The Oregon register. (Lafayette, Yamhill County, Or.) 18??-1889, April 27, 1888, Image 5

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    S erious R unaway .—^>«t town was the
scene of a frightful runaway otwMonday
roa the aid or the funds or the L afay ­
Saturday April 21st was the occasion
April 24, 1888.
morning. John Millican came into town
of much interest to the horsemen of this
. - 27, 1888 riding on the running gears of the wagon
A brother at Mrs. Dr. V. A. Humph­
AVRIL 27, 1888.
and surrounding counties. The annual rey arrived here from the east on Tues­
and driving two fractious horses. When
exhibit of stallions at McMinnville has day.
near Kelty’s drug store a little dog ran
Remarks—Short address on singing become a feature in the breeding of
uuder the wagon and commenced to bite
The man, who is going to build the
in the Sunday school, and the influence horses that no breeder can afford to ig-
Hurley wJÏÏ Salem on Tues- the horses’ heels. This frightened the
ot good
music on the people, by Dr. J, " I nore- Th® showing was large in num- flouribg mill will soon tnake Dayton his
.. ___
W. Watts.
permanent home. Success to him.
horses and they dashed down the street
1— -Anthem—I will extol Thee, my God
“d flne in <P“Hty, some of the best
toward the river at a breakneck speed.
Chris Reisner, a cousin of George
le of ** fiïhti occurwd this
and King, by Mrs. Gates, Miss Boone, horses in the state being on the ground.
Fearing the team would run off the bank
aq-ived from the east a few days
Miss Hendereou, Mrs. Nelson, Messrs. ~
Below we give a list of the horses, with
into the river, the driver turned it east­
Perkins, Htephens, Johnson and Hem­ age, stock and owner; for which we are ago. He will probably make Dayton his
Kia Nannie Ungerman has the ward at Mr. Suiter’s corner, where for a
indebted to the Reporter:
distance of several feet the wagon ran on 2— Chorus—The Whippoorwill, by the
Election on June 4th. All ye peoplè
George singing class, led by Mr. Carl
. Clerk Briedwell went to Port- , the two right hand wheels and would
come to town, and be Bure to vote for thé
Young; (obligatosolo, Miss Henderson) i Hewitt.
„ .
, a
: «‘“bletonmn; right man for coroner. You Know who
have tipped over bad not one wheel 3— Solo and choruw-Teacher’s Dream. | E.C^’ 4
ipsneer, ex-county clerk, waa in struck a large maple tree. Here Mr.
by A.iss Boone, ”
Mrs. ’ Nelson,
Tom, 4 years old ¡Cleveland Bay; Wm. he is; give him your support.
Millican was thrown from the wagon to
Perkins and Bird.
. Gilson.
Alton Morse is painting L. J. Fletch­
inmice of harvest and driving the sidewalk with terrible force. He 4— Chorus— By the George singing class,
Frisco, 10 years old; Leviathean; Aleck er’s house. Alton wields the brush with
led by Mr. Young.
was immediately picked up and taken
great dexterity, and shows the people
I Vickrey’s.
Paris Boy, 6 years old,-Clyde; F. 8. Bry­
into Mr. Suiter’s; Dr. Michaux was 5— Duet—Mother,Why Linger Away, by
that he is a painter not to be excelled.
„ quite a crowd at the horse
an A Son.
Miss Boone and Mrs. Nelson.
called, and on examination found that
i Prince, 5 years old; English Draft; J.
besides being terribly shook up, his col­ 6— Trio—By Mrs. Gates, Mrs. Nelson W. Bewley.
i the proper time to get your can-
and Mr. Hoberg.
lar bone was broken from its connection
Halsey, 6 years old; Hambletonian; J.
7— Chorus—Village of the Vale, by the M. Yocum.
ia running trim.
with the breast bone. He is not danger­
April 23, 1888.
George singing class, led by Mr. Young.
Dexter, 6 years old; English Coach” W.
Bnulshaw visited the metropolis ously injured, but it will be sometime
Newberg is still booming.
8— Music—By two Sunday school child­ F. Ralston.
