report upon cat jumped at him, bit him in the face, Posey. , the nature and extent of the rights ' • ‘ eaught the lappel of his coat.scratclud 8even children in less than two an<| interests of the United States in his chin, cheek and neck, and bit his years is tlie record of Mrs. Phoebe fur searand other-fisheries in Behring left wrist though to the bone. The Lynch, of Seymour, Ind., who eigh­ sea, and whether any legislation is necessary for betler protection and waiter had to pull the' infuriated ani­ teen months ago gave birth to triplets, preservation of such rights and inter­ and who to-day is the mother of two mal off. ■____________ [ boys and two girls. All seven, with ests. Also a resolution calling on the secretary of the treasury for informa­ D r . Ju Libs P ohlman thinks the feir mother, are aiive > nd well. The abolition of slavery in Brazil tion relative to fur seal fisheries in reason why our teeth decay so fast is Alaska. because we do not use them enough, is progressing with great rapidity. By Morrow—To execute Certain Hundreds of thousands who were and, like other organs that are not ex­ slaves have been freed in the past few treaty stipulations prohibiting Chinese Also authorizing the ercised, they tend to atrophy. Our years, and it is proposed to set a fixed immigration. teeth become week because unused to and early day when slavery shall secretary of the navy to make surveys in the Pacific ocean to determine injlie delermin 'the hard work. The author warns mothers ceas^, extent _______ and a position of dangers „ > i n the Dexter, the famous trotter, died at track of commerce and navigation; aBd nurses not to give the children | the stable of^ Robert Bonner, in New soft food, it they would have them York. -He Was thirty yeais old. He and for the purpose of ascertaining have good teeth—in other words, make died of old age and exhaustion. Dex­ proper locations for submarine tele­ graph cables. them eat their crusts.______ ter was the greatest trotter of bis day. The house passed the bill for relief He was the first horse to trot a mile in of the Omaha tribe-of Indians in Ne­ T elephonic communication can be 2ri7j.- ------- braska, and to extend the time of pay­ carried on between ships at sea by John Bogard, 16 years old, pleaded ment to purchasers of lands of said means of a sound-producing appara­ guilty at Kansas City, Mo., to murder 1 Indians. tus attached to each vessel, to be in the first degree. He was sentenced resTLAMii rKoiiita i worked under the,surface of the water. to be hanged. Bogard held the hands [ of James Weir,.at Independence, Mo., B vtteb — Each vessel also has a sound-receivhig Fancy roll, F lb last January, while Charles E. Meyer ) A apparatus to take signals. Intelligible struck him on the head, killing him.1 i.............. Inferior grade . signals could be produced by this ap­ Meyer was tried last week, convicted Pickled....... . California roll . paratus which would be transmitted aud sentenced to be hanged. do pickled Capt. Ramon Arguilles, of the Mex­ C heksb through the water in all directions — ican army, and Adolfo Towesa, clerk Eastern, full cream. with considerable velocity. do in the Mexican national railway Oregon, California.................. T he family of a Georgian were offices, quarreled in a restaurant at E ggs — Fresh...... At a meeting D ried F ruits — awakened the other night by a great New Laredo, Mexico. subsequently, Arguilles shot Towes», Apples; qrs, ska and bxs noise under the house which shook wounding him in the groin. The lat­ do California......... . violently. At first they were sure that ter returned the fire, killing his antag­ Apricots, new crop... Peaches, unpeeled, nt an eaithquake was in progress, but in­ onist. Peare. machine dried vestigation with a lantern showed that I , Policeman Clancy found a man Pitted cherries....... Pitted plums, Oregon a cow was under the house. How she named Chester Williams lying appar­ Figs, Cal., in bgB and Prunes, French . got there was a mystery, as she could ently lead on the back porch of a Cal. hovel in 8outh Helena, Ark. His Oregon prunes........... F lour - not stand upright. It was her horns head was fearfully bruised either by a Portland PaU Roller, S’bbl g and back that made the noise and club or sand bag. He was taken to Salem do do shook the house. The householder the station house, and was partially White Lily F bbl................ Country brand ..................... 3 had to get a pick and spade and dig a , restored to sensibility. He says while Superfine.............................. 2 ! be was walking along the levee a man G rain — ditch, in which the cow walked out. ' ! ran up to him and knocked him in the Wheat, Valle/aF 100lbs.., 1 do Walla Walla........... 1 M etals may be platinised by a new head. Barley, whole, F ctl----- do ground, F ton. .... I At a prayer meeting at a colored and cheap process in which the met­ Oats, choice milling F bush allic object is covered with a mixture , church in Berkeley county, 8. C., two do feed,good tochoicegild ‘ young men got into a row about a of borate of lead, oxide of copper and girl. They broke the meeting up. Rye. V 100 tbs..................... F eed — A Startling Baiineti Proposition. spirits of turpentine, and submitted to 1 The preichers and church officers at- Bran, If Um...................... A little over six weeks ago Mr». Fowler of 327 F ton..................... a temperature of from 250 deg. to 330 1 tempted to quiet the quarreling men, Shorts. Ellis street, San Francisco, stopped In at a leading Say, F ton, baled.............. deg. This deposit, upon melting, | but they did not succeed. One of the Chop. F ton........................ IK city druggist’s to ask what effect Joy’s Vegetable about which she had heard so much ■ men, named Brown, drew a pistol and Oil cake meal Fton....... a Sarsaparilla, spreads in a uniform, laver over the recently, Wuufd lave incases of dyspepsia and sick F resh F ruits - blew the brain of his antagonist, headache. She was assured that in mo»t cases it object. Then a second coat is laid on, | Richardson, out right in the church Apples, Oregon, F box.... i 60 would reliev* both. She was, however, so incredu­ Cherries, Oregon, F drm.. lous that finally the druggist gave her a bottle, not consisting of borate of lead, oxide of 1 building. The murderer has been ar­ Lc-mons, California, Fbx. < 60 to be paid for unless it effected a cure. A proposi­ tion so startlingly practical bas seldom, if ever be­ Limes, F 100................... copper and oil of lavender. Next, by rested and jailed. fore. been made. The following just received is the Riverside oranges. F box convincing conclusion, and tells its own story: means of a brush, the object it covered A duel between women occurred on Loe Angeles, do do — —a.___...., San Francisco. Februarr 8 1888 Peaches. F box . .777.77. with a solution of chloride of plati­ the Island of Corsica. The twoi vira­ D ear 8n: I write to admit that ,™itwlt’hstand- H ides — ing my misgivings, Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla num, which is finally evaporated of a goes concerned were named Frances­ Dry, over 16 the, F lb.... did all that you promised. I had tried so many ca Fortunati and Benoita Paequalini. prescriptions, to no purpose, that I had come to temperature of not -more than 200 deg. A long and bitter hatred existed be­ Wet salted, over 56 tbs.. believe nothing would relieve my dyspepsia and Murrain hides.. sick headaches, but I have not had a return of The platinum adheres firmly to the tween them, and during a quarrel they Pelts .................. either since I commenced taking it. I believe I am V B«n A Bl.xs surface and exhibits a brilliant aspect. agreed that oue must die. Stilettos permanently cuied, but will, out of an abundance Cabbage, F lb... < f caution, continue to take it regularly for a while If the deposit be made upon fbe first were the weapons employed, and they Carrots, F sack . _______ You have my permission to make this public, • 1 co pt« were plied with msd energy and rap­ Cauliflower, at dos........... for it is my belief that a remedy that will cure dys- coat the platinum will have a dead ap­ p»psia and prevent sick headaches should be gen­ idity. After a short and sharp strug­ Onions............................... • 1 10 erally known. Respectfully, pearance. Platinising in this way gle Benoita Pa-quilini fell, stricken Potatoes, new. F ICO lbs . W ool — 'fol/. oosts, it is as id, about one tenth the through the heart with her adversary’* Kast Oregon. Spring clip. r Stiletto. Valiev Oregon. price of nickel-plating. AN ERA Or O m at Ska Maas NataM« at the Carrant I The condescension to the stage is one acteriatiea of thio I have to admit that tlie fashion without the sumption that the act writer have the same « that is conferred by mot mya erious virtue there is b A person does not lose c* the pep, or even by tab needed pay for using it. To pubdsh n book or article accepted by a mi give a sort of social dlstin as an exhibition of s » peoted capacity or a sooW- y. It is hardly too mueht ,t has become the fashion to it used to be to dance the or to use the broadsword, gentlemanly mill with bruiser. Of course, one « do this professionally exi not to prepare for doing and severe discipline, by it ns for a trade, but sinq off easily, as one makes a a compliment, or drives to» One does not need to han terior impulse which drin devil of an author to eXprm that something to say which the poet into extreme irrital less he can be rid of it, a hunger for fame which com^ consciousness of the thought and emotion. Ths this condescension to literati which we speak is that it has th ity of spontaneity thatdoesMt. pose either a capacity or u cal There is no mystery about th One resolves to write a book, might to take a journey or to i on the piano, and the thing I Every body can write, at lent body does write. It is an time for literature. The Qna gland writes for it, the Queen < mania writes for it, the Shah tf wrote for it. Lady Brassey thei woman, wrote for it, Conm write for it. Peers write for it Aovel is the common recraid ladieb of rank, and where is the woman in this country who bit tried iier hand at a romance or i cast at a popular magazine! 1 feet of all thia upon literature pensive and joyous. Sups about mystery in the art bu disappeared. It is a common o tion that if persons fail in every else, if they are fit for nothing they oan at least write. It is sue easy occupation and the remowi is in such disproportion to the era tore! Isn’t it indeed the goldeni letters? If only the letters vflii —Harper'3 Magazine. Artificial Rubies At the Paris Academy of ScH meeting M. Fremy read a memo the researches which he hasnuuiei M. Yemeni I to artificially pni ruby. An alumina cruciulo vui so as to avoid the presems of i which has the effect of impart« lamellar structure to the prof Under such conditions, with alm separated from calcium fluoral« pfli-foi-ated platinum septum, they I obtained perfect crystals of alia which, being colored with tract ■■hromic acid, were an exact co« part of the natural stone. American. —As fling as we have wants we get on comfortable; bet the struggle after luxuries tint society with distress, and pop«! prisons, and sends hundreds of pl stark mad. Dissatisfied with ij house, and ordinary apparel, ui spectable surroundings, they ph their head into enterpr se andipet tions from which they hare toe out in disgrace.— lndianapotii Jet — Victoria has made arran^ee to celebrate the jubilee of Coop tionalism in October, 1888. It b pected that the churches of and New Zealand will be repreee and that delegates will be ee» fr -m fbe home churches. l ne Oregon National of pobtlasd . Tnumcta* d«oeMl The Van B m >»«S