“ A GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, AND BY THE PEOPLE.” . . Ç LAFAYETTE, YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAYA, 1888. ' ..... ; W agon road frauds . CARLTON. labor in the most general and com­ ~ April 30,1888. prehensive sense of that word, and From our exchanges we see that PÜSLISSE» EVERY FR1D1Y (From onr Regular Corrnepoodent.) ks all getting better. especially upon its relation to capi­ Mr. Cogswell, who is the demo­ _AT- W ashington , April 20, 1888. ( tal, to hours of labor, the earnings Our business men seem to be having a cratic nominee for joint senator for — _ _ — tn wn The great speech made by Repre- ( of men and women, and'the means good trade. TBTT®» the counties of Crook, Lake and sentative Mills in the house of repre- ( of promoting their material, social -BY- Thanks Delia for that fine boquet of Klamath, has been making a ratt­ beautiful flowers. .* sentatives on Tuesday in favor of ; intellectual and moral prosperity. FRANK S. HARD1HG. ling speech before the democratic Asa Kelsey is in the mountains hunt­ revenue reform is s^ill the principal Another bill was passed providing club at Salem. He goes after land ing for seekers, etc. subject of ■ conversation in political for arbitration between railroads » ubscriftion bates . frauds in good style, as will be seen Onr shoemaker seems to be contented Those who wish to can of and their employes. , wry««, Madrase«............... «2 00 circles. by the following extract from his to remain in Carlton. ’■¡ix ■••‘foin *<”"••........... . 1 00 • • r course continue the worship of the The investigation of the govern­ speech: “The speaker said that he Another wedding on the programme. war tariff, but they must not expect ti, the pootoffice in Lafayette. ment printing ' office has been re­ did not understand the resolution of Will report when it comes off. , Mcond class matter. to hear their god spoken of in rever­ Miaa Delia Stout reports the finding of sumed. It has been fully estab­ the republican convention which de­ ential terms by revenue reformers lished that it was a common prac­ nounced the special agents of the a ripe strawberry on the 24th of Apr«. official directory . who consider it aLbest but a robber tice under Mr. Benedict’s republican Can any one beat it T land office as spies until he saw the of the people. rrXlTED STATES. Some of these days the covered bridge predecessor to do private work for name of George L. Woods among ............ Grover Cleveland west of town will take a swim it there is Mr. Mills’ speech was the opening politicians and others. . .Thus. F. Bayard ot Stole.................. the delegates to the convention, not a new bent put in. Chas. 8. Fairchild gun in the great tariff battle which luio•.’,.............. .Don M Dickinson violence during the remainder of ar General........ ■ committee, is in the city.4 He says this method of getting even, that didn’t come from Texas. ....A. H,GaAiand y Getieral..........•••• the session. Judge Kelley, of Penn­ the democrats of Pennsylvania Frol. l’owell la teaching a dare in when Woods was governor of Ore­ J-Btice.......................... COKGBKBMONJU..- * sylvania, replied to Mr. Mills with will hold their own this year. He gon he certified that a wagon road music at the church. He has, a fine iJ H Mitchell ............................ j J. N. Ihtlph a long manuscript from which he also announces himself as an out- clans, and is a good teacher. had been constructed from Eugene itadv* ............... ...Binger Harmaim read the usual old protection argu­ The two leading disputants get together and-out free-trader.1 .City to the eastern boundary of the STATE. every day now, and one orders pills the ............... .Sylvester Pennoyer ments. The democratic members of the state and upon this certification the other recommends castor oil and torjjen- .......... Gio* W. McBride It is now positively, but not'of­ house held a caucus in Wednesday ............................. ... G. W. Webb title to nearly a million acres of tine. . -E* B. McElroy Public luitruction. ficially, stated that Hon. E. J. evening at which it was agreed to .. Frank taker land passed from the general gov­ Mr. Howe has his goods nearly all or» Hraw.................. ( W. W. Thayer, Phelps, of Vermont, our present give the republicans the fullest op­ ernment to a private corporation; toe shell and is ready at any tlm> to. P. Lord, „Judxte...........................S - Win. r-teora, * }u.S.bte«U»u. minister to England, will be nomi­ portunity to discuss the tariff bill, land enough if divided into 160 acre wait on his customers. Mr. H. W. Sit­ DISTSICT. nated chief justice of the United and a resolution was adopted re­ tracts to supply over 6,000 families ton is with Mr. Howe at the present. ........ HP. Bobe Although he is 66 years questing the democratic members Mr. J. H. Walker and son Jimmy, got .. Geo. ,W. Brit States. with homes. That one of these W.L. B