, W(1 Wednesday.
before he will be out again. The team
Senator, 10 years old; Black Stranger;
Lots of measles about now.
W. W. Jones.
kiican county committee met at continued on one block eastward, where
Intermission of 10 minutes.
Mrs. Mary Austin’s health is still very
Kettleman, 4 years old; Hambletonian;
it ran into and demolished a couple of
it house Wednesday.
part n.
8. A. Young.
cket feuce^
j—Solo—By Mias Nettie Hendersjjn.
iroad is soon to be built from East panels of John Bird's high picket
Mr. Thomas has moved out to the v
Old Tom, 12 years old; English Draft;
and was caught. The wagon tongtie
‘ was 2—Cherujj—Hear Dem BeJJay by the Wm. Savage.
d to Vancouver, W. T.
Prince, 3 years old; Hambletonian;
■ scratched
singing _ class, . tedfSyMr.
. -
J. R. Hunt has sold his place to John
jue «bowers the first of the week broken, and one of the horses
some, but not seriously.
3— Anthem—The Resurrection, by Miss T. T. Kirkwood.
„wing crop« a big lift.
LeRoy, 6 years old; English Shire; Derby.
Boone, Mrs. Gates, Messrs. Stephens
J. A. Cook has gone to Ray’s landing
Hodson 4 Lucas.
» Vickrey’s and see those dishes
and Hembree.
T he O ldebt M an in O regon .—David
Wilburn, 10 years old; Hambletonian; to work.
¡ring aw»y> worth $1.25.
Carnes, a citizen of the southern part of 4— Music—By two Sunday school child­ 8. D. Bryan.
Lots of immigrants arriving hero from
Fred Pearl, 10 years old; English
Littlefield has been home from Linn county, is 104 years old, says the
the east.
5— Duet—The Lesson, Mrs. Gates and Shire; Hayes 4 Son.
nth a portion of th© week.
Wm. Everest is nursing a pet on the
Mr. Stephens.
Mason Forward, 5 years old; Clydes-'
forget to buy your hardware of hearty; his neighbors say that lie split 6— Chorus—Beautiful Dreamer Sleep on, dale; D. Grierson.
back of his neck.
3,000 rails this winter and repaired his
Three-year-old sorrel; Hambletonian;
leld. He is selling cheap.
by the George singing class, under the
Abner George seems to be kept busy
Isaac Lambright.
fence with them. A friend found nim in
direction of I*rof. Young.
at the anvil nowadays.
,p Dubbs preached a fine sermon
Brownsville the other day and learned 7— Quartette—Who Built de Ark? Mrs.
Noah Heater has sold his place to J.
xlay evening. All admired it.
ian ; Geo. M. James.
Gates, Mrs. Nelson, Messrs. Stephens
from the old gentleman the following
Eph Maynard, 15 years old; Morgan; R. Hunt and Alf Reese.
Ferguson is suffering with typhoid facto: “I was bom in Washington coun­
and Johnson.
I J. D. Month yon.
Mrs. Hadley expects to move into her
Dr. Michaux is attending him.
Orphan Boy, 8 years old; Morgan;
ty, I’ennsylvannia, in 1783; lived there 8— Sacred solo—Jesus Lover of My Soul,
house in town this week.
bv Mr. Carl Young.
I Hodson 4 Lucas.
jn steamboat excursion to the until I was 4Q years old, then moved to
Noah Parrish has put up a blacksmith
Two-year old ccfft owned by Willis
ts; fare $1.75; children, 85 cents. Indiana, and lived there nearly forty 9— Chorus—Praise God from Whom alt I Cook
; Hambletonian.
Blessings Flow, from.Book of Piaise.
shop at Smock's station, and is crowded
State W. C. T. U. will convene in years, and crossed the plains the last
Admission, adults. 15 cento; alt unuer
with work.
K ' ’•
P. F. Castleman.
session May 8th, at Eugene City, year of the war.” “Well, old gentle­ twelve, 10 cento.
The political fever is getting strung up
men of leisure eqjoy the pleasure man, how do you like-Oregon?” “Sir,
Mas. B ird , M rs .G ates .M hs .
| dale; Peter Peterson.
pretty high about here, so that you can
N e L bon , and M r . S tephens ,
Rockwood, 13 years old; Hambleton­ hear the hum of the string,on most every
inghay (?) while playing croquet. if I had a hundred years more to live, I
would never leave the Willamette valley; Com. on Programme anil Arrangement!, ian ; Hodson 4 Lucas.
street corner.
K soistkb gives the people the
King Fergus, 3 years old; Clyde; Ladd
this is the best country this side of
The W. C. T. U. of this place elected
and that’s what hurts the Re-
Webfoot Prince, 4 years old; Hamble­ Mrs. C. E. Hoekins and Mrs. N. L. Wiley
The following deeds were recorded dur­ tonian; D. M, Kirby.*
as delegates to the Btate convention to be
»tic nominating convention on
O rituary .— Mrs. Mary F. Hibbard ing the week ending April 21, 1888:
Millioifaire, 4 years old; Clydesdale; held at Eugene, May 8»li.
iy. Bead the call in another died at Scio, Linn county, Oregon, April
Jerry O’Bryan and wife to Max Mede-T
P rohibitionist ,
1, 1888. Mary F. Smith was born in | find, the s e
Rotomago, 6 years old; Pen heron and
of section 16, t 2 s r 3 w,
, Duke of Wenlock, 6 years old; Cleve­
E. R. Poppleton, the nurseryman, Hancock county, Virginia, December 10, | except 5d acres; $1,100.
the past ten or twelve days at Frep- 1815, and emigrated to Illinois with her I
Max Medefind and w ife to Emil Brain­ land Bay; Ladd 4 Reed.
April 22, 1888.
parents in 1827. She was married in stem, the undivided % ot the above;
Willamette Chief, 9 years old; Ilam-
Oh my, Thomas Jefferson, what's the
Watts will preach in the Presbyter- 1833 to Pelig Hibbard, and came to $550.
Old Milton, 18 years old; Sir George attraction ?
Oregon and settled in Moore’s valley,
Max Medefind et al to Erwin Mede­ and Harkaway; John Hulery.
Most all our folks went to McMinnville
nuvli Sunday, at 11 a. m., and alscr
in this county, in 1848. Her hus­ find, 50 acres of the above; $500.
Mt. Vernon, 8 years old; Standard on Saturday.
band died in 1857, since which time
T. C. Hess and wife to J. C. Nelson, 50
Mrs. Nettie Stevenson was up visiting
Michaux made a professional visit
Dorn Pedro, 7 years old; Clyde-Cleve-
she has lived at Scio. She leaves one acres of the John Williamson lahd claim, I
her parents last week.
and Bay and Morgan; R. 8. Woods.
dock, W. T., Wednesday, rfeturn- son, Q. F. Hibbard. Mrs. Hibbard will
t 3 s, r 3 w, quit claim; $25.
Our school has thirty-Beven scholars
King William, Jr., 4 years old; Clydes­
il evening.
be remembered by all the. early settlers
H. Crater and wife to Lars Christen­ dale and Henry; C. G. Scott.
enrolled, with more to come.
. Molloy will preach at-tlie Carse in this valley as a kind neighbor, a true son and wife, 46^ acres of the Wm.
Grizzly No. 2, 6 years old; English
Jake Smith is home again from his
Draft and Henry and Whip; R. W. Phil­
house on the fourth Sunday in wife and loving mother.
Jones land claim, t 3 s, r 3 w; $1,674.
still hunt for votes, well pleased.
IJ o’clock p. m.
John M. Hoss and wife to Charles T.
Our supervisor has fixed the hill west
Young Henry, — years old; Henry
R ebate G ranted .—The superintend­
Grace was burned about the hands
and Canadian and Percheron; Luther of town in fine shape. Ed and Ace put
ent of the Western Union Telegraph com­ Hess, 20 acres of the Joseph Hess land Morris.
ice, last Friday evening, while
claim, t 3 s, r 3 w; $500.
the finishing touches on.
pany has issued a circular, which con­
Pedro Bov, 7 years old; Clyde and
’ with some powder.
Union Lodge No. 43, F. and A. M. to A. Cleveland Bay and Whip and Sidney;
The attention of the county court is
tains the following information for politi­
ity Sheriff T. H. Bryan was post- cal committees: “During the coming D. Runnells, s % of n % of lot 241, Ma­ W. H. Wood.
called to the bridge serosa the river, as
Young Cleveland, 6 years old; English' ‘ ■ one "bent will soon go down. A stick in
<Son~ notices m the various pre- presidential campaign, a rebate of twenty- sonic cemetery; $10.____ __ _______ __
John Hutchcroft and wife to A. D. Draft, Cleveland Bay, Morgan andHenry ;■ time, etc.
tlie first oi the week.
five^er cent, may be allowed to regularly
Jas. Fletcher.
Married—«In Carlton on April 22, 1888 t
democratic state central cominit- organised political committees, on busi­ Runnells, 51-100 of an acre of the land
Young England, Jr., 9 years old; Eng­
lish Draft from French Canadian mare; Mr. C. E. CrimminB to Anna M. Davis,
; in Salem on Tuesday to discuss ness in connection with their duties as
J. S. Hibbs.
May their pathway through life be all
specie of the campaign.
committee-men. Any regularly organ­
Lancer Dudley, 4 years old; thorough­ they anticipate.
Alfred Mcdintlck and wife to Thomas
e iff McMinnville last Saturday ized political committee can avail itself
bred ; by Glen Dudley, 1st dam by Lind­
Withycomb, 55,125 square feet, of the say, 2d dam by Old Rifleman; W. J.
The little child of Mr. J. E. Swanson
I the pleasure of meeting A. V. R. of this rebate by making written applica­
Alfred Job land claim, t 3 s, r 4 w; $350. Garrison.
died, and was laid to rest in the ceme­
tion to the superintendent, over the sig­
i of the Astoria Traneoript.
John A. Simmons and wife to W. F.
tery north of town. The reBt of the sick
nature of its presiding officer or secretary.”
McMinnville band has been on­
The horses were divided into four folks seem to be improving.
Harris, 26 12-100 acres of the Thomas
to accompany the Dayton Sunday
classes—thoroughbreds, trotters, horses of
Road work” seems to be the order of
B urglary .—Last Sunday night some Wilson land claim, t 3 s, r 5 w; $100.
excursion on the 24th of May.
party or parties entered the stove and
John Narver and wife to David Stout, all work, graded draft and heavy draft. the day. Some hold receipts from last
»have-been adopted for the conn tin store of R. P. .Ungerman, formerly 10 acres of the John G. Baker land Lancer Dudley being the only entry in year for the year 1888 in full. What’s
the first class — thoroughbreds — was the matter with our roads? Are they all
,ind the contract will probably be occupied by D. I. Corker. Entrance was claim, t 4 s, r 4 w; $4,000.
Patent to James W? Rogers, for his awarded first premium, and he was well on private lands? Better have them lo­
the may term of the county court effected through the same window that
land claim near McMinnville, filed for deserving of it.
cated, so the district won’t grub so many
. Major Moore died at her home at the murderer of Corker passed, and after .ecord. _________
I In the trotting class, Adirondack took fence rows in the future; alright to grub
Yamhill, April 25,1888, aged about rummaging around to see what they r
I first premium, Rockwood second and Mt. the legally laid out road, but that is
ra. Funeral will held today at 11 could find, carried off an Unabridged I
Dictionary and an old revolver, both the I The republican county committee held Vernon third.
enough unless there was more tax to be
I Among horses of all work, Duke of applied on road work.
II awk -E yk .
o L Sullivan, the slugger, has re- property of the Corker ©state. No object I a meeting at the court house on Wednes-
Wenlock took first premium, Orphan
1 to Boston. His wife threatens to
Boy second and King William, Jr., third.
him arrested, and it would be a articles, and no clue has been discovered. | for a county convention to meet in Lafay-
Classes of graded draft horses, Young
T he N ew B ridge .—The railrood bridge ette' Mav 7- 1888. nominate candidates
England first, Fred Pearl second and
entv-six passengers went to Sheri-
Young Dexter third.
will be held on Saturday May
iron this place to attend the Odd whichwill soon be finished, is 660 feet
Heavy draft, King Fergus first, Million­
vs’ celebration, and seventeen from
aire second and LeRoy third.
The premiums in each class were the
span is 340 feet long and will be operated ’ill composed of 114 delegates, appor-
inn named Wm. O'Connor, of Ore-
same—a bridle for first premium and
by a small steam engine, located on one “»•«*» among the prec.nct«. as follows:
ity, made two unsuccessful attempts
, each a whip for second and third prem-
^North Yamhill’ i 17 ' iums. Classification was made by Messrs.
ommit suicide by shooting himself side of it. The bridge is designed for the
triple use of trains, wagons and foot pas- | Carlton .
6 8 McMinnville 14 I J. J. Henderson and A. M. Waddel.
«shotgun, last week.
Dayton................ 12 Sheridan............. 8 The judges were John Redmond, John
ny McTeer died of consumption sengera. It will cost $350,000 or more.
Dundee................ 2 Willamina
Sandeis and Wilson Carl.
Saturday, near Webfoot, aged 21
L ost .—A gold sleeve button, having EChehalem ... 9 Willamette.......... 5
. Rev. Dr. Roberta, of Dayton, on it the Odd Fellows’ emblem, the three | Lafayettte............ 7 W Chehalem .. 4
Worth Knowing.
icted the funeral services on Sun' links, and the letters “F. L. T.,” was
Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant, Lake City,
lost last Thursday evening in going or re­
Fla., wan taken with a severe oold, attended
I third annual excursion of the M. turning from prayer meeting. The finder
Following is the programme for the with a diatnuaing cough, and running into
andav school, of Dayton, to the will be suitably rewarded by leaving the open temperance meeting to be held consumption in ita «rat Stages. He trteo many
r Cascades on the Columbia will same at this office.
so called popular cough remedies and ateadilv
Wednesday evening, May 2, 1888:
Payton at 5 a. m. sharp, Thurs­
Music ............................................................. grew worse'. Waa reduced In flesh, had dlffi-
D ied —At Newberg, Oregon, April 24, Prayer............................................................... eultyJn breathing and waa unable to alaep.
day 24,1888. •
Reading................................... Mrs. Mattey Finally tried Dr. Ktog’a New Diaoovery for
'• 0. F. Hibbard, of Clackamas 1888, of spinal meningitis, Miss Effie Recitation
Nannie Ungerman Conramptlou and found Immediate relief, and
ly, made Lafayette a visit this week. Holston, aged 14 years and 7 months. Recitation ................................ Mary Bird after naiog about a half dosen bottles found
Hibbard has been away twenty- Deceased was a sister of Mrs. Vickrey, of Music .................................. Miss Belcher himself well and haa had no return of the dia-
Recitation ............................. Delia Parker
! years, and notices many changes this place. The heartfelt sympathy of Recitation..................... Cyrenna Hembree eaae. No other remedy can abow ao grand a
a large circle of friends is extended to the
Thia powder never varf-a. A marvel of pub-
tve taken place in that time
Choir record of cures, as fif'. Kihg’s New Discovery Uy,
str-uirth and wlioleeomeneea. Moteood-
bereaved family.
Recitation............................ Lura Sampson for Consomptlon. Guaranteed to do just what uotnical than the ordinary kinds and Cannot bo
'■—To the wife of George Bryan,
Recitation ,. . I................ w Bertie Parker is claimed fork. Trial bottle free at J. M. sold in competition with Ibe mill irads of low
B orn —To the wife of E. X, Harding, Music ....................................... Mr. Stevens Kolty's drug store.
1#. 1888, a daughter. Also to the
test. short weiirli. sin«,, or phosphate powdera
Bold only in e«Ba. IlonL Htkiwu PowDSRi
H. Gateritaan, April 22, 1888, a of McMinnville, April 24,1888, a daugtv Reading........................... Maggie Ferguson
Uo., IOS Wall M NIT.
Music.................................................... i..........
• ter. Weight nine pounds.
Absolutely Pure